IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#509: The method of empress!

Distressing Calamity Immortal King kills with trillion sword qi, inversion universe Sun and Moon, disrupts endless star sea. 厄灾仙王携亿万剑气杀来,颠倒乾坤日月,碎裂无尽星海。 The anger of Immortal King, destroys the day to extinguish! 仙王之怒,毁天灭地! This is becoming famous of Distressing Calamity Immortal King **, the power and influence is inexhaustible. 这是厄灾仙王的成名**,威势无穷无尽。 sword qi is enormous and powerful, sweeps across ten million/countless in border territory, with irresistible force! 剑气浩荡,席卷千万里疆域,势如破竹! Crape Myrtle Immortal King is calm and composed, as stable as Mount Tai. 紫薇仙王神色自若,稳如泰山。 He pinches to print and distribute the secret art, erupts the endless purple glow, enters the clouds. 他掐印发诀,爆发无尽紫芒,直入云端。 Ray Xuan, brilliant. 光芒煊赫,绚烂至极。 The Purple Qi mountains and rivers, suppress the dark green space. 紫气化山河,镇压苍宇。 hōng! Trillion sword qi and endless Zishan hōng however collides, arouses the startled huge explosion. 亿万剑气与无尽紫山然碰撞,激起惊天大爆炸。 The starry sky is tattered and torn. 星空千疮百孔。 The Great Way principle is incessant, confuses this side Heaven and Earth. 大道法则滔滔不绝,搅乱这方天地 Ten thousand tremble spirit, the panic-stricken desire cracks. 万灵颤栗,惊恐欲裂。 Both battle too terrifyingly, such as must extinguish the world. 两者交战太恐怖,如要灭世。 Only is overflows the loose aura, can write off Ancient God. 光是溢散的气息,都能抹杀掉古神 The vault of heaven was covered by endless Divine Light, performs to reveal the scenery of sores. 天穹被无尽的神芒覆盖,尽显疮痍之景。 Kills!” “杀!” Distressing Calamity Immortal King angrily roars, the blood rain sways. 厄灾仙王怒吼,血雨挥洒。 Depresses in endless Zishan Town, his mortal body crack scar all over the body. 在无尽紫山镇压下,他肉身龟裂遍体伤痕。 hōng! A loud sound. 一声巨响。 Zishan grinds sword qi finally, shakes the bright ten million/countless mountains and rivers. 紫山最终碾碎剑气,震烁千万山河。 The Distressing Calamity body shock, the violent draws back 1 million li (0.5 km), treads broken void. 厄灾身躯剧震,暴退百万里,踏破虚空。 His pupil light is panic-stricken, unbelievable. 他眸光惊骇,难以置信。 Crape Myrtle Immortal King Way Foundation is not steady, battle strength is so powerful, almost causes heavy losses to him. 紫薇仙王道基不稳,战力还如此强大,差点将他重创。 Is good because, has not injured and source. 好在,并未伤及本源。 The Distressing Calamity Immortal King body surface winding around evil aura, the injury recovers all. 厄灾仙王体表缭绕邪气,伤势尽数复原。 His pupil light chill/yin cold, shouted severely: Crape Myrtle, you are truly strong.” 他眸光阴寒,厉喝道:“紫薇,你确实很强。” But today, will fall from the sky finally!” “但今日,终将陨落!” Clang! 锵! Magic sword Zheng called! 神剑铮鸣! In the Distressing Calamity hand, appears a scarlet long sword. 厄灾手中,浮现一柄赤红长剑。 Blood Qi soars to the heavens, confuses ten side seas of clouds. 血气冲霄,搅乱十方云海。 The evil air/Qi is filled, scary heart and soul. 邪恶之气四处弥漫,骇人心魄。 This is peerless evil weapon, proliferates the strange evil mark. 这是一柄绝世邪兵,遍布诡异邪纹。 The sword hilt place stands erect the scarlet pupil, if swallows the state of mind. 剑柄处竖立猩红之瞳,若要将神魂吞噬。 This sword, Heaven and Earth fission. 此剑一出,天地裂变。 The vault of heaven was covered by Blood Qi, scary, just like bloodshed purgatory. 天穹被血气覆盖,骇人至极,宛若血海炼狱。 This is supreme Immortal King, contains the Great Way mighty force 这乃是无上仙王器,蕴含大道伟力 The Crape Myrtle Immortal King pupil light is dignified, concentrates on. 紫薇仙王眸光凝重,全神贯注。 If most flourishing condition, his fearless anybody. 若全盛状态,他无惧任何人。 After all Crape Myrtle is peerless Immortal King, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes. 毕竟紫薇绝代仙王,傲视群雄。 But now he just recovers, battle strength ten do not save one. 但如今他才刚刚复苏,战力十不存一。 Facing with is top Immortal King, but also grasps Distressing Calamity of Immortal King, Crape Myrtle Immortal King, pressure like mountain! 面对同为顶尖仙王,还手持仙王器的厄灾,紫薇仙王,压力如山! ...... …… At this time, Shen Tian walks. 此时,沈天走来。 He offers a sacrifice to Muddy Heaven Chess Board: Royal Father, this is Immortal King Muddy Heaven great artefact , should be able to contend with evil weapon!” 他祭出浑天棋盘:“父王,这是浑天仙王大器,应该能抗衡邪兵!” Crape Myrtle Immortal King is Shen Tian Venerable Father, and Distressing Calamity Immortal King contends for him. 紫薇仙王沈天父尊,也是为他才与厄灾仙王抗衡。 Therefore, Shen Tian naturally must help one another with every effort. 因此,沈天自然要尽力相助。 The Crape Myrtle Immortal King look moves slightly: Initially, I and Immortal King Muddy Heaven gambled ten thousand years to the chess.” 紫薇仙王眼神微动:“当初,我与浑天仙王对棋博弈万载。” „, I to hold chess today!” “没想到,今日我为执棋者!” He grasps Muddy Heaven Chess Board, the imposing manner re-enters the peak. 他手持浑天棋盘,气势重回巅峰。 At this moment, the invincible heart of Crape Myrtle Immortal King restores again. 此刻,紫薇仙王的无敌心再度恢复。 His life does not fear anybody, the potential must suppress all enemies. 他一生不惧任何人,势要镇压一切敌。 Even if Way Foundation is not steady, is unable to affect. 纵使道基不稳,也无法影响。 Tian’er favored, how for the father teaches you Immortal King to punch!” 天儿看好了,为父教你仙王该怎么揍!” The Crape Myrtle Immortal King long and loud cry, stimulates to movement Muddy Heaven Chess Board, suppresses to Distressing Calamity. 紫薇仙王长啸而起,催动浑天棋盘,向厄灾镇压。 This grade of great artefact , blooms in the Crape Myrtle Immortal King hand to the utmost honored. 这等大器,在紫薇仙王手中绽放极尽光彩。 Muddy Heaven Chess Board increases suddenly, vast boundless! 浑天棋盘骤然变大,浩瀚无边! 100,000 zhang (3.33 m)! 十万丈! 1 million zhang (3.33 m)! 百万丈! ten million zhang (3.33 m)! 千万丈! ...... …… Arrived finally, entire Middle Province was covered by Muddy Heaven Chess Board. 到最后,整个中州都被浑天棋盘笼罩。 Maneuvers among groups, duplicate pressure vault of heaven! 纵横捭阖,覆压苍穹! In the sky appears trillion stars, blocks the sky, blooming immeasurable divine light. 天空中浮现亿万星辰,遮天蔽日,绽放无量神光 The vault of heaven changes to the boundless universe, the ray is radiant. 天穹化作无边宇宙,光芒璀璨。 The stars interweave to wind around, evolve the sidereal revolution, greatly to pinnacle! 星辰交织缭绕,演化周天,宏大到极致! Under Muddy Heaven Chess Board buff, Crape Myrtle Immortal King picks up a side universe probably, the suppression. 浑天棋盘加持下,紫薇仙王像是托起一方宇宙,镇压而来。 The Distressing Calamity complexion changes, this imposing manner is too terrifying. 厄灾面色微变,这股气势太恐怖。 Grasps Crape Myrtle of Immortal King, probably re-enters the peak. 手持仙王器的紫薇,像是重回巅峰。 Returns to that to belong to his era alone, makes peerless Immortal King that the innumerable giants dread. 回到那个独属于他的时代,令无数巨擘忌惮的绝代仙王 Distressing Calamity knows Crape Myrtle Way Foundation is not steady, battle strength has not reached the peak. 厄灾知晓紫薇道基不稳,战力并未达到巅峰。 Otherwise, he definitely turns around to walk. 否则,他肯定转身就走。 Initial Crape Myrtle Immortal King, was too powerful. 当初的紫薇仙王,实在太强大。 But now, Distressing Calamity killing intent Ling correct/however. 但如今,厄灾杀意凌然。 Human Sovereign Body, is Crape Myrtle Immortal King. 无论是人皇体,还是紫薇仙王 Is the Evil Spirit clan, must kill the person. 都是邪灵族,必杀之人。 He is impossible to retreat! 他不可能退去! Kills!” “杀!” Distressing Calamity holds the blood sword to kill, disruption Nine Heavens star sea. 厄灾持血剑杀来,碎裂九天星海。 His whole body lingering scarlet Blood Qi, incarnadine dark green space. 他周身萦绕猩红血气,染红苍宇。 Void was cut two halves instantaneously, only has blood-color sword qi to cross the vault of heaven. 虚空瞬间被斩成两半,唯有血色剑气横贯苍穹。 This strikes, carries to extinguish the prestige of the world! 这一击,携带灭世之威! ...... …… Crape Myrtle Immortal King pinches to print secret art, Muddy Heaven Chess Board blooming endless Divine Light. 紫薇仙王掐印法诀,浑天棋盘绽放无尽神芒 Immortal Light rushes, fog transpiration. 仙光澎湃,雾霭蒸腾。 Trillion stars attack on both flanks, to the pinnacle, makes void break to pieces radiantly one after another. 亿万星辰挟击,璀璨到极致,让虚空接连碎开。 The both sides bloody battle, the earth-shattering, the ghost crying god is howling. 双方血战,天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎。 The vault of heaven blood rain flood, the scene makes the people absolutely terrified. 天穹血雨滂沱,景象让众人毛骨悚然。 Around two people, appears void says the big crack ten million/countless, to spreads in all directions. 两人周围,虚空出现千万道大裂缝,向四面八方蔓延。 Distressing Calamity Immortal King brandishes the blood sword, extinguishes the innumerable stars broken. 厄灾仙王挥舞血剑,碎灭无数星辰。 However, the stars quantity are too really many. 然而,星辰数量实在太多。 Each stars wind around the Immortal King strength, the terrifying. 每一枚星辰都缭绕仙王力,恐怖至极。 hōng hōng hōng! In the vault of heaven arouses the brilliant smoke and fire, the shining vault of heaven universe. 天穹中激起绚烂烟火,照耀苍穹宇宙。 And, but also mixes with Distressing Calamity Immortal King miserable howling. 其中,还夹杂厄灾仙王的惨嚎。 Even if the blood sword is invincible, is unable to contend with trillion stars. 纵使血剑无敌,也无法抗衡亿万星辰。 The Distressing Calamity mortal body collapses, disrupts the crack, the source was almost even routed. 厄灾肉身崩溃,碎裂出裂缝,差点连本源都被击溃。 Damn!” “该死!” Distressing Calamity clenches jaws, furious. 厄灾咬牙切齿,怒不可遏。 He experiences to the Crape Myrtle Immortal King terrifying finally, is powerful is hard to be a worthy opponent. 他终于见识到紫薇仙王的恐怖,强大得难以匹敌。 At his strength, is unable to break through the tight encirclement. 以他的力量,根本无法突破重围。 Let alone, cuts to kill Human Sovereign Body! 更别说,斩杀人皇体 ...... …… The Five Territories cultivator look great happiness, has a being survivor of disaster feeling. 五域修士神色大喜,有种劫后余生的感觉。 After all, this catastrophe is too terrifying, desperate. 毕竟,这场浩劫太恐怖,令人绝望。 The good Five Territories foundation is solid, presents so many expert, can resist the catastrophe. 还好五域底蕴深厚,出现如此多强者,才能抵御浩劫。 Distressing Calamity Immortal King was limited, making the people see the hope. 厄灾仙王被限制住,令众人看到希望。 In their hearts sighed extremely. 他们心中感叹万分。 This war, Five Territories must win! 这一战,五域必胜! Shen Tian pupil light brilliant, long stretch/leisurely one breath. 沈天眸光灼灼,长舒一口气。 The Evil Spirit clan such big battle formation, making in his heart feel timid. 邪灵族这么大的阵势,令他心中发怵。 Is good because, this is era that puts together the father. 好在,这是个拼爹的时代 Has this grade of father backer, how Immortal King? 有这等老爹靠山,仙王又如何? When really this Holy Lord is the fruit cake, wants to pinch pinches? 真当本圣主是软柿子,想捏就捏? Plants, you send for again! 有种,你就再派人来! Comes many, hits many! 来多少,打多少! In the Shen Tian mouth read broken, complained unceasingly. 沈天口中碎碎念,不断吐槽。 These days suppressed sulks, finally can vent well. 这段时间憋了口闷气,终于能好好发泄。 After all, the Evil Spirit clan did not speak Wu De (Martial Morals) completely. 毕竟,邪灵族完全不讲武德 Sends out so many expert, bullies the person of his has not proved Emperor! 派出这么多强者,欺负他这个未成帝之人! Now, finally some people can govern them well. 如今,终于有人能好好治治他们。 Un, approves very much! 嗯,就很赞! ...... …… However, how long but also without and other Shen Tian to be happy, situation sudden change. 然而,还没等沈天高兴多久,情况骤变。 Void, the exceedingly high great fist pounds down. 虚空中,通天巨拳砸下。 Sincere extremely heavy, beyond the meteor just like the day sinks to fall. 厚重万钧,宛若天外陨星沉坠。 The fist glow is unparalleled, disruption star sea, annihilation ten million/countless stars. 拳芒盖世,碎裂星海,湮灭千万星辰。 The side also exceedingly high big feet, shuttle back and forth endless void, treads. 旁边还有一只通天大脚,穿梭无尽虚空,直踏而来。 This aura overbearing unparalleled, wild. 这股气息霸道无双,狂暴至极。 The vault of heaven, treads the fragment directly. 直接将天穹,踏成碎片。 Also two supreme expert kill, hōng to Crape Myrtle Immortal King. 又有两位无上强者杀来,紫薇仙王 hōng! The earth-shattering, the universe pierces! 天崩地裂,宇宙洞穿! Muddy Heaven Chess Board was attacked fiercely, shivers fiercely. 浑天棋盘遭受猛击,剧烈颤抖起来。 The great universe, was pierced two giant holes directly. 宏大宇宙,直接被洞穿出两个巨大窟窿。 The Crape Myrtle Immortal King body shock, the step draws back continually. 紫薇仙王身躯剧震,步伐连退。 His look is dignified, looks out void. 他神色凝重,遥望虚空。 Sees only, beyond the day flies two unparalleled forms. 只见,天外飞来两道盖世身影。 They stroll void, suppresses the Milky Way, making the universe tremble. 他们漫步虚空,镇压天河,令宇宙颤栗。 The Crape Myrtle Immortal King sound is serious, said: Dark green end and Imperial Alligator!” 紫薇仙王声音沉重,道:“苍末、帝鳄!” He recognizes two people identity, is dark green end Immortal King and Imperial Alligator Immortal King of Evil Spirit clan! 他认出两人身份,乃是邪灵族的苍末仙王帝鳄仙王 These two people, are top Immortal King, battle strength are not also weak in Distressing Calamity! 这二人,同样是顶尖仙王,战力不弱于厄灾 Immortal King near Nine Heavens, made the Crape Myrtle Immortal King pressure sharp increase. 仙王九天,令紫薇仙王压力剧增。 The Distressing Calamity look great happiness, said: Two fellow daoist come just right!” 厄灾神色大喜,道:“两位道友来得正好!” First cuts Human Sovereign Body, then executes Crape Myrtle!” “先斩人皇体,再诛紫薇!” By a Distressing Calamity person of strength, is basically impossible to cut to kill Shen Tian. 厄灾一人之力,基本上不可能斩杀沈天 Now two big Immortal King catch up, wants to reappear. 如今两大仙王赶来,希望重现。 Distressing Calamity does not believe that the strength of collection three big Immortal King, but also cuts unable to massacre Human Sovereign Body and Crape Myrtle Immortal King? 厄灾不相信,集三大仙王之力,还斩杀不掉人皇体紫薇仙王 These two people attack and occupy this territory to the Evil Spirit clan, has the huge threat. 这二人对邪灵族攻占此域,有巨大威胁。 In any event, must cut to kill it! 无论如何,都要将其斩杀! ...... …… Hears the Distressing Calamity words, the Crape Myrtle Immortal King brow is tight. 听到厄灾的话,紫薇仙王眉头紧蹙。 His coldly snorted and said: You do not hesitate to pay the huge price, for what?” 冷哼道:“你们不惜付出巨大代价,到底为了什么?” Although the Five Territories barrier has broken, but Immortal Realm has the barrier limit as before. 虽说五域壁垒已破,但仙界依旧有壁垒限制。 The Evil Spirit clan is the Foreign Territory life, will enter this to be repelled by Heaven and Earth, was suppressed by Great Way. 邪灵族乃域外生灵,进入此界会遭受天地排斥,受大道镇压。 Therefore they need to pay the huge price, can enter. 因此他们需要付出巨大代价,才能进入。 Immortal King level expert enters a country, consuming the resources is countless. 仙王强者入境,消耗资源不计其数。 And must take innumerable Evil Spirit as to offer sacrifices, opens the road of direct access to the highest authorities. 且还要以无数邪灵为献祭,开辟通天之路。 At present the Evil Spirit clan to cope with Shen Tian, sets out three big Immortal King unexpectedly. 眼下邪灵族为对付沈天,竟出动三大仙王 This writing skill, is really inconceivable. 这手笔,实在难以想象。 Dark green end Immortal King faintly said: Eternal years, this clan background is far from you can imagine.” 苍末仙王淡漠道:“万古岁月,本族底蕴远非你们所能想象。” So long as can cut to kill Human Sovereign Body, my clan spares nothing.” “只要能斩杀人皇体,吾族不惜一切代价。” Three big Immortal King killing intent are dreadful, the attitude renounces. 三大仙王杀意滔天,态度决绝。 The Crape Myrtle Immortal King look is dignified, has to dread. 紫薇仙王神色凝重,心生忌惮。 Three big Immortal King collaborate, by his present condition, is hard to contend. 三大仙王联手,以他现在的状态,难以抗衡。 ...... …… Two fellow daoist, I block Crape Myrtle.” “两位道友,我拦住紫薇。” You, put to death Human Sovereign Body!” “尔等,诛杀人皇体!” Distressing Calamity severe howl, kills to Crape Myrtle Immortal King. 厄灾厉吼,向紫薇仙王杀去。 This, can contend with Immortal King only has Crape Myrtle Immortal King. 这一界,能抗衡仙王的只有紫薇仙王 So long as constrains him, Human Sovereign Body must die. 只要将他拖住,人皇体必死。 Two big Immortal King nod the head, strolls the line, kills to Shen Tian. 两大仙王颔首,漫步而行,杀向沈天 Their pupil light are sharp, jump shoot to startle world divine light, pierces the vault of heaven. 他们眸光锐利,迸射骇世神光,洞穿天穹。 Two big Immortal King simultaneously act, making the entire universe shiver, must disrupt. 两大仙王齐出,令整个宇宙都在颤抖,要碎裂开来。 The Shen Tian fine body hair is but actually vertical, felt that the heart must blast open. 沈天寒毛倒竖,感觉心脏都要炸裂开。 This aura is too terrifying, is unable to resist. 这股气息太恐怖,根本无法抵挡。 This is peerless Immortal King, can easily bury to extinguish this territory. 这是绝世仙王,能轻易葬灭此域。 Tian’er, be careful!” 天儿,小心!” Consort Lan and Ye Qingcang eye of zi wants to crack, the mind is sad. 兰妃叶擎苍目眦欲裂,心神悲戚。 They kill furiously, finally is unable to break through the Immortal King imposing manner, was shaken flies 1 million li (0.5 km). 他们奋力杀来,结果连仙王气势都无法冲破,便被震飞百万里。 Go away!” “滚开!” Crape Myrtle Immortal King angrily roars, does not hesitate to consume the source, must kill. 紫薇仙王怒吼,不惜消耗本源,也要杀出来。 He carries endless Purple Qi, hōng results in the Distressing Calamity Immortal King big mouth to spit blood, the mortal body blasts open directly. 他携带无尽紫气,厄灾仙王大口吐血,肉身直接炸裂开来。 But Distressing Calamity does not draw back as before, the reorganization mortal body, ties down Crape Myrtle forcefully at risk of life. 厄灾依旧不退,强行重组肉身,拼死缠住紫薇 He said with a smile ferociously: Crape Myrtle, no matter what your heroic bearing is invincible, is unable to save the situation eventually.” 他狞笑道:“紫薇,任你英姿无敌,终究无力回天。” Relax, cuts to kill Human Sovereign Body, is one's turn you!” “放心,斩杀人皇体,就轮到你!” Three big Immortal King collaborate, has the absolute assurance to kill Crape Myrtle! 三大仙王联手,有绝对把握必杀紫薇 ...... …… Two big Immortal King kill. 两大仙王杀来。 Pierces endless void, the potential must annihilate Shen Tian True Spirit. 洞穿无尽虚空,势要湮灭沈天真灵 Shen Tian palpitation extremely, regardless of uses what method, cannot block. 沈天心悸万分,无论施展什么手段,都挡不住。 The both sides strength level differs too in a big way, is hard to make up. 双方力量层次相差太大,难以弥补。 This time must die the bureau! 这次是必死之局! However, Shen Tian body surface lingering endless divine light, brilliant. 然而,沈天体表萦绕无尽神光,绚烂至极。 The bronze ring raises just like the hot sun, the ray is blazing, shines upon various heaven. 青铜戒指宛若烈日升起,光芒炽烈,映照诸天。 In vault of heaven, suddenly reappearing place together peerless form. 天穹中,骤然浮现处一道绝世身影。 This person of white clothing like the snow, Transcending Mediocrity is refined. 此人白衣如雪,超凡脱俗。 The whole body lingers Primordial Chaos Qi, proud Hanru the snow. 周身萦绕混沌气,傲寒如雪。 Her grace and talent peerless, matchless, wins actually beyond the day the immortal. 她风华绝代,举世无双,胜却天外仙。 However, this person of imposing manner is too terrifying. 然而,此人气势太恐怖。 She is not the surging waves fairy maiden character, but is Empress peerless of looking disdainfully past and present. 她绝非凌波仙子般的人物,而是睥睨古今的绝代女帝。 This person appears, cuts the startled Heavenly Sword air/Qi. 此人出现,斩出惊天剑气。 The silver sword light passes through Heaven and Earth, annihilates the Immortal King attack directly. 银色剑光贯穿天地,直接湮灭仙王攻击。 Two big Immortal King body slightly shakes, the look startles greatly: Empress?” 两大仙王身躯微震,神色大骇:“女帝?” They resemble to see existence of incomparable terrifying, the mind tremble. 他们似见到无比恐怖的存在,心神颤栗。 But later, dark green end Immortal King responded, snort/hum said: Is only a wisp of projection!” 但随后,苍末仙王反应过来,哼道:“只是一缕投影!” This empress imposing manner is not strong, has not achieved to make their frightened degree. 这具女帝气势并不强,未达到令他们恐惧程度。 After all, if the empress arrives. 毕竟,若是女帝亲临。 Where will speak the time to them, decides however is cut to kill directly. 哪会给他们说话时间,定然被直接斩杀。 This is supreme exists, making Immortal King scared. 这是无上存在,令仙王都胆寒。 The Imperial Alligator Immortal King pupil light is dense: „A wisp of projection, cannot block us!” 帝鳄仙王眸光森然:“一缕投影,挡不住我们!” Empress this venerable had had the diversion by my clan supreme, is unable to arrive.” “女帝本尊已被吾族无上存在牵制,无法降临。” Today, Human Sovereign Body must die without doubt!” “今日,人皇体必死无疑!” The Evil Spirit clan has arranged the method, please have supreme expert to prevent the empress. 邪灵族早就布置手段,请出无上强者阻挡女帝。 Otherwise, how dare do they enter this unscrupulously? 不然,他们又岂敢肆无忌惮进入此界? Sees the empress to project, two big Immortal King had not been shocked. 见到女帝投影,两大仙王并没有被震慑住。 Empress voice tranquilly said: My method, non- and others can estimate.” 女帝声音平静道:“吾之手段,非尔等所能揣摩。” Then, phantom changes to endless Great Way divine light, charges into Eight Desolates. 说完,虚影化作无尽大道神光,冲向八荒 In an instant, Heaven and Earth was covered by Divine Light, the multi-colored sunlight overflows. 刹那间,天地神芒掩盖,霞光四溢。 The principle raises, order eruption! 法则升起,秩序爆发! Gives red packet The reading benefits comes! You have the highest 888 cash red packages to treat the extraction! Pays attention to the weixin public number Book friend supreme headquarters Skimming off some of the money package! 【送红包】阅读福利来啦!你有最高888现金红包待抽取!关注weixin公众号【书友大本营】抽红包! All sort of Great Way were awakened thoroughly, bursts out the strength of mysterious not measuring. 诸般大道被彻底唤醒,迸发出玄妙莫测之力。 At this time, Five Territories has the huge transformation. 此时,五域发生巨大蜕变。 Each region to/clashes radiant divine light, the shining big world. 各地冲起璀璨神光,照耀大世。 The East Desolate life-forbidden zone to/clashes the startled day light beam, enters the clouds, passes through Heaven and Earth. 东荒生命禁区冲起惊天光柱,直入云端,贯穿天地 That is the strength that Great Way derives, affects the world source. 那是大道衍生出的力量,牵动世界本源。 Incessantly is East Desolate! 不止是东荒 The South Border endless dense/woods, the West Desert ancient Buddha, the North Sea Primordial Chaos star sea and in Middle Province Leading to Heaven Foundation Tree, has divine light to reappear. 南疆无尽之森、西漠古佛祖地、北海混沌星海、中州通天建木中,都有神光浮现。 Five god columns pass through Heaven and Earth, constructs supreme great array, receives and instructs the Heaven and Earth source. 五条神柱贯穿天地,构建成无上大阵,接引天地本源。 The ray gathering, changes to the brilliant bolt of white silk to the Shen Tian direct impact. 光芒汇聚,化作绚烂匹练向沈天直冲而来。 The Shen Tian body shock, the whole body was covered by the strength of source. 沈天身躯剧震,周身被本源之力覆盖。 His imposing manner grows in vain, by scary speed straight line promotion. 他气势徒然增长,以骇人的速度直线提升。 Quasi-Emperor and Great Emperor...... Immortal King! 准帝大帝……仙王 The Shen Tian whole body erupts immeasurable divine light, the shining entire world. 沈天周身爆发无量神光,照耀寰宇。 At this moment, he gives people an misconception, as if not belong to this piece of Heaven and Earth. 此刻,他给人一种错觉,仿佛不属于这片天地 It is not this piece, crosses the life that came from the years river. 不属于这片古史,是从岁月长河中横渡而来的生灵。 Sees this, three big Immortal King with amazement. 见到这一幕,三大仙王骇然。 They are unable to imagine, the empress has this to go against heaven's will the method unexpectedly. 他们无法想象,女帝竟拥有这等逆天手段。 It is not Shen Tian’s cultivation base , to promote Immortal King. 并不是将沈天的修为,提升到仙王 But makes him borrow the world source temporarily, obtains Immortal King battle strength. 而是让他暂时借用世界本源,获得仙王战力 But this also shocks everybody sufficiently, Transcendence Heaven and Earth common sense. 但这也足以惊世骇俗,超脱天地常理。 ...... …… Endless divine light, is slowly reserved. 无尽神光,缓缓内敛。 Shen Tian goes forward, said indifferently: You can encircle kills this throne? Although comes up!” 沈天上前,淡然道:“尔等要围杀本座?尽管上来!” The Imperial Alligator Immortal King pupil light is quiet: brat, do not think that battle strength endures to compare Immortal King, can resist this king.” 帝鳄仙王眸光幽厉:“小子,别以为战力堪比仙王,就能抵挡本王。” „The strength of Immortal King, is far from you can imagine!” 仙王之力,远非你所能想象!” The Shen Tian corners of the mouth raise, said: Hits is not victorious, tries to know!” 沈天嘴角微扬,道:“打不打得过,试试就知道!” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Imperial Alligator Immortal King cold snort/hum, kills directly to Shen Tian. 帝鳄仙王冷哼,直接向沈天杀来。 He pinches fist seal, on the fist the lingering great alligator specters, swallows Heaven and Earth. 他捏拳印,拳头上萦绕巨鳄魔影,吞噬天地 Imperial Alligator Immortal King is Desolate Ancient is great, once swallowed a side entire world. 帝鳄仙王乃是荒古巨凶,曾吞噬一方寰宇。 Now he carries the strength of direct access to the highest authorities, the potential must grind the fragment powder Shen Tian. 如今他携带通天之力,势要将沈天碾碎成齑粉。 However, Shen Tian shakes the fist, carries trillion stars to kill. 然而,沈天挥拳,携带亿万星辰杀来。 hōng! That is only exceedingly high great alligator phantom direct blasting open, changes to the fragment powder. 那只通天巨鳄虚影直接炸裂,化作齑粉。 The Imperial Alligator Immortal King body shock, backs up ten million/countless. 帝鳄仙王身躯剧震,倒退千万里。 What?” “什么?” He has not thought, first grasps Shen Tian of strength of Immortal King, is so unexpectedly terrifying! 他没想到,初次掌握仙王之力的沈天,竟如此恐怖! Side, dark green end Immortal King also kills. 旁边,苍末仙王也杀来。 He acts, in palms star circulation, universe collapse to extinguish. 他出手,掌间星斗流转,宇宙崩灭。 Dark green end Immortal King picks up side Heaven and Earth, directly to the Shen Tian suppression. 苍末仙王托起一方天地,直接向沈天镇压而来。 Shen Tian offers a sacrifice to Human Sovereign Seal, pounds suddenly to the front. 沈天祭出人皇印,猛然砸向前方。 pēng! Golden ancient seal erupts the shocking aura, murders the myriad things! 金色古印爆发惊世气息,杀伐万物! Under dark green end Immortal King palm blasting open, drops the dark golden blood. 苍末仙王掌心炸裂,滴落下暗金色血液。 Each drop of blood, breaks the bottomless trench the land. 每一滴鲜血,都将大地砸碎出无底深渊。 Damn!” “该死!” The dark green end Immortal King appearance twists, tries to reorganize the mortal body. 苍末仙王面目扭曲,试图重组肉身。 However, in Human Sovereign Seal contains the First Generation Human Sovereign supreme mighty force. 然而,人皇印中蕴含初代人皇无上伟力。 This strength far ultra Immortal King, obliterates its source. 这股力量远超仙王,磨灭其本源。 Dark green end Immortal King is unable to restore the injury unexpectedly, broke a palm thoroughly. 苍末仙王竟无法修复伤势,彻底断了一掌。 Kills!” “杀!” Imperial Alligator Immortal King kills again, winds around densely. 帝鳄仙王再度杀来,身后氤氲缭绕。 Great alligator howling day, lingering innumerable Great Way rune, terrifying. 巨鳄啸天,萦绕无数大道符文,恐怖至极。 It swallows ten million/countless in void, disintegration Sun and Moon stars, to the Shen Tian tear and bite. 它吞噬千万里虚空,崩碎日月星辰,向沈天撕咬而来。 Meanwhile, dark green end Immortal King jumps. 与此同时,苍末仙王纵身而起。 He counts law seal, uses the Immortal King method, tampers with the Heaven and Earth order. 他掐指法印,施展仙王法,篡改天地秩序。 Before dark green end Immortal King body, appears the exceedingly high great blade. 苍末仙王身前,浮现通天巨刃。 The great blade is constituted by Great Way rune, destroys the hardest defenses, chops to the Shen Tian overhead. 巨刃由大道符文构成,无坚不摧,对沈天当头劈下。 Two big Immortal King collaborate, terrifying. 两大仙王联手,恐怖至极。 Even if the Immortal Realm giant arrives, is very difficult to resist. 哪怕仙界巨擘降临,也很难抵挡得住。 Subdue!” “镇!” The Shen Tian spoken language is faint, the pupil light is profound. 沈天言语淡漠,眸光深邃无比。 He offers a sacrifice to Human Sovereign Palace and Human Sovereign Seal, evolves the sidereal revolution, tolerates two people sleepily. 他祭出人皇宫人皇印,演化周天,将两人困禁住。 Meanwhile, Shen Tian behind ray trillion zhang (3.33 m). 与此同时,沈天身后光芒亿万丈。 His body increases suddenly, is indomitable spirit, the incarnation wields the Heaven and Earth Pangu. 他身躯骤然变大,顶天立地,化身执掌天地盘古。 The endless Great Way rune gathering comes, to congeal the battle axe. 无尽大道符文汇聚而来,凝成战斧。 Shen Tian lifts up high the battle axe, points at the vault of heaven. 沈天高举战斧,遥指天穹。 Opens!” “开!” The battle axe brandishes, jumps projects immeasurable Divine Light. 战斧抡起,迸射出无量神芒 Day!” “天!” Heaven and Earth shivers, cannot withstand the pressure, starts to disrupt! 天地颤抖,承受不住威压,开始碎裂! Wards off!” “辟!” The ray radiantly to the pinnacle, making the trim vault of heaven degenerate into the ruins. 光芒璀璨到极致,令整片天穹沦为废墟。 „!” “地!” The battle axe cuts layer on layer/heavily, bursts out to destroy day to extinguish the invincible might of place. 战斧重重斩下,迸发出毁天灭地之神威。 At this moment, the axe glow changes eternal. 这一刻,斧芒化作永恒。 Two big Immortal King panic-stricken desires crack, they feel the destruction aura. 两大仙王惊恐欲裂,他们感觉到毁灭气息。 The so shocking unique skill, extinguishes them sufficiently kills. 如此惊世绝招,足以将他们灭杀。 ...... …… Blocks!” “挡住!” Immortal King angrily roars, does not hesitate to lose the source. 仙王怒吼,不惜损耗本源。 Their life aura is weaken suddenly, becomes the dispirited. 他们生命气息骤减弱,变得萎靡。 Two big Immortal King put together completely all, evolves Great Way rune to try to resist. 两大仙王拼尽一切,演化大道符文试图抵挡。 However, in this type under the Heavenly God prestige, collapses at the first blow. 然而,在这种开天神威之下,不堪一击。 Heaven and Earth disrupts instantaneously the fragment powder, cuts off the big Daoist river, annihilates the order. 天地瞬间碎裂成齑粉,斩断大道长河,湮灭秩序。 Two big Immortal King were pushed directly horizontally, the figure is stiff on the spot. 两大仙王直接被横推而过,身形僵在原地。 Their forehead, appears together the blood line. 他们眉心处,浮现出一道血线。 But the look does not have the light, True Spirit writes off thoroughly. 但眼神已然无光,真灵被彻底抹杀。 Afterward the forehead opens and closes, bursts out trillion divine light! 随后眉心开阖,迸发亿万神光 hōng! A loud sound! 一声巨响! Immortal King mortal body hōng however explodes broken, changes to the fragment powder. 仙王肉身然爆碎,化作齑粉。 Two big Immortal King, will fall from the sky from now on. 两大仙王,自此陨落。 They change to the blood and bone, the soul falls Heaven and Earth. 他们化作血与骨,魂陨天地 The vault of heaven lowers the endless blood fog, roared just like Godfiend. 天穹降下无尽血雾,宛若神魔咆哮。 This is the scene of death of Immortal King, even Heaven and Earth is sorrowful! 这是仙王之死的场景,连天地都在悲恸! But this, Five Territories cultivator does not care at all. 但这一幕,五域修士毫不在意。 Distressing Calamity Immortal King is panic-stricken extremely, even the soul must be frightened. 厄灾仙王惊恐万分,连魂都要被吓掉。 He has not thought, two big Immortal King died unexpectedly! 他万万没想到,两大仙王竟然死了! Dies in the Human Sovereign Body hand, the skeleton not saves. 死在人皇体手中,尸骨无存。 This, making the Immortal King courage want to crack. 这一幕,令仙王肝胆欲裂。 His pupil lives the fear, does not dare to stay for a long time. 他眸生恐惧,不敢久留。 However while this time machine, Crape Myrtle Immortal King killed. 然而趁这时机,紫薇仙王杀来。 He offers a sacrifice to Muddy Heaven Chess Board, carries the supreme mighty force to kill. 他祭出浑天棋盘,携带无上伟力杀来。 No, does not want!” “不,不要!” Distressing Calamity Immortal King severe howl, responded radically without enough time. 厄灾仙王厉吼,根本来不及反应。 However, Crape Myrtle Immortal King does not give the opportunity. 然而,紫薇仙王根本不给机会。 He pierces the Distressing Calamity mortal body directly, extracts the suppression True Spirit. 他直接洞穿厄灾肉身,将真灵抽出镇压。 One generation of Immortal King, will fall from the sky finally the hand of Crape Myrtle. 一代仙王,终将陨落紫薇之手。 ...... …… This, shocks everyone. 这一幕,震撼所有人。 Made the world desperate crisis, was reduced and solved by Shen Tian unexpectedly. 令世人绝望的危机,竟被沈天化解。 This war, Evil Spirit clan three big Immortal King all extinguish! 此战,邪灵族三大仙王全灭! Shen Tian, is really a Savior! 沈天,真乃救世主!
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