IKTT :: Volume #2

#199: Lu Yue it prestige( fourth)

The Feng Qi itself/Ben thinks that divining according to the diagrams of Qin space and time purely was the joke. 封棋本以为秦时空的算卦纯粹就是玩笑。 From infancy to maturity, he had not heard divines according to the diagrams really can infer a future of person to move toward with the destiny path. 从小到大,他就没听说过算卦真能推理一个人的未来走向与命运轨迹。 But when heard Qin Shikong to say when he untimely death, he thought suddenly the Qin space and time as if really had the ability in this aspect. 可当听到秦时空说他会英年早逝时,他忽然觉得秦时空似乎真的有这方面的能力。 At this time Qin Shikong held up the Eight Trigrams (gossip) plate, raised head to look at the starry sky to start the second trigram. 这时秦时空举起八卦盘,仰头望着星空开始了第二卦。 In this period also turned the head to look once for a while toward him. 期间还时不时转头朝他望来。 After operations of a series of being able to understand, the expression of Qin space and time became even more dignified. 一系列看不懂的操作后,秦时空的表情变得愈发凝重。 When the Qin space and time stopped the movement, Feng Qi inquired immediately: 当秦时空停下了动作,封棋当即询问道: This trigram result how?” “这一卦结果如何?” Trigram looked like changed, I...... did not say.” Qin Shikong shakes the head suddenly. “卦象变了,我……不说也罢。”秦时空忽然摇了摇头。 This old taoist priest is whiling away the time we, punches him!】 【这老道士在消遣我们呢,揍他!】 Narrator angrily rebuked to say at this time. 旁白在这时怒斥道。 At this time Feng Qi is also puzzled, can see from the expression of Qin space and time, he as if saw anything. 此时封棋也是一脸困惑,从秦时空的表情中可以看出,他似乎看到了什么。 Thinks of here, he looked at the Qin space and time to open the mouth to say again: 想到这里,他再次望着秦时空开口道: „Regardless how the trigram, you to say likely, I cannot withstand.” “无论卦象如何,您说吧,我承受得住。” Hears this words, Qin Shikong grinned to laugh suddenly: 听到此话,秦时空忽然咧嘴大笑: Boy, I am and you crack a joke, you also really think that I can divine according to the diagrams? What age, did you also believe this thing?” “小子,我不过是和你开个玩笑,你还真以为我能算卦?都什么年代了,你还相信这玩意?” Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… At this time he really had to Qin space and time the impulsion of beginning. 此时他真的有对秦时空的动手的冲动。 But why does not know, he always thought that in the words of Qin space and time as if hid anything. 但不知为何,他总觉得秦时空的话里似乎藏了些什么。 But since Qin Shikong is not willing to relate in detail again, he has not gotten to the bottom again. 但既然秦时空不愿意再细说,他也没有再刨根问底。 „Do you believe the life?” At this time Qin Shikong looked at him to inquire suddenly. “你相信命吗?”这时秦时空忽然望着他询问道。 Does not believe!” Feng Qi said without hesitation. “不信!”封棋毫不犹豫道。 Why?” “为何?” Road in the under foot, how should walk must look at itself, the path destiny that if I choose is difficult to disobey, I am bent on having.” “路在脚下,该怎么走还得看自己,如果我选择的道路天命难违,我就偏要为之。” Ha, said right, before the trigram should not be difficult, but not, your boy a little meaning.” Qin Shikong laughed to say suddenly. “哈哈哈,说得对,勿因卦难而不前,你小子有点意思。”秦时空忽然哈哈大笑道。 Was saying he put out a hand to take out a liquor bottle gourd from the waist, after drawing out the plug, filled one toward the mouth: 说着他伸手从腰间取出了一个酒葫芦,拔出塞子后往嘴里灌了一口: Your boy a little meaning, accompanies me to drink several.” “你小子有点意思,来陪我喝上几口。” Was saying he threw to Feng Qi the liquor bottle gourd. 说着他将酒葫芦抛给了封棋 Put out a hand to receive the liquor bottle gourd, Feng Qi is wanting to drink one, the Narrator sound resounds in the mind: 伸手接过酒葫芦,封棋正欲喝上一口,旁白的声音在脑海中响起: On this bottle gourd is possibly moistening the saliva of old taoist priest, drinks one to be pregnant?】 【这葫芦上可能沾着老道士的口水,喝一口会怀孕的吧?】 Hears the Narrator words, he did not have the desire of drinking immediately, shuts out threw the liquor bottle gourd. 听到旁白的话语,他顿时没了喝的欲望,略带嫌弃的将酒葫芦丢了回去。 I do not drink.” “我不喝酒。” This is not the ordinary liquor, is I brings along in spirit medicated wine, in the past only will then take down to drink one when injury.” “这可不是普通酒,是我随身带在身上的灵药酒,往常只有在受伤时才会取下来喝上一口。” Regard led, oneself do not drink.” “心意领了,本人不喝酒。” 【, Somebody just ordered to purchase material of a number of fermenting purifying the mind liquor couple days ago, now opens eyes to talk nonsense does not drink, when this and dregs male deceives the girl, I have never been in love equally falsely, he ~ tui!】 【啧啧,前几天某人刚下单购买了一批酿制清心酒的材料,现在就睁眼说瞎话不喝,这就跟渣男骗女孩时,我从未谈过恋爱一样虚假,he~tui!】 Disregarded complaining of Narrator, he looked at Qin Shikong saying: 无视了旁白的吐槽,他望着秦时空道: Hasn't consulted you are?” “还未请教你是?” Held up the day of domain regiment, the Qin space and time.” “擎天领域战团,秦时空。” Greeting on first meeting.” Feng Qi smiles to say immediately. “久仰。”封棋当即微笑道。 You have not necessarily heard me, do not come this set with me empty, your city people like beating around the bush, making me not like very much.” Qin Shikong beckoned with the hand to say immediately. “你都不一定听说过我,别跟我来这一套虚的,你们这些城里人就喜欢拐弯抹角,让我很是不喜欢。”秦时空当即摆手道。 This time Qin space and time led held up the day of domain regiment not to promote the top 100 domain regiments obviously. 此时的秦时空所率领的擎天领域战团显然还未晋升百强领域战团。 Therefore he was mistaken that Feng Qi these words are thinking highly completely. 所以他误以为封棋这番话完全就是在恭维。 „Do you come the Victory Academy goal are?” “那您来胜利学府的目的是?” Naturally is takes a look at the good seedling to be worth training, days before I rolled in the wind ice domain field buckle am big, in the near future needs to conduct the personnel replacement.” “当然是来瞧瞧有没有好苗子值得培养,前几日我团在风凌领域场折损较大,近期需要进行人员补充。” Facing the inquiry, Qin Shikong has not concealed, immediately said the goal of arrival. 面对询问,秦时空没有隐瞒,当即说出了到来的目的。 Afterward he looks at Feng Qi to grin to say with a smile: 随后他望着封棋咧嘴笑道: Is interested in coming me to hold up a day of regiment to develop?” “有没有兴趣来我擎天战团发展?” Ok, if I promised you, my family principal estimated that will take plane to kill at the same night, ties up me.” “算了,我要是答应了你,我家校长估计会连夜坐飞机杀过来,将我绑回去。” Also yes, you research and develop the talent, enters me to hold up the day of domain regiment really to do work beneath one's ability.” “也是,你是研发人才,进我擎天领域战团实在屈才。” Hears these words, Feng Qi shows the whites of the eyes, immediately inquired curiously: 听到这番话,封棋翻了个白眼,随即好奇询问道: Since you can tell fortunes, you have calculated your life?” “既然你能算命,那你算过自己的命吗?” Facing the inquiry, the Qin space and time also gawked, later shakes the head with a smile: 面对询问,秦时空也是一愣,随后笑着摇了摇头: „To calculate, but has not calculated.” “想算,但从未曾算过。” Why? It looks like in the novel to write, the telling fortunes person will leak the secret or deduces own future, can the die sooner die sooner?” “为何?难道像小说里写的,算命人泄露天机或是推演自己的未来,就会折寿?” Brings in the future to walks ignorantly, in the future will have the pleasant surprise...... to tell fortunes let alone also on my hobby, is not always accurate.” “带着对未来的无知走下去,往后才有惊喜……更何况算命也就我一爱好,向来不准。” Heard these words, Feng Qi thought of him on each not incoming wire line immediately. 听到这番话,封棋顿时想到了每一次未来线上的他。 Feeling that sees the future result, is really desperate. 那种一眼看到未来结局的感觉,着实令人绝望。 Chatted, two people relations pulled closer much. 闲聊中,两人的关系拉近了不少。 After the moment, Feng Qi said goodbye to the Qin space and time to return to the room, took advantage of opportunity to close the balcony door. 片刻后,封棋告别秦时空回到了房间,顺势关上了阳台门。 The Qin space and time after Feng Qi walked, continued to look up to the starry sky, as to find the regular path in the complex celestial chart. 秦时空则在封棋走后,继续仰望星空,似乎想在复杂的星图中找到规律轨迹。 After the moment, he looks at Feng Qi was standing a moment ago the position, on the face appears wipes the doubts. 片刻后他又看了一眼封棋刚才站着的位置,脸上浮现一抹疑惑。 Returns to the room, Feng Qi to open the suitcase to take out the pajamas. 回到房间,封棋打开行李箱取出睡衣。 Takes a bath to clean the teeth, after changing the pajamas, he lies on the bed quick fell asleep. 洗澡刷牙,换好睡衣后,他躺在床上很快就进入了梦乡。 Next day, he very early wakes up. 次日,他很早就醒来。 Then gave the students to telephone in turn, preventing them to rest deadly in the past, forgot the participation. 然后依次给学生们打了个电话,防止他们睡死过去,忘记了参赛。 After washing, before he arrives at the dormitory, starts to wait. 一番洗漱后,他来到宿舍楼前开始等待。 After the moment, Lin Ran and the others arrive one after another. 片刻后,林染等人陆续到来。 Seemed like the people to rest last night well, only has the monk to have a drowsy look, a tired excessive appearance. 看起来众人昨晚都睡得不错,唯有和尚睡眼惺忪,一副劳累过度的模样。 Then he led a student to have the breakfast. 接下来他带着一众学生去吃了早饭。 After finish breakfast, then started to tour the Victory Academy scenery. 吃完早饭后,便开始游览胜利学府的风光。 The Victory Academy occupying land area total area does not have the Star City school to be big, the design in school is very investigate, is divided into two regions. 胜利学府的占地总面积没有星城学府大,学府内的设计却十分考究,分为两个区域。 The region centered on library is similar the landscape design before cataclysm, the beautiful scenery has pavilions, in the pool before library building is raising many goldfish, when passes through also saw that has the student to throw the food. 以图书馆为核心的区域类似于灾变前的园林设计,有山有水更有亭台楼阁,图书馆大楼前的池子里更是养着不少金鱼,走过时还看到有学员正在投食。 Another part is the teaching area. 另一部分是教学区。 Here architectural style seemed quite rough. 这里的建筑风格就显得较为粗糙了。 Is used in the live operational training everywhere the sand pit, as well as various types of open-air exercise equipment. 到处都是用于实战训练的沙坑,以及各种露天的锻炼器材。 In addition deduces the simulation sand table of war to place in front of the classroom building. 除此之外还有推演战争的模拟沙盘摆放在教学楼前。 Spent for two hours to stroll, they also strolled Victory Academy some regions. 花了两个小时闲逛,他们也只是逛了胜利学府的部分区域。 At this time the new student/life competition approaches, they walk in the Victory Academy actual combat arena direction immediately. 此时新生争霸赛临近,他们当即往胜利学府的实战擂台方向走去。 After the moment, before Feng Qi led the people to arrive at an occupying land area to have the square shape arena of soccer field size . 片刻后,封棋带着众人来到了一座占地有足球场般大小的方形擂台前。 At this time by the arena watching a sports contest seat has been filled with the Victory Academy student, as well as external domain regiment soldier. 此时擂台两侧的观赛席已经坐满了胜利学府的学员,以及外来的领域战团战士。 In the arena two teams of Team A have also been ready, is listening to the referee to tell the rule in competition. 擂台上A组的两支参赛队伍也都已经准备就绪,正听着裁判诉说比赛中的规则。 Reason that there is a rule, for the security concern of participating student. 之所以有规则,也是为了参赛学员的安全考虑。 This is also the problem that in the confrontational competition always has. 这也是对抗性比赛中始终存在的问题。 Even the wrestle competition before cataclysm, still needs certain making a move limit and protection to the player. 即使是灾变前的格斗比赛,也需要对参赛选手有一定的出手限制以及保护。 Even so, will present the disability. 即使这样,还是会出现伤残。 The modern age after cataclysm, the situation is serious. 灾变后的现代,情况更是严重。 Although the participating student does not have many live operational trainings, but is the followers, the making a move lethality is astonishing. 参赛的学员虽然没有多少实战训练,但都是修炼者,出手杀伤力惊人。 Incautiously, will make the opponent die. 一不小心,就会使对手死亡。 Each competition has the high disabled risk. 每一场比试都有较高的伤残风险。 The body cultivates to good, the physical body intensity high energy withstands the high injury at least. 体修向的还好,最起码肉体强度高能承受较高的伤害。 If the pure spirit cultivates, was lost a destructive technique law to discard half life by the opponent, serious even was the direct death. 如果是纯粹的灵修,被对手丢中一个杀伤性术法就会丢掉半条命,严重甚至是直接死亡。 In the confrontational competition the casualties are unavoidable, but must avoid as far as possible. 对抗性比赛中伤亡难免,但还是要尽量避免。 This is also Feng Qi longs for building " Daybreak » primary cause. 这也是封棋一直渴望打造出《破晓》的主要原因。 After the referee told the rule, he fell back on outside the arena. 当裁判员讲述完规则后,他退到了擂台外。 Two teams also fell back on the both sides of arena. 两支队伍也退到了擂台的两侧。 Resounds along with the signal sound of gunfire that the competition starts, both teams start to go into action. 伴随着比赛开始的信号枪声响起,两支队伍都开始行动起来。 Stands the team left side of arena is the fight three classes of cold winter school, although they are not the first seed classes and grades of cold winter school, the strength is not weak, the appraisal is extremely high. 站在擂台左侧的队伍是凛冬学府的战斗三班,他们虽然不是凛冬学府的头号种子班级,实力却也不弱,外界评价极高。 What with them to war was the fight three classes of former days school. 与它们对战的是旧日学府的战斗三班。 At this time the front soldiers of two teams go against immediately, the back row main force retroceded in abundance, arranges in order the battlefield. 此时两支队伍的前排战士当即顶上,后排主力纷纷后退,列好了战阵。 The cold winter school was the 23 students of head takes the lead to launch the attack toward the opposite party camp. 凛冬学府为首的二十三名学员率先朝着对方阵营发起了进攻。 The fight style of cold winter school is always valiant. 凛冬学府的战斗风格向来彪悍。 The creed in school is also a survival of the fittest, encouraging the students to start the competition. 学府内的信条也是适者生存,鼓励学员们展开竞争。 Their soldiers put together are pounded to strike by the technique law, hit the former days school to fight instantaneously three classes of battlefields in the contact, the both sides students with charge inserted former days in the battlefield of school directly, disrupted the opposite party formation. 他们的战士拼着被术法砸击,在接触瞬间就撞开了旧日学府战斗三班的战阵,紧接着跟着冲锋的两侧学员径直插入旧日学府的战阵中,将对方阵型打乱。 Suddenly former days the fight class of school was scared instantaneously. 一时间旧日学府的战斗班瞬间慌了神。 But was quick they to adjust, tried to launch to counter-attack, but wanted to draw the situation at this time already late. 但很快他们就调整了过来,试图展开反攻,但此时想要扳回局势已经晚了。 Fights to present the lopsided form. 才交手就呈现出一面倒的形式。 Sees here, the observing people have guessed correctly the result of this competition. 看到这里,观战众人就已经猜到了这一场比试的结果。 Just as people expected, the cold winter school depended upon the aggressive fighting method to win the victory of this competition quickly. 正如众人所预料的,凛冬学府依靠着凶悍的打法很快就赢得了本场比试的胜利。 This is the contest between followers. 这就是修炼者之间的较量。 The reality is not the round system, does not have your my, needs to get is very long. 现实不是回合制,不存在你一下我一下,需要打上很久。 It is not the expert in novel contests, seemingly actually must get magnificently for a long time. 更不是小说中的高手过招,看似华丽却要打上好久。 In this period even also had you to grow stronger one time, suppressed me, then I grown stronger to suppress you again one time, the middle came on a lead to awaken again angrily again the counter- suppression. 期间甚至还有你变强一次,压制我,然后我再变强一次压制你,中间再来上一个主角愤怒觉醒再反压制。 The aquatic several chapters, pulled mutually ended the fight for a long time. 水上数章,相互拉扯许久才结束战斗。 The fight between followers, was very difficult to present true evenly matched, the fight often ended in a short time. 修炼者之间的战斗,很难出现真正的势均力敌,战斗往往都在短时间内结束。 Even if there is an evenly matched situation, generally still only appears, in the body cultivates to fight. 即使有势均力敌的情况,一般也只出现在体修向的战斗中。 If attacks purely to the spirit cultivates the fight, the victory and defeat often in instantaneous. 如果是纯粹攻伐向的灵修之间的战斗,胜负往往就在瞬间。 Technique law that except that the auxiliary defense approaches. 除去辅助防御向的术法。 Among them the fight looks like the holding a spear/gun duel between western cowboys, both sides lose the destructive technique law mutually, who first makes the opponent is the victory. 他们之间的战斗就像是西部牛仔间的持枪决斗,双方相互丢出杀伤性术法,谁先打中对手就是胜利。 Also the technique law that may lose mutually hits the opposite party, was wounded or died together. 也有可能相互丢出的术法都打中了对方,一起负伤或死亡。 Therefore the regiment disposes seems so important. 所以战团配置才显得如此重要。 Needs to have the meat shield type team member to be responsible for the anti- wound, protects the output of back row. 需要有肉盾类型的队员来负责抗伤,保护后排的输出。 The first round of competition ended, has prepared for outside medical personnel carrying the stretcher to rush to the arena, starts to inspect the wounded person situation, will be wounded the serious wounded person to carry off conducts the emergency treatment. 第一轮比试结束,早已做好了准备场外医护人员抬着担架奔上擂台,开始检查伤员情况,将负伤严重的伤员带走进行紧急治疗。 After a half hour, in the broadcast resounded the notice. 半个小时后,广播里响起了通知。 „The Star City school fights three classes of students, on the arena prepares.” 星城学府战斗三班学员,上擂台备战。” In the future the school will fight a class of student, on the arena prepares.” “未来学府战斗一班学员,上擂台备战。” Hears the broadcast sound, Feng Qi turns the head to look to behind Lu Yue and the others, the smile said: 听到广播声,封棋转头望向身后的吕越等人,微笑道: „The performance, do not lose the face of our Star City school outside well!” “好好表现,在外面别丢我们星城学府的脸面!” Come on!” Mu Qing also made a fist to inflate to say at this time. “加油!”沐晴也在这时握拳打气道。 Won returned to the Star City school to ask you to have the feast, was the time installs to compel.” Lin Ran grins to say with a smile. “赢了回星城学府请你们吃大餐,是时候装逼了。”林染咧嘴笑道。 Lu Yue and the others nod immediately, later circled little segment path to step onto the arena following the stair. 吕越等人当即点头,随后绕了一小段路顺着台阶走上了擂台。 Arrives in the arenas to stand firm, in the future the school will fight a class of student also to step onto the arena at this time. 来到擂台中间站定,未来学府战斗一班的学员也在这时走上擂台。 Saw that the Star City school fights three classes to only have ten people, they also stare. 看到星城学府战斗三班只有十人,他们也是一愣。 Before read the competition list time, they discovered the Star City school fought in three classes of population to have the issue, other classes and grades were 60 people of full Bian, but this class actually only had ten people to participate. 之前看比赛名单的时候,他们就发现了星城学府战斗三班人数上有问题,其他班级都是60人满编,但这个班级竟然只有十人参赛。 At that time many people think was in the statistics transmits incorrectly. 当时许多人都以为是统计数据上传错了。 But at this time saw with own eyes, they realized the fight three classes of numbers of Star City school also are really only ten people. 但此时亲眼见到,他们才意识到星城学府的战斗三班参赛人数还真就只有十人。 Felt unbelievable at the same time, their expression is somewhat speechless. 感到难以置信的同时,他们表情有些无语。 Obviously thinks that front fight three classes are deliver warm, it can be said that negative competition. 显然认为面前的战斗三班是来送温暖的,也可以说是消极比赛。 At this time referee went forward, arrives at the middle of two teams, started to repeat the rule. 这时裁判上前,来到两支队伍的中间,开始复述规则。 After ten minutes, the referee went down the arena. 十分钟后,裁判走下了擂台。 The two teams on arena also fell back on the both sides. 擂台上的两支队伍也退到了两侧。 The sound of flare gun resounded at this time. 信号枪的声音在这时响起。 The Lu Yue very self-confident treading previous step, summer Longxia the tiger launches the attack from the left side, summer leopard and strict Yue launch the attack from the right side. 吕越很自信的踏前一步,夏龙夏虎从左侧发起进攻,夏豹与严岳则从右侧展开进攻。 Saw that front ten people choose the proactive attack unexpectedly, in the future the school will fight class of students also to stare. 看到面前十人竟然选择主动进攻,未来学府战斗一班的学员们也是一愣。 At this time the Lu Yue whole body condensed the white sword air/Qi. 这时吕越周身凝聚起白色剑气。 In the air is glittering the sharp point, sword air/Qi strong winds face forward to oppress to sweep across. 空气中闪烁着锐利锋芒,一股剑气狂风朝前压迫席卷。 In the future will fight a class of student is only the skin and strong winds contacts, felt that intermittent stabbing pain, seems has an invisible sharp blade to touch and go the skin. 未来战斗一班的学员仅是皮肤与狂风接触,就感觉到了阵阵刺痛,好似有一把无形的利刃擦过皮肤。 Even had on the body intensity weak student skin to seep out the blood bead. 甚至有身体强度薄弱的学员皮肤上渗出了血珠。 Lu Yue has not launched the attack to give the opponent the enormous pressure. 吕越还未展开进攻就给了对手极大压力。 Do not treat it lightly, ties to accept a challenge!” “别掉以轻心,结阵应战!” Hears team leader's order, in the future the school will fight a class of auxiliary master to start to outline the technique law immediately, their bodies gradually covered a clear flowing light protector, resists the attack of sword air/Qi by this. 听到队长的命令,未来学府战斗一班的辅助师当即开始勾勒术法,他们的身上逐渐笼罩了一层晶莹流光保护层,以此来抵挡剑气的侵袭。 At this time the left and right offensive bullied near. 这时左右两侧的攻势欺近。 The summer leopard strict Yue of left side summer Longxia tiger and right side, bangs into the crowd fiercely, engages in the battle with the front soldiers of enemy side. 左侧的夏龙夏虎与右侧的夏豹严岳,猛地撞入人群,与敌方的前排战士展开交锋。 Launches to preying of meat sincerely. 拳拳到肉的搏杀就此展开。 But their pressures are enormous, a person must face more than ten people of attacks. 但他们的压力极大,一人就要面对十余人的进攻。 Is good ten apportions the strength because of Cai fruit, outlined the technique law path unceasingly, treated the injury, to recover the energy to four people. 好在蔡果十分给力,不断勾勒术法轨迹,给四人治疗伤势、恢复体力。 At this time Lu Yue trod again the previous step. 这时吕越再次踏前一步。 Immediately the special spirit ore built the arena that became to present the sword mark mark unexpectedly. 顿时特殊灵矿打造而成的擂台竟然出现了剑痕印记。 Before every step treads, some as if innumerable sharp swords surround in his whole body. 每一步踏前,似乎有无数锋锐的剑在他周身环绕。 When he waves to face forward, immediately the invisible sword air/Qi faces forward to sweep across. 当他挥手朝前,顿时无形剑气朝前席卷。 The sword air/Qi is very of relaxed the body surface protection future class of students pierces, leaves behind bloodstains on them. 剑气很轻松就刺穿的未来一班学员们的体表防护,在他们身上留下一道道血痕。 Admits defeat, you on together are not my opponent, I really must make a move your unable to live.” “认输吧,你们一起上也不是我的对手,我真要出手你们一个都活不了。” Hears these words, in the future the school will fight on a class of students face to show the panic-stricken expression. 听到这番话,未来学府战斗一班的学员们脸上露出了惊骇表情。 But they also realized that Lu Yue is not cracking a joke. 但他们也意识到吕越不是在开玩笑。 But really has such strength. 而是真的有这样的实力。 Under arena. 擂台下。 Looks is shouldering the sword billows, face faint Lu Yue, Lin Ran cannot bear cover the face: 望着背负剑澜,一脸淡漠的吕越,林染忍不住捂脸: Brother Qi, Lu Yue this boy started to install to compel.” 棋哥,吕越这小子又开始装逼了。” Installs well, he represents our Star City school to go to battle, behavior that all show the strength to us Star City school long face.” Feng Qi grins to say with a smile. “装得好,他代表我们星城学府出战,一切展现实力的行为都是在给我们星城学府长脸。”封棋咧嘴笑道。 Hears these words, Lin Ran stares, immediately also followed to smile. 听到这番话,林染一愣,随即也跟着笑了起来。 At this time in the arena, Lu Yue stands in that presses the future school to fight class of students not to dare unexpectedly to act rashly. 此时擂台上,吕越站在那竟然压得未来学府战斗一班的学员们不敢轻举妄动。 At this time Lu Yue opened the mouth to say again: 这时吕越再次开口道: Admitted defeat , to continue to fight not to have the significance.” “认输,继续战斗没有意义了。” Does not recognize!” Leading team leader very hard gas channel/angrily said. “不认!”带队的队长很硬气道。 At this time the sword air/Qi blooming sharp ray, pricked their flesh cuns (2.5 cm), the blood flowed off immediately. 这时剑气绽放锋锐光芒,刺入他们的肌肤寸许,鲜血顿时哗哗流下。 Admitted defeat!” At this time stood outside leading the group teacher cries out immediately. “认输了!”这时站在场外的带班老师当即呐喊道。 Heard these words, Lu Yue waves to diverge the sword air/Qi. 听到这番话,吕越挥手散去了剑气。 In the future the school will fight a class to admit defeat, the fight ended.” The referee cried out at this time. “未来学府战斗一班认输,战斗结束。”裁判这时呐喊道。 Hears the referee to announce the result, outside watching a sports contest personnel in an uproar. 听到裁判宣布结果,场外观赛人员一阵哗然。 Feng Qi gave the thumbs-up toward Lu Yue that turning around to look at this time. 封棋这时朝着转身望来的吕越竖起了大拇指。 Lu Yue sees that on the face shows a happy expression rarely. 吕越见状,脸上难得露出一丝笑意。 Was funeral object 1st, the strength did not say worthily, but also the special mother very can install to compel, next can timeline lead him to join dawn army together?】 【不愧是陪葬品一号,实力强就不说了,还特娘贼能装逼,下一条时间线要不要带他一起加入黎明军?】 Can consider, went back to say again.” “可以考虑,回去再说。”
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