IHHH :: Volume #6

#556: My name

The alcohol and gas firing, the flame will be very peaceful. 酒精、煤气燃烧,火焰会很安静。 When lumber combustion, will send out this type the sound. 只有木材燃烧时,才会发出这种噼里啪啦的声响。 Hello? Has something to help your?” “你好?请问有什么可以帮你的吗?” After more than ten seconds, Chen Ge sees that side phone call/number no one to open the mouth, he then probed was asking one. 十几秒后,陈歌电话那边还是没有人开口,他便试探着问了一句。 The beverage bottle falls, probably had anything to sprinkle, burnt down was more prosperous. 酒瓶掉落,好像有什么东西洒了出来,火烧的更旺了。 Hello! Some people in?” “你好!有人在吗?” phone call/number was put through, explained nearby phone call/number certainly to stand at this time the person. 电话被人接通,说明此时电话附近一定站有人。 Is the fire?! Are you good? Please tell me immediately your position!” “难道是火灾?!你还好吗?请立刻告诉我你的位置!” Chen Ge anxious, shouts loudly. 陈歌紧张了起来,大声喊道。 The fire in the fever, in the flame of ascension is also mixing with another sound as before. 火依旧在烧,升腾的火焰里还夹杂着另外一个声音。 Can chat a meeting with you?” “能和你聊一会吗?” His sound is very of pleasant to hear, was only the throat is mute. 他的声音很好听,只是嗓子哑了。 Good ah, I is also all right now.” Chen Ge was worried that the opposite party did not speak, so long as can exchange, he can obtain the useful information: What do you want to chat?” “好,我现在也没什么事。”陈歌就担心对方一直不说话,只要能交流,他就能得到有用的信息:“那你想要聊些什么呢?” Crossed for a long time, he answered: Does not know.” 过了许久,他才回话:“不知道。” The language fast is very slow, he has been thinking probably. 语速很慢,他好像一直在思索。 The Chen Ge hear the opposite party tone is not right, he does not dare to open the mouth casually, is worried to stimulate the opposite party. 陈歌听出对方语气不对,他也不敢随便开口,担心刺激到对方。 „Do we think some happy things?” “我们来想些开心的事情吧?” Happy matter has, everyone is very happy, I know happiness that very oneself should also display, but I am happy.” “开心的事情有很多,大家都很开心,我知道自己也应该表现的很开心,可我就是开心不起来。” Puts with ease, how do we think some good memories?” “放轻松,那我们来想些美好的记忆怎么样?” Recollection?” The men are again silent, the sound that but the cell phone that side flame combustion makes is getting more and more clear: In childhood, my parents often quarrelled, to live.” “回忆吗?”男人再次沉默,但手机那边火焰燃烧发出的声音却越来越清晰:“小时候,我爸妈经常吵架,为了生活。” Hears first, Chen Ge does not feel right, this is not the good memory, he wants to break the opposite party, meaning that but cell phone that side man actually simply do not stop. 听到第一句,陈歌觉得不对,这可不是什么美好的记忆,他想要打断对方,但手机那边的男人却根本没有要停的意思。 My mother manages me to be very strict, hoping that a son will grow up to be successful, I am also a very clever child, is somewhat shy, does not like speaking.” “我母亲管我很严,望子成龙,我也一直是个很乖的孩子,有些腼腆,不爱说话。” Elementary school time I learn/study am good, but six years must have been to a certificate of healthy, studious, and helpful student.” “小学的时候我学习还算不错,可六年只得到过一次三好学生的奖状。” Junior middle school time, my English is very bad, result middle-grade, third year(in junior middle school) my mother looked for English teacher single counselling to me. Is on vacation from school, I must attend class, to evening's 9 o'clock half, goes home already 10 o'clock.” “初中的时候,我英语很差,成绩中等,初三我母亲给我找了英语老师单人辅导。放了学,我还要去上课,到晚上九点半,回到家就已经十点了。” „The teacher teaches is very good, in me move of time, English tested for more than 90 points, the math and language that although excels at have not actually tested, but the overall result in all personnel first ten, tested as before probably for more than 560 points.” “那老师教的很好,我中招的时候,英语考了九十多分,虽然擅长的数学和语文却没考好,但总成绩依旧在全班前十,好像是考了五百六十多分。” This result can in the report besides city high all high schools.” “这个成绩可以报上除了市一高外的所有高中。” Actually I am not very clear, why must give on the child to get the label at that time.” “其实我很不明白,为什么要在那时候就给孩子身上打上标签。” City one high is the best high school, I missed for more than 20 points, wants one high, must pull out 18,000 Yuan school expense.” “市一高是最好的高中,我差了二十多分,想要去一高,就要多掏一万八千元的学费。” My parents one month of wages put together are more than 4000, in order to lets me have a better beginning, they pulled out this money, making me go to one high.” “我父母一个月的工资加在一起是四千多,为了能让我有一个更好的起点,他们多掏了这个钱,让我去了一高。” „Am I very grateful?” “我很感激吗?” Perhaps I don't know either, does not think ashamedly right, that three months of going all out effort that just went, I am worried about myself to expose, is worried about others to know, you do not come by your strength, you are a going through the motions fellow.” “我自己也不知道,或许是不想愧对,刚去的那三个月拼了命的努力,我担心自己暴露,担心别人知道,你并不是靠自己实力进来的,你是个走后门的家伙。” Actually others will not care about these, perhaps in my bone is a very proud person, or I do not want to be different from them.” “其实别人不会太在意这些,也许我骨子里是一个很骄傲的人吧,又或者我不想跟他们不一样。” Admittance knows the real situation the test, my result middle-grade goes near, this makes me chuckle, I start effort.” “入学摸底考试,我成绩中等靠前,这让我心里窃喜,我开始更加的努力。” But midterm examination time, after my result slipped into middle-grade .” “可是期中考试的时候,我的成绩滑到了中等偏后。” I could not find the reason to be, possibly is the study method has problems, possibly is because are insufficient the effort.” “我找不到原因所在,可能是学习方法出了问题,也可能是因为自己还不够努力。” Spelled.” “拼了吧。” Terminal examinations result comes out, ranking slid again, falls the tailstock.” “期末考试成绩出来的时候,排名再次下滑,掉到了车尾。” „An outstanding person, turned into the difference to live, in the status has transformed, but psychologically also process of adaptation.” “一个成绩优异的人,变成了差生,身份上已经转变,但心理上还有一个适应的过程。” When you psychologically also start to adapt, you from a student, turned into a difference to live.” “当你从心理上也开始适应的时候,你就从一个学生,变成了一个差生。” I am quite strange, I am that self-respect, simultaneously very proud difference lives.” “我自己比较奇怪,我算是那种自尊心强,同时又很骄傲的差生。” Writing coherence divides into separate fields, I run into the person who oneself liked, is very difficult to describe that feeling, saw that is very happy.” “文理分科的时候,我遇到了自己喜欢的人,很难形容那种感觉,看到就很开心。” She is that learn/study specially good student, is very assiduous, in the morning the association/will is very early goes to the classroom.” “她是那种学习特别好的学生,也很刻苦,早上总会很早就去教室。” „The key of our classroom in class leader hand, my every morning rise especially early, to catch up before the class leader opens the door, jumps the window to help her open the gate.” “我们教室的钥匙在班长手里,我每天早上起特别的早,就为了赶在班长来开门之前,跳窗户帮她把门打开。” Similar matter has, at noon her goes to the cafeteria to eat meal, I will take English book to stand on the corridor the back word, wants to wait for her to come back, looks that she enters the classroom building from the cafeteria.” “类似的事情有很多,中午她去食堂吃饭的时候,我会拿着英语书站在走廊上背单词,想等她回来,看着她从食堂走进教学楼。” Embarrassed saying that carried a word of semester, end of the period English only tested for more than 30 points.” “说来惭愧,背了一个学期的单词,期末英语只考了三十多分。” Academic record is getting more and more bad, stably from the bottom ten, to high three, everyone crosses the rubicon and fights to win or die, my interest and writes the article.” “学习成绩越来越差,稳定在倒数十名内,到了高三,所有人破釜沉舟、背水一战的时候,我的兴趣和写文。” Reads all kinds of extracurricular books, the net article, the magazine, the national overseas all science fictions and suspenses.” “看各种各样的课外书,网文,杂志,国内国外所有的科幻、悬疑。” Looked a lot, in the brain will present a world, oneself devised world that I also the first time was that time online established the author number, attempted to write the thing.” “看得多了,脑子里就会出现一个世界,自己构想出的世界,我也是那个时候第一次在网上建立了作者号,尝试着去写东西。” From college entrance examination also more than 100 days of times, hits several allies in night market to have a change of heart one after another, I was still stepping on the monitoring slipping out symbol.” “距离高考还有一百多天的时候,打夜市的几位战友相继收心,我则仍旧踩着监控溜出去码字。” Hundred days pledge assembly time, the school leader is the general mobilization on the stage, I think him, at heart what thinking likes the book that author who likes, I want to become with their same people. Molds a world, making many people like.” “百日誓师大会的时候,校领导在台上做总动员,我看着他,心里想着的是喜欢的书,喜欢的作者,我想要成为和他们一样的人。塑造一个世界,让很多人喜欢。” College entrance examination ended, these four characters have two ways of explanations.” “高考完了,这四个字有两种解读的方式。” "One was the examination was finished, the second was I was finished." “一是考完了,二是我完了。” Only crossed the proportion of technical college, comparing these tested one is not unsatisfied, person who the preparation retook courses, I decided that seized this last chance to go to confession.” “只过了大专的分数线,相比较那些考了一本还不满意,准备复读的人,我决定抓住这最后的机会去表白。” „Very real, I have not opened the mouth as before, see the girl and class leader who like in the same place.” “很真实,我依旧没有开口,看见喜欢的女孩和班长在一起了。” I managed bald, as a city key high school key class only junior college student, must have own demeanor, unflustered.” “我去理了个光头,作为市重点高中重点班唯一的一个大专生,一定要有自己的风度,从容不迫。” Did not prepare to contact with them again, perhaps was because, a self-respect stronger person, more did not like others sympathizing.” “不准备再和他们联系了,或许是因为,自尊心越强的人,越不喜欢别人同情。” Makes the difference to live, wants a difference that has the dream lives.” “做差生,也要个有梦想的差生。” „After I go to college, wrote the article became completely, I prepared to cause set ancient and modern in China and abroad all elements the myth works.” “我上了大学后,写文就成了全部,我准备弄出一部集合古今中外所有元素的神话作品。” I have read many books, anything understands little, writing the thing submits a piece of writing to the website.” “我看过很多书,什么都了解一点点,把写的东西给网站投稿。” First signing at that time, 300,000 character on the shelves, no one looks.” “第一次签约就在那个时候,三十万字上架,没有人看。” Afterward gave some at sixes and sevens thing contributions, they do not want.” “后来又给一些乱七八糟的东西投稿,他们不要。” Big three next semester, some schoolmates start to be busy the diploma, is busy testing the teacher certificate wait/etc, I went to leave home a farthest place to practise.” “大三下学期,有些同学开始忙着专升本,忙着考教师资格证等等,我去了离家最远的一个地方实习。” „The factory that my father is at went out of business, the manager gathered capital to be sentenced illegally for ten years, in the family/home be only my mother alone wages, were less than 2000.” “我父亲所在的工厂倒闭了,老总非法集资被判了十年,家里只有我妈一个人的工资,不到两千。” Goes out to practise, leaves home the farthest place, the wages are highest, but can also see the sea.” “出去实习吧,离家最远的地方,工资是最高的,还能看见海。” Our school has 33 people to go to this company to practise, because in a work, the workshop temperature over 40 degrees, must contact the copper mud and petroleum frequently, one month later, kept 16 people.” “我们学校有三十三个人去这家公司实习,因为就是在一线工作,车间温度四十度以上,要经常接触铜泥、煤油,一个月以后,就留下来了十六个人。” I because of the specialized reason, was adjusted other departments afterward, every day does not work with ease, but in the acceptable range.” “我因为专业原因,后来被调到了其他部门,每天工作不轻松,但在可以接受的范围内。” Slowly is getting more and more skilled, the leader also feels this child, although does not like speaking, but steadfast earnest, then ahead of time was put on regular status.” “慢慢的越来越熟练,领导也觉得这孩子虽然不爱说话,但踏实认真,然后提前转正了。” Every day works for eight hours, every week rests for day, after being used to this life, I start to reconsider itself, can work here for a lifetime? How can not have the ideal as a worker of new times?” “每天工作八小时,每周休息一天,习惯了这种生活之后,我开始反思自己,难道要在这里工作一辈子吗?作为一名新时代的工人怎能没有理想?” I restart writing the article, goes to work for eight hours, in the evening goes back to write 4000 characters, no one looks, no one to like, scolding person no 4000 characters.” “我重新开始写文,上班八小时,晚上回去写四千字,没有人看、没有人喜欢、连个骂的人都没有的四千字。” Does not write, anything will not change, writing, although is very tired, but at least I like writing.” “不写,什么都不会改变,写,虽然很累,但至少我喜欢写。” On perhaps naive will care for person diligently, the article reader is few, that girl but who likes during high school years suddenly in > “也许上天真的会眷顾努力的人,文章读者寥寥无几,但高中时喜欢的那个女孩突然在> Big two time, I listened to another male schoolmate saying that she and class leader bid good-bye, but I was infatuated at that time writing my myth science fiction suspense, has not cared.” “大二的时候,我听另一位男同学说她和班长分手了,不过我当时痴迷于写自己的神话科幻悬疑,也就没在意。” Afterward we started to relate, takes the new years vacation the time frequently I looked at her, saunters in their school.” “后来我们就经常开始联系,休年假的时候我去看了她,在她们学校里转悠。” Technical college and university missed a character, therefore I thought that the disparity is not big, but afterward her large Bo Liandu, four characters on bad was quite far.” “大专和大学就差了一个字,所以我觉得差距不大,不过后来她硕博连读了,四个字就差的比较远了。” Forgetting confession is which day, does not know oneself said anything at that time, but in any case is inappropriate.” “忘了表白是哪一天了,也不知道自己当时说了什么,但反正就是不合适。” „It is not too uncomfortable.” “也不是太难受吧。” Afterward continued to work, symbol on oneself, finally endured the on the shelf this book.” “后来就自己继续工作、码字,终于把这本书熬到了上架。” No one looks, every month payment for published piece more than 600, 600 are the full attendance prizes.” “还是没人看,每个月稿费六百多,其中六百是全勤奖。” Afterward I searched for my book, discovers many pirating websites, I am mad, reported, sues, did everything possible to add on finally pirated QQ that on the homepage that person kept.” “后来我搜自己的书,发现好多盗版网站,我气得不行,去举报,去投诉,想尽办法终于加上了盗版网页上那个人留的qq号。” That place also some readers commented, was livelier than my genuine book review area, after I added that person, said to him, letting him immediately my book bottom carriage, otherwise I will use various methods to come the rights protection.” “那个地方还有读者评论,比我正版书评区热闹,我加了那人以后,就给他说,让他立刻把我的书下架,否则我将采用各种手段来维权。” He has not managed me.” “他没理我。” I looked for other pirating websites, discovered that keeps many are the same person QQ, I with him reasonable.” “我又找了其他盗版网站,发现留个好多是同一个人的qq号,我就跟他讲道理。” Does not return, finally in my bone such proud difference lives, first asking others for help.” “还是不回,最后我一个骨子里这么骄傲的差生,第一次求人。” My this genuine author, opened to this pirates the person of homepage saying that I did not request your bottom carriage, do not renew with me synchronously, when my genuine chapter sent three days later did you renew again are good? If three days you did not agree, a day also good? Calculates that I asked you.” “我这个正版作者,给这个开盗版网页的人说,我也不要求你下架了,你别跟我同步更新,等我正版章节发了三天以后你再更新行不行?如果三天你不同意,一天也行?算我求你了。” I still post the post in the commentary area of that pirating, said my one month on 600 full attendance, if everyone likes please supporting the genuine.” “我还在那个盗版的评论区里发帖子,说我一个月就六百的全勤,如果大家喜欢请支持一下正版。” Some below people return to me, said that I sell miserably, said my fool, said that looked the thing that I write killed by poison, said that which big god cares about these, throws the street matter to be many especially.” “下面有人回我,说我卖惨,说我傻逼,说看我写的东西毒死了,说哪个大神在乎这些,就特么扑街事多。” Opens pirates the person of homepage not to return to me, I have not returned to these pirating readers, after withdrawing from the browser, continued to write today's 4000 characters.” “开盗版网页的人没回我,我也没回那些盗版读者,退出浏览器后,继续去写今天的四千字了。” Every day 4000 characters, one month have full attendance reward unceasingly- 600 Yuan, this 600 are all my puts in the complete return.” “每天四千字,一个月不断更才有全勤奖励-六百元,这六百是我所有付出全部的回报。” Probably in a week, I, when operates the buffing machine the operate miss, the work clothes fly to pound to succeed in obtaining.” “大概过了一个星期,我在开抛光机的时候操作失误,工装飞出来砸到了手。” Right middle finger, the bone broke, remains the two layers of skin to link.” “右手中指,骨头断了,就剩两层皮连着。” „The matter that 2 : 00 pm has, around 8 : 00 pm processes, returns to the bedroom.” “下午 2 点出的事,晚上 8 点多处理完,回到寝室。” Turns on the computer, seven fingers write today's 4000 characters, every day 4000, have the full attendance prize unceasingly this month.” “打开电脑,七根手指去写今天的四千字,每天四千,不断更这个月才有全勤奖。” Writes 1 : 30 pm, wrote more than 3000 characters, then the whole person collapsed suddenly, on the lying keyboard cries is like the dog.” “写到晚上 1 点半,就写了三千多字,然后整个人突然就崩溃了,趴键盘上哭的跟条狗一样。” „Am I doing?” “我到底在干什么?” Afterward was on leave time, returned to a native place, that girl wants to ask me to eat meal, then ate meal to watch the movie.” “后来又休假的时候,回了趟老家,那位女孩想请我吃饭,然后就去吃饭看了电影。” „The movie that on that day watched was 'Big Fish and Begonia', saw that the male with low-lying after female lead paid with the life, female lead Chun and Kun in the same place.” “那天看的电影是大鱼海棠,看到男配湫为了女主付出了生命后,女主椿还是和鲲在一起了。” I as if saw myself, all things put down.” “我仿佛看见了自己,所有东西都放下了。” I put in the gift of oneself careful preparation Tianqiao, squatted on the street late at night, the person estimate of communication will think that this fellow was very strange.” “我把自己精心准备的礼物放到天桥上,在马路上蹲到了后半夜,来往的人估计会觉得这家伙很奇怪。” „After going home, next day returned to Zhuhai.” “回到家后,第二天就回珠海去了。” Work, the symbol, supported at that time my, I do not know that is anything.” “工作,码字,那时候支撑我的,我自己都不知道是什么。” Afterward wrote the new book, passed more than half a year, ascends the sky has not treated unjustly person diligently finally, I passed happiest some time.” “后来写了新书,又过了大半年,上天终于没有亏待努力的人,我过上了最开心的一段时间。” I met one to be younger than five -year-old female reader me.” “我遇到了一位比我小五岁的女读者。” At that time she is going to school, I am going to work, stretched across half China.” “那个时候她在上学,我在上班,横跨了半个中国。” I look for her time for the first time, the typhoon came, the airplane did not have the means to take off, was late for a long time.” “我第一次去找她的时候,台风来了,飞机没办法起飞,晚点了好久。” What is more skillful, this typhoon has not walked, behind typhoon soon will also land, these real.” “更巧的是,这场台风还没走,后面还有一场台风即将登陆,这些都是真的。” At that time she told me, if I on that day, not in the same place.” “当时她跟我说,如果我那天到不了,就不在一起了。” „The most skillful matter appeared, in two typhoon middle that sometime, the airplane took off.” “最巧的事情出现了,在两场台风中间那一小段时间,飞机起飞了。” This should be my first being in love.” “这应该算是我第一次谈恋爱。” All things that among us handles, to me is the first time.” “我们之间做的所有事情,对我来说都是第一次。” „The first holding hands, goes to the aquarium for the first time, goes to amusement park for the first time, passed by from the Haunted House entrance for the first time, takes the subway for the first time, kisses for the first time......” “第一次牵手,第一次去水族馆,第一次去游乐园,第一次从鬼屋门口路过,第一次坐地铁,第一次接吻……” My this titanium alloy straight male makes her worry a lot, but also to concealed many own shortcomings to her, for example rectifies the finger that still has been able to look at to have problems, for example the school record, boasted own book.” “我这个钛合金直男没少让她操心,还向给她隐瞒了很多自己的缺点,比如矫正过仍能看出问题的手指,比如学历,还有吹嘘自己的书。” Afterward I wrote supernatural, the penetrating fire in a stove, felt naive person who will not treat unjustly an effort.” “后来我又写了一本灵异,彻底火了起来,觉得上天真的不会亏待一个努力的人。” That days look like the illumination to be the same, after the bitter comes the sweet, vainly hoped for that performs close.” “那段日子就像是会发光一样,苦尽甘来,梦想尽在咫尺。” I as if saw the high school hundred days pledge assembly time, stood not most conspicuous that student doing poorly is saying thanks in the crowd to me.” “我仿佛看到了高中百日誓师大会的时候,站在人群里最不显眼的那个差等生在对我说感谢。” Thank you not to give up, the author who finally, you and these once you liked, stood in one.” “感谢你没有放弃,终于有一天,你和那些曾经你喜欢的作者,站在了一起。” This is the happiest time, but the happy time is always very short.” “这是最开心的时间,但开心的时间总是很短。” In circle will select a fiercest rookie every year, I think that my result ninety percent sure, finally met a brush.” “圈子里每年会选出一位最厉害的新人,我本以为我的成绩十拿九稳,结果遇到了一个刷子。” My book to the leading result, altogether give 400,000 Renminbi red packages to make this honor absolutely.” “我的书以绝对领先的成绩,一共发了四十万人民币的红包才挣下这个荣誉。” This 400,000 100,000 are the book friends sends spontaneously, 300,000 are I leaves, I sold family's old house.” “这四十万有十万是书友们自发发的,还有三十万是我自己出的,我卖了家里的老房子。” In that month I thought that if my book were reported sealed. Found that brush, butchered him, then a fire, all burnt including oneself. Luckily, the book had not been sealed, but after making this honor, I felt the world suddenly secretly all of a sudden.” “那一个月里我都想好了,如果我的书被举报封了。就去找到那个刷子,宰了他,然后一把火,把连同自己在内的所有都烧了。幸好,书没被封,不过挣到了这个荣誉后,我突然感觉世界一下子暗了下来。” Should be a very happy matter, but actually cannot smile.” “应该是一件很开心的事情,但却笑不出来。” Everyone is happy, I am very revealing smile diligently.” “所有人都在开心,就我是很努力的露出笑容。” Dream was realized, but where I have problems probably.” “梦想实现了,但我好像哪里出了问题。” With the person exchanges, felt that the mouth of opposite party is enlarging, looks like black hole, will attract oneself.” “和人交流的时候,感觉对方的嘴在放大,就像是一个黑洞,会把自己吸进去。” „The person and intimate person who like, will give my care also to reject.” “喜欢的人和亲近的人,给予我的关心也会拒绝。” Where certainly has problems.” “一定是哪里出了问题。” The sound that cell phone that side flame combustion makes is getting more and more loud, as if has wardrobe and so on thing was overthrown, the voice of man gradually becomes far, Chen Ge only heard his last few words. 手机那边火焰燃烧发出的声音越来越大,似乎有衣柜之类的东西被推倒,男人的声音渐渐变远,陈歌只听到了他的最后一句话。 This burning down big ah......” “这把火烧的好大……”
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