IKTT :: Volume #5

#445 Part 1: Scarlet life- situation it riddle( 6200 characters)

Chapter 445 scarlet life- situation it riddle( 6200 characters) 第445章猩红生命-大势之谜(6200字) Regarding the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone, Feng Qi had once had the detailed understanding in the Wei Wei mouth. 对于猩红符文晶石,封棋曾在蔚薇口中有过详细了解。 Also had once seen the related picture in the memory fragment of Mu Yao. 也曾在慕暚的记忆片段中看到过相关画面。 At the beginning of origin of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone must trace Scarlet Research Institute establishes, is the first Scarlet Research Institute chief. 猩红符文晶石的来历要追溯到猩红研究院建立之初,也就是第一任猩红研究院的院长。 He establishes Scarlet Research Institute with the help of Mu Yao. 他在慕暚的帮助下建立起猩红研究院 But Mu Yao is to attempt to analyze and use the strength of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone to the duty of first chief. 慕暚给第一任院长的任务就是尝试解析、利用猩红符文晶石的力量。 Several hundred years passed by, rune/symbol writing transformation technology continually improves to progress during this period, but mounts the transformation plan of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone to be actually hard to accomplish throughout. 数百年时间过去了,符文改造技术在此期间不断完善进步,但镶嵌猩红符文晶石的改造计划却始终难以办到。 This rune/symbol writing crystal stone is very special, not the controllable degree must be far in excess of other domain lifeform rune/symbol writing crystal stone. 这颗符文晶石十分特殊,不可控程度要远远超越其他领域生物的符文晶石。 The modifier who for several hundred years attempts to control the scarlet strength are innumerable, many human peak soldiers, but transformed without exception failed, and by the result of modifier was very pitiful. 数百年来尝试掌控猩红力量的改造者无数,其中不乏人类最顶尖的战士,但无一例外改造都失败了,且被改造者的结局都是十分凄惨。 Until the appearance of Mu Qing parents. 直到沐晴父母的出现。 Originally shortly after life after the couple enters Star City, attended the secret experiment of Scarlet Research Institute issue voluntarily. 本就命不久矣的夫妻进入星城后,自愿参加了猩红研究院发布的秘密实验。 Finally Wei Wei on the Mu Qing father, discovered that the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone really had a controllable omen. 结果蔚薇沐晴的父亲身上,发现猩红符文晶石竟然有了一丝可控的预兆。 This discovery fills people with enthusiasm without doubt. 这个发现无疑振奋人心。 Feng Qi wants to come now, thought that perhaps the Mu Qing father had activated some mysterious strengths, is the miracle soldier who Mu Yao looks. 封棋现在想来,觉得沐晴的父亲或许已经激活了部分神秘力量,也就是慕暚寻找的奇迹战士。 But it is a pity that the Mu Qing father is under the domain biological attack on the way of the migration, shortly after has assigned, the experiment just now starts unable to support. 但遗憾的是,沐晴的父亲在迁徙途中遭遇领域生物袭击,已经命不久矣,实验才刚开始就已经支撑不住了。 Finally Wei Wei found at that time is Mu Qing of orphan. 最后蔚薇找到了当时已经是孤儿的沐晴 Facing the inquiry of Wei Wei, Mu Qing chose without hesitation continued to test, and expressed oneself are willing to obtain the strength of revenge discards the life. 面对蔚薇的询问,沐晴毫不犹豫地选择了继续实验,并表示自己愿意为了获得复仇的力量而舍弃生命。 Although that time Mu Qing was immature, but was she of junkman on is taught the hatred domain lifeform by the family member from a young age, in addition parents, because the attack of domain unique lifeform caused the poison to be serious, her innermost feelings had been hated fill up. 那时候的沐晴虽然幼小,但身为拾荒者的她自小就被亲人教导仇恨领域生物,再加上父母因为领域超脱生物的袭击导致中毒严重,她的内心已经被仇恨填满。 Therefore Wei Wei brought back to Scarlet Research Institute Mu Qing , to continue not to complete scarlet rune/symbol writing who to plan. 于是蔚薇就将沐晴带回了猩红研究院,继续未完成的猩红符文计划。 According to the description of Wei Wei, the Mu Qing physique is very special, when was swallowed the consciousness by the scarlet strength quickly, can always suppress the wild scarlet strength at crucial moment, got back by oneself. 根据蔚薇的描述,沐晴的体质十分特殊,每当快被猩红力量吞噬意识时,总能在关键时候压制狂暴的猩红力量,让自己恢复过来。 In addition, the body of Mu Qing has the far superior person resilience. 除此之外,沐晴的身体有着远超常人恢复能力。 After average person surgery, needs several months, the injury that and even several years can restore, Mu Qing only takes several days to be restored to health. 普通人手术后需要数月,乃至数年才能恢复的伤势,沐晴只需要数天就能康复。 Made then Wei Wei feel what was surprised, Mu Qing willpower. 更令当时的蔚薇感到惊讶的是,沐晴的意志力。 On suffering facing physical body, Mu Qing never displays the pain before her, actually bursts into tears in the place that she cannot see silently, licks to lick the wound in mind. 面对肉体上的折磨,沐晴从不在她面前表现出痛苦,却总是在她看不到的地方默默流泪,舔舐心灵上的伤口。 At variance with the special physique of average man, in addition the Mu Qing willpower, making the experiment very smooth. 异于常人的特殊体质,再加上沐晴的意志力,让实验进行的十分顺利。 After mounts the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone at first can only insist for one minute, the reluctant condition that must take off, starts to adapt to the strength of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone gradually. 从最初镶嵌猩红符文晶石后只能坚持一分钟,就必须摘下的勉强状态,开始逐步适应猩红符文晶石的力量。 Ten minutes and a half hour and one hour and 24 hours...... Mu Qing and conjunction of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone is getting higher and higher, her within the body also grew the essence of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone. 十分钟、半小时、一小时、二十四小时……沐晴与猩红符文晶石的契合度越来越高,她的体内也长出了猩红符文晶石的内核。 Finally in Mu Qing at age 9, she completed final rune/symbol writing to transform, fuses with the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone thoroughly, becomes the master of this rune/symbol writing crystal stone. 终于在沐晴9岁那年,她完成了最终的符文改造,与猩红符文晶石彻底融合,成为了这颗符文晶石的主人。 Also can say, the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone becomes a part of Mu Qing body. 也可以这么说,猩红符文晶石成为了沐晴身体的一部分。 In the Wei Wei words, Mu Qing can fuse the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone, is not the luck, her effort, willpower and special physique, many factors are indispensable. 蔚薇的话说,沐晴能够融合猩红符文晶石,并非是运气,她的努力、意志力、特殊体质,多项因素缺一不可。 As for the detailed origin of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone, Wei Wei is not clear. 至于猩红符文晶石的详细来历,蔚薇并不清楚。 She speculated through the Mu Qing strength growth, this rune/symbol writing crystal stone possibly came from some strength extremely fearful super domain lifeform. 她只是通过沐晴的实力成长速度推测,这颗符文晶石可能来自某种实力极为可怕的超级领域生物。 All these truth, only then Mu Yao knows the answer. 这一切的真相,只有慕暚知晓答案。 Looked at an eye piece of table in confusion, Feng Qi asked the doubts about scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone at this time. 看了眼一片狼藉的餐桌,封棋在这时问出了关于猩红符文晶石的疑惑。 Mu Yao hears word, lowers the head under leftovers the bone to spit on the table, later raised the head, extends the index finger toward his forehead direction point. 慕暚闻言,低头“噗”的一声将吃剩下的骨头吐在桌上,随后抬起头,伸出食指朝他额头方向一点。 Immediately in the eye of Feng Qi presents the wave ripples, the line of sight also has the distortion change. 顿时封棋的眼中出现水波涟漪,视线随之发生扭曲变化。 The present world crashes gradually, he discovered that oneself was surrounded dark, cannot see clearly all around environment, even is unable to see itself. 紧接着眼前的世界逐步崩塌,他发现自己被黑暗包围,看不清四周的环境,甚至无法看到自己。 At this time the Mu Yao sound resounded in his mind: 这时慕暚的声音在他的脑海中响起: Do not worry, this is a spiritual imaginary technique, now what you see was I experienced the scene to turn round to carve.” “别担心,这是一种精神幻术,你现在看到的是我曾经经历过的场景复刻。” This is where scene turns round to carve?” He inquired immediately curiously. “这是什么地方的场景复刻?”他当即好奇询问道。 „The void world, here does not have the ray, without the spiritual energy granule, except for the scarce void lifeform, does not have any life dares the direct exposure in void, will otherwise greet their is corroded void, will change into the nihility.” “虚空世界,这里没有光线,没有灵气粒子,除了数量稀少的虚空生物,没有任何生命敢直接暴露在虚空之中,否则迎接他们的将是被虚空腐蚀,化为虚无。” The Mu Yao voice falls, a golden small Sun appears in his side. 慕暚的话音落下,一颗金色的小太阳在他身边浮现。 The ray that blooms illuminated nearby region instantaneously, Feng Qi can see itself immediately. 所绽放的光芒瞬间照亮了附近一片区域,封棋顿时能够看到自己了。 Places him in illusion is the old appearance, float in void. 身处幻境中的他还是外界苍老的模样,悬浮于虚空之中。 Looks out the distant place, the nihility world was still a darkness, the viscous black as if can swallow the ray, the ray that making Mu Yao transform small Sun that releases unable to extend. 遥望远方,虚无世界仍是一片黑暗,粘稠的黑色仿佛能够吞噬光线,让慕暚幻化的小太阳所释放的光线无法得以延伸。 At this time the scene changed. 这时场景发生变化。 The present black turns wells up, the line of sight fast pulls closer toward the front, rapid enlargement of distant place fuzzy gloomy luminous spot in eye. 眼前的黑色翻涌间,视线快速朝前方拉近,远处模糊的暗淡光点在眼中迅速放大。 Quick, huge islands appear suddenly in him at present. 很快,一座庞大的岛屿骤然浮现在他眼前。 This islands float in void, is very broken, the islands peripheral were surrounded by the crushed stone, above many constructions void had been corroded tattered and torn with the time, as if can the disintegration break momentarily. 这座岛屿悬浮于虚空之中,无比残破,岛屿周边被碎石环绕,上面许多建筑都已经被虚空与时间腐蚀得千疮百孔,似乎随时都会崩碎散架。 Is the historical traces left by time of old era to head on. 属于旧纪元的历史沧桑感扑面而来。 Only vision looking at each other, some innumerable information glitter to delimit in his mind. 仅目光对视,就有无数信息在他的脑海中闪烁划过。 These information are the complex symbols that he is unable to understand, forces to squeeze in toward his mind, making him feel to have a headache immediately, the line of sight also shivers, the energetic illusion scene tends to the collapse edge. 这些信息都是他无法看懂的复杂符号,强制往他的脑海中塞入,令他顿时感到头疼不已,视线随之颤抖,精神幻境场景趋于崩溃边缘。 It seems like realized that Feng Qi is unable to bear the vestige islands remaining strength influence, the small solar blooming dazzling ray of Mu Yao incarnation. 似乎是意识到封棋无法承受遗迹岛屿残余的力量影响,慕暚化身的小太阳绽放刺目光芒。 Immediately the Feng Qi present scene becomes fuzzy, when again clear, he discovered that oneself rectifies conduct in a gloomy main hall. 顿时封棋眼前的场面变得模糊,等再次清晰的时,他发现自己正身处在一座阴暗的大殿内。 This palace is very broken, goes against collapse, can by the gap of breakage see that outside the endless paint black is turning wells up, the line of sight looks to other places, sees only places the statue left and right of main hall has collapsed, the statue facial features had also been corroded by the years, cannot see clearly the appearance. 这座宫殿十分残破,顶上已经垮塌,能透过破损的缺口看到外面无尽的漆黑色在翻涌,视线望向其他地方,只见摆放在大殿左右两侧的雕像已经倒塌,雕像的面容也已经被岁月腐蚀,看不清容貌。 In his under foot, gloomy mysterious formation. 在他的脚下,是已经暗淡的神秘阵法 This formation looks very ordinary, even was inferior human modern cultivation study fumble formation comes complex. 这座阵法看起来十分普通,甚至不如人类现代修炼学摸索出来的阵法来得复杂。 But Feng Qi overthrew own idea quickly. 封棋很快推翻了自己的想法。 Carefully examines carefully, the under foot gloomy formation node seems has some charm, is attracting his attention, later the line of sight pulls closer the enlargement suddenly. 仔细审视间,脚下暗淡的阵法节点好似有某种魔力,吸引着他的视线,随后视线骤然拉近放大。 What presents in present just like the starry sky vast innumerable gloomy luminous spots. 呈现在眼前的是犹如星空般浩瀚的无数暗淡光点。 He then realized that on this formation each node is by the innumerable miniature formation combinations, wraps layer upon layer, ultimately formed this seemingly common formation. 他这才意识到这座阵法上每一个节点都是由无数座微型阵法组合而成,层层相套,最终才形成了这座看似不起眼的阵法 This formation complexity, at all is not the current human formation study knowledge can weigh. 这座阵法的复杂程度,根本不是人类现有的阵法学知识能够衡量。 Is gazing at formation, he felt again the knowledge symbol that the intense illness, is unable to read appears again in the mind. 注视着阵法,他再次感觉到了强烈的不适,无法读取的知识符号再次浮现在脑海中。 This situation, he first time was not met. 这种情况,他不是第一次遇到了。 Beforehand timeline, he had once had short looking at each other with the mysterious scarlet empty shadow that the Mu Qing top of the head appeared. 之前的时间线,他曾与沐晴头顶浮现的神秘猩红虚影有过短暂对视。 At that time he thought that in the mind seemed the information that squeezed is unable to explain massively. 那时候他就觉得脑海中好似被塞入了大量无法解读的信息。 Narrator to the explanation of this situation is, this type was forced to squeeze in the knowledge the process to look like the high potency toward the process that the low concentration dilutes, in the mysterious empty shadow vision contained too many information and knowledge, but a he diluted side, therefore in the mind will present the mysterious information that is unable to be understood massively. 旁白对这个情况的解释是,这种被强制塞入知识的过程就像是高浓度往低浓度稀释的过程,神秘虚影的目光中就蕴含了太多的信息与知识,而他是被稀释的一方,所以脑海中才会出现大量无法被理解的神秘信息。 If looking at each other continues, he will even be supported to explode the spirit to know the sea, turns into the vegetable. 如果对视持续下去,他甚至会被撑爆精神识海,变成植物人。 Feng Qi in this time decisive shift line of sight, looked at the front. 封棋在此时果断转移视线,将目光投向了前方。 The dead ahead of main hall, is a throne of breakage. 大殿的正前方,是一尊破损的王座。 The throne height three meters, above is also mounting innumerably the formation node that becomes by the miniature formation combination, the hollowing out region line of sight on entire throne is unable to pass through, can only see that the gloomy scarlet glimmer is partly visible. 王座高三米,上面也镶嵌着无数由微型阵法组合而成的阵法节点,整个王座上的镂空区域视线无法穿过,只能看到暗淡的猩红色微光若隐若现。 The dead center position of throne, there are two holes. 王座的正中心位置,有两个孔洞。 And in a hole is mounting the clear blue gem. 其中一个孔洞中镶嵌着晶莹的蓝色宝石。 Another hole is actually the vacancy condition. 另一个孔洞却是空缺状态。 The shape of this gap made Feng Qi think of the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone on Mu Qing arm immediately. 这个缺口的形状让封棋顿时想到了沐晴手臂上的猩红符文晶石。 Even is away from the glorious years, he can still feel clearly a looking disdainfully world the overbearing aura heads from the throne. 即使隔着悠久岁月,他仍能清晰感觉到一股睥睨天下的霸道气息自王座扑面而来。 If he has not guessed that wrong, the owner of this throne is on Mu Qing the master of that scarlet gem. 如果他没猜错的话,这把王座的拥有者就是沐晴身上那颗猩红宝石的主人。 Can imagine, the throne owner also living time unsurpassed mighty force that grasps. 可以想象到,王座主人还活着的时候所掌握的无上伟力。 At this time the Mu Yao sound resounded in his mind: 这时慕暚的声音在他的脑海中响起: „The layout on this vestige islands is very complex, nowadays I also explore less than 1/10 regions, I arrived at this temple in the exploration accidentally, discovered the scarlet throne, as well as embed in the scarlet crystal stone of scarlet throne dead center position.” “这座遗迹岛屿上的布局十分复杂,现如今我也只是探索了不到十分之一的区域,我在探索中偶然来到了这座神殿,发现了猩红王座,以及镶嵌在猩红王座正中心位置的猩红晶石。” Listened to the explanation of Mu Yao, Feng Qi to inquire immediately: 听了慕暚的解释,封棋当即询问道: Therefore on the Mu Qing scarlet gem does not come from the life of domain world, but is the inheritance of Pillar God is right?” “所以沐晴身上的猩红宝石不是来自领域世界的生命,而是柱神的传承对吗?” Is indefinite, I explored this temple carefully, discovered several interesting matters.” “不确定,我仔细探索了这座神殿,发现了几个有意思的事。” „After entering this temple, I first inspected the formation of under foot, discovered that this formation complexity exceeded my cognition, after trying activation several is not totally damaged the node that I discovered that the function of this formation seems like used for the messaging, but because formation has damaged most probably, therefore I do not know this signal to transmit go to where, even did not understand that is actually how remote distance, needs to use this transcendence common sense signaling formation to make the contact...... I even to suspect at that time this formation transmission the information can span the time.” “进入这座神殿后,我首先检查了脚下的这座阵法,发现这座阵法复杂程度超越了我的认知,试着激活其中几个还未完全损坏的节点后,我发现这座阵法的作用似乎是用来传输信息,但由于阵法已经损坏了大半,所以我不知晓这段信号到底发送去何处,甚至不理解究竟是多么遥远的距离,需要使用这种超越常理的信号传输阵法来建立联系……当时我甚至怀疑这座阵法传递的信息能够跨越时间。” Besides this mysterious pass on message formation, I also inspected in the temple already the statue that collapses, discovered after these have damaged the most statue piecing together, what presented was looks out the posture that the scarlet throne knelt pays homage to...... I to think what at that time these statues paid homage to was the owner of scarlet throne, but the follow-up discovery made me deny own guess.” “除了这座神秘的传讯阵法外,我还检查了神殿内已经垮塌的雕像,发现这些已经破损大半的雕像经过拼凑后,呈现的是遥望猩红王座跪地膜拜的姿势……我当时以为这些雕像膜拜的是猩红王座的主人,但后续的发现让我否定了自己的猜测。” What my final check is the scarlet throne, I discovered on this throne blue gem that the scarlet gem of internal implication mysterious strength, as well as you see now, the scarlet gem has not corroded to be totally damaged with the time, another gem damages seriously.” “我最后检查的是猩红王座,在这尊王座上我发现了内部蕴含神秘力量的猩红宝石,以及你现在看到的蓝色宝石,其中猩红宝石并未随着时间腐蚀而完全损坏,另一颗宝石则损坏严重。” Two gems I conducted the inspection respectively, discovered that the scarlet gem the structure seems like a memory unit, the interior contains the fearful energy that is inconceivable, and this strength was not controlled, my mental consciousness extends in the scarlet gem, in a short time will be eaten the food by internal scarlet strength completely.” “两颗宝石我分别进行了检查,发现猩红宝石的结构像是一种存储装置,内部蕴藏着难以想象的可怕能量,且这股力量并不受到控制,我的精神意识延伸进猩红宝石内,短时间内就会被内部的猩红力量啃食殆尽。” Another damage serious blue color gem I discovered after the inspection, this unexpectedly is a communication gem, inside is carving and in the temple ground similar communication formation.” “另一颗损坏严重的蓝色宝石我在检查后发现,这竟然是一颗通讯宝石,里面雕刻着与神殿地面上相似的通讯阵法。” These clues spell to crowd together, I think the mysterious life that a guess, Pillar God in temple pay homage to perhaps does not exist in this islands, even does not exist in our spaces, Pillar God through this mysterious formation and gem, stretched across the impediment of space and time had the weak contact with the opposite party, and strength projection gathering that the scarlet life transmitted, finally congealed the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone.” “这些线索拼凑在一起,我想到了一种猜测,神殿内的柱神们膜拜的神秘生命或许根本就不存在于这座岛屿上,甚至不存在于我们所处的空间,柱神们通过这座神秘的阵法与宝石,横跨空间与时间的阻隔与对方取得了微弱的联系,并将猩红生命传递来的力量投影汇聚,最终凝结出了猩红符文晶石。” Listened to the explanation of Mu Yao, the Feng Qi innermost feelings to raise the great unrest. 听了慕暚的解释,封棋内心掀起轩然大波。 „Is your meaning the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone is only the crystallization that the strength projection manufacture of scarlet life becomes?” “你的意思是猩红符文晶石只是猩红生命的力量投影制作而成的结晶?” This is only my guess, the concrete truth I am not clear, other seemingly reasonable guess also has, for example the master of scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone possibly is one in Pillar God, for some reasons takes a long journey, then his clansman through this mysterious formation with being far away the scarlet life is conducting the weak relation, as for the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone, is the crystallization that uses the scarlet life residual strength manufacture to become, mounting is only used to be commemorative and pay homage to the throne.” “这只是我的猜测,具体真相我不清楚,其他看似合理的猜测还有很多,例如猩红符文晶石的主人可能就是柱神中的一员,由于某种原因远行,然后他的族人通过这座神秘的阵法与远离的猩红生命进行着微弱联系,至于猩红符文晶石,是他们用猩红生命残留的力量制作而成的结晶,镶嵌在王座上只是用于纪念与膜拜。” Heard these words, Feng Qi thought of Scarlet Research Institute suddenly once the project of most core. 听到这番话,封棋忽然想到了猩红研究院曾经最为核心的项目。 Anti-penetration plan! 反渗透计划! The core of this plan transforming human of domain life form escorts to the domain world, hopes that was transmitted the past soldier to sever the space node of domain world and world, making the domain invasion without limits finish. 这个计划的核心就是将改造成领域生命形态的人类送往领域世界,希望被传送过去的战士能够切断领域世界与人类世界的空间节点,让无止境的领域入侵结束。 Listened to narration of Mu Yao, he thinks suddenly whether has such a possibility. 听了慕暚的讲述,他忽然想到是否有这么一种可能。 The scarlet life is Pillar God chooses, goes to the source interception situation to arrive at the powerhouse. 猩红生命是柱神们挑选出来,去源头拦截大势降临的强者。 Looks up to the gloomy scarlet throne, the Feng Qi look twinkle. 抬头望向暗淡的猩红王座,封棋眼神闪烁。 About the information of vestige islands, has exceeded the existence information to piece together the clue the range, touched his information blind spot completely. 关于遗迹岛屿的信息,已经超越了现有情报能够拼凑出线索的范围,完全触及到了他的情报盲区。 What we definitely know is that the human era is born beforehand Pillar God certainly to encounter the problem that some type was hard to resist, finally falls from the sky in abundance, no one supports to the birth of epoch. 可以肯定的是,人类纪元诞生之前的柱神一定是遇到了某种难以抵挡的麻烦,最终纷纷陨落,无人支撑到新纪元的诞生。 Thinks of here, he asks: 想到这里,他开口询问道: Mu Yao, can actually you know the situation to arrive is what?” 慕暚,伱可知晓大势降临究竟是什么?” Facing his inquiry, the Mu Yao sound resounds again: 面对他的询问,慕暚的声音再度响起: I arrive to have the analysis with black ink to the situation, pondered over many guesses, here said two guesses with emphasis.” “我与墨对大势降临有过分析,琢磨出了很多种猜测,这里重点说一下其中两种猜测。” „The first guess, supposed that our world is really very real simulation game world, then the situation arrives may be the renewal iteration of play version, if you will play the game definitely to know, the strength of player will stiffen unceasingly, the existing transcription and monster value are unable to satisfy the growth of player again, at this time will play will conduct the edition to renew, promoted the new content to continue to explore...... based on the world for the player is the guess of game, the situation arrives may be our editions be destroyed, the new edition will soon be born.” “第一个猜测,假设我们所处的世界真就是非常真实的模拟游戏世界,那么大势降临极有可能是游戏版本的更新迭代,如果你玩过游戏肯定会知道,玩家的实力会不断变强,现有的副本与怪物数值无法再满足玩家的成长,这时候游戏就会进行版本更新,推出新的内容供玩家继续探索……基于世界是游戏的猜测,大势降临极有可能是我们这个版本被毁灭,新的版本即将诞生。” However Pillar God that we have not seen, is on the life of edition, perhaps they wrote off the trace of existence...... in front of the Pillar God edition also to have many editions under the edition renewal thoroughly, the life of each edition without exception in the renewal( situation arrives) front writes off.” “而我们不曾见到的柱神,是上个版本的生命,他们在版本更新下被彻底抹杀了存在的痕迹……或许柱神版本前面还有更多的版本,每个版本的生命无一例外在更新(大势降临)面前被抹杀。” At this point, a Mu Yao voice revolution: 说到这里,慕暚的话音一转: But this supposition has many unreasonable factors, if I am the game manufacturer, the operation that properly speaking can decide to play completely, will not make the Pillar God and other game lives be aloof my control, will not make them use BUG to leave behind the information to the new life that the next edition is born.” “但这个假设存在着诸多不合理的因素,如果我是游戏厂商,按理说能够完全决定游戏的运行,不会让柱神等游戏生命超脱我的掌控,更不会让他们利用BUG留下信息给下一个版本诞生的新生命。” Naturally, may hide in secret game control knows all these, actually non- achievement, because he does not care to present BUG, instead has a relish is watching the unexpected appearance, and feels all also during the control.” “当然,也有可能躲藏在幕后的游戏掌控者知晓这一切,却不作为,因为他根本不在乎出现BUG,反而饶有兴致的观看着意外的出现,并觉得一切还在掌控之中。” In brief, the possibility of this guess is not high, black ink to confirm this guess made many efforts, the answer of finally getting is this world is very real, although I want to punch him, but his research results are very always convincing.” “总之,这个猜测的可能性并不高,墨为了证实这个猜测付出了许多努力,最后得到的答案是这个世界十分真实,我虽然很想揍他,但他的研究成果向来很有说服力。” Listened to the conspiracy theory of Mu Yao, in the Feng Qi heart to blush with shame. 听了慕暚的阴谋论,封棋心中汗颜。 If this is the truth, that future will also despair too. 如果这就是真相,那未来也太绝望了。 All under the observation of mysterious life are developing secretly, even if the middle has the unexpected situation, but all lives are doomed unable to escape the result of destiny arrangement. 一切都在幕后神秘生命的观察下发展,即使中间出现意料之外的情况,但所有生命注定逃不过命运安排的结局。 Regarding this issue, he does not have excessively to ponder. 对于这个问题,他没有过多细想。 About the world is whether real, he and Narrator have also had the discussion. 关于世界是否真实,他与旁白也有过讨论。 Narrator does not spare a glance , indicating where has so many conspiracy theories, if this is the truth, that uses the muscle and fist is headstrong a way out. 旁白对此不屑一顾,表示哪有那么多阴谋论,如果这就是真相,那就用肌肉与拳头莽出一条生路。 Thinks of here, he continues to inquire: 想到这里,他继续询问道: What one type to the guess that the situation does arrive is?” “还有一种对大势降临的猜测是什么?” Situation arrives, possibly is harvesting of ultra life to breeding farm.” “大势降临,可能是超维生命对养殖场的收割。” Breeding farm?” “养殖场?” Right, supposed that our world is the breeding farm of ultra life, this can explain why the final result of each era destroys, looks like the agriculture period's human spring plowing fall harvest, naturally must harvest the seed that spring sows to the mature season, at the beginning of the epoch life is equivalent to the seed that just sowed, the era late life is the mature period, the situation arrives is the brutal sickle, the mature life will harvest all.” “没错,假设我们这个世界是超维生命的养殖场,这就能解释为什么每个纪元的最终结局都是毁灭,就像是农耕时期的人类春耕秋收,春天播下的种子到了成熟的季节自然得收割,新纪元之初的生命就相当于刚播下的种子,纪元末期的生命便是成熟期,大势降临就是无情的镰刀,将成熟的生命尽数收割。” Is so mysterious?” Feng Qi is stunned. “这么玄乎?”封棋愕然。 Is such mysterious, perhaps Pillar God of previous era is not willing to submit the established destiny trend, chose initiated the challenge to the ultra life, but result failure.” “就是这么玄乎,或许上个纪元的柱神就是不愿意屈服既定的命运走向,选择向超维生命发起了挑战,但结局失败了。” What does this guess have to act according to?” Feng Qi cannot bear knit the brows. “这个猜测有什么依据吗?”封棋忍不住皱眉。 Said that guessed, naturally does not have any substantive acted according , can only discover some clue from the variation in the world.” “都说是猜测了,当然没有什么实质性的依据了,只能从世界的变化趋势中发现一些端倪。”
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