ICSBAP :: Volume #6

#542: Canyon

This place, at all is not kills the strange promotion the treasure trove.” “这地方,根本不是什么杀怪升级的宝地。” Luo Yan forced smile. 罗阎苦笑。 Many member enter Rain World, thinks greets own will be a gluttonous ti grand feast. 众多的外界修士进入雨界,以为迎接自己的将是一场饕鬄盛宴。 But now, overwhelming majorities, only feared that had degenerated into the grain ration of evil spirit. 但现在,绝大多数,只怕都已经沦为了妖魔的口粮。 A moment ago was that...... the evil spirit of Star Lord boundary?” “刚才那是……星主境的妖魔?” Faces directly has not covered up the aura Star Lord, knows the Star Lord terrifying. 直面过不遮掩气息的星主,才知道星主的恐怖。 This siphon universe energy, can explode existence of star, looks like another level life, wants not to know many times compared with the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary powerful. 这种虹吸宇宙能量,能够爆星的存在,就像是另一层级的生命,比洞天境要强大不知多少倍。 Un.” “嗯。” The Luo Yan sinking sound nods. 罗阎沉声点头。 He also wants to relate Shen Yue, mixes with Shen Jun. 他原本还想联系神玥,跟神钧混一混。 But looking back now, without this necessity. 但现在看来,没这个必要了。 Because Shen Jun strength compared with it Qing Chen high many, but Qing Chen, but pursued stampede, the wound of that left arm, is the no small matter, causing the body to start the disassimilation. 因为神钧的实力比之庆尘高不了多少,而庆尘,可是被追的狼狈逃窜,那左臂的伤,更是非同小可,导致身躯都开始了异化。 He thinks, put from the yellow angel chart the war giant beast. 他想了想,将战争巨兽从黄天仙图中放了出来。 Roar! 吼! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant beast emerges out of thin air, 10,000 heads face upward to shout, immediately before gathering the Luo Yan body, affectionate greeting. 万丈的巨兽凭空出现,一万颗头颅仰天嘶吼,随即凑到罗阎身前,亲昵的打着招呼。 Hungry.” “饿了吧。” Luo Yan touches the head of war giant beast, said with a smile lightly, ate, can eat many to eat many, this was the skeleton of beast of eternal life, even if the essence has lost, had all sorts of inconceivable wonderful functions.” 罗阎摸了摸战争巨兽的一颗脑袋,轻笑道,“吃吧,能吃多少就吃多少,这可是永生之兽的尸骸,纵然精华已失,也拥有种种不可思议的神妙作用。” Only depending on the skeleton in can birth evil spirit this point. 仅凭尸骨中能诞生妖魔这一点。 The corpse of big horseshoe crab, is then rare. 大鲎的这具尸体,便超乎寻常。 The war giant beast heard itself to eat meal, sent out shouts joyfully, immediately the body disassimilation, 10,000 heads combined in together, revealed one like the black hole gluttony huge mouth. 战争巨兽听到自己能吃饭了,发出愉悦嘶吼,随即身躯异化,一万颗头颅组合在一起,露出一张如黑洞般的饕餮巨口。 The card observes! 卡察! In the land presents together dozens li (0.5 km) wide basin. 大地上出现一块数十里宽的盆地。 Liu Hao looked at the eye present basin, looked up eye colossus, could not bear swallow saliva. 刘昊看了眼眼前的盆地,又抬头看了眼身边的庞然大物,忍不住吞咽一口口水。 This grade of unusual animals, but also is really the terrifying. 这等异兽,还真是恐怖。 Walks, we escape directly.” “走吧,我们直接遁地。” Luo Yan looked at Liu Hao, the sinking sound said. 罗阎看了眼刘昊,沉声说道。 According to his beforehand experience, the evil spirit hidden in the dense fog, or deep sleep in white Mogu sets up. 根据他之前的经历来看,妖魔都隐藏在迷雾中,或是沉睡在白蘑孤树里。 Since upward makes circuit with troupe to encounter the evil spirit in the ground, he escapes, digs a said/tunnel with the war giant beast, goes nonstop to the destination. 既然在地面上行走会遭遇妖魔,那他就遁地,用战争巨兽挖一条地道,直通向目的地。 Luo Yan directs the war giant beast to drill toward the place bottom. 罗阎指挥着战争巨兽朝地底钻出。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high giant beast, sneaks in the bottom quickly, after penetrating dozens li (0.5 km), starts to prompt forward. 万丈高的巨兽,很快钻进地底,在深入了数十里后,开始向前推进。 The Luo Yan two people follow in the war giant beast behind. 罗阎二人跟在战争巨兽身后。 Compared with it ground, this bottom has the temperature and pressure that is inconceivable, but to the Luo Yan two people, such, with has no difference in the ground. 比之地面,这地底拥有难以想象的温度和压力,不过对罗阎二人来说,也就那样,和在地面没什么区别。 Here rock was too hard, luckily has Luo fellow daoist unusual animals, if trades to be your me......” “这里的岩石太硬了,幸亏有罗道友这头异兽,要是换作你我……” Liu Hao forced smile. 刘昊苦笑。 This and other hard land, he advances by the magic weapon even, a day still goes forward at most 1 million li (0.5 km). 这等坚硬的大地,他就算以法宝推进,一天也顶多前进百万里。 Like Luo Yan the unusual animals, not looking like the excavator is the same, goes easily and freely in the land, speed of advance not compared in on ground slow many. 不像罗阎的这头异兽,就像是挖掘机一样,在大地中如履平地,前进的速度不比在地面慢上多少。 This surrounding rock should be the flesh of big horseshoe crab, if bumps into the bone of big horseshoe crab, the war giant beast also has no alternative.” “这周围的岩石应该是大鲎的血肉所化,若是碰上大鲎之骨,战争巨兽也无可奈何。” Saying, Luo Yan puts out a hand a section of shining white jade that catches the war giant beast to send, shook shaking toward Liu Hao. 说着,罗阎伸手接住战争巨兽送来的一截莹白玉石,朝刘昊晃了晃。 „Is this bone of big horseshoe crab?” “这是大鲎之骨?” Liu Hao sizes up the jade in Luo Yan hand carefully. 刘昊仔细打量罗阎手中的玉石。 Jade only then fist size, without gloss, does not see the place of any mystical. 玉石只有拳头大小,没有光泽,也不见任何神异之处。 Is especially heavy and hard, even he can see the muscle on Luo Yan arm to tighten. 只是格外沉重和坚硬,连他都能看出罗阎手臂上的肌肉已经绷紧。 But can make Luo Yan this grade of mortal body powerful generation use the full power, the heaviness of jade, can be inferred. 而能让罗阎这等肉身强大之辈用上全力,玉石之沉重,可见一斑。 Should be.” “应该是。” This should be fragments of bone. 这应该是一块骨头的碎屑。 Average not wonderful. 平平无奇。 Divine nature outflow completely. 神性流失殆尽。 But even if so, this bone dust as before no small matter. 但哪怕如此,这块骨屑依旧非同小可。 If not the Luo Yan control, the light is the attraction that the bone dust quality produces, then makes this underground walk cave in sufficiently instantaneously. 若非罗阎控制,光是骨屑质量产生的引力,便足以让这条地下通道瞬间塌陷。 This bone dust, may work as the god iron, as casting the material of Star Lord level above weapon! 这块骨屑,可当神铁,作为铸就星主级以上兵器的材料! „The bone of this big horseshoe crab is uncommon, only feared that can withstand the attack of World Lord rank! Luo fellow daoist, we, or continues thoroughly, digs the bones of two big horseshoe crabs?” “这大鲎之骨不凡,只怕能够承受界主级别的攻击!罗道友,我们要不继续深入,挖两块大鲎的骨头?” The Liu Hao look burning hot gets up. 刘昊眼神炙热起来。 Peeps a spot to know the overall picture. 窥一斑而知全豹。 In addition together bone dust so, if a big horseshoe crab complete section of bone, should terrifying? 一块骨屑尚且如此,若是大鲎完整的一截骨,该有多恐怖? Only feared that casts side Baoyin to break the galaxy, forges the shield to keep off the World Lord attack together! 只怕铸就一方宝印可砸碎星河,铸就一块盾牌可挡下界主攻击! Luo Yan and Liu Hao looking at each other, in the heart also moves. 罗阎刘昊对视,心中也是一动。 Walks, gives a try.” “走,试试看。” Under the flesh inevitably is the bone. 血肉之下必然是骨。 Two people run away immediately downward. 两人当即向下遁去。 These escapes, is enough one day. 这一下遁,就是足足一天。 As unceasingly downward, the pressure is getting more and more terrifying, two people speeds are also getting more and more slow. 随着不断向下,压力越来越恐怖,两人的速度也越来越慢。 Luo Yan felt that slight sensation of asphyxia, but nearby Liu Hao, sweats profusely, blue veins blow up, pair of eyes suddenly/violently Tu, in the eye the blood threads is densely covered. 罗阎感觉到了些微的窒息感,而旁边的刘昊,早已大汗淋漓,身上一根根青筋鼓起,双眼暴突,眼中血丝密布。 „It is not good, to limit! Again downward, I really could not withstand!” “不行了,到极限了!再往下,我真顶不住了!” Some time, Liu Hao stopped finally, the look unwilling choice gives up. 某时刻,刘昊终于停了下来,眼神不甘的选择放弃。 He also wants to dig the bone of big horseshoe crab, now looks like, this radically is dream of a fool. 他原本还想挖大鲎的骨头,现在看来,这根本就是痴人说梦。 „The bone quality of big horseshoe crab is too big, only feared that is more fearful than the black hole.” “大鲎的骨头质量太大,只怕比黑洞都可怕。” Luo Yan shakes the head, in the eye appears color of the awe. 罗阎摇了摇头,眼中浮现出一丝敬畏之色。 Although he also has the ample force, but also knows, by own present strength, is unable to be close to the skeleton of big horseshoe crab. 他虽然还有余力,但也知道,以自己现在的实力,根本无法接近大鲎的骨架。 Beyond terrifying pressure that except that the bone of big horseshoe crab accomplishes. 除了大鲎之骨造就的恐怖压力外。 A reason was the rock is too hard. 还有一个原因是岩石太硬了。 Even he soon chiselled motionless. 连他都快要凿不动了。 Comes up.” “上去吧。” Two people can only return to the original channel to continue to go forward. 两人只能回到原来的通道继续前进。 Goes forward, the war giant beast gobbles up unceasingly, occasionally to throw is unable the thing of digestion to Luo Yan. 一路前进,战争巨兽不断吞吃,偶尔会将无法消化之物扔给罗阎 These are unable by the thing of war giant beast digestion, majority to be the big horseshoe crab lose among the bone dust in flesh, there is a god iron gem that in the arrogant horseshoe crab flesh is born. 这些无法被战争巨兽消化的东西,大部分是大鲎遗落在血肉间的骨屑,也有自大鲎血肉中诞生的神铁宝石。 The god iron is uncommon, the value is precious, simultaneously casts the material of weapon. 神铁不凡,价值珍贵,同时是铸就兵器的材料。 But in several gems contained rich Luo Yan the strength essence that was hard to absorb, Luo Yan looks at carefully the period of time, in the mind appeared the star crystal two characters. 而几块宝石中则蕴含浓郁罗阎难以吸收的力量精华,罗阎端详了好一阵子,脑海中才浮现出星晶二字。 The star crystal, compared with star stone precious innumerable times, forges one of the Star Lord level above weapon core materials, even if the internal energy exhausts, but also the independent siphon universe energy, slowly restores. 星晶,比星石珍贵无数倍,是锻造星主级以上兵器的核心材料之一,哪怕内部能量耗尽,也可自主虹吸宇宙能量,慢慢进行恢复。 Generally in the Star Lord level weapon, usually only has a star crystal. 一般星主级兵器中,通常只有一枚星晶。 Only the territory basic shell above weapon, possibly has many star crystals. 只有域主级以上兵器,才可能存在多枚星晶。 „Are these gems the star crystals?” Liu Hao reveals the curious vision in the one side. “这些宝石是星晶?”刘昊在一旁露出好奇目光。 Does not know.” Luo Yan is unable to judge. “不知道。”罗阎无法判断。 He has not contacted the star crystal, is not good to draw a conclusion absurdly. 他没接触过星晶,也不好妄下结论。 In his knowledge system, star crystal, only then collides in the galaxy is shattered greatly has the probability born, can produce the star crystal as for other ways, he does not know. 在他的知识体系当中,星晶只有在星系碰撞的大破灭中才有几率诞生,至于其他途径会不会产生星晶,他就不知道了。 If the star crystal, you may get rich.” “要是星晶,你可就发财了。” Liu Hao envies looks at Luo Yan. 刘昊羡慕的看着罗阎 The star crystal does not have the city valuably. 星晶有价无市。 In Star Alliance the unlimited purchase star crystal, the price is 100,000 star stones. 星盟中无限收购星晶,价格是十万星石。 But few will trade the star stone with the star crystal, generally exchanges the capital stock with the star crystal directly. 但几乎没有人会拿星晶去换星石,一般都是用星晶直接兑换重要资源。 Three star crystals, can change a Star Lord level weapon. 三块星晶,能换一件星主级兵器。 50 star crystals, can change a territory basic shell weapon. 五十块星晶,能换一件域主级兵器。 But like other resources, can trade were more. 而像其他资源,能换的就更多了。 Taking advantage of your auspicious words.” “借你吉言。” Luo Yan beams with joy. 罗阎眉开眼笑。 He has not thought, escapes can also mine, digs out so many treasure. 他也没想到,遁地还能挖矿,挖出这般多的宝贝。 At this time, the front war giant beast stopped suddenly, exuded one to shout. 这时候,前方的战争巨兽忽然停了下来,发出一声嘶吼。 The information reaches in the Luo Yan heart together, making on the Luo Yan face appear a surprise. 一道信息传进罗阎心中,让罗阎脸上浮现出一丝诧异。 What's wrong?” Liu Hao asked curiously. “怎么了?”刘昊好奇问道。 Excavated, front is a giant abyss canyon.” Luo Yan kept a serious look said. “挖穿了,前面是一条巨大的深渊峡谷。”罗阎表情严肃道。 The road ahead was blocked by the abyss canyon. 前路被深渊峡谷阻断。 Luo Yan then receives the war giant beast, comes to the end of channel with Liu Hao. 罗阎便收起战争巨兽,和刘昊走到通道的尽头。 Two people stand in the channel exit|to speak. 两人站在通道出口。 Has the cold cold wind to come, washes out in two people. 有冷冽寒风呼啸而来,冲刷在二人身上。 Luo Yan takes a broad view at the observation. 罗阎放眼观察。 This canyon does not know not deeply, does not know is long, wants not to detour possibly. 这峡谷不知不深,不知多长,想绕道没有可能。 The naked eye sees, black-brown rattan social climbing are almost presenting on 90 degrees cliff, in the canyon does not have the mist, has the mist to fall the formed ripples rapidly. 肉眼所见,一株株黑褐色的藤条攀附在几乎呈现九十度的峭壁上,峡谷中没有雾气,却有雾气急速下坠所形成的涟漪。 Under the canyon, there is an indistinct sound to transmit distantly, seems like some evil spirit to shout, absorbs the person heart and soul. 峡谷下方,有隐约的声响遥遥传来,似乎是某种妖魔在嘶吼,摄人心魄。 But looked upward, the giant dark clouds cover, the terrifying pressure that is unable to speak lets fall, two people only looked at one, on the pair of eyes stabbing pain, took back the vision hastily. 而往上看,巨大的黑云笼罩,无法言说的恐怖威压垂落,两人只看了一眼,就双眼刺痛,连忙收回了目光。 Do not come up! 上不去! On this, is dormant the evil spirit of Star Lord rank. 这上面,蛰伏着星主级别的妖魔。 But under this canyon also has the terrifying suction, any steps in the canyon the thing, swallowing of inescapable this suction. 而这峡谷下方也有恐怖吸力,任何涉足峡谷的事物,都无法逃脱这股吸力的吞噬。 „Can Luo fellow daoist, pass?” “罗道友,能过去吗?” Liu Hao is looking at opposite cliff wall, could not bear squat, a hand wall, a hand grasped. 刘昊望着对面的崖壁,忍不住蹲了下来,一只手扶墙,一只手抓地。 This canyon suction is astonishing, is he stands in the channel, if dares to proceed one step, he must be attracted. 这峡谷吸力惊人,也就是他站在通道中,若是敢往前一步,他就要被吸下去。 Luo Yan had not replied. 罗阎没有回答。 Faces forward to extend a hand slowly. 只是缓缓朝前伸出一只手。 Bang!” “轰!” A terrifying strength from top to bottom, washes out on his arm. 一股恐怖的力量由上而下,冲刷在他的手臂上。 The law robe sleeves of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals rank were torn instantaneously, even the fine body hair on his arm stretching by drawing was been straight, resembles must break momentarily. 洞天级别的法袍衣袖被瞬间撕裂,连他手臂上的寒毛都被拉的绷直,似是随时要断裂。 What kind of?” Liu Hao looks to Luo Yan. “怎么样?”刘昊望向罗阎 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Luo Yan adapted, felt oneself can resist canyon below suction with ease. 罗阎适应了一下,感觉自己能轻松抵御峡谷下方的吸力。 He deeply inspires, feeds in Absolute Heaven Gate Liu Hao temporarily, along with, even if flushed, flies toward opposite cliff wall. 他深吸一口气,将刘昊暂时送进绝天之门,随即便冲了出去,朝着对面的崖壁飞去。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The Luo Yan black hair chaotic dance, the cheek trembles violently, the clothing is flap flap makes noise. 罗阎黑发乱舞,面皮激颤,衣衫更是猎猎作响。 Airborne invisible turbulent current incomparable terrifying. 空中的无形激流无比恐怖。 It looks like each article Star Lord level weapon to pound above him, must pound the valley him. 就像是一件件星主级兵器砸在他头上,要把他砸进谷底。 Is good is powerful because of the Luo Yan mortal body, after the mortal body strength stimulates to movement the pinnacle, easily stood firm the figure, flies the canyon center quickly. 好在罗阎肉身强大,将肉身力量催动到极致后,还是轻而易举的稳住了身形,很快飞到峡谷中央。 Luo Yan just the relaxed one breath, actually did not think this time, the mutation happened. 罗阎刚轻松一口气,却不想这时候,异变发生了。 These black-brown rattan of social climbing on cliff wall, actually lived, arm thick rattan shoot air-splitting toward him, blocks instantaneously his all dodges the space! 攀附在崖壁上的那些黑褐色藤条,竟然活了过来,一根根手臂粗的藤条朝着他破空射来,瞬间封死他所有躲闪空间! „!” “遭了!” The Luo Yan eyelid jumps crazily. 罗阎眼皮狂跳。 He observed before was very long, even also puts out a hand to trace these rattan, confirmed after these rattan do not have the issue, leaves. 他之前观察了很久,甚至还伸手摸了摸这些藤条,确认这些藤条没有问题后才动身。 Was planned by these rattan unexpectedly. 没想到,竟然被这些藤条算计了。 He these rattan in the channel feigns death. 他在通道的时候这些藤条装死。 When he arrives at the canyon center, these rattan actually make a move to sneak attack suddenly! 等他来到峡谷中央,这些藤条却忽然出手偷袭! The canyon center, is almost the suction biggest place, the bonus is Luo Yan, at this time also by the suction immobilization from valley, a strength can only display 50%. 峡谷中央,几乎是吸力最大地方,饶是罗阎,此时也被来自谷底的吸力钳制,一身实力只能发挥50%。 Buzz!” “嗡!” A law sword of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals rank appears in the Luo Yan hand, the sword light flashes on and off, such as the waterfall sword air/Qi sweeps across. 一把洞天级别的法剑出现在罗阎手中,剑光明灭,如瀑般的剑气席卷而出。 The rattan that however the lasing comes does not have a break. 然而激射而来的藤条无一断裂。 Instead was the law sword in Luo Yan hand presented 78 gaps, degenerated into the scrap iron directly. 反而是罗阎手中的法剑出现了七八个缺口,直接沦为废铁。 These rattan can withstand the valley the suction, the tenacious degree can be inferred, the law sword of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals rank, is hard to contend with these rattan radically. 这些藤条能承受谷底的吸力,坚韧程度可见一斑,洞天级别的法剑,根本难以跟这些藤条抗衡。 The Luo Yan complexion is ugly. 罗阎脸色难看。 Also can only discard the long sword in hand. 也只能扔掉手中的长剑。 The innumerable rattan were even more near, was good stretches suddenly because of the wing of this time Gabon, that radiant and sharp wing cut the expansive sky, during the golden light twinkles, the innumerable rattan then broke, fall to the valley. 无数的藤条越发近了,好在这时候加蓬之翼忽然舒展开来,那璀璨而尖利的羽翼划破长空,金光闪烁之间,无数藤条便从中而断,坠向谷底。 Luo Yan seizes the chance to move aside, is opens mouth spits, the black flame sweeps across, submerges half canyon. 罗阎趁机躲闪,又是张嘴一吐,黑色火焰席卷而出,将半个峡谷淹没。 However the rattan was too hard. 然而藤条太坚硬了。 The innumerable rattan, are only the external skin become burned black, washed out by the flame is stopping flickered. 无数的藤条,仅是表皮变得焦黑,被火焰冲刷着停顿了一瞬。 Next flickers, then appears at a quicker speed in front of Luo Yan, leaves behind dozens blood holes on Luo Yan. 下一瞬,便以更快的速度出现在罗阎面前,在罗阎身上留下数十个血洞。 Small being killed by weapons technique!” “小兵解术!” At a crucial moment. 千钧一发之际。 The strength of small being killed by weapons technique, is killed by weapons the nihility the rattan of Luo Yan whole body. 小兵解术的力量,将罗阎周身的藤条兵解成虚无。 The wing of Luo Yan stimulation of movement behind Gabon, changes into together the golden light, grazes to go toward the opposite. 罗阎催动身后的加蓬之翼,化为一道金光,朝着对面飞掠而去。 Destroys under the strength in the fearful point and terrifying of small being killed by weapons of technique wing of Gabon, he tears the innumerable rattan, was close to opposite cliff wall quickly. 在加蓬之翼的可怕锋芒和小兵解术的恐怖摧毁力之下,他撕裂无数藤条,很快便接近了对面的崖壁。 However he fixes the eyes on looked, the complexion then sinks. 然而他定睛一看,脸色便是一沉。 Sees only above the cliff wall, the innumerable rattan are waving, the entire cliff wall as if lived, the innumerable rattan interweave the net, layer by layer, at the extremely quick speed, strangled to death toward him. 只见崖壁之上,无数的藤条都在舞动,整面崖壁似乎活了过来,无数的藤条交织成网,一层又一层,以极快的速度,朝着他绞杀了过来。 As if unescapable net. 就仿佛天罗地网。 It is not able to avoid! 根本无法躲避! What ghost thing?” “什么鬼东西?” Luo Yan criticizes one, then the plan displays Greater Dragon Force Technique, forcefully the blockade nets of breakthrough these rattan. 罗阎暗骂一声,便打算施展大龙力术,强行突破这些藤条的封锁网。 However at this time, he felt suddenly anything, pupil reduced the needle suddenly, looks toward the sky. 但是这时候,他忽然感觉到了什么,童孔骤然缩小成针,朝着天空中望去。 Bang!” “轰!” A giant head beyond description searched from the dark clouds. 一颗难以形容的巨大头颅从黑云中探了出来。 Luo Yan only saw that head opened the mouth, but in that mouth has black light dense. 罗阎只看到那头颅张开了嘴巴,而那嘴巴中有黑光氤氲。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 The black light beam is swiftly sparking. 黑色的光柱倏然闪亮。 Luo Yan has not caught this black light beam, then thinks oneself by a huge strength hit, such as the shell were started to crash toward the valley. 罗阎都未曾捕捉到这道黑色光柱,便觉自己被一股庞大的力量命中,如炮弹般开始朝着谷底坠落。 !” “噗!” Blood hurricane. 鲜血狂飙。 The flesh was shattered. 血肉破碎。 Skeleton ablation. 骨骼消融。 In a flash, Luo Yan then only has a heart, cracks-up the innumerable rattan, falls to the valley deep place. 转瞬之间,罗阎便只剩下一枚心脏,撞碎无数藤条,坠向谷底深处。 Damn!!!” “该死啊!!!” Luo Yan is controlling the heart strongly, only felt the speed that the heart beats is rising dramatically, as if must blast open momentarily. 罗阎竭力控制着心脏,只感觉心脏跳动的速度在飙升,仿佛随时都要炸裂。 Too strong. 太强了。 That evil spirit that in the dark clouds hidden was too powerful. 黑云中隐藏的那头妖魔太强大了。 If not there is a Yuan heart, only this strikes, he wants the body dying say/way to disappear! 若非有元的心脏,只这一击,他就要身死道消! In Luo Yan heart lingering fear. 罗阎心中后怕不已。 After several breath, controls own heart reluctantly. 几个呼吸后,才勉强控制住自己的心脏。 However he just planned to reorganize the mortal body, the surrounding innumerable rattan then wells up, entangled his heart firmly in the center, wrapped a several thousand zhang (3.33 m) wide rattan group. 然而他刚打算重组肉身,周围的无数藤条便涌来,将他这枚心脏牢牢缠在了中央,包成了一个数千丈宽的藤条团。 The strengths of innumerable rattan add various and on Luo Yan this small heart. 无数根藤条的力量加诸与罗阎这枚小小的心脏上。 Luo Yan cannot work loose. 罗阎根本挣脱不开。 Only can, whatever the heart were being wrapped by the rattan, in in the air moves unceasingly. 只能任由心脏被藤条包裹着,在空中不断甩动。 Ended.” “完了。” A Luo Yan heart crashes into the valley. 罗阎一颗心坠入谷底。 A rattan he can tear into shreds. 一根藤条他能撕碎。 Hundred rattan he can contend. 百根藤条他能抗衡。 But this innumerable rattan windings on the heart, he have the strength also to cause nowhere! 但这无数根藤条缠绕在心脏上,他有力气也无处使! These rattan in the thorn, are twisting, want to destroy the heart. 这些藤条在刺,在绞,想要破坏心脏。 Has tossed about for a long time, stopped slowly, coerces the heart to fly to the canyon. 一直折腾了许久,才慢慢停了下来,裹挟着心脏飞向峡谷底部。
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