IKTT :: Volume #2

#200: That is really miserable!( Before dawn (3 - 5 am))

The fight ended, Lu Yue became the audience focus. 战斗结束,吕越成了全场焦点。 The regiment regimental commanders who these observe are two brave up. 那些观战的战团团长更是两眼冒光。 Although comes to attend the competition is new student/life, but can arrive is in the elite of school fight department. 虽然前来参加争霸赛的都是新生,但能到来的都是所在学府战斗系的精英。 And many future potential giant rising star. 其中不乏未来潜力巨大的新秀。 The performance of Lu Yue has brought to their attention. 吕越的表现已经引起了他们的注意。 They are the frontline soldiers of having fought many battles, saw what Lu Yue use is extremely the sword potential that is difficult to cultivate. 他们都是身经百战的前线战士,一眼就看出吕越使用的是极难修炼的剑势。 He has become these wars to keep eyes open all round the sweetie pie. 他已经成了这些战团团长眼中的香饽饽。 Why the students of other participating classes and grades also knew the fight three classes of only ten people of Star City school to dare to participate suddenly. 其余参赛班级的学员也忽然知晓为什么星城学府的战斗三班仅十人就敢来参赛了。 In various school participants, the elite of domain regiment family background has many like the Xia three brothers and strict Yue, but looks like player actually unique who Lu Yue so cultivates the sword potential. 各学府参赛人员中,像夏家三兄弟、严岳这样领域战团出身的精英有不少,但像吕越这般修炼出剑势的选手却独此一家。 The entire audience filled with the anticipation to the Lu Yue following performance suddenly. 全场观众忽然对吕越接下来的表现充满了期待。 Lu Yue, this compels me to give the perfect score!” Looks Lu Yue that the front surface is walking, Lin Ran teases with a smile. 吕越,这个逼我给满分!”望着迎面走来的吕越,林染笑着打趣道。 Hears these words, the Lu Yue expression shakes the head to say indifferently: 听到这番话,吕越表情淡然摇头道: I never install to compel.” “我从不装逼。” Immediately all around resounded the hiss. 顿时四周响起了嘘声。 Installs well, will wait to continue to give me to install, will install ruthlessly!” Feng Qi grins to say with a smile. “装得好,等会继续给我装,狠狠装!”封棋咧嘴笑道。 Lu Yue hears to open mouth, opens the mouth saying: 吕越听闻张了张嘴,开口道: I...... make contribution.” “我……尽力。” At this time broadcast the sound to resound again, the attention of people went to the arena. 这时广播声再次响起,众人的注意力投向了擂台。 Then is the competition of Team C. 接下来是C组的比赛。 By the war Douliu Class's of future school to fighting Victory Academy fight class. 由未来学府的战斗六班对战胜利学府战斗班。 Although Victory Academy only has a class to participate, but these 60 people are elite elite, this class is also the favorite seed class of this new student/life competition. 胜利学府虽然只有一个班级参赛,但这60人都是精锐中的精锐,这个班也是这一届新生争霸赛的夺冠热门种子班级。 This war, the performance of Victory Academy makes the audience in an uproar. 这一战,胜利学府的表现让全场哗然。 The fight from the beginning, Victory Academy showed the extremely outstanding group to fight the tacit understanding, this fought can definitely describe with easily accomplished. 战斗一开始,胜利学府就展现出了极为优秀的团战默契,这一战完全可以用摧枯拉朽来形容。 Especially the class team leader, wears the eyeglasses, the appearance very ordinary student. 尤其是班级队长,一个戴着眼镜,长相十分普通的学员。 His magical amulet tactical rules show results in person scalp tingles. 他的一手灵符战法秀得人头皮发麻。 As his on own initiative following team charge that cultivates spirit, facing three main force meat shield near bodies, moves aside at a moderate pace flexibly, simultaneously outlined the magical amulet with the spiritual energy, each magical amulet can take away an opponent. 身为灵修的他主动跟着队伍冲锋,面对三个主力肉盾近身,不紧不慢地灵活躲闪,同时用灵气勾勒出灵符,每一张灵符都能带走一个对手。 Finally used less than ten minutes to end the fight. 最终用了不到十分钟时间就结束了战斗。 The victory and defeat school fight class wins Team C advancement overwhelmingly. 胜负学府战斗班以绝对的优势获得C组出线权。 Then is the competition of Team D, Team E and Team F. 然后是D组、E组、F组的比赛。 Team D is the civil war of Star City school, finally six classes win. D组是星城学府的内战,最终六班胜出。 The fight department of Star City school was not famous, this showdown displays averagely, but the audience is very enthusiastic, sends at the winning class's and grade's warm applause. 星城学府的战斗系本就不出名,这场对决表现平平,但观众却十分热情,寄于获胜班级热烈的掌声。 And what performance quite bright eye is the competition of Team F. 其中表现较为亮眼的是F组的比赛。 A fight class of cold winter school, what annotated with the valiant forms of combat is the boorish fellow flows the fighting method. 凛冬学府的战斗一班,用彪悍的战斗方式诠释了什么叫莽夫流打法。 As winning the championship the first popular seed team. 作为夺冠第一热门的种子队伍。 The cold winter fights a class of entire team actually not to have a spirit to cultivate/repair, is the capable man. 凛冬战斗一班全队伍竟然没有一个灵修,全是精壮汉子。 Opening the team leader to lead to break in former days in seven classes of battlefields, with the extremely violent way the opposite party personnel knocked down completely. 开局队长就带队冲入旧日七班的战阵中,用极为暴力的方式将对方人员全部打倒在地。 The cold winter school also has characteristics. 凛冬学府还有一个特色。 Their students make a move very ruthlessly spicy, former days school several students will hit being able to get up body, fainted thoroughly deadly in the past. 他们的学员出手十分狠辣,将旧日学府好几个学员打得起不来身,彻底晕死过去。 Six strong results come out. 六强结果就此出炉。 The time also arrived at noon, was in the off-season stage. 时间也来到了中午,进入到了休赛阶段。 During this, busiest was outside medical team, carried off to conduct the emergency treatment the wounded person unceasingly. 这期间最忙碌的就是场外的医疗队了,不断将伤员抬走进行紧急治疗。 As for student who these are injured, was sent to the Victory Academy convalescent warehouse, conducts the body restore, is good to regain the condition to continue to launch the showdown in afternoon. 至于那些受了轻伤的学员,则被送去了胜利学府的疗养仓,进行身体修复,好恢复状态在下午继续展开对决。 Finished eating the lunch, Feng Qi led a student to return to one side of the arena preparing contest area to sit down again. 吃完了午饭,封棋带着一众学生再次回到了擂台一侧的备赛区坐下。 At this time by the arena was filled with the Victory Academy eating melon student, the aisle of seat seat encircled completely the student who came to observe. 此时擂台两侧坐满了胜利学府的吃瓜学员,就连座位席的走道都围满了前来观战的学员。 Has the home advantage, when the members of Victory Academy fight class arrive prepare the contest area, the audience bursts into the mountainous cry tsunami cheers. 有着主场优势,当胜利学府战斗班的成员来到备赛区,全场爆发山呼海啸般的欢呼声。 Brother Qi, if won the victory class here, we will be ganged up on.” Lin Ran collected the head to say at this time. 棋哥,要是在这里赢了胜利班,我们会被群殴吧。”林染这时凑过脑袋来说道。 Feng Qi hears, gives a calm smile: 封棋听闻,淡然一笑: „After the time comes you front, we first run.” “到时候你垫后,我们先跑。” I protect you.” At this time Mu Qing held up the fist expression earnest say/way. “我保护你们。”这时沐晴举起拳头表情认真道。 No, the Mu Qing study elder sister you intended is too fearful, I rather was hit, that was also better than to become the murderer.” Lin Ran recognizes decisively instigates to say. “别,沐晴学姐你出手太可怕了,我宁可被打一顿,那也比成为杀人犯好。”林染果断认怂道。 After a half hour, the referee form appears. 半小时后,裁判身影出现。 In the broadcast resounds the circular sound. 紧接着广播里响起通告声。 Cold winter school fights three classes, on the arena prepares.” “凛冬学府战斗三班,上擂台备战。” „The stars school fights three classes, on the arena prepares.” “星辰学府战斗三班,上擂台备战。” Feng Qi looked at Lu Yue that and the others stand up to open the mouth to say at this time: 封棋这时望着已经站起身的吕越等人开口道: Come on.” “都加油。” Brother Qi felt relieved, we win certainly.” Must the Hongyun expression earnest response say. 棋哥放心,我们一定赢。”须鸿云表情认真的回应道。 After the moment, both teams arrived at the arena. 片刻后,两支参赛队伍都来到了擂台。 After the referee repeated a rule simply, withdraws from outside. 裁判简单复述了一遍规则后,退出场外。 Two teams fell back on by the arena at this time. 两支队伍这时退到了擂台两侧。 Resounds along with the sound of flare gun, the fight is ready to be set off. 伴随着信号枪的声音响起,战斗一触即发。 The cold winter school fights three classes of students, had realized from yesterday's fight fearfulness of Lu Yue, the front soldier the platoon becomes one row immediately, wants to resist the sword air/Qi attack of Lu Yue with the way of human wall. 凛冬学府战斗三班的学员,从昨天的战斗中已经意识到了吕越的可怕,前排战士当即排成一排,想要用人墙的方式来抵挡吕越的剑气侵袭。 The rear auxiliary staff outlined the technique law fast, condensed several spiritual energy barriers in the battlefield front. 后方的辅助人员更是快速勾勒术法,在战阵前方凝聚出数道灵气屏障。 Lu Yue, your is good, if line we not on.” The monk opened the mouth to say at this time. 吕越,你一人行不行,如果行的话我们就不上了。”和尚这时开口道。 Tries.” “试试。” Lu Yue was saying treads the previous step, the sword air/Qi gradually the congealing shape. 吕越说着踏前一步,剑气逐渐凝形。 Waves the bone-chilling cold sword air/Qi encirclement whole body, spreads across, leaves behind sword seal on the ground. 挥手间凛冽剑气环绕周身,纵横交错,在地上留下剑印。 Saw that Lu Yue walks, the cold winter three classes of students expressions are inwardly angry, even if knows that the Lu Yue strength is powerful, still thought that this is a provocation. 看到吕越独自一人走来,凛冬三班的学员们表情愠怒,即使知道吕越实力强悍,却也觉得这是一种挑衅。 Immediately five close combat soldiers bully near, wants to test the way of close combat to probe the fight of Lu Yue to hit the ability. 当即有五名近战战士欺近,想要试着用近战的方式来试探吕越的抗击打能力。 However these five people of near bodies, they have not felt a forehead stabbing pain suddenly. 然而这五人还未近身,他们忽然感觉到眉心一阵刺痛。 A wisp of blood drops following the forehead. 紧接着一缕鲜血顺着额头滴落。 I kept the hand, drew back, when you died.” “我留手了,退下吧,就当你们死了。” We have not died.” Immediately the student cried out. “我们没死。”当即有一名学员呐喊道。 „? Wants me really to intend to kill you?” “哦?难道要我真的出手杀你?” I......” that student open mouth, the expression instantaneously becomes bitter and astringent, later the little darling draws back to one side. “我……”那名学员张了张嘴,表情瞬间变得苦涩,随后乖乖退的到了一旁。 Saw that five teammates chose giving up, the cold winter three classes of team leader expressions are ugly, immediately exuded one to roar. 看到五名队友选择了放弃,凛冬三班的队长表情难看,当即发出了一声咆哮。 Has outlined the back row output of technique law path to lose the technique law in abundance, then with consciousness hauling technique law toward Lu Yue. 早已勾勒好术法轨迹的后排输出纷纷丢出术法,然后用意识牵引术法朝吕越袭来。 Facing the crowded technique law offensive, Lu Yue is indifferent. 面对密集的术法攻势,吕越淡然自若。 Waves to absorb a congealing solid sword intent from the sword billows, a finger/refers, the swift and fierce sword air/Qi shoots up to the sky upwards immediately, completely all stirs broken the technique law in sky. 挥手间从剑澜上摄出一丝凝实剑意,朝天一指,顿时凌厉剑气冲天而起,将天空中的术法尽皆搅碎。 The sky had the colorful spiritual energy luminous spot rain immediately. 天空顿时下起了五颜六色的灵气光点雨。 Waves again, that wisp of sword intent in hand changes into the sword air/Qi white Hongsao to the front, completely all destroys the technique law barrier, finally sword intent hovering in the nape of the neck place of cold winter three Chief class. 再次挥手间,手中的那一缕剑意化为剑气白虹扫向前方,将术法屏障尽皆毁去,最终剑意悬停在了凛冬三班队长的脖颈处。 If in the battlefield, you have died.” “如果在战场,你已经死了。” Hears these words, on the cold winter three classes of team long faces appears wipes bitterly and astringently, immediately nods saying: 听到这番话,凛冬三班队长脸上浮现一抹苦涩,随即点头道: We defeated.” “我们败了。” This moment audience in an uproar, the applause is lingering on faintly. 此刻全场哗然,掌声不绝于耳。 In the new world of this respectable powerhouse, the performance of Lu Yue conquered thoroughly presented everyone. 在这个尊敬强者的新世界,吕越的表现彻底征服了在场所有人。 At this time another side of the arena, must a Hongyun face dejectedly say: 此时擂台另一侧,须鸿云一脸沮丧道: I good to enter the war, why we with Lu Yue background board, do not have the achievement.” “我好想参战,为什么我们跟吕越的背景板似的,毫无作为。” Hears these words, the monk brings back with a smile must the shoulder of Hongyun, then pinches his fat cheeks saying: 听到这番话,和尚笑着勾起须鸿云的肩膀,然后捏着他肉乎乎的脸颊道: „Can you in two youngster like, the clinkering point like me, can not be loaf diligently, can the background board not work as the lead.” “你就像个中二少年,能不能像我一样成熟点,能偷懒绝不努力,能背景板就绝不当主角。” Must Hongyun hear, struggles saying: 须鸿云听闻,挣扎道: I not!” “我不!” At this time referee announced the result of this fight. 这时裁判宣布了本场战斗的结果。 Lu Yue also turned around at this time, went down the arena with a teammate. 吕越也在这时转身,与一众队友走下了擂台。 Sees this, Feng Qi and Lin Ran smiles. 看到这一幕,封棋林染相视一笑。 The Lu Yue strength can definitely describe with the dimensionality reduction attack here. 吕越的实力在这里完全可以用降维打击来形容。 His present strength goes to the top domain regiment still to be the member of main force level even, attended the new student/life competition by this strength, is completely the unilateral steamroll. 他现在的实力即使去顶级领域战团也会是主力级的成员,以这种实力来参加新生争霸赛,完全就是单方面的碾压。 This time Lu Yue has become the key concern of audience. 此时的吕越已经成了全场的关注焦点。 Then is the competition of second C-D group, Victory Academy to fighting the Star City school fights the Douliu Class. 接下来是第二场C-D组的比试,胜利学府对战星城学府战斗六班。 The rhythm of this competition is extremely fast, the Star City six classes do not have the strength of resistance in the front of victory class, only used for five minutes to end the fight. 这一场比试的节奏极快,星城六班在胜利班的面前毫无反抗之力,仅用了五分钟时间就结束了战斗。 Then is the competition of E-F group. 然后是E-F组的比赛。 These a fight class that competes with the cold winter school showed side of violence again. 这一场比试凛冬学府的战斗一班再次展现了暴力的一面。 Was broken the head with their class several students to war, the blood directing current, the scene is very cruel. 与他们对战的班级好几个学员被打破了脑袋,鲜血哗哗直流,场面十分残忍。 „Was your cold winter school too also violent?” Watched this competition, Feng Qi turned the head to look to Lin Ran said. “你们凛冬学府也太暴力了吧?”看完了这一场比试,封棋转头望向林染道。 Hears these words, Lin Ran does not feel the accident/surprise actually, said with a smile: 听到这番话,林染倒是不觉得意外,笑道: Enters the teacher of that day school to tell us a truth, as military, in the heart must raise three points of ominous, such soldier can withstand brutally, can the strength display maximization, the intention not enter the cold winter school benevolently, here is the paradise of wild animal, only then the fiercest wild animal can gain a footing here.” “进学府的那天老师就告诉我们一个道理,身为武者,心中要养三分凶性,这样的战士才经得起残酷,才能将实力发挥最大化,心怀仁慈就别进凛冬学府,这里是野兽的乐园,只有最凶猛的野兽才能在这里占有一席之地。” Hears these words, Feng Qi is stunned. 听到这番话,封棋愕然。 Can listen from these words, the educational environment of cold winter school is brutal. 从这番话中能听出,凛冬学府的教学环境有多么残酷。 He thinks suddenly that driver uncle of Star City middle school had once said words, said that is he carries toward the graduates of cold winter school has several girlfriends. 他忽然又想到了星城中学的那位司机大叔曾说过的话,说是他载往凛冬学府的毕业生都有好几个女朋友。 He cannot bear look at Lin Ran saying: 他忍不住望着林染道: You in the cold winter school are not the people's idol, there are several girlfriends?” “你在凛冬学府不是全民偶像吗,有几个女朋友?” Hears these words, Lin Ran cannot help but stares: 听到这番话,林染不由得一愣: Without the girlfriend, why asked this?” “没女朋友,为什么问这个?” Score is 0, spicy chicken!” Feng Qi imitates the driver uncle's tone to disdain to say. “战绩为0,辣鸡!”封棋模仿司机大叔的语气不屑道。 Lin Ran:...... 林染:…… Three at this time competing have come. 此时比赛的三强已经出炉。 Then arrived at the ballot link, Feng Qi arrived at the arena to start to draw lots as the representative. 接下来又到了抽签环节,封棋作为代表来到擂台开始抽签。 Very unfortunately, he has not pulled out to draw a bye. 很不幸,他并未抽到轮空。 This their opponent is Victory Academy. 这次他们的对手是胜利学府 As for the muscle strong man class of cold winter school, selected rotating days off. 至于凛冬学府的肌肉猛男班,抽中了轮休。 After a half hour, the broadcast resounds, Lu Yue and the others stepped onto the arena. 半小时后,广播响起,吕越等人走上了擂台。 Before these makes war time, Cai fruit exerted several increase BUFF to Lu Yue, summer dragon and the others encircled completely in side Yang Xiaoxin and the others, by a Lu Yue artificial charge main force. 这一次开战前,蔡果给吕越施加了好几个增幅BUFF,夏龙等人则全部围在了杨小心等人身边,由吕越一人为冲锋主力。 When the signal sound of gunfire resounds, the fight starts. 当信号枪声响起,战斗打响。 Before this war not, like that relaxed. 这一战没有之前那般轻松。 Without drawing a sword Lu Yue, sweeps the sword air/Qi each time, will be used the magical amulet anchorage by the teams leader of victory class, then unites efforts to strike the powder by the teammate the sword air/Qi. 没有拔剑的吕越,每次扫出剑气,就会被胜利班的队长用灵符定住,然后由队友协力将剑气击散。 But is only not relaxed, when Lu Yue is earnest, simultaneously releases dozens sword air/Qi to face forward to attack, the teams leader of victory class chose admitting defeat decisively. 但也只是没有那么轻松,当吕越认真起来,同时释放数十道剑气朝前侵袭,胜利班的队长果断选择了认输。 After the referee announced result of this competition, outside bursts into the warm applause and cheers, but has not had the sign of rebellion. 当裁判宣布本场比赛的结果后,场外爆发热烈掌声与欢呼声,但并未出现暴动的迹象。 After this war ended, in the Feng Qi heart is very sigh with emotion. 这一战结束后,封棋心中十分感慨。 He discovered that oneself underestimated the strength of Lu Yue present stage, the strength that this is not in the situation of draws a sword to show. 他发现自己还是低估了吕越现阶段的战力,这还是不拔剑的情况下所施展出来的实力。 His dazzling, making the participating schoolmate degenerate into the set-off together thoroughly. 他的耀眼,让一同参赛的同学彻底沦为了陪衬。 Regarding this happiest was a monk, he who does not want to act completely, solemn the appearance that mixed to eat to wait for death. 对此最高兴的就是和尚了,完全不想出手的他,俨然一副混吃等死的模样。 Last competition after resting for one hour launches. 最后一场比赛在休息一小时后展开。 Before the finals start, the medical personnel start Lu Yue that and the others gave just competed to get the physical exam, and inquired whether must postpone the competition to start. 决赛开始前,医护人员开始给刚比完赛的吕越等人检查身体,并询问是否要延后比赛开始。 Regarding this Lu Yue and the others said does not immediately use. 对此吕越等人当即表示不用。 Because they have not consumed many physical strengths from beginning to end, naturally does not need the recovery time. 因为他们从头到尾都没耗费多少体力,自然不需要有恢复时间。 When enters the two classes and grades of finals to stand the arena, the audience bursts into the warm cheers. 当进入决赛圈的两个班级站上擂台,全场爆发热烈欢呼声。 The signal sound of gunfire resounds, finally fights opening. 信号枪声响起,最终战开启。 At this time besides the entire audience, among the live broadcasts in is also extremely busy. 此时除了全场观众外,直播间里也是热闹非凡。 The performance of Lu Yue also shocked among the live broadcasts in audience, they shock in the Lu Yue strength at the same time, was in projected in oneself hand in the live broadcasts the only popularity ticket, Lu Yue withstood/top this new student/life competition popularity king position. 吕越的表现也惊呆了直播间里的观众,他们震惊于吕越实力的同时,更是纷纷在直播间里投出了自己手里唯一的人气票,将吕越顶上了本场新生争霸赛“人气王”的位置。 Three competition, Lu Yue fights three classes to lead into the finals by a person of strength the Star City school, among the audience by the live broadcasts was called god teammate. 三场比试,吕越以一人之力将星城学府战斗三班带入决赛,被直播间里的观众称之为“神队友”。 Penetrating fire in a stove of Lu Yue in network. 吕越在网络上彻底火了。 Domain regiment regimental commander on the auditorium has completed preparation that recruits Lu Yue. 观众席上的领域战团团长更是早已做好了招募吕越的准备。 Finally fights according to the Lu Yue individual show. 最终战依还是吕越的个人秀。 Commencing of action, a fight class of cold winter school chooses the boorish fellow -type community advancement class/flow fighting method as before. 战斗开始,凛冬学府的战斗一班依旧选择莽夫式的群体推进流打法。 They bully nearly takes a step Lu Yue fast. 他们快速欺近正迈步走来的吕越 But what made one not think, everyone has not rushed to Lu Yue, in the team branches out one group of people to rush toward monk and the others fast. 但令人没想到的是,并未所有人都奔向吕越,队伍中快速分出了一群人往和尚等人奔去。 Sees this, must Hongyun get hold of the fist, the monk complexion is pale. 看到这一幕,须鸿云握紧了拳头,和尚却面色惨白。 The battle strategy of cold winter school is very simple. 凛冬学府的作战策略十分简单。 Cannot be victorious your Lu Yue, that punches your teammate, punches them to admit defeat. 打不过你吕越,那就揍你队友,揍到他们认输。 So long as the teammate chooses to admit defeat, Lu Yue has not been unable to save the situation even again. 只要队友选择认输,吕越即使再强也没无力回天。 Sees this tactic, Feng Qi is also dumbfounded. 看到这个战术,封棋也是目瞪口呆。 The following picture is extremely cruel. 接下来的画面极度残忍。 The monk and other people were encircled by one group of verve men in the center, one was beaten. 和尚等九人被一群刚猛汉子围在中心,被一顿拳打脚踢。 Saw that this Lu Yue can only erupt the strength, will encircle to strike to faint in cold winter school with the sword air/Qi one after another. 看到这一幕的吕越只能爆发战力,用剑气将围在身边的凛冬学员一个接一个击晕过去。 To constrain the time to Lu Yue, monk and the others started to sway back and forth everywhere. 为了给吕越拖住时间,和尚等人开始满地打滚。 The under students of cold winter school naturally do not dare the extreme methods, actually hits the sore spot specially, is to make them unable to boil, then chooses to give up. 凛冬学府的学员自然不敢下死手,却专打痛处,就是要让他们熬不住,然后选择放弃。 At this time had been punched black and blue, the words do not talk clearly must Hongyun look to the side schoolmate opens the mouth saying: 此时已经被揍得鼻青脸肿,话都说不清的须鸿云望向身边同学开口道: Brother grains...... we...... cannot become the Lu Yue burden, in addition!” “兄粒们……我们……绝不能成为吕越的累赘,加哟!” Hears these words, the people clench the teeth immediately. 听到这番话,众人当即咬紧了牙关。 At this time some most strengths cried out was a monk, his slogan resounded through the arena. 此时最有力气呐喊的就是和尚了,他的呐喊声响彻擂台。 Your special mother which grasps, does my grass your Sir, believe me to pull out dead you.” “你特娘的抓哪呢,我艹你大爷的,信不信我掏出来甩死你。” Who tramples my buttocks again, in the future will have the son not XX, the Buddha lord cursed your entire family.” “谁再踹我屁股,往后生儿子没XX,佛主诅咒你全家。” Elder brothers, asked not to apply makeup, I ate meal by this face.” “哥哥们,求别打脸,我靠这张脸吃饭。” ...... …… From the beginning rampant to recognizing instigated, again to cursing angrily. 从一开始的嚣张到认怂,再到怒骂。 The monk takes a beating at the same time counterattacks in the spoken language unceasingly, attracted many firepower for the teammate. 和尚挨揍的同时不断用言语进行还击,为队友吸引了不少火力。 Finally after supported a meeting difficultly, the Lu Yue solution fight gives support, struck to faint a cold winter class of remaining personnel completely. 终于又艰难支撑了一会后,吕越解决战斗前来支援,将凛冬一班的剩余人员全部击晕了过去。 The finals ended, the audience bursts into the warm applause. 决赛结束,全场爆发热烈掌声。 This war, fights three classes only to be able with hard victory to describe. 这一战,战斗三班只能用“惨胜”来形容。 Looks is lifted up the stretcher, black and blue monk and the others, in the Feng Qi heart have blushed with shame. 望着正在被抬上担架,已经鼻青脸肿的和尚等人,封棋心中汗颜。 That is really miserable. 那是真的惨。
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