IHAMSS :: Volume #7

#640: Let me come to see her to do

Chapter 640 makes me come to see her to do 第640章让我来看看她在干嘛 Lin Yi after leaving Mount Tai, actually has not returned to the royal palace. 林毅在离开泰山之后,其实并没有返回王宫。 Left came out, might as well take advantage that this opportunity cut to kill some evil spirit. 出都出来了,不如趁此机会去斩杀一些妖魔。 Because must look for the partner, therefore Lin Yi also became diligent. 因为要找对象了,所以林毅也变得勤奋了许多。 No matter oneself this military force can be useful when the time comes, he must first prepare in any case. 不管自己这一身武力到时候能不能用得上,反正他得先预备着。 Really to must fight, he is also insufficient not to be victorious. 真到了要打架的时候,他也不至于打不过。 Lin Yi after the king, established an official organization, the life called Night Pacifying Ministry. 林毅当了大王之后,就成立了一个官方组织,命叫靖夜司 Jin Ye, insurance boundary calming the people. 靖夜者,保境安民 Before this line, has the civil society organization to do, is organization that the folk spontaneously forms, develops the situation can be said as very difficult. 这一行以前就有民间组织在做,是民间自发形成的组织,发展处境可以说是非常艰难。 Lin Yi travelling four directions time, has seen such person, knows their situations, therefore after becoming the king, his first batch of policy support gave Night Pacifying Ministry. 林毅游历四方的时候,就见过这样的人,知道他们的处境,所以当上大王之后,他第一批政策支持就给到了靖夜司 Had his support, the Night Pacifying Ministry rapid development, the original civil society organization will incorporate, gave the support of very big effort. 有了他的扶持,靖夜司迅速发展,将原先的民间组织收编,给了很大力度的扶持。 But Lin Yi also uses the methods of these people, found the news of many demons and monsters. 林毅也利用这些人的手段,找到了很多妖魔鬼怪的消息。 The mouse has the mouse saying that the cat has the cat to say. 鼠有鼠道,猫有猫道。 On tracing demons and monsters, but must be the Night Pacifying Ministry person is adept. 论追踪妖魔鬼怪,还得是靖夜司的人拿手。 This cooperation is the win-win aspect, everyone must the advantage. 这种合作是双赢的局面,大家都得了好处。 But Lin Yi also used a waistcoat in Night Pacifying Ministry. 林毅靖夜司也用了一个马甲。 His code name sword immortal, is a Night Pacifying Ministry only god catches. 他的代号剑仙,是靖夜司唯一的一个神捕。 Lin Yi uses for several years made the Night Pacifying Ministry person reach a consensus. 林毅用几年的时间让靖夜司的人形成了一个共识。 No matter fierce evil spirit, so long as the sword immortal can receive the message, this monster lives is about three days. 不管多厉害的妖物,只要剑仙能收到消息,这妖怪就活不过三天。 Information that Lin Yi obtains most newly, is a tiger that is called black mountain Mr . 林毅最新得到的情报,就是一只叫做黑山君的老虎。 This black mountain Monarch may be fierce. 这黑山君可厉害了。 Not is only is fierce, he is also raising many demons and monsters, absorbs the human for him the essence. 不光是自己厉害,他手下还养着许多妖魔鬼怪,为他吸取人类的精气。 A Night Pacifying Ministry name catches in the detective case, provoked black mountain Mr.'s subordinate, did not annoy following black mountain Monarch carefully, the skeleton did not have, is frightened out of one's wits. 靖夜司一个名捕就是在探案的时候,招惹到了黑山君的属下,不小心惹出了后面的黑山君,尸骨全无,魂飞魄散。 Night Pacifying Ministry does not have the means that can only request the sword immortal help. 靖夜司没办法,只能请求剑仙帮助。 Therefore, Lin Yi goes out to hunt today while convenient this black mountain Mr . 于是,林毅今天顺便出门来狩猎这个黑山君。 Has been tracing black mountain Mr.'s aura to a mountain forest, Lin Yi hears the sound that some people make to pray for rescue suddenly. 一直追踪着黑山君的气息到了一个山林之中,林毅忽然听到有人发出求救的声音。 He sought the direction of sound to look for the past, then saw that harnessed the spirit ripples of auspicious clouds to drop from the clouds. 他寻着声音的方向找过去,便看到驾着祥云的灵漪从天而降。 But old person who in that trap prays for rescue, where is what old person, clearly is a dormant fierce tiger. 而那陷阱之中求救的老人,哪里是什么老人,分明是一个蛰伏的猛虎。 black mountain Monarch: The day creates an incident the spirit unusual animals, has the unique sensibility to the gust of wind together, but falls into error, is unable to control the say/way of gust of wind thoroughly. Killing may result in 100,000 years of magical skill, the vigorous air flue plants 【黑山君:天生风灵的异兽,对疾风一道有独特的感悟,但误入歧途,始终无法彻底掌控疾风之道。杀之可得十万年道行,疾风道种】 Merit: Facing retribution for a life of crime 【功过:恶贯满盈】 Magical powers: The stomach of swallowing- black mountain Monarch inborn magical powers, the powerful stomach can isolate yin-yang and the five elements, refining up all in abdomen 【神通:吞噬之胃-黑山君天生的神通,强大的胃能隔绝阴阳五行,炼化腹中的一切】 Good odd magical powers! 好离谱的神通! This means thing that so long as was swallowed, even the opposite party is weaker than him, black mountain Monarch can still realize instead kills. 这意味着只要被吞进去的东西,就算对方比他弱,黑山君也能实现反杀。 But sees here, Lin Yi moved sideways hastily side the spirit ripples, took over the waist of spirit ripples. 而看到这里,林毅连忙闪身到了灵漪身边,一把揽住灵漪的腰肢。 But black mountain Monarch had found the opportunity, how also to make him hide with ease? 但黑山君既已找到了机会,又岂会让他这么轻松躲过去? He has not thought actually will emit a person to come suddenly, but he no matter who, swallowed is. 他倒是没想到会忽然冒出一个人来,但他不管是谁,一口吞了便是。 The weak old person, turned into a giant beast instantaneously. 原本虚弱的老人,瞬间变成一只巨兽。 He does not complete giant beast instantaneously, but the head becomes specially greatly, opens mouth, can swallow down a living person. 他不是瞬间完成巨兽化,只是头变得特别大,一张开嘴,就能将一个活人吞下去。 Lin Yi smells there is something wrong, first pushes out the spirit ripples, oneself made tiger one swallow. 林毅见势不妙,把灵漪先推了出去,自己却让老虎一口吞了。 All happen in the electric light flint, the spirit ripples have not responded, was hugged by Lin Yi, looks helplessly Lin Yi was swallowed by one, she realized that had anything. 一切发生在电光火石之间,灵漪还没反应过来,就被林毅抱了,又眼睁睁看着林毅被一口吞掉,她才意识到发生了什么。 Spits quickly!” “快吐出来!” The spirit ripples look that at present becomes the giant black tiger suddenly, urgently said. 灵漪看着眼前骤然变得巨大的黑虎,急切地说道。 This little while, she still does not have many to kill intent. 这会儿,她依然没有多少杀意。 Seeing that black mountain Monarch is more assured this is a waste, ate mistakenly the person as for oneself a moment ago, what relations does that have? 见状,黑山君更笃定这就是个废物,至于自己刚才吃错了人,那有什么关系? Entered his belly, does not have. 进了他的肚子,就没有出来的。 Before cut to kill the immortal god, many strengths were stronger than him, but was pouched in the belly by him for a while unexpectedly, no matter what you had magical powers in every possible way, could not escape. 以前斩杀仙神,就有很多实力比他还强的,但一时不防被他吞进肚子里,任你有百般神通,都逃脱不得。 I eat the thing in stomach, does not have/leave the moment, will turn into the bloody water, if you want to see him, goes to my belly to look!” “我吃肚里的东西,不出片刻,就会化成血水,你要是想见他,就去我的肚子里找吧!” black mountain Monarch said rampantly, completely does not pay attention to the spirit ripples. 黑山君嚣张地说道,全然不把灵漪放在眼里。 Hears this saying, the complexion of spirit ripples changed. 听到这话,灵漪的脸色变了。 Thinks that Lin Yi to save oneself is buried in the fingers/tiger mouth, she regrets. 想到林毅为了救自己而葬身虎口,她懊悔至极。 At this moment, her imposing manner had the tremendous changes. 这一刻,她身上的气势发生了天翻地覆的变化。 The wool of black mountain Monarch whole body explodes suddenly, a fatal sense of crisis erupts instantaneously. 黑山君浑身的毛忽然炸起,一种致命的危机感瞬间爆发。 Present woman, before, like tranquil lake water, but now, she probably wild with rage ocean waves. 眼前的这个女人,在之前,如同平静的湖水,但现在,她像是狂怒的海浪。 to endanger! 危! However, without he experienced the goddess of water anger, black mountain Monarch then felt the severe pain of abdomen. 然而,没等他体验到水之女神的愤怒,黑山君便感受到了腹部的剧痛。 A long sword, finds out from his abdomen, delimits forward, tears an enormous opening in his abdomen. 一把长剑,从他的腹部探出,又向前划拉,在他的腹部撕裂开一个极大的口子。 Simply speaking, made a Caesarean birth to him. 简单来说,就是给他做了个剖腹产。 black mountain Monarch is very big, Lin Yi calm goes out from the black tiger abdomen, used a clean technique to oneself while convenient, washed off a bloodstain. 黑山君很大,林毅从容的从黑虎腹中走出,顺便给自己用了个清洁术,洗去了一身血迹。 This wave becomes the biggest injury to other party, was the blood sticks on the body. 这一波对他造成最大伤害的,就是血粘在了身上。 Stomach that is proud as for black mountain Monarch, has not affected on Lin Yi. 至于黑山君引以为傲的胃,对林毅没有丝毫影响。 His stomach indeed is fierce, but cultivating of Lin Yi to the mortal body, not need to inspire the yin-yang and the five elements strength completely, direct held hardly also holds to put on. 他的胃的确是厉害,但林毅的修为都在肉身,完全不用引动阴阳五行的力量,直接硬捅也就捅穿了。 Although you were dying, but I give a you suggestion, the next generation do not eat the thing randomly.” “虽然你要死了,但我还是给伱个建议,下辈子别乱吃东西。” black mountain Monarch: „......” 黑山君:“……” His main body received such heavy wound, was definitely cool. 他的本体受到了这么重的创伤,肯定是凉了。 The fierce ache makes him unable to move, but had not died thoroughly. 剧烈的疼痛让他动弹不得,但还没彻底死去。 She noticed that was similar to the high sea young girl to turn into the appearance of delicate as water a moment ago, one threw the arms of that man. 紧接着,她就看到刚才如同怒涛的少女又变成了柔弱似水的模样,一下就扑到了那个男人的怀里。 Good, you were all right are really good!” “太好了,你没事真是太好了!” The spirit ripples hold Lin Yi, does not have other idea, she is comes to see Lin Yi completely. 灵漪来抱林毅,也不是有别的想法,她就是来看看林毅是不是完完整整地。 Tried to find out, found he has not lacked arm few legs, she finally was also relieved. 摸索了一下,发现他没缺胳膊少腿,她也总算是安心了。 But received that big frightening a moment ago, this little while naturally crying tears of joy, has not paid attention to itself to be rude. 但刚才受到了那么大的惊吓,这会儿自然是喜极而泣,也没注意自己失态了。 black mountain Monarch: „......” 黑山君:“……” I did you give back to me to think this at the point of death? 我临死了你们还给我看这个? When the spirit ripples hug, the Lin Yi whole body stiffened. 在灵漪抱过来的时候,林毅浑身都僵住了。 Woman in the bosom, he is really helpless. 软玉温香在怀,他真是不知所措。 After all, person who he must pursue the spirit ripples best friend. 毕竟,他可是要追求灵漪闺蜜的人。 But this little while spirit ripples are agitated, Lin Yi also shoves open her embarrassed, can only be silently stiff. 但这会儿灵漪情绪激动,林毅也不好意思推开她,只能默默僵硬着。 Until the spirit ripples adjust the good mood, she responded. 直到灵漪调整好情绪,她自己反应过来。 Waits to realize oneself have held Lin Yi to cry some little time, she also retroceded hastily several steps, the complexion is red. 等意识到自己已经抱着林毅哭了好一会儿,她也连忙后退了几步,脸色通红。 Although she is naive ignorant, actually is also knows the book to reach the principle. 她虽然是天真懵懂,却也是知书达理。 The paradise against is not harsh like the human world to the men and women, but this behavior definitely is incorrect. 仙界对男女之防不像人间那么苛刻,但这种行为肯定是不行的。 The awkward atmosphere continued a while, she weak said/tunnel: Thank you saved me.” 尴尬的气氛持续了一会儿,她才弱弱地道:“谢谢你救了我。” Vitality full she, is really rare has spoken low voice. 一直元气满满的她,真是难得这么小声说话。 Lin Yi looks at her charming appearance , the revolutions is excessive, said: „ Accidentally met, the slight effort, you, too have not been vigilant the heart actually. 林毅看她娇羞的模样,也转过了头,道:“偶然遇到了,举手之劳而已,倒是你,太没有警惕之心了。 Later saw the old person, you may not hold again. ” 以后见到了老人,你可千万别再扶了。” I knew.” “我知道了。” black mountain Monarch also indeed to spirit ripples in a class. 黑山君也的确是给灵漪上了一课。 Actually even if the spirit ripples were eaten, does not have the too major problem. 其实灵漪就算是被吃进去了,也没有太大的问题。 black mountain Mr.'s magical powers are indeed fierce, but fierce magical powers, limited. 黑山君的神通的确厉害,但再厉害的神通,也是有限度的。 The spirit ripples again weakly are also one of the seven female celestial, spans certain magical skill combat is not difficult, spans a level combat to be hard ascends to heaven. 灵漪再弱也是七仙女之一,跨越一定的道行作战不难,跨越一个层次作战难于登天。 This level disparity, the itself/Ben is the natural moat. 这层次差距,本就是天堑。 Let alone, on the spirit ripples has the queen mother of the west to shelter, really must have the danger, the queen mother of the west has induced. 何况,灵漪身上可是有西王母庇护的,真要有危险,西王母早就感应到了。 Before the danger arrives, the queen mother of the west can straddle zones a palm of the hand to make into the black mountain sauce black mountain Mr . 在危险到来之前,西王母就能跨界一巴掌把黑山君打成黑山酱。 Reason that has not acted , because that side has not felt the danger. 之所以没出手,是因为那边都没有感受到危险。 However, Lin Yi naturally does not know these, he noticed the spirit ripples have the danger, where judged with enough time she really has the danger. 不过,林毅自然是不知道这些的,他只是看到灵漪有危险,哪里来得及判断她是不是真的有危险。 Helps her be out of danger is the matter that the earliest possible time must handle. 帮她脱离险境才是第一时间要做的事情。 No one is also injured now in any case, the life that only then black mountain Monarch is passing slowly. 反正现在也没有人受到伤害,只有黑山君的生命在缓缓流逝。 „Here right, didn't you in Mount Tai patrolling mountain, how run up to come?” “对了,你不是在泰山巡山吗,怎么跑到这边来了?” Lin Yi asked this on own initiative, the spirit ripples remember the proper business. 林毅主动问起了这个,灵漪才想起正事。 She cannot attend to shy, said: I must deliver a letter to you.” 她顾不得害羞,道:“我是要给你送信的。” Mentioned this, her look also sized up on the body of Lin Yi up and down, in the eye brings several points of strange vicious, but is actually not ominous. 说起这个,她的眼神也在林毅的身上上下打量,眼里带着几分诡异的凶狠,但其实也没那么凶。 How...... do you think so me?” “怎么了……你这么看着我?” I have not really thought, you are that bastard business king!” “我真没想到,你就是那个坏蛋商王!” Lin Yi: „......” 林毅:“……” You ordered book unsealing of this solitary one duck a bit faster, otherwise, I did not help you.” “你快点下令把孤鹜的书解封,不然,我就不帮你了。” The spirit ripples put forward the condition while this opportunity, this also was really one really loves the powder. 灵漪趁着这个机会提出了条件,这也真算是一个真爱粉了。 Lin Yi has to comply saying: Okay good, I will be convenient another day give him to unseal, you first give me the letter/believes.” 林毅只好答应道:“好好好,我改天顺手就给他解封,你先把信给我吧。” Has not believed that only then a news, the rosy cloud elder sister makes your tonight's 11 p.m. to 1 a.m Mount Tai to meet.” “没有信,只有一个消息,霞姐约你今晚子时泰山相见。” Mentioned this, the spirit ripples were also excited, said: You said, the rosy cloud elder sister can also be likes your?” 说起这个,灵漪也兴奋起来,道:“你说,霞姐会不会也是喜欢你的?” Lin Yi shows a faint smile, said: Should.” 林毅微微一笑,道:“应该是了。” If not like him, why also to carry the coffin the ripples to help deliver a letter, makes him 11 p.m. to 1 a.m to meet specially? 如果不是喜欢他,又何必请灵漪帮忙送信,特意约他子时见面? So hurried, definitely has the reason. 如此急急忙忙,肯定是有原因的。 Like this Lin Yi, if could not have seen clearly, he was a fool. 都这样了林毅如果还看不清,他就是个傻子了。 But this also proved his beforehand guess is right, Bixia indeed is the heart has the worry. 但这也证明了他之前的猜测是对的,碧霞的确是心有顾虑。 This also means, Lin Yi and she may probably experience very difficult challenge. 这也就意味着,林毅和她都有可能要经历很艰难的挑战。 But tonight's meeting...... 而今晚的见面…… Also not necessarily is their success holding hands, possibly one time is bid farewell. 也未必是他们的成功牵手,更可能是一次诀别。 Previous time Bixia did not acknowledge that own sentiment, after this time read his letter/believes, changed. 上次碧霞不承认自己的感情,这次看了他的信之后就做出了改变。 But among them the issue has not been solved, the probability of therefore bidding farewell is bigger. 但他们之间的问题并没有解决,所以诀别的概率更大。 Lin Yi pondered over secretly how must do, can decode now this aspect. 林毅不禁暗自思忖,要怎样做,才能破解现在这个局面。 Lin Yi starts to ponder, the spirit ripples see that also stands in the one side cleverly. 林毅开始沉思,灵漪见状,也就乖巧地站在一旁。 Is sizing up the Lin Yi appearance, she discovered that this man is really is attractive excessively. 打量着林毅的容颜,她才发现这个男人真是好看得过分。 His brow slightly pressed, as if there is matter that anything worries. 他眉头微蹙,似乎有什么烦心的事情。 Is observing the Lin Yi facial expression, the spirit ripples indulge in flights of fancy at the same time. 观察着林毅的面部表情,灵漪一边胡思乱想。 But she is shy inexplicably. 但她心里又莫名害羞起来。 As a virtuous young woman, she stared at a face of man to look was so long. 作为一个淑女,她盯着一个男人的脸看了这么久。 Is good is being distracted because of Lin Yi, has not discovered her look change. 好在林毅在走神,并没有发现她的神色变化。 Lin Yi thought deeply about a while, had the plan of dealing, suddenly realized the own desolate spirit ripples were too long. 林毅思索了一会儿,有了应对的方案,才忽然意识到自己冷落灵漪太久了。 He the corpse of tiger with cloud Daishou, said to the spirit ripples: „ You should leave Mount Tai rarely a time, or do I lead you to go to the kings to play? 他将老虎的尸体用云袋收了,才对灵漪道:“你应该难得离开一次泰山吧,要不我带你去王都玩玩? There fun place were most. ” 那里好玩的地方最多了。” Ok?” “可以吗?” The spirit ripples want to deliver the verbal message to go back, after all she is the patrolling mountain enables, not to have the special reason, should not the outstanding class. 原本灵漪是想送了口信就回去的,毕竟她是巡山使,没有特殊原因,不应该翘班。 May hear some king many funs, she was also excited. 可听到王都有很多好玩的东西,她又心动了。 In Mount Tai patrolling mountain so many years, nearby thing played greasily. 在泰山巡山这么多年,附近的东西都玩腻了。 Now has the opportunity to go to the big business most prosperous kings to play, if not go, as if pitifully a point. 现在有机会去大商最繁荣的王都去玩,若是不去,似乎可惜了一点。 Excited walked, came, is happen to late I just right and you returns to Mount Tai together.” “心动了就走吧,来都来了,正好晚点我正好和你一起返回泰山。” Came, made the heart of spirit ripples be partial to Lin Yi instantaneously. 一个来都来了,瞬间让灵漪的心偏向了林毅 Said right, has also left Mount Tai, walked a double-hour to walk, two double-hour also walked. 说得也对,都已经离开泰山了,走一个时辰是走,两个时辰也是走。 Might as well play in the kings, increases a story. 不如在王都玩玩,也算是增加一点阅历。 Two people governing empty simultaneously, directly soars the kings to go. 两人同时御空而起,直奔王都而去。 The spirit ripples to Capital City, looked that anything is curious. 灵漪到了京城,看啥都觉得好奇。 Lin Yi covered up an appearance slightly, was very low-key. 林毅稍微遮掩了一下容貌,也算是非常低调了。 Two people stroll eat to stroll eat, the probably ordinary mortal is the same, the spirit ripples crossed may be happy. 两人一路逛吃逛吃,像是普通凡人一样,灵漪过得可开心了。 She descended the mountain before, but no one cheerful accompanies her to play. 她以前下山,可没有人乐呵呵的陪她玩。 Even sometimes spirit continuous rain still same place, but her words are not many, this makes the spirit ripples feel somewhat bored. 就算有时候灵霖也会一起,但她话不多,这让灵漪觉得有些无聊。 May follow Lin Yi to be different. 可跟着林毅就不一样了。 He will introduce here delicious, fun, passes through a street, next. 他会介绍这里的好吃的,好玩的,走过一条街,还有下一条。 Their two when window-shop leisurely and carefree, Bixia this little while actually bustles about very much. 他们两个在悠闲逛街的时候,碧霞这会儿却忙碌得很。 She knows that this little while East God big probability will not pay attention to her, but is uncertain in the evening. 她知道这会儿东方天帝大概率不会关注她,但晚上就不一定了。 To bid farewell with Lin Yi, must send the Eastern God. 想要和林毅诀别,就必须要把东方天帝打发走。 The most appropriate destination, is the netherworld. 最合适的去处,莫过于阴间。 The safe Shan Residence with the business contact of netherworld is most frequent, therefore, only needs to look for a matter that must make a move by the Eastern God, the Eastern God has to go to the netherworld to walk to be the same. 恰好,泰山府和阴间的业务往来是最频繁的,所以,只需要找一个必须由东方天帝出手的事情,东方天帝就不得不去阴间走一样。 During this period, the human world was safe. 在这期间,人间就安全了。 She also obtained the short time that and Lin Yi was together. 她也就获得了和林毅相处的短暂时机。 The before Earth Mother empress of netherworld soon, dispatched the Yama palace to send the post, inviting the person in safe Shan Residence to go to the netherworld to attend the conference, various issues that the discussion soul received and instructed. 恰好,阴间的地母娘娘不久之前遣阎罗殿送来了帖子,邀请泰山府的人去阴间参加会议,讨论灵魂接引的各项问题。 Bixia replied at this time, this matter is important, needing the Eastern God the symposium is quite personally good, she can relate in detail with the Eastern God. 碧霞这个时候才回复,这件事事关重大,需要东方天帝亲自去讨论会比较好,她会和东方天帝细说。 This reply seemingly has no problem, but she actually selected to make the Eastern God in the letter/believes specially go. 这封回复看起来没什么毛病,但她却在信里特意点出了要让东方天帝去。 Then, the person of netherworld handled matters also knows the custom. 这下,阴间的人办事也就知道规矩了。 Invited the God world of mortals, did not use alone and official post, many were the disrespect to God. 请天帝下界,不用单独且正式的帖子,多少是对天帝的不尊重。 Therefore before long, they will send one to invite the Eastern God post alone. 所以过不了多久,他们就会重新送来一份单独邀请东方天帝的帖子。 But can the Eastern God go, this was the obvious matter. 而东方天帝会不会去,这就是显而易见的事情了。 What behind the netherworld is standing is the Earth Mother empress, the Earth Mother empress is Taoist trinity four governing in strongest one. 阴间背后站着的是地母娘娘,地母娘娘是三清四御之中最强的一个。 Although the Eastern God is the God, actually does not dare not to give the Earth Mother empress face. 东方天帝虽然是天帝,却也不敢不给地母娘娘面子。 All these seem very normal, cannot discover the repertoire completely the shadow. 这一切看起来都很正常,完全找不出套路的影子。 Bixia prepared all, suddenly had nothing to do actually. 碧霞准备好了一切,一时间倒是无事可做了。 The official business also has, but she is not in no mood to process. 公务还有很多,但是她没心情处理。 Right, the spirit ripples do not know that found Lin Yi, where I came to see her.” “对了,灵漪也不知道到找到林毅了没有,我来看看她在哪里了。” Bixia uses the technique of mere illusion, locates the spirit ripples. 碧霞施展出水月镜花之术,定位灵漪。 Spirit ripples just before leaving time, Bixia is worried about her to become lost, kept a mark on her specially, can display the mere illusion to look at her condition momentarily. 灵漪临走的时候,碧霞担心她迷路,特意在她身上留了个印记,也就能施展水月镜花随时看她的状态。 This looked, happen to sees Lin Yi two fully, in spirit ripples takes one candied fruits, fed one to Lin Yi...... 这一看,正好看到林毅两手满满的,灵漪手里拿着一串糖葫芦,给林毅喂了一颗…… Bixia: „......” 碧霞:“……”
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