IHEP :: Volume #19

#1814: Actually my, there are much ....

Her name was Helan the purple moon/month, if this name placed itself once in the world, will certainly be taunted super two, because generally only then the soap opera will give this name. 她叫贺兰紫月,这名字如果放在自己曾经在的世界,一定会被嘲讽超级中二,因为一般只有电视剧才会取这种名字。 In fact her real name was Zhang Xiaoyan, very uncouth, but very universal name, its prevalence was next to Zhang Wei, Li Na, Wang Fang wait/etc...... 实际上她真实的名字叫张小燕,一个非常俗气但又非常普遍的名字,其普遍程度仅次于张伟、李娜、王芳等等...... Her life is also very ordinary, the parents are the ordinary working couples, the wages can only be the middle-grade level in big Shu, half a lifetime forced to buy house in one set of three-bedroom two living-room in Longquanyi District diligently, the domestic-made Great Wall, calculated the well-off family reluctantly. 她的人生也很普通,父母是普通的双职工,工资在偌大的蜀都只能算中等水平,努力半生勉强在龙泉驿区买了一套三室两厅的房子,有一辆国产长城,勉强算小康之家吧。 The parents are ordinary, she does not lose face, since childhood is purely delimits in the peer of being abundance of capable people the water exists...... 父母普通,她自己也不是出彩,从小在人才济济的同辈中纯属划水的存在...... The result middle reaches, tested into the high school, to be admitted to a university reluctantly reluctantly, got employed under the parental favor relations with one leaves home quite near elementary school, started the long being on intimate terms road ..... 成绩中游,勉强考上了高中、勉强考上了大学,在父母人情关系下就业与一个离家比较近的小学,开始了漫长的相亲路..... Look, the life is like most average people, cannot see the extraordinary place. 看,人生就和大部分普通人一样,看不出一点不平凡的地方。 But is such a ordinary person, accidentally passed through the so-called higher star, unexpectedly leapt the world-wide talent!! 可就是这么一个普普通通的人,偶然间穿越到了所谓的高等星球,居然一跃成了举世天才!! To be honest, sometimes the Helan purple moon/month felt own these more than hundred years of life are having a dream ..... 说实话,有时候贺兰紫月都感觉自己这百多年的生活是不是在做梦..... Sometimes felt perhaps own which day opens eyes, is scolds itself who that old mother talks incessantly to be on intimate terms nitpickingly, this not good such does not want, how can marry a star is? 有时候都感觉自己或许哪天一睁眼,又是自己那老母亲唠唠叨叨的数落自己相亲挑剔,这样不行那样不要,要嫁个明星还是咋的? Although, does not begin using the depth to remember, parents' face she somewhat was fuzzy...... 虽然,不启用深度记忆,父母的脸庞她都有些模糊了...... Mentioned passes through, must mention to be on intimate terms on that day for the 49 th time, walked the beforehand father also god god to talk on endlessly to oneself has said: 99 numbers are the pole numbers, 77 numbers are the fates, oneself these decide time however can arrive at pleasant my dear. 说起穿越,就要说起那一天自己第四十九次相亲了,走之前老爸还神神叨叨对自己说过:九九之数为极数,七七之数为定数,自己这一次定然会相到如意郎君的。 Regarding a middle-aged person Deity god who does IT said to be always talking about these superstitious fathers unexpectedly, she turned a big supercilious look at that time. 对于一个搞IT的中年人居然一天神神叨叨念这些迷信的老爹,她当时翻了个大大的白眼。 Has not thought that foul-mouthed of father, unexpectedly effective part, on that day ..... was really own fate! 只是没想到老爹的臭嘴,居然灵验了一部分,那一天.....真就是自己的定数! She does not know how she passes through, only knows wakes, already in some divide family of place of night quiet lotus magnificent ..... 她也不知道她是怎么穿越的,只知道醒过来的时候,就已经在夜幽莲华之地的某个分家之内了..... The body and appearance change completely, the skin was also turned into present this night lan color by once wheat Kang color .... 身体、样貌完全都变了个样,皮肤也由曾经的麦康色变成了如今这种夜阑色.... Ignorant does not know many days later, finally from giving shelter to own this knew own experience to the cheap parental mouth in ..... 在懵懵懂懂不知多少天后,总算从收留自己的这对便宜父母口中得知了自己的经历..... The words saying when because of their daughter, leading the old couples to inherit several generations of genes went to under some feudal lord to work, very unfortunately dying a tragic death battlefield, very unfortunate was involved in the void turbulent flow, that within the body primary gene cannot the earliest possible time recycle, but passed through pick up a bargain. 话说是因为她们的独生女儿,带着老两口传承了数代的基因去某位领主麾下效力时,很不幸惨死沙场,又很不幸被卷入了虚空乱流,那体内原生基因没能第一时间回收,而被穿越的自己捡了个便宜。 At that time already by who the void slough melted one group of rotten meat, with the help of does not have any surgery, swallowed the gene, then became standard Night Demon, the passed by old ancestor retrieved ..... 当时已经被虚空腐肉融成一团烂肉的自己,在没有任何手术的帮助下,吞噬了基因,然后就成了一个标准的夜魔,被路过的老祖救回..... Is the plan directly oneself this outcomer humanity destruction, extracts the gene, but discovers that gene when the extraction examination unexpectedly and perfect integration, therefore the old ancestor changed the thought instantaneously, the choice makes that first foster itself to the couple ..... 原本是打算直接把自己这个外来者人道毁灭,将基因提取出来的,但在提取检验时发现那基因居然和自己完美融合,于是老祖瞬间改变了念头,选择让那对夫妇先抚养自己..... Therefore, this, oneself become one in Night Demon .... 于是,就这样,自己成为了夜魔中的一员.... No upholstery, started the new life! 毫无任何铺垫的,就开始了新的人生! But in the new life, oneself passes through the lead to be the same like these YY class/flow novels, is delimits water average guy in own world obviously, to unusual realm, was similar to hung general, studies anything compared with a surroundings person of rapidness, eats meal eats a lot compared with the surroundings person, imitates, if made a connection no matter what supervises two lineage/vein ..... 而在新的人生里,自己就像那些YY流小说里穿越主角一般,明明在自己世界里就是个划水屌丝,到了异界,就如同开了挂一般,学什么都比周围人快,吃饭都比周围人吃得多,仿若打通了任督二脉..... Because is extremely dazzling, then died on the accidental/surprised duty to the cheap parents outside, but oneself were adopted the main family, becomes the true direct descendant successor! 由于太过耀眼,那对便宜父母就意外任务死在了外面,而自己则是被过继到主家,成为了真正的嫡系继承人! Do you dare to believe? Along her thinks oneself were the world leads, especially after understanding here general knowledge found it hard to believe ..... 你敢信?顺得她都以为自己就是世界主角了,特别是在了解了一些这里的常识后就更加觉得不可思议..... Night Demon is one of the universe five big royalty, Helan are Night Demon Clan withstand/top the class/flow large clan, such family, did a oneself such inexplicable outcomer, become the head of the clan successor unexpectedly? 夜魔是宇宙五大皇族之一,贺兰家更是夜魔一族顶流大族,这样的家族,自己这样一个莫名外来者,居然成了族长继承人? The key is she has not tried hard, is ordinary eating and drinking, studies and is upward diligently daily, all had, what does this and inborn have all Principals king the uniform flux to distinguish? 关键是她还没怎么努力过,就是普通的吃吃喝喝,努力学习、天天向上,一切就这么有了,这和天生就拥有一切的王校长等流有啥区别? Although ..... is very crisp...... 虽然.....是挺爽哈...... Purple moon/month......” “紫月......” In the purple moon/month sighs with emotion this empty life blurry, the old ancestor's voice spooky conveys from front. 就在紫月迷迷糊糊感慨这虚化人生之时,老祖的声音幽幽从前面传来。 This next best line, gives you an experience, after all ..... your former journey was smooth, your talent excellent was not false, but you must know, without experiencing embryo of tempering, is unable to become a peerless good sword forever......” “此次之行,也是给你一次历练,毕竟.....你之前路途过于平坦,你天赋绝佳不假,但你要知道,没有经历过磨炼的胚胎,是永远无法成为一把绝世好剑的......” Sword? 剑吗? The purple moon/month narrows the eye slightly, in own central China culture, described as the sword then to be analogied as everywhere, in the final analysis, the opposite party will treat as the best tool to train ..... 紫月微微眯眼,在自己华中文化里,比比喻为剑便是被比喻为器,说到底,对方还是在将自己当做最好的工具在培养..... Also yes, oneself after all are not one's own...... 也是,自己总归不是亲生的嘛...... Sees the purple moon/month not to speak, old ancestor footsteps, then said with a smile slightly: „Did this next best line, see many fierce things?” 见紫月不说话,老祖脚步微微一顿,回头笑道:“此次之行,看到了不少厉害的东西吧?” Un......” purple moon/month nods: Indeed unexpected, purple moon/month confessed that is inferior......” “嗯......”紫月点了点头:“的确出乎意料,紫月自认不如......” The old ancestor shows a faint smile: You do not need to improperly belittle oneself, these dead spirits are the entire dead area break the talent that the universe limit studies through the innumerable years, belongs to lift the crystallization that the strength of entire dead spirit world obtains, has compared with a of the same generation stronger strength is natural, even so, you will not lose to these fellows absolutely, because ..... you are a unique exception......” 老祖微微一笑:“你也不用妄自菲薄,那些亡灵是整个死界通过无数岁月打破宇宙限制而研究出来的天才,属于举整个死灵界之力得出的结晶,有着比同辈更强的实力是理所应当,但即便如此,你也绝对不会输给那些家伙,因为.....你是一个独一无二的例外......” Exception?” The purple moon/month narrows the eye slightly, in the eye flashes through one to understand clearly ..... “例外吗?”紫月微微眯眼,眼中闪过一丝了然..... So that's how it is...... 原来如此...... The old ancestors and these dead spirits are one group, but obviously, has not controlled the overall situation completely, at least...... she does not know, she is not unique. 老祖和那些亡灵是一伙的,但显然,并没有完全掌控全局,至少......她并不知道,自己并不是独一无二。 Several fellows who actually when the judgement hall, sees these outlines, she had determined, that several fellows, proper central China compatriots ..... 其实在裁决大厅的时候,看到那些轮廓的几个家伙,她就已经确定,那几个家伙,妥妥的华中同胞呀..... Reason that without recognizing each other, did not determine how the opposite party comes ..... 之所以没有相认,是不确定对方是怎么来的..... If same as oneself, passes through fortunately, that indeed should recognize each other, everyone enclasps one group, coming a fellow villager to see the fellow villager, after all, in this vast universe, they ..... was the most intimate person ..... 如果是和自己一样,凑巧穿越来的,那的确应该相认,大家抱紧一团,来个老乡见老乡,毕竟,在这浩大的宇宙里,它们.....属于最亲近的人了..... But the issue is, do they come? 但问题是,它们怎么来的? Because she obviously sees, fellow villager ..... incessantly!! 因为她明显看到,老乡.....不止一个!! So many people crowd together suddenly, moreover obviously mutual knew, said is the collective passes through, her brain stuck the meeting to believe! 那么多人突然凑在一起,而且还明显互相认识,说是集体穿越,她脑子糊了才会信! Perhaps the big probability ..... is some influence sends ..... 大概率.....恐怕是某个势力派来的..... She is actually very early knows, she is not unique, oneself absolutely are not the so-called what talent, if the talent, will not link 211 unable to be accepted ..... 她其实很早就知道,自己并非独一无二,自己绝对不是所谓的什么天才,如果是天才,也不会连211也考不上了..... Changed a place on the talent? Cracks a joke? 换了个地方就天才了?开什么玩笑? Therefore is very early she to think, if there is a more intelligent compatriot to come to here, can be the talent in talent? 所以很早她就在想,如果有比自己更聪明的同胞来这里,会不会是天才中的天才? But this Chinese hemlock forest one line was confirmed own suspicion ..... 而这次铁杉林一行算是验证了自己的猜想了..... Oneself are not a talent, oneself compared with surroundings person, are that so-called stainless bloodlines causes, but has the person of such bloodlines, actually...... has ten hundreds of millions!! 自己并不是天才,自己比周围人强的,是自己那一身所谓的无垢血脉导致的,而拥有这样血脉的人,其实......有十几亿!!
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