IHHH :: Volume #7

#638: Compared with I more terrifying ghost stories?( 4000)

() ; (); Hides in completely blocked hospital hospital ward, fright diary that the reading dead leaves behind, in closing that flash of diary, horror scenario that in the middle of the diary described appears at present. 躲在完全被封死的医院病房里,阅读死者留下的惊魂日记,就在合上日记的那一瞬间,日记当中描述的恐怖场景就出现在眼前。 The scissors did not have the means to continue to camouflage again, he believes that any alone will collapse in these circumstances. 剪刀没办法再继续伪装下去了,他坚信任何一个人在这样的情况下都会崩溃。 The narrow glass window was occupied by several pale faces, is away from door, the scissors can see the expressions on these faces clearly. 狭窄的玻璃窗户被数张苍白的脸占据,隔着一扇门,剪刀能清楚看到那些人脸上的表情。 They are watching me!” “它们在看着我!” The scissors cannot gasp for breath, as if pair of icy cold hands put in the chest, grasped firmly his trachea, body did not use 1 strength, almost soon collapsed. 剪刀喘不上气,仿佛有一双冰凉的手伸进胸口,攥住了他的气管,身体用不上一点力气,几乎快要瘫倒。 Found you.” That gloomy sound resounds once again, the scissors calf shivers, his all attention by these face attractions, crossed for a long time to respond very much, that sound did not seem like from the gate leaks. “找到你了。”那个阴森的声音又一次响起,剪刀小腿颤抖,他全部注意力被门外的那些人脸吸引,过了很久才反应过来,刚才的那个声音好像不是从门外传进来的。 Fear as if electric currents delimited the nerve, the scissors had opened the eye, was almost the instinct toward looked at one behind. 恐惧仿佛一道道电流划过神经,剪刀睁大了眼睛,几乎是本能朝身后看了一眼。 In cabinet that in he hid a moment ago, is squatting a wear patient clothes man. 就在他刚才躲藏的柜子里,蹲着一个穿着病号服的男人。 That male is not tall, the both legs hit the gypsum, the left eye are pierced by a pencil, the bridge of the nose is crooked, ten fingers hide in the sleeve. 那男的个子不高,双腿打着石膏,左眼被一根铅笔刺穿,鼻梁歪斜,十根手指都藏在袖子里。 On his patient clothes also has footprints and bloodstain that the scissors left behind a moment ago, very obviously he continuously on dull in cabinet. 他的病号服上还有剪刀刚才留下的鞋印和血迹,很显然他一直就“呆”在柜子里。 Found you.” The icy tone, the puppet seems to be common, the expression on his face is very special, discovered probably the new toy is the same, brings the happiness that excited and an average man is unable to understand. “找到你了。”冷冰冰的语气,仿佛木偶一般,他脸上的表情很特别,就好像是发现了新玩具一样,带着一丝兴奋和一种常人根本无法理解的开心。 The ghosts in the cabinet, the scissors have thought oneself stayed in the jet black narrow cabinet a moment ago was so long, his whole body is straight the goosebumps. 鬼一直就在柜子里,剪刀一想到自己刚才在漆黑狭窄的柜子里呆了那么久,他浑身直起鸡皮疙瘩。 In the diary fellow patient by the person who leaves behind appears at present, he should die obviously for a long time was very right. 日记里被“病友”留下的人出现在眼前,他明明应该死了很久才对。 The scissors stand in the diary master and hospital ward gate middle, is in a dilemma, the present aspect compared with before after has the wolf has a tiger more difficult solution. 剪刀站在日记主人和病房门中间,进退维谷,眼前的局面要比前有狼后有虎更加难解。 Calm, don't be upset, before I come, has watched more than ten horror films, plays dozens terrifying to play, I have made fully the preparation, certainly can find the method of decoding.” “冷静,不要慌,我来之前看过十几部恐怖片,玩过几十个恐怖游戏,我已经做足了准备,一定能找到破解的方法。” The brain revolves rapidly, no matter but in the terrifying game horror film does not have similar scenario, was compelled in the middle of the sick ward, and in one group of ghosts makes a choice in the ghost. 大脑飞速运转,可不管是恐怖游戏还是恐怖片里都没有类似的场景,被逼在病室当中,在鬼和一群鬼中做出一个选择。 The cold sweat of forehead cannot stop falls downward, fierce of scissors heartbeat: Ghost, the front has one group of ghosts, normal stays in the room is safer, but he does not escape from the words of this room, was the chronic death, lost the initiative completely, even wants dead when the time comes could not die, like the master of diary, was poked the blind eye, the breaking off both legs, then can only stay here to accompany other ghosts to play forever.” 额头的冷汗止不住的往下掉,剪刀心跳的厉害:“身后有一个鬼,面前有一群鬼,正常来说还是呆在屋子里安全一些,可是他不逃出这个房间的话,就是慢性死亡,彻底丧失主动权,甚至到时候想死也死不掉,就像日记本的主人一样,被戳瞎眼睛,弄断双腿,然后只能永远留在这里陪其他鬼怪玩耍。” Thinks on diary likely will happen on oneself, the scissors shiver: Also has the ability to act while oneself, must escape.” 一想到日记上的事情可能会在自己身上发生,剪刀打了个冷颤:“趁着自己还有行动能力,一定要逃出去。” The chest of fierce fluctuating slowly returns to normal, he turns very quiet, looks at the window on door: Fought them! I first rush to third floor, then jumps the window to leave!” 剧烈起伏的胸口慢慢恢复正常,他屏住呼吸,看着房门上的窗户:“跟他们拼了!我先冲到三楼,然后跳窗离开!” The scissors felt oneself made the most correct choice in the hopeless situation, he gets hold of the scissors, under the gazes of these patients, loudly shouts suddenly, then shouts wildly is firing into the hospital ward gate. 剪刀觉得自己在绝境当中做出了最正确的选择,他握紧剪刀,在那些病人的注视下,突然大喝一声,然后狂叫着冲向病房门。 When he acts, a very skillful matter happened, another side of the corridor also resounded the sound of footsteps. 在他行动的时候,很巧的一件事发生了,走廊另一边也响起了脚步声。 That sound seems like from the second floor secret channel conveys, is somewhat disorderly, come as if also incessantly alone. 那声音似乎是从二楼安全通道传来的,有些杂乱,来的似乎还不止一个人 He screamed suddenly, the corridor on another wave of people who caught up with toward here daunting, when he rushed to the door, happen to heard outside the gate six and seven meters away place to broadcast a voice of middle-aged man. 他突然尖叫,把走廊上正在往这边赶的另外一波人给吓住了,当他冲到房门的时候,正好听到门外面六、七米远的地方传来一个中年男人的声音。 Trough! That ghost here! The round trip runs! The round trip runs!” “槽!那个鬼在这里!往回跑!往回跑!” The face on glass disperses rapidly, the scissors anything could not have attended to at this time, is brandishing the scissors, insane same ran out of the hospital ward, directly soars third floor to go. 玻璃上的人脸迅速散开,剪刀此时已经什么都顾不上了,挥舞着剪刀,疯了一样冲出病房,直奔三楼而去。 The arm, thigh and shoulder, he felt that had several hands also to hold him! 手臂、大腿、肩膀,他感觉有好几只手同时抓住了他! Loosens to me!” “给我松开!” The scissors in hand aim at the backpack, punctures ruthlessly, in the package has anything to be punctured, a lot of black red blood flow out from inside. 手中的剪刀对准背包,狠狠刺下,包裹里有什么东西被刺破,大量的黑红色血液从里面流出。 He just like a mania patient of outbreak, to periphery is flinging with himself the blood in backpack crazily, made that the whole body, everywhere is. 他宛如一个发病的躁狂症患者,将背包里的血对着周围和自己狂甩,弄得满身、满地都是。 Sprinkles the blood, while laughs wildly, has saying that the list said from the imposing manner, the scissors have suppressed patient who” these played hide-and-seek. 一边洒血,一边狂笑,不得不说单从气势上讲,剪刀已经压制住了那些捉迷藏的“病人”。 After scattering the blood, the scissors charge into third floor not to stop, but after he arrives at third floor, making his desperate matter happen. 撒完血之后,剪刀一刻不停冲向三楼,可当他来到三楼以后,让他绝望的事情发生了。 The third floor window has not installed the security net, but was actually blocked by the plank completely. 三楼的窗户没有安装防盗网,但是却全部被木板封死。 To open the plank at least to need to be good some time, but these monsters in hospital are impossible to give the scissors this time. 想要弄开木板至少需要一段时间才行,而医院里的那些怪物根本不可能给剪刀这个时间。 Once stops, these monsters will definitely act to me, they estimated that the meeting wants various completely means to make me remain to accompany them to play, if I revolt, that was poked the eye, to break off the patient of leg to be my fate blindly.” “一旦停下来,那些怪物肯定会对我出手,他们估计会想尽各种办法让我留下来陪他们玩,如果我反抗的话,那个被戳瞎了眼睛、弄断了腿的病人应该就是我的下场。” Scissors calm, his towards oneself looked at one behind, everywhere the bloodstain, this hospital seemed fiercer than a moment ago were too many, but this mostly stems from his own hand. 剪刀冷静了下来,他朝自己身后看了一眼,满地血迹,这医院看起来要比刚才狰狞太多了,不过这大多是出自他自己之手。 Does not know that black dog blood is useful? A while ago I saw that at the forum a person patted hits the ghost short video to seek help, he stood in the restroom is playing to call back from the dead to the mirror, at that time commented the following some people of high skill to say the black dog blood specially to subdue|grams soul......” “也不知道黑狗血有没有用?前段时间我在论坛上看到有个人拍撞鬼短视频求助,他站在厕所里对着镜子玩招魂,当时评论下面有高人说黑狗血专克阴魂……” "Pa!" “啪!” The sound that downstairs broadcast makes the scissors intense, he looks toward second floor, on black dog blood that has not solidified presented footprints. 楼下传来的声音让剪刀紧张起来,他朝二楼看去,还未凝固的黑狗血上出现了一个个脚印。 Only has the footprint, cannot see the person, whom that this footprint was very obvious. 只有脚印,看不见人,那这脚印属于谁已经很明显了。 I have other cards in a hand luckily.” The scissors comfort themselves forcefully, he drags the backpack to run toward the corridor deep place: „The window of sick ward was all locked, does not know that the broom closet and bathroom do have are locked, the opposite party might neglect such place very much.” “幸好我还有其他底牌。”剪刀强行安慰自己,他拖着背包朝走廊深处跑去:“病室的窗户全都被锁上,不知道杂物室和卫生间有没有被锁,对方很有可能会忽略这样的地方。” Has the last ray of hope, the scissors sneak in bathroom of corridor terminal. 怀揣着最后一丝希望,剪刀钻进走廊末端的卫生间 Went in he to see very strange one, five gates of restroom positions all were close, including four demonstrated had the person! 一进去他就看见了很奇怪的一幕,五个厕位的门全都是关上的,其中有四个都显示其中有人! Do not play me ah!” “别玩我了!” The scissors are wailing at heart, he looks up to the bathroom window, ignited a ray of hope at heart. 剪刀在心里哀嚎,他抬头看向卫生间的窗户,心里又重新燃起了一丝希望。 The bathroom window had not been blocked by the plank, possibly is because before , some people want to leave from here, they have pried open two planks. 卫生间的窗户没有被木板封死,可能是因为之前也有人想要从这里离开,他们已经撬开了两块木板。 So long as makes a plank again, I should be able to push!” “只要再弄掉一块木板,我应该就可以挤出去!” Fires into the window, he takes the shear in hand to want the plank to make, but the ghost in hospital seems playing him to be the same intentionally, on the corridor suddenly presents the sound of footsteps that approached rapidly. 冲向窗户,他拿着手中的大剪刀想要将木板弄掉,可医院里的鬼怪就仿佛在故意玩他一样,走廊上突然出现了飞速靠近的脚步声。 Makes the best use of the time!” “抓紧时间!” Races against time, the scissors exhaust the strength to want the plank to open, his attention placed on the window completely, completely without thinking of several seconds later, the gate of restroom was only hit merely. 争分夺秒,剪刀用尽力气想要将木板弄开,他全部注意力都放在了窗户上,完全没想到仅仅只过了几秒钟,厕所的门就被撞开。 Bang a sound, his heart is trembling, hand has not gripped, then don't falls down in the plank and window middle big scissors directly! 嘭一声响,他的心都在打颤,手一个没抓牢,那把别在木板和窗户中间的大剪子直接掉了下去! Fuck!” 卧槽!” The only weapon fell outside the hospital, the scissors in same place gawked for one second, then raised the bag to sneak in cubicle that only had not caged. 仅有的武器掉到了医院外面,剪刀在原地足足愣了一秒钟,然后提着袋子钻进了唯一一个没有上锁的隔间里。 He thinks very much making an effort hammers itself, but considering that the sound too congress brings in Specter, this bears. 他很想使劲锤自己,但考虑到声音太大会引来厉鬼,这才忍住。 Ended! The scissors went out, I have not gone out! Has had long known that did not take this nickname to oneself!” Is clenching teeth tightly, the whole body muscle ties tight, the scissors cover own mouth and nose, does not dare the labored breathing. “完了!剪刀出去了,我还没出去!早就知道就不给自己取这个外号了!”紧咬着牙,全身肌肉紧绷,剪刀捂住自己的嘴巴和鼻子,不敢用力呼吸。 He in talked over at heart crazily do not discover that I, do not discover me, when he lowered the head looks downward, despaired. 他在心里疯狂念叨着不要发现我、不要发现我,可是在他低头往下看的时候,更加绝望了。 He sprinkled oneself black dog blood a moment ago, every time walks one step to leave behind blood-color footprints, his whereabouts has completely exposed, so long as is not blind, basically can find him. 刚才他泼了自己一身的黑狗血,每走一步都会留下一个血色鞋印,他的行踪已经彻底暴露,只要不瞎,基本上都能找到他。 This with complete different ah that I estimate! Which link had the problem?” “这跟我预想的完全不一样!到底是哪一个环节出现了问题?” Looks deathly pale, the scissors have given up, basically in a waiting for death stage. 脸色惨白,剪刀已经放弃,基本上处于一个等死的阶段。 Pitifully I had not found the Elder Brother......” “可惜我还没有找到哥哥……” Hides in restroom cubicle fearful and apprehensive, but several minutes later, no one will look for him as before. 心惊胆战躲在厕所隔间里,但是过了几分钟,依旧没有人来找他。 Hasn't discovered me? Is impossible? Does the footprint that I stay behind, directly aim at this cubicle, the fools knows my here ah?” The scissors proceeded to move body, wanted to open the door, the hand when touched the cubicle gate to shoot immediately: „It is not right, these fellows possibly outside gate! I open the door the estimate to have several faces to push toward inside, they are waiting for me to go out.” “是没有发现我?不可能了?我自己留下的脚印,直接指向这个隔间,傻子都知道我在这里?”剪刀往前挪动了一下身体,想要去开门,手在触碰到隔间门的时候又立刻弹了回来:“不对,那些家伙可能就在门外面!我一开门估计会有好几张脸往里面挤,它们就在等着我自己出去。” Right, cannot go out, is consuming, can drag for one second is one second.” The scissors have been maintaining own posture, does not dare to transfer randomly: So long as I cannot see, that does not exist.” “对,不能出去,就这么耗着吧,能拖一秒是一秒。”剪刀一直保持着自己的姿势,连头也不敢乱转:“只要我看不见,那就是不存在。” Both hands held the worn-out package, black dog blood are drenching one, the scissors did not feel dirty: bathroom is in the ghost piece very common place, the unusual bad risk, making me think that had the person to be once smooth from bathroom to escape?” 双手抱着破旧的包裹,黑狗血淋了一身,剪刀也不觉得脏:“卫生间是鬼片里很常见的地方,非常凶险,让我想想有没有人曾顺利从卫生间逃出去过?” Thought for a long time, the scissors are more want more to be afraid, bathroom seems like to in the ghost piece the deathtrap point, he has not found out the means of escaping from, but actually thought of several very terrifying ghost piece scenario. 想了好久,剪刀是越想越害怕,卫生间在鬼片里似乎是个必死地点,他没有想出逃脱的办法,但是却想到了几个很恐怖的鬼片场景 Nearby several gates of restroom positions are locked, in other words inside definitely has the person! Ended, the ghost story is this, midnight goes to bathroom, the cubicle that side will extend a hand toward me, asked that I want the blue paper, is the red paper.” “旁边几个厕位的门都是锁着的,也就是说里面肯定有人!完了,有一个鬼故事就是这样的,半夜上厕所,隔间那边会往我这边伸出一只手,问我要蓝色的纸,还是红色的纸。” The cold sweat falls following the cheeks, scenario in ghost piece appears at present, and terrifying plot it is expected that might also become the reality very much! 冷汗顺着脸颊滑落,鬼片里的场景出现在眼前,并且预想的恐怖剧情还很有可能会变为现实! If the hand extends to ask that what to do I do want the paper? Telling its me is actually women's wear boy who likes squatting urination? Doesn't need the paper? May say it not necessarily letter/believes ah!” “等会要是有一只手伸进来问我要纸怎么办?告诉它我其实是个喜欢蹲着尿尿的女装男孩?根本不需要纸吗?可说了它也不一定信!” Bang!” “嘭!” The gate of restroom was hit again, the sound obviously was for the first time louder, as if has a more terrifying thing to come. 厕所的门再一次被撞开,声音明显比第一次大很多,似乎有个更加恐怖的东西进来了。 The scissors stop indulging in flights of fancy immediately, cover the mouth, is highly anxious. 剪刀立刻停止胡思乱想,捂住嘴巴,高度紧张起来。 Bang!” “嘭!” First the gate of restroom position was broken open by the violence, the heart of scissors also trembles fiercely: It in inspection restroom cubicle, do not come, do not come ah!” 第一个厕位的门被暴力破开,剪刀的心也随之猛地一颤:“它在检查厕所隔间,千万不要过来,千万不要过来!” Is contrary to what expects, the front several cubicle gates were broken by the violence completely, the last sound of footsteps stops outside cubicle that in he was. 事与愿违,前面几个隔间的门全部被暴力破开,最后一个脚步声停在了他所在的隔间外面。 Ended, was really then cool.” “完了,这下真凉了。” ...... …… Downstairs transmitted scream, the doctor stopped the footsteps, he looked to front Chen Ge: This place is a little strange, or we first get down, everyone is comparing the security together.” 楼下传来尖叫声,医生停下了脚步,他看向前面的陈歌:“这地方有点诡异,要不我们还是先下去吧,大家在一起比较安全。” With them in the same place, is easier to have an accident, do not forget that smile male also in downstairs, possibly was he starts to other passengers.” Chen Ge arrives at highest that matter, in the doctor shocking vision, takes out Skull-cracker Hammer from the backpack, breaks open the gate to roof. “跟他们在一起,才更容易出事,你别忘了那个笑脸男还在楼下,可能就是他对其他乘客下手了。”陈歌来到最高那层,在医生震惊的目光中,从背包里取出碎颅锤,砸开通往楼顶的门。 You...... seem like with here are very familiar, before has come?” Doctor cautious asking. “你……看起来对这里很熟悉,之前来过吗?”医生小心翼翼的问道。 I have a staff to live in Liwan Town, therefore I have come to here, although the blood fog covered the city, but these construct the internal structure not to change.” Chen Ge crawled the roof. “我有一个员工就住在荔湾镇,所以我来过这里,血雾虽然笼罩了城市,但是这些建筑内部结构并没有发生变化。”陈歌爬到了楼顶。 Your staff?” “你的员工?” To ah, I does props in park, this hammer is I does, looks quite exaggeratingly, is actually good to look at but of no use.” Chen Ge moves toward that several water jars directly, after lifting completely, discovered that in does not have the body of cell phone ghost: Here should in the reality.” “对,我是在乐园道具的,这锤子就是我自己做的,看着比较夸张,其实中看不中用。”陈歌径直走向那几个水缸,全部掀开后,发现里面并没有手机鬼的尸体:“这里应该还是在现实当中。” The gate lost control, inside blood fog scatters, slowly corroded this small town, may wait for some time, Liwan Town completely to be changed by the blood fog again, will become the junction of world behind the door and world. 门失控了,里面的血雾飘散出来,慢慢侵蚀这个小镇,可能再等一段时间,荔湾镇就会彻底被血雾改变,成为门后世界和门外世界的连接点。 What are you looking at?” The doctor also walked. “你在看什么?”医生也走了上来。 Fog was too big, I want to take a look peripheral to have what danger, what a pity anything cannot see.” Chen Ge found an excuse casually: We get down.” “雾太大了,我想看看周边有没有什么危险,可惜什么都看不见。”陈歌随便找了个理由:“咱们下去吧。” Returns to a building, Bus Line 104 also, but passenger actually also looks to disappear. 回到一楼,104路公交车还在,但是乘客却一个也看不见了。 In building should have the thing, but our luck is good, has not met.” The doctor is disturbed, he stands by Chen Ge, hesitant said some little time: Actually I came to this place, the blood fog to fill the air before......” “楼内应该有东西,不过咱们运气好,没有遇见。”医生心里忐忑,他站在陈歌旁边,犹豫了好一会开口说道:“其实我之前来过这地方,血雾弥漫……” Will chat again, that side has scream probably.” The Chen Ge five feeling far supernormal people, he is taking the backpack and travel bag walks toward the street another side. “等会再聊,那边好像有尖叫声。”陈歌五感远超常人,他提着背包和旅行袋朝马路另一边走去。 Hey! Careful ah!” Dissuading of doctor to Chen Ge useless, he can only follow Chen Ge to proceed. “喂!小心!”医生的劝阻对陈歌来说没什么用,他只能跟着陈歌往前走。 Following the street, Chen Ge saw vaguely intersection has alone to beckon, but that person is turning away from him. 顺着马路,陈歌依稀看到十字路口有一个人在招手,不过那个人是背对着他。 Finally discovered indigenous people.” He steps out, that beckoning fuzzy outline actually vanishes in the middle of the thick fog slowly. “终于发现一个原住民了。”他加快脚步,那个招手的模糊轮廓却慢慢消失在大雾当中。 Chen Ge is not willing to let off the opposite party, pursued a distance, when until passing through a hospital stops the footsteps. 陈歌不愿意放过对方,又追了一段距离,直到经过一个医院时才停下脚步。 How does this fellow lie down here?” Chen Ge discovered that the male drunkard paralysis in the hospital entrance, the mouth spits the foam, soon incorrect appearance. “这家伙怎么躺在这里?”陈歌发现醉汉瘫在医院门口,口吐白沫,一副快要不行的样子。 „His received anything to frighten probably.” The doctor shakes the head: I am the surgeon, to this situation many experiences, cannot only try reluctantly, can wake him to look at the luck.” “他这像是受到了什么惊吓。”医生摇了摇头:“我是外科医生,对这种情况没多少经验,只能勉强试一试,能不能弄醒他要看运气了。” Taking.” Chen Ge gives the doctor the backpack: This aspect I quite experienced.” “拿着。”陈歌将背包递给医生:“这方面我比较有经验。” He unties the male drunkard collar and leather belt, will be slightly supine the male drunkard head in the future, forms a low horizontal body posture, then has in the rhythm holding back person, then conducts the chest to hold back, the entire movement is impeccable, standard like the rubbing from the textbook gets down is the same. 他解开醉汉衣领和皮带,将醉汉脑袋稍往后仰,形成一个头低平卧体位,然后有节奏的按压人中,接着又进行胸部按压,整套动作无可挑剔,标准的如同从教科书上拓印下来的一样。 Second, after three minutes, the male drunkard wakes up slowly, after he sees clearly the Chen Ge’s face , the expression has relaxed finally, but he was also quickly anxious, pointed at some direction saying: Do not go to that room, inside has the person surface dog that can smile, that is a curse.” 两、三分钟后,醉汉慢慢醒来,他看清楚陈歌的脸后表情终于有所放松,不过他很快就又紧张了起来,指着某个方向说:“别去那屋子,里面有条会笑的人面狗,那是一个诅咒。” Relax, I first return to meet Bus there.” “放心吧,我先送回会公交车那里。” Chen Ge wants to help up the male drunkard, who knows that he holds Chen Ge: Do not go back! In our that building of first entering has one to tow really strange, in the staircase also has a ghost! Do not go back!” 陈歌想将醉汉扶起,谁知道他一把抓住陈歌:“别回去!咱们第一次进的那楼里有一个拖把鬼,楼梯里还有一个吊死鬼!千万别回去!” Some so many ghosts?” “有这么多鬼怪吗?” Really! I do not deceive you! I suspect that in now each building hidden has ghost stories, in this each room has a ghost!” Male drunkard body is trembling. “真的!我不骗你!我现在怀疑每一栋建筑里都隐藏有一个怪谈,这每一个屋子里都有一个鬼!”醉汉身体在发抖。 In each room has a ghost? That said each house can become independent horror scenario?” In the Chen Ge eye none flashes past, he takes a fast look around the surrounding construction, the expression and just came to here is completely different. “每个屋子里都有一个鬼?那岂不是说每一栋房屋都可以变为一个单独的恐怖场景?”陈歌眼中精光一闪而过,他扫视周围的建筑,表情和刚来这里是完全不同了。 Can understand.” The male drunkard do not know that Chen Ge is thinking anything: Right, by me this hospital, do not go, I heard several pitiful yells a moment ago indistinctly!” “可以这么理解吧。”醉汉不知道陈歌在想什么:“对了,我旁边这个医院,你千万别进去,我刚才隐隐约约听到好几声惨叫!”
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