ICSBAP :: Volume #6

#541: Terrifying evil spirit

Luo fellow daoist, are below these, is it possible that the immortal trees?” “罗道友,下面那些,莫非是仙树?” The idea and Luo Yan of Liu Hao happen to hold the same view. 刘昊的想法和罗阎不谋而合。 On his face reveals the exciting flushed, flies to fall before a thousand zhang (3.33 m) high white Mo this solitary one tree, asks to touch. 他脸上露出兴奋的潮红,飞落到一颗千丈高的白蘑孤树前,伸手就要触摸。 But in the meantime, the mutation lives steep. 但就在此时,异变陡生。 white Mo the this solitary one tree that stood erect peacefully, starts to shiver suddenly. 原本安静矗立的白蘑孤树,忽然开始颤动。 The pale mushroom this solitary one skin starts to fall off, an evil spirit jumps out instantaneously, the big mouth just like the vault of heaven, covers Liu Hao and Luo Yan. 苍白的蘑孤皮开始脱落,一只妖魔瞬间窜出,血盆大口宛如天穹,将刘昊罗阎覆盖。 Grass!” “艹!” Is looking at the evil spirit black spooky big mouth. 望着妖魔黑幽幽的血盆大口。 Liu Hao has a scare, emits. 刘昊吓了一大跳,不由冒出一身冷汗。 Luo Yan is actually one happy, in the palm emerges together the black column of flame, through the mouth of evil spirit, passes through from the bodies of evil spirit. 罗阎却是一喜,手掌中涌现一道黑色火柱,通过妖魔的口腔,从妖魔的身体中间贯穿而过。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The black column of flame passes through the world, burns down the evil spirit rapidly. 黑色的火柱贯穿天地,将妖魔迅速焚毁。 Luo Yan is feeling the strength of entering within the body, could not bear lick the lip saying: „In these white Mogu set up, unexpectedly is the deep sleep evil spirit!” 罗阎感受着钻进体内的力量,忍不住舔了舔嘴唇道:“这些白蘑孤树内,竟然全都是沉睡妖魔!” This place dense fog covers. 此地迷雾笼罩。 Only the evil spirit sneak attacks their shares, they were actually hard to find the evil spirit. 只有妖魔偷袭他们的份,他们却难以找到妖魔。 Therefore at this moment sees so many evil spirit, Luo Yan cannot bear the mood shake, the eye starts to shine. 因而此刻见到如此多的妖魔,罗阎忍不住心情震荡,眼睛都开始放光。 Before cut to kill the strength that these evil spirit obtained, could have been as good as his hundred years of self-torture. 之前斩杀那些妖魔获得的力量,已经抵得上他百年苦修。 But here white Mo this solitary one tree has thousand fully. 而这里的白蘑孤树足有千株。 If set up the evil spirit entire to be clear in these white Mogu, his cultivation base, only feared that must rise sharply! 若是把这些白蘑孤树内的妖魔全清了,那他的修为,只怕要大涨! Luo fellow daoist, remains to me!” Liu Hao also excited say/way. “罗道友,给我留一些!”刘昊也激动道。 He finishes speaking. 他话音刚落。 The surrounding white Mo this solitary one tree then starts to shiver, at once the white cotton wadding flutters, in a leader evil spirit, as if the sensation to the living person aura, all set up the broken tree from white Mogu, kills to the Luo Yan two people. 周围的白蘑孤树便开始颤动,旋即白絮飘飞,一头头妖魔,似乎感知到了外界的活人气息,全都从白蘑孤树内破树而出,袭杀向罗阎二人。 On this plain, white Mogu sets up the height to vary. 这块平原上,白蘑孤树高矮不一。 Low thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, but high actually about hundred li (0.5 km) high. 低的不过千丈高,但高的却有近百里高。 Luo Yan personally sees, then just like meeting in the day of wood white Mo this solitary one tree, a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary initial evil spirit drilled. 罗阎亲眼所见,那宛如接天之木般的白蘑孤树中,一头洞天境初期的妖魔钻了出来。 Woods white skeleton, just like sharp sword wing. 森白的骨架,宛如利剑般的羽翼。 Looks at its contour, looks like only remains wyvern of skeleton, the body is adhering to stick cohere like the hot gray mist. 看其外形,就像是只剩骨架的飞龙,身上附着着如火般的灰色雾气。 Roar!” “吼!” That dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit sends out to shout, the surroundings mist starts to surge fiercely, changes into tentacles, raids to Luo Yan and Liu Hao. 那洞天境妖魔发出嘶吼,周围雾气开始剧烈涌动,化为一根根触手,袭向罗阎刘昊 Be careful.” “小心。” The Luo Yan look is dignified. 罗阎眼神凝重。 His fist rumbles, will kill initial period of a nearby Venerable boundary the evil spirit rumbles the fragment. 他一拳轰出,将袭杀到跟前的一头尊者境初期妖魔轰成碎片。 Another hand holds Liu Hao, wing of the Gabon stretches, changes into together the escaping light, goes through many places in the innumerable mist tentacles organizes. 另一只手则抓住刘昊,身后加蓬之翼舒展,化为一道遁光,在无数雾气触手中辗转腾挪。 Luo fellow daoist, has the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit!” “罗道友,有洞天境妖魔!” Liu Hao sends out shouts panic-stricken. 刘昊发出惊恐呼喊。 The surrounding bad people running wild, resembles his Venerable initial period member so, let alone contended, escapes continually cannot achieve, can only rely upon Luo Yan. 周围群魔乱舞,似他这般的尊者初期修士,别说抗衡了,连逃跑都做不到,只能仰仗罗阎 Might as well.” “无妨。” Luo Yan stimulates to movement the pinnacle the wing of Gabon. 罗阎将加蓬之翼催动到极致。 The wing of Gabon has no qualms the territory basic shell weapon, under the full power stimulation of movement of Luo Yan, wings is radiant, if gold/metal sword, making the Luo Yan speed continually promote. 加蓬之翼无愧域主级兵器,在罗阎的全力催动下,一根根羽翼璀璨若金剑,让罗阎的速度不断提升。 Luo Yan after explodes draws back, avoids encirclement of evil spirit to kill. 罗阎朝后爆退,躲避妖魔的围杀。 Simultaneously opens mouth spits, supernatural power billowing, coerces is being killed by weapons and strength of destruction, changes into everywhere the black flame, submerges in the frontline Venerable boundary evil spirit dozens rushes. 同时张嘴一吐,法力滚滚而出,裹挟着兵解和毁灭之力,化为漫天的黑色火焰,将数十头冲杀在最前方的尊者境妖魔淹没。 The black flame covers the half vault of heaven. 黑色火焰覆盖半边天穹。 Several breath time, then ten evil spirit called out pitifully sad and shrill, was burnt down as the ash completely. 几个呼吸时间,便有十余头妖魔凄厉惨叫,被焚烧为灰尽。 But the Luo Yan actually look concentrates, a heart sinks to the valley. 罗阎却眼神一凝,一颗心沉入谷底。 Because he saw that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit is face upwarding to shout. 因为他看到,那头洞天境妖魔正在仰天嘶吼。 But the surrounding these evil spirit, start to fly toward that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit, integrates the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit the body. 而周围的那些妖魔,开始朝着那头洞天境妖魔飞去,融入洞天境妖魔的身躯。 Only is a suddenly time, that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit then fused about hundred Venerable boundary evil spirit, cultivation base from the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary, rose suddenly in the middle period of the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary. 仅是一个眨眼的功夫,那头洞天境妖魔便融合了近百头尊者境妖魔,修为从洞天境初期,暴涨到了洞天境中期。 What made his desperate was. 更令他绝望的是。 Swallowed was still continuing. 吞噬仍在继续。 That dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit aura cuns (2.5 cm) surge upward, has been close to later period of the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary. 那头洞天境妖魔身上的气息寸寸高涨,已经接近洞天境后期。 If makes it swallow the surrounding complete evil spirit, only feared that will be born a evil spirit of Star Lord boundary! 若是让其将周围全部妖魔吞噬,只怕会诞生出一头星主境的妖魔! Luo fellow daoist, “罗道友, That evil spirit! ” Liu Hao also discovered this, the whole body uncontrolled start shivers. 那头妖魔!”刘昊也发现了这一幕,浑身都不受控制的开始颤抖。 The dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary pressure fills the air. 洞天境威压弥漫。 The trim world as if becomes the domain of that evil spirit. 整片天地仿佛成为那妖魔的领域。 The surrounding mist, starts craftily changes, changes into all sorts of weapons, kills to Luo Yan. 周围的雾气,都开始诡变,化为种种兵器,袭杀向罗阎 Luo fellow daoist, escapes quickly!” “罗道友,快逃!” The Liu Hao mind startled season, cannot bear flutter the urging. 刘昊心神惊季,忍不住颤声催促。 Did not need him to say. 不用他说。 Luo Yan has started to run away. 罗阎已经开始逃窜。 He changes into together the golden light, the escaping technique will display the pinnacle, the wing of back Gabon tears to raid unceasingly to his attack. 他化为一道金光,将遁术施展到了极致,背后的加蓬之翼更是不断撕裂一道道袭向他的攻击。 However the surrounding mist actually does not want to put him to leave, craftily changes, extrudes to come toward him, unexpectedly his escape route, thorough blocking. 然而周围的雾气却不想放他离开,诡变之间,朝着他挤压而来,竟然将他的退路,彻底的阻断。 Bang!” “轰!” The front mist surges, changes into the gluttonous ti huge mouth, swallows up toward Luo Yan. 前方的雾气涌动,化为饕鬄巨口,朝着罗阎鲸吞而来。 Manages your anything thing, is killed by weapons to me!” “管你什么东西,给我兵解!” The Luo Yan complexion is ruthless, the palm extends, clears the way by the small being killed by weapons technique directly, all things of being killed by weapons front. 罗阎脸色狠辣,手掌一伸,直接以小兵解术开道,兵解前方的一切事物。 rune/symbol writing of small being killed by weapons technique in his within the body drastic fluctuation. 小兵解术的符文在他体内剧烈波动。 The steep time, the gluttonous ti huge mouth before his body was then torn a long and narrow opening. 陡时间,他身前的饕鬄巨口便被撕裂出一条狭长口子。 The Luo Yan body golden light, worms one's way into instantaneously. 罗阎身化金光,瞬间钻了进去。 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! The strength of small being killed by weapons technique tears the present darkness unceasingly. 小兵解术的力量不断撕裂眼前的黑暗。 Also has not known how long, Luo Yan felt suddenly body one light, escaping technique suddenly quick ten times, this relaxed tone, spirit is willing season after looks. 也不知过了多久,罗阎忽然感到身体一轻,遁术陡然快了十倍,这才轻松口气,心有余季的朝后望去。 Luo...... Luo fellow daoist! We a moment ago in evil spirit mouth! When say/way?” Liu Hao calls out in alarm suddenly, panic-stricken to pinnacle. “罗……罗道友!我们刚才在妖魔嘴中!什么时候着的道?”刘昊忽然惊呼,惊恐到了极致。 Sees only that dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit behind. 只见那头洞天境妖魔就在身后。 On the fierce mouth broke a pinhole. 狰狞的嘴巴上破了个小洞。 A scarlet eye is gloomy just like the jack-o'-lantern. 一双猩红的眼睛宛如鬼火般阴森。 The evil spirit sees Luo Yan to look, a both wings racket, the terrifying cold wind then sweeps across together to Luo Yan, changes into a blood person Luo Yan. 妖魔见罗阎望来,双翅一拍,一道恐怖的阴风便席卷向罗阎,将罗阎化为一个血人。 Damn!” “该死!” The Luo Yan mortal body has endured compared with dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary body cultivator. 罗阎的肉身已经堪比洞天境体修 But was blown by this cold wind, the whole body flesh was scraped off one unexpectedly directly! 但被这阴风一刮,浑身血肉竟被直接刮去了一层! Luo Yan called out pitifully, the life source strength of stimulation of movement within the body, restored the complete mortal body hastily. 罗阎惨叫,连忙催动体内的生命源力,恢复完整肉身。 Meanwhile. 同时。 His look one ruthless, starts the combustion strength, stimulates to movement Greater Dragon Force Technique. 他眼神一狠,开始燃烧力量,催动大龙力术 Bang!!” “轰!!” The courage vigor and supernatural power combustion, change into the scarlet glow, covers the body of Luo Yan. 血气与法力燃烧,化为赤红之芒,将罗阎的身体覆盖。 Luo Yan eye blood red, throws toward the distant place Liu Hao, oneself transfer the direction, killed directly. 罗阎眼睛血红,将刘昊往远处一抛,自己则调转方向,直接杀了回去。 Under Greater Dragon Force Technique, the Luo Yan strength surges upward successively, he puts out a hand a move, a leaf of exceedingly high gateway then drops from the clouds, is coercing the scarlet ray, pounds directly in conducting the back of evil spirit! 大龙力术下,罗阎的实力节节高涨,他伸手一招,一扇通天般的门户便从天而降,裹挟着赤红光芒,直接砸在妖魔的背上! Absolute Heaven Gate carries two strength, is how heavy. 绝天之门携两界之力,何其沉重。 Only strikes, the body almost break of evil spirit is two sections, a pair of wing broke off directly. 仅是一击,妖魔的身躯几乎断裂为两截,一双翅膀被直接折断。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The evil spirit sends out to neigh. 妖魔发出嘶鸣。 While under Absolute Heaven Gate struggles, opened the mouth. 绝天之门下挣扎的同时,张开了嘴巴。 The innumerable gray whiskers drilled. 无数的灰色触须钻了出来。 The bonus is the Luo Yan unremitting attack, was twined by several whiskers as before. 饶是罗阎不断攻击,依旧被几根触须缠绕。 These whiskers are tenacious and strange, twine on Luo Yan, starts to swallow the Luo Yan supernatural power and vitality unexpectedly. 这些触须坚韧而诡异,缠绕在罗阎身上,竟然开始吞噬罗阎的法力和气血。 „!” “啊!” Luo Yan pitiful yell. 罗阎惨叫。 Is operating Absolute Heaven Gate, pounds again downward. 操纵着绝天之门,再次往下一砸。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The eyeball of evil spirit as if must jump. 妖魔的眼珠子似乎要蹦出来了。 But the winding in a Luo Yan whisker also loosen, seized the chance to work loose by Luo Yan suddenly. 而缠绕在罗阎身上的触须也陡然一松,被罗阎趁机挣脱。 Luo Yan is feeling the vitality supernatural power and life span of deflagrating, clenches teeth, welcomed the evil spirit to fly directly. 罗阎感受着迅速燃烧的气血法力以及寿命,一咬牙,直接迎着妖魔飞了过去。 Whish! Whish! Whish! 飕!飕!飕! The innumerable whiskers, are common like the sharp sword, strangles to death toward Luo Yan. 无数的触须,如同利剑一般,朝着罗阎绞杀而来。 Actually brushed past with Luo Yan each time, is unable to touch a Luo Yan fur/superficial knowledge. 却每次都与罗阎擦肩而过,无法触碰罗阎一丝皮毛。 But Luo Yan appears on the evil spirit smoothly, the small being killed by weapons technique rumbled together ruthlessly in the past! 罗阎则顺利出现在妖魔头上,一道小兵解术狠狠轰了过去! Hiss!” “嘶!” The evil spirit body shivers, the skull vanishes rapidly, the whisker in mouth brandishes even more rapid, almost submerges the trim world. 妖魔身躯颤动,头骨迅速消失,嘴中的触须挥舞的越发急促,几乎淹没整片天地。 But even if so. 可纵使如此。 Cannot bump into Luo Yan as before. 依旧没能碰到罗阎 Death!” “死!” The Luo Yan complexion is ruthless. 罗阎脸色狠辣。 The range that the small being killed by weapons technique is killed by weapons expands unceasingly, from the skull of evil spirit, spreads to the entire head quickly. 小兵解术兵解的范围不断扩大,从妖魔的头骨,很快蔓延到整个脑袋。 Finally, the evil spirit in the unwilling wail sound, was killed by weapons the most body by the small being killed by weapons technique, the remaining half bodies melt over a hundred Venerable boundary evil spirit, escapes from the suppression of Absolute Heaven Gate, scatters in all directions to run away toward the distant place. 最终,妖魔在不甘的哀鸣声中,被小兵解术兵解了大半身躯,剩下的半边身躯则消融成百余头尊者境妖魔,逃脱绝天之门的镇压,朝着远处四散逃窜。 Bang!” “轰!” The black flame changes into the mighty current, covers the evil spirit that these retreat all. 黑色火焰化为洪流,将这些溃逃的妖魔尽数覆盖。 But still had is ten evil spirit works loose the black flame, sneaks in the mist to vanish does not see. 但仍然有是十余头妖魔挣脱黑焰,钻进雾气中消失不见。 Damn!” “该死啊!” Luo Yan strength abates rapidly, is incapable of pursuing radically. 罗阎身上的力量迅速消退,根本无力追逐。 The negative impact that Greater Dragon Force Technique brings entangles the heart all of a sudden, making his body in a flash, almost not faint directly. 大龙力术带来的负面影响一下子萦上心头,让他身体一晃,差点没直接晕倒。 Is good because of finally, Liu Hao flies from the distant place, supported him. 好在最后,刘昊从远处飞来,扶住了他。 „Did Luo fellow daoist, you kill a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit?” “罗道友,你杀了一头洞天境妖魔?” Liu Hao does not dare to believe. 刘昊不敢置信。 Obviously with oneself same cultivation base. 明明和自己一样的修为 Oneself face the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit, the courage of continually drawing a sword does not have, others actually span a big boundary, direct counter cuts down the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 自己面对洞天境妖魔,连拔剑的勇气都没有,人家却跨越一个大境界,直接逆伐洞天。 Luck.” Luo Yan forced smile. “运气罢了。”罗阎苦笑。 Finally frequently, he stimulated to movement the big light sound technique reluctantly, twisted the sensation of evil spirit, this that evil spirit suppress and kill. 最后时刻,他勉强催动了大光音术,扭曲了妖魔的感知,这才将那妖魔镇杀 But at the same time stimulates to movement two big techniques, even he, the strength of state of mind consumes completely, the head such as the needle grips the stabbing pain, almost must faint. 而同时催动两道大术,即便是他,神魂之力都消耗殆尽,脑袋如针扎般刺痛,几乎要晕倒。 Walks, first finds a place to rest for two days.” “走,先找个地方休息两天。” Two people to the forward flight 1 million li (0.5 km), escaped into void, temporarily hid. 两人向前飞了百万里,遁入虚空,暂时隐藏了起来。 This time counter cuts down the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the consumption is huge. 这次逆伐洞天,消耗巨大。 But returns nurturing to parents the strength of coming, actually made up for the loss of Luo Yan, making the Luo Yan life increase in 1000, cultivation base is rising suddenly a big truncation, was getting more and more near from Venerable in the middle period. 但反哺而来的力量,却弥补了罗阎的损失,让罗阎的寿元增加了一千年,连带着修为都暴涨一大截,距离尊者中期越来越近。 After three days . 三日后。 Luo Yan heals from a wound, absorbs the strength of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit completely. 罗阎养伤完毕,也将洞天境妖魔的力量完全吸收。 Two people continue to start. 两人继续启程。 Shortly after before returned, meets land that white Mogu sets up. 没多久就回到了之前遇上白蘑孤树的陆地。 white Mogu sets up disappears, the pale plain is seemingly empty, no life aura. 白蘑孤树消失,苍白的平原看上去空荡荡的,没有一点生命气息。 This land, should be the skeleton of big horseshoe crab.” “这陆地,应该就是大鲎的尸骨。” Two people fall on the ground, Luo Yan put out a hand to trace the land of under foot, says. 两人落在地上,罗阎伸手摸了摸脚下的大地,开口说道。 This place mustard Xumi, outside looks is also diameter tens of millions li (0.5 km) islands , after coming , the space actually wants not to know many times broadly. Really difficult to imagine, the corpse of big horseshoe crab huge.” Liu Hao says with emotion. “这地方芥纳须弥,外面看着也就是一座直径数千万里的岛屿,进来之后,空间却要广阔不知多少倍。真难想象,大鲎的尸身有多庞大。”刘昊感慨道。 After all is the primary life.” “毕竟是原初生命。” The life body is not bigger is stronger. 生命体不是越大越强。 But big definitely strong. 但大的肯定强。 Two people sigh with emotion, then pastes the landing to continue to hurry along. 两人感慨一番,便贴着陆地继续赶路。 So is three days. 如此又是三天。 Standing of Luo Yan whole body bloodstained on the ground, the complexion is somewhat pale. 罗阎浑身染血的站在地上,面色有些苍白。 These three days, he encountered the evil spirit of several dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundaries, he struck to kill two heads, fled three times. 这三天来,他又遭遇了几次洞天境的妖魔,他击杀了两头,遁逃了三次。 Now. 如今。 He just got rid of chasing down of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary evil spirit, a strength consumption most. 他刚刚摆脱一头洞天境妖魔的追杀,一身力量消耗大半。 Luo fellow daoist, these evil spirit hide in the mist, is hard to discover ahead of time, if continues, your I only fear......” “罗道友,这些妖魔藏在雾气中,难以提前发现,若是继续下去,你我只怕……” Liu Hao was about to cry. 刘昊都快哭了。 Luo Yan is powerful, can resist facing the sneak attack of evil spirit. 罗阎实力强大,面对妖魔的偷袭还能抵御。 But he may not have the strength of contending, was sneak attacked several times by the evil spirit, only thinks oneself walk randomly in the Gate of Death back and forth, this way had not been killed must first be scared to death by the evil spirit. 但他可毫无抗衡之力,被妖魔偷袭了几次,只觉自己在鬼门关来回游走,这样下去没被杀死先要被妖魔吓死。 You said right, I have a feeling, a more thorough this place, the strength of evil spirit is stronger , to continue, we bump into sooner or later endure to compare the Star Lord evil spirit.” “你说得对,我有种感觉,越深入此地,妖魔的实力就越强,继续下去,我们迟早碰上堪比星主的妖魔。” Luo Yan wipes head sweat. 罗阎擦去头上的汗水。 Strikes to kill the evil spirit, may obtain the strength. 击杀妖魔,可获得力量。 Now his cultivation base, under the functions of these evil spirit, had arrived in the middle period of the Venerable boundary. 如今他的修为,在这些妖魔的作用下,已经来到了尊者境中期。 But he knows. 但他知道。 Stopped. 到此为止了。 As because he goes forward, meets the evil spirit the frequency to be getting higher and higher, meets the evil spirit the strength is also getting stronger and stronger. 因为随着他前进,遇上妖魔的频率越来越高,遇上妖魔的实力也越来越强。 In a moment ago, him met one to only have a step evil spirit from the Star Lord boundary. 就在刚才,他遇上了一头距离星主境只有一步的妖魔。 That evil spirit incomparable terrifying. 那妖魔无比恐怖。 He shows the Greater Dragon Force Technique eruption strength, uses the big light sound technique to disrupt that evil spirit sensation, this escapes under chasing down of that evil spirit assigns/life. 他施展大龙力术爆发实力,又施展大光音术扰乱那妖魔感知,这才在那妖魔的追杀下逃得一命。 He is very lucky. 他很幸运。 But obviously, is impossible to be lucky. 但显然,不可能一直幸运下去。 That what to do?” The Liu Hao complexion is ugly. “那怎么办?”刘昊脸色难看。 His bloodlines induction told him, his family/home ancestor, was very far from oneself. 他的血脉感应告诉他,他家先祖,距离自己还有很远。 Only can go hand in hand.” “只能结伴同行。” Where Luo Yan plans to ask Shen Yue Shen Jun they. 罗阎打算问问神玥神钧他们在哪里。 He depends upon Greater Dragon Force Technique, although can erupt the strength of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary Heaven's Chosen, but after all is the taboo big technique, is hard to be lasting, for successive several times displayed, even he cannot endure, fierce of feeling body debt. 他依靠大龙力术,虽然能爆发洞天境天骄的实力,但毕竟是禁忌大术,难以持久,连续几次施展,连他都吃不消,感觉身体亏空的厉害。 But Shen Jun is different. 神钧则不一样。 That is the real dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary is greatly complete, the heads of Linglong Immortal Sect ten big true line, have to compare favorably with the Star Lord strength. 那可是货真价实的洞天境大圆满,玲珑仙宗十大真传之首,拥有媲美星主的实力。 If there is a Shen Jun peer, pressure on small many. 若有神钧同行,压力会小上很多。 „Do you have the person?” “你有人?” Tries.” “试试吧。” They late depart three days, on others' advancement affirmation quick many. To travel together, must first solicit others' suggestions. 他们晚出发三天,别人的进程肯定快上许多。想要同行,也要先征求别人的意见。 Luo Yan puts out the Shen Yue news symbol, then the plan relates Shen Yue. 罗阎拿出神玥的讯符,便打算联系神玥 But at this time, the surrounding mist started to surge rapidly, a surrounding area 100,000 li (0.5 km) mist was pursued, the entire sky was clear! 但这时候,周围的雾气开始急速涌动,方圆十万里的雾气被驱逐,整个天空为之澄澈! This extremely astonishing, but Luo Yan and Liu Hao complexion, actually becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 这一幕极其惊人,但罗阎刘昊的脸色,却变得难看起来。 Because this on behalf of having the thing came. 因为这代表有东西过来了。 Moreover is above the colossus of imagination! 而且是超乎想象的庞然大物! What to do?” “怎么办?” The Liu Hao facial expression is panic-stricken, the sound is shivering. 刘昊神情惊恐,声音都在颤抖。 On this day is too likely terrorist, if the future is the evil spirit, inevitably is Star Lord! 这天象太恐怖,若来者是妖魔,必然是星主 Collects the lulls air/Qi!” “敛息静气!” Luo Yan draws Liu Hao to escape into to hide void, the method of simultaneously displaying the concealment aura. 罗阎拉着刘昊遁入虚空藏身,同时施展出隐匿气息的手段。 The method just now displays. 手段才刚施展。 He then noticed that in the sky the escaping light passed over gently and swiftly together rapidly. 他便看到天空中一道遁光飞速掠过。 „Is that...... Qing Chen?” “那是……庆尘?” The Luo Yan eye pupil is shocking. 罗阎眼眸震惊。 This time Qing Chen, the cassock is broken, the whole body bloodstained, left arm simultaneous/uniform shoulder breaks, the wound place grew like the tentacle gray granulation. 此时的庆尘,袈裟残破,浑身染血,左臂齐肩而断,伤口处生长出了如触手般的灰色肉芽。 This dwelling place of Buddhist immortals boundary late Qing Chen , seems to be escaping unexpectedly distressedly. 这位洞天境后期的庆尘,竟然狼狈至极,似乎正在逃命。 Also flickers below. 也就在下一瞬。 The shadow of sun-blocking then follows closely in Qing Chen behind, grazes from the sky. 遮天蔽日的黑影便紧随在庆尘身后,从天空中飞掠而过。 The pressure of that terrifying, making one have to plant to place the seabed three kilometers sensation of asphyxia, even the brain becomes a blank. 那恐怖的威压,让人有种身处海底三千米般窒息感,连大脑都变得一片空白。 Star Lord! 星主 This is the Star Lord pressure alone. 这是独属于星主的威压。 Moreover is not general Star Lord. 而且不是一般的星主 The constrictions of two big boundaries, making Luo Yan forget the breath. 两个大境界的压迫感,让罗阎都忘记了呼吸。 Is good because, this Star Lord boundary evil spirit stared at Qing Chen, pursued Qing Chen to go, vanished in two people field of vision quickly. 好在,这头星主境妖魔盯上了庆尘,追着庆尘而去,很快消失在两人视野中。 The mist in sky surges. 天空中的雾气涌动。 Has passed half double-hour, restores the original design. 一直过了半个时辰,才恢复原样。 But only then, the breath of Luo Yan restored, cannot bear deeply attracted several tones continuously. 而直到此时,罗阎的呼吸才恢复,忍不住连续深吸了几口气。
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