ICGMTTO :: Volume #6

#518: Ze fish uses up

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Where permits Lingjun knows, fights only one time...... 灵钧哪里知道,只一次交手…… He became the sweetie pie in Wuseer eyes unexpectedly. 他竟成了乌瑟尔眼中的香饽饽。 Or even if knows, perhaps will not care...... 或者说就算知道,恐怕也不会在意…… However was one crowd took dozens years of wrong road, until now returned again cannot, being doomed is going by the waste that the time abandoned. 不过是一群走了几十年错路,到如今再回不能,注定将要被时代所抛弃的废物而已。 Their real strength, give to him even, he does not bring...... might as well these that absorbs to turn over to the Yuan grandmaster. 他们的真力,就算是送给他,他都不带吸收的……还不如那些归元宗师呢。 Takes is bestowing on the source successful merit law. 拿着赋源成功的功法。 permits Lingjun rushes toward the mystical place in without consulting anybody...... 灵钧径自往秘境之内奔去…… Heart actually suddenly appears a strange thought. 只是心头却突的浮现一个古怪的念头。 My present within the body Yuan the successful evolution has really become the spirit strength, and melts with the spiritual energy. 我如今体内真元已经成功的进化成为灵力,并且与外界灵气相融。 Especially after bestowing on the source, this spirit strength and spirit strength of immortal cultivation should do not have much difference, even if I entered the dao by the military, but the spirit strength has not definitely distinguished, should still be able governing to cause the magic weapon? 尤其赋源之后,这灵力与修仙者的灵力应该没有太大的区别,就算我以武入道,但灵力肯定没有区别,应该也是可以御使法宝了吧? Evidently, can find the way to bestow on a source law Burroughs Wellcome Co. energy to oneself actually. 看样子,倒是可以想办法给自己赋源一件法宝威能。 Best to attack that can against be able to defend to be stranded...... 最好是能攻能防能守能困的那种…… After all the member strongest method is the magic weapon, before facing Wuseer, if there is a magic weapon in the hand, even if only a rank not too high magic weapon, perhaps may also leave behind his life fully thoroughly. 毕竟修士最强的手段便是法宝,之前面对乌瑟尔之时,若是有法宝在手,哪怕只是一件等级不算太高的法宝,恐怕也足可将他的性命彻底留下。 This matter could not perhaps have left these seven to kill the help of military region officers. 只是这事儿恐怕还离不开那些七杀军区将士们的帮助。 When permits Lingjun returns to mystical place most deep place. 灵钧回到秘境最深处时。 Han Yuncheng had waited there for some time...... 憾云城早已经等候多时…… Appearance that waits, permits Lingjun heart appears suddenly a strange thought that the heart said her, if regrets the miss, perhaps now has fallen in love with me not to know that many returned. 那翘首以盼的模样,许灵钧心头蓦然间浮现一个古怪的念头,心道她若是憾姑娘,恐怕现在早就爱上我不知道多少回了。 Lost the merit law conveniently, said with a smile: «Infinite Immortal Secret art», although not necessarily strong murders the day in your emperor blood certainly, but were many to be possible in the world to derive the spiritual energy to enter the body temperature to raise oneself body, you might as well comprehended 12, intercepted its merit, the spiritual energy that in absorbing spirit stones can succeed.” 随手将功法丢了过去,笑道:“《无限仙诀》,虽然未必强于你的帝血弑天绝,但却多了一项可自天地之间汲取灵气入体温养己身,你不妨参悟一二,从中截取其优点,就能成功的汲取灵石内的灵气了。” Many thanks, Brothers!” “多谢了,兄弟!” Han Yuncheng to permits Lingjun earnest nod, immediately the tree room that turned around in the ordinary day to live. 憾云城对着许灵钧认真的点了点头,立即转身去自己平日里居住的树屋去了。 After permits Lingjun gazes after Han Yuncheng to leave, called out: Liu clear/crisp!” 灵钧目送憾云城离开后,叫道:“刘爽!” Subordinate in!” “属下在!” Liu clear/crisp appears in permits Lingjun accordingly behind. 刘爽应声出现在许灵钧的身后。 permits Lingjun said: Lets explode military of flame army, the northern profound two army and wrong military three services all strengths above hole profound boundary to arrive at my set, said that the president led to study diligently the immortal cultivation method, must help everyone a level higher!” 灵钧说道:“让爆炎一军、北玄二军、错武三军所有实力在洞玄境之上的武者都到我这里集合,就说总统领钻研出了修仙法门,要助大家更上一层楼!” He has not said that after all this merit law spent so many source values, must press out to be good from them. 他没说更多,毕竟这功法花了这么多的源值,怎么也得从他们身上榨回来才行。 Therefore something, was in front of their to say personally was quite good. 所以有些事情,还是当着他们的面亲自说比较好。 But is only this deserted/few deserted/few Shuju...... 但只是这廖廖数句…… Makes Liu clear/crisp excited instantaneously, looks that permits Lingjun look just like looks at the gods, lets the present reappearing small character reminder of permits Lingjun. 却瞬间让刘爽激动莫名,看着许灵钧的眼神俨然看着神明,更让许灵钧的眼前浮现小字提醒。 You are willing your merit law share in Liu clear/crisp, to obtain his sincere feeling grateful, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 299!】 【您愿意将您的功法分享于与刘爽,获得了他真挚的感恩,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 This boy, is a good person. 这小子,是个好人啊。 permits Lingjun looks that Liu clear/crisp look was kinder. 灵钧看着刘爽的眼神更亲切了。 Liu clear/crisp was also filled with joy, may notice permits Lingjun look, could not bear hit to tremble unexpectedly, quickly turned around to call the brothers. 刘爽本来还满心欢喜,可注意到许灵钧的眼神,竟忍不住打了个寒颤,急忙转身去召集兄弟们去了。 This look how a little cautious nervous. 这眼神咋有点儿慎的慌啊。 Within a half hour. 半个小时之后。 Entire seven kill the regiment. 整个七杀军团。 3000 strengths military of success breakthrough hole profound boundary has been built on under completely. 三千名实力已经成功突破洞玄境的武者全部都立于下方。 Jun Qing a little envy Yan looked at Gu Xi of most front row, she is still drinking permits Lingjun...... the strength not to visit the hole to be unreliable to the medicament that she provides to the present fixed time after all, therefore enters unqualified. 君晴有点儿羡艳的看了一眼最前列的顾希,她到现在都还在喝着许灵钧定时给她提供的药剂……毕竟实力还未曾踏足洞玄,所以不够资格进入其中。 Gu Xi signals with the eyes to her, hints her not to need to worry, permits Lingjun put in great inconvenience to anyone not to put in great inconvenience to person. 顾希给她使了个眼色,示意她不必着急,许灵钧委屈谁也不会委屈了身旁的人。 The Jun Qing slight nod, the heart said that I may not only be his person, is his big male animal tender, now greatly hero besides him, to me most own. 君晴微微点头,心道我可不仅仅是他身边的人,还是他的大雄的饲养员呢,现在大雄除了他之外,就对我最亲了。 He definitely not no matter my. 他肯定不会不管我的。 But Gu Xi comforted Jun Qing, looked up permits Lingjun on stage...... 顾希安慰完了君晴,抬头看了一眼台上的许灵钧…… A heart inexplicable complex feeling well ups. 心头莫名的一阵复杂感觉涌上心头。 Remembered before several years, sees his time for the first time. 想起了数年前,第一次见到他的时候。 That time he was tender. 那时侯的他多嫩呐。 Now was mature, was powerful, was more attractive than before, but why does not know, she instead started to fondly remember that time him. 现在成熟了,强大了,也比以前更好看了,但不知道为什么,她反而开始怀念起了那时的他。 Possibly is because he has arrived at the position that she could not touch forever now. 可能是因为他如今已经走到了她永远也触碰不到的位置吧。 Is good because of also has the time. 好在还有时间。 So long as contacts this method, perhaps, I can also catch up with him...... this am he give my opportunity. 只要接触到这法门,也许,我还能追上他……这是他给我的机会啊。 permits Lingjun at present, appears again one line of small characters. 灵钧眼前,再度浮现一行小字。 You helped Gu Xi find the say/way of strengthen, obtained her to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 399!】 【您帮助顾希找到了变强之道,得到了她衷心的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 My this has not taught. 我这还没教呢。 permits Lingjun looked down Gu Xi one, to her mischievous is smiling to him. 灵钧低头看了顾希一眼,正对上她促狭的对着他笑了笑。 The permits Lingjun similar smile responded, said loudly: Makes you come, what matter has, do you know?” 灵钧同样微笑回应了一下,高声说道:“让你们来,是有什么事情,你们知道吧?” The people with one voice are high the sound said: Merit law!” 众人异口同声高声道:“功法!” Good, is the merit law!” “不错,是功法!” permits Lingjun said: Merit law that I amend, wins the unsurpassed Divine Demon level merit law, it can be said that immortal cultivation method, immortal cultivation, with world same longevity, with myriad things with spring, but the hand picks the stars with the livelihood, but the mortal body crosses the universe to be a cinch, but outside the thousand li (500 km) takes the person severed head...... on for example the present......” 灵钧说道:“我所修的功法,乃是更胜无上的神魔级功法,也可以说是修仙法门,修仙者,与天地同寿,与万物同春,可手拿日月摘星辰,可肉身横渡宇宙不在话下,可千里之外取人首级……就比如现在……” He does not move. 他不动弹。 Stands moves in the frontline Liu clear/crisp actually look suddenly, quickly lifts the body standard to keep off, actually only feels a copious strength attack to come, although the offensive heavy does not injure, he entire was actually rumbled to fly directly. 站在最前方的刘爽却突然间神色一动,急忙抬身格挡,却只感一股沛然之力侵袭而来,攻势虽重不伤,他整个却直接被轰飞了出去。 The people look pleasantly surprised permits Lingjun moves also motionless, actually flies directly Liu Shuanghong of hole profound boundary. 众人惊喜的看着许灵钧动也不动,却直接将洞玄境的刘爽轰飞出去。 The eyeground is immediately blazing. 眼底顿时都炽热起来。 Too big seaport does not dare to praise, but cultivates in my hand this «Infinite Immortal Secret art», the grandmaster boundary guarantees a minimum...... this point, I can vouch.” “太大的海口不敢夸,但修炼我手中这本《无限仙诀》,宗师境界是保底……这一点,我还是能打包票的。” This saying. 这话一出。 Others are pleasantly surprised, but explodes flame army people actually almost to excitedly to calling out. 其他人都是惊喜,但爆炎一军众人却几乎要激动到嚎叫出来。 Why they joined to explode the flame regiment initially...... are not because the aptitude is not good, isn't able to be selected in sect gate and Martial Office? 他们当初为什么加入爆炎军团……不就是因为资质不行,无法入选宗门和武府么? But in fact, even if joins to explode the flame regiment, they still know, the hole unreliably is the limit that they can reach. 可事实上,就算加入爆炎军团,他们也知道,洞玄便是他们所能到达的极限。 Was impossible to be higher. 不可能更高了。 But now, permits Lingjun told them, the grandmaster is guarantees a minimum...... in other words, perhaps above the grandmaster, can achieve a higher boundary! 但现在,许灵钧却跟他们说,宗师是保底……也就是说,宗师之上,也许还能达到更高的境界! The president leads is not naturally impossible to deceive their. 总统领自然不可能欺骗他们的。 Also their mood so lost control unavoidably. 也难免他们的情绪如此失控了。 Suddenly. 一时间。 You saved Liu Sanyuan's the road of martial arts, obtained him to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 159!】 【您拯救了刘三元的武道之路,得到了他由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 You helped Sun Ning find the advance journey, obtained him to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 129!】 【您帮助孙宁找到了前进的路途,得到了他由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 You teach a proper immortal method, obtained him to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 199!】 【您传授周正仙道法门,得到了他由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 .................................... ……………………………… Brushing the screen is the same. 刷屏一样。 Previous this type of fierce brushing screen, as if when he succeeds the destruction scarlet feather alien race. 上次这种剧烈的刷屏,似乎还是在他成功覆灭赤羽异族的时候。 It seems like that these person of painstaking effort laws are long. 看来,这些人苦功法久矣。 Ok, everyone sat cross-legged to sit, listening to me to explain the merit law to be mysterious for you!” “好了,所有人盘膝坐好,听我为你们讲解功法奥妙!” permits Lingjun sits similarly, looks below that several thousand crying for food soldier. 灵钧同样坐好,看着下方那几千名嗷嗷待哺的战士。 The smile said: „The say/way of immortal cultivation, most essential, then lies in a spiritual energy, in fact, the spiritual energy has lived in our being closely linked, you cultivation to cultivate/repair now, thought totally depends on own effort? I can tell you now responsiblily, this is wrong, spiritual energy in this process, plays the indispensable role, if made a mistake this point, then in the future, your mentalities will put will not be positive, in the future will also harvest a wrong fruit inevitably!” 微笑道:“修仙之道,最关键的,便在于一个灵气,事实上,灵气一直都生活在我们的息息相关之中,你们修炼修到现在,是不是觉得完全都是靠自己的努力?我现在可以负责任的告诉你们,这是错的,灵气在这个过程中,也起到了不可或缺的作用,如果搞错了这一点,那么将来,你们的心态放的不正,将来也必然收获一颗错误的果实!” He said was very detailed. 他讲的很详细。 From spiritual energy improvement human body, to immortal cultivation difference from martial arts, again to martial arts with something in common of immortal cultivation. 从灵气改善人体,到修仙与武道的区别,再到武道与修仙的共同之处。 Little explanation...... 一点点讲解…… Although said was some theoretical sides knowledge, regarding these soldiers, was actually no different is enlightened, perhaps to cultivating and having no help, but can actually make them know in process that they cultivated, what kind of change will have. 虽然讲的都是一些理论方面的知识,对于这些战士们而言,却无异于醍醐灌顶,也许对修炼并没有什么帮助,但却能让他们知道他们修炼的过程中,会有怎样的变化。 Without a doubt, this is expanding their fields of vision. 毫无疑问,这是在开拓他们的视野。 But these knowledge without a doubt are very important...... 而这些知识毫无疑问都是很重要的…… From the beginning, but also is only human in earnest listening attentively. 一开始,还只是人类在认真的倾听。 But slowly. 但慢慢的。 In the mystical place, these birds and beasts also lay quietly. 秘境之中,那些飞禽走兽们也都悄悄的趴了过来。 The birds stand in the treetop, the beasts lie in one side, earnest is listening attentively to permits Lingjun explains religious doctrine...... 禽鸟们立在树梢,走兽们趴在一边,认真的倾听着许灵钧的讲道…… These monster beasts have not under the wisdom of human. 这些妖兽们都拥有着不下于人类的智慧。 Experiences compared with these military also wants inferior many...... because of so, is listening to the explanation of permits Lingjun, they instead have a more thorough understanding. 只是见识比起这些武者们还要逊色不少……正因如此,听着许灵钧的讲解,它们反而有着更为深入的了解。 Although were many many audience, but the scene is actually a deathly stillness, does not have the least bit unusual sound. 虽然多了许多的听众,但现场却是一阵死寂,全无半点异样声响。 Big hero hit two yawns one after another, was also patted two claw by the cloudling ruthlessly. 大雄接连打了两个呵欠,然后还被小云狠狠拍了两爪子。 Then pretends the earnest appearance to listen to own master to explain......, although it actually wants to force in his bosom to act like a spoiled brat oneself big head. 这才装作认真的样子听自己的主人讲解……虽然它其实更想把自己的大脑袋塞进他的怀里撒娇。 After saying for two hours . 足足讲了两个小时之后。 permits Lingjun said: This is the martial arts and an immortal difference, believes that you had also understood, then my teaches your merit law......, but before teaching merit law, I have words to talk clearly with you ahead of time, the situation of everyone is different from person to person, has the difference respectively, therefore repairs my merit law comprehensively, retains the merit law, but Jie from the immortal cultivation method takes advantageously locates itself to change it, this point takes responsibility by you, after all practices is each person own matter, cannot entire rely upon others.” 灵钧才说道:“这就是武道与仙道的区别,相信你们也都有所了解了,那么我这就传授你们功法……但在传授功法之前,我有句话要提前跟你们都说清楚,每个人的情形因人而异,各有不同,所以是全面改修我的功法,还是保留自身功法,只是从修仙法门中颉取有利之处自己改之,这一点由你们自己做主,毕竟修行是每个人自己的事情,不能全仰仗旁人。” Saying, him is starting to read aloud " Infinite Immortal Secret art » method. 说着,他开始念诵《无限仙诀》的法门。 But numerous monster beasts saw with own eyes that he has not caught up with them to leave unexpectedly, but treats impartially to them...... 而众多妖兽眼见他竟然没有赶它们离开,而是对它们一视同仁…… Looks that permits Lingjun look had been intimate with much. 看着许灵钧的眼神已是亲近了不少。 But permits Lingjun eyeground, is one brushes the screen. 而许灵钧眼底,又是一阵刷屏。 You are willing with the icefield snow leopard cloudling share merit law, to obtain her to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 299!】 【您愿意与冰原雪豹小云分享功法,得到了她衷心的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 You have not discriminated against the saber-toothed tiger snow king, obtained its heartfelt gratitude, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 199!】 【您没有歧视剑齿虎雪王,得到了它由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 You provided the human merit law for the black wing wolf black wind, obtained its heartfelt gratitude, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 159!】 【您为黑翼狼黑风提供了人类功法,得到了它由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 .......................................... …………………………………… Did this return this? 这就回本了? permits Lingjun looks returns to the source value of blood rapidly, this also in unceasing upward increasing. 灵钧看着迅速回血的源值,就这还在不断的向上攀升。 Obviously, these monster beasts are very grateful he. 显然,这些妖兽们都很感激他。 You realized to the commitment of old tree green leaf, obtained her to feel grateful heartfeltly, from this obtained the favor of the world source will, source value + 499!】 【您实现了对古树绿叶的承诺,得到了她由衷的感激,由此获得了世界本源意志的青睐,本源值!】 permits Lingjun heart moves slightly, did the heart say her also in? 灵钧心头微动,心道她也在? The spirit knowledge swept, had discovered an old tree vitality that stood more than ten birds was especially rich...... 灵识扫过,已是发现了其中一棵站了十余只飞禽的古树生机格外浓郁…… It seems like she is borrowing other plant peeping here. 看来是她在借别的植物偷窥这边了。 permits Lingjun smiles, has not responded her. 灵钧笑了笑,没搭理她。 The master leads passing through the gate in any case, practices by individual. 反正师傅领进门,修行靠个人。 Which step can arrive, must look at that they...... the situation of everyone is not same, the cultivation immortal cultivation method, their circumstances will not be the same. 能走到哪一步,还是要看他们自己……每个人的情况都不相同,修炼修仙法门,他们的境遇也绝不会相同的。 But this is their chances, he has no right multibarreled. 但这是他们自己的机缘,他无权多管。 At that moment, permits Lingjun «Infinite Immortal Secret art» taught every single word or phrase. 当下,许灵钧将《无限仙诀》一字一句的教了下去。 Visits the hole profound boundary competently, the aptitude does not raise for the time being, the perception absolutely is not bad. 够资格踏足洞玄境界,资质姑且不提,悟性都绝对不差。 Hears this method, the people all are the look are dignified, in heart mechanical memorizing silently, understood that or is not unimportant, most important...... is first carries it. 听得这法门,众人一个个皆是神色凝重,在心头默默的死记硬背,理解与否不重要,最重要的……是先将其背下来。 Listens to listen. 只是听着听着。 Actually being enthralled of quietly. 一个个却悄然的入了神。 Is this wonderful method? 这是何等神妙的法门? Is this mysterious mnemonics? 这是何等玄奥的口诀? Let them listen, felt one seemed sank to the parent body, experienced that warm feeling again...... 让他们只是听着,就感觉自身好似沉入了母体,再度体验到了那种温暖的感觉…… The people numerous beasts more listen are earnest. 众人众兽越听越是认真。 More listens is fascinated...... 越听越是入迷…… When permits Lingjun has left for a long time, they actually also no one revive from the sound of that main road. 等到许灵钧这边已经离开许久,他们却还没有一个人从那大道之音中苏醒过来。 Is distracted...... 一个个都神思恍惚…… As if already uninformed thing. 似乎已经浑然不知外界事物。 Many thanks you.” “多谢你了。” When permits Lingjun footsteps stop on a tree. 当许灵钧的脚步停在一棵树上的时候。 The ear suddenly resounded the sound of old tree. 耳边突然响起了古树的声音。 The branch is extending on own initiative, blocked in the top of the head for permits Lingjun fierce Yang. 连带着枝丫主动伸过来,替许灵钧挡住了头顶上的烈阳。 It‘s nothing, I completed my commitment, should teach, I will teach.” “没什么,我只是完成了我的承诺而已,该教的,我都会教。” permits Lingjun smile said: Now you know why I will that attach great importance to spirit stones?” 灵钧微笑道:“现在你知道为什么我会对灵石那么重视了吧?” Naturally knew.” “当然知道了。” The old tree has not said is very straightforward. 古树没说的很直白。 But her vision may high too many be too more than these soldiers, nature one shortly comes out...... this «Infinite Immortal Secret art» is truly fierce, the words that he spoke before had not boasted, if really can cultivation the pinnacle this family merit law, truly can achieve an extremely high boundary. 但她的眼界比那些战士们可高了太多太多了,自然一眼看的出来……这个《无限仙诀》确实非常厉害,他之前说的话没有夸口,如果真能将这门功法修炼到极致的话,确实可以达到一个极高的境界. But with the rise of strength, regarding the hope of spirit stones , the increase of enormous limit. 但随着实力的提升,对于灵石的渴望,也将极大限度的提升。 Arrived finally, will perhaps even evolve to not having spirit stones, situation that is unable to cultivate...... 到最后,恐怕甚至会进化到没有灵石,便无法修炼的地步…… Did not think that this does seem like an addiction?” “不觉得这很像是一种瘾吗?” The old tree asked. 古树问道。 Ant only eats the residual, but the wolf must eat the meat, perhaps to the dinosaur, must eat these large-scale animals to be good, otherwise being able to fill belly.” “蚂蚁只吃残渣,但狼就得吃肉了,到了恐龙,恐怕就得吃那些大型的动物才行,不然填不饱肚子。” permits Lingjun said: Strength is stronger, the appetite is bigger, more can eat...... you to convert food the spiritual energy the words, understood, changes into from the spiritual energy of foundation contains more spiritual energy spirit stones, this is very normal matter.” 灵钧说道:“实力越强,胃口越大,就越能吃……你把灵气换算成食物的话,就明白了,从基础的灵气换成蕴含更多灵气的灵石,这是很正常的事情。” The old tree asked: If spirit stones did exhaust? Can Blue Star welcome the destruction again?” 古树问道:“那如果灵石用尽了呢?蓝星会不会再一次迎来毁灭?” Cannot!” “不会!” permits Lingjun said: Really to that step, which step you Blue Star evolved to know? In the universe had too many planets, can we definitely look for the new planet substitution...... you should stupidly to not wanting to limit to Blue Star?” 灵钧说道:“真到那一步,蓝星进化到了哪一步你知道吗?宇宙中有太多太多的行星了,我们完全可以去找新的行星替代……你该不会傻到想要一直局限于蓝星吧?” The old tree said: But Blue Star so wields great power with great arrogance to these alien race people, you should understand that Blue Star is special, spirit stones is special.” 古树道:“可蓝星对那些异族人这么炙手可热,你就该明白蓝星有多么特殊,灵石有多么特殊。” Does not have the relations...... they want the planet, but my words, only want their spirit stones, said again, perhaps this can be many year later things, I will control the careful not Huize fish to use up!” “没关系……他们是想要行星,而我的话,只想要它们的灵石,再说了,这恐怕会是很多年后的事情了,我会控制小心不会泽鱼而竭的!” permits Lingjun heart this even addiction? 灵钧心道这就算瘾了么? Cracks a joke, the cell phone of that previous generation, has the bill, isn't the addiction? 开玩笑,那前世的手机、还有钞票,难道不都是瘾? Although the heart too does not approve worry of old tree, but permits Lingjun actually cannot bear sighs gently. 只是心头虽不太认同古树的担忧,但许灵钧却还是忍不住轻轻叹了口气。 It seems like that really needs to control immortal cultivation the number. 看来,真的需要控制一下修仙者的数量。 Otherwise, in Ling Mine depending on mystical place, perhaps really could not only have supported too many years. 不然的话,只凭秘境之内的灵石矿,恐怕还真支撑不了太多年了。 Ze fish uses up, is an issue, but this should be the matter that the peace period needs to worry about. 泽鱼而竭,是个问题,但这应该是和平时期才需要操心的事情。 Now outside has various day of alien races, in has Blizzard Empire. 如今外有诸天异族,内有暴雪帝国 Before dies a violent death these two...... 在将这两者暴毙之前…… He does not have the time, no energy considers these issues. 他没时间,也没有精力考虑这些问题。 Then...... 那么…… He also needs to close up. 他也需要去闭关了。 Thinking...... 想着…… He puts out the cell phone, dialed the Jun Qing cell phone, said: Small clear, I must close up the cultivation some time, while convenient comprehends forging of magic weapon, you said one for me to everyone, on the way of cultivation, if meets what puzzled place, temporarily remaining, when I come out to ask me again.” 他拿出手机,拨通了君晴的手机,说道:“小晴,我要闭关修炼一段时间,顺带的参悟一下法宝的锻造,你替我跟大家说一声,修炼途中,如果遇到什么不解之处的话,暂时留着,等我出来再问讯我。” Yes!” “是!” The Jun Qing sound resounds from the cell phone. 君晴的声音从手机对面响起。 permits Lingjun then puts down the cell phone, the heart say/way looks like, if also wants the means the popularity of magic weapon getting. 灵钧这才放下手机,心道看来,还要想办法把法宝的知名度给打出去啊。
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