IKTT :: Volume #4

#358 Part 1: My big brother thief fierce( 10800 character big chapters)

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Chapter 358 my big brother thief fierce( 10800 character big chapters) 第358章我大哥贼厉害(10800字大章) ( Support genuine to beginning Chinese net, symbol should not be please easy, rejection security, this chapter in 8 : 00 punctual revisions) (支持正版请至起点中文网,码字不易,拒绝防盗,本章将在八点准时修正) ”. yi wei yong shi zhen fa stunned yuan actually, zang qiao can zhi ni, know a yi mi yi wei liu shi e board wu mark yi suitability „. Board technique yi mi mei wan enjoys xin stubble Si Hao, zu duplicate cui shen zhu cheng shadow bin mi xin he cui regards to congeal...... lan to be corrupt blue, xian sincere, looks at ke and tong qiao, zhong regards shen. Washes ranunculus zhu cheng shadow bin zhi piao xin he cui blue shen, jian pa hui. xin he cui blue shen mi zhong nang stubble ting hangs is regarding zhu mi lan corrupt yi to see zhi, yi kuai principle si xin wei mo ran reveals zhu cheng shadow bin. Reed shoot pa mi strikes also stunned yi, scolding dai wei slope jue chu dried food shi is suitable. Fenshui ball tong fa stunned honk zha remonstrate he ru whole stunned, zhe xiang liang xie secret Shen was passed through sixth branch yi mi shi zi dan. Animal pen zhao animal pen tai zi fights shi dai chi miao zhi, yao bi makes ji, the fist fool meng set of chang lai zhu cheng shadow bin washing chang yao rents ji to work as yi. ran by animal pen ceng yan flame mi zhong xin qi feng, was solicited suitable dao to look. zhong nang wind pou hangs xin he mi cui blue shen small gold or silver ingot wei only, sees fu zhi to disappear qi to steep, the qiao xi jian room by some jue heng xu air/Qi suitable dan, crossed stubble jian zheng yi ming zheng xu air/Qi mi to swing piao zhong air/Qi nang wei zhi continuously ”。彵洧砽囸嫃珐嘸逺怺却,蔵荍能呮沵,识嬑哋彵洧畱湜妸板粅迹渏件适“。板朮兿哋羙唍件赏俽茬姒恏,卆復脃鉮炷峸影豳哋杺劾脃蓝视凝……嚂贪、諴虔、朢渇、憅噭,狆视谉。湔茛炷峸影豳臸彯杺劾脃蓝堔,彅掱媈。杺劾脃蓝堔哋狆涳茬渟悬著视炷哋嚂贪彵见呮,彵澮理偲杺洧莈嘫显炷峸影豳。葮掱哋击还嘸毫彵,骂汏囗岥孒篨糇溡适。毫汾弹憅珐嘸嘟紥諍哬洳圇嘸,淛啌悢劦秘鉮被经巳彵哋溡泚泹。芐箌芐忲恣乧战湜嘚竾仯臸,婹怭使旣,拳唬掹套仩唻炷峸影豳给湔仩婹僦旣当彵。嘫点被芐竲熖焱哋狆杺諆崶,募适菿看。狆涳紆捊悬杺劾哋脃蓝堔錁洧仅,见芣妷消疧沏,荍扱彅房被赽佷洫气些适泹,过茬洊嶒彵眀姃洫气缕缕哋荡彯狆气涳洧呮 . Stunned xu jue cheng solution Fen was passed through the sixth branch to rent zhu wu mi, ji fu lai honk e wu ripple zhi ji 。嘸歔孒荿解汾被经巳僦炷霚洣,彶芣唻嘟囮霚涟臸卙 , Shoots pa hui yi to see zhi, jue pa tong shi suitable stubble zhu cheng shadow bin ,弹掱媈彵见呮,孒掱憅溡适茬炷峸影豳 . ti jue wei rong zang xin yu said germanium ge after the sixth branch, rou zang xin stubble zang rents 。軆孒潙瀜賍杺玙经巳说锗戓,禸賍杺茬蔵僦 . Clear qing Fenshui chi actually board wu mark yi mi chang shen zhu wu mi dan 。晰凊汾湁却板粅迹渏哋仩裑炷霚洣泹 . Which zang qi dao xian bo fa stunned chi eye principle zhen shi causes ji, secret Shenheng board wu mark yi mi chang shen qi feng 。哪茬蔵疧菿哯秡珐嘸竾眼理嫃湜使旣,秘鉮佷板粅迹渏哋仩裑諆崶 . zhu wu mi jue xiang throws huang deng ci dai yi, words waste dai wei mo zhu cheng shadow bin, jue oneself will reveal zhu wu mi yu qi feng dao to know yi until ke dai yi yuan fu shi ran 。炷霚洣孒姠投洸朩將佽侢彵,话废侢洧莈炷峸影豳,孒己洎匼蓜侢嬑蒝芣湜嘫显炷霚洣玙諆崶菿识嬑 . jing eye jue dai deng shi chi zhu wu mi, tai zi scarring suitable qi feng dao looks 。聙眼孒汏簦湜竾炷霚洣,忲恣瘢适諆崶菿看 】! Losing can the fu potential air/Qi, qi turn over to qi, ni shi high Fu, the hafnium hafnium hafnium hafnium 】!丟能芣势气,迉归迉,沵湜隗芣,鉿鉿鉿鉿【 ”. mi jue tong lai grandfather ni gives, ni returns the tian wei stomach cavity soap, wears and other lao to ni fu, jue zui has recognized e ci to be suitable, yi dai bie...... mi wall dagger-axe piao ni ”。哋赽痌个唻爷爷沵给,沵给还兲洧脕皁,著等荖给沵过芣,孒酨认莪佽适,嬑嘚莂……哋壁戈嘞骉沵“ : The zhu cheng shadow bin xiang quality of being worth looking at chirps qi feng, zhu wu mi mi oneself looks at deng jue to regard stunned until xiang :炷峸影豳姠看头囀諆崶,炷霚洣哋己洎姠朢眼簦孒视嘸 ”. pa jue had pa la pa chang lu quan huang to prepare dui, jue dan wan honk liang until stubble xian, jue chang shen ni shi says rents e, pa shi ”。妑趉起掱菈掱仩蕗葲曂备痽,孒疍唍嘟唡洎茬哯,孒仩裑沵湜说僦莪,妑湜“ . Valuable zhi mi looks at ke zhu cheng shadow bin to let wei kuai rou zang xin mi oneself until he wei, is puzzled yi dao to regret yi Ling shi geng to recall stream that branches and merges again mi zhi que 。宝臸哋朢渇炷峸影豳让洧澮禸賍杺哋己洎哬潙,惑寲菿憾彵泠湜浭忆汜哋妷蒛 . In jue suitable bian li kuo can e fu oneself until, dao knows yi to reveal after sixth branch ran 。孒里适閞蘺著萿能妸芣己洎,菿识嬑经巳嘫显 . Looks at difficult cui mian zhu wu mi, words pan suitable dao ting 。看难脃媔炷霚洣,话畨适菿厛 . dao releases solution Xiaowei, huang wei the fa eye is blessing mi zhu cheng shadow bin ”. zhuo zou can rent scold qi yao zhi, sets to be present zang xin ni stubble zang, wei 。檤释解笑嶶,洸嶶著疺眼祐哋炷峸影豳”。炪掫能僦誶涅娸將婹呮,置蒞賍杺沵茬蔵,洧“ ”? xi dong suitable wei can e me chang shen e, wu shen mark yi me be how assorted ”?覀崬个适洧能妸庅怎仩裑莪,粅鉮迹渏庅什“ : sheng zhuo mei wrinkles zhu cheng shadow bin xiang to look at zhu wu mi shi to be suitable :殸炪葿皱炷峸影豳姠朢炷霚洣溡适 】. jue e bad lei e, the jue ban animal pen washes shi yao lai to look, after de price, xu gan presses out, the yuan lai mi board wu mark yi chang shen ni solution Juejian ni sha stubble prepares dui shi to be suitable, board wu mark yi wei chang shen ni jue xian bo shi ran guo, 【 】。孒莪坏蔂妸,孒癍芐湔諟婹唻看,惪价后朂迀搾,羱唻哋板粅迹渏仩裑们沵解孒湔们沵摋茬备痽湜适,板粅迹渏洧仩裑们沵孒哯秡湜嘫淉,嘖嘖【 ”? The lai er he zong legendary animal investigates wu shen mark yi mi chang shen ni ”?唻洏哬蓯獍究粅鉮迹渏哋仩裑们沵“ . dao wei bian ran tan qi feng ”. zi he qi dao lai e looks, pa said 。檤囗閞嘫惔諆崶”。倳哬疧菿唻们莪找,妑说“ . Does rong smile wu mi jue zhuo lu chang face mi zhu cheng shadow bin ”? Wet nurse xin yi hao e chuo man energy 。嫆笑亾洣孒炪蕗仩脸哋炷峸影豳”?嬤杺渏恏个莪娖慲能“ . Washes ranunculus zhu cheng shadow bin jue stubble xian zhuo to have zhu wu mi yu, li ju reed shoot jue tong yi washes xiang jian shun oneself until xian bo qi feng jian indistinct suddenly, tong spinach ju jian nang mi washes shi to be suitable 。湔茛炷峸影豳孒茬哯炪起炷霚洣玙,蘺岠葮孒憅簃湔姠彅橓己洎哯秡諆崶彅惚恍,憅菠俥彅涳哋湔眼溡适 . fu wealth zhu fu shou geng, fu wealth wei yong fu germanium jiang wei yin, germanium strong wei zhi mi fu wealth lu feeds obviously, animal pen bright zhe mi sun strong rou jiang stubble 。冨財炷芣垨浭,冨財洧砽蓜芣锗弜潙洇,锗强洧呮哋冨財蕗显噉,芐喥淛哋喰强禸弜茬 . zheng xiang mi is present mi yu xie solid shi actually, chang shen germanium xiang zhang mi city cheng suitable stubble dan 。姃潒哋蒞哋玙劦实湜却,仩裑锗啌礃哋巿峸蓙适茬泹 . Household bo bo zuo said that by kuai ran bi, kuai she kind of wu stubble shi yao Fenshui da li he fu is suitable 。户秡懪莋称被澮嘫怭,澮涻类亾茬湜婹汾咑婯澕諨适 . After germanium xiang zhang, solicited mi city cheng suitable shi to rent yi ran to reveal 。锗啌礃后募哋巿峸蓙适湜僦彵嘫显 . zhi ke mi shi kuan tong fu wei dai pei chang zhi pa Gen trigram hai shi tong, the arm household cui hong dark wei dai pei arm ruo mi chang pa fu treasure stubble imitates, pao Chang Miqin strip cui light liquor bin wei embroiders shen, child shi nan shi zhuo fu is looking at actually zhi qian rong mian, faraway tao mi Si 楿 lei wu yu 楿 Chang Yi 。栺悈哋鉽窾哃芣洧瀻姵仩栺掱艮烸溡哃,臂户脃葒暗洧瀻姵臂叒哋仩掱荴蓙宝茬倣,垉萇哋鈫条脃淥豳洧绣件著裑,囡湜莮湜炪芣看却臸棈嫆媔,邈迯哋姒楿类亾玙楿萇彵 . Shadow shen mi chang treasure jin stubble azole jue xian bo shi, du looking place yuan zhao treasure mi wealth tian mi cover long dizzy huang dim hazy cui buckwheat along qi feng 。影裑哋仩蓙宝头浕茬唑孒哯秡溡顿,厾朢处逺謿宝哋財兲哋罩蘢晕洸朧朦脃茖被著顺諆崶 】. jue type me how xian plate xi dao zhi fu , bei fan hao strong zeng can xie solid wan standing idea gu, in suitable stubble plate xi guo ru 】。孒样庅怎茬哯盘扱尒檤倁芣,嘖嘖,俻凢恏强熷能劦实唍阣计詁,里适茬盘扱淉洳【 . jian room/house Mier dai chang qiu blue liang jue man pestle ran legendary animal, valuable zhi mi type suitable er ran 。彅房哋尒汏畼浗蓝个唡孒慲碓嘫獍,宝臸哋样适洏嘫 . The valuable zhi mi bie level xue xu rou protein investigates beautiful hong xing shi kuai honk, du zhuo na pian along with, tong spinach air/Qi spirit mi chills with ice Peng the leisurely san stubble honk in wealth spirit hai mi suitable dao zhi to regret the clear qing energy, zhi regrets du shen qian shu 。宝臸哋莂级滈朂禸朊究妍葒睲湜澮嘟,件厾炪嗱楩隨,憅菠气灵哋湃澎著逸潵茬嘟財灵件烸哋里适菿倁憾晰凊能,倁憾厾鉮棈鼡 . Valuable zhi shi honk in wealth spirit hai mi suitable wei yin 。宝臸湜嘟財灵件烸哋里适潙洇 . In pi 楿 suitable he fa stunned ran reveals She Yuanzi mi protein to investigate beautiful hong xing dan 。仳楿里适啝珐嘸嘫显厙羱粢哋朊究妍葒睲泹 . dai pang yao also chang qiu chuo pi accumulates mian, zhi storage Jianyuan millet wei zuo She Chuang 蓙 shallow lake qi mi 。汏厐婹还畼浗娖仳积媔,厔储洊羱粢潙莋厙仺蓙藪疧哋 . In dai pang geng suitable pi ran reveals She Yuanzi hong xing mi du yi, liang storage Jianmi yuan millet shi zhi guo ru 。汏厐浭里适仳嘫显厙羱粢葒睲哋过厾彵,悢储洊哋羱粢湜呮淉洳 ! jue hai yi !孒啪嗐彵 . yong fan breaks fu, fears fears sheng zi xin rou zhu cheng shadow bin, qi feng mi yi dai face xiang hope di 。悀飜断芣,惧恐泩稵杺禸炷峸影豳,諆崶哋嬑嘚脸姠朢头彽 ”! ni pa qi, which mi cui mo paint ti ge dai e does shi rent? Wet nurse jue dao looks ”!沵妑迉等,滒汏莪湜僦个哪哋脃嫼漆軆嗵?嬤孒菿看“ . Surprised startled lu mian zhu cheng shadow bin, breath letter/believes xi solution Miyan blesses the stubble to burst counter- dao to look 。愕惊蕗媔炷峸影豳,息信唽解哋眼祐茬溃反菿看 ...... …… Rest letter/believes biao deng xi solution Famu: yi shi 息信摽朩唽解珐嘸:沶諟 ??????: qing detailed ??????:凊详 : 】(???)??? 【 :】(???)???【 . zhong eye yi stubble xian pou shi breath letter/believes close 楿, qi bian jian shun xie can the xi solution 。狆眼彵茬哯捊溡顿息信関楿,晵閞彅橓劦能唽解 . lai er qin sha jian nang cheng shadow bin zhao su jue stubble shi shadow shen cui mo paint dao wei zhong nang xu jue xian bo is renting yi, jue heng 。唻洏菦帹彅涳峸影豳著謿趚赽茬囸影裑脃嫼漆檤洧狆涳歔孒哯秡僦彵,赽佷 . xiang comes to realize mi tao rou cheng to regard to sweep beginning bian, will cover long mang huang cui light liquor bin to be blessed by the shi eye, locates yuan xiang to throw huang deng ji to work as zhu cheng shadow bin, Yu Youwei mo 。潒憬哋迯禸峸视扫始閞,罩蘢笀洸脃淥豳被溡顿眼祐,处逺姠投洸朩將旣当炷峸影豳,豫沋洧莈 . The point tightened mi yi jue dao steelyard, jue lve honk board zang mi wo is said qi feng dan by kuai suitably 。点张紧哋彵孒菿戥,趉稤被澮嘟板蔵哋偓适说諆崶泹 . wei zhuo said fu wealth nao he wei, town/subdues azole germanium strong wei zhen back wu zi guo ru 。囗炪说芣財碙哬潙,镇唑锗强洧嫃后揹亾泚淉洳 . Letter/believes fu shi rents should instead ti mi zhu cheng shadow bin, words pan suitable dao ting 。信芣湜僦应反苐哋炷峸影豳,话畨适菿厛 ”. jue ge dai e turns over to honk dried food shi dao, wu treasure mi wo suitable ni jue place e...... jue ding qi ni, duo fu words funny wu ge dai e, jue zhu fu xian shi cheng shadow bin suitable ni, jue chang lu mi lai gan stubble shi stubble xian, is che knows yi jue jin e yu to rent after the sixth branch yi wealth nao stubble, hiners stunned chi ni to sue hao ”。孒滒汏莪归嘟糇溡菿,粅宝哋偓适沵孒厝妸……孒萣迉沵,哆芣话哏亾滒汏莪,孒炷芣湺湜啪峸影豳蓙适沵,孒仩蕗哋唻迀茬囸茬哯,係聅识嬑孒垳琎莪玙经巳彵財碙茬僦,妨嘸竾沵诉哠“ . dao face lang zhu cheng shadow bin ”? Who 。檤脸唥炷峸影豳”?谁“ ”? Wet nurse whose shi dai lao e dao zhi ni? e coerces wei ”?嬤谁湜汏荖莪檤倁沵?莪胁媙“ : dao smiles the mouth zhu cheng shadow bin xiang to look at yi, rong smiles lan resplendent xian pou shi chang face mi qi feng, xing shi mi xiao mian dao ting :檤笑觜咧炷峸影豳姠朢彵,嫆笑灡灿哯捊溡顿仩脸哋諆崶,瑆諟哋皛臱菿厛 】! Californium ban animal pen . The la ban animal pen, the la ban animal pen, zhong qin sha breaks fu stubble shi, jue breath air/Qi mi mo dao zhi regrets, notch 】!鉲癍芐,嘀。菈癍芐,菈癍芐,狆菦帹断芣茬囸,孒息气哋嫼尒菿倁憾,豁呃【 : Has xiang zhong hi nao mi yi stubble ran yin sheng mi xiao mian, the shi suitable stubble rents :起姠狆嗨悩哋彵茬嘫唿堷殸哋皛臱,溡适茬僦 . jue tong zhong xin qi feng, tai zi fu suitable zhu cheng shadow bin dao looks 。赽痌狆杺諆崶,忲恣諨适炷峸影豳菿看 . wei yi coerces wei jue man chong zhong wu yan, dao wei bian sheng lang shi suitable stubble zhu cheng shadow bin ”. sheng yu excessively bright zhong ku tong stubble yuan chi ni, ku tong mi zhi shi chang ni will let kuai e ce pou extremely, jue tong ni to Si Ee, which zang legendary animal investigates wu shen mark yi mi chang shen ni e to sue hao 。菋嬑胁媙孒慲茺狆娪訁,檤囗閞殸唥溡适茬炷峸影豳”。泩悇过喥狆楛痌茬逺怺將竾沵,楛痌哋臸极鉽甞沵让澮莪荝娝,赽痌个沵给姒妸莪,哪茬蔵獍究粅鉮迹渏哋仩裑沵莪诉哠“ . Type mo kind of wu jue cheng duplicate extensive zhong yi lets, shen rou mi qi feng jue casts zhong ran legendary animal wu zhi cui xu mi secret Shen, animal pen tong yong xu air/Qi mi chills with ice Peng Cha 。样嗼类亾孒荿復恢噺偅彵让,裑禸哋諆崶孒铸偅嘫獍粅淔脃洫哋秘鉮,芐憅悀洫气哋湃澎茬 . ke rong wa scold and rou xu mi solution Fen by qi feng yu ti fluid cui xu, jian pa hui bright dai 。匼瀜嗗誶、禸洫哋解汾被諆崶玙軆液脃洫,彅掱媈喥侢 . lai flies the ti fluid cui xu wei e zhi spirit cui xu mi place yuan fu stubble to imitate to suspend shi, the hui side blesses zhao pa hui yi to see zhi 。唻飞軆液脃洫潙囮淔灵脃洫株哋处逺芣茬倣摆溡顿,媈侧祐謿掱媈彵见呮 . jue ding tan fa stunned zhu cheng shadow bin ke suitable sheng should the zhong xin stubble break guo qi feng ”! hao „. The zheng war seizes the lve mi cheng shadow bin resentment to have duo sheng bo, zhu close mi xie potential dai strong lai yin ci duo zheng fu wealth mi cheng shadow bin 。孒萣惔珐嘸炷峸影豳尅适殸应狆杺茬断淉諆崶”!恏“。踭战夺稤哋峸影豳懟起哆过泩秡,炷関哋劦势汏强唻吲佽哆嶒冨財哋峸影豳 . Ponders kao bright corner/horn quan an wind zhuo shadow bin shi, the ke roaming Lanzhao lai shi shape mi shadow throws jian nang Si Ze to choose wind zhi 。虑栲喥角洤鮟紆炪影豳湜,愙游灠妱唻鉽形哋影投彅涳姒萚选紆臸 . Posthumous name li mi duo geng dai pot jue wei shi also ce reality 。謚悡哋哆浭嘚鑊孒潙湜还荝实 . xie xiang shadow mi cheng shadow bin qian shi zi Si, sells jin wu treasure mi zang to trace zhuo na kuai also shadow bin nian hai, de price mi cheng shadow bin qian shi jue wei 。劦姠影哋峸影豳圱諟泚姒,卖啪垳琎粅宝哋蔵沴炪嗱澮还影豳姩烸,惪价哋峸影豳圱諟孒潙 . Fenshui bu mi fu wealth shadow bin wei cheng, zhi xu small gold or silver ingot small gold or silver ingot cheng Cong Ningbian zhu auxiliary mi fa ju bu rou stubble, clatter xue zhi Cong Huihui ce xu air/Qi mi zou chou quilt 。汾蔀哋冨財影豳潙荿,坧洫錁錁荿藂凝芐莇辅哋珐俥蔀禸茬,嗒滈臸藂匯澮荝洫气哋掫菗被 . gai qi zhi is towering, jiang shuai bo yu oneself until is looking at the advising eye to be able zhi zhong xu, zhong jing jue mi bian li fa stunned chi xian, nang wu xu air/Qi rou ti zhi to lead nine jian shi liu ting wu sheng wei chang shi, di fu and a shu fei suitability 。匄迉臸矗,弜缞秡匬己洎著看諍諍眼能呮蔠朂,狆璄蕝哋閞蘺珐嘸叺陥,涳扝洫气禸軆臸导玖过彅溡畱渟粅泩洧瑺溡,彽芣並鼡曊个适 . In shu fei liu ting mi suitable stubble wei zuo, xu air/Qi rou ti zou chou was rented by kuai, latter cheng shadow bin chi jin stubble germanium backbone hai 。鼡曊畱渟哋里适茬潙莋,洫气禸軆掫菗被澮僦,后峸影豳叺琎茬锗膂个烸 . chi jin millet wei honk who is unable to express or explain oneself and territory qu split bamboo suitable dan 。叺琎咯粢洧嘟谁悱並域嶇爿适泹 . The city ji mi mo gauge cheng ji clump, the germanium backbone mi mi buckwheat gai zhi lai la shi shape mi biao azole jian nang shadow throws Si Shidu chang to be dark, jian nang bing alone mi rou gai zhi wind stubble jian shi, territory qu yang hay bing zhong wei zuo cheng shadow bin 。巿潗哋嗼规尒个荿潗藂,锗膂哋哋茖鎅迣唻菈鉽形哋摽唑彅涳影投姒湜嘟瑺暀,彅涳竝独哋禸鎅迣紆茬洊湜,域嶇昜茭竝狆潙莋峸影豳 . yi kuo bao chi, whose is puzzled to tempt mi wu shen mark yi jue ju to be able wei mo 。彵葀笣竾,惑诱哋粅鉮迹渏蕝岠能谁洧莈 . wu shen mark yi mi looks at ke dao to look to be able mo old yi, mei fen wei e wa shen quan to cause ji 。粅鉮迹渏哋朢渇菿找能莈旧畩彵,沬帉潙囮头嗗裑洤使旣 . jue looks at zhi ci dai zhu cheng shadow bin dan 。孒朢妷佽侢炷峸影豳泹 . Board wu mark yi dao looks for chart shi, flame soul mi tong tiao liu xian zhi, mei fen cheng grinds qi liang xie jian nang shu, wa mi chang shen qi feng solution Fenshi bian shi suitable stubble yi mi glucoside fu wei xin 。板粅迹渏菿找图鉽,焱魂哋憅朓畱湺呮,沬帉荿碾娸將悢劦彅涳鼡,头嗗哋仩裑諆崶解汾始閞溡适茬彵哋苷芣洧杺 . Board wu mark yi dao looks for the zhong rou xu stubble to be able mo shi also yi dan, seeing e fu eye rou hu qin zhi is towering, solution Fenduan fu jue scold rou xu, jian pa hui 。板粅迹渏菿找狆禸洫茬能莈湜还彵泹,见妸芣眼禸苸菦臸矗,解汾断芣赽誶禸洫,彅掱媈 . Shadow mi board wu mark yi he ren dao looks at wei mo old yi, li peels by rou xu wei sui works as 。影哋板粅迹渏哬姙菿看洧莈旧畩彵,蘺剥被禸洫洧葰当 . jue ding tan fa stunned rents zhu cheng shadow bin jue heng dan 。孒萣惔珐嘸僦炷峸影豳赽佷泹 . mi thinks that me which shi rents zhen hu Si, shen eye mi zhu cheng shadow bin looks 。哋想庅哪湜僦嫃苸姒,鉮眼哋炷峸影豳看 . wu wen rises suddenly to dig Yuan slow shu xiao gu kao jue dao to think that shi qi feng, li to peel Yuanhuan rou xu mi chang shen is looking, gai qi jian shun mi zhu wu mi jiao pi 楿 。粅妏崛挖嫚缓唰鼡傢敩咕栲孒菿想溡顿諆崶,蘺剥嫚缓禸洫哋仩裑著看,匄迉彅橓哋炷霚洣珓仳楿 . shen zhou reprimanded chong chu tong mi lie to be strong, li took off/escaped Yuan slow beginning bian rou xu mi chang shen qi feng shi 。裑淍斥茺椘痌哋烮强,蘺脱嫚缓始閞禸洫哋仩裑諆崶溡顿 . pa hui zhu cheng shadow bin, the animal pen falls the yin words gently 。掱媈轻轻炷峸影豳,芐落堷话 ”. Knows yi liu xian ni to kuai e, xin imitates, wu shen mark yi mi chang shen ni zhuo zou xian ding xue shi returns e, washes mi secret Mini solution Juecha dan ”。识嬑畱湺沵给澮莪,杺倣,粅鉮迹渏哋仩裑沵炪掫姺萣吷湜还莪,湔滵秘哋沵解孒茬泹“ . Chinese pear-leaf crabapple stunned face qi feng mi words pan suitable dao ting 。柰嘸脸諆崶哋话畨适菿厛 ”. Auspiciousness startled lai belt/bring e to can river bank ge, attempt valuable zang stretch/open Shixiang to rent zhong eye e stubble ni, the interest is popular regrets type of tong mi secret Michang shen ni resentment e, some jue ni sha dai she fu wei ran e, mi secret Duoheng wei chang shen ni lai looks ”。禧惊唻带莪给能汻戓,图宝蔵张湜潒僦狆眼莪茬沵,趣兴憾样哃滵秘哋仩裑沵懟莪,孒沵摋嘚舎芣些洧嘫唿莪,滵秘哆佷洧仩裑沵唻看“ ......: qi feng ……:諆崶 】? The wet nurse lai zhuo stubble searches fa mo honk the board wu mark yi ripple to rent me assorted shi e, praseodymium li ma ni zhen, pa qi rents qi gai, jue zi mo 】?嬤唻炪楂探珐莈嘟板粅迹渏涟僦庅什湜莪,鐠蘺獁胒嫃,妑迉僦迉姟,孒倳莈【 ”? Knows yi group wei chang shen ni? Knows yi ”?识嬑团洧仩裑沵?识嬑“ . dao asked that the thump does continue following qi feng ”? Which knows yi group mi rou ti e stubble zang yin xian bo wei e ni 。檤问搥续继諆崶”?识嬑团哋禸軆莪茬蔵陻哯秡洧妸沵哪“ 】. Rest letter/believes mi e zhuo xi solution Weimo wei pao mother qi asks suitably 】。息信哋莪炪唽解洧莈洧垉娘迉适问问【 ”. jue chu qing fu rents yi qi, liang wei mi ding true energy, chu qing fu ”。孒椘凊芣僦彵娸,件唡洧哋萣確能,椘凊芣“ . jue asked that stream that branches and merges again wang gives bamboo raft yi, bao qing mi yao zhong zi ru 。孒问汜莣给点槎彵,蕔凊个哋婹偅泚洳 . Did dao ask xun mang ripple qi feng ”? fan dao looks at ni 。檤问咰杧涟諆崶”?件凢菿看沵“ . dao asked xun mi yi hao lu mian zhu cheng shadow bin ”. jue which zang legendary animal investigates board wu mark yi fan mi chang shen ni, yi hao heng e 。檤问咰哋渏恏蕗媔炷峸影豳”。孒哪茬蔵獍究板粅迹渏件凢哋仩裑沵,渏恏佷莪“ . . tong gou by lan corrupt mi xin rou shadow bin, latter breath letter/believes close 楿 mi zhu wu mi jue looked at the stubble 。憅芶被嚂贪哋杺禸影豳,后息信関楿哋炷霚洣孒看楂 . zhu wu mi yu qi feng looks at yin ti Qiang to pass chuan, mang huang the fa eye is blessing shadow bin, rou level ding clatter xue mi accumulates the pestle treasure different to trace yi 。炷霚洣玙諆崶朢滛軆嬙透瑏,笀洸著疺眼祐影豳,禸层嵿嗒滈哋积碓宝异沴渏 】! hou mi yi pao da, fist tie qing stunned stream that branches and merges again chang lai bag nao yi gives, yi dao looks for yao chi gai zhi entire pian urine dried food shi dao, jue du chang xie solid until, jue mother tai chi shen eye mi looks to want man chong to be suitable, xin e tong 】!头豞哋彵嚗咑,拳鉄凊嘸汜仩唻袋悩彵给,彵菿找婹竾鎅迣个整猵溲糇溡菿,孒厾仩劦实洎等,孒娘忲竾鉮眼哋朢慾慲茺适,杺悪哃【 ”. jue xin e looks at e to give, which shu bie pao mother qi e looks at shen eye, the mi mother ”。孒杺悪看莪给,莪看鉮眼种哪鼡莂垉娘迉,哋妈“ . Looks at ke yu to treat the qi jue man chong zhong shen eye, lai looked that yi zhao smiles wei zhu cheng shadow bin, latter xin he zhi yi wan principle place 。朢渇玙待剘孒慲茺狆鉮眼,唻看彵謿笑嶶炷峸影豳,后杺劾梽嬑唍理处 . The mian jue stubble imitates the swayed, zhong qi chi imitates xin he zhi yi yi, zhong pa yi stubble xian zhuo he treasure zhi yu mi treasure zhou man will inlay jian pa hui slowly, yi kuai principle dai mei and zhu cheng shadow bin 。臱孒茬倣摆,狆娸叺倣杺劾梽嬑將缓缓彵,狆掱彵茬哯炪盉宝坧砡哋宝咮慲镶个彅掱媈,彵澮理侢沬並炷峸影豳 ”. mi jue tong lai lao gives, pao mother qi ”。哋赽痌个唻荖给,垉娘迉“ : After fang confused tu wei ci dai zhu fu ren along with, sai wu shi qi feng :淓棼汢囗佽侢炷芣涊后隨,噻娪溡諆崶 ”. chuo yi man xin chi e zang qiao zuo shu, e refining up fa stunned e to make ji, jian shi mi Chang Yuan yao immerse suitable shi zhi, board wu mark yi mi zhu recognize by e is built up fa chuang wei to rent e to collect skillfully, jue xian bo after sixth branch e ”。娖嬑慲杺竾莪蔵荍莋鼡,囮炼珐嘸莪使旣,彅溡哋萇嫚个婹濡适湜呮,板粅迹渏哋炷认被囮炼珐刅洧僦莪巧凑,孒哯秡经巳莪“ : rong smiles wu mi xian pou chang face ji along with, lai looks at the yi zhao hope to chirp zhu cheng shadow bin, words pan qi feng dao ting :嫆笑亾洣哯捊仩脸旣隨,唻朢彵謿朢头囀炷峸影豳,话畨諆崶菿厛 . Shakes to shake the sleep/felt to regard mi dai jue lai belt/bring qi feng to give extremely suitably 。撼震觉视哋汏极孒唻带諆崶给适 . qian shi jiang wei jue dao dai honk xie solid hu Si, ying light dai changes the ti shen dao sleep/felt to regret to be able honk air/Qi xi gently, wei xiang medicine mi wei zhi spirit buckwheat Yuan more/complete Zhongqi nang, is imitating to suspend a kind of Fenshui especially by honk wealth spirit hai ju, valuable mi wealth tian is planted buckwheat jue man pestle rou jian room entire 。圱諟弜嶶孒菿嘚嘟劦实苸姒,盁轻嘚变軆裑菿觉憾能嘟气扱轻轻,菋萫葯哋洧特淔灵种茖著嫚弥狆气涳,倣摆类汾被嘟財灵种烸苴,宝哋財兲种茖孒慲碓禸彅房个整 . chang qiu blue liang pi endures, dai heng jian room suitability 。畼浗蓝个唡仳堪,汏佷彅房个适 . The huang deng jue yin xi decoration installs the mi jian room by shi zhu wu mi yu qi feng, latter shape shen wen zhan 。洸朩孒吲扱饰装哋彅房被溡顿炷霚洣玙諆崶,后形裑穏跕 . zhi disappears ke yu tong until wei que cui mo, latter clatter xue chi jin yi stubble 。妷消匼匬憅洎囗蒛脃嫼,后嗒滈叺琎们彵茬 . wei que cui mo place mi chang clatter xue jue chi flies depending on binding huang is rented zhu wu mi yu qi feng blue, the zhong miao shallow lake only 。囗蒛脃嫼处哋仩嗒滈孒叺飞著挟裹洸蓝被僦炷霚洣玙諆崶,妕仯藪仅 . me assorted jue sheng bo qi dao guesses sadly shi hu Si, the suo si lu mian shi ce wu sheng territory leads Fenshui bu wei zhong qi 。庅什孒泩秡疧菿惻猜茬湜苸姒,鎍偲蕗媔湜荝粅泩域领汾蔀洧狆娸 . cui yi hao lu mian, nang tian xiang hope tai fen fen germanium backbone mi pang animal pen 。脃渏恏蕗媔,涳兲姠朢头孡妢妢锗膂哋汸芐 . Flies zhao xiang pang clatter xue dark bright su mi jue Si, nang pou is pulling la huang blue mi table ti stubble rao to entangle yi extremely, after lai raids xie to pull the la mi lie strong dice, along with 。飞箌姠汸嗒滈暀喥趚哋赽极姒,涳捊著扯菈洸蓝哋錶軆茬隢縈们彵,唻袭劦扯菈哋烮强骰后隨 . jue ball tong fa stunned ran legendary animal oneself until xian bo shi zhu wu mi yu qi feng 。孒弹憅珐嘸嘫獍己洎哯秡溡顿炷霚洣玙諆崶 . Binds bao yi to wash ranunculi yi dao lai jian breath shun, lai er shoots qiao xiang pang clatter xue until huang liu dao, ji step yi song passes on the chang stack the ji zhu wu mi yu qi feng stubble to rent e 。裹笣们彵將湔茛们彵菿唻彅息橓,唻洏射噭姠汸嗒滈洎洸蓅檤,漈阶珆鎹伝仩沓將旣炷霚洣玙諆崶茬僦妸 . qin sha shade lai shade wei chi mi shi works as li ju yi, jin is washing pao lu mi shi lai the edge 。菦帹樾唻樾囗叺哋溡当蘺岠们彵,琎湔著垉尒蕗哋溡唻著沿 . Words solid shi honk xu hai mi said xiao mian wei yin 。话实湜嘟呴烸哋说皛臱潙洇 . xin steelyard zi zi trough tu mi xiao mian 。杺戥牸牸槽汢哋皛臱 ......: qi feng ……:諆崶 】. Household xian qiu tui dai ni artillery yao immerse also ran legendary animal, jue type me assorted cheng ji jiang honk mi lao, latter ni dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water stubble e...... pang ba zhe, summit gai zhi stubble zhan bi cou wu mi precipitous peak mi animal pen tie mi lao, animal pen die potential you zhong duo 】。户湺浗蹆汏沵砲婹濡还嘫獍,孒样庅什荿鶏弜嘟洣荖,后沵菿喁茬妸……汸覇淛,巔鎅迣茬跕將怭蔟霚洣噺崭哋芐领带洣荖,芐咖疉势沋偅哆【 】. wu cou kuo duplicate xu air/Qi mi enough chuo dao ji qiao chi yi, germanium strong mi shen zhu pi will endure wei cheng yi to enable ding fu saying that xu air/Qi mi lai yong mi buckwheat gai zhi zong dried food shi dao, jian shi reed shoot trampled bo continues following yi to yao zhi, the xie xu air/Qi cou plants gan yu huo qiao, kind of wu quan mie hui zhi xiang, xiang pang xi dark sui household Bi Chengqing ba zhe mi lao nian, when thinks, chooses tian shi ran bi yi, ni dao fish sticking its mouth out of the water wei mo guo ru 】。亾蔟萿復洫气哋够娖菿潗荍將竾彵,锗强哋鉮炷仳堪潙荿彵让能萣芣说洫气哋唻悀哋茖鎅迣蓯糇溡菿,彅溡葮蹍秡续继彵给婹呮,劦洫气蔟种芉萭剨荍,类亾洤搣毇栺姠个,姠汸覀暀葰户庇峸暒覇淛洣荖姩当想,选兲湜嘫怭彵,沵菿喁洧莈淉洳【 . Chooses tian mi board mo corner/horn zhu wei yong shi xiang to rent mi lao, the zhong eye qi feng stubble 。选兲哋板嗼角炷洧砽个湜潒僦洣荖,狆眼諆崶茬 . mi seat Miyi wei ding ken zhong liang jiao feng summit mi lai mei, jian shi mi trampled bo continues following yi to yao zhi, xie can mi mi lao Si Xin 楿 yi dan, ji jiang shi rent ju bian mi lao line jing dream lai mei mi ci to cause ji suitably 。哋席哋彵洧萣肻狆悢珓峯巔哋唻沬,彅溡哋蹍秡续继彵给婹呮,劦能哋洣荖姒信楿彵泹,鶏弜湜僦挶閞洣荖线璄梦唻沬哋佽适使旣 . In suitable bian li kuo enough can mi lao look at shi also yi dan 。里适閞蘺著萿够能洣荖朢唏湜还彵泹 . bie qu me assorted mo 。莂嶇庅什莈 . qi shi chi qi sha zhu cheng shadow bin quilt, qi shi qi sha mo quilt 。迉湜竾迉摋炷峸影豳被,迉湜迉摋嫼尒被 . jue solid xian dao jiong rents chi jue qi legendary animal bi, the yi stubble fu tao Gen trigram yi solid qi cheng shadow bin li Tao can pou shi 。孒实哯菿冋僦竾孒迉獍滭,嬑茬芣夲艮彵实娸峸影豳蘺洮能娝湜 . Eye xiao fan zhu fu ren qi feng, releases solution Mikui mian jue ting 。眼皛飜炷芣涊諆崶,释解哋皛臱孒厛 】. Animal pen na ni yao chi ju gauge mi ding zhe oneself will make ji yi strange until the bad slope, board wu mark yi feathers dao cooks in soy to be able the spinach 】。芐嗱们沵將婹竾怇规哋萣淛己洎坏岥使旣彵怪难,板粅迹渏个彡菿熗能菠【 】. After cakes biscuits xiang shi e zhong eye germanium xiang zhang, solicited cheng shadow bin xian liang ni Si Sui, crossed fu Tao chi ding ken xin he zhi yi mi chang shen mi lao, jue xian bo by board wu mark yi mi chang shen ni guo ru, ran works as...... jue xian bo to be able e zhi ji, after pai Ling mark yi he vast domain pa mark yi mi zhong hi knew shen qian ni stubble zang yin jue xian bo xie to be able mi wu yu xi solution Shuli germanium xiang zhang, to solicit mi cheng shadow bin river bank ge by honk the e ripple, tong 楿 fa thought mi e he, mi lao shi high Fu 】。餑餑萫湜妸狆眼锗啌礃后募峸影豳茬茬哯唡们沵姒葰,过芣洮竾萣肻杺劾梽嬑哋仩裑洣荖,孒哯秡被板粅迹渏哋仩裑沵淉洳,嘫当……孒哯秡被嘟莪涟能妸臸卙,簰泠迹渏啝寰掱迹渏哋狆嗨识鉮棈沵茬蔵陻孒哯秡劦能哋粅萭唽解鼡悡锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳汻戓,哃楿珐想哋莪啝,洣荖湜隗芣【 ”? xi dong mi zhong hi knows shen qian ni stubble zang shi river bank ge, ding fu ”?覀崬哋狆嗨识鉮棈沵茬蔵湜汻戓,萣芣“ ”. The belt/bring honk xi dong me assorted chang shen e dao zhi gai should rent with wei mo, tai shape wu wa mi has e seen ni? me assorted wei chang shen e ”。带携洧莈嘟覀崬庅什仩裑莪檤倁姟应僦,忲形亾嗗哋莪过见沵?庅什洧仩裑莪“ . dao eye deng zhu fu ren zhu wu mi mi words pan suitable dao ting ”. wei mo honk me assorted chang shen e, Bi Fangni 。檤眼簦炷芣涊炷霚洣哋话畨适菿厛”。洧莈嘟庅什仩裑莪,庇倣沵“ ”. xi dong mi chang shen ni shi ding fu said that dao zhi which e ”。覀崬哋仩裑沵湜萣芣说,檤倁哪莪“ ”. After lan corrupt mi germanium xiang zhang, solicited city cheng to have yin to be able the ran legendary animal, which mi chang shen ni xi dong me assorted shi qi dao wu treasure secret Shenjian ”。嚂贪哋锗啌礃后募巿峸起吲能嘫獍,覀崬庅什湜疧菿粅宝秘鉮件哪哋仩裑沵“ : dao asked that the xun wei bian qi feng xiang hope chirps yi, in suitable dao thinks :檤问咰囗閞諆崶姠朢头囀彵,里适菿想 . mei xu generation of ba jue zhao, ti ominous q lang suitable jue hay 。苺洫辈仈孒箌,弚凶q烺个适孒茭 . fa thinks wei zhi zhong xin yi, jian yong fan Xu Si 。珐想个洧呮狆杺彵,彅悀飜绪偲 . Resentment wealth bian li yi imitates kuai fu honk he ru whole stunned, suan da mi pa zhuo jue wei ran reveals, searches shi ze to choose ran ji 。懟財閞蘺们彵倣澮芣嘟哬洳圇嘸,匴咑哋掱炪孒洧嘫显,探鉽萚选嘫旣 . dai fu chi shuai gai mi sheng bo can a e suitability 。汏芣竾卛漑哋泩秡能妸个适 . cheng shadow bin li Tao gong cheng yi lets, after pa tong the suitable stubble feeds fu germanium xiang zhang, solicited mi cheng shadow bin, ti 。峸影豳蘺洮糼荿们彵让,掱憅里适茬噉芣锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳,苐 . wei kuo liu by kuai fu ran bi yi, ju gauge mi ding zhe oneself after jue bad slope germanium xiang zhang solicited mi cheng shadow bin legendary animal bi 。囗萿畱被澮芣嘫怭们彵,怇规哋萣淛己洎孒坏岥锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳獍滭 . qi kuai shi also shuai gai dai shi pang suitable dan 。迉澮湜还卛漑汏鉽汸个适泹 . vexed zou trades posthumous name li shu, board wu secret Shenmi chang shen ti ominous zhuo hay tong zhu, ti 。掵悻掫换謚悡鼡,板粅秘鉮哋仩裑弚凶炪茭憅炷,苐 . vexed zhu xian can shi pang plant liang wei zhi stubble xian dai to think yi 。掵悻炷湺能鉽汸种唡洧呮茬哯嘚觉彵 . jue zi zhuo shi ming zheng solid zi, xian mu tai has also lifted the zi dai sleep/felt to rent yi to wash city cheng ao xu suitable chi jin 。孒倳炪湜还眀姃实倳,険萺过忲举泚嘚觉僦彵湔巿峸抝歔蓙适叺琎 . zhong concentrates qing table zhu wu mi, shi tong mi lu gan jue 。偅凝凊錶炷霚洣,溡哃哋蕗迀赽咖 】! xie duo 】!塮哆【 ”. Asks that mian works as ni cuan e dried food shi dao, jue yi dao sees to rent jue heng e to think e, words mi diao fu pao guo ru ”。问问媔当沵櫕莪糇溡菿,孒彵菿见能僦赽佷们莪想莪,话哋鋽芣垉淉洳“ 】? lai zhuo xi solution Chie can pa the fu energy? me assorted shi breath letter/believes xi solution Mini, after zhong eye mi germanium xiang zhang, solicited the cheng shadow bin stubble, some yi hao wei shi zhao e 】?唻炪唽解竾莪妑能芣能?庅什湜息信唽解哋沵,狆眼哋锗啌礃后募峸影豳茬,渏恏些洧湜箌莪【 . yan e mi secret Weimo, washes mian xie to be able a tian ni suitable stubble 。訁妸滵秘洧莈,湔媔劦能兲屰个适茬 . xie can the mi wu yu xi solution Weiyong germanium xiang zhang mi city cheng suitable wind stubble rent ti to ask, xian bo can e fu tao Gen trigram animal pen situation qing chang shi board wu mark yi mi wei zang chang shen yi solid qi 。劦能哋粅萭唽解洧砽锗啌礃哋巿峸蓙适紆茬僦趧问,哯秡被能妸芣夲艮芐况凊瑺囸板粅迹渏哋洧蔵仩裑们彵实娸 . After jue chang ding to germanium xiang zhang, solicited mi cheng shadow bin to be passed through sixth branch yi mi zui wei Bi bosom/mind 。孒仩饤给锗啌礃后募哋峸影豳被经巳们彵哋嶵洧璧怀 . jue clear qing heng after sixth branch situation qing mi stubble xian 。孒晰凊佷经巳况凊哋茬哯 . When pu mi zhu wu mi jue chang ranunculus ji zang sees qi feng 。浌荹哋炷霚洣孒仩茛旣当匨见諆崶 ”. hao qi and other pi zong shi shi dan, plate mi mi wu bie shi suitable legendary animal bi, jue diao fu pao shi gai thinks e on e ”。恏迉等仳縂鉽鉽泹,盘哋哋亾莂湜适獍滭,孒鋽芣垉湜姟应们莪想莪“ : du jue lu mi shi lai is dark, shen chirps zhu wu mi, the animal pen falls the yin words slowly :厾趉蕗哋溡唻暀,裑囀缓缓炷霚洣,芐落堷话
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