IKTT :: Volume #5

#443: Waited for your 113 years( thanks long-haired pelt 11 dozens of enjoying hegemons

Chapter 443 waited for your 113 years( thanks long-haired pelt 11 dozens of enjoying hegemons) 第443章等了你113年(感谢大毛11打赏的盟主) Cold winter city, east district airport. 凛冬城,东区机场。 Alit from the airplane, outside is bone-chilling, the snowflake falls like the slip of paper, floods the Feng Qi line of sight each corner. 下了飞机,外面寒风凛冽,雪花如纸片般落下,充斥封棋视线的每一处角落。 Sits the wheelchair, pushes him to go toward the airport outside. 坐上轮椅,古沙推着他往机场外而去。 Even wrapped up the thick clothing, Feng Qi still felt the chill in the air attack. 即使裹上了厚实的衣衫,封棋仍感到寒意侵袭。 Regarding this city, he is not strange. 对于这座城市,他并不陌生。 The beforehand sacrifice line, he once lived here some time with Lord of Mist. 之前的牺牲线,他曾与迷雾之主在这里生活了一段时间。 Thought back on the past years, even if put on the short sleeve, he can still any not be affected under the so bad climate. 遥想当年,即使穿着短袖,他也能在如此恶劣的气候下不受任何影响。 But the present body compared with the past, he cannot obviously feel the years in the trace that on oneself stays behind. 但现在的身子骨不比从前,他能明显感觉到岁月在自己身上留下的痕迹。 Now often meets the line of sight to be fuzzy, particularly just woke up, must on slow be able to see clearly some little time the scene. 现在时常会视线模糊,尤其是刚醒来的时候,总要缓上好一会才能看清外界的景象。 Also will often feel the spirit to be exhausted, sometimes is doing a matter obviously, actually in unconsciously drowsy. 还时常会感到精神疲惫,有时候明明正在做一件事,却会在不觉间昏昏欲睡。 Also often falls into the recollection, the seen anything will lead into him to a memory picture in...... 还时常陷入回忆,看到的任何事物都会将他带入到一段记忆画面中…… But is good because of him supports today. 但好在他撑到了今天。 So long as can find Mu Yao in the cold winter city, insistence of this sacrifice line will obtain best presenting finally. 只要能够在凛冬城内找到慕暚,这条牺牲线的坚持终将得到最好的馈赠。 Even if must die, but his in the heart does not have at that time regrettably. 纵使还是要死,但那时候他心中已无遗憾。 Left the airport, arrives at the assigned location, the squad members who initially he dispatched the cold winter city investigation have waited in that. 出了机场,来到指定地点,当初他派遣来凛冬城调查的小队成员已经等在那了。 What is the head is a man who wears the black function sunglasses. 为首的是一名戴着黑色功能墨镜的男子。 He has roughly one meter 85 height, tall and powerfully built grandiose, kept a serious look properly, the body has a dignity and righteous qi. 他有着约莫一米八五的身高,身材魁梧壮硕,表情严肃正经,身上有着一股威严与正气。 The name of man was Di cluster, 36 years old, once were the excellent graduates of daybreak school fight department. 男子的名字叫“狄丛”,36岁,曾是破晓学府战斗系的优秀毕业生。 After the graduation, Di cluster must step the frontline, was actually recruited Tiger Soul Research Institute by Feng Qi, becomes one of the Tiger Soul subordinate regiment. 毕业后狄丛原本要踏上前线,却被封棋招募进了虎魄研究院,成为了虎魄下属战团的一员。 During this, Di cluster performance is outstanding throughout, finally through his selection, becomes one of the cold winter city investigation squad, and promotes for the head of this squad in just several years. 这期间狄丛的表现始终优秀,最终通过他的选拔,成为了凛冬城调查小队的一员,并在短短数年时间里晋升为了这支小队的负责人。 This time about the Mu Yao possible information, is Di cluster feeds. 这次关于慕暚可能出现的情报,也是狄丛传回。 to seal/confer.” “封老。” Is looking silver-haired, the look thin and pale old person, Di cluster lowered the head to say at this time respectfully, that dignity at this moment nothing left. 望着白发苍苍,神色憔悴的老人,狄丛在这时恭敬低头道,身上的那一丝威严在此刻荡然无存。 Feng Qi nods slightly: 封棋微微颔首: little cluster, these years was laborious you.” “小丛,这些年辛苦你了。” Facing his praise, this brave warrior actually showed some looks of feeling extremely flattered. 面对他的夸赞,这位悍将却露出了些许受宠若惊的神色。 Afterward under Di clump of arrangements, on Feng Qi had prepared the good vehicles. 随后在狄丛的安排下,封棋上了早已准备好的车辆。 Came to aid three car(riage)s, Feng Qi is arranged among that was escorted by two car(riage)s is going in the cold winter city suburb direction. 前来接应有三辆车,封棋被安排在了中间那辆,被前后两辆车护送着往凛冬城郊区方向而去。 Di cluster and Feng Qi sit on the same vehicle. 狄丛与封棋坐在同一辆车上。 In this period he and Feng Qi reported the clue and information that these years are investigating. 期间他与封棋汇报着这些年调查到的线索与情报。 When Di cluster spoke of when an information, Feng Qi brow slightly wrinkle. 当狄丛说到其中一则情报时,封棋的眉头微皱。 He said, in the cold winter city is promoting an all-people body-building the special cultivation method. 他说,凛冬城内正在推行一种全民健身的特殊修炼法门。 This is a sword incurs, can make the body speed up through displaying that the breath and sword incur to the absorption of the world spiritual energy. 这是一种剑招,通过呼吸与剑招的施展能够让身体加快对天地灵气的吸收。 Before this information actually, he had known through the information that Di cluster feeds. 这则情报其实之前他就已经通过狄丛传回的信息得知。 But then he had not thought that has what improper. 但当时的他并未觉得有什么不妥。 Promotes all -people body-building, not just has in the cold winter city. 推行全民健身,并非只有在凛冬城内有。 Star City, Old Day City, Future City and Vijayanagar, have to carry out the respective exercise building up strength method including other attached small towns, for example cultivation gymnastics is one of the all the people suitable exercise methods. 星城旧日城未来城、胜利城,包括其他附属小城都有推行各自的锻炼强身法门,例如“修炼体操”就是全民适宜的锻炼法门之一。 But at this time associates to the cold winter city in potential the domain influence is the sword clan, cannot help but made him suspect that had the potential hidden danger issue. 但此时联想到凛冬城内潜在的领域势力是剑族,就不由得令他怀疑这其中有潜在隐患问题。 ...... …… During Di cluster reports the information, once for a while looks up a front old person. 狄丛汇报情报期间,时不时抬头看一眼面前的老人。 This has rushed to four men not to have the dignified face in front of subordinate in front of Feng Qi, the speech tone is respectful. 这个已经奔四的男人在封棋面前没了在下属面前的威严面孔,说话语气恭敬。 Because of understanding, therefore respects. 因为了解,所以崇敬。 For a long time , the vehicles arrive at the residence that arranged ahead of time. 许久后,车辆来到了提前安排好的住所。 This is a small manor in remote areas, the nearby is the snow bamboo grove, far away from the lively urban area, reduced many unnecessary trouble. 这是一栋偏远地区的小庄园,附近是雪竹林,远离繁华的城市区,减少了许多不必要的麻烦。 Feng Qi stays here. 封棋在这里住下。 Over the following several days, Di cluster leads the squad members to continue in the cold winter city to seek for the Mu Yao trail. 接下来几天,狄丛带着小队成员继续在凛冬城内寻找慕暚的踪迹。 Feng Qi stays in the residence to wait for the news. 封棋则留在住所内等待消息。 He has a mind to seek actually together, is spirit is willing but the strength is insufficient. 他倒是有心一起寻找,却是心有余但力不足。 Seeks for Mu Yao this matter, surely needs to conduct secretly, is unable to seek the cold winter city high-level help. 寻找慕暚这件事,肯定需要秘密进行,无法寻求凛冬城高层的帮助。 Nowadays the situation in cold winter city is complex, exposes him to seek for Mu Yao rashly, is very likely to bring to the attention of potential domain influence. 现如今凛冬城内的局势复杂,贸然暴露他在寻找慕暚,极有可能引起潜在领域势力的注意。 Especially in knowing the cold winter city was possibly ambushing the sword clan influence. 尤其是在知晓了凛冬城内可能潜伏着剑族势力。 If the sword clan and Mu Yao have had the contact, knew the Mu Yao appearance characteristics inevitably, the choice and cold winter city high-level cooperation without doubt is the action of extreme danger, informs the cold winter high-level Mu Yao appearance and hopes that the opposite party can boost to seek, will make the ambush domain influence realize that he and Mu Yao have the relations. 如果剑族与慕暚有过接触,必然是知晓了慕暚的容貌特征,选择与凛冬城高层合作无疑是羊入虎口的举动,告知凛冬高层慕暚的容貌并希望对方能够助力寻找,会让潜伏领域势力意识到他与慕暚有关系。 His big probability will be grasped to torture. 他大概率会被抓起来严刑拷打。 When the time comes cannot see Mu Yao is a matter, his big probability must leave the stage ahead of time. 到时候见不到慕暚是一回事,他大概率也要提前退场。 Waited for more than hundred years, he does not think, because some small kills the truth that will soon succeed in obtaining wrongly. 等待了百余年,他不想因为一些小错误断送了即将到手的真相。 Di cluster sought for three days, Feng Qi waited for three days. 狄丛寻找了三天,封棋等待了三天。 For successive three days but had not obtained any trail the news about Mu Yao. 但连续三天都没有得到任何关于慕暚的踪迹的消息。 How should find Mu Yao, became one to solve, actually did not know from where the issue of solution. 该如何找到慕暚,成了一个必须要解决,却又不知从何解决的问题。 Through the existing information and clue, Feng Qi analyzed Mu Yao nowadays situation. 通过现有的情报与线索,封棋分析了慕暚现如今的情况。 Mu Yao and mysterious influence, the big probability is the sword clan, conducted continued about a half hour fight, when the proof at that time Mu Yao and opponent battled did not have the overwhelming advantage. 慕暚与神秘势力,大概率是剑族,进行了持续半小时左右的交手,就证明当时慕暚与对手交战时没有压倒性的优势。 This war has three possibilities. 这一战存在三种可能。 First, Mu Yao defeats, is injured to flee. 第一,慕暚战败,受伤遁走。 This possibility can explain why actually Mu Yao needs the help of Mu Qing. 这个可能倒是能够解释慕暚为何需要沐晴的帮助。 Second, Mu Yao defeats, potential influence death. 第二,慕暚战胜,潜在势力死亡。 Third, has the worry mutually, leaves the stage in the way of tie respectively. 第三,相互有顾虑,以平局的方式各自退场。 As for Mu Yao whether possibly died in battle, he feels completely not possibly. 至于慕暚是否可能战死,他觉得完全没有可能。 If Mu Yao died in battle, did not have in the future historic change, although his appearance changed the history, but to cold winter city had limited impact, even so, was impossible to create an originally not to exist in the history baseless, actually in the super influence that this sacrifice line presented. 如果慕暚战死,也就没有往后的历史变化了,他的出现虽然改变了历史,但对凛冬城的影响有限,即使有,也不可能凭空创造出一支原本不存在于历史中,却在这条牺牲线出现的超级势力。 Now makes him feel that the worried issue is, Mu Yao whether also in cold winter city. 现在令他感到苦恼问题是,慕暚是否还在凛冬城内。 After this war ended , if Mu Yao escapes the cold winter city, he will want to seek for Mu Yao again becomes very difficult, he will have no method to relate Mu Yao. 此战结束后如果慕暚遁出凛冬城,他想要再寻找到慕暚就会变得很困难,他没有任何手段能够联系到慕暚 Continues bears the temper to wait for several days later, Feng Qi felt oneself cannot sit waiting for death again. 继续耐着性子等待数天后,封棋觉得自己不能再坐以待毙了。 Without the coordination of cold winter city management agency, wants to search for the Mu Yao trail with a manpower of squad in the cold winter city, without doubt looks for a needle in a haystack. 没有凛冬城管理机构的配合,想要用一个小队的人力在凛冬城内搜寻慕暚的踪迹,无疑是大海捞针。 He must adopt some methods. 他必须要采取一些手段。 The high-level cooperation of choice and cold winter city, is not in the Feng Qi consideration range. 选择与凛冬城的高层合作,不在封棋的考虑范围内。 Then some secret organizations of cold winter city can help him do this matter. 那么只有凛冬城的一些秘密机构能够帮助他做这件事。 Feng Qi first thinks is the domain weak clan alliance of cold winter city. 封棋首先想到的就是凛冬城的领域弱族联盟。 But over and over, he gave up hesitant. 但犹豫再三,他还是放弃了。 The domain weak clan alliance cooperation of choice and cold winter city, has the risk. 选择与凛冬城的领域弱族联盟合作,还是存在风险。 Nowadays the weak clan alliance of cold winter city is the free worthless person alliance, was controlled by the potential influence, is completely the unknown. 现如今凛冬城的弱族联盟是自由散人联盟,还是被潜在势力控制,完全是未知数。 If the domain weak clan alliance and Star City of cold winter city situation is similar. 如果凛冬城的领域弱族联盟与星城的情况相似。 He looks for the weak clan alliance of cold winter city to issue the duty, looked like the bell to look for leader Black Dragon of Star City weak clan alliance to issue that initially assassinated the duty the situation to be similar, without doubt walked into a trap. 他找上凛冬城的弱族联盟发布任务,就像是当初银铃找星城弱族联盟的首领黑龙发布暗杀自己任务的情况相似,无疑是自投罗网。 Ponders over, Feng Qi gave up this investigation way of having the risk. 思前想后,封棋放弃了这个存在风险的调查方式。 Following several days, in his mind gradually had the mentality. 后续几天,他的脑海中逐渐有了思路。 Since seeks the cold winter city official help is not far-fetched, that changes a way to seek for Mu Yao. 既然寻求凛冬城官方帮助不靠谱,那就换一种方式来寻找慕暚 He now the biggest advantage lies in the information. 他现在最大的优势在于情报。 He the understanding Mu Yao is more than potential domain influence. 他对慕暚的了解远比潜在的领域势力要多。 These only then he knows, information that but the potential domain influence does not know, is he seeks for Mu Yao biggest taking advantage. 这些只有他知道,但潜在领域势力不知晓的情报,就是他寻找慕暚最大的依仗。 Had the mentality, Feng Qi started to arrange immediately. 有了思路,封棋当即开始着手安排。 On the same day, he told that Di cluster started to relate the media of cold winter city, waited for the organization. 当天,他吩咐狄丛开始联系凛冬城的媒体,等机构。 ...... …… Cold winter city, west district. 凛冬城,西区。 Late at night. 深夜。 Quite hungry.” “好饿。” Unmanned street, Mu Yao is hanging the body, as if screened out the bone of upper part, worn out stand forth. 无人的街道,慕暚垂着身子,就仿佛被抽走了上半身的骨头,有气无力地向前走去。 With a Jian Ji war, she has not been injured, actually also realized that by own present strength, is not the Jian Ji opponent. 剑寂一战,她并未受伤,却也意识到以自己现在的实力,不会是剑寂的对手。 This makes her very uncomfortable. 这让她很是难受。 To restore the strength, is actually not easy. 想要恢复自身实力,却是不容易。 After returning to the world, she discovered, she and shining day lost the contact. 回到人类世界后她就发现,自己与耀日失去了联系。 She enhanced the strength the way to shut off. 她提升实力的方式已经被切断了。 Definitely was black ink moon/month that bastard made anything!” “肯定是墨月那个混蛋做了什么!” Thinks of here, Mu Yao hates the tooth to be itchy, the subconsciousness wielded a fist toward the front, resembles to hit on black ink that chubby cheeks. 想到这里,慕暚恨得牙痒痒,下意识朝前方挥了一拳,似打在墨那胖乎乎的脸颊上。 Discovered in the cold winter city has the domain to ambush the influence, is helpless, making her mood really not beautiful. 发现了凛冬城内有领域潜伏势力,却无能为力,让她心情着实不美丽。 But the strength is actually not able to be restored. 但实力却无法得到恢复。 She thought that perhaps she needs the help of external force, can eradicate the domain ambush influence in cold winter city. 她觉得自己或许需要外力的帮助,才能铲除凛冬城内的领域潜伏势力。 Was pondering how should solve the potential hidden danger in cold winter city, at this time fragrance transmitted from the distant place, Mu Yao is hanging the body stood immediately straight, looking that the double pupil shone to the direction that the fragrance floated. 正在思考该如何解决凛冬城内的潜在隐患,这时一阵香味自远处传来,慕暚垂着的身子顿时立直,双眸放光的望向了香味飘来的方向。 The end of line of sight is a domain beast meat hall. 视线的尽头是一家领域兽肉馆。 Under the neon sign, hangs the big red lantern, near the gate is also setting up a sign, when above writes the new year's celebration has the discount activity that. 霓虹招牌下,挂着大红灯笼,门边还立着一块牌,上面写着过年时才有的优惠折扣活动。 Regarding food, she always does not have the resistivity. 对于食物,她向来没有抵抗力。 Before she arrives at the domain beast meat hall immediately with long hurried strides, opened the gate to walk. 她当即大步流星地来到领域兽肉馆前,拉开门走了进去。 Enters in the room, immediately the heat wave raids, with the cold weather outside world seems two world. 进入屋内,顿时热浪袭来,与天寒地冻的外界就仿佛是两个世界。 The room endosarc fragrance fills the air, Mu Yao two shine. 屋内肉香味弥漫,慕暚两眼放光。 At this time in the restaurant had sat many diners, Mu Yao, when was appointed to fill a vacancy an unmanned vacancy also to sit. 此时餐馆内已经坐了不少食客,慕暚当即选了一个无人的空位也坐了下来。 The service people discover Mu Yao to arrive, immediately arrives at her side, put out a menu with a smile, inquired: 服务员发现慕暚到来,当即来到她的身边,笑着拿出了一份菜单,询问道: What do you eat?” “您吃点什么?” Opens the menu, the dish pattern was fine, seems has hot mist to mix with the fragrance to head on, making Mu Yao narrow the eye. 翻开菜单,菜品图样精美,好似有一股热腾腾的雾气夹杂着香味扑面而来,令慕暚眯起了眼睛。 After hesitating shortly, on Mu Yao face reappearing bright smile: 短暂迟疑后,慕暚脸上浮现灿烂笑容: Comes one!” “都来一份!” „?” The service people somewhat seem puzzled. “啊?”服务员似乎有些不解。 „The above food comes one.” Mu Yao is laughing and playing is answering. “上面的食物都来一份。”慕暚嬉笑着解释道。 „Can you...... eat up?” “您……吃得下吗?” After the service people are shortly surprised, quickly restored the normal expression, but inquired again. 服务员短暂惊讶后,很快恢复了正常表情,只是再次询问了一遍。 After obtaining the Mu Yao affirmative reply, the service person nods saying: 得到慕暚肯定的回答后,服务员点头道: „Some food, because the supply of frontline is out of stock, in restaurant short......” “有部分食材由于前线的供应断货,餐馆内短缺……” On that some.” Has not waited for server saying that Mu Yao then said. “那就有的都上一份。”还未等服务器员说完,慕暚便接话道。 Determined after Mu Yao demand, the service person holds the menu to depart in a hurry. 确定了慕暚的需求后,服务员抱着菜单匆匆离去。 Idle Mu Yao, waiting at the same time, starts to size up all around curiously, saw that nearby diner is eating to the heart's content, Mu Yao put out a hand to wipe clear of mouth, awaited eagerly. 无所事事的慕暚,等待的同时,开始好奇打量四周,看到附近食客正在大快朵颐,慕暚伸手擦去了嘴边的晶莹,望眼欲穿。 In the waiting, hangs in the television of restaurant central location, the news that above broadcasts brought to the attention of Mu Yao. 等待中,挂在餐馆中心位置的电视,上面播放的新闻引起了慕暚的注意。 „A here emergency broadcast sponsorship advertisement, the sponsor is Mr. Tian Shu, he had one deeply to bury in the heart words wants to say to Miss Mu Yao: Miss Mu Yao, from knowing since your moment, I deeply fell in love with you...... close to the new year's celebration, I blow up the courage and you confession, I must with you in together......” “这里插播一条赞助广告,赞助方是天枢先生,他有一段一直深埋在心底的话想对慕暚小姐说:慕暚小姐,自认识你的那一刻起,我就深深爱上了你……临近过年,我鼓起勇气与伱告白,我要与你在一起……” This disgusting sponsorship advertisement attracted in the restaurant the attention of many. 这条肉麻的赞助广告吸引了餐馆内不少人的注意。 Afterward causes laughs intermittently, the middle-aged uncle shakes the head with a smile, says with emotion „the present young people......”. 随后引起阵阵哄笑,更有一位中年大叔笑着摇头,感慨道“现在的年轻人呐……”。 Only then Mu Yao stared in a big way the eye: 只有慕暚瞪大了眼睛: ( ;)!!! (;)!!! Yeah ~!” “哎~!” Small pivot shaft? Didn't he go to Tongtian Road?” “小小枢?他不是去了通天路?” Why in the Mu Yao mind appears immediately 100,000. 慕暚的脑海中顿时浮现十万个为什么。 Final of emergency broadcast advertisement, the host in picture smiles to open the mouth saying: 插播广告的最后,画面里的主持人微笑开口道: Mr. Tian Shu invited Miss Mu Yao to have the candlelight dinner in XX time in the cold winter city east suburb XX places...... 天枢先生邀请慕暚小姐在XX时间在凛冬城东郊XX地共进烛光晚餐……。” The commercial message ended, the picture reverts normally. 广告时间结束,画面归回正常。 Really rich, I on the cold winter central square also notice that today this confession advertisement...... this is abundant named Tian Shu young people financial resource, does not know that is the young master of which group, before had never heard( some uncle).” “真有钱,我今天在凛冬中心广场上也看到这则告白广告……这个叫天枢年轻人财力雄厚,不知道是哪家集团的公子,之前从未听说过(某大叔)。” You have a look at others, has a look at you again, don't you understand romantically?( Some girl).” “你看看人家,再看看你,你一点也不懂浪漫?(某女孩)。” This is not rich on the line, where has anything to be romantic( low voice BB some boy).” “这不是有钱就行,哪有什么浪漫可言(小声BB的某男孩)。” ...... …… Is looking at the television, the Mu Yao delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle. 望着电视,慕暚秀眉微皱。 The care wants to come, she thought that this advertisement perhaps is not the Tian Shu issue. 仔细想来,她觉得这则广告或许不是天枢发布。 Tian Shu is she raises single-handedly, the character she understood, therefore she will know Tian Shu not to play such joke. 天枢是她一手带大,性格她十分了解,所以她知晓天枢根本不会开这样的玩笑。 Perhaps the back of this advertisement has someone else. 这则广告的背后或许另有其人。 Who can be? 会是谁? Mu Yao is lost in thought immediately. 慕暚顿时陷入了沉思。 Should not be yesterday that domain swordsman.” “应该不是昨天那个领域剑士。” The opposite party can know her name, but also knows Tian Shu, obviously has certain understanding of her. 对方能够知晓她的名字,还知道天枢,显然是对她有一定的了解。 In Mu Yao is for this reason worried, the fragrance of food raids. 就在慕暚为此苦恼时,食物的香味袭来。 Sees only the service person to carry the domain beast meat that a bulk lots coal is roasting to arrive. 只见服务员端着一大盘炭烤的领域兽肉到来。 The worry vanishes into thin air immediately. 烦恼顿时烟消云散。 Hehe.” “嘿嘿。” On the face of Mu Yao appears being infatuated look, when the service person puts down the dinner plate, then impatient ground hand-motion. 慕暚的脸上浮现陶醉神色,待服务员放下餐盘,便迫不及待地上手开动。 If Feng Qi here, certainly will feel very familiar. 如果封棋在这里,一定会觉得很熟悉。 Table manners, looks like the inheritance. 吃相方面,就像是传承。 Mu Yao passes on Wei Wei, Wei Wei passes on Mu Qing, the way that they eat food opens greatly gathers greatly. 慕暚蔚薇,蔚薇沐晴,她们进食的方式都是大开大合。 After finishing eating, rubbed the movement of belly well satisfied is exactly the same. 吃完后心满意足揉肚子的动作更是一模一样。 ...... …… Cold winter city, East city suburb snow bamboo grove. 凛冬城,东城郊区雪竹林。 Outside had the sleet, in the bamboo grove open area was supporting a greenhouse. 外面下着雨夹雪,竹林空地上支起了一个大棚。 Feng Qi is throwing over the thick clothes robe, sits before the table of temporary preparation, in who his stands behind straightly. 封棋披着厚实的衣袍,坐在临时准备的餐桌前,在他的身后是笔挺站立的古沙。 Regarding the body previous table good food, Feng Qi has a mind to be incapable, can only be the small mouth is drinking the convalescent fluid. 对于身前一桌子美食,封棋有心无力,只能是小口喝着疗养液。 Stove transmits the intermittent heat wave, making him be insufficient to be attacked coldly, on the stove is heating one bowl of liquor, actually does not prepare to oneself, but gives a long-yearning friend. 身边的火炉传来阵阵热浪,让他不至于被寒冷侵袭,火炉上温着一碗酒,却不是给自己准备,而是给一位神交已久的朋友。 Listened to Wei Wei saying that Mu Yao once liked drinking „the Chiba liquor very much, therefore he was ready ahead of time. 蔚薇说,慕暚曾经很喜欢喝“千叶酒”,于是他提前做好了准备。 All are ready, he awaits calmly Mu Yao to appearance. 一切准备就绪,他静待慕暚的到出现。 Tonight the dim light of night is deep, the star light is gloomy, the place that the stove ray of jump shines is fluttering about the snowflake, flame the region is black like the ink viscous. 今晚夜色深沉,星光暗淡,跳跃的火炉光线照射到的地方纷飞着雪花,火光所不及的区域黑得如墨汁般粘稠。 In the waiting, the Feng Qi head is murky, several want to go off. 等待中,封棋脑袋昏沉,几欲睡去。 This decayed body, always makes him feel to lack the ability to do what one would like, does not run errands. 这具腐朽的身体,总是令他感到力不从心,不听使唤。 At crucial moment, supports the brace again, do not fall the chain.” He is rubbing hands to mutter. “关键时候,再撑撑,可别掉链子了。”他搓着手喃喃道。 Rubbed the temples, he spunks up. 揉了揉太阳穴,他强打起精神。 The time of agreement arrives, but Mu Yao has not actually come. 约定的时间到来,但慕暚却未现身。 The time continues the intravenous drip to pass. 时间继续点滴流逝。 Sees the appearance of Feng Qi difficult support, stands cannot bear go forward after behind the concern to say in a low voice: 看到封棋艰难支撑的模样,站在身后的古沙忍不住上前低声关切道: to seal/confer, Mu Yao will perhaps not come, your body is important, or you first go back.” “封老,慕暚或许不会来了,您的身体重要,要不您先回去吧。” Feng Qi hears, beckons with the hand gently: 封棋听闻,轻轻摆手: Waits again.” “再等等。” If unable to see Mu Yao tonight, he cannot find out also to have other what means to help him seek for Mu Yao. 如果今夜无法见到慕暚,他想不出还有什么其他办法能够帮助他寻找到慕暚 Perhaps only then supports to Mu Yao found Mu Qing on own initiative the time, he can see Mu Yao through Mu Qing. 或许只有支撑到慕暚主动找到沐晴的时候,他才能通过沐晴见到慕暚 But his body does not allow him to support again. 但他的身体已经不允许他再支撑下去了。 This body will drop down momentarily. 这具身体随时都会倒下。 Tonight cannot see Mu Yao, this sacrifice line might welcome with the body that he overdraws day after day ended. 今夜见不到慕暚,这条牺牲线或许就要随着他日渐透支的身体迎来结束。 In the waiting, the head is even more murky. 等待中,脑袋愈发昏沉。 At this moment, a delightful sound resounds in his ear. 就在这时,一个甜美的声音在他的耳边响起。 Hey, Elderly man, such a table good food does not eat really wastes very much!” “嘿,老人家,这么一桌子美食不吃真的很浪费呀!” Hears the sound Feng Qi to be suddenly sober. 听到声音的封棋陡然清醒。 Looks up toward the front that the sound conveys, sees only a Mu Yao face laughter to look at him, later puts out a hand to take up on the table a roasted chicken, tears down the chicken wing toward the mouth stopper, the mouth chews the unclear say/way: 抬头朝声音传来的前方望去,只见慕暚正一脸嬉笑望着他,随后伸手拿起桌上一只烤鸡,撕下鸡翅就往嘴里塞去,嘴里嘴嚼间含糊不清道: Elderly man, do you look for me?” “老人家,你找我吗?” Saw that Mu Yao appears finally, the Feng Qi mood is instantaneous, only feels dizzy. 看到慕暚终于出现,封棋的情绪瞬间激动,只觉得天旋地转。 He took up immediately has prepared the good adrenalin needle, injected one toward the arm on. 他当即拿起早已准备好的肾上腺素针,往手臂上注射了一针。 Does that no doubt injures the body, but since saw Mu Yao, his mission will also soon welcome ended. 这么做固然伤身体,但既然见到了慕暚,他的使命也即将迎来结束。 The continuing effect on body is unimportant, more importantly arrives while Mu Yao, the understanding heart from her mouth has not solved the truth that. 对身体的后续影响已经不重要了,重要的是趁着慕暚到来,从她口中了解心底未解的真相。 Perhaps...... Mu Yao also has the means to prolong the life span for him. 或许……慕暚还有办法为他延长寿命。 The liquid injects within the body, several want the feeling of lethargic sleep to remove like surging tides. 液体注射进体内,几欲昏睡的感觉如潮水般褪去。 Slow a meeting, Feng Qi regained the condition. 缓了一会,封棋恢复了状态。 He put out a hand took to set out the wine glass before this time, later took up to place the wine pot on stove, filled to the brim one cup, then stood up to hand nearby Mu Yao. 他在这时伸手拿起身前酒杯,随后拿起放在火炉上的酒壶,倒满了一杯,然后站起身递到了慕暚跟前。 Received the wine glass, Mu Yao drinks gets into the stomach, as if did not fear that Feng Qi prescribed medicine in the liquor and food. 接过酒杯,慕暚一口饮下肚,似乎并不怕封棋在酒与食物里下药。 Drinks the Chiba liquor, Mu Yao two shines immediately, cannot bear acclaim: 饮下千叶酒,慕暚顿时两眼放光,忍不住赞叹: Tasty.” “好喝。” Right, Elderly man, you had not said why looks for me? You as if knew about me very much.” “对了,老人家,你还没说为什么找我呢?你似乎对我很了解。” Puts down the wine glass, Mu Yao continues to eat to the heart's content, simultaneously the look looks curiously to Feng Qi. 放下酒杯,慕暚继续大快朵颐,同时神色好奇地望向封棋 Mu Yao, I waited for your 113 years.” 慕暚,我等了你113年。” Feng Qi opened the mouth to say at this time in a soft voice. 封棋在这时轻声开口道。 Looks Feng Qi that is looking to smile gently, Mu Yao does not know being startled by these words, ate too to choke quickly, suddenly stopped eating food to act. 望着面露慈祥微笑的封棋,慕暚不知是被这句话给惊到了,还是吃太快噎到了,忽然停止进食动作。 Afterward looks to the Feng Qi vision appears some not to dare to believe: 随后望向封棋的目光显得有些不敢置信: „? 113 years?” “诶?113年?” Tomorrow will explode ~ 明天就爆更~
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