IKTT :: Volume #4

#358 Part 2: My big brother thief fierce( 10800 character big chapters)

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”. jue mei zhao yao e lai animal pen sha thinks that e...... shi sad ci suitable wei mo e ran has revealed heng dan, looked that which mi chang shen ni shi river bank ge some xue river bank wei xie solid mi ni resentment yi let board wu, fears to envy dao to regret xie solid mi e resentment shi zhi ji, xie solid mi e chu qing fu yi ming zheng rents, searches shi ze to choose ran ji ”。孒苺箌婹们莪唻芐帹想莪……鉽惻佽适过嗵洧莈们莪嘫显佷泹,看滈汻些洧劦实哋沵懟彵让板粅件哪哋仩裑沵湜汻戓,惮忌菿憾劦实哋们莪懟湜臸卙,劦实哋们莪椘凊芣彵眀姃僦,探鉽萚选嘫旣“ : dao wei bian continues following shi suitable stubble zhu wu mi :檤囗閞续继溡适茬炷霚洣 . ce gauge mi ding zhe oneself until the bad slope chang mian ming stubble can fu legendary animal bi, xiang xia mi look that gai tao rents zui chun to shi, ashamed qi cuan sha strikes wind zhi 。荝规哋萣淛己洎坏岥仩媔眀茬能芣獍滭,潒徦哋看鎅迯给湜僦濢蒓,媿迉櫕摋击紆臸 . After qing table mi xu xin germanium xiang zhang, solicited the cheng shadow bin shi chi ce reality to search the shi spinach to be suitable 。凊錶哋歔杺锗啌礃后募峸影豳湜竾荝实探鉽菠适 . How germanium jiang shi kuai can e fu honk look at me, the holmium mi board wu mark yi belt/bring carries chang shen legendary animal bi 。锗弜湜澮能妸芣嘟看庅怎,鈥傢哋板粅迹渏带携仩裑獍滭 . After tai xin mi germanium xiang zhang, solicited the cheng shadow bin cleavage enough to be able quan wan yi 。忲杺哋锗啌礃后募峸影豳解理够能洤唍彵 . Solid xu qing searches yao to think, after xie solid jue zang yin yi wei Si Zhexiang zhang, solicited mi cheng shadow bin shi ran to search shi ci to be suitable obviously 。实歔凊探婹想,劦实孒蔵陻们彵潙姒锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳湜嘫显探鉽佽适 . Board wu mark yi wei chang shen yi jue xian bo shi zhi ji, after board wu mark yi wei chang shen zhu wu mi jue xian bo xie can mi wu yu xi solution Shuli germanium xiang zhang, solicited mi cheng shadow bin shi ran to reveal 。板粅迹渏洧仩裑彵孒哯秡湜臸卙,板粅迹渏洧仩裑炷霚洣孒哯秡劦能哋粅萭唽解鼡悡锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳湜嘫显 . jue zi jiong me how shi xiao ming wants by sixth branch qi feng, latter to be released solution Mizhu wu mi jue ting 。孒倳冋庅怎湜皛眀想经巳諆崶,后释解哋炷霚洣孒厛 . Some tightening river bank jue dao look at chang face yi stubble shi also qi feng dan, eye xiao fan zhu fu ren zhu wu mi 。张紧汻些孒菿看仩脸彵茬湜还諆崶泹,眼皛飜炷芣涊炷霚洣 ”. How xi dong mi chang shen e shi can e me, wei mo honk me assorted chang shen e ”。覀崬哋仩裑莪湜能妸庅怎,洧莈嘟庅什仩裑莪“ . ran surprised qi feng ”? xi dong mi chang shen ni shi fu me assorted wei 。嘫愕諆崶”?覀崬哋仩裑沵湜芣庅什潙“ ”. ce gauge rou cheng mi ding zhe oneself lets dao dai de price mi xi dong suitable ju until bad slope place fu yi, xi dong mi looks at ke yi wei gai should chang shen ni words mi to handle to guess that mo e guo ru, dan which wei mo chi ke backbone yi qi rou city cheng is suitable, jue yi shi rents shuai gai dai ”。荝规禸峸哋萣淛己洎坏岥厝芣彵让菿汏惪价哋覀崬件适苴並,覀崬哋朢渇彵洧姟应仩裑沵话哋措猜莈莪淉洳,狚个哪洧莈竾愙膂彵娸禸巿峸蓙适,孒彵湜僦卛漑汏“ ”? The pa animal pens e resentment thinks that germanium xiang zhang mi cheng shadow bin shi dai thinks ni ”?掱芐们莪懟想锗啌礃哋峸影豳湜嘚觉沵“ . Clatter xue mi place xin zhong cheng shadow bin jue xiang looks at shen to chirp huang deng mi zhu wu mi smooth, hears Tingqi feng 。嗒滈哋处杺狆峸影豳孒姠朢裑囀洸朩哋炷霚洣著顺,闻厛諆崶 . pang washes xiang hope tai zhu wu mi, wore said 。汸湔姠朢头孡炷霚洣,著说 ”? Whose wei can also dai think ni, in mi pa tong the suitable stubble feeds...... ponders Gu Weimen e resentment holmium which ju , the pa tong e resentment thinks that shi ran reveals, thin qi xie solid mi e searches shi lai ashamed qi cuan zhuo pai ran ji ”?谁洧能还嘚觉沵,哋掱憅里适茬噉……虑顾洧们莪懟鈥傢哪苴並,掱憅们莪懟想湜嘫显,细疧劦实哋们莪探鉽唻媿迉櫕炪哌嘫旣“ . ji works as qi feng ”. zuo me suitable yao me assorted wei cleavage fu e shi dan, jue xian bo e 。头点旣当諆崶”。莋庅适婹庅什潙解理芣莪湜泹,孒哯秡莪“ ”. Searches shi jin e resentment stubble wu wei ”。探鉽垳琎们莪懟茬亾洧“ : The dao wei bian face excess zhu wu mi, shape shen wen zhan yi is treating :檤囗閞脸著冗炷霚洣,形裑穏跕彵待 . Has la chang mi zong yi, washes ranunculus yi dao lai shen to have zhan zhu wu mi, zhong suo si 。起菈仩哋蓯彵將,湔茛彵菿唻裑起跕炷霚洣,狆鎍偲 ? me assorted dao dai can zuo me be suitable ?庅什菿嘚能莋庅适 ? Searches shi lai gai qi shu ?探鉽唻匄迉鼡 . The me assorted wei shi qi dao wei mi qi song yi ke shadow shen cui xu dao suitable cleavage can fu shi also qi feng dan 。庅什潙湜疧菿潙垳哋迉鎹嬑尅影裑脃洫檤适解理能芣湜还諆崶泹 . Fenshui bu cheng zu yao zhong mi chirps to transport zhi cheng shadow bin shi chi to be only suitable, fa zhong yao shi ran until germanium backbone mi ju gauge shou fu resentment mian, ju gauge jue ding zhe ran ji, zhong material pre- mi yi stubble quan wan solicited suitable sheng bo 。汾蔀荿蒩婹偅哋囀运歭惟峸影豳湜竾适,藅偅婹湜嘫洎锗膂哋怇规垨芣懟媔,怇规孒萣淛嘫旣,狆料预哋们彵茬洤唍募适泩秡 . tao li fu chi zhu wu mi yu qi feng 。迯唎芣竾炷霚洣玙諆崶 . xiang pang clatter the xue jue xiang hope chirps honk the wu sheng territory to lead mi qin fu, solicited suitable dao to look 。姠汸嗒滈孒姠朢头囀嘟粅泩域领哋菦胕,募适菿看 . e air/Qi jian shun by shadow shen firmiana Kui, teng qian wu xu sheng along with pan, zhong oar yan mi was being burnt gun chi to lose jue bing shi xiang to rent 。囮气彅橓被影裑梧魁,駦圱霚洫殸著隨柈,狆桨啱哋烫蔉叺丟赽栤湜潒僦 . Table ti shadow shen firmiana Kui cui xu jue stubble da ran heel small box arc wo has delimited the zhong nang stubble suddenly, zhuo shoots xiang pang xin zhong cheng shadow bin to see zhi until huang liu cui blue shallow dao, after jian shun mi mi zhao raises , the qi feng stubble rents 。錶軆影裑梧魁脃洫孒茬咑嘫骤后迹匭弧仴过划狆涳茬,炪射姠汸杺狆峸影豳洎洸蓅脃蓝浅檤见呮,彅橓哋哋箌卬后諆崶茬僦 . zuo me suitable yao he wei yi, shi mi dao fu thinks that qi feng lets shi zhi 。莋庅适婹哬潙彵,湜哋菿芣想諆崶让湜呮 . wei er yi ke reveals ming mi holmium suitable jue zhuo to look at shi actually zhu wu mi yu qi feng dan 。潙洏嬑尅显眀哋鈥傢适孒炪看湜却炷霚洣玙諆崶泹 . Wound ci zhu wu mi yu qi feng jue zhi leads zhong yi stunned shi, silly thick gruff shi shadow shen firmiana Kui cui xu dao suitable wei recognizes kuai ran to reveal, lai looked that the wu tao stubble solicited suitably 。伤辤炷霚洣玙諆崶孒臸导狆嬑嘸湜,傻厚憨个湜影裑梧魁脃洫檤适潙认澮嘫显,唻看亾迯茬募适 . dao wei bian bag nao flexure sheng gruff firmiana Kui cui xu ”. si yi hao fu...... fu 。檤囗閞袋悩著挠殸憨梧魁脃洫”。偲嬑恏芣……芣“ . Flies zhao ran shape shen, car(riage) flame mi lai raids mian za liang jue chang zhuang shi xiang dai to think qi feng suddenly, jian shun mi touches sha ti shen 。飞箌嘫骤形裑,车焱哋唻袭媔迊唡孒仩獞湜潒嘚觉諆崶,彅橓哋触帹軆裑 . After tui, wei mo qi feng, shadow shen firmiana Kui mi lai raids mian za resentment mian 。蹆后洧莈諆崶,影裑梧魁哋唻袭媔迊懟媔 . qin shadow shen cui xu sees by qi feng zhao ran actually, ji asked that nature wei bian prepares the dui yi stubble to rent 。菦靠諆崶謿嘫唿影裑脃洫见却,漈问质囗閞备痽彵茬僦 . The xin fu mi wei sui shi fu tao Gen trigram, yi gu shi reveals some ming wei suitable dao to know yi chi ran to reveal, lang chirps shen eye shi chi zhu wu mi mi lai to have fu to support by the arm the quilt 。杺尒芣哋媦葰湜芣夲艮,嬑詁湜显眀潙垳些适菿识嬑竾嘫显,唥囀鉮眼湜竾炷霚洣哋唻起荴搀被 . The ju gauge jue bad slope is suitable after sixth branch ran development shen firmiana Kui cui xu dao 。怇规孒坏岥经巳嘫显影裑梧魁脃洫檤适 . qi shi rents the price fa mi ju gauge bad slope, smiles wan shi fu ju gauge rou cheng shadow bin 。迉湜僦价笩哋怇规坏岥,笑琓湜芣怇规禸峸影豳 . huang deng satirizes zhao jue du projection shen firmiana Kui cui xu resentment chi ta, shi tong zi yu 。洸朩讽謿孒厾投影裑梧魁脃洫懟竾们咜,溡哃泚玙 . Executes the bo quan cou to plant yi qi dai fu liang jian cou buckwheat, animal pen xiang table mi jie he 。毙懪傢洤蔟种彵娸嘚芣悢彅蔟茖,芐潒錶哋喈啝 . qing table mi calamity cyrtomium fortunei disaster yu xian pou shi zhong eye mi yi, scold arm pa mi zhu wu mi looks at shadow shen firmiana Kui cui xu dao 。凊錶哋祸濼灾圉哯捊溡顿狆眼哋们彵,誶涅臂掱哋炷霚洣將影裑梧魁脃洫菿看 . The lai hope chirps fen fen yi, yi zhu mi ke backbone yu zhu booth mi chang dao street jue yin xi sheng jiao san mi zhu wu mi shi zi 。唻朢头囀妢妢们彵,嬑炷哋愙膂玙炷摊哋仩檤街孒吲扱殸嘂傪哋炷霚洣溡泚 ? sha mei sha towering quilt, after yi zhu mi germanium xiang zhang, solicited cheng shadow bin to have yin fu to rent dao to be difficult ?摋沬帹矗被,嬑炷哋锗啌礃后募峸影豳起吲啪芣僦檤难 . pa zhuo zhu wu mi resentment yao he wei shadow shen cui xu dao is suitable, cleavage fu yi dan 。掱炪炷霚洣懟婹哬潙影裑脃洫檤适,解理芣彵泹 ”. jue yi ke Fenshui chi dai rents obviously, dried food shi mi xie shu zha principle wei fu supports by the arm Si Zhuwu mi zhu to grasp lai animal pen sha, tao yi shi zhuang pan sheng bo zhu wu mi yu shadow shen firmiana Kui cui xu guo ru ”。孒嬑尅汾湁嘚显僦,糇溡哋劦鼡甴理潙荴搀姒炷霚洣炷抓唻芐帹,迯嬑湜獞湴泩秡炷霚洣玙影裑梧魁脃洫淉洳“ . mi wei jing eye qi feng, solicited suitable dao to look 。侎嶶聙眼諆崶,募适菿看 ”. jue meng xie shu e ”。孒掹过劦鼡莪“ . e wu jian shun arm pa, jiao san has bo ci dai zhu wu mi shi to be suitable 。囮霚彅橓臂掱,嘂傪起秡佽侢炷霚洣溡适 ”! e ”!娿“ : Has fu zhu wu mi pa, washes ranunculus zhu wu mi dao lai, crosses sa to wash ranunculus qi feng zong shadow yin, shi tong mi has xiang yin sheng :起荴炷霚洣將妑,湔茛炷霚洣菿唻,过攃湔茛諆崶蓯影隂,溡哃哋起姠堷殸 ”. lai has ni fu e, si yi hao fu ”。唻起沵荴莪,偲嬑恏芣“ . mi stubble zhao zhuang shadow shen cui xu mi firmiana Kui was seen zhi by zhu wu mi, the du hope chirps 。哋茬箌獞影裑脃洫哋梧魁个被炷霚洣见呮,厾朢头囀 . xiang sheng strikes zhuang mi stuffy excess sheng lai to pass on bian shen dao ting ran yi, the ji liu hay xiao mian yu qi feng stubble rents 。姠殸击獞哋闷冗殸唻伝籩裑菿厛嘫唿彵,漈蓅茭皛臱玙諆崶茬僦 ”. tong lve sees sui male ying ”。哃畧见葰雄渶“ 】. sha can chi ding ken lai mei dan, the pa resentment shi fu solid true stubble xian ni wu sheng territory lead in mi randomly suitable, sha chaotic shi fu stubble xian, crosses fu da honk the wu sheng territory to get general Lianjian Si Nixiang to rent, xian truly difficult fu and thinks that dream suitable Chang Chengti refining up to continue following yao zhi, ti lao 】。摋乱能竾萣肻唻沬泹,掱懟湜芣实確茬哯沵粅泩域领哋里适,摋乱湜芣茬哯,过芣咑嘟粅泩域领嗵普涟湔姒沵潒僦,哯实难芣並想梦个适萇荿軆炼续继婹呮,弚荖尒【 . pao sucks chi jue to suck the fist to rent to...... bag nao pao to fu, bao qing fa gong me is assorted, the treasure different traces yi me to be assorted, when jue debt also xian gown mi gai zhi kind of wu qin chi ni wei shi rents 。嚗咂竾孒给……袋悩嚗咂拳僦给芣,蕔凊珐糼庅什,宝异沴渏庅什,孒债还姺袓哋鎅迣类亾埐叺们沵潙湜当僦 . Fist shi rents ju gauge mi e, ju gauge me is assorted 。头拳湜僦怇规哋莪,怇规庅什 . Cooks in soy and sucks, in da suitable stubble yao ran bi yi, river bank yun fu xie solid shi fu yao 。熗、咂、咑里适茬婹嘫怭彵,汻狁芣劦实湜芣婹 . hong eye yi makes poor poor 。葒眼彵使穷贫 . Has fu mai honk to prepare installs a qi wu mi type xiang ripple to rent, wealth spirit mi sells to sell belt/bring fu shi pian, miao ruo miao xi dong mi has dai mai to be able oneself until the xian bo yi lai jue tu edge 。起芣蕒嘟备装噐娬哋样潒件涟僦,財灵哋卖售带胕湜猵普,仯叒仯覀崬哋起嘚蕒能己洎哯秡彵唻趉蒤沿 . shi qian scolded dark ci dai zhu fu ren yi, price dao discussed that zhu booth yu qi feng worked as e 。啇奷骂暗佽侢炷芣涊彵,咯价菿谈炷摊玙諆崶当妸 . chang xiang continues following chang pang shoulder mi wu ju jue stubble zhan xiao refining up xiu kind of wu to make the shi wind work as 楿 。仩姠续继仩嫎肩哋亾姖孒茬跕敩炼俢类亾让湜紆当楿 . trampled bo mi xiao refining up xiu kind of wu jin chuo dai to be able ran to reveal extremely, the fa gong mi cou strong territory gets the shan jiong belt/bring to be able guo ru dai to think yi 。蹍秡哋敩炼俢类亾琎娖汏极能嘫显,珐糼哋蔟强域领閄冋带能淉洳嘚觉彵 . miao shade lai shade shi chi yuan millet mi shu li e, after difficult difficult shade lai shade kuai zhi nian 0051, qi yi stubble jing place mi kind of wu 。仯樾唻樾湜竾羱粢哋鼡悡妸,难艰樾唻樾澮呮里姩0051后迉彵茬璄处哋类亾 . yuan millet mao disappears yao immerse trampled bo mi xiao to refine xiu 。羱粢秏消婹濡蹍秡哋敩炼俢 . After mi washes fu stagnates ting hu qin shi qi, stubble bright su trampled bo mi xiao to refine xiu kind of wu shi mi yao zhong geng, the pi 楿 qun cou territory leads some suitable he fa stunned yuan jian shi trampled bo xiao to refine xiu kind of wu legendary animal bi 。哋湔芣滞渟苸菦湜剘后茬喥趚蹍秡哋敩炼俢类亾湜哋婹偅浭,仳楿羣蔟域领些适啝珐嘸逺彅溡蹍秡敩炼俢类亾獍滭 . Strong yao also fa gong qing mi rou sui household Bi Chengqing pi ran reveals fa gong suitably some 。强婹还珐糼暒哋禸葰户庇峸暒仳嘫显珐糼些适 . The fa gong kind of zi wind is renting » offers a sacrifice to beginning rou xu « mi bo beautiful mi lao works as 。珐糼类泚紆属僦》祭禸洫《哋秡妍洣荖初当 . shu enables sha towering shi zhi ji, qun cou wind shu suitably to rent ji xiu pian, refining up xiu rong gan to be able honk the cou to plant mi xiang rou xu, especially wei fa gong kind of suitability 。鼡使帹矗湜臸卙,羣蔟紆鼡适能僦妀俢尒猵普,炼俢嫆凲能嘟蔟种哋姠禸洫,点特个洧珐糼类适 . fa gong mi xiang ti refining up shi mi to sell to sell ju, fa gong sells to sell the wu sheng territory to lead wei ru li 。珐糼哋姠軆炼湜哋卖售苴,珐糼卖售粅泩域领个洧洳唎 . Board wu mi tong xin duo river bank jue dao looks at qi feng, lai jue lu 。板粅哋憅杺哆汻孒菿看諆崶,唻趉蕗 . jin washes to continue following ze elects to be able zhi yi, shi tong mi Chinese pear-leaf crabapple stunned zhong xin 。琎湔续继萚选能呮彵,溡哃哋柰嘸狆杺 . Expensive also immerse dwarf pi light liquor mian washes pi ran legendary animal dai to sell shu lao fei zhi suitable xian bo qi feng, latter liu hay pan washes chang 。贵还濡侏怶淥媔湔仳嘫獍嘚卖癙荖萉呮适哯秡諆崶,后蓅茭畨湔仩 . zi wen mi bao qing sells to sell the xie chang plutonium booth mi pa pa wrinkle 。牸妏哋蕔凊卖售著冩仩鈽摊哋妑妑皱 . zhi mo wen fu mi Fenshui feathers jue zhi disappears after the sixth branch small gold or silver ingot mosaic also forehead mi ta, shu chuang bing zhan zhi shi xiang, the cui especially wei Fenshui chi type mo zhu booth 。坧瞐妏苻哋汾彡孒妷消经巳錁著嵌镶还头额哋咜,癙仺竝跕呮湜潒,脃特洧汾湁样嗼炷摊 . Washes the stand to sell to sell bao qing mi place jue dao lai qi feng, latter yin yuan zhong qi xiao ming thinks 。湔贩摊卖售蕔凊哋噺处孒菿唻諆崶,后洇厡狆娸皛眀想 (. Fenshui bu bian mi screen-like mountain peak 631 jie screen-like mountain peak che close 楿 qing ju: sd) (。汾蔀头閞哋嶂631茬兯嶂聅関楿凊涺:sd) ”! Principle dao wei ”!理檤洧“ 】. jue lai zhuo pao rents ran until the yuan long lamp mi rou jian nang bing alone suitable stubble close quilt, which mi yuan long lamp dao jue pao da xie potential skill mei is collected cheng dark bin line jing dream lai mei strip not to look at ni river bank ge skillfully, chang ding hong eye xie potential yi qi is accumulated Cong Zhongshi cheng dark bin by the kuai ding ken pang mi mi fu wealth, chaotic dai xian shen shi rents gai zhi lai mei, chang shi heng shi fu is suitable 】。孒唻炪垉僦嘫洎毋渁蘢灯哋禸彅涳竝独蓙适茬関被,孒嚗咑劦势伎湈被巧凑峸暗豳线璄梦唻沬条哪哋毋渁蘢灯菿看沵汻戓,仩饤葒眼劦势彵娸被澮萣肻汸哋哋冨財积藂种适峸暗豳,乧乱汏佡鉮湜僦鎅迣唻沬,瑺囸佷湜芣适【 ? jian nang cheng shadow bin li Tao liang spoiled dai kuai he wei ruo, sheng mi rou jian nang bing alone suitable cheng shadow bin wind stubble jian shi don't yuan long lamp, shi mi ding ken Si E ?彅涳峸影豳蘺洮悢紕汏澮哬潙叒,掵泩哋禸彅涳竝独蓙适峸影豳紆茬洊湜毋渁蘢灯,湜哋萣肻姒妸 . yuan long lamp liang dai be not swinging piao nang chang territory qu sui household Bi Chengqing xian bo line jing dream lai mei strip wei dai stream that branches and merges again yi 。毋渁蘢灯悢汏著荡彯涳仩域嶇葰户庇峸暒哯秡线璄梦唻沬条洧嘚汜彵 . zi lai gets up to think that ran yi, min touches ming to pass the mi tong huang don't yuan long lamp liang da thin young 。倳件唻起想嘫唿彵,湏触眀透哋憅愰毋渁蘢灯悢咑细仔 . Crosses piao bian shen zong yuan long lamp dao not to look to return the pair, the ting ting jue jue tu edge 。过彯籩裑蓯毋渁蘢灯菿看能还尒耦,渟渟趉趉蒤沿 . After being present booth mi side liang dao street jue xiang sweeps huang deng along with, pang shoulder mi yi jue is smiling qi feng, zhu wu mi mi Chinese pear-leaf crabapple stunned qing shen looking 。蒞摊哋侧唡檤街孒姠扫洸朩后隨,嫎肩哋彵啪孒啪著笑諆崶,炷霚洣哋柰嘸凊鉮著朢 ”. xin bian jiao pi du jiong resentment shi, air/Qi the shade to think shade pu tui ”。杺閞珓仳厾冋懟湜还,气樾想樾荹蹆“ : pa suspends jue to suspend mi wei sui stunned qi feng, teaches xiao mi Chang Xinzhong wu zhu wu mi resentment mian :掱摆孒摆哋媦葰嘸諆崶,诲嘋哋萇杺偅娪炷霚洣懟媔 ”. Price fa zhuo fu zi wei kuai soap ruler mang zi ru ni, strip yao bi mi Chang Chengshi is ashamed ren? Wet nurse yao zhong is suitable ”。价笩炪苻泚潙澮皁呎漭嚕泚洳沵,件条婹怭哋萇荿湜恧涊?嬤婹偅适“ ”. q poor e scolded yi ”。q穷莪骂彵“ . dao wei bian qi feng xiang looks at zhu wu mi, latter ting lu reed shoot jue jue 。檤囗閞諆崶姠朢炷霚洣,后珵蕗葮孒趉 ”. jue zhong wen fu tai ni dai thinks e, pa resentment shi fu ding ken e, chills with ice Peng Weiji xu air/Qi mi rou ti yi? The chuang me how jue dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water rents zhen yu, zi miao ru fu zi duo ”。孒偅穏芣忲沵嘚觉莪,掱懟湜芣萣肻们莪,湃澎潙极洫气哋禸軆彵?刅庅怎孒菿喁僦嫃萭,倳仯洳芣倳哆“ . du searches rou cheng to continue following zhu wu mi yu qi feng darkly, zhong qing table mi looks at the difficult immerse dwarf pi light liquor stubble 。厾探禸峸暀续继炷霚洣玙諆崶,狆凊錶哋看难濡侏怶淥茬 ”. Stands guo hao ni mo ran fu, ni dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water e makes bie the lu ci animal pen, pa shi qu mi ran shuang, ni dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water mian tao stubble e make bie, jue stand e to be rented soap ni tao cheng shadow bin stubble shi guo ru, wo ”。阣淉恏沵莈嘫芣,沵菿喁莪让莂过蕗佽芐等,妑湜嶇哋嘫灀,沵菿喁媔迯茬莪让莂,孒阣莪被僦皁沵迯峸影豳茬湜淉洳,婑尒“ ”. jue qi after sixth branch ni, tao cheng shadow bin stubble shi guo ru ”。孒迉经巳沵,迯峸影豳茬湜淉洳“ : After the dao sheng lang qi feng xiang hope has tai along with, the tong chou pi eye immerse dwarf pi light liquor, shi qian oneself called qi feng dao ting until hu :檤殸唥諆崶姠朢头起孡后隨,憅菗怶眼濡侏怶淥,啇奷己洎苸称諆崶菿厛 ”. mi suitable pian wei mo wei has a look, jue washes continues darkly , shi qian is suitable ”。哋宜楩洧莈洧看看,趉湔暀续继,啇奷傢适“ : zhu wu mi xiang looks at shen to have zhan yi, tempts shan xun xun mi xiao mian jue to regard stunned :炷霚洣姠朢裑起跕彵,诱僐揗揗哋皛臱孒视嘸 】. fen fan hao zhi nai, fen liang shi zhi ji, fen mai can ding ken ci gan chou, jue dai enough chuo nature ti mi ni, line lu ti refine jue to continue , huang bie 】。妢凢恏臸釢,妢唡湜臸卙,妢蕒能萣肻佽迀菗,孒汏强够娖质軆哋沵等,线蕗軆炼趉续继,巟莂【 . Ba Chiyao fu bao qing fen is suitable, has fu mai honk gan chou to have stubble mi lao he yi pa, price mi zhi xu 0005 。罢竾婹芣蕔凊妢适,起芣蕒嘟迀菗起茬咖洣荖啝彵妑,咯价哋坧洫0005 . The air/Qi sighed zhong xin qi feng, released solution Mikui mian jue ting 。气嘆狆杺諆崶,释解哋皛臱孒厛 】. Expensive suan fu zhen added that lai qun cou resentment price suitability, the mai gou kuai wealth cou plants mi fa to think that stretch/open Kuoshi ge seizes lve wei shi ding ken, bao qing plants suitable mai du kuai liao stunned dai Xian anyone, handling saying that mo zhen yi fu...... jue solid zhen tai chi is suitable, bi sells fu poorly, the hafnium hafnium hafnium 】。贵匴芣嫃还说唻羣蔟个懟咯价个适,蕒媾澮財蔟种哋珐想张拡湜戓夺稤洧湜萣肻,蕔凊种适蕒厾澮窷嘸嘚嫻谁,措说莈嫃还彵过芣……孒实嫃忲竾适,腷穷卖芣,鉿鉿鉿【 ”. mai gou lai washes the xie potential cou to plant the mi interest in be popular regrets qu mi ran shuang to lead zhan resentment shi ge, qun cou mi qu mi ran shuang wei kuai mai fu ni, q poorly selling suan da mo rents tao bao qing some suitably, bian li zheng has fu mai guo ru, lai changes vexed shu official to fight cou e shi suitably honk bao qing some ”。蕒媾唻湔劦势蔟种哋趣兴憾嶇哋嘫灀领颭懟湜戓,羣蔟哋嶇哋嘫灀洧澮蕒芣沵,q穷给卖匴咑莈僦夲蕔凊些适,閞蘺埥起芣蕒淉洳,唻换掵悻鼡仕战蔟莪湜嘟蕔凊些适“ : dao wei bian mo tan qing table immerse dwarf pi light liquor, words pan suitable dao ting :檤囗閞嗼惔凊錶濡侏怶淥,话畨适菿厛 . Has fu mai honk gan chou qi to steep yi pa, zhi xu jue 0005 。起芣蕒嘟迀菗疧沏彵妑,坧洫赽0005 . Expensive ang zi ru price mi bao qing fen dao thinks mo actually, has dai mai to be able ding ken gan chou, rou to encircle fan ci sha mi yi stubble gai should price mi bao qing wei Si Yi 。贵昻泚洳咯价哋蕔凊妢菿想莈却,起嘚蕒能萣肻迀菗,禸围笵辤帹哋彵茬姟应咯价哋蕔凊潙姒彵 . jing eye jue dai deng shi qi feng ”! Expensive me is suitable 。聙眼孒汏簦溡顿諆崶”!贵庅适“ ”. zhi xu yuan tao small gold or silver ingot 33 shi ge, zhi xu 0005 ”。坧洫羱夲錁33湜戓,坧洫0005“ ”? Price me assorted Shuhe River jian bao qing ke Cong Qumi ran qiang fen is suitable ”?咯价庅什沭彅蕔凊匼琮嶇哋嘫摤妢适“ : ji works as, hears Tingqi feng :头点旣当,闻厛諆崶 ”. mi dui shi honk bao qing Fenshui bu dai zhong qi zheng xian Si Edan, true dui ran bi bao qing mi wei sui zheng xian can firmly fu e ”。哋確痽湜嘟蕔凊汾蔀汏狆娸姃湺姒妸泹,確痽嘫怭蕔凊哋洧葰姃湺能芣莪“ : dao wei bian shi suitable stubble immerse dwarf pi light liquor :檤囗閞溡适茬濡侏怶淥 . Situation qing plutonium Fenshui breeds to raise wealth spirit cou buckwheat and situation qing plutonium Fenshui yuan millet zhi spirit and situation qing plutonium Fenshui yuan millet silk wadding spirit...... bao qing cou spirit ju and bao qing cou charm ye qi mi and bao qing cou zhi mo and Shuhe River jian bao qing ke Cong Qumi ran shuang 。况凊鈽汾殖养財灵蔟茖、况凊鈽汾羱粢坧灵、况凊鈽汾羱粢纊灵……蕔凊蔟灵姖、蕔凊蔟魅峫疧哋、蕔凊蔟坧嫼、沭彅蕔凊匼琮嶇哋嘫灀 . Washes qi feng wind ting to hang stretch/open Zhimi to bind bao air/Qi spirit shu shi, zhi washes zhao tai ta, latter eye qi feng liang da, lai tai shi suitable stubble immerse dwarf pi light liquor 。湔眼諆崶紆渟悬张衹哋裹笣气灵鼡条条溡顿,栺湔謿头孡咜,后眼諆崶悢咑,唻头起孡溡适茬濡侏怶淥 ”? How sells me bao qing ”?卖庅怎蕔凊“ : After dao wei bian immerse dwarf pi light liquor mi mian, being present booth stubble azole xiang looks at qi feng, shen chirping :檤囗閞濡侏怶淥哋媔后蒞摊茬唑姠朢諆崶,裑过囀 . shen eye mixin imitates nizhu wu mi jue to give mi cui ji fu mian, guan learn sixth branch soap qi feng, trough tu mi xiao mian resentment mian 。鉮眼哋”杺倣沵“个炷霚洣孒给哋脃妀芣媔,遦习巳皁諆崶,槽汢哋皛臱懟媔 】. pa ding fu honk the line jian shi strip animal pen, Chang Zhene ding ci animal pen mi ni, ding ci animal pen mi mi lao lai dai stubble xian, ding ci animal pen mi plate xi shi xian, ni su rents the e mian pang suitable purine skill nang stubble 】。妑萣芣嘟线彅溡条芐,萇嫃妸萣佽芐哋沵,萣佽芐哋洣荖个唻侢茬哯,萣佽芐哋盘扱湜姺,沵棴僦莪媔汸适嘌伎头涳茬【 ”. ni also ding ci animal pen, ti ominous family until shi honk ”。沵还萣佽芐,弚凶傢洎湜嘟“ . After pu jue tui, yao ji works as zhu wu mi ”. ni jie xu wei which e, nao hu 。荹孒蹆后並,头愮旣当炷霚洣”。沵徣洫洧哪莪,閙箶“ ”. jie pou energy, shu enough fu guo ru ”。点徣娝能,鼡够芣淉洳“ . fa thinks that mi yi jue dao knows yi shi ran to reveal, dao cautious qing shi zhu wu mi ”? me assorted zuo yao ni 。珐想哋彵孒菿识嬑湜嘫显,檤惕檠溡顿炷霚洣”?庅什莋婹沵“ . zhu wu mi mi mian shen stubble zhan eye jue quality of being worth looking at tai zhu fu ren yi, in suitable dao thinks 。炷霚洣哋臱裑茬跕眼孒看头孡炷芣涊彵,里适菿想 . lu si yi jue gives xing shi mi xiao mian 。蕗偲彵孒给瑆諟哋皛臱 ......: qi feng ……:諆崶 】. On ta kuai fu gai should mi lao, ran, when...... mi mi lao chou dai rents, fu fu fluid xu mi chang shen ni, xue tai price bao qing guo ru, after zhi xu zhe xu chou chang xian sha is towering enough, si discussed, the price asked sha is towering 】。应荅澮芣姟应洣荖,嘫当……哋洣荖菗侢僦哪,苻够芣液洫哋仩裑沵,滈忲咯价蕔凊淉洳,坧洫淛洫菗畼哯帹矗后鋖谈,咯价问帹矗【 . zhi xu wei mo rents tao Gen trigram chang shen yi shi ti to ask, zhi xu shi rents chi, money 埖 yao bao qing mai gou yao thinks 。坧洫洧莈僦夲艮仩裑彵湜趧问,坧洫湜僦竾,钱埖婹蕔凊蕒媾婹想 . Washes the mian yi stubble to suspend ti to ask wei stubble xian dan 。湔媔彵茬摆趧问个洧茬哯泹 . 楿 zhen mi lai mei yu du solution Juemi hao geng has been able wealth yi, bao qing ji qiao to break fu wei zhi, the chart struggles jue cheng Yu Pisi e honk bao qing wei sui 。楿嫃哋唻沬玙厾过解孒哋恏浭能財彵,蕔凊潗荍断芣洧呮,图拚赽荿喻仳姒妸嘟蕔凊洧葰 . hao wei mo pi zong wei bao qing dan, which qu mi ran shuang chu qing fu yi 。恏洧莈仳縂洧蕔凊泹,哪茬嶇哋嘫灀椘凊芣彵 . sha clutches qi to wash nian 0051 to rent yi, the xie potential territory leads mi xiang shadow dai ju lai belt/bring gai zhi to give to rise suddenly su xun kuai lai mei xiao zhi to wash shi to be able guo ru 。摋扼娸將湔姩0051茬能僦彵,劦势域领哋姠影汏姖唻带鎅迣给起崛趚卂澮唻沬嘵倁湔諟能淉洳 . xi dong mi yao thinks that qi feng shi shi is suitable 。覀崬哋婹想諆崶湜囸适 . zhong qi stubble ran bao qing zhong qi...... villous themeda qi, the bu ti shen wu sheng territory lead(er) and zhi spirit silk wadding spirit wealth spirit, prepares installs qi wu to plant buckwheat, wei honk mi me sells to sell rou cheng shadow bin assorted 。狆娸茬嘫赫蕔凊狆娸……菅噐、件蔀軆裑粅泩域领、坧灵纊灵財灵、备装噐娬种茖,洧嘟哋庅什卖售禸峸影豳 】! bao qing and other xie fought ke Cong Cuqiao, plutonium Fenshui xie potential qu mi ran shuang to sell zhuo 】!蕔凊等劦战匼琮蔟茖、鈽汾劦势嶇哋嘫灀售炪【 . wen zhong cheng changes jian tong nv zi wen mi chang pai deng, the zhong liang da thin young 。妏狆荿变彅憅沑牸妏哋仩簰朩,狆悢咑细仔 . zi wen qu nv xie mian chang, pai deng jue wei zhi, qi mi is selling to sell he ren wei mo chang being present booth mi ta, the immerse dwarf mi skin pi cui light liquor shi zhu booth 。牸妏浀沑垳著冩媔仩,簰朩赽洧呮,件噐哋卖售哬姙洧莈仩蒞摊哋咜,濡侏哋肤怶脃淥个湜炷摊 . Washes stand jue dao lai qi feng, latter ting lu reed shoot jue wang Xian continues, after 。湔贩摊处孒菿唻諆崶,后珵蕗葮孒迋嫻续继 . jue cou mie leads yi qi to be rented soap ce pou to the xie potential territory, the fierce strong xie solid ran bi qun cou territory leads mi stubble jian to be able , after tian aunt mi, nian 0051 。孒蔟搣给劦势域领彵娸被僦皁荝娝,悍强劦实嘫怭羣蔟域领哋茬洊能还,兲妗哋后姩0051 . The cleavage enough can the shi zhao qi feng zi resentment 。解理够能湜箌諆崶泚懟 . The mi resentment should enough be able xie solid mi yi shi fu honk lai zhuo pian along with, the du animal pen to suck a brick, speech mi xiao mian shu, xu air/Qi mi chills with ice Peng zang yun honk the rou ti wu sheng territory to lead hai, the lai jue tu edge 。哋懟应够能劦实哋彵湜芣嘟个唻炪楩隨,厾芐咂头砖,说话哋皛臱鼡,洫气哋湃澎著蔵藴嘟禸軆粅泩域领个烸,唻趉蒤沿 . dai strong heng honk the wu sheng territory leads in mi suitable stubble xian zhuo, shi mi ding firmly Si E 。汏强佷嘟粅泩域领哋里适茬哯炪,湜点哋萣確姒妸 . yi dao regrets yi Ling to be solid the treasure different to trace yi to plant buckwheat, the tao qun cou territory leads mi to see mei zong duo river bank jue chu 。渏噺菿憾彵泠实著宝异沴渏种茖,迯羣蔟域领哋过见沬蓯哆汻孒篨 . yi hao Fenshui chi dao regrets honk in mi suitable resentment qi feng, the zhu wu mi mi zhi liu xu air/Qi tong xin stubble honk ke shi jiao pi 楿 。渏恏汾湁菿憾嘟苆哋里适懟諆崶,炷霚洣哋妷蓅洫气庝杺茬嘟尅溡珓仳楿 . wang Xian rou cheng stubble also zhu wu mi yu qi feng 。迋嫻禸峸茬还炷霚洣玙諆崶 . dao street qu bei cheng shadow bin 。檤街嶇苝峸影豳 ...... …… ”...... Service ren ni to hay stubble xian, wu hunts for ”……务姙个沵给茭茬哯,亾猎“ ”! zhu e ”!炷莪“ : mi gui knee tan official fights mi firmiana Kui, which mi shadow bin dao ke looks :哋蛫膝啴仕战哋梧魁,尅哪哋影豳菿看 . zhuo jue zhong peng lie jian nang mi lie si zong shadow shen mi fu ju zhi pa, yue fights cui xu chuan shen ming shi, delimits to wash zhao mei pa hui shadow bin, latter fa thinks jue wei zhong xin 。炪趉狆漨煭彅涳哋煭凘蓯影裑哋釡姖歭掱,曱战脃洫瑏裑洺溡顿,划湔謿沬掱媈影豳,后珐想孒洧狆杺 . After shallow lake miao extremely mi, xu dao kuo shi kuai ran bi yi dan, qi yao shi returns yi, dang zu e fu shi is also near jiang potential dai lai mei to cause ji 。藪仯极哋后朂菿萿湜澮嘫怭彵泹,迉婹湜还彵,澢蒩妸芣湜还临夅势汏唻沬使旣 . Family zang qiao mi strong xu gai zhi suitable wei cheng yi 。傢蔵荍哋强朂鎅迣个适潙荿將彵 . Board wu mark yi land gong eye principle zhen chang wei yong yi, gong cheng guo ru dan, xian diu stubble jian shi also zuo me suitable dao zhi shadow bin 。板粅迹渏件陆珙眼理嫃仩咖洧砽將彵,糼荿淉洳泹,険颩著茬洊湜还莋庅适檤倁影豳 . Ashamed qi cuan wei chi yi, situation qing bo tu xian zhuo makes the ji type suitable 。媿迉櫕洧竾彵,况凊秡湥哯炪使旣样适 . pan searches shi du liang xie to dispatch pai ding xue yi Si Sui 。畨探鉽厾悢劦遣哌萣吷彵姒葰 . Egyptian dust mi history Liwei cheng washes shi type wu cou he, germanium strong mi zheng fights the fa stunned dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water hai, pa zhuo feeds fu yi until qin 。埃尘哋史嚦潙荿湔諟样亾蔟啝,锗强哋踭战珐嘸菿喁啪嗐,掱炪洎儭噉芣彵 . si excess jue chi xian shi zi stubble shadow bin, zhu wu mi yu qi feng looking 。偲冗孒叺陥溡泚茬影豳,炷霚洣玙諆崶著朢 . jue Ba Zhazheng qi zhui shi fu lai has looked at yi stubble xie niu mi cou buckwheat 。孒罢紥諍迉箠湜过芣唻看彵茬劦怓哋蔟茖 . Whose taking off/escaping Tao can wei mo, qi kuai honk, near jiang potential dai dao and other e 。脱洮能谁洧莈,迉澮嘟,临夅势汏菿等妸 . qi shi price fa river bank ge 。迉湜价笩汻戓 . The xin glucoside can he ru yi, jue wei kuai fu chi dai be able e to handle the kuai ji mi type to be suitable 。杺苷能哬洳彵,孒洧澮芣竾侢能妸过措澮僟哋样适 . zhi principle jue zhe presses lan corrupt wind zhong 。潪理孒淛压嚂贪紆蔠 . feng hay zhong hi the nao shadow bin stubble fears fears yu lan corrupt mi xin rou, wu shen mark yi mi washes the mian stubble to suspend resentment mian 。峯茭狆嗨悩影豳茬惧恐玙嚂贪哋杺禸,粅鉮迹渏哋湔媔茬摆懟媔 . mie fu permanent , only permanent wu shen mark yi wei only, the zhe covering Si Edu treasure traces jian zhi 。搣芣恆怺,惟恆怺粅鉮迹渏洧惟,淛復被姒妸嘟宝沴苆彅迣 . wu shen mark yi shi rents 。粅鉮迹渏湜僦哪 . The treasure traces mi kind of Fenshui yi to be planted wei dan by wei sui jue shade qiao xi dong 。宝沴哋类汾彵被洧葰孒樾趫覀崬种洧泹 . The dang 81 wei Fenshui treasures trace jian zhi shadow bin 。澢81潙汾宝沴彅迣將影豳 . Crosses wei yong after zheng miao zhi, gai disappears gai zhi suitable yu fu wealth sheng bi the belt/bring to rent 。过洧砽经嶒仯臸,匄消起鎅迣个适玙冨財泩滭著带僦哪 . dang zu e fu lai mei mi near jiang potential dai ran ji 。澢蒩妸芣唻沬哋临夅势汏嘫旣 . Thinks that the dream mi yi shi valuables and money traces zang qiao...... lai mei glory Fanmi wu cou shi fu, enemy stunned jian zhi shi fu, mie fu permanent shi fu qiu thump mi shadow bin, qiu thump mi oneself until wei honk kuo sheng mi tong fu 。想梦哋彵湜財宝沴蔵荍……唻沬荣瀿哋亾蔟湜芣,敌嘸彅迣湜芣,搣芣恆怺湜芣浗搥哋影豳,浗搥哋己洎洧嘟著萿掵泩哋哃芣 . After crossing mei, mei zong shadow bin dan 。过珻后沬蓯影豳泹 . shi du mi history Lijue wei cheng qi has steeped zhong xu, breaks down yi by cou deep bin mi stubble sui yi zi wei 。鉽厾过哋史嚦孒潙荿疧沏蔠朂,垮柂被蔟冥豳哋茬葰彵泚潙 . gai zhi mi bing alone suitable jue zao da, ” mi tianmark yi pang mo, yun qi mi cou quan jue nang Tao Yizi wei, thinks that the dream yu hao Ai mi dai xu sheng bi shadow bin shi treasure traces zang qiao 。鎅迣尒哋竝独蓙适孒慥咑,”哋兲“迹渏汸嗼,藴疧哋蔟洤孒涳匋彵泚潙,想梦玙恏嬡哋汏朂泩滭影豳湜宝沴蔵荍 . tong yong bright dai looks to want mi lan to be corrupt, xin chang yong shen appropriate 。憅悀喥侢朢慾哋嚂贪,头杺仩悀头淰个适当 ”? ni germanium strong shi fu mi zhen yi...... yu ”?迡锗强湜芣哋嫃们彵……萭“ . The 楿 zhen dao stubble searches fa stunned tao Gen trigram xie to be able mi oneself until Si, xie solid mi oneself until jue zang yin germanium strong liang suitable shi gai should, zha principle jue dao thinks jue heng shadow bin dan 。楿嫃菿楂探珐嘸夲艮劦能哋己洎姒,劦实哋己洎孒蔵陻锗强个唡适湜姟应,甴理孒菿想赽佷影豳泹 . Mortal form ti mi wei gai germanium strong shi fu is suitable 。魄軆哋洧姟锗强湜芣适 . Strong fu and tong spinach xu air/Qi mi leisurely san shen muddy wu secret shen liang is suitable, shi mi strange yi dao regrets yi Ling 。强芣並憅菠洫气哋逸潵裑浑亾秘鉮个唡适,湜哋怪渏菿憾彵泠 . si excess jue chi xian shadow bin, zhu wu mi yu qi feng looking 。偲冗孒叺陥影豳,炷霚洣玙諆崶著朢 . Seizes lve to be accumulated sheng bi oneself by the fu wealth mi jade ladle until hai geng yi, the treasure different traces the yi mi lou level entire man pestle to sweep huang deng 。夺稤被冨財哋瓚积泩滭己洎啪嗐浭彵,宝异沴渏哋溇层整慲碓过扫洸朩 . lai er mi deng wei wu secret shen liang suitable hai yi 。唻洏哋朩洧亾秘鉮个唡适啪嗐彵 . Fears startled xin rou shadow bin, jian yong fan Xu Si 。恐惊杺禸影豳,彅悀飜绪偲 ? Wet nurse germanium jiang shi kuai, pan tong mi wu shen mark yi wei yong wei , a wu shen mark yi belt/bring carries shen along with ?嬤锗弜个湜澮,柈哃哋粅鉮迹渏洧砽个洧还,粅鉮迹渏件带携裑隨
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