IACHMND :: Volume #4

#315: Central Land rebirth

Hears that familiar sound, Chu Sinan is dumbfounded: What situation? Was Ni Kun grasps here to come us?” 听到那熟悉的声音,楚司南不禁目瞪口呆:“什么情况?难道是倪坤把我们所有人都抓这儿来了?” Clearly, is he does!” “很明显,就是他干的!” The Qiao whole body trembles excitedly, 32 dig up the meat vegetable/dish in bowl, abandons the tableware, lifts up high both hands, chews the thing while the enunciation did not shout loudly clear loudly: 老乔激动地浑身发抖,三两口扒完碗里的肉菜,扔下碗筷,高举双手,一边嚼东西一边口齿不清地放声高呼: Could be saved! Ni Kun this coming back, had certainly the absolute assurance to hit to explode Nest of Devils, Central Land can be saved finally!” “有救了!倪坤这趟回来,一定是有绝对把握打爆万妖窟,中土终于有救了!” The Chu Sinan corners of the mouth twitch slightly two, honk the mouth whispered low voice: Reaching an agreement I am a Savior......” 楚司南嘴角微微抽搐两下,嘟起嘴巴小声嘀咕:“说好我是救世主的……” Was not feeling well slightly for one microsecond, she pushes gold mountain, but actually the jade column, kneels down, both hands lift up high, face upwards loudly shouts: Heaven the land, you enlarge ones vision finally! The Ni Kun father comes back the salvation......” 稍微不爽了一微秒,她推金山、倒玉柱,噗嗵一声跪倒在地,双手高举,仰天大呼:“苍天啊大地啊,你们终于开眼啦!倪坤爸爸回来救世啦……” Un, compared with shouldering the Savior that heavy burden/shoulder pole, Chu Sinan likes holding the thigh, with ease risk-free, only need follow a stroke of water to shout that slid is OK. 嗯,比起肩负救世主那么沉重的担子,楚司南还是更喜欢抱大腿,轻松无风险,只需跟着划水喊溜就可以了。 In star ship. 星舰之中。 Yuchi Jing stands before the porthole, crosses the hands behind the back to look up to the vault of heaven, is handsome on the monster different face the wood to be wooden nearly, an eye is actually blooming the brilliant god light/only, is glittering the extremely exciting appearance: Ni Kun, this time, can you really achieve?” 尉迟敬站在舷窗前,负手仰望天穹,英俊得近乎妖异的面庞上木无表情,一双眼睛却绽放着灼灼神光,闪烁着极度激动的神彩:“倪坤,这一次,你真的能做到了么?” Outside world. 外界。 Ni Kun Central Land cultivator in all Nest of Devils, performs to receive in the right hand palm. 倪坤将所有万妖窟中的中土修士,尽收于右手手心。 Later when he raises the left hand high, the five fingers empty grasp, the strength of Yuan magnetism sweeps away, the spatial warping compresses, a point blazing the white light point, appears from his palm , the inflation expands fast, turns into a fist size the golden light ball. 之后他高高举起左手,五指虚握之际,元磁之力横扫,空间扭曲压缩,一点炽白光点,自他掌心之中浮现,飞快膨胀扩张,变成一颗拳头大小的金色光球。 He grabs that golden light ball, throws downward. 他抓着那颗金色光球,往下一掷。 The light ball to the hand, rises against the wind, in an instant, turned into a golden Sun of diameter thousand li (500 km). 光球离手,迎风就涨,转眼之间,就化成了一颗直径千里的金色太阳。 The immeasurable ray, erupts from golden Sun on, sprinkles all over entire Nest of Devils. 无量光芒,自金色太阳上喷发而出,洒遍整个万妖窟 devil in Nest of Devils, under that ray shines, immediately probably the snow with the scorching sun, the whole body emits the billowing black smoke, the seven orifices blowout brilliant roaring flame, large expanse of large expanse of changes into conflagrations the flares, vanishes in a puff of smoke fast. 万妖窟中的妖魔,在那光芒映照之下,顿时像是雪遇骄阳,浑身冒出滚滚黑烟,七窍喷出灼灼烈焰,成片成片地化为一枝枝爆燃的火把,又飞快地灰飞烟灭。 Golden Sun has not fallen to the ground, the amount of space occupied has Nest of Devils of Central Land 30% sizes fully, each corner was spread the photo by the sunlight, surface all devil, the smoke sells cloud leisurely/scatter in short several in an instant. 金色太阳尚未落地,体量足有中土30%大小的万妖窟,每一个角落都被阳光遍照,地表所有的妖魔,都在短短几个刹那之间烟销云散。 Afterward, Sun falls to the ground finally. 随后,太阳终于落地。 Golden Sun of diameter thousand li (500 km), falls to below ground, looks like the gravel to fall in the water general, sank from the ground directly. The place visited, the mudstone completely all silent vaporizes, above the ground, presents a giant round hole of diameter thousand li (500 km). 直径千里的金色太阳,落到下方的地面上,就像是石子落水一般,径直从地面上沉了下去。所过之处,泥石尽皆无声汽化,地面之上,出现一个直径千里的巨大圆洞。 Golden Sun sinks fast, until submerging to Nest of Devils land most deep place, just now loudly eruption. 金色太阳飞快下沉,直至沉没到万妖窟大地最深处,方才轰然爆发。 As if planet explosion. 仿佛星球爆炸 The Nest of Devils ground, first jacks every inchs fiercely upward, splits the innumerable say/way openings. Then sees the lines after lines of golden color light beam, erupts from the opening in everywhere, sharp sword straight thrust vault of heaven. 万妖窟每一寸地面,先是猛地往上抬升,绽出无数道裂口。接着便见道道金色光束,自遍地裂口之中喷发而出,利剑般直刺天穹。 Then these light beams inflate fast, the place visited, all matters completely become the flying ash. The light beam of innumerable say/way inflation gathers quickly together, linking up into a single stretch radiant light sea...... 接着那些光束飞快膨胀,所过之处,一切物事尽成飞灰。无数道膨胀的光束很快汇聚到一起,连成一片璀璨光海…… The time that the light sea continues is extremely short. 光海持续的时间极短。 Merely several instantly, that radiant light sea has then vanished without the trace. 仅仅几个刹那,那璀璨的光海便已消失无踪。 Vanishes with the light sea together, puzzled Central Land more than 2000 years of Nest of Devils. 与光海一起消失的,还有困扰了中土两千多年的万妖窟 Big Nest of Devils, does not have including the trash together remaining, space that it was, changes into empty void. 偌大的万妖窟,连一块渣渣都没有剩下,其原本所在的空间,化为一片空荡荡的虚空。 However this empty and clean void, only maintained the short several breaths, void that soon then has devil energy to come, after attempting fills up Nest of Devils to vanish, leaves behind, corrodes Central Land again. 然而这空空荡荡、干干净净的虚空,只维系了短短几息,很快便有魔气汹涌而来,试图填满万妖窟消失后留下的虚空,再度侵蚀中土 Nest of Devils and Devil Abyss are direct, Ni Kun can destroy Nest of Devils, is actually not able to destroy Devil Abyss. 万妖窟妖魔渊直接相连,倪坤能摧毁万妖窟,却无法摧毁妖魔渊 Although there is Rupture of Heaven from Earth Formation, blood-color crystal jade impediment that as well as Asura King Yang Zheng leaves behind, but does not have true world membrane, comprehensive Devil Abyss devil energy can infiltrate fast. 虽有绝地天通大阵,以及修罗王杨铮留下的血色晶璧阻隔,但没有真正的天地胎膜,无孔不入的妖魔渊魔气还是能飞快渗透进来。 If cannot prevent promptly, then Central Land will be corroded by devil energy quickly, presents Nest of Devils again. 倘若不能及时阻止,那么中土很快就会遭到魔气侵蚀,再出现一座万妖窟 Ni Kun is certainly expected, has been ready. 倪坤对此当然早有所料,也早就做好了准备。 In devil energy stages a comeback. 就在魔气卷土重来之时。 Ni Kun lifts hand one finger/refers, the fingertip boils up together the emerald crystal light. 倪坤抬手一指,指尖迸出一道翡翠般的晶光。 In the crystal light, there are side taking the form of rockery little seal. Above little seal, is living an immature seedling. 晶光之中,有一方形似假山的小印。小印之上,生着一根稚嫩的树苗。 After little seal of that taking the form of rockery departs, rises against the wind, in an instant, changes into a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Mountain. 那形似假山的小印飞出之后,迎风就涨,转眼之间,就化为一座万丈神山。 That immature seedling also stretches the branches and leaves, the growth, changes into a taking the form of gamp and official's cap fast such as thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Tree of city. 那稚嫩树苗亦随之舒展枝叶,飞快成长,化为一株形似大伞、冠盖如城的千丈神树 Divine Tree one presently, the full of vitality emerald green crystal light, then blooms from the tree trunk above, is filling fast entire void. devil energy that tries to stage a comeback, under the crystal light illumination, such as the boiling soup sprinkles the snow, the big piece dissipation, quick was then swept. 神树一现,生机勃勃的翠绿晶光,便自树身之上绽放开来,飞快填充着整个虚空。试图卷土重来的魔气,在晶光照射下,如沸汤泼雪,大片消散,很快便被扫荡一空。 That spans in Devil Abyss and Nest of Devils void between Rupture of Heaven from Earth Formation, under the emerald green crystal light illumination, becomes more compact tenacious, intensity increase far more than ten times? 那横亘在妖魔渊万妖窟虚空之间的绝地天通大阵,亦在翠绿晶光照射之下,变得更加致密坚韧,强度提升何止十倍? Although this Divine Tree has not grown to can derive the world membrane situation, but has resisted Devil Abyss devil energy sufficiently, shelters Central Land no longer to perish. 虽这神树尚未成长到能够衍生天地胎膜的地步,但已经足以抵挡妖魔渊魔气,庇护中土不再沉沦。 Nest of Devils is a side and Central Land overlapped different space. 万妖窟乃是一方与中土重叠的异空间。 After it vanishes thoroughly, the side that leaves behind is void, overlaps with Central Land. 其彻底消失之后留下的这方虚空,亦是与中土重叠。 Therefore when Divine Mountain and Divine Tree appear when void, above the sky of Central Land reality, presented the projection of Divine Mountain and Divine Tree. 于是当神山、神树出现在虚空之中时,中土现实的天空之上,也出现了神山、神树的投影。 Regardless where is, so long as raised the head, then can see that as if can raise the vault of heaven ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Mountain, as well as that luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, official's cap such as thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Tree of city. 无论身在哪里,只要一抬头,便能看到那仿佛能擎起天穹的万丈神山,以及那枝繁叶茂,冠盖如城的千丈神树 Sees that moment of Divine Tree projection, all Central Land cultivator, near the ear reverberated some strange sound. 看到神树投影的那一刻,所有的中土修士,耳边都回响起了某种奇异的声响。 Resembling is the mountains sea cheers with one voice, resembling is the sky land simultaneously praise. That is the joy of the world, is the revelry of the world. 似是山川大海齐声欢呼,似是天空大地齐齐赞颂。那是天地的喜悦,是世界的狂欢。 Each Central Land cultivator, as well as mortal all living things, are moved to tears in this moment being able not help, joyful infection by world, with it rejoicing. 每一个中土修士,以及凡俗众生,在这一刻都情不自禁热泪盈眶,被天地的喜悦感染,与之同庆。 Each Golden Core Realm above cultivator, in the heart clearly lived a clear(ly) to become aware not: World Spirit Root resurrecting. Continued the world spiritual intensity big decline of 3.000 years, has terminated today thoroughly. Chaotic Heavenly Dao, gradually is returning to normal. 每一个金丹境以上的修士,心中都莫明生起一种明悟:天地灵根复活了。持续了三千年的天地灵机大衰退,已经在今天彻底终止了。混乱的天道,也正在逐渐恢复正常。 immortal path cultivator, does not have the limit on realm again. Each cultivator, can turn toward higher realm climb. 仙道修士,再没有境界上的限制。每一个修士,都可以向着更高的境界攀登。 The corrosion of Nest of Devils and Devil Abyss, ends today, apocalypse has gone far away thoroughly. 万妖窟妖魔渊的侵蚀,也在今天终结,末日已然彻底远去。 Central Land, has a new lease of life today. 中土,于今日重获新生。 Ended Nest of Devils as one, cut off the Devil Abyss tentacle, cultivated the World Spirit Root man, Ni Kun also in this checks, feels the Central Land world, with the joys of trillion lives. 作为一手终结了万妖窟,斩断了妖魔渊触手,重新培植出天地灵根的男人,倪坤亦在这一刹,感受到了中土天地,与亿万生灵的喜悦。 On that day with the strong mood of all living things the same as you, even he received the infection, smiled to make noise unrestrainedly. 那天地与众生同喜的浓烈情绪,连他都受到了感染,情不自禁地笑出声来。 When smiles smoothly, his suddenly heart has a feeling, takes out Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower. 畅笑之时,他忽然心有所感,取出玄黄功德塔 When this tower when is wounded with the Heavenly Lord Chen Long fight, the tower becomes gloomy, temporarily lost the energy of body-protecting. 此塔在与辰龙天尊战斗时受创,塔身变得黯淡无光,暂时失去了护身之能。 But when Ni Kun takes out the pagoda, has qi of black-yellow to drop from the clouds suddenly, pours into the pagoda in a steady stream. 但当倪坤取出宝塔,忽有玄黄之气从天而降,源源注入宝塔之中。 Ni Kun knows, this is the Central Land world and trillion all living things, gives own return. 倪坤知道,这是中土天地、亿万众生,给予自己的回报。 Although Central Land is small, but 2000 for many years, some innumerable immortal path cultivator have taken place of the fallen, tosses in Nest of Devils warm-blooded. Although the heroes have passed away, but they save Central Land, to shelter the wish of all living things, they blazing mood of precise sublimation in bloody battle, has saved to hope the strength infinitely, spreads in the Central Land world. 中土虽小,但两千多年来,有无数仙道修士前仆后继,于万妖窟中抛洒热血。英雄们虽早已逝去,可他们拯救中土、庇护众生的心愿,他们于血战之中凝炼升华的炽烈情绪,早已积蓄成无穷愿力,散布在中土天地之中。 By today, when Ni Kun defeats Nest of Devils, plants World Spirit Root, that hopes the strength infinitely then under the Heavenly Dao operation that Central Land recovers, transforms successful virtue, arrives to Ni Kun on. 到今天,当倪坤击破万妖窟,重新种下天地灵根,那无穷愿力便在中土复苏的天道运作之下,转换成功德,降临到倪坤身上。 Living innumerable lives. Although overwhelming majority lives, do not know the tribulation of apocalypse, but the world knows. 还有活着的无数生灵。虽然绝大部分生灵,并不知晓末日之劫,可天地知道。 Ni Kun after all is the Central Land biological son. 倪坤毕竟是中土的亲儿子。 Central Land treats him, naturally cannot look like other to be been like that mean-spirited by the world of his flay, can his many feedbacks, then give him many. 中土对待他,自然不会像其余被他刮地皮的世界那般小气,能给他多少回馈,便给他多少。 Therefore qi of black-yellow sprinkles like the rain. 于是玄黄之气洒落如雨。 That gloomy Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower, in continued to sprinkle under the qi of black-yellow baptism of half double-hour, glittered gradually deep deep Shenguang, not only performed the duplicate/restores old look, even the upper building, was the Ni Kun later plan, added a boost. 那黯淡无光的玄黄功德塔,在足足持续洒落了半个时辰的玄黄之气洗礼下,又渐渐闪烁起湛湛神光,不仅尽复旧观,甚至更上层楼,为倪坤之后的计划,平添一份助力。 Is of great success.” “大功告成。” Ni Kun with a smile looks at Lu Xiyan: Then, asked King Lu to reinforce the blood-color crystal jade that the Yang Zheng senior arranged.” 倪坤含笑看着陆昔颜:“接下来,就拜托陆大王加固杨铮前辈布置的血色晶璧了。” Asked a ticket!】 【求勒个票!】
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