IHHH :: Volume #6

#557: Wildly compared with Nobita

Hey? Hey! Now where you are at! I can help you, I can help you!” “喂?喂!你现在在哪!我能帮你,我可以帮你!” Chen Ge is yelling to phone call/number loudly, but replied his only then flame in sound of combustion. 陈歌对着电话大声叫喊,但回答他的只有火焰在燃烧的声音。 Calm, wants calm ah ten million/countless!” “冷静,千万要冷静!” He got hold of the cell phone, tramples the Haunted House gate, fires into park the highest office building. 他握紧了手机,一脚踹开鬼屋门,冲向乐园里最高的办公楼。 The sprint, he went into the roof full power, stands overlooks Jiujiang in the park highest place. 全力冲刺,他跑到了楼顶,站在乐园最高的地方俯瞰九江 The debauchery, heavy traffic, cannot see the flame only. 灯红酒绿,车水马龙,唯独看不见火光。 But that side the microphone the flame ascends now obviously, the sound spreads unceasingly. 可现在话筒那边明明火焰升腾,噼里啪啦的声响不断传出。 The fire has spread. 大火已经蔓延开了。 Hey, I do not know that these words you can hear, I want to tell you, I can help you, in this world some people are also willing to help you.” “喂,我不知道这句话你能不能听见,我只是想告诉你,我可以帮你,这个世界上还有人愿意帮你。” The electric current rustle makes noise, seemed like burns down the phone call/number line, does not have any message, phone call/number interrupt. 电流沙沙作响,似乎是火烧到了电话线,没有任何留言,电话中断了。 Listens to cell phone that side busy signal, Chen Ge a little to stop up at heart. 听着手机那边的忙音,陈歌心里有一点堵。 That author last said that should be own fantasy, insistence until now has not been returned, after vainly hoping for collapsing, his spirit has possibly had problems. 那个作者最后一段讲的,应该是自己的幻想,一直以来的坚持没有得到回报,梦想坍塌后,他的精神可能已经出了问题。 Holds the guard rail of building edge, Chen Ge is looking to the distant place. 扶着大楼边缘的护栏,陈歌看向远方。 After several minutes, he held one to dial that phone call/number number by luck again, he knows that was less likely, but wanted to try again. 几分钟后,他抱着一丝侥幸再次拨通了那个电话号码,他知道可能性不大,但还是想要再试一试。 The busy signal resounds in the ear, does not know how long to make a sound. 忙音在耳边响起,也不知道响了多久。 Chen Ge sighed in a soft voice, when he prepared to hang up, phone call/number was put through suddenly. 陈歌轻声叹了口气,在他准备挂断的时候,电话突然被接通了。 Hello.” “你好。” What that side the microphone transmits is a completely strange sound. 话筒那边传来的是一个完全陌生的声音。 Made a mistake? 打错了? Chen Ge looked at a phone call/number number subconsciously, several numbers is right, but in the microphone the sound of flame cauterization actually vanished, cell phone that side peaceful to depressing situation. 陈歌下意识看了一遍电话号码,几个数字全都是对的,但是话筒里火焰烧灼的声音却消失了,手机那边安静到了压抑的地步。 The same number, the different sounds, Chen Ge calms down, he is recalling on black phone introduction about this number- the police discovered, each dead dialed this number in the final time of life. 同一个号码,不同的声音,陈歌冷静下来,他回想着黑色手机上关于这个号码的介绍-警察发现,每一位死者在生命的最后时间都拨打了这个号码。 Dead incessantly! 死者不止一个! After realizing this point, Chen Ge reorganizes own mood rapidly, the voice and intonation of adjustment speech: Hello, has something to help your?” 意识到了这一点后,陈歌迅速整理好自己的情绪,调整说话的声音和语调:“你好,请问有什么可以帮你的吗?” Does not know the situation, does not know that the opposite party has encountered anything, Chen Ge can say only has these words. 不了解情况,不知道对方遭遇过什么,陈歌能说的只有这句话。 Helps me? Does not use, thanks.” phone call/number that side sound is somewhat weak, looking like soon fell asleep was the same. “帮我吗?不用了,谢谢。”电话那边的声音有些虚弱,就像是快要睡着了一样。 You seem like very uncomfortable.” Chen Ge does not have the reason anxious, opposite party tranquil scary, this reminded him of that writer: Can tell me, where you now? If you want to find a person to chat a meeting, I can pass immediately.” “你看起来很不舒服。”陈歌没来由的不安了起来,对方平静的吓人,这让他想起了刚才的那位作家:“能不能告诉我,你现在在什么地方?如果你想找个人聊一会的话,我可以立刻过去。” Time without enough time.” The male language fast is very slow: If you really want to help me, can before hanging up phone call/number, gave my landlord to say one, the water and electricity gas fee/spent, placed in the suitcase.” “时间来不及了。”男人语速很慢:“如果你真想要帮我的话,能不能在挂断电话之前,给我的房东说一声,水电煤气费,放在了行李箱上。” Landlord? How do I want to contact with him?” The tone of Chen Ge hear of men, felt that he seems like at the confession things to do after death, he wants to know that man this time position, the landlord is a very good breach. “房东?那我要怎么联系到他?”陈歌听男人的语气,感觉他像是在交代后事,他想要知道男人此时的位置,房东是一个很好的突破口。 She lives in the fairy tale kingdom park left inhabited area, No. 6 building.” The voice of man is worn out, as if spoke to present him is a very strenuous matter. “她住在童话王国乐园左边的居民区,六号楼一层。”男人的声音有气无力,似乎说话对现在的他来说已经是一件很费力的事情了。 Fairy tale kingdom?” In the Chen Ge brain flashes through this park position, constructs southern suburbs of Jiujiang, is one specially for children's park that the child builds, afterward for some reasons closed down: „Do you have her relation phone call/number? I feared when the time comes could not find the place.” “童话王国?”陈歌脑中闪过这个乐园的位置,建在九江南郊,是一个专门为孩子打造的儿童乐园,后来因为某些原因被关停:“那你有她的联系电话吗?我怕到时候找不到地方。” Chen Ge walks toward downstairs decisively, he prepares to go to southern suburbs of Jiujiang to look personally. 陈歌果断朝楼下走去,他准备亲自去九江南郊看一看。 So grave as to affect a human life, he has not hung up phone call/number, does everything possible to stand firm the opposite party: Hears your sound, felt that you are very sleepy, last night hadn't rested?” 人命关天,他没有挂断电话,想尽办法稳住对方:“听你的声音,感觉你很困,昨晚没休息好吗?” I very long have not slept soundly.” The men smile: „ Why I do not know, during the daytime is mindless, “我已经很久没有熟睡过了。”男人笑了笑:“我也不知道为什么,白天没心没肺的, Will indulge in flights of fancy to the evening, tosses about cannot fall asleep. ” I understood very much your pain, I always cannot fall asleep in the evening, frequently middle of the night 34 : 00 am also alone takes a stroll outside.” The Chen Ge sympathize, he said also truly is the truth. 一到晚上就会胡思乱想,翻来覆去就是睡不着。”“我很理解你这种痛苦,我晚上也总是睡不着,经常大半夜凌晨34点还一个人在外面溜达。”陈歌感同身受,他说的也确实是实话。 The men as if found a resonance from the Chen Ge sincere tone: „Do you also always lose sleep?” 男人似乎从陈歌真挚的语气中找到了一丝共鸣:“你也总是失眠吗?” Was ah, my parents was missing before more than half a year, had not found any clue, I lived every day in painful and anxious middle, can only by helping others, comes to seek a consolation for own mind.” At this point, a Chen Ge voice revolution: I will persist in looking, waited to find them, I must tell their anger loudly and worried, then ran closely to grasp them.” “是,我父母在大半年前失踪了,至今没有找到任何线索,我每天都活在痛苦和焦虑当中,只能靠帮助别人,来为自己的心灵寻求一丝慰藉。”说到这里,陈歌话音一转:“不过我还是会坚持找下去,等找到了他们,我一定要大声告诉他们自己的愤怒和担忧,然后再跑过去紧紧抱住他们。” Wish you soon to find them.” The tone of man has a conditioning, his condition is getting more and more bad, can probably the stupor be the same momentarily. “祝你早日能找到他们。”男人的语气有一丝软化,不过他的状态却越来越差,好像随时都会昏迷一样。 „It can be said that to me your matter, you regarded passing by stranger will be fine me.” Chen Ge saw similarly, probed was asking one. “能不能给我说说你的事情,你把我当成一个路过的陌生人就行了。”陈歌见差不多了,试探着问了一句。 My life does not have the meaning very much.” The men recalled a meeting, said these characters. “我的人生很没有意思。”男人回想了一会,说出了这几个字。 Life was no interesting, is mainly because each different person gave its different significance, therefore becomes not that bored.” Chen Ge has run the office building, outside facing park ran. “人生本来就没什么意思,主要是因为每个不同的人赋予了它不同的意义,所以才变得不是那么无聊。”陈歌已经跑出了办公楼,朝着乐园外面跑去。 Perhaps, my birth was an accident/surprise, since childhood was the father takes care of me to grow up, his trying hard worked, takes the meager wage, like casual alone that on the street saw, was very ordinary.” The voice of man slowly becomes low, but the language fast has not had the too big change. “也许吧,我的出生是一个意外,从小是父亲照顾我长大,他努力工作,拿着微薄的薪水,就像随便在马路上看到的一个人一样,很普通。”男人的声音慢慢变低,不过语速没有发生太大的变化。 I am very weak from small body, gave many troubles to him, after going to school, is at a being incompatible condition. I always felt oneself are very stupid, anything cannot complete, the attention is unable to concentrate, no one likes being the friend with me.” The men inspire, he hesitant one continued saying: From the beginning the teacher thought my personality has the issue, I also think that until one day, the teacher called the school my father, they suggested that I have a look at the doctor.” “我从小身体很弱,给他添了不少麻烦,上了学后,更是处于一种格格不入的状态。我总觉得自己很笨,什么事情都做不好,注意力也无法集中,谁都不喜欢和我做朋友。”男人吸了口气,他犹豫了一下继续说道:“一开始老师只是觉得我性格有问题,我自己也是这么认为的,直到后来有一天,老师把我爸叫到了学校,他们建议我去看看医生。” Goes see a doctor?” “看医生?” Right, the result after diagnosis is Nobita-Big G Syndrome, very interesting name, just heard I also find it very interesting.” The men smile, but cannot listen happily any from his sound. “对,诊断后的结果是大雄—胖虎综合征,很有趣的名字,刚听到的时候我还觉得挺有意思。”男人笑了笑,不过从他的声音里听不出任何开心。 Chen Ge also the first time is heard this sickness, Nobita and Big G seems like the character in some unit of manhua: What does this sickness have to display specifically?” 陈歌也是第一次听到这个病,大雄胖虎好像是某部漫画里的人物:“这个病具体有什么表现?” Overseas to sickness and ADHD this kind of energetic function barrier is called, what Nobita represents is ADHD, is the sickness that I suffer from.” “国外对过动症及注意力缺失症这类精神官能障碍的统称,其中大雄代表的是注意力缺失症,也就是我所患上的病。” Got sick I to know nothing regarding this at that time, goes back to the school, the schoolmates also knew me to get sick, but has not known this sickness. Sometimes actually they need one to isolate your reason, but the brain is sick by chance is a very good excuse.” “对于这个病我当时是一无所知,回到学校,同学们也只是知道我得了病,但并没有去了解过这个病。其实有时候他们只是需要一个孤立你的理由而已,而脑子有病恰巧是一个很好的借口。” The men said these times is very light, as if compared with following the matter , there is nothing. 男人说这些的时候很平淡,似乎和后面发生的事情相比,这根本没什么。 High school finishes attending, I have not continued to study again, felt unfair to own father very much. I looked for a lot of work, because the character was dismissed, I start to become the fear to see the person, the condition is also getting more and more serious, finally evolved the heavy depression, fed in the mental illness correction center.” “高中上完,我就没有再继续念书,感觉很对不起自己的父亲。我找了很多工作,但都因为性格被辞退,我开始变得害怕见人,病情也越来越严重,最终演变成了重度抑郁症,被送进了精神疾病矫正中心。” At that time I 20 about, not only did not have the means to take to the father a help, but also like only the leech of blood sucking, implicated him.” “那时候我二十出头,不仅没办法带给父亲一点帮助,还像只吸血的蚂蝗一样,拖累了他。” In this case, I considered is very long, decides to leave.” “在这种情况下,我考虑了很久,决定离开。” I will want finally to the words issue that the father said in online, supposed the fixed time issue.” Man deep sighing of: If I left on that day, perhaps also had nothing.” “我将最后想要对父亲说的话发布在网上,设成了定时发布。”男人深深的叹了口气:“如果我那天离开了,或许也就没什么了。” Has such idea ten million/countless! Lives has all!” Chen Ge has ridden the taxi, making the driver open toward the southern suburbs as soon as possible. “千万别有这样的想法!活着才有一切!”陈歌已经坐上了出租车,让司机尽快往南郊开。 I was rescued, but in that time of my stupor, these words of fixed time issue has publicized.” “我被抢救回来了,但在我昏迷的那段时间,定时发布的那些话已经公开。” I receives so many cares for the first time, has a feeling in reverential awe.” “我第一次收到那么多的关心,有种诚惶诚恐的感觉。” „After the recovery, I accessed the net to make clarification, put to trouble to everyone, I was all right.” “康复以后,我上网做了澄清,给大家添麻烦了,我没事。” Many people give me to comfort, said that is all right well, but I also saw some private message.” “很多人给我以安慰,说没事就好,但我还看到了一些私信。” How haven't you died?” “你怎么还不死?” You how also in hopping?” “你怎么还在蹦跶?” I am still hoping that your first seven do burn incense to you?” “我还在期盼你的头七给你上柱香呢?” Sleeping pill discovered that prompt is very good to rescue, chooses paraquat kind of toxicant.” “安眠药发现及时很好救的,选百草枯一类的毒药吧。” Can't die peacefully?” “就不能安静地去死吗?” I am very strange, is obviously unknown, why so many people are hoping I do die? Is because my death can make them smile?” The voice of man was off and on, becomes lower. “我很奇怪,明明素不相识,为何这么多人盼着我死?是因为我的死能让他们会心一笑?”男人的声音断断续续,变得更低了。 These words Chen Ge listen to feel somewhat virulently: I thought that you cannot make them achieve wishes, they more asked you dead, you wanted live was happier, is all smiles, irritates them!” 这些话陈歌听着都觉得有些恶毒:“我觉得你不能让他们如愿以偿,他们越求着你死,你就要活的越开心,笑容满面,气死他们!” phone call/number that side man smiled one gently: You may really be an interesting person, I once was also worried after a period of time, had chatted after my father afterward I am clear, he does not care about me to fall ill, does not care about me to implicate him, so long as I am living well, all has him.” 电话那边的男人轻轻笑了一声:“你可真是个有意思的人,我也曾苦恼过一段时间,后来和我父亲聊过以后我才明白,他并不在乎我生病,也不在乎我拖累他,只要我好好活着就可以,所有的一切有他在。” I at that time 22 -year-old, father's words gave me biggest encouragement, I am not a useless person, I can achieve.” “我那时二十二岁,父亲的话给了我最大的鼓励,我不是一个没用的人,我可以做到。” Actively coordinates to treat, three months later, I left the hospital.” “积极配合治疗,三个月后,我出院了。” Father knows that my situation, saw the person will be tense, he helped me relate one not to need specially to see the work of person- made me act large-scale cartoon mannequin in children's park.” “父亲知道我的情况,见到人会非常紧张,他特意帮我联系到了一个不用见人的工作-让我去扮演儿童乐园里的大型卡通人偶。” „On the day of goes to work, the park staff led the warehouse me, making me choose one in one bunch of cartoon mannequin clothing.” “上班那天,乐园工作人员将我带到了仓库,让我在一堆卡通人偶服装里选择一个。” My eyes picked Doraemon, big, inside has a small-scale ventilator, a reason was I contracts the Nobita and Big G syndrome in childhood, I thought that Doraemon can take to the Nobita good luck.” “我一眼就相中了机器猫,头大,里面有一个小型风扇,还有个原因是我小时候患有大雄胖虎综合征,我觉得机器猫可以带给大雄好运。” After simple training I went on duty, the daily work wears the Doraemon mannequin clothing, prepares the candy and small gift in the belly front pocket, then accompanies the children to play in children's park.” “经过简单的培训后我就上岗了,每天的工作就是穿着机器猫人偶服装,在肚子前面的口袋里准备好糖果和小礼物,然后在儿童乐园里陪孩子们玩耍。” I like this feeling very much, looks at children's smile, I also meet the smile of Unable to Restrain Emotions.” “我很喜欢这种感觉,看着孩子们的笑脸,我自己也会情不自禁的微笑。” Hides in the mannequin clothing, I also had the security sense, is not only not afraid, will also go to and visitors exchange on own initiative, I thought that this work customizes for me simply, Doraemon can take to the Nobita good luck.” “躲在人偶服装里,我也有了安全感,不仅不害怕了,还会主动去和游客交流,我觉得这个工作简直就是为我量身定做的,机器猫果真能带给大雄好运。” Did this was very long, sometimes my father will also come to see me, actually I know, whenever he came secretly time, earnestness that especially I can display, I do not want to make him feel that own son was a useless person.” “就这样做了很久,有时我父亲也会来看我,其实我都知道,每当他偷偷过来的时候,我都会表现的格外认真,我不想让他觉得自己儿子是个没用的人。” The voice of man is shivering gently, he seems trapped/sleepy is very sleepy, the language fast is slowing down. 男人的声音在轻轻颤抖,他似乎很困很困,语速在变慢。 At age 25, the father found me, he is proud for me, felt me, even if this had not defeated by the life as before, has surpassed many people.” “25岁的时候,父亲找到了我,他为我感到骄傲,觉得我就算这样依旧没有被生活打败,已经超过了很多的人。” He believes that I can continue the brave life, then also told me saying that like this he can also feel relieved went to outside area to work, his friend introduced a very good work for him.” “他相信我能继续勇敢的生活下去,然后又告诉我说,这样他也可以放心去外地打工了,他的朋友为他介绍了一个很不错的工作。” I have not had doubts at first anything, every week can also talk over the telephone with him, but I discovered gradually his sound is very strange.” “我起初并没有疑惑什么,每个星期还会和他通话,但渐渐我发现他的声音很奇怪。” Finally, I ask for leave, went to outside area, found that friend who he said that but the opposite party said that has not introduced the work to my father, my father not there.” “终于有一天,我请了假,去了外地,找到了他所说的那个朋友,但是对方却说并没有给我父亲介绍工作,我父亲也不在那里。” Returns to own city, I looked for a long time, found him in a worn-out rented room.” “回到自己的城市,我找了许久,才在一个破旧的出租屋里找到了他。” The taste of room, the father thin and pale were too many, I am know by that time he contracts the leukemia, has been resisting hardly, without the money of treatment, looks for the folk prescription, oneself make some traditional Chinese medicines to drink, because was worried that has the influence on me, therefore looked for a excuse that goes out to work.” “满屋子的中药味,父亲憔悴了太多,我是直到那个时候才知道他患有白血病,一直在硬抗,没有治疗的钱,就找偏方,自己弄些中药来喝,因为担心对我造成影响,所以就找了个出去打工的借口。” My father walked finally, I thought that I am very useless, initially supported the faith that oneself go on living is to make my father old age enjoy happiness, but has not thought that can be this ending.” “我爸最后还是走了,我觉得自己很没用,当初支撑自己活下去的信念就是让我爸晚年享福,但没想到会是这个结局。” Very light tone, but Chen Ge listens to be actually uncomfortable at heart very much. 很平淡的语气,但陈歌听着心里却很不是滋味。 I know the father just before leaving the idea of time, therefore I am living very much diligently, may always think that was short of anything, when I was 27 years old, children's park must be closed for various reasons.” “我知道父亲临走时候的想法,所以我很努力的活着,可总觉得心里少了些什么,在我27岁的时候,儿童乐园因为种种原因要被关闭。” I do everything possible to recall, but I am only Nobita, is not Doraemon.” “我想尽办法去挽回,可我只是个大雄,并不是机器猫。” Actually the cartoon mannequin clothing puts on is very uncomfortable, in the summer is very hot, inside also needs to wear a tight clothes, otherwise clothes coherence skin very difficult lane. But really arrives at this day that must take off, I discovered that I have not somewhat given up.” “其实卡通人偶服装穿着很不舒服,夏天很热,里面还需要穿一层紧身衣,否则衣服粘着皮肤会很难弄。但真到了必须要脱下的这一天,我发现自己还有些舍不得。” Puts on it, I am Doraemon in children eyes, in the pocket think of the innumerable gifts and candies, but after taking off/escaping him, I turned into that Nobita.” “穿着它,我是孩子们眼里的机器猫,口袋里装着无数的礼物和糖果,但是脱了他以后,我就又变成了那个大雄。” I discovered that own so many years passed by, actually have not progressed, I am fighting with myself every day, but has not won truly.” “我发现自己这么多年过去了,其实并没有进步,我每天都在跟自己战斗,但从来没有真正赢过。” This year my am 30 years old, do not want is so tired, I prepare to sleep well.” “今年我三十岁,不想那么累了,我准备好好睡一觉。” The voice of man is getting more and more low, to almost soon could not hear finally. 男人的声音越来越低,到最后几乎都快要听不到了。 Hey! First do not rest!” Chen Ge is worried about the man to fall asleep very much, he feared that the opposite party does not wake again. “喂!你先别睡!”陈歌很担心男人睡着,他怕对方再也醒不过来。 The taxi speeds along the western suburbs road, the place that Chen Ge the distance man said at this time also has a distance. 出租车飞驰在西郊的公路上,陈歌此时距离男人所说的地方还有一段距离。 Sober! I immediately!” The Chen Ge’s sound is getting more and more loud, however that side response actually getting smaller. “清醒一下!我马上就到!”陈歌的声音越来越大,但是那边的回应却越来越小。 , The man really fell asleep gradually probably was the same. 渐渐的,男人好像真的睡着了一样。 Chen Ge does not dare to hang up phone call/number, goes all out to urge the driver, after a half hour, he goes to the place that the man said finally. 陈歌不敢挂断电话,拼命催促司机,半小时后他终于来到了男人所说的地方。 Gets out, Chen Ge crashes in the corridor, the gate of rap room master. 下了车,陈歌冲进楼道,敲击房东家的门。 Passed for quite a while, the gate was opened. 过了半天,门才被打开。 Hello! I look for alone, male, about 30 years old, quite shy......” “你好!我找一个人,男的,三十岁左右,比较怕生……” Chen Ge the information that gained from phone call/number said completely, he only told only half that woman complexion of opening the door became very bad: „Do you ask him to do?” 陈歌将自己从电话里获取到的信息全部说了出来,他只说到一半,开门的那个女人脸色变得很差:“你找他干什么?” Where is he at? His present situation is very dangerous!” “他在哪?他现在的情况很危险!” Where is at?” Women strange looks at Chen Ge: That person had died, puts on does not know where from makes the doll clothes that alone runs up to close children's park, the police discover already late.” “在哪?”女人怪异的看着陈歌:“那个人已经死了,穿着不知道从哪弄来的玩偶衣服,一个人跑到封闭的儿童乐园里,警察发现的时候已经晚了。” When matter is this?” Chen Ge phone call/number has not hung up, his cell phone near ear. “这是什么时候的事情?”陈歌电话还没挂断,他的手机就在耳边。 Several months ago, the fellow seems like does not get on well with others very much, a friend does not have, walked is very sudden, the water and electricity room charge has not handed over.” Woman move backwards one step, closed the door most probably. “几个月前吧,那家伙看起来很不合群,一个朋友都没有,走的很突然,水电房费都还没交。”女人往后退了一步,将房门合上了大半。 I go to park to have a look.” Chen Ge nods, turning around time thought of a matter suddenly: Right, that water and electricity room charge, you went to his baggage to look, should be able to find.” “那我去乐园里看看吧。”陈歌点了点头,转身的时候又突然想到了一件事:“对了,那个水电房费,你去他的行李上找一找,应该能找到。” Baggage?” The women looked that was stranger to the Chen Ge’s vision: What you and are he relate?” “行李?”女人看向陈歌的目光更加奇怪了:“你和他是什么关系?” I am his friend.” Chen Ge takes the cell phone to run out of the corridor, runs to side already children's park that abandons. “我是他朋友。”陈歌拿着手机冲出楼道,跑向旁边已经废弃的儿童乐园
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