IJWTPGQ :: Volume #13

#1221: golden gun

Metal Guard that in six gates to/clashes wave after wave, a Zhou Wen blade wields, Metal Guard of big piece was cut to kill directly, dingdong the dimensional crystal falling sound is lingering on faintly. 六个门内冲出来的金属守卫一波接一波,周文一刀挥出,大片的金属守卫被直接斩杀,叮叮当当的次元结晶掉落声不绝于耳。 And also companion egg of silver metal shape, Zhou Wen picked unexpectedly directly. 其中竟然还有一颗银色金属状的伴生卵,周文直接捡了起来。 Metal Guard: Mythical Rank. 金属守卫:神话级 Fate Standard: metal lifeform. 命格:金属生命 Fate Soul: Metal Armor. 命魂:金属装甲 Wheel of Destiny: Bulletstorm. 命魂之轮:子弹风暴 Strength: 78. 力量:78。 Speed: 71. 速度:71。 physique: 80. 体魄:80。 primordial qi: 67. 元气:67。 innate skill: accurate shooting, armor-breaking bullet and crazy fire. 天赋技能:精准射击破甲弹疯狂扫射 companion state: metal submachine gun. 伴生状态:金属冲锋枪 The Zhou Wen attempt summoned by the condition of submachine gun, Metal Guard turned into one in same the bright silver submachine gun with their hands. 周文尝试以冲锋枪的状态召唤了出来,金属守卫变成了一把和他们手中一样的亮银色冲锋枪。 Deducts the trigger to Metal Guard that is flushing, large flame spraying, under the continual recoil force impact, bullets sprays, hit on Metal Guard, made into the hornet's nest his body. 对着冲过来的金属守卫扣下扳机,火舌喷射,在连续的后座力冲击下,一颗颗子弹喷射出去,打在了一个金属守卫身上,把他的身体打成了马蜂窝。 However quick that Metal Guard wound restores as usual, the metal bullet is completely useless to them. 不过很快那个金属守卫身上的伤就恢复如常,金属子弹对他们完全无用。 It seems like wants to kill Metal Guard with Metal Guard is impossible, only after can remain, used in other places.” So long as Zhou Wen continues with Shura Blade cuts to kill to Metal Guard. “看来想要用金属守卫金属守卫是不可能的,只能留着以后在其它地方使用了。”周文只要继续用修罗刀斩杀冲进来的金属守卫 Cut to kill over a hundred Metal Guard continuously, finally did not have new Metal Guard to clash again, Zhou Wen wanted to walk from that six gates. 连续斩杀了上百个金属守卫,终于没有新的金属守卫再冲进来了,周文想要从那六个门当中走进去。 But just approached the front door, the body is shot by a strength, as if invisible strengths keep off before the gate, keeping him from passing. 可是才刚刚靠近大门,身体就被一股力量弹了出来,仿佛有一股无形的力量挡在门前,让他无法通过。 Zhou Wen uses the teleport attempt to enter, the result did not have means teleport in the past, even space teleportation by some strength shield. 周文又使用瞬移尝试进入,结果同样没办法瞬移过去,连空间传送都被某种力量屏蔽了。 Is deliberately considering in Zhou Wen how must be able to go , a above of front door, an alarm made a sound. 正在周文寻思着要怎么才能够进去的时候,其中一个大门的上方,一个警报器响了起来。 With the grating alarm sound, a form walked from that gate. 随着刺耳的警报声,一个身影从那个门里面走了出来。 Similarly is metal lifeform, but this fellow has more than ten meters height, the golden general color, in both hands is grasping a golden revolver spear/gun all over the body respectively, the body is also burning the golden flame. 同样是金属生命,可是这个家伙却有着十几米的身高,通体黄金一般的颜色,双手中各握着一把黄金左轮枪,身上还燃烧着黄金火焰。 After coming out, to blood-colored little person directly is being crazy fire, brings the golden ray bullet, turns toward blood-colored little person spraying like the raindrop generally. 出来之后,对着血色小人直接就是疯狂扫射,带着黄金光芒的子弹,如同雨点一般向着血色小人喷射而来。 Guarded Zhou Wen teleport to the gold behind, Shura Blade cut to his brain. 周文瞬移到了黄金守卫身后,修罗刀斩向了他的大脑。 But the gold guards the joint place to have the injection gear blowout golden color flame, is promoting his body rapid traverse, avoided Zhou Wen this blade unexpectedly. 可是黄金守卫关节处有喷射装置喷出金色火焰,推动着他的身体快速移动,竟然躲开了周文这一刀。 Had Fear Rank creature(s) to appear quickly?” In the Zhou Wen eye none flashes, the blade from the sky continues to accelerate, move of Immortal Flying Over The Heavens, caught up with the golden guard, cleaves in two his head. “这么快就有恐惧级生物出现了?”周文眼中精光一闪,刀在空中继续加速,一招天外飞仙,还是追上了黄金守卫,把他的脑袋劈成了两半。 The gold guards is pared in the middle of half of heads, reveals large number of metal parts, but had not actually died immediately. 黄金守卫被削去一半的脑袋当中,露出大量的金属元件,可是却并没有立刻死去。 Shura Blade in Zhou Wen hand cuts to strike continuously, avoids the golden dual spears/pistols strafed at the same time, cut several his body, revealed in the chest a golden energy storage. 周文手中的修罗刀连续斩击,躲开了黄金双枪扫射的同时,把他的身体斩成了数块,露出了胸膛中一个金色的能量源。 A knife handle golden color energy storage destroys, the gold guards then unable to fall to the ground finally. 一刀把金色能量源摧毁,黄金守卫这才终于倒地不起。 Cuts to kill Fear Rank creature(s) Golden Wargod 1, discovers dimensional crystal.” “斩杀恐惧级生物黄金战神一型,发现次元结晶。” Zhou Wen picks to look, the discovery is 89 speed crystal, picked the direct absorption hastily. 周文捡起来一看,发现是89的速度结晶,连忙捡起来直接吸收了。 Also without absorbing, heard the alarm sound, in the middle of another gate, Golden Wargod walked, he is very similar to beforehand Golden Wargod 1, is only golden gun in hand is somewhat different. 还没有吸收完,就又听到了警报声,另外一个门当中,又有一个黄金战神走了出来,他和之前的黄金战神一型很相似,只是手中的黄金枪有些不一样。 Another Fear Rank!” Zhou Wen is overjoyed, he was worrying that could not find the place to brush fear creature massively, Venus dungeon simply is his long-awaited dungeon. “又一个恐惧级!”周文大喜过望,他正愁找不到地方大量刷恐惧生物,金星副本简直就是他梦寐以求的副本 Here Golden Wargod striking power is powerful, the defensive power is extremely also strong, the speed is not slow, is very fierce one Fear Rank dimensional creature. 这里的黄金战神攻击力强悍,防御力也极强,速度也不慢,算是非常厉害的一种恐惧级次元生物 But in Zhou Wen this excelling teleport, there is in front of a person of powerful attack force, basically only then slaughtered share. 可是在周文这种擅长瞬移,又有强大攻击力的人面前,基本上都只有被屠杀的份。 Second Golden Wargod has not persisted in too for a long time, being cut by Zhou Wen under the blade again. 第二个黄金战神没有坚持太久,再次被周文斩于刀下。 Cuts to kill Fear Rank creature(s) Golden Wargod 2.” “斩杀恐惧级生物黄金战神二型。” Pitifully this anything has not only exploded, disappointing Zhou Wen slightly somewhat. 只可惜这一次什么也没有爆出来,让周文微微有些失望。 Was good appeared because of third Golden Wargod quickly, these Golden Wargod were seemingly mostly the same except for minor differences, they could not bump into Zhou Wen, was cut to kill. 好在第三个黄金战神很快又出现了,这些黄金战神看起来大同小异,他们根本碰不到周文,就被斩杀。 This Golden Wargod 3 blew out dimensional crystal, making Zhou Wen’s four attributes reach 81 points smoothly, but has not promoted the Fear Rank sign. 这一次黄金战神三型又爆出了一块次元结晶,让周文的四种属性都顺利的达到了81点,可是并没有晋升恐惧级的迹象。 Golden Wargod were cut to kill by Zhou Wen, Golden Wargod that in the sixth front door walks was cut by Zhou Wen kills, companion egg fell. 一个又一个的黄金战神周文斩杀,当第六个大门中走出来的黄金战神周文斩杀之后,一枚伴生卵掉落了出来。 That companion egg gold casts all over the body, above is burning the golden flame, the crack fission of one after another magma in the companion egg surface, seems like very dazzles. 伴生卵通体黄金铸就,上面燃烧着黄金火焰,还有一道道岩浆似的裂纹分裂于伴生卵表面,看起来非常酷炫。 In Zhou Wen heart one happy, picked companion egg hastily, direct selection hatching. 周文心中一喜,连忙把伴生卵捡了回来,直接选择了孵化。 Golden Wargod 6: Fear Rank. 黄金战神六型:恐惧级 Fate Standard: metal lifeform. 命格:金属生命 Fate Soul: Metal Armor. 命魂:金属装甲 Wheel of Destiny: Unlimited Bullets. 命运之轮:无限子弹 Fear Transformation: Golden Wargod. 恐惧化:黄金战神 Strength: 97. 力量:97。 Speed: 94. 速度:94。 physique: 98. 体魄:98。 primordial qi: 98. 元气:98。 innate skill: explosive bullet, crazy fire and rapid shooting. 天赋技能:爆裂弹疯狂扫射快速射击 companion state: golden gun 6. 伴生状态:黄金枪六型。 Zhou Wen puts out a hand a move, a golden revolver appears in his hands, seeming like the gold is magnificent, in the Golden Wargod 6 hands takes exactly the same, was only the model is obviously small, happen to suited the Zhou Wen assurance. 周文伸手一招,一把黄金左轮手枪就出现在他手里,看起来黄金华丽美观,和黄金战神六型手里拿着的一模一样,只是型号明显小了很多,正好适合周文把握。 Zhou Wen wants to try the golden gun might, but does not have Golden Wargod to continue to appear, six gate calmed down, as if altogether only have six Golden Wargod. 周文想要试一试黄金枪的威力,不过并没有黄金战神继续出现,六个门都安静了下来,似乎一共就只有六个黄金战神 Zhou Wen is sizing up the front door time, alarms on six leaves of front door made a sound suddenly together, the grating sound is very suspensefully easy. 周文正在打量大门的时候,六扇大门上的警报器突然一起响了起来,刺耳的声音很容易让人紧张。 What gadget this is?” Zhou Wen is thinking time, suddenly hears a gunshot. “这回又是什么玩意儿?”周文正在想着的时候,突然听到一声枪响。 Also without and other Zhou Wen had anything to respond, the head of blood-colored little person was made a hole, explodes directly, the cellphone screen also gets dark. 还没等周文有什么反应,血色小人的脑袋就被打出了一个窟窿,直接爆开,手机屏幕也黑了下来。 Luckily in game.” Zhou Wen rejoiced secretly, oneself has not entered this dungeon in the reality, a round of bullet got rid of a moment ago his, most likely is Disaster Rank. “幸亏是在游戏里面。”周文暗自庆幸,自己没有在现实当中进入这个副本,刚才一发子弹干掉他的,十有八九是天灾级 To drop the blood to enter Venus dungeon again, is actually by the system prompt, after 24 hours, can open dungeon. 想要再次滴血进入金星副本,可是却被系统提示,二十四小时后,才能够重新开启副本 Hui Haifeng has not come back, Zhou Wen is also all right to do, gave his package former Gu Dian (classical) with. 惠海峰还没有回来,周文也没什么事可做,就把之前古典给他的包裹拿了出来。 Opens wraps looked, sees inside is wrapping unexpectedly is one clothes. 打开包裹一看,见里面包着的竟然是一套衣服。 The clothes naturally are not the common clothes, but is war suit of one set of high tech, this war suit uses to the ordinary soldier generally, regarding human of Zhou Wen this rank, is basically useless. 衣服自然不是一般的衣服,而是一套高科技的作战服,这种作战服一般都是给普通士兵用的,对于周文这种级别的人类来说,基本没什么用。 Zhou Wen thought that the person of Gu Dian (classical) not that type of meeting seeing somebody off clothes, scanned war suit, quick in the middle of the first-aid packet that war suit provides, discovered a hidden memory card. 周文觉得古典并不是那种会送人衣服的人,就扫描了一下作战服,很快就在作战服配备的急救包当中,发现了一张暗藏的内存卡。
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