IHEP :: Volume #19

#1815: Where do you ..... come?

How do you discover?” “你是怎么发现的?” In the crowd, ices the blue point firmly to be held by an extremely strong psychic force, does not enter the half a point! 人群之中,冰蓝色的锋芒被一股极为强大的精神力紧紧抓住,进不得半分! Everyone with astonishment saw that Feng Doudou of sword and faces Feng Doudou Helan Nana with a smile!! 所有人惊愕的看到出剑的冯豆豆和笑吟吟面对冯豆豆的贺兰娜娜!! At this time Helan Nana's sound in voice and beforehand Grandpa Lu mouth is exactly the same, but controlled Grandpa Lu, when does not know, had arrived at Nana behind, just like her demon to favor, clever standing after behind, is using the terrifying psychic force, is limiting the Feng Doudou sharp sword glow! 此时贺兰娜娜的声音和之前卢姥爷口中的声音如出一辙,而已经被控制的卢姥爷,则不知什么时候,已经来到了娜娜身后,犹如她的一只魔宠,乖巧的站在身后,用着自身恐怖的精神力,限制着冯豆豆锋利的剑芒! Looked high I Feng Doudou coldly said: I have not discovered anything, if not your so-called elder sister's final action and reminder, perhaps we were played not to know by you what's the matter “高看我了”冯豆豆冷冷道:“我并没有发现什么,如果不是你那所谓的姐姐最后的举动和提醒,我们恐怕被你玩死了都不知道是怎么回事” You actually very honest Helan Nana is covering mouth, smiles extremely happily “你倒是挺老实的嘛”贺兰娜娜捂着嘴,笑得极为开心 Heard this laughter and Feng Doudou words, everyone's complexion became ugly incomparable! 听到这个笑声和冯豆豆刚才的话,所有人的脸色都变得难看无比! A moment ago Barye who especially most started to force the Helan purple moon/month, at this time the annoying mood makes his whole body red!! 尤其是刚才最开始逼迫贺兰紫月的巴烈,此时懊恼的情绪让他浑身通红!! Feng Doudou at this time is also very annoying, at this time she was really understands, sometimes the strength really did not represent all, wise planning really can defeat a superior enemy!! 冯豆豆此时也是很懊恼,这时候她算是真的明白,有时候实力真不代表一切,高明的算计真的能以弱胜强!! From most starts, they fell in the middle of this planning named Helan Nana! 从最开始,他们就落在了这个叫贺兰娜娜的算计当中! The opposite party, not, have not at least eaten their strengths completely, but actually built one type to eat their atmosphere! 对方,并不强,至少没有完全吃掉他们的实力,但却营造出了一种能吃掉他们的氛围! That so-called nightmare can only catch up in the dreamland, at least can only catch up in the dreamland temporarily, causing actually their situation actually is not the absolute winning side, as they of spirit medium, the totem that relies on, is unable to catch up in the reality, is in itself a fatal weakness, seemingly surrounded them, but once was found, they also frail incomparable! 那所谓的梦魇只能在梦境中发力,至少暂时只能在梦境中发力,导致其实他们的处境其实并不是绝对上风,身为灵媒的它们,最依赖的图腾,无法在现实中发力,本身就是一个致命的弱点,看似困住了它们,可一旦被找到,它们本身也脆弱无比! Therefore, they chose the choice powerful individual to take possession, increase that side strength. 所以,它们选择了挑选强大的个体进行附身,增加那边的战力。 Actually can see their weakness from this point, otherwise, then is really domineering, does the individual why will not fall asleep massacre? Where will have the Wang Goudan controlled aspect? 其实从这一点就能看出它们本身的薄弱,要不然,真那么强势,为什么不将入梦的个体都杀掉?哪里还会有王狗蛋被控制的局面? But even controlled the individual, according to the truth, had converged they of several players, is still completely not empty 但即便控制了个体,按道理来说,已经汇合了好几个玩家的它们,也是完全不虚的 The Feng Doudou strength uses up, but self-examines, so long as has the lending a hand of big blessing technique and grandfather of cabbage, capturing alive Wang Goudan is not impossible 冯豆豆自己力竭,但自问只要有白菜的大祝福术和姥爷的帮衬,活捉王狗蛋并不是不可能 Even if in their three were controlled, another two can also overpower 哪怕它们三个中的一个被控制住,另外两个也能制服 But cannot calm down coldly! 但偏偏没能冷静得下来! Good fearful look “好可怕的眼神呀” Helan Nana looks at the opposite party with a smile, said: Good fearful imposing manner speaks the truth, the fierce fellow like Cabbage can have so many, I had a scare from the beginning, but, is not fortunately intelligent 贺兰娜娜笑吟吟的看着对方,啧啧道:“好可怕的气势说实话,像小白菜这样厉害家伙能有那么多,我一开始都被吓了一跳,不过还好,都不怎么聪明” Feng Doudou: „” 冯豆豆:“” „The skill that cabbage that saved the grandfather a moment ago is you teaches?” Feng Doudou coldly looks at the opposite party to say. “白菜刚才那救活姥爷的技能是你教的吧?”冯豆豆冷冷的望着对方道。 Yo Nana looks at the opposite party immediately funnily: It seems like not stupid has saying that fellow also was really the talent different reported that this was the antiquity secret technique, I only said gently near the ear, she can definitely probably use unexpectedly, but also really was only silly the bird to rescue that was really the enviable talent “哟”娜娜顿时好笑的看着对方:“看来不算蠢嘛不过不得不说那家伙还真是天赋异禀呀,这可是上古秘术,我只在耳边那么轻轻说一遍,她居然就能完全得用出来,还真把那只傻鸟救回来了,真是让人羡慕的天赋呀” Alro one group immediately suddenly, no wonder he also had doubts a moment ago, that secret technique where the cabbage studies, listens not to hear, originally is the dead spirit teaches her! 身后的阿尔斯一伙顿时恍然,难怪他刚才也疑惑,白菜哪里学的那种秘术,听都没听说过,原来是亡灵教她的! You as if understand cabbage very much the Feng Doudou cold sound said: How you know that she certainly will go all out the life on Grandpa Lu!” “你似乎很了解白菜”冯豆豆冷声道:“你怎么知道她一定会拼命了命就卢姥爷!” Because she is such person Nana said with a smile: I enter a school am close to her who these months cling to for dear life hit rottenly, is not white/in vain the waste time, although this fellow did not catch cold to me very much, but after all is a soft temper, the time grew, becomes the friend, is naturally easy to allow the person to understand her character “因为她就是这样的人呀”娜娜笑吟吟道:“我入学这几个月死缠烂打的接近她,可不是白废功夫的,这家伙虽然一直对我不是很感冒,但终归是一个柔软的性子,时间长了,还是成为了朋友,自然也就容易让人了解她的性格” Feng Doudou the volume head , this fellow has really so stared at the cabbage immediately, otherwise cannot make today's this type of bureau 冯豆豆顿时额首,果然如此,这家伙早就盯上了白菜,要不然也做不了今天这种局 Actually she should respond, the evil god whispered cannot the short control hardware cabbage, during that time actually should be they best opportunity at that time! 其实她该反应过来的,邪神低语不能短时间控制白菜,那段时间其实当时应该是他们最好的机会! Because can determine the spirit medium absolutely in the , so long as found, before the opposite party was unable to control any strength, can with ease solve, but pitifully, they guessed mistakenly the object 因为可以确定灵媒绝对就在附近,只要找到,趁对方还没能控制任何战力前,是可以轻松解决的,但可惜,他们猜错了对象 Thinks is also, the opposite party dares to alert the enemy controls the cabbage, how possibly is purple moon/month that looks on the quite dubious fellow? 想想也是,对方敢打草惊蛇的去控制白菜,怎么可能是紫月那个看起来就疑点重重的家伙? At that time too many people, including oneself, frighten at present are at a loss, choose acted to the Helan purple moon/month, gave by cabbage that astonishing strength and imposing manner this fellow precious setup time of! 只是当时太多人,包括自己,都被白菜那惊人的力量和气势吓得乱了方寸,选择了对贺兰紫月出手,给了眼前这家伙宝贵的准备时间! If can the earliest possible time see through all these at that time, even if she can control Grandpa Lu, oneself still has the advantage. 如果当时能第一时间识破这一切,她就算能控制住卢姥爷,自己这边也是占据优势的。 Has the psychic force powerful Helan purple moon/month, has the strength also in cabbage, originally advantage them 有精神力强大的贺兰紫月,有实力还在的白菜,原本优势在他们这边的 Yet now, because the cabbage rescues that phoenix psychic force to dry up, the lethargic sleep in the past, oneself physical exertion was huge, the Helan purple moon/month directly from exploding the spiritual kernel withdrew from the battlefield 可如今,白菜因为救那只凤凰精神力枯竭,昏睡过去,自己体力消耗巨大,贺兰紫月更是直接自爆精神内核退出战场 Feng Doudou understands, they had lost, their group of players lost, once oneself strength uses up, oneself will also be controlled, the cabbage , Wang Goudan adds on Grandpa Lu again, if under the opposite party controls, remaining Li Gou Dan (dog's eggs) have Mu Yunji they to decide however cannot limit to exempt 冯豆豆明白,她们已经输了,他们这群玩家都输了,一旦自己力竭,自己也会被控制住,白菜、自己、王狗蛋再加上卢姥爷,如果都在对方控制之下,剩下的李狗蛋还有牧云姬他们定然也是不能限免的 Is annihilated at present!! 全军覆没就在眼前!! The Feng Doudou whole body shivers, after joining star sea, shapeshifting starts, first time is so aggrieved, is so weak! 冯豆豆浑身颤抖,从加入星海后,化形开始,头一次这么憋屈,这么无力! This? 难道就这样了吗? Sign that she unceasing planning can also play! 她心里不断的算计还能打的牌! Oneself definitely could not count on, already her who the strength uses up, possibly is not the present full condition Grandpa Lu opponent, although oneself look down upon this phoenix frequently, but she is very clear, grandfather's strength was actually not weak, it is timid 自己肯定是指望不上了,已经力竭的她,绝不可能是现在满状态的卢姥爷对手,虽然自己经常看不起这只凤凰,但她很清楚,姥爷的实力其实一直都不弱,它只是胆小而已 The dead spirit of that meeting space technique is not definitely good, the grandfather compared with Wang Goudan, is not skilled in the Arcane phoenix, space technique not possibly to start under his nose! 那个会空间术的亡灵肯定也不行,姥爷不比王狗蛋,是精通奥术的凤凰,空间术式不可能在他眼皮底下启动! That also who? 那还有谁? Li Gou Dan (dog's eggs)? Mu Yunji? 狗蛋牧云姬 Feng Doudou tight biting lip 冯豆豆紧紧的咬住嘴唇 It is not she does not believe the teammate, that two fellow strengths have, but under this aspect insufficiently overturns obviously, at this time, most can overturn absolutely is not Li Gou Dan (dog's eggs) and Mu Yunji this person, if Yu Nu Wu Gua or Elise in 不是她不相信队友,那两个家伙实力是有的,但这种局面下显然不够翻盘,这个时候,最能翻盘的绝对不是李狗蛋牧云姬这种人,如果是雨女无瓜或者艾莉丝在的话 Wait!! 等等!! Looked that this expression Nana is looking at the opposite party with a smile: Is thinks method that what overturns?” “看这表情”娜娜笑吟吟的望着对方:“是想到什么翻盘的方法了吗?” Feng Doudou: „Do you guess?” 冯豆豆:“你猜?” I may have no interest in guessing that riddle Nana said with a smile: Was counting on probably other own teammates?” “我可没兴趣猜谜语”娜娜笑道:“大概是在指望自己其它队友吧?” Feng Doudou: „” 冯豆豆:“” Will this fellow read the heart? 这家伙会读心吗? I have an issue to ask you “我有个问题想问你” Some do person also issues that you can plan want to ask me?” Feng Doudou sneers to say. “你这么能算计的人还有问题想问我?”冯豆豆冷笑道。 What I want to ask is Nana narrows the eye to say with a smile: You and your friends, is my elder sister, the same kind of person?” “我想问的是”娜娜眯起眼睛笑道:“你和你那些朋友,还有我的姐姐,是同一类人吧?” Your older sister?” Feng Doudou does intentionally the doubts: How to say?” “你姐姐?”冯豆豆故作疑惑:“怎么会这么说?” Because looks like Nana to narrow the eyes to focus very much to take a look at the opposite party: This familiar outline this inconceivable talent, looks like very much , because looked like, therefore I will stare at the cabbage in the school “因为很像呀”娜娜眯着眼打量对方:“无论是这熟悉的轮廓还是这不可思议的天赋,都很像呀,就是因为太像了,所以我才会在学校里盯上白菜呀” Right?” Feng Doudou desolate returning said, without the acknowledgment had not denied “是吗?”冯豆豆冷淡的回道,没承认也没否认 Nana: Therefore I want to know where your group of fellows do brave?” 娜娜:“所以吧我很想知道你们这群家伙到底从哪里冒出来的?” Feng Doudou: „” 冯豆豆:“”
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