IHAMSS :: Volume #7

#641: Sends the liner mutually

Chapter 641 sends the liner mutually 第641章互发直球 Saw that Lin Yi and spirit ripples are together that happily, Bixia also has a strange feeling. 看到林毅和灵漪相处得那么愉快,碧霞心里也有种古怪的感觉。 One is her good friend, a person who is she likes. 一个是她的好朋友,一个是她喜欢的人。 Both people are worth her trusting, when these two people are together alone, she thought that is not very steadfast. 两个人都值得她去信任,可是,当这两个人单独相处的时候,她却觉得心里特别不踏实。 Spirit ripples are pure, do not think.” “灵漪单纯懵懂,不要多想。” Bixia consoles oneself to say. 碧霞自我安慰道。 Such a thinks, she is also relieved for the time being. 这么一想,她也暂且安心了一些。 The spirit ripples are very not indeed mature, she does not understand the human world love. 灵漪的确很不成熟,她根本就不懂人间情爱。 But her natural disposition is lively, helps others do well, therefore friend many point is very normal. 而她生性活泼,又与人为善,所以朋友多一点很正常。 In comforts at heart repeatedly, Bixia decides first to manage the proper business. 在心里反复安慰一番,碧霞决定先办正事。 Her proper business, is displays normally, so long as does not cause the suspicion of Eastern God to succeed even. 她的正事,就是表现得正常一点,只要不引起东方天帝的怀疑就算成功。 All as Bixia expected. 一切都如碧霞所料。 The nether world after obtaining Bixia replied, got down the post rapidly, inviting the Eastern God to attend tonight two conferences 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. 阴司在得到了碧霞回复之后,迅速下了帖子,邀请东方天帝参加今晚子时召开的两界会议。 The time is quite tight, Bixia then gave the Eastern God to pass on the news. 时间比较紧,碧霞便给东方天帝传了讯。 In day, the Eastern God returned to the human world, arrived at the Mount Tai temple. 日中时分,东方天帝就回到了人间,降临到了泰山神殿。 Read the post, his some discontented tunnels: Yama palace management rather too does not know the ritual.” 读了帖子,他有些不满地道:“阎罗殿办事未免太不知礼。” Tonight must the conference, under the post invite him today. 今晚就要召开的会议,今天才下帖子请他。 Generally speaking, this matter at least this/should invited three days ahead of schedule. 一般来说,这种事至少该提前三天邀请。 He does not know, own daughter played the trick. 他是不知,自己的女儿在其中玩了花招。 Bixia admits mistakes on own initiative, said: Is the negligence of daughter, days before they invited, but I inquire that today the conference content must again the standard two lawful rights, the daughter was worried one attending a meeting possible prestige to be insufficient, this wants to make the father go.” 碧霞主动认错,道:“是女儿的疏忽,前几日他们就邀约了,但我今日才打听到会议内容是要重新规范两界权柄,女儿担心自己去赴会可能威望不够,这才想让父亲去。” Such a explanation, can understand actually. 这么一解释,倒是也能理解。 The Eastern God thinks, said: „ Said is also, you wield the date and time of Mount Tai is not long after all, cultivate/repair for also insufficiently, if went to the netherworld, perhaps they bully you. 东方天帝想想,道:“说的也是,你毕竟执掌泰山的时日不长,修为也不够,若是去了阴间,没准他们明里暗里欺负你。 Since this, that you then with attend a meeting for the father today together. ” 既然这样,那今日你便和为父一起去赴会。” Good.” “好。” Bixia promises simply, as if her to plan very much. 碧霞答应得很干脆,似乎她本来就是这么打算的。 This step, naturally also during her plan. 这一步,自然也是在她的计划之中。 She knows, she in the eye of Eastern God, should be credible now. 她知道,自己现在在东方天帝的眼里,应该还算可信。 But he will also guard. 但他也会提防。 Therefore she can only not make the Eastern God cause suspicion as far as possible. 所以她只能尽可能地不让东方天帝生疑。 The going together netherworld, is imperative. 同去阴间,是势在必行。 Otherwise, Eastern God , if there is suspicion, was making what method in secret, she is hard to deal on the contrary. 不然,东方天帝若是产生疑心,又在暗中做了什么手段,她反倒难以应对。 She tonight and agreement of Lin Yi, the main body naturally cannot attend a meeting, but she learned a very wise clone technique. 她今晚和林毅的约定,本体自然是不能赴会了,但她学到了一个非常高明的分身术. This is the top-secret magical powers of fox clan, does not leak generally, it is said cultivates the high deep place, can clone ten million/countless . Moreover the strength that clone can not be weak in the main body. 这是狐族的绝密神通,概不外传,据说修炼到高深处,能分身千万,而且分身的实力能不弱于本体。 Naturally this is the boundary that one type described, can achieve does not say. 当然这是一种描述上的境界,能不能达到并不好说。 But spans two still to control clone, this can achieve absolutely. 但跨越两界依然能操控分身,这点是绝对能做到的。 Since is the fox clan secret technique, wants to study is not naturally easy. 既然是狐族秘术,想要学习自然没那么容易。 Bixia also spent a hands and feet, traded this secret technique from the fox clan head of the clan hand. 碧霞也是费了一番手脚,才从狐族族长手里换到了这门秘术。 Now, all things have, only treats 11 p.m. to 1 a.m arrives. 如今,万事具备,只待子时到来。 Bixia also spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Can the father trip be smooth?” 碧霞又随口问道:“父亲此行可还顺利?” Properly speaking, should not have what issue. 按理说,应该是不会有什么问题的。 She also looks for a thread of conversation casually , the Eastern God said: „ Mentioned also skillfully, the eastern nobility and queen mothers of the west went to Laojundian and old Monarch discuss, little said that also the moon/month can finish. 她也就是随便找个话茬而已,没想到,东方天帝却道:“说来也巧,东王公和西王母都去老君殿与老君论道去了,少说也得月余才能结束。 This matter does not need to worry, waits for them not to go out after a period of time, I first deliver the spirit ripples them to go back. ” 此事也无需过于着急,等过一段时间他们还不出关,我就先送灵漪她们回去。” From these kills the tribulation to open time, but also some date and time, does not miss these 1-2 months. 距离这一次杀劫开启,还有些时日,也不差这1-2月的。 Spirit ripples and spirit continuous rain how is informed and experienced to arrange, after all must make their parents decide. 灵漪和灵霖的历练如何安排,终归是要让她们的父母来决定。 The Eastern God felt own such arrangement is safe enough, has not actually thought, these killed the tribulation and past time is not same. 东方天帝觉得自己这么安排已经足够稳妥了,却没想到,这一次杀劫和以往都不相同。 Bixia had not asked again, but proposes one shares benefit these days incense and candle to the spirit ripples and spirit continuous rain. 碧霞没再多问,只是提一句给灵漪和灵霖分润这一段时间的香火。 The spirit ripples and spirit continuous rain were equivalent hit several years of labor, at present has not received the wages. 灵漪和灵霖相当于打了几年工,目前还没领取过工资。 This time they must walk, must settle account to them one time. 这次她们要走了,一次性要给她们结清。 Bixia also somewhat is lonely. 碧霞心里也有些寂寞。 These years being together, she, although has not played with both sisters noisily. 这几年的相处,她虽然和两姐妹都没有怎么一起玩闹。 However among the friends is together, even if anything does not do, the light stands there, relieved feelings. 但是朋友之间相处,哪怕什么都不做,光是站在那里,也会有一种安心的感觉。 Before long, her friend and lover, must leave. 过不了多久,她的朋友和爱人,都要离开了。 Bixia thinks of here, at heart also myriad feelings. 碧霞想到这里,心里也有万千感慨。 However her will is firm, she also knows that oneself goal is anything, on the way forward, she will not hesitate again hesitant. 但是她意志坚定,她也知道自己的目标是什么,在前进的路上,她不会再犹豫迟疑。 Time points pasts, quick approached 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. 时间一点点过去,很快就临近了子时。 The insignia of Eastern God has prepared, Bixia also rode the imperial carriage. 东方天帝的仪仗已经准备好了,碧霞也乘上了銮驾。 At this time, the Eastern God asked one suddenly: Mentioned also strangely, how today to have been seeing the spirit ripples?” 这时,东方天帝才忽然问了一句:“说来也怪,今天怎么没见着灵漪?” Bixia: „......” 碧霞:“……” This girl is playing with Lin Yi happily! 这丫头在和林毅愉快地玩耍呢! Thinks of here, she is also uncomfortable, but is very tranquil said/tunnel: Perhaps was goes to under the mountain in the town to play, did not need to manage her.” 想到这里,她心里也是一阵不爽,但还是很平静地道:“也许是去山下镇子里去玩了,不用管她。” Yeah, this child.” “哎,这孩子。” The Eastern God sighed one, the spirit ripples were mischievous, the spirit continuous rain was actually sensibly clever, but the temper was too honest, was short of several points of noble air. 东方天帝只是叹一句,灵漪调皮,灵霖倒是乖巧懂事,但性子太老实,少了几分贵气。 His family/home Bixia is good, knows the book to reach the principle, intelligent keen, solemn noble air. 还是他家碧霞好,知书达理,聪慧敏锐,端庄贵气。 Thinks of here, the Eastern God somewhat is also proud. 想到这里,东方天帝也有些骄傲。 Is he has a good teaching method, later in front of friends, there is can boast. 都是他教导有方,以后在朋友们面前,也有能够吹嘘的了。 Has the kid, naturally must expose to the sun the kid. 有娃的,自然是要晒娃的。 Two people conversations are only a small interlude, they entered the imperial carriage respectively, the insignia then toward the netherworld. 两人的交谈只是一个小插曲,他们各自进了銮驾,仪仗便往阴间去了。 After all has the person of position, which usually wants to go to go, whiz whiz fly also good. 毕竟是有身份地位的人,平时想去哪就去哪,嗖嗖的自己飞也行。 But the official visitation, the scene must do fully. 但正式的探访,场面就必须要做足了。 One group of people entered the gateway of netherworld enormously and powerful, the multi-colored sunlight is dense, the fairyism is floating. 一群人浩浩荡荡地走进了阴间的门户,霞光氤氲,仙气飘飘。 Waited for the insignia to enter the ghost gate, the fairyism still wound around for a long time. 等仪仗全都走进了鬼门,仙气依然缭绕了许久。 After the fog has lifted, another under young girl who wears the face-cloth, makes a pilgrimage to a famous mountain temple rapidly skices. 在雾散之后,另一个戴着面巾的少女,才迅速朝山下疾行。 Also does not know how long this conference will conduct, the time is very short, Bixia wants as far as possible and Lin Yi is together. 也不知道这一场会议会进行多久,时间很短暂,碧霞想尽可能地和林毅相处。 However, after she descends the mountain in a hurry, seen is Lin Yi and spirit ripples is speaking together, Lin Yi is giving the spirit ripples to tell the story. 然而,等她匆匆下山之后,看到的却是林毅和灵漪在一起说话,林毅在给灵漪讲故事。 After all several thousand years later passes through, the Lin Yi knowledge reserves is very rich, in addition his imagination is also rich, really has not said that he can also arrange one on the spot, kills the time in any case. 毕竟是从几千年之后穿越过来的,林毅的知识储量十分丰富,再加上他的想象力也还算丰富,实在没有说的了,他还可以现场编一个,反正是打发时间。 Shang Dynasty was to practice the curfew system, this was also the Lin Yi helpless action. 商朝是实行宵禁制度的,这也是林毅的无奈之举。 Although said that restricted the personal freedom, but also safeguarded the safety of common people as far as possible. 虽然说限制了人身自由,但也尽可能地保障了百姓的安全。 An early rising, resting at sundown, conforms to the objective law, realistic. 一则日出而作,日落而息,算是符合客观规律,实事求是。 This time may not have so many electric lamps, the basic apparatus of illumination are hot. 这个时代可没有那么多电灯,照明的基本用具还是火。 But this time rooms were the lumbers, if used the things that may cause fires frequently, increased the danger of fire. 而这个时候的屋子多是木材,若是频繁地使用火烛,也就增加了火灾的危险。 In addition in the evening is also the lawless element active peak, forbidding the common people to walk at night, differentiates them. 加上晚上也是不法分子活跃的高峰期,禁止良民夜间行走,也是对他们进行区分。 In the evening runs all over the place on the avenue, processes by the bad element directly. 晚上在大街上乱跑的,直接以坏分子处理。 The synthesis, imposes the curfew in this time is the advantage outweighs the shortcoming absolutely. 综合来说,在这个时代实行宵禁绝对是利大于弊。 Lin Yi was also by own policy saving, otherwise, the spirit ripples feared that has strolled. 林毅也算是被自己的政策给拯救了,不然,灵漪怕是会一直逛下去。 Mentioning is also strange, the body of Lin Yi is also being on par immortal god, he hits several double-hour with others the frame, perhaps has not window-shopped tired. 说来也是奇怪,林毅的身体也算是比肩仙神,他跟别人打一场几个时辰的架,说不定都没有逛街累。 Really is a mysterious matter. 真是件神奇的事情。 In the evening did not have the thing to play, Lin Yi has to have the spirit ripples to walk. 晚上没有东西玩了,林毅只好带灵漪走。 The spirit ripples do not think that he alone is inferior bored in the mountain, then has accompanied him to wait together. 灵漪不想他一个人在山下等着无聊,便一直陪着他一起等。 Two people naturally chat, but among them being acquainted time is very after all short, without so many topics can chat. 两人自然就聊起了天,可他们之间毕竟相识时间很短,没那么多话题可以聊。 Can chat, is the secret. 能聊的,都是机密。 Lin Yi has to tell the fairytale to her, actually in his brain the story are very many, but at this time, he only thought of The Legend and Hero. 林毅只好给她讲起了神话故事,其实他脑子里故事挺多,但这时候,他只想到了封神榜。 Naturally, Lin Yi conducted the large scale demon to change, traded the space and time background, the character name also complete demon changed. 当然,林毅进行了大幅度的魔改,把时空背景换了一下,人物名字也完全魔改。 Simply speaking, is plagiarism translates the pattern. 简单来说,就是抄袭界的中译中模式。 The content of story, Lin Yi is port version to seal/confer God who said. 故事的内容,林毅则是说的港版封神。 The spirit ripples hear with great interest, Bixia comes time, Lin Yi is talking about that lump to truncate the bone to return the father, truncates the meat also female. 灵漪听得津津有味,碧霞过来的时候,林毅正讲到那坨削骨还父,削肉还母。 The anxious time, Bixia actually came. 正是揪心的时刻,碧霞却来了。 The spirit ripples know, oneself should walk. 灵漪知道,自己该走了。 However, she really does not give up. 但是,她真的舍不得。 Lin Yi looks that a little wants to smile, this feeling, looks like wallows to look the child who play was closed the television by the parents. 林毅看着有点想笑,这感觉,就像是沉迷看剧的小孩子被父母关了电视。 Lin Yi comforting said: Do not worry, I will then say tomorrow to you listen.” 林毅安抚道:“别担心,我明天来接着讲给伱听。” Good!” “好!” On the spirit ripples face hung all over the smile, nods to Bixia, then walked voluntarily. 灵漪脸上重新挂满了笑容,对碧霞点点头,便自觉地走了。 She is pure, is not silly. 她是单纯,不是傻。 Knows that at this time Lin Yi and Bixia will have many words to say alone. 知道这个时候林毅和碧霞会有很多话想要单独说。 However, she actually also very thinks the short distance eats the sugar. 不过,她其实也挺想近距离吃糖的。 The spirit ripples walk, the atmosphere immediately becomes different. 灵漪一走,现场的气氛顿时变得不同。 Two people look at the eyes of opposite party, this, then exceeded the countless words. 两人都看着对方的眼睛,这一眼,便胜过了千言万语。 Lin Yi knew, goal that Bixia comes, as he expected. 林毅知道了,碧霞过来的目的,如他所料。 In her eye had meaning decidedly, Lin Yi then understands. 她眼里有决然之意,林毅便懂了。 Bixia also knows, he understood. 碧霞也知道,他懂了。 Looks at each other speechless, for a long time later, Bixia said: You and spirit ripples are together very well!” 相顾无言,许久之后,碧霞才道:“你和灵漪相处得很不错嘛!” This tone somewhat is quite bitter, was clearly jealous. 这语气颇有些酸涩,分明是吃醋了。 At this time, Bixia has not concealed oneself emotion. 在这个时候,碧霞并没有掩饰自己的情感。 After all, this life, possibly only then at this time, can again display most real. 毕竟,这一生,可能只有在这个时候,才能再一次表现最真实的自己。 Lin Yi shows a faint smile, said: I am actually good at becoming friends very much.” 林毅微微一笑,道:“我其实很擅长跟人交朋友。” Yes, how I listened to you saying that your friend was few?” “是嘛,我怎么听你说,你的朋友很少?” This saying to be not false, the status limits, does not dare to work as the friend casually. “这话也不假,身份所限,也不敢随便和人当朋友。 Only then does not know the person from the beginning my status, can have the purest friendship with me. ” 只有一开始不知道我身份的人,才能和我有最纯粹的友情。” Bixia has known Lin Yi is the human world emperor, therefore these words can also understand. 碧霞已经知道了林毅是人间帝王,所以这番话也能理解。 „ Everyone has the matter that oneself have no alternative “每个人都有自己无可奈何的事情 ! ” 吧!” Bixia is Lin Yi sighed, sighed for oneself. 碧霞为林毅感叹,何尝不是为自己感叹。 „If I, I will try hard to resist.” “如果是我,我会努力抗争。” If can't resist?” “若是抗争不过呢?” Struggles by all means that where also manages what success or failure. “只管争,哪里还管什么成败。 If cares about the success and failure victory and defeat, then lost from the beginning. 若是在乎得失胜负,便是一开始就输了。 I only strove for doing everything possible, have a clear conscience, in the future will recall, when not for this reason regretted timidly. ” 我只求尽力而为,问心无愧,日后回想起来,不会为此时的怯弱而后悔。” Lin Yi these words very to Bixia's appetite, perhaps, they are the same kind of person. 林毅这句话很对碧霞的胃口,也许,他们本来就是同一类人。 Therefore, this is you to the original intention that I write a letter? clear(ly) knows that what the result is, wrote?” “所以,这就是你给我写信的初衷么?明知道结果是什么,还是写了?” „It is not.” “并不是。” Lin Yi shakes the head, said: Since loves a person, naturally toward not being defeated to think that I want to accompany together with your appearance, will write to you.” 林毅摇摇头,道:“既然爱一个人,当然不会是朝着失败去想的,我是想要与你长相厮守,才会给你写信。” Lin Yi came a round of liner, lets Bixia shyly. 林毅来了一发直球,让碧霞羞涩不已。 But she turns over to shy shy, thought that such Lin Yi is very charming. 但她害羞归害羞,却也觉得这样子的林毅很帅气。 You should guess correctly, I am not a mortal.” “你应该猜到了,我不是凡人。” I am cultivator, the immortal do not have the issue probably.” “我也是修士,长生大概没有问题。” Lin Yi to this is quite self-confident. 林毅对这点还是比较自信的。 Bixia actually shakes the head: Person king cannot result in the immortal, you are doomed unable to become an immortal.” 碧霞却摇了摇头:“人王不可得长生,你注定无法成仙。” Person king can practices some mediocre techniques, but cannot be immortal absolutely. 人王可以修行一些凡俗之术,但绝对不能得道成仙。 This point is the basic common knowledge. 这一点是基本常识。 Cannot become an immortal, then can't with you in the same place?” “不能成仙,便不能和你在一起么?” With this irrelevant.” “和这个无关。” Bixia looks at the eye of Lin Yi, very earnest said/tunnel: Among your me, if only then the difference of life, even if you only have ten years 20 years of age, I am also willing to accompany together for ten years with you 20 years.” 碧霞看着林毅的眼睛,也很认真地道:“你我之间,若是只有寿元之别,纵使你只有十年二十年的寿数,我也愿意和你厮守十年二十年。” Possibly was infected by Lin Yi, this time Bixia not shy, she also said oneself innermost thoughts. 可能是被林毅感染,这个时候的碧霞也没有害羞,她也说出了自己的心里话。 Hears your words, my these years values.” “听到你这一句话,我这些年都值了。” The sincere talk between lovers is most moving. 真诚的情话最动人。 Lin Yi looks at Bixia's eyes, those who knew her to say was real. 林毅看着碧霞的眼睛,知道她说的是真的。 However, Lin Yi also knows, among them also has the issue not to solve. 但是,林毅也知道,他们之间还有问题没有解决。 After Bixia's idea is the confession, finished, Lin Yi is actually hugging the attitude of solving the problem comes. 碧霞的想法是告白之后就结束,林毅却是抱着解决问题的态度过来的。 He wrote in the letter/believes, even if the solution the issue, knows that her intention is also good. 他在信里写了哪怕解决不了问题,知道她的心意也好。 But since knows her intention, how Lin Yi is willing to drop? 但既然是知道了她的心意,林毅又怎么舍得放手? But not far away, some goddess is covering the chest, excited. 而不远处,某神女捂着胸口,兴奋不已。 Sweet, was too sweet. 甜,太甜了。 Quietly observation naturally is the spirit ripples, after she walked, cannot repress the curiosity in heart, peeps in the hidden place. 悄悄观察的当然是灵漪,她走了之后,还是按捺不住心中的好奇,在暗处偷看。 Saw that two people expressed the love mutually, she also felt sweet to at heart. 看到两人互相表达爱慕之情,她也觉得甜到了心里。 At this time, the spirit ripples had not realized, now is sweeter, the following knife will be more ruthless. 此时,灵漪并没有意识到,现在越甜,接下来的刀子就会越狠。 Two people after the affection looked at each other while, Lin Yi on own initiative asks: What reason can't you because, respond to my sentiment?” 两人在深情对视了一会儿之后,林毅主动问道:“你是因为什么原因,不能回应我的感情?” For three reasons.” “原因有三个。” Bixia looks at Lin Yi, makes itself tranquil diligently. 碧霞看着林毅,努力让自己平静。 „The first reason, my father did not agree, because you are the person king, I am the deity, if we in the same place, the produced causes and effects are very heavy, may implicate my family member, I have no alternative but to consider for them.” “第一个原因,我父亲不同意,因为你是人王,我是神仙,我们若是在一起,产生的因果很重,可能会连累到我的家人,我不能不为他们考虑。” Lin Yi nods , indicating that can understand. 林毅点点头,表示能够理解。 Although is somewhat sad, but he can understand Bixia's situation. 虽然有些难过,但他能够理解碧霞的处境。 Although said that the reckless love is very beautiful, but if a person considers only the love, does not attend to the family member, for own love can push toward the fiery pit in the whole family, or for the love, the basic morals did not say, this love was also unrecommendable. 虽然说不顾一切的爱情很美好,但若是一个人只顾爱情,不顾家人,为了自己的爱情能把全家人往火坑里推,或者说为了爱情,连基本的道德都不讲了,这种爱情本身也是不可取的。 Light reason, has been able to convince Lin Yi. 光这一个理由,已经能够说服林毅了。 But said that this, Bixia then stopped, observes the response of Lin Yi. 而说完这一个,碧霞便停顿了下来,观察林毅的反应。 However, she has not seen in the eye of Lin Yi disappointedly, saw on the contrary the understanding and contains. 不过,她没有在林毅的眼里看到失望,反倒看到了理解和包容。 Also?” “还有呢?” Lin Yi is really a gentle person. 林毅果然是一个温柔的人。 In Bixia heart sad, then said: „The second article is a day of gauge did not agree, the person the god can not love one another. Your my person god different way, we do not have an ability resistance day of gauge now.” 碧霞心中难过,接着道:“第二条是天规不同意,人神不得相恋。你我人神殊途,我们现在都没有能力对抗天规。” It seems like, you have resisted your father for me, has thought defied a day of gauge, I loved you really right.” “看来,你已经为我对抗过你父亲,也想过违抗天规了,我爱你果然没错。” Lin Yi showed the smile, Bixia also gawked. 林毅露出了笑容,碧霞也不禁愣了一下。 She thinks, she said so many cannot in the together reason, Lin Yi should be sad. 她本以为,自己说了这么多不能在一起的理由,林毅应该会难过。 Finally, he from these reasons, actually found loved her reason...... 结果,他从这些理由之中,却找到了更爱她的理由……
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