ICGMTTO :: Volume #6

#517: «Immortal Cultivation Merit Law»

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Raises Carlos to dash about wildly. 提着卡洛斯一路狂奔。 Even more thorough mystical place, jungle all around also more and more is lush...... 越发的深入秘境,周遭的丛林也越来越是茂盛…… Guaranteed after behind Wuseer has not pursued . 确保身后的乌瑟尔并未追来之后。 permits Lingjun then stopped the footsteps slowly, said: Comes out, with me, really thinks we haven't discovered you?” 灵钧这才慢慢的停下了脚步,说道:“出来吧,跟了我一路了,真以为我们都没发现你吗?” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Together form after behind appearance of permits Lingjun. 一道身影从许灵钧的身后出现。 cloud clear. 云澈。 Regrets the personal bodyguard of Xuyang, although the reputation does not reveal, but of this person of strength, just like person of the strongest turning over to Yuan grandmaster permits Lingjun knows at present. 憾旭阳的贴身护卫,虽然声名不显,但这人的实力之强,俨然是许灵钧目前所知道的最强的归元宗师之人。 Even the distance makes the stage of perfection, merely only bad one pace. 甚至距离造化境,亦仅仅只差一步之遥。 A Yun clan protects to regret clan several generations. 云氏一族护憾氏一族数代之久。 Although cloud clear the reputation does not reveal, but in fact is actually truly in the entire big summer empire, accepts the most superior resources and day material treasure, such a group of people who thus grow. 云澈虽然声名不显,但事实上却是真正在整个大夏帝国,接受最上等的资源和天材地宝,从而成长起来的那么一批人。 The strength disposition, is on excellent. 其实力心性,皆是上上乘。 What a pity, even if bragged peaceful landslide in withstand/top, but color invariable cloud clear, at this time looks in permits Lingjun look, has shocked completely panic-strickenly. 可惜,纵然自诩泰山崩于顶而色不变的云澈,此时看着许灵钧的眼神里,也早已经满是惊骇震撼。 He was worried about permits Lingjun safety, therefore follows especially quietly in his behind, wants, when he had/left what accident/surprise by some chance, makes a move to help clean up the aftermath...... 他本是担心许灵钧的安危,所以才特地悄悄跟在他的身后,想要在他万一出了什么意外的时候,出手帮忙收拾残局…… After all permits Lingjun regarding the big summer empire is really extremely important. 毕竟许灵钧对于大夏帝国实在是太过重要。 They cannot lose this young people. 他们损失不起这个年轻人。 But also because of so...... 可也正因如此…… cloud clear is in the true sense, experienced permits Lingjun strength. 云澈算是真正意义上,见识到了许灵钧的实力。 Also in the true sense, experienced what Weizao the stage of perfection powerhouse. 也真正意义上,见识到了何为造化境的强者。 Makes him not think that is permits Lingjun can become famous unexpectedly already for over 50 years with Wuseer this, and lives in seclusion over 30 years of making stage of perfection big masters to fight this situation situation. 更让他没想到的,是许灵钧竟然能与乌瑟尔这个成名已经超过五十年,并且隐居超过三十年的造化境大宗师斗到这种地步地步。 He over 20 years old is. 他才二十多岁啊。 cloud clear is understands to the present why before Lingjun said that must catch an sect division level expert, unexpectedly can say described lightly. 云澈到现在才算是明白,为什么之前许灵钧说出要抓一个宗师级高手,竟然会说的这么清淡描写了。 His strength, already as strong as an astonishing situation...... 他的实力,早已经强到了一个惊人的地步…… Makes the stage of perfection experts to take him continually not under. 连造化境高手都拿他不下。 That......” “那个……” cloud clear also said that embarrassed he was protects his. 云澈也不好意思说他是来保护他的了。 How to protect? 怎么保护? He just the fight circle of two cannot insert. 他连刚刚那两人的战斗圈都插不进去。 At that moment can only say ambiguously: Your majesty worried that you need to overcome the helper of hand......, therefore makes me follow on the heels, has the need time comes......” 当下只能含糊道:“陛下担心你需要打下手的帮手……所以让我跟在后面,有需要的时候现身……” Un, just right that doesn't matter, you come.” “嗯,没关系,你来的正好。” permits Lingjun threw still Carlos in stupor to cloud clear directly, said: This fellow had been stunned by me, troubles you for me king Qingya of his taking away war school, what kind of transformation making her study his physique, this can treat as the evidence, understanding our enemies who can also let our bigger limit what kind of change had......” 灵钧直接把还在昏迷中的卡洛斯丢给了云澈,说道:“这家伙已经被我打昏了,麻烦你替我把他带去战争学府的王清雅,让她研究一下他的体质到底是经过怎样的改造,这样既能当做罪证,也能让我们更大限度的了解我们的敌人到底有了怎样的变化……” Understood!” “明白!” cloud clear received Carlos. 云澈接过卡洛斯。 Thinks , the numerous fist pounded on his nape of the neck. 想了想,又重重一拳砸在了他的脖颈上。 Right now...... 这下子…… Stupor died. 昏迷的更死了。 cloud clear received Carlos, probably the back wraps carries at will in the back. 云澈接过卡洛斯,好像背包裹似的随意背在背后。 He asked: You?” 他问道:“那你呢?” permits Lingjun replied: I plan the mystical place, at present mystical place spirit stones mining is at the critical moment, needs the person to guard, furthermore, I plan in the mystical place to pass around the method that I cultivate/repair, waited to finish this period of time, I will go back the imperial capital, had a look at the harvest of war school.” 灵钧答道:“我打算回去秘境,眼下秘境灵石开采正处在关键时刻,需要人看守,再者一个,我打算将我所修的法门在秘境之内传下去,等忙完了这一段的时间,我会回去帝都,看看战争学府的收获的。” Your method?” “你的法门?” cloud clear surprised say/way. 云澈惊奇道。 Good, haven't you entered the good fortune?” “不错,你还未入造化吧?” permits Lingjun deeply looked at cloud clear one eyes, said: Submerging good fortune is right, knows as long as why the body enters the big grandmaster who makes the stage of perfection, makes every effort to keep secret to this boundary, how regardless of others inquired how to succeed to break through this boundary in the final analysis?” 灵钧深深看了云澈一眼,说道:“没入造化是对的,知道为什么但凡身入造化境的大宗师,都对这个境界讳莫如深,无论别人怎么询问,都不说到底怎么成功突破这个境界吗?” cloud clear said pleasantly surprised: You know that makes the stage of perfection the truth?” 云澈惊喜道:“你知道造化境的真相?” This was he worried many years of issues. 这可是他苦恼多年的问题了。 For many years, he sought the good fortune wholeheartedly, but actually did not cannot find a proper way, to now, although confessed that has lost the breakthrough to making the stage of perfection opportunity thoroughly, but if can learn where oneself did was not right, at least can also recompense the long-cherished wish. 多年来,他一心谋求造化,但却始终不得其门而入,到得现在,虽然自认已经彻底失去了突破至造化境的机会,但若是能得悉自己到底哪里做的不对,起码也能一偿夙愿。 Before does not know, but at present, I knew.” “之前不知道,但眼下,我知道了。” permits Lingjun shakes the head saying: Making the stage of perfection is a martial arts evolution wrong path, once also reached the limit...... the path to walk to the good fortune narrowly, the nature said embarrassed misleads others.” 灵钧摇头道:“造化境是一条武道进化错误的道路,一旦到得造化也就到了极限……路子走窄了,自然不好意思说出来误导他人。” What...... meaning?” “什么……意思?” Repairing of martial arts, strengthens itself, profound, turns over to the Yuan...... to arrive at the final making stage of perfection from Qi Gathering, Reality Transformation, Converging River and hole......” “武道之修,强化自身,从聚气化真汇川、洞玄、归元……到得最终的造化境……” permits Lingjun shakes the head saying: This process, is the change in within the body, they then think that the martial arts are own path that takes, practices to becomes a piece of universe finally......, but in fact, this road is wrong.” 灵钧摇头道:“这一段过程,一直都是自身体内的变化,他们便以为武道是走的自身的路子,练至最后自成一片宇宙……但事实上,这条路是错的。” He thinks, added: Naturally, cannot miscalculate, is only this boundary is extremely profound, let alone was the road of martial arts just the outset more than hundred years, even if the millennium martial arts, wanted to comprehend this boundary is still high, moreover you neglected the most important reason.” 他想了想,补充道:“当然,也不能算错,只是这个境界太过高深,别说是武道之路刚刚起始百多年,就算是千年武道,想要领悟这个境界也太高了,而且你们忽略了最重要的一个原因。” cloud Chezhui asked: What neglected?” 云澈追问道:“忽略了什么?” „The participation of spiritual energy!” “灵气的参与!” permits Lingjun said: „The process of martial arts, seems like that has tried hard your, but do you know, without existence of spiritual energy, possibly the martial arts cannot appear, the power of martial arts depends on existence in spiritual energy, may arrive makes the stage of perfection, is extremely strong, within the body becomes a world, isolates with the spiritual energy thoroughly, so many years later, outside spiritual energy cannot come, inside spiritual energy could not go out!” 灵钧说道:“武道的过程,看似一直是你们自身的努力,但你知不知道,如果没有灵气的存在,可能武道根本就不会出现,武道的强盛就是依托于灵气的存在,可到得造化境,实力极强,体内自成一片世界,与外界的灵气彻底隔绝,这么多年下来,外面的灵气进不来,里面的灵气也就出不去了!” He shakes the head saying: Arrived makes the stage of perfection, the strength solidifies thoroughly, although far strong in Guiyuan boundary, if breaks through to this boundary, the strength will seal up thoroughly, again difficult little advance, moreover really the Yuan is detained within the body for a long time, the compression depuration, transforms to become to win really a Yuan one skill, but in fact, this skill instead destroyed its future thoroughly.” 他摇头道:“到得造化境,实力就彻底固化,虽然远强于归元境,但一旦突破到这个境界,实力将会彻底封闭,再难寸进,而且真元长期滞留体内,压缩提纯,蜕变成为更胜真元的一种功力,但事实上,这种功力反而是彻底毁去了其前程。” Remembered just absorbed the real strength that Wuseer fell greatly. 想起刚刚自己吸取了乌瑟尔大落的真力。 Finally, actually has to spit. 最后,却不得不吐出来。 Really a Yuan formation, is actually has the participation of spiritual energy......, although they feel not to have, but seems the oxygen also unable to see unable to feel, but its importance, no matter what who knows. 要知道,真元的形成,其实都是有着灵气的参与的……虽然他们觉得没有,但就好像氧气同样看不见摸不着,但其重要性,任谁也知道。 To military, the spiritual energy is equivalent to the oxygen. 对武者而言,灵气便相当于氧气。 Isolated the spiritual energy, really Yuan also variation, might promotion, but actually deteriorates. 隔绝了灵气,真元随之变异,威力提升,但却变了质。 Can borrow, but cannot absorb. 可以借,但绝不能吸收。 cloud clear asked: Therefore these made the stage of perfection are not do not want to say that but was said embarrassed?” 云澈问道:“所以那些造化境不是不想说,而是不好意思说?” permits Lingjun nods, „a clear(ly) knows that the wrong road, gives back to the person to direct, when the time comes perhaps then depended on did without charge others' scattering air drum, this matter silly person will not do.” 灵钧点头,“一条明知道错误的路,还给人指引,到时候恐怕便凭白做了别人的撒气桶了,这种事情再傻的人也不会干的。” cloud clear understands the meaning of permits Lingjun. 云澈明白许灵钧的意思。 Arrived makes the stage of perfection, the strength many years is unable the little advance, the heart to decide however depressed, in this case, others 's some slightly will not be smooth may degenerate into the scapegoat, will direct others to enter this boundary let alone personally? 到得造化境,实力多年无法寸进,心头定然郁结,这种情况下,他人稍稍的一些不顺可能都会沦为替罪羔羊,更何况还是亲自指点别人进入这个境界呢? This big enmity? 这得多大仇? Especially makes the stage of perfection strength solidification...... 尤其造化境实力固化…… In other words breaks through makes the stage of perfection 30 years and one year, actually not too big difference. 也就是说突破造化境三十年和一年,其实并没有太大的差别。 permits Lingjun said: If therefore you want to enter this boundary is very simple, isolates itself inside and outside, becomes the universe, realizes the self-sufficient, specific detail I do not know, but the road is this sure right.” 灵钧说道:“所以如果你想进入这个境界也很简单,隔绝自身内外,自成宇宙,实现自给自足,具体细节我不知道,但路是这条肯定没错。” Then before your fight with that Wuseer, if not you retreats...... the victory and defeat in midway......” “那么之前你跟那乌瑟尔的战斗,如果不是你中途退去的话……胜负……” The words have not questioned. 话未问话。 Looks at the permits Lingjun calm facial features, cloud clear has understood. 看着许灵钧淡定的面容,云澈已经明白过来。 This saying to be he asks was stupid. 这话是他问的蠢了。 If he moves to locate, discovered that such powerful and aggressive young people at hostile camp, that is spares nothing also to cut absolutely to kill in him. 若是他易地而处,发现这么一个实力强悍的年轻人处在敌对阵营,那绝对是不惜任何代价也要斩杀于他。 But in fact, permits Lingjun calm retreat. 可事实上,许灵钧从容退去。 But Wuseer, does not pursue unexpectedly, this is very unreasonable. 而乌瑟尔,竟也不追,这就很不合理了。 cloud clear naturally cannot think very much naively he discovered his existence, therefore the heart has the scruples...... 云澈自然不会很天真的认为他是发现了他的存在,所以心有顾忌…… He cannot bear long sighing again. 他再度忍不住长长的叹了口气。 Has a mind to inquire the method that he cultivates what kind of mystery is, but two people see now initially, immediately also can only swallow the heart to be curious, said: You could rest assured that I will go back the belt/bring of Carlos safety.” 有心询问他所修的法门到底是怎样的神奇,但如今到底两人不过初见,当下也只能强咽下心头好奇,说道:“你放心,我会把卡洛斯安全的带回去。” Had the work.” “有劳了。” President permits led politely.” “许总统领客气了。” cloud clear starts to rejoice before oneself, faces his time does not have spectrum that suspends the elder...... his present kindness not obviously licks. 云澈开始庆幸自己之前面对他的时候没有太摆长辈的谱……以至于他现在的和颜悦色不会显的太舔。 This special where is a good talent, this clearly is the super big shot who needs him to raise the head to look up. 这特么的哪里是个不错的人才,这分明是个需要他去抬头仰望的超级大佬啊。 Longing looked at permits Lingjun one. 依依不舍的看了许灵钧一眼。 cloud clear turns around to leave at the back of Carlos. 云澈背着卡洛斯转身离开。 After a half hour,...... 半个小时后…… When regrets Xuyang to see after cloud clear who Carlos comes back. 当憾旭阳看到背着卡洛斯回来的云澈之后。 Happily said with a smile: It seems like this boy is very credible, said that catches a grandmaster to come back, how catches a grandmaster to come back......, old cloud, is this younger generation good?” 欣慰笑道:“看来这小子还是挺靠谱的,说抓个宗师回来,就抓个宗师回来……怎么样,老云,这晚辈还不错吧?” This......” “这个……” cloud clear thinks, said earnestly: President permits leads the strength to be truly exceedingly high, I am well below, its moral behavior subdues is impeccable, your majesty, this going back, I want to turn in resignation with you, making my uncle protect you, as for my words, joins to explode the flame regiment, after President permits gets the saddle lead horse, completely due efforts.” 云澈想了想,认真说道:“许总统领确实实力通天,我远远不及,其人品折服更是无可挑剔,陛下,这趟回去,我想跟您请辞,让我叔父来保护您,至于我的话,就加入爆炎军团,为许总统领鞍前马后,一尽微薄之力吧。” Regrets Xuyang: .............................. 憾旭阳:“…………………………” cloud clear the appearance, saved the big trouble of permits Lingjun. 云澈的出现,算是省了许灵钧的大麻烦。 Did not need to run one personally, although cannot see king Qingya to be a little regrettable as the matter stands personally, but did not have the means that now the mystical place is at the critical moment, he really could not get out of the way. 不用亲自跑上一趟了,虽然这样一来不能亲自去见王清雅了有点儿遗憾,但没办法,如今秘境正处在关键时刻,他实在是走不开。 Especially also complied with Han Yuncheng, must have the new merit law to go back, if him turned the head the imperial capital. 尤其是还答应了憾云城,要带着新的功法回去,若是他这边转头去了帝都。 It is estimated that the fellow must go crazy. 估计那家伙就要发疯了。 Xiaoya, I let the thing preparation that you prepare how?” “小雅,我让你准备的东西准备的怎么样了?” Has prepared, lazy master.” “已经准备好了,懒主人。” Xiaoya is pursing the lips to complain: „Since the Sister Yaya elder sister makes me, the master you have not used toward the proper place me, is always loaf with me, now arranges the merit law to want me to help the line continually......” 小雅撅着嘴抱怨道:“自从雅雅姐姐把我造出来之后,主人你就没把我往正经的地方用过,老是拿我来偷懒,现在连编功法都要我帮忙才行……” „In any case false, you arrange me to arrange are not same, I who you arrange change again, the reality is perhaps higher, can save my source value.” “反正都是假的,你编我编还不都一样,你编的我再改,真实度说不定更高些,更能省我的源值。” permits Lingjun received roughly palm big books that Xiaoya hands over. 灵钧接过小雅递过来的一本约莫手掌大的书籍。 Glanced through carefully, without the proper usage of paying attention to her saying to be what kind of usage. 仔细翻阅了起来,没理会她说的正经的用法到底是怎样的用法。 Cracking a joke...... 开玩笑…… Sometimes although thinks very much Sister Yaya time, saw that Xiaoya will somewhat see the face to think of the person unavoidably, but her body was too after all small, he wants to do the misdemeanor unable to start. 虽然有时候很想雅雅姐的时候,看到小雅难免会有些睹脸思人,但毕竟她的身体太小了,他就是想做坏事也是无从做起啊。 Moreover is longer in the together time with Xiaoya, more no means regard a pure artificial intelligence her. 而且跟小雅在一起的时间越长,越没办法把她当成一个单纯的人工智能。 Being able to get down hand. 下不去手啊。 permits Lingjun looked for a crotch, then sat above read earnestly. 灵钧找了一棵树杈,然后坐在上面认真的翻看了起来。 This set of merit law, actually takes «Infinite Divine Demon Body Forging Secret art» as the main source, but high difficulty removes completely...... 这套功法,其实是以《无限神魔锻体诀》为蓝本,只是其中的高难度全部去除掉…… Then, although the might also weakened. 如此一来,威力虽然也削弱了很多。 But after all is the immortal cultivation method. 但毕竟是修仙法门。 Moreover has " Infinite Divine Demon Body Forging Secret art » background. 而且是有着《无限神魔锻体诀》的底子。 Passive although did not have, but cultivates this method, can derive the spiritual energy to enter the body on own initiative. 被动虽然没有了,但修炼这法门,可以主动汲取外界灵气入体。 This, has not perhaps been able to compare no higher authority merit law only, but if adds on the assistance of spirit stones, that exceeded the mysteries of 90% no higher authority merit laws. 单这一项,也许还无法比拟无上级功法,但若是加上灵石的辅助,那就胜过了90%的无上级功法的奥妙了。 Is the true immortal cultivation method. 乃是真正的修仙法门。 Examines false immortal cultivation method «Immortal Cultivation Merit Law», gives its real source? Must consume the source value 16800 points!】 【检测到虚假修仙法门《修仙功法》,是否赋予其真实本源?需消耗源值16800点!】 Quite expensive/noble, moreover this name......” “好贵,而且这个名字……” permits Lingjun felt oneself have the old trough mostly to spit, but to an artificial intelligence, he cannot be spitting. 灵钧感觉自己有老大多的槽想吐,但对着一个人工智能,他吐不出来。 However inside merit law logic good passing, so long as makes the revision slightly...... 不过内里的功法逻辑还是行的通的,只要稍做修改…… permits Lingjun sits there, revised earnestly. 灵钧坐在那里,认真的修改了起来。 This changes, was for one day and one night. 这一改,就是一天一夜。 Xiaoya obedient sitting in the shoulder of permits Lingjun, the calf has been looking permits Lingjun is working, by the night, her body sent out the light fluorescence, is very intimate protects a light , helping permits Lingjun illumination. 小雅一直乖乖的坐在许灵钧的肩头,踢踏着小腿看着许灵钧在工作,到了夜晚,她身体发出淡淡的荧光,还是很贴心的护眼灯光,帮许灵钧照明。 Finally was really trapped/sleepy being able to support...... 最后实在是困的撑不住了…… Is hugging the ear of permits Lingjun sweet rested. 才搂着许灵钧的耳朵甜甜的睡了过去。 Although permits Lingjun is puzzled why since had the body, a small artificial intelligence really also had the human normal work and rest. 灵钧虽然不解为什么自从有了身体,一个小小的人工智能竟然还有人类正常的作息了。 Always felt that she was close to human more and more. 总感觉她越来越接近人类了。 permits Lingjun inexplicable feelings, king Qingya is depending suddenly probably at this time same in his shoulder...... 灵钧突然有一种莫名的感觉,好像王清雅此时正靠在他的肩头一样…… He has not disturbed her. 他没打扰她。 But continues the merit law in static revision hand. 而是继续静静的修改手中的功法。 Until next morning. 直到第二天凌晨。 Xiaoya hit the lazy yawn to sit up the body, with permits Lingjun is asking the good morning time. 小雅打着慵懒的呵欠坐起了身子,跟许灵钧问着早安的时候。 The permits Lingjun this present prompt changed finally. 灵钧这眼前的提示终于改变了。 Examines spurious immortal cultivation method «Infinite Immortal Secret art», gives its real source, must consume the source value 12600 points!】 【检测到伪劣修仙法门《无限仙诀》,是否赋予其真实本源,需消耗源值12600点!】 Saved 4200 point source values directly. 直接节省了4200点源值。 That night labor may really be worth. 这一夜的辛苦可真是值得。 permits Lingjun chose without hesitation bestowed on the source...... 灵钧毫不犹豫的选择了赋源…… A moment later. 片刻之后。 As the source value falls to 15,000. 随着源值掉落至一万五。 The merit law in his hand, opens again looks, is another unique mystery, although far inferior «Infinite Divine Demon Body Forging Secret art» comes mysterious mysterious, but actually is also different from the martial arts method, true immortal cultivation method. 他手中的功法,再打开看,已是另外一种独特的神奇,虽远不及《无限神魔锻体诀》来的神奇玄妙,但却也是有别于武道法门,真正的修仙法门。 The initial station was higher...... 只是起始点高了些…… After all simplifies from «Infinite Divine Demon Body Forging Secret art», to the hole profound boundary, can start to absorb the spiritual energy in spirit stones truly. 毕竟是自《无限神魔锻体诀》中简化出来的,非得到洞玄境界,才能真正开始吸收灵石之内的灵气。 But this is also good. 但这样也好。 The martial arts do not send to decline thoroughly, remain to lay the foundation good. 武道也不致就此彻底没落,留来打基础还是挺不错的。 Thinking, permits Lingjun is jumping to turn toward the mystical place deep place to run quickly to go...... 想着,许灵钧纵身向着秘境深处奔驰而去…… But at this time. 而此时。 secure lead severely wounded Tugra Yang and the others because, Wuseer and the others, advanced one step to return to violent Wind City. 安度因、乌瑟尔等人带着重伤的图拉杨等人,先行一步回返了暴风城之内。 Teacher, at present what to do?” “老师,眼下怎么办?” secure because of knitting the brows, invites Wuseer now, he naturally also no longer polite, without hesitation shared his worry with him. 安度因皱眉,如今既请动了乌瑟尔,他自然也就不再客气,毫不犹豫的跟他分享了他的苦恼。 At present two big empires eye covetously in side, the long-range weapon was almost deadlocked not to use thoroughly, but if enters by the crack troops, the strength of that mystical place person too is also strong, strong to be a worthy opponent with you fully...... right now, we were in a dilemma.” “眼下两大帝国在旁虎视眈眈,远程武器几乎被彻底锁死动用不得,可如果以精兵进入的话,那个秘境人的实力又实在太强,强到足可与您匹敌……这下子,我们是进退两难了啊。” secure because of worried say/way: But, the mystical place must conquer...... inside secret......” 安度因苦恼道:“可偏偏,秘境必须征服……里面的秘密……” Inside secret is unimportant.” “里面的秘密不重要了。” Wuseer broke peaceful directly because of words, said: Or that mystical place person, he is in the mystical place the biggest secret, this your majesty you asked me to leave the mountain, is most correct choice that your whole life made.” 乌瑟尔直接打断了安度因的话,说道:“或者说,那个秘境人,他就是秘境里面最大的秘密,这一趟陛下你请我出山,是你这辈子做的最正确的选择。” Teacher, the disciple is puzzled.” “老师,弟子不解。” I am interested in that mystical place person very much, likewise, is interested in him, cannot merely be only I.” “我对那个秘境人很感兴趣,同理,对他感兴趣的,不会仅仅只是我。” Wuseer said: Your majesty, you made certainly the stage of perfection grandmaster dispatches motionless depressed...... the present not to need before very much disconsolately, has that mystical place person, I can guarantee with you, so long as there are him to exist, he will become the targets of all good fortune masters! So long as lets the masters who these make the stage of perfection, knows his existence!” 乌瑟尔说道:“陛下,你之前一定很惆怅造化境宗师调遣不动的郁结吧……现在不必了,有那个秘境人在,我可以跟你保证,只要有他存在,他将会成为所有的造化宗师的目标!只要让那些造化境的宗师们,知道他的存在!” secure because of said pleasantly surprised: Teacher, you meant......” 安度因惊喜道:“老师,您的意思是说……” I am also the time visit my these old friends.” “我也是时候去拜访一下我的那些老朋友啊。” Wuseer said that the eyeground, is difficult to cover that to wipe the blazing look. 乌瑟尔说道,眼底,难掩那一抹炽热神色。
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