IHEP :: Volume #19

#1883: Save the scene!

The Yang Rui present feeling is very bad, he could feel that perhaps here event is not their soldier magnitudes can be solved completely! 杨瑞现在的感觉很糟糕,他感觉得到这里的事件恐怕完全不是他们这种小兵量级能解决的! Here matter, a ratio magic! 这里的事,一件比一件魔幻! First is he determined that saw gold/metal, the dead shape is extremely miserable, the corpse was filled by the tree trunk, the body is attached to the tree trunk tightly, the flesh was attracted does not remain, the expression that the facial features twist is so clear, encountered anything, light/only thinks to let person scalp tingles! 首先是他确定看到了森金,死状极惨,尸体被树干充满,皮肉紧附在树干上,血肉被吸得一点不剩,五官扭曲的表情却如此清晰,到底是遭遇了什么,光想想就让人头皮发麻! But in fact outside actually gold/metal of sunlight atmosphere, if the safe/without matter happened to lead here them equally, that and on this tree under exactly the same leather bag, what ghost was? 可事实上外面却有一个阳光大气的森金,如无事发生一样将他们带到了这里,那张和这树上一模一样的皮囊下,到底是一个什么样的鬼怪? Then after is want to leave fast , the difficult position, in dense fog space that this cannot see clearly, incessantly is the outside church is so absolutely simple. 而后便是自己想快速离开后遇到的困境,这看不清的迷雾空间里,绝对不止是外面教堂那么简单。 He transfers now here minimum one hour, from sense of direction walks the straight line to try is not irregular walks, has very big space to hold him, how long regardless of walks, as if not look to the end. 他如今在这里转了起码一个多小时,从方向感来看无论是走直线还是试着不规律走,都有很大的空间来容纳他,无论走多久,似乎都看不到头。 What we definitely know is that here absolutely is not a church, at least is not the simple church! 可以肯定的是这里绝对不是教堂,至少不是简单的教堂! Through the long fumble, Yang Rui discovered the trace slowly, here is not totally the infinitely great space, walked several steps behind familiar scenes to disappear is not damn, because you likely arrived at some space turning point. 通过漫长的摸索,杨瑞慢慢的找出了痕迹,这里也并不是完全无限大的空间,走几步背后熟悉的场景就不见了并不是见鬼了,而是因为你很可能走到了某个空间转折点。 He has experimented many times, if can return to some place precisely, can return to the beforehand position, this spatial point buries the root hair under land like the tree trunk, had the furcation the innumerable root hair to some node , to continue to extend, thus formed the dense and numerous space labyrinths. 他试验过很多次,如果能精确退回到某个地方,是可以回到之前的位置的,这个空间点就像树干埋在土地下的根须,无数根须到了某个节点就发生分叉,继续延伸,从而形成了密密麻麻的空间迷宫。 But so long as actually grasped these spatial points positions, actually here is so also mysterious. 而其实只要掌握了这些空间点的位置,其实这里也那么玄乎。 But the key besides this space, here still has some inexplicable thing. 可关键是除了这空间,这里还存在一些很莫名的东西。 For example these shadows! 比如那些影子! Is long with the shadow that oneself companion looks like very much, even the sound looks like very much, the way that even can also send greetings unites itself, may approach, Yang Rui determined that these shadows absolutely are not the companions! 长得和自己同伴很像的影子,甚至声音都很像,甚至还会传音的方式联自己,可一靠近,杨瑞就确定这些影子绝对不是同伴! Hand that they extend, such as the sharp claws of malicious ghost are the same, moreover after holding, you cannot see its appearance strangely! 它们伸过来的手,就如恶鬼的利爪一样,而且抓住之后,你还是诡异的看不到它的样子! Why knows this as for Yang Rui? Is because that thing reaches out him for the first time, oneself chose to extend with the weapon discretely, finally saw that an arm of jet black terrifying firmly held own great sword, a great strength almost towed his whole person instantaneously! 至于为什么杨瑞知道这个?是因为第一次那东西向他伸手的时候,自己谨慎的选择用武器伸了过去,结果就看到一只漆黑恐怖的手臂紧紧的抓住自己的巨剑,一股巨力几乎瞬间将他整个人拖了过去! He gave up the weapon without hesitation, seizes the life and escaping, later will discover, in the dense fog, these monsters are many, every time passed by some places, will have this monster to try to deceive you, with sound and familiar memory that you are familiar with, Yang Rui was the police was born fortunately, the anti-pressure ability was good, changes the average person perhaps to collapse 他毫不犹豫的放弃了武器,夺命而逃,随后就会发现,迷雾中,那些怪物很多,每路过一些地方,都会有这种怪物过来试图欺骗你,用你熟悉的声音、熟悉的记忆,也亏得杨瑞是警察出生,抗压能力还不错,换普通人恐怕早就崩溃了 Then in a moment ago, him saw a familiar form! 而后就在刚才,他又看到了一个熟悉的身影! However these made him choose time approached on own initiative 不过这一次却让他选择了主动靠近 Because that form is gold/metal, but he bears at the back of fuzzy form, how to see is Chen Shanshan that silly thing! 因为那身影是森金,而他背上背着的模糊身影,怎么看都是陈姗姗那傻丫头! Contacted his monster to be different from the past on own initiative, this object had not discovered he same has been walking in front, with for a long time, Yang Rui does not dare to contact on own initiative. 和以往主动联系他的怪物不同,这一对像是没发现他一样一直在前面走着,跟了许久,杨瑞都没敢主动联络。 But later a scene let his scalp tingles. 但随后一个场景却让他头皮发麻了起来。 He saw suddenly, similar Chen Shanshan form escapes from gold/metal that giant there, plunges behind another form, but that form seems like with is exactly the same! 他突然看到,类似陈姗姗的身影从森金那大个子那里逃开,扑向身后另外一个身影,而那个身影看起来好像和自己一模一样! Damn!! 该死!! Yang Rui is almost subconscious wants to help, but bore, who knows that this isn't another trap? 杨瑞几乎下意识想去帮忙,但还是忍住了,谁又知道这不是另外一个陷阱呢? But after hesitant two seconds, he followed quietly in behind. 但犹豫了两秒后,他还是悄悄跟在了后面。 The chase play makes, at least Yang Rui cannot see the problem very much, that kind of King's form pursues fast, the huge body becomes like only the cat keen, but brings Chen Shanshan to run the fellow, although is not quick, as if is very familiar here space node, the first even/including several nodes, gold/metal will throw away directly. 追逐戏做得很真,至少杨瑞看不出毛病,那个类森金的身影追得飞快,庞大的身躯变得像只猫一样灵敏,而带着陈姗姗跑得家伙虽然不快,却似乎很熟悉这里的空间节点,一连几个节点,将那森金直接甩脱。 Yang Rui following behind quietly, has been familiar with him of space node system, although the speed puts slowly actually with not losing. 杨瑞悄悄的跟着后面,已经熟悉空间节点这个制度的他虽然速度放得慢却并没有跟丢。 After the opposite party as if throws away that fake gold/metal, Yang Rui is testing the channel to send greetings finally. 在对方似乎甩脱那个假森金后,杨瑞终于试着用通道传音了。 Can hear? You now where? Here has very dangerous thing, we must hurry to converge are! Let me tell you, our senior officials definitely have the issue, you now and he in the same place?” “听得到吗?你现在在哪儿?这边有很危险的东西,咱们得赶紧汇合才是!我跟你说,咱们那个长官肯定有问题的,你现在和他在一起吗?” Yang Rui is asking with the exploratory tone, where appearance does not seem to know her, moreover with is the private channel. 杨瑞用试探性的语气问着,一副好像不知道她在哪儿的样子,而且用得是专用通道。 The next second, the Chen Shanshan form obviously was stiff, after several seconds, panic-stricken returning said: Auspicious uncle, I feared is in the booth the important matter 下一秒,陈姗姗的身影明显僵了一下,几秒后惊恐的回道:“瑞叔,我怕是摊上大事了” What matter?” In the Yang Rui eye the god light/only flashes, asking of maintaining composure. “什么事?”杨瑞眼中神光一闪,不动声色的问道。 I was deceived probably, with the fellow of your similar form, I do not know that is what ghost thing, deceived me in any case, I am grabbed by him now! What to do Uncle?” The Chen Shanshan tone nearly brings the weeping voice “我好像被骗了,一个和你差不多身影的家伙,我不知道是什么鬼东西,反正骗了我,我现在被他抓着!怎么办大叔?”陈姗姗的语气近乎带着哭腔 She has also taken risk in New Territories, where can encounter this situation? In the final analysis was just one just the grown girl, withstood at heart is limited after all! 她在新界也是冒过险的,可哪里遇到过这种情况?说到底只不过是一个刚成年的女孩子而已,心里承受终归是有限的! Girl, lowers the head!!” Yang Rui hears this sound, after all could not have borne, drank one, immediately directly exercise spare big sword from space package, accelerated to divide directly fiercely! “丫头,低头!!”杨瑞听到这声音,终归还是没忍得住,喝了一声,随即直接从空间包里操起备用的大剑,直接加速猛劈了过去! Chen Shanshan also first responded, lowered the head fiercely, next second, swift and fierce sword frontal zone scary cold glow along dividing! 陈姗姗也第一时间反应过来,猛地低头,下一秒,凌厉的剑锋带着骇人的寒芒顺劈而来! The Yang Rui making a move time and making a move position grasps excellently, if there is a person of the same class this unadorned also to be solid the incomparable sword technique in this certainly shocking opposite party! 杨瑞的出手时机和出手位置都把握得极好,如果有同级别的人在此一定会惊艳对方这朴实无华却又扎实无比的剑技! In the new group of players, six big cities, Yang Rui Weapon Specialization ranks in first five, is absolutely the high war player, what even faces is unknown existence, the instance that may make a move, in the Yang Rui bone filled self-confidently! 在新一批玩家里,六大城市,杨瑞武器专精排名在前五之列,属于绝对高战玩家,即便面对的是未知的存在,可出手的瞬间,杨瑞骨子里还是充满了自信! But this self-confident, was then routed in the next second instantaneously a wee bit does not remain! 但这自信,在下一秒瞬间便被击溃得丁点不剩! In the dense fog, the jet black hand armband the light black fog was fleeing fiercely, firmly held the sword in Yang Rui hand! If the steel hoop is the same, Yang Rui cannot move! 迷雾中,漆黑的手臂带着淡淡的黑雾猛地窜了出来,紧紧的抓住了杨瑞手中的剑!如钢箍一样,架得杨瑞动弹不得! Did not have the opportunity of slightly displaying along the dividing later all kinds of change under this absolute strength steamroll, the strength of counter- shaking jumps directly his fingers/tiger mouth splits, a stuffy blood well ups, almost lets go directly 原本顺劈之后多般变化在这绝对力量碾压下没有了丝毫施展的机会,反震之力更是将他虎口蹦得直接裂开,一口闷血涌上心头,差点直接脱手 This second he then knows, oneself and Chen Shanshan runs into the object who could not solve absolutely! 这一秒他便知道,自己和陈姗姗遇到了绝对解决不了的对象! Auspicious uncle?” Chen Shanshan saw this, suddenly what to do wants to help actually not know should “瑞叔?”陈姗姗看到了这一幕,想要帮忙却一时间不知道该怎么办 After all is not the fight type 毕竟不是战斗类型的 After Yang Rui hears this sound, retrocedes rapidly one step, gave up in the hand directly the long sword, handed over to put out a waist sickle blade to divide toward the Chen Shanshan wrist/skill! 杨瑞听到这声音后迅速后退一步,直接放弃了手中长剑,转手拿出腰间弯刀一刀朝着陈姗姗手腕劈了过去! At this time spelled hardly is not possible, took decisive measures to use on a little girl somewhat makes one not endure, but is unable to haggle over at this time, so long as can live, always had the means restoration 这个时候硬拼是不可能的了,壮士断腕用在一个小女孩身上有些让人不忍,但这个时候也无法计较了,只要能活下来,总有办法恢复的 Chen Shanshan sees this complexion palely immediately incomparable, but actually bears forcefully has not revolted with the psychic force, because she also knows, at this time wants to run, this is the only opportunity! 陈姗姗看到这一幕脸色顿时苍白无比,但却强行忍住没有用精神力反抗,因为她也知道,此时想跑,这是唯一的机会! How long then to come out, before looked that the knight-errant play felt the arm seeks livehood very cool, to oneself on knows that pot is the iron, she does not even dare to look closed the eye directly! 这才出来多久呀,以前看武侠剧觉得断臂求生挺酷的,到了自己身上才知道锅儿是铁的,她甚至都不敢去看直接闭上了眼睛! But after one second, like in thinking the ache has not arrived, but the arm is actually a loosen, Chen Shanshan stares immediately, is the auspicious uncle knife skill is good, even did the sensation of pain exempt? 但一秒过后,像想中的疼痛并没有到来,可手臂却是一松,陈姗姗顿时一愣,难道是瑞叔刀法太好,连痛觉都免了? Had not responded with enough time, actually feeling body one light, imitates, if were resisted general by anything, feels a weightlessness instantaneously, near the ear is whistling the wind sound/rumor! 还未来得及反应,却感觉身体一轻,仿若被什么抗起来一般,瞬间感觉一阵失重,耳边便是呼呼的风声! What situation? 什么情况? Chen Shanshan opens the eye hastily, actually one sees, oneself anti- on a solid shoulder! 陈姗姗连忙睁开眼睛,却一下看到,自己被抗在一个坚实的肩膀上! This thick shoulder is very familiar, but another side, she also saw, Yang Rui like a chicken young clamps in another side creak the nest in! 这厚实的肩膀很是熟悉,而另一边,她也看到,杨瑞被像一只小鸡仔一样夹在另外一边的咯吱窝里! Senior?” Chen Shanshan cannot bear the pleasantly surprised say/way. “前辈?”陈姗姗忍不住惊喜道。 The life-saving, unexpectedly is gold/metal! 救人的,居然是森金! Two little fellows are very ruthless, is willing to start to oneself!” gold/metal grins to say with a smile, like that the sunlight is still dazzling, looks in the Chen Shanshan heart! “两个小家伙挺狠呀,对自己那么舍得下手!”森金咧嘴笑道,依旧那般阳光耀眼,看得陈姗姗心中一荡! But immediately heard the opposite party to say when they were willing to start responded, looked hastily to own arm! 但随即听到对方说他们舍得下手时才反应过来,连忙看向自己的手臂! Lucky arm also, but above is digging up a palm of azure black wind blood, obviously shut off, frightened Chen Shanshan to hurry that palm to break off to throw! 万幸手臂还在,只不过上面扒着一只青黑色飙血的手掌,显然是被切断的,吓得陈姗姗赶紧将那手掌掰了扔了出去! Brings the purple-red inexplicable liquid, then the shut off palm revolved dozens seconds of far in the midair, but the blood that the wind sprinkled met the mist one to burn unexpectedly, instantaneously, has burnt the place field of vision became clear. 带着紫红色的莫名液体,那被切断的手掌在半空中旋转出了几十秒远,而飙洒的血液遇到了薄雾居然一下燃了起来,瞬间,燃过的地方视野变得清晰了起来。 Chen Shanshan sees immediately, that behind, dense and numerous, the innumerable fiendish features, such as pursuing of dry corpse same monster crazy crawling is seizing them, carefully looked that as if has this monster to come in swarms in all directions, immediately looks at Chen Shanshan scalp tingles! 陈姗姗顿时看到,那身后,密密麻麻的,无数青面獠牙,如干尸一样的怪物疯狂爬行的追捉着他们,仔细一看四面八方似乎都有这种怪物蜂拥而来,顿时看得陈姗姗头皮发麻! „Before first, senior!!!” “前前前辈!!!” Yang Rui also sees this, immediately, this feared pale must end the calf! 杨瑞也看到这一幕,顿时脸色苍白至极,这怕是要完犊子了! Hurried hammer!” Woods gold-edged runs reproves, as if completely disregards a group of this dry corpse monster that the front must throw! “慌个锤子!”森金边跑边训斥道,似乎完全无视了前方也要扑过来的一大群这种干尸怪物! Turns very quiet to me!” gold/metal said with a smile ferociously: This Sir must accelerate!!” “都给我屏住呼吸!”森金狞笑道:“本大人要加速了!!” Acceleration? Two people stare, looks that almost encircles the airtight monster group in all directions, this is the acceleration can be solved? This need Genkidama! 加速?两人一愣,看着四面八方几乎围得密不透风的怪物群,这是加速能解决的吗?这需要一颗元气弹呀! Had not responded with enough time, actually sees King's step becomes incomparably dexterous, imitates, if treads the wind, but line general, could not say natural beautiful, such a guy ran such step, looked at these dry corpses stares. 还未来得及反应,却见森金的步法变得无比轻巧,仿若踏风而行一般,说不出的潇洒美丽,这样一个大汉跑出这样的步法,把那些干尸都看得一愣。 Being in fashion step: Opens!!! 风行步:开!!!
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