IHAMITLOD :: Volume #13

#1290: space-themed online game

Returns to the present world third day, the victory report that feeds from Colony, making the Jiang Chen's brow rise slightly some. 回到现世的第三天,从殖民地传回的捷报,让江晨的眉头微微上扬了些许。 According to report that Colony Viceroy Hong Zewei Commodore feeds, Star Ring Marine Corps with the assistance of modern weapon, successfully regained the operational base near No. 071 mineralization point. Future War Industry and Future Heavy Industry jointly design Digger Warrior armor drills the car(riage), in displayed the effect on the combat of sparks (Mars) species. 根据殖民地总督洪泽伟舰长传回的报告,星环陆战队在新武器的协助下,成功收复了071号矿点附近的行动基地。未来人军工未来人重工联合设计的“掘地武士”装甲钻车,在对火星物种的作战中发挥了奇效。 These T-4H Power Armor, were lets the returning alive rate/lead direct ascent of Star Ring Marine Corps soldier a rank. 还有那些t-4h动力装甲,更是让星环陆战队士兵的生还率直接上升了一个等级。 Leads the way, the infantry who in front by Digger Warrior wears heavy armor follows up in behind, is responsible for attacking A of 071 mineralization points in 24 hours, breaks through six sparks (Mars) species lairs continually continuously. And five lairs belong to Corroder, but beyond that lair situated in most deep place ultrasonic wave railing radius belongs to Devilworm. Altogether several tens of thousands grow up Corroder and over a thousand Devilworm to be killed, Star Ring Marine Corps will succeed the control region from the surface, will advance to the underground 21 kilometer. 由“掘地武士”在前面开路,身披重甲的步兵在后面跟进,负责进攻071矿点的a连二十四,连续攻破六座火星物种巢穴。其中有五座巢穴属于腐蚀者,而位于最深处超声波围栏半径之外的那座巢穴则属于魔鬼虫。一共数万只成年腐蚀者、上千只魔鬼虫被击毙,星环陆战队成功将控制区域从地表,推进至地下二十一公里。 According to report that Hong Zewei feeds, they have left the relic bottom to be very near now. 根据洪泽伟传回的报告,他们现在已经离遗迹的底部很近了。 When reinforces the engineer brigade of tunnel to complete the construction, is the time that Gaia Civilization relic is delivered from oppression. 等到加固隧道的工程队完成施工,便是盖亚文明遗迹重见天日的时刻。 ...... …… Koro Island north villa. 科罗岛北端的别墅。 Looks by the deck chair, brings Phantom Helmet Lilith, passed by Jiang Chen that to speak thoughtlessly to ask from the living room. 看着靠在躺椅上,带着幻影头盔莉莉丝,从客厅路过的江晨随口问道。 Even Advanced Artificial Intelligence, can still from playing in this type of thing realizes the pleasure?” “即使高级人工智能来说,也能从游戏这种东西中体会到乐趣么?” Because is not normal humanity, even brings Phantom Helmet, Lilith can still induce to the information. In her words is, she can use a memory sector operation game, another memory zone control body, places in Virtual World and present world world simultaneously. 因为不是正常人类,即使是带着幻影头盔,莉莉丝也能够感应到外界的信息。用她的话来讲就是,她能够用一个内存区间运行游戏,另一个内存区间控制身体,同时身处于虚拟世界与现世世界。 Has saying that this is a very enviable ability. 不得不说,这是个很让人羡慕的能力。 You do not understand,” inquired regarding Jiang Chen's, Lilith replied unemotionally, fun was not the game, player but who participated in the game.” “你不懂,”对于江晨的提问,莉莉丝面无表情地回答道,“好玩的不是游戏,而是参与游戏的玩家。” Hears these words. The Jiang Chen's eyebrow jumped jumping. 听到这句话。江晨的眉毛跳了跳。 This fellow, originally pleasure on this? 这家伙,原来乐趣是在这上面吗? He is very curious, regarding Lilith, actually the player in game is how an interesting law. 他很好奇,对于莉莉丝而言,游戏里的玩家究竟是怎么个有趣法。 However wants to come probably is not the good matter, in little white mouse with laboratory has no difference mostly. After all to her, humanity this troublesome lifeform, as if can only on contributing experimental data plays some roles. 不过想来大概也不是什么好事儿,多半就和实验室里的小白鼠没什么差别。毕竟对于她来说,人类这种麻烦的生物,似乎只能在贡献实验数据上发挥一些作用。 Very contradictory idea. 很矛盾的想法。 On the one hand longs for that has the body to fit into the humanity society, on the one hand maintains that to be acting with constraint of higher Artificial Intelligence. Perhaps, the contradiction in this type of perception, is a part in Advanced Artificial Intelligence attribute. 一方面渴望拥有身体去融入人类的社会,一方面又维持着那属于高等人工智能的矜持。或许,这种感性上的矛盾,也是高级人工智能属性中的一部分。 Do not patronize was playing, since you are so idle, helped me do something to be good.” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to say. “也别光顾着玩了,既然你这么闲的话,就来帮我做些事好了。”江晨随口说道。 Corrects your view,” Lilith said unemotionally, I had helped you process the 117.8 gb document in the past 72 hours, is equivalent to the normal condition you one month of work load. Which angle from analyzes, my attitude can be called sufficiently assiduously. But in comparison, is only you of talking seems to be leisurelier and carefreer.” “纠正你的说法,”莉莉丝面无表情地说道,“七十二我已经帮你处理了117.8gb的文件,相当于正常情况下你一个月的工作量。无论是从哪个角度进行分析,我的态度都足以称得上勤勉。而相比之下,似乎只是动动嘴皮子的你更加悠闲。” „, There are so many?” “呃,有这么多吗?” Was complained by Lilith, Jiang Chen somewhat touches the nose embarrassed. 莉莉丝吐槽,江晨有些不好意思地摸了摸鼻子。 I have not been counted help you promote the work load of server.” Lilith is well-founded said that to prevent you forgot, I have to remind your one. This is your war, rather than my war.” “我还没有算上帮你升级服务器的工作量。”莉莉丝有理有据地说道,“为了防止你忘记,我不得不提醒你一句。这是你的战争,而不是我的战争。” „...... You said right.” “……你说得对。” Sat from the deck chair, Lilith looked to the Jiang Chen's direction. 从躺椅上坐了起来,莉莉丝看向了江晨的方向。 „, Told me, you planned that what made me make?” “那么,告诉我吧,你打算让我做什么?” „?” Jiang Chen visits her. “诶?”江晨愣愣地看着她。 I also had not said that does not help you,” Lilith shrugs, said seriously, I correct you is not untenable regarding I very idle indictment.” “我又没说不帮你,”莉莉丝耸了耸肩,一本正经地说道,“我只是纠正你对于我很闲的指控不成立。” „......” “……” Good, when the procedure/program learned the ponder, but also was really a troublesome matter. 好吧,当程序学会了思考,还真是一件麻烦的事情。 Reorganized under the language in the brain, Jiang Chen coughed gently, said. 在脑中整理了下语言,江晨轻轻咳了咳,开口说道。 Future Technologies will be planning large-scale space-themed VR online game in the near future, the main selling point probably is outer space colonizing, Starship, trade, mining and technical tree unlocking wait/etc.. At present develops the progress to be close to 50 percent, the latest progress was completed to the induction work of astronomy data Star Ring Trading Department of Space provides. What kind of, is the development game interested?” 未来人科技近期正在策划一款大型太空题材vr网游,主要卖点大概就是太空殖民、星舰、贸易、采矿、科技树解锁等等。目前开发进度已经接近百分之五十,最新的进展是完成了对星环贸易航天部提供的天文数据的导入工作。怎么样,开发游戏感兴趣吗?” Designs large-scale VR online game that takes space-themed as the background, this plan started to discuss and be implemented last year. 设计一款以太空题材为背景的大型vr网游,这个计划早在去年就开始讨论并实施了。 Caters to the present hot spot besides the consideration, this large-scale VR online game also has certain political goal. 除了考虑迎合时下热点外,这部大型vr网游也带有一定的政.治目的。 For example propagandizes the Star Ring Trading present outer space to breed. The democratic righteousness, lights basic unit people's enthusiasm to the aerospace enterprise, improves the tactical theory of Starship combat in the virtual environment wait/etc.. These political goals will not be written in the slogan clearly, but integrates the design concept of game in the form of influencing subtly. 比如宣传星环贸易现行的太空殖.民主义,点燃基层民众对航天事业的热情,在虚拟环境中完善星舰作战的战术理论等等。这些政.治目的不会被旗帜鲜明地写在标语上,而是以潜移默化的形式融入到游戏的设计理念当中。 Naturally, perhaps regarding Artificial Intelligence, designed a game of people attractive spectacle somewhat to feel embarrassed her from beginning to end. In situation that in game planning proposal has completed, making her solve the problem in procedure/program, has more than enough to spare. 当然,对于人工智能来说,从头到尾设计一款人民群众喜闻乐见的游戏或许有些为难她了。但是在游戏策划方案已经完成的情况下,让她解决程序上的问题,还是绰绰有余的。 Is interested to be far. However listens to your description, to me should be very easy.” Brings helmet Lilith, said unemotionally. “感兴趣谈不上。不过听你的描述,对我来说应该很容易。”带着头盔莉莉丝,面无表情地说道。 That asked you.” Jiang Chen says immediately, when can do well probably?” “那就拜托你了。”江晨立刻开口说道,“大概什么时候能弄好?” Stands in his standpoint, naturally is hopes that plays more gets online early is better. 站在他的立场上,自然是希望游戏越早上线越好。 Looks at the work load size.” Lilith said that long one week, short, then 1~2 day. Is as far as possible more detailed, can reduce are many my work load that if you can your to play the design proposal that write.” “看工作量大小吧。”莉莉丝说道,“长则一个星期,短则一两天。如果你能让你的人将游戏的设计方案写的尽可能详细一些,可以减轻不少我的工作量。” This you felt relieved, we had entire world most outstanding game planning team.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, the day after tomorrow, my person can all data compilations, then give Xia Shiyu job placement connection at the latest.” “这个你放心好了,我们拥有全世界最优秀的游戏策划团队。”江晨笑着说道,“最晚后天,我的人就能够将所有的资料整理出来,然后交给夏诗雨安排工作交接的事宜。” Lilith nods , indicating that knew. 莉莉丝点了点头,表示知道了。 Confesses after this matter got down, Jiang Chen does not have to continue to treat the reason here. 将这件事交代了下去后,江晨也没有了继续待在这里的理由。 Looked at time on the wrist watch, thinks that a while also several matters must process, he then lifts the step to walk toward the direction of threshold to buddhism. 看了眼腕表上的时间,想到一会儿还有几件事要处理,他便抬步向玄关的方向走去。 Looks that turns around toward Jiang Chen that the entrance walks, sits Lilith on deck chair opens the mouth to ask suddenly. 看着转身向门口走去的江晨,坐在躺椅上的莉莉丝突然开口问道。 „Do you plan to go out?” “你打算出门吗?” In the afternoon two conferences are also waiting for me.” Jiang Chen looked at time on the wrist watch saying that a while I must go to a Jituan Building, you stayed here to look after the house.” “下午还有两场会议等着我。”江晨看了眼腕表上的时间说道,“一会儿我得去一趟集团大厦,你就留在这儿看家好了。” I go with you together.” “我跟你一起去。” Lilith jumps down from the deck chair, after two small foot hedging slippers, patted the that slightly fold foreign skirt. 莉莉丝从躺椅上跳了下来,将两只小脚丫套进拖鞋后,拍了拍自己那身微微褶皱的洋裙。 Looks that has not planned to take down the helmet net addicted young girl slightly, Jiang Chen cannot bear the perspiration say. 看着丝毫没有打算取下头盔网瘾少女,江晨忍不住汗道。 „Do you wear helmet to go out do not have the issue?” “你就这么戴着头盔出门没问题吗?” Regarding the Jiang Chen's question, Lilith asked. 对于江晨的疑问,莉莉丝反问道。 What issue has?” “有什么问题吗?” Regardless of which perspective although was full of the issue from, but Jiang Chen or the decision did not continue to complain her. 虽然无论从哪个角度来看都充满了问题,但江晨还是决定不继续吐槽她了。 The time early, should not. 时间已经不早,该出发了。
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