IHAMSS :: Volume #7

#644: Wants even Dayueshi

Chapter 644 wants even Dayueshi 第644章欲平大月氏 The news of goose transmission actually does not miscalculate, but is easy to create the misunderstanding. 大雁传递的消息其实也不算错,只是容易造成误会。 Business the king goes to battle, what all died is the enemy. 商王出征,全都死了的是敌人。 By a goose description, was business the king was annihilated seem like , the spirit ripples worried no wonder. 被大雁一番描述,倒像是商王全军覆没了,也怪不得灵漪着急。 Now knows to have a false alarm, she finally was also relieved. 现在知道虚惊一场,她也总算是安心了。 But after pleasant surprise, she is shy now. 而惊喜过后,她现在又害羞起来了。 She had not forgotten oneself made anything a moment ago. 她可没忘记自己刚才做了什么。 The behavior that agitated under makes indeed is not sane, but if investigates carefully her agitated reason, is not difficult to guess her intention. 情绪激动下做出的行为的确是不理智,但若是细究她情绪激动的原因,也不难猜测出她的心意。 The spirit ripples felt oneself seem like forced into the small beast of narrow alley, stands in her front Lin Yi, suddenly gave her enormous constriction. 灵漪觉得自己就像是被逼入穷巷的小兽,站在她面前的林毅,忽然就给了她极大的压迫感。 The spirit ripples heartbeat accelerates, is afraid Lin Yi to discover her exceptionally place. 灵漪不禁心跳加速,害怕林毅发现她的异常之处。 However, Lin Yi has not grabbed this not to put. 不过,林毅并没有抓着这点不放。 He told own these days experiences, was explaining why oneself had several days not to come. 他讲述自己这些日子的经历,也是在解释自己为什么有几天没有过来。 Before two people were part on bad terms, later has not seen the surface again, if he when became reconciled before the spirit ripples did not come to Mount Tai, that was equivalent really breaks off. 之前两人算是不欢而散,之后又没有再见到面,若是他在跟灵漪和好之前不来泰山,那就相当于真的决裂了。 Therefore his former every day insisted, was this reason. 所以他之前每天坚持过来一下,也是这个原因。 Originally is the relational good friend, nothing contradiction, he naturally does not want to make too stiffly. 本来就是关系不错的朋友,彼此之间也没什么矛盾,他自然不想闹得太僵。 However, the response of spirit ripples had shown all, Lin Yi does not need to explain anything again. 不过,灵漪的反应已经说明了一切,林毅已经不需要再解释什么。 From the eye of spirit ripples, Lin Yi saw some unusual things. 从灵漪的眼里,林毅看到了一些不同寻常的东西。 The spirit ripples also think that he needs to ponder carefully, will discover her affection. 灵漪还以为他需要仔细思考,才会发现她的情意。 In fact, Lin Yi can look. 实际上,林毅一眼就能看出来。 However...... 但是…… This sentiment, Lin Yi does not dare to respond quickly. 这一份感情,林毅并不敢很快做出回应。 Therefore, he saw through, actually also pretends that anything had not discovered, mentioned another matter with the spirit ripples. 所以,他看穿了,却也假装什么都没发现,又和灵漪说起了另一件事。 My this time, wants to report a safe and secure with you, for sometime had not come, feared that you were worried.” “我这次来,也是想跟你报个平安,有一段时间没有来了,怕你担心。” I will not be worried about you!” “我才不会担心你!” The words that the spirit ripples said did not have the persuasive power very much. 灵漪说出的话很没说服力。 Before soon, her also because of seeing Lin Yi wept, two people embrace, is very scandalous. 在不久之前,她还因为看到了林毅而喜极而泣,两人搂搂抱抱,很不成体统。 Now says again she is not worried about Lin Yi, arrogantly was rather tender too obviously. 现在再说她不担心林毅,未免也傲娇得太明显了。 Lin Yi did not argue with her, but then said: This time external war, although finished on the whole, but many important things need me to process, possibly several days later I will not come again.” 林毅也不与她争论,只是接着道:“这次的对外战争虽然大体上结束了,但还有很多重要的事情需要我去处理,可能过几天我都不会再来了。” you likes not being able to come, to me why spoke this? You will not think that I can wait for you?” “伱爱来不来,跟我讲这个干吗?你不会觉得我会等你吧?” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Receives the taste, too proud tender. 收收味,太傲娇了。 However, no matter, beautiful girl proud tender are moe. 不过,不管什么时候,漂亮女孩子傲娇都是萌点。 Naturally, the premise is Lin Yi knows her charming. 当然,前提是林毅知道她的娇羞。 Lin Yi has not thought that she can be proud tender, after all two people just knew time, she is a carelessness, straightforward young girl. 林毅也没想到她会是个傲娇,毕竟两人刚认识的时候,她还是一个大大咧咧,性情豪爽的少女。 She is not naively stupid, straightforward, but is not bashful. 她天真却不愚蠢,率直而不忸怩。 Lin Yi has not thought that she will turn into this. 林毅也没想到她会变成这样。 However...... 不过…… Compared with before, was truly more lovable. 比起以前,确实也可爱了许多。 In Lin Yi receives to have an intention the idea, said: Then some time, I have other things to do, does not know when can come again.” 林毅收起心里的想法,又道:“接下来一段时间,我还有其他的事情要做,也不知道什么时候能再来。” Really, one hear of Lin Yi said, the mood of spirit ripples becomes not beautiful immediately. 果然,一听林毅这么说,灵漪的心情顿时变得不美丽了。 For does not expose own thoughts, she actually pretends not to care muddily, said: You may really be a busy person, what matter also there is to make you unable to withdraw the body?” 为了不暴露自己的心思,她却假装浑不在意,道:“你可真是个大忙人,又有什么事情让你脱不开身?” Seemingly mystifying, actually cares about Lin Yi to come not to look for her very much. 看似阴阳怪气,其实还是很在意林毅来不来找她。 Lin Yi sighed, said: Same matter.” 林毅叹了口气,道:“还是同一件事。” Dongyi had been stilled, but the issue of Dayueshi has not actually been solved. 东夷已经被平定了,但大月氏的问题却没有解决。 This also lets the reason that Lin Yi sighed. 这也是让林毅叹息的原因。 He exterminates Dongyi, killing a head/number of people was billowing, he also takes it for granted. 他去剿灭东夷,杀了个人头滚滚,他也觉得理所应当。 This is the counterattack battle of protecting our homes and defending our country, executes the severest counter-attack to the enemy. 这是保家卫国的反击战,对敌人施行最严厉的反击。 But regarding Dayueshi, Lin Yi is not righteous. 但对于大月氏,林毅却没那么理直气壮。 When the cause and effect understand, who is wrong to whom, is actually very clear. 当前因后果明了,谁对谁错,其实很清楚。 Dayueshi always and big business well water not interfering with river water, because actually has a pretty princess, stared by the big aristocrat. 大月氏一向和大商井水不犯河水,却因为有个漂亮的公主,就被大贵族盯上了。 This, in this time, big tribe had a liking for the woman of small tribe, in marries to go home forcefully is also the common plot. 这也就罢了,在这种时代,大部落的看上了小部落的女人,强行娶回家里也是常有的剧情。 Generally speaking, the small tribe will exercise forbearance, but the big tribe only achieves this degree, but also is not really considered as that bullies the person. 一般来说,小部落都会忍让,而大部落只做到这种程度,还真不算是欺负人。 But Li tiger that son Li dragon, dry/does is really not the human affairs. 可李虎的那个儿子李龙,干的真不是人事。 The princess ran, are you direct the slaughter village? 公主跑了,你就直接屠村啊? Finally compelled to fly into a rage Dayueshi, under the crazy counter-attack, put in order to be annihilated. 最后把大月氏逼急眼了,疯狂反击之下,整了个全军覆没。 Can this blame Dayueshi? 这能怪大月氏吗? Objective, Li tiger son dies gets what one deserves. 客观来说,李虎的儿子死得活该。 The behavior of Dayueshi is the just counter-attack. 大月氏的行为是正义的反击。 Lin Yi also thinks at heart. 林毅心里也是这么认为的。 What a pity, sometimes, buttocks decision head. 可惜,有时候,屁股决定脑袋。 Lin Yi is the king of big business, naturally must give priority to the big business interest. 林毅是大商的王,自然要以大商利益为重。 The national strength was powerful, he can borrow the strength of the world, resists the immortal god. 国力强大了,他才能有借用人间之力,对抗仙神。 Therefore, to maintain the big business, he must still chaotic of Dayueshi. 所以,为了维护大商,他必须要平定大月氏之乱。 Dayueshi is uneven, the human nature of big business is unable to condense, the authority of his king is unable to establish. 大月氏不平,大商的人性就无法凝聚,他这个大王的权威也就无法确立。 Stills Dayueshi, Lin Yi can take over the influence that Li Hujia clan keeps logically. 平定大月氏,林毅就可以顺理成章地接手李虎家族留下来的势力。 Although Li tiger also turns to one of the Lin Yi influences, but does the strength in others hand, where have the strength in the hand grasping to be safe? 虽然李虎也投靠向林毅的势力之一,但别人手里的力量,哪里有自己手里掌握的力量稳当? The most important thing is that is Lin Yi are quite few before the number of times of the person manifesting a presence. 最重要的一点,就是林毅在人前显圣的次数比较少。 In this world, he is not big as business the fame of king. 在这个天下,他作为商王的名气并不大。 Has not mainly made one remember the profound concrete instance. 主要是没有让人记忆深刻的具体事件。 But after the Lin Yi royal cart makes an expedition to the east, the reputation one disseminated. 林毅御驾东征之后,名声一下就传播出去了。 He exterminates the method of Dongyi to be hot tempered cruelly, therefore nearby tribe called him the tyrant. 他剿灭东夷的手段过于暴躁残忍,所以附近的部落都称他为暴君。 Mentioning is also the heart stopper, Lin Yi to let the country develops, was did one's best, but also without obtaining enlightened ruler's name, first obtained the title of tyrant. 说来也是心塞,林毅为了让国家发展,也算是尽心尽力了,还没有得到圣主的称呼,就先得到了暴君的称号。 Returning to the proper topic. 言归正传。 Although Lin Yi is not willing to start to Dayueshi, but chose started to Dayueshi. 尽管林毅不愿意对大月氏下手,但还是选择了对大月氏下手。 No matter considered from the personal interest, considered from the national interest. 不管是从个人利益考虑,还是从国家利益考虑。 He does not have other choice. 他都没有别的选择。 However, Lin Yi is also very discrete. 不过,林毅也很谨慎。 Knows that Li tiger died 8000 people, Lin Yi knows that the enemy is not good to provoke. 知道李虎前后死了八千人,林毅就知道敌人不是好招惹的。 Therefore this goes, does not know how long wants to still Dayueshi thoroughly, on point of departure, Lin Yi naturally must say goodbye with the spirit ripples well. 所以这一去,也不知道要多久才能彻底平定大月氏,临别之际,林毅自然要和灵漪好好道别。 The spirit ripples listen to him to sigh, then asked the reason. 灵漪听他叹息,便问起了缘由。 Lin Yi has not concealed, the spirit ripples are the object who rare he can pour out, chatted with her, the mood can on good many. 林毅也没有隐瞒,灵漪是少有的他能够倾诉的对象,和她聊聊天,心情都能好上许多。 But listened to the cause and effect of matter, the emphasis of spirit ripples somewhat was crooked. 而听了事情的前因后果,灵漪的关注点却有些歪了。 Originally, this war , because looks for the princess to you?” “原来,这一场战争,都是因为给你找王妃?” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Summarized well, do not summarize very much next time. 总结得很好,下次别总结了。 Wasn't this equal to black pot all according to me? 这不等于是把黑锅全按在我身上了么? Lin Yi just wants to correct her idea, spirit ripples actually very earnest said/tunnel: You, if captured the princess of Dayueshi, will bring to come back to be the princess her?” 林毅正想纠正她的想法,灵漪却很认真地道:“你要是俘虏了大月氏的公主,会把她带回来当王妃吗?” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” Are you worried about this? 你就担心这个? Lin Yi shakes the head, said: hatred/enemy Jieda of Dayueshi and big business, I can only little kill some people as far as possible.” 林毅摇摇头,道:“大月氏和大商的仇结大了,我只能尽量少杀些人。” Did not have this, later you will look for other princess, right?” “没有了这一个,以后你还是会去找别的王妃,对吗?” Lin Yi thought suddenly this moment spirit ripples become somewhat dangerous. 林毅忽然觉得这一刻的灵漪变得有些危险。 Her a while proud tender, results in shyly does not dare to express the feeling, a while also is so direct, has not covered up slightly. 她一会儿傲娇,羞涩得不敢表露心意,一会儿却又这么直接,丝毫没有遮掩。 Lin Yi thought that she becomes very strange, not like original her. 林毅觉得她变得很奇怪,一点都不像原来的她。 But the young girl heart itself/Ben is capricious. 但少女心本就是反复无常的。 The shyness is her representation, but the essence is this young girl has fallen deeply in love. 害羞是她的表象,而本质是这个少女已经坠入了爱河。 In this moment, is completely not the same matter that the spirit ripples and Lin Yi think...... 在这一刻,灵漪和林毅想的完全不是同一件事…… ps: This morning accompanies the wife to do the hair, in the afternoon caught the fish to go, in the evening was a little sleepy, was slightly short, I will make up tomorrow, ps:今天上午陪老婆做头发,下午抓鱼去了,晚上有点困,稍微短了点,我明天补上,
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