IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#508: Originally I am the immortal three generations!

Great Fire Kingdom. 大炎国 Here region is desolate, expert is scarce, is the world of mortals small country. 这里地域荒僻,强者稀少,乃是凡间小国。 However, is suffering the Evil Spirit clan to wreak havoc as before. 然而,依旧在遭受邪灵族肆虐。 Has Heavenly Venerable level Evil Spirit to lead, is setting out to Great Fire Kingdom. 天尊邪灵带队,正在向大炎国进发。 However, did not have, when they approach. 然而,还没等到他们靠近。 In the vault of heaven finds out a great hand, cranks up the fragment powder all Evil Spirit. 天穹中探出一只巨手,将所有邪灵拍成齑粉。 Obviously, here has expert to assume personal command, shelters this National Security danger. 很显然,这里有强者坐镇,庇护此国安危。 Because, this place is the Divine Firmament Holy Lord Shen Tian’s hometown. 因为,此地乃是神霄圣主沈天的故乡。 Zhang Longyuan has made Holy Land Great Elder assume personal command in this, preventing Evil Spirit to invade. 张龙渊早就让圣地太上长老坐镇于此,防止邪灵入侵。 Therefore, Great Fire Kingdom is Five Territories few not by the country that Evil Spirit attacks and occupies. 因此,大炎国五域为数不多没被邪灵攻占的国家。 ...... …… Consort Lan grave. 兰妃墓。 Flame sovereign Shen Xiao looks at the tombstone, in the eye is being full of missing. 炎皇沈啸望着墓碑,眼中充满思念。 He twittering said in a soft voice: Lan'er, Five Territories suffers the catastrophe.” 他轻声呢喃道:“兰儿,五域遭受浩劫。” Does not know, Tian’er how!” “也不知道,天儿怎么样了!” Now the catastrophe raises, endangers Five Territories. 如今浩劫升起,危及五域 Even without invading this place, Shen Xiao is troubled as before. 纵使没入侵到此地,沈啸依旧感到不安。 He hundred years has not received the Shen Tian message, in the heart has worried incomparably. 他已经百年没有收到过沈天消息,心中担忧无比。 At this moment, in the Consort Lan grave the flood beginning selects divine light. 就在这时,兰妃墓中泛起点点神光 The ray gathering comes, sprinkles just like the spirit rain, finally changes to a butterfly. 光芒汇聚而来,宛若灵雨洒落,最后化作一只蝴蝶。 The butterfly is lingering radiant Divine Light, intensely bright. 蝴蝶萦绕着璀璨神芒,耀眼夺目。 It drags with the wind, surrounds side Shen Xiao. 它随风摇曳,环绕在沈啸身旁。 Afterward shoots up to the sky, vanishes in the midair. 随后冲天而起,消失在半空。 Sees this, the Shen Xiao body slightly shakes. 见到这一幕,沈啸身躯微震。 „Is Lan'er, you?” 兰儿,是你吗?” ...... …… At this time, Shen Tian by unprecedentedly crisis. 此时,沈天正遭受前所未有的危机。 Ye Qingcang is repulsed, this no one can contend with Ancient God again. 叶擎苍败退,这一界再无人能抗衡古神 Moreover, three big Ancient God attention throughout in Shen Tian body. 而且,三大古神的注意力始终在沈天身上 Goal that their trip comes, then puts to death Human Sovereign Body. 他们此行过来的目的,便是诛杀人皇体 Repels Ye Qingcang, Yan Gui without hesitation, kills directly to Shen Tian. 击退叶擎苍,阎鬼毫不犹豫,直接向沈天杀去。 The terrifying power and influence sweeps across to come, earth-shaking. 恐怖威势席卷而来,惊天动地。 Yan Gui finds out the big hand, blocks the sky, disruption starry sky. 阎鬼探出大手,遮天蔽日,碎裂星空。 This strikes, can easily extinguish kills Great Emperor expert. 这一击,能轻易灭杀大帝强者 The Shen Tian fine body hair is but actually vertical, incomparable palpitation. 沈天寒毛倒竖,无比心悸。 Yan Gui is he meets most powerful enemy person, the terrifying. 阎鬼乃是他遇最强敌人,恐怖至极。 Although Shen Tian can cut Great Emperor, but with the Ancient God disparity is too big. 沈天虽能斩大帝,但与古神差距还是太大。 Sees Yan Gui to kill, Shen Tian offers a sacrifice to Human Sovereign Palace and Human Sovereign Seal resists. 见到阎鬼杀来,沈天祭出人皇宫人皇印抵挡。 ! 哧! Two Supreme Artefact blooming radiant divine light, change to radiant golden screen to cover Heaven and Earth. 两件无上大器绽放璀璨神光,化作璀璨金幕笼罩天地 hōng! A loud sound! 一声巨响! The Yan Gui attack falls, directly is unexpectedly broken golden screen hōng. 阎鬼攻击落下,竟直接将金幕碎。 Shen Tian body shock, backing up several steps. 沈天身躯剧震,倒退数步。 His cultivation base is too low, even if stimulates to movement two Supreme Artefact, difficult to contend with Ancient God. 修为太低,纵使催动两件无上大器,也难与古神抗衡。 The Yan Gui pupil light is greedy, said with a smile ferociously: Solemn Human Sovereign, falls on the hand of ants unexpectedly, flees the capital simply!” 阎鬼眸光贪婪,狞笑道:“堂堂人皇器,竟落在蝼蚁之手,简直蒙尘!” Gives this throne!” “还是交给本座吧!” He finds out the big hand, grasps to Human Sovereign Seal and Human Sovereign Palace. 他探出大手,向人皇印人皇宫抓去。 This grade of great artefact , Ancient God drools extremely. 这等大器,古神都垂涎万分。 Piles up void immediately in together, limits two great artefact . 虚空顿时积压在一起,限制两件大器 Afterward, Yan Gui uses the supreme cult tactic, stronger it to capture about. 随后,阎鬼施展无上邪术,要强行将其夺取。 The Shen Tian complexion changes, he discovered that these two Supreme Artefact are shivering fiercely. 沈天面色微变,他发现这两件无上大器在剧烈颤抖。 Has a strange strength, is trying to strip his control. 有种诡异力量,在试图剥离他的掌控权。 Yan Gui Li roar: Yan Mo, Yan Ling, cuts to kill Human Sovereign Body.” 鬼厉吼:“阎魔,阎灵,将人皇体斩杀。” Does not leave an opportunity!” “不留一点机会!” Even if in the Ancient God method, wants to capture Human Sovereign great artefact is not simple. 哪怕以古神手段,想夺取人皇大器也没那么简单。 Therefore, Yan Gui will make another two big Ancient God make a move. 因此,阎鬼才会让另外两大古神出手。 So long as cuts to kill Shen Tian, these two great artefact will also degenerate into the thing of without owner. 只要将沈天斩杀,这两件大器也将沦为无主之物。 When the time comes, he can put in the bag it. 到时候,他就能将其收入囊中。 ...... …… Before Yan Mo and Yan Ling vertical body, carries the dreadful strength, kills to Shen Tian. 阎魔阎灵身上前,携带滔天之力,向沈天杀去。 Two big Ancient God kill, the power and influence is earth-shaking. 两大古神杀来,威势撼天动地。 Was covered by the evil aura void, scary, if annihilates the common people. 虚空被邪气掩盖,骇人至极,若要湮灭苍生。 This, making countless person zi want to crack. 这一幕,令无数人目眦欲裂。 Does not want!” “不要!” They see with own eyes Shen Tian to beset with a crisis, does not have the means. 他们眼见沈天陷入危机,却毫无办法。 After all, at their strengths, is unable to prevent Ancient God. 毕竟,以他们的力量,根本无法阻挡古神 Go away!” “滚开!” Ye Qingcang drags the remnant body to kill, uses the last resort. 叶擎苍拖着残身杀来,施展最后手段。 However, two big Ancient God collaborate, its hōng big mouth cough blood. 然而,两大古神联手,将其得大口血。 Tian’er, walks quickly!” 天儿,快走!” Ye Qingcang angrily roars, is incapable completely. 叶擎苍怒吼,满是无力。 He had caused heavy losses, even cannot stand off two big Ancient God at risk of life. 他已被重创,就算拼死也敌不过两大古神 brat, dies!” 小子,去死吧!” Two big Ancient God grin fiendishly, kills to Shen Tian. 两大古神狞笑,向沈天杀去。 This time, their potential must extinguish this generation of Human Sovereign Body kills. 此次,他们势要将这一代人皇体灭杀。 ...... …… At this moment, the east side exudes immeasurable Divine Light. 就在这时,东边泛起无量神芒 The brilliance is unparalleled, blocks the sky. 光彩盖世,遮天蔽日。 Not far away, a palm of the hand big butterfly flies. 不远处,一只巴掌大蝴蝶飞来。 It stirs up the tornado, sweeps across 3 million li (0.5 km) hurricane instantaneously. 它煽动旋风,瞬间席卷三百万里飓风。 The butterfly speed is getting more and more fast, the figure is getting bigger and bigger, covers less than half Middle Province. 蝴蝶速度越来越快,身形越来越大,遮盖小半个中州 Un?” “嗯?” Yan Mo and Yan Ling brow is tight, felt that has the accident to happen. 阎魔阎灵眉头紧蹙,感觉到有变故发生。 After all, this butterfly is good, making the will of the people birthday of deceased person fear. 毕竟,这只蝴蝶太不俗,令人心生忌惮。 But they have not called a halt, kills as before to Shen Tian. 但他们并没有停手,依旧杀向沈天 In any event, must first put to death Human Sovereign Body. 无论如何,都要先诛杀人皇体 ...... …… Courts death.” “找死。” Void resounds the chilly sound, trembles various day of star sea. 虚空中响起清冷声音,震颤诸天星海。 The butterfly spreads the wings, the volume raids million border territory. 蝴蝶展翅,卷袭百万疆域 The endless strong winds condense the dreadful sharp blade, attacks suddenly. 无尽狂风凝聚成滔天利刃,猛然侵袭而来。 Earth-shattering, star sea annihilation. 天崩地裂,星海湮灭。 This strength, spans the space, appears in front of Ancient God instantaneously. 这股力量,跨越空间,瞬间出现在古神面前。 „!” “啊!” The miserable howling sound gets up. 惨嚎声响起。 Two big Ancient God mortal bodies crack, was stirred broken by the strong winds, even True Spirit is unable to escape. 两大古神肉身崩裂,被狂风搅碎,连真灵都无法逃出。 This, shocks everyone. 这一幕,震骇所有人。 They decide to look at that butterfly, in the heart are raising the difficult situation. 他们定定望着那只蝴蝶,心中掀起惊涛骇浪。 No one can think, this butterfly can erupt the so terrifying strength unexpectedly, direct insta-kill two Ancient God. 没人能想到,这只蝴蝶竟能爆发如此恐怖的力量,直接秒杀两名古神 The Yan Gui body shock, the mind wants to crack. 阎鬼身躯剧震,心神欲裂。 His mouth opening, shivers to continue, even the words could not say. 他嘴巴张大,颤抖不止,连话都说不出来。 Yan Gui fully realizes two big Ancient God, the strength strong. 阎鬼深知两大古神,实力有多强。 Although they are low-rank Ancient God, but also is the apex in low-rank Ancient God exists. 他们虽是下位古神,但也是下位古神中的顶尖存在。 Two people collaborate, even can contend with middle-rank Ancient God. 两人联手,甚至能抗衡中位古神 Now, was struck insta-kill unexpectedly? 如今,竟被人一击秒杀 Who is the future? 来者到底是谁? ...... …… The butterfly, falls before the Shen Tian body floating. 蝴蝶飘然而下,落在沈天身前。 The ray is radiant, brilliant eye-catching, changes to a beautiful female. 光芒璀璨,绚烂夺目,化作一名绝美女子。 Her physique is slender and delicate, such as the immortal jade carves carefully. 她体态纤柔修长,如仙玉精心雕琢。 The makings are elegantly beautiful, making one not dare to have blaspheme slightly. 气质冷艳高贵,令人不敢有丝毫亵渎。 If snow flesh, glittering and translucent carving. 如雪般的肌肤,晶莹剔透。 She just like the palace error female celestial, renounces society and lives alone. 她宛若宫阙仙女,遗世独立。 In the people eyes shows infatuated, falls to the enemy thoroughly. 众人眼中透出痴迷,彻底沦陷。 Many female dim low heads, feel ashamed of one's inferiority. 不少女子黯淡低下头颅,自愧不如。 And, Holy Maiden and goddess that many Five Territories are the top position. 其中,不乏五域排名前列的圣女、神女。 However in the face of this person, is overshadowed. 然而在此人面前,一切都黯然失色。 ...... …… Shen Tian body slightly shakes. 沈天身躯微震。 He decides to look at this form, has the closeness. 他定定望着这道身影,生出亲近感。 This feeling stems from the bloodlines, is unable to cover. 这种感觉源于血脉,无法掩盖。 This person, imitates, if his close relative, shares the same roots. 此人,仿若是他的至亲,血脉相连。 In Divine Firmament camp. 神霄阵营中。 The Heavenly Venerable Gold Lotus pupil shrinks suddenly, both hands do not get hold of voluntarily. 金莲天尊瞳孔骤缩,双手不自觉握紧。 She muttered: This fellow, is so unexpectedly strong!” 她喃喃自语:“这家伙,居然这么强!” Eunuch Gui, is suddenly in-situ. 桂公公,突然愣在原地。 His tears, the sound shivers: Blue...... Consort Lan empress???” 他老泪纵横,声音颤抖:“兰……兰妃娘娘???” Yes! 是的! Comes person Consort Lan! 来人正是兰妃 Also only has the Consort Lan empress, so will be outstandingly beautiful. 也只有兰妃娘娘,才会如此绝色。 However, Consort Lan has elapsed obviously for several hundred years, why resurrects suddenly? 不过,兰妃明明已经逝去数百年,为何突然复活? Not only resurrects, but also so domineering. 不仅复活,而且如此强势。 Shortly, the anger kills two big Ancient God. 顷刻间,怒杀两大古神 Shocks everybody simply, shocks everybody! 简直惊世骇俗,惊世骇俗啊! ...... …… Feels the fearful aura that Consort Lan lends, the Yan Gui panic-stricken desire cracks. 感受到兰妃散发出的可怕气息,阎鬼惊恐欲裂。 This imposing manner too fearsome, such as vast star sea, great boundless. 这股气势太可怖,如浩瀚星海,宏大无边。 So expert, at all is not existence that he can resist! 如此强者,根本不是他能对抗的存在! Escapes!” “逃!” Yan Gui without delay, runs away to Foreign Territory directly. 阎鬼二话不说,直接向域外遁去。 He tears the galaxy, quickly flees, does not dare to stop over slightly. 他撕裂星河,迅速逃离,不敢逗留丝毫。 This person was too terrifying, making him produce the death crisis. 此人太恐怖,令他产生死亡危机。 However at this moment, Consort Lan looks. 然而就在这时,兰妃望来。 She lifts the slender white hands, according to approaching void. 她抬起纤纤玉手,按向虚空。 1 million li (0.5 km) galaxy, shines upon orchids, blooms the extremely beautiful scenery. 百万里星河,映照出一朵朵兰花,绽放出极美之景。 Afterward, orchid slowly closed, disrupts various day of star sea! 随后,兰花缓缓闭合,碎裂诸天星海! pēng! Had escaped from 1 million li (0.5 km) Yan Gui mortal body blasting open, the True Spirit annihilation. 原本已经逃出百万里的阎鬼肉身炸裂,真灵湮灭。 Cuts to kill Yan Gui, the Consort Lan look is calm. 斩杀阎鬼,兰妃神色波澜不惊。 She turns around slowly, looks is stagnating in same place Shen Tian, looks the smile. 她缓缓转身,望着滞在原地的沈天,面露微笑。 Her sound, somewhat trembles faintly: Tian’er!” 她的声音,隐隐有些发颤:“天儿!” Sees own own flesh and blood, Consort Lan also has to change countenance. 见到自己的亲身骨肉,兰妃也不得不动容。 After all is she is pregnant to live, blood is thicker than water. 毕竟是她怀胎所生,血浓于水。 Moreover, reveals itself from Shen Tian. 而且,自沈天出世。 Consort Lan has not looked at his several eyes with enough time, then plays dead Nirvana. 兰妃还没来得及看他几眼,便假死涅槃 Now, her Nirvana returns, saw how the parent-child can not be excited? 如今,她涅槃归来,见到亲子怎能不激动? The Shen Tian body shock, twittering said: Mother...... Venerable Mother!” 沈天身躯剧震,呢喃道:“母……母尊!” He has been able to determine, this person his mother Consort Lan. 他已经能确定,此人正是他的母亲兰妃 After all, the bloodlines aura is impossible to cheat. 毕竟,血脉气息不可能做假。 ...... …… The Consort Lan look is gentle. 兰妃眼神温柔。 Tian’er sorry, Venerable Mother came late!” 天儿对不起,母尊来晚了!” She finds out the slender white hands, touches the Shen Tian cheeks, in the eye full is missing. 她探出纤纤玉手,抚摸沈天脸颊,眼中满是思念。 Where has mother not to miss the child, they also separate let alone for several hundred years. 哪有母亲不思念孩子,更何况他们还分隔数百年。 The Shen Tian look doubts said: Venerable Mother you......!” 沈天神色疑惑道:“母尊你……!” He has not thought, Consort Lan has not died unexpectedly. 他没想到,兰妃竟然没有死。 And is so powerful, easily writes off Ancient God. 并且还如此强大,轻易间抹杀古神 Ye Qingcang walks with a smile, happily said: «God Silkworm Dao Scripture» really good.” 叶擎苍笑着走出来,欣慰道:“《神蚕道经》果然不俗。” Nirvana does not extinguish, melts the butterfly to turn over to!” 涅槃不灭,化蝶而归!” Lan'er, you awoke finally!” 兰儿,你终于醒了!” Sees Ye Qingcang, on the Consort Lan face reveals the apology: Venerable Father, child is unfilial.” 见到叶擎苍,兰妃脸上露出歉意:“父尊,孩儿不孝。” If I......” “若是我……” However, has not waited for Consort Lan to say the words. 然而,还没等待兰妃把话说完。 Ye Qingcang waves to prevent, said: Might as well, matter has passed!” 叶擎苍挥手阻止,道:“无妨,事情已经过去!” Now you return safely, can feel at ease for the father.” “如今你平安归来,为父也能安心。” Hears two people to talk, Shen Tian pupil light brilliant. 听到两人对话,沈天眸光灼灼。 Consort Lan resurrects, has made him shock. 兰妃复活,就已经让他震惊。 Finally, Consort Lan unexpectedly is the female of Ye Qingcang. 结果,兰妃竟然是叶擎苍之女。 That said that Ye Qingcang really own grandfather. 那岂不是说,叶擎苍真是自己的外公。 No wonder, Ye Qingcang has been recognized him to do the grandfather by oneself. 怪不得,叶擎苍一直让自己认他为干外公。 Including War God Tower this grade of Supreme Artefact, said that delivers delivers. 战神塔这等无上大器,说送就送。 Originally, Ye Qingcang has long known this point. 原来,叶擎苍早就知道这一点。 Thinks of here, the Shen Tian corners of the mouth pull out. 想到这里,沈天嘴角微抽。 This Holy Lord also thinks oneself are the ordinary families' children, no background. 圣主还以为自己是平凡人家的孩子,没什么底蕴。 Finally, are the immortal two generations unexpectedly I? 结果,仙二代竟是我自己? The mother and are the grandfather, Immortal Realm supreme expert? 母亲与祖父,都是仙界无上强者 This news, is really explosive! 这消息,实在是太劲爆! To immortal cultivation as ordinary person, has not thought trades is actually encircles kills. 本想以平凡人的身份修仙,没想到换来的却是围杀。 Does not install! 不装了! This Holy Lord is the immortal two generations, I laid cards on the table! 圣主是仙二代,我摊牌了! this throne must have a look but actually, how many Evil Spirit bastards dare to bring death? 本座倒要看看,还有多少邪灵崽子敢来送死? ...... …… In Shen Tian cannot bear smug, the vault of heaven again changes. 就在沈天忍不住嘚瑟时,天穹再变。 Foreign Territory transmits angrily roars: Human Sovereign Body, must extinguish today!” 域外传来怒吼:“人皇体,今日必灭!” The loud acoustic shock penetrating, spreads over Nine Heavens. 响声震彻,传遍九天 Hears here, the Shen Tian heart play jumps. 听到这里,沈天心脏剧跳。 Not? Also come? 不是吧?又来? Had not to have? 有完没完了? hōng ka! 咔! The vault of heaven, was torn the giant black hole. 天穹,被撕裂出巨大黑洞。 An exceedingly high giant finger sidewise compression comes, to block the sky. 一只通天巨指横压而来,遮天蔽日。 It disrupts 1 million stars, drops down under. 它碎裂百万星辰,直落而下。 This finger is huge, covers most Middle Province. 这只手指庞大无边,遮盖住大半个中州 The Five Territories earth's crust is shivering, earth-shattering. 五域地壳都在颤动,天崩地裂。 Void, the strength of Heavenly Way surges, all sort of Great Way recover. 虚空中,天道之力涌动,诸般大道复苏。 The strength of Heaven and Earth constructs Chains of Order, forcefully blockade this piece of Heaven and Earth. 天地之力构建成秩序锁链,强行封锁这片天地 However, in the face of this grade of strength, collapses at the first blow. 然而,在这等力量面前,不堪一击。 Only one finger/refers of strength, then makes the strength of Heavenly Way collapse all. 仅一指之力,便让天道之力尽数崩溃。 The people are panic-stricken extremely, in the eye shows desperately. 众人惊恐万分,眼中透出绝望。 This absolutely is the supreme giant, making Five Territories Heavenly Way tremble. 这绝对是无上巨头,令五域天道都在颤栗。 So expert, once kills, destroys the day to extinguish surely. 如此强者,一旦杀进来,必定毁天灭地。 could it be that, is Five Territories hard to escape eventually perishes? 难道,五域终究难以逃脱灭亡吗? ...... …… The summit of Great Fire Kingdom imperial palace. 大炎国皇宫之巅。 The Shen Xiao pupil light is radiant, looks out Middle Province. 沈啸眸光璀璨,遥望中州 He is looking at various day of motley Way Intent, whether there is in the eye completely purple glow derivation. 他望着诸天斑驳道意,眼中有无尽紫芒衍生。 At this time, these collapse Way Intent, flushed unexpectedly to Great Fire Kingdom. 这时,那些崩溃道意,竟向大炎国冲来。 These Way Intent measure mysteriously not, ancient and rushes. 这些道意玄妙莫测,古老而又澎湃。 That is the Heaven and Earth source, remains by body 36 big Immortal King. 那是天地本源,是以身化道的三十六仙王所留。 For shelters Five Territories. 为得,是庇护五域 But now, they change to Chains of Order, converges Shen Xiao within the body all. 而如今,它们化作秩序锁链,尽数汇入沈啸体内。 At this moment, his imposing manner changed. 这一刻,他气势变了。 The Shen Xiao whole body, lingers immeasurable Purple Qi. 沈啸周身,萦绕起无量紫气 His pupil light profound like star sea, the imposing manner is great, is indomitable spirit. 他眸光深邃如星海,气势伟岸,顶天立地。 At this moment, Shen Xiao no longer is the world of mortals emperor, but grasps peerless Immortal King of various day of vault of heaven. 此刻,沈啸不再是凡间帝王,而是掌握诸天苍穹的绝代仙王 The purple brilliance, soars to the heavens. 紫色光辉,冲霄而起。 The Shen Xiao imposing manner reaches the peak, shakes the bright entire world. 沈啸气势达到巅峰,震烁寰宇。 He looks out Middle Province, muttered. 他遥望中州,喃喃自语。 „The ten thousand years samsara, Japan knows me now is I.” “万载轮回,今日方知我是我。” Crape Myrtle Immortal King, Transcending Tribulation turns over.” 紫薇仙王,渡劫而归。” hōng ka! 咔! Heaven and Earth disruption, Purple Qi enormously and powerful ten million/countless. 天地碎裂,紫气浩荡千万里。 Shen Xiao changes to the purple aurora, the steps, vanishes instantaneously! 沈啸化作紫色极光,踏步而出,瞬间消失! ...... …… As Five Territories Heavenly Way collapses, Evil Spirit clan expert kills finally. 随着五域天道崩溃,邪灵强者终于杀来。 The vault of heaven was torn, reveals the profound black hole. 天穹被撕裂,露出深邃黑洞。 The unparalleled form strolls to come, to subvert the vault of heaven together. 一道盖世身影漫步而来,颠覆苍穹。 This person of whole body lingering evil aura, vastly like star sea, limitless. 此人浑身萦绕邪气,浩瀚如星海,无边无际。 He stands erect void, the universe is shivering, must disrupt. 他屹立虚空,宇宙都在颤抖,要碎裂开来。 This is supreme expert, above Transcendence Ancient God, is true peerless Immortal King! 这是位无上强者,超脱古神之上,是真正的绝世仙王 Sees this person, the innumerable person mind tremble. 见到此人,无数人心神颤栗。 No one can think, the Evil Spirit clan is so unexpectedly crazy. 没人能想到,邪灵族竟如此疯狂。 First is nine emperors near the day, is three big Ancient God arrives. 先是九帝临天,接着是三大古神降临。 Now Immortal King sends out, only to cut to kill Shen Tian! 如今仙王出动,只为斩杀沈天 This writing skill, is too big! 这手笔,实在太大! ...... …… Consort Lan is serious. 兰妃面色凝重。 Although she Nirvana returns, marvelous ability Great Accomplishment. 她虽然涅槃归来,神功大成 But is also only the high-rank Ancient God peak, still had the one pace from god king. 但也只是上位古神巅峰,距离神王尚有一步之遥。 But these step just like day of zhe, is unable to span. 但这一步犹如天埑,无法跨越。 Now Immortal King comes, Consort Lan feels the serious pressure. 如今仙王现身,兰妃感受到沉重的压力。 But she keeps off before the Shen Tian body resolutely, the ice however does not fear. 但她还是毅然决然挡在沈天身前,凌然不惧。 Because of her, is a mother. 因为她,是一位母亲。 As a mother, she does not allow oneself child injured by the least bit. 作为一位母亲,她不允许自己的孩子受到半点伤害。 At this time, Evil Spirit Immortal King moved. 这时,邪灵仙王动了。 He shot a look at Shen Tian one, made its whole body bloodlines ebullition, must break the body! 他瞥了沈天一眼,令其浑身血脉沸腾,要破体而出! Subdue!” “镇!” Consort Lan scolds lightly, in the hand pinches to print secret art, shelters Shen Tian. 兰妃轻叱,手中掐印法诀,庇护沈天 The Shen Tian within the body blood returns to normal, the brow is tight. 沈天体内血液平复下来,眉头紧蹙。 Is this expert of Immortal King rank? 这就是仙王级别的强者吗? Only is the line of sight, can write off him? 仅是视线,就能将他抹杀? Evil Spirit Immortal King faintly said: high-rank Ancient God, is actually good.” 邪灵仙王淡漠道:“上位古神,倒是不俗。” „To block this king, dream of a fool.” “不过想要拦住本王,痴人说梦。” Immortal King near the body, grasps to Shen Tian. 仙王临身,向沈天抓来。 In an instant, everywhere stars change to the dust, the boundless universe collapses the ruins. 刹那间,漫天星辰化作尘埃,无边宇宙崩溃成废墟。 The strength of Immortal King, may bury to extinguish the common people! 仙王之力,可葬灭苍生! The Consort Lan look is dignified, transfers the strength of whole body. 兰妃神色凝重,调动全身之力。 Immeasurable divine light shines upon Heaven and Earth, condenses the giant orchid. 无量神光映照天地,凝聚成巨大兰花。 The orchid blooms full power, is carrying various day of Divine Force, resists Immortal King. 兰花全力绽放,携带着诸天神力,抵挡仙王 However, this strength in front of Immortal King, collapses at the first blow. 然而,这股力量在仙王面前,不堪一击。 hōng! A loud sound! 一声巨响! The orchid is on the wane, the flower petal floats, withers thoroughly. 兰花凋零,花瓣飘洒,彻底枯萎。 Consort Lan body shock, corners of the mouth overflowing blood. 兰妃身躯剧震,嘴角溢血。 Only strikes, the Consort Lan heavy losses of high-rank Ancient God. 仅是一击,就将上位古神兰妃重创。 Death!” “死!” The Immortal King look is faint, finds out one finger/refers. 仙王神色淡漠,探出一指。 Just like the entire universe, the suppression comes. 宛若整个宇宙,镇压而来。 Writes off high-rank Ancient God, to him is stress-free. 抹杀一名上位古神,对于他来说毫无压力。 He must Consort Lan and Shen Tian, cuts to kill together. 他要将兰妃沈天,一同斩杀。 ...... …… In the meantime, sidereal revolution Purple Qi fills the air. 就在此时,周天紫气弥漫。 The purple light is brilliant, sweeps across ten million/countless. 紫光绚烂浩荡,席卷千万里。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Before a purple clothes man stands erect the Consort Lan body, finds out the big hand to block the Evil Spirit Immortal King attack! 一名紫衣男子屹立兰妃身前,探出大手挡住邪灵仙王攻击! Sees this person, Consort Lan and Shen Tian body all shakes. 见到此人,兰妃沈天身躯皆震。 The Consort Lan eyes are dim, joyful extremely. 兰妃双眼朦胧,欣喜万分。 Joyful, but also brings several points of afraid. 欣喜中,还带着几分心虚。 She twittering said in a soft voice: Venerable Teacher, you returned!” 她轻声呢喃道:“师尊,你归来了!” But Shen Tian, in the eye shocks completely. 沈天,眼中满是震撼。 „Is this...... Venerable Father?” “这是……父尊?” He recognizes this person of identity, is Shen Xiao. 他认出此人身份,正是沈啸 The Shen Tian corners of the mouth twitch crazily. 沈天嘴角疯狂抽搐。 What's the matter? 咋回事? Not only Venerable Mother and grandfather are the Immortal Realm big energies, even Venerable Father is also the supreme big energy! 不仅母尊与祖父是仙界大能,连父尊也是无上大能! Is your is playing with me, plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger? 你们这是在跟我玩,扮猪吃老虎吗? This Holy Lord’s world outlook, a little collapses! 圣主的世界观,有点崩啊! ...... …… Evil Spirit Immortal King pupil micro, said with amazement: Crape Myrtle Immortal King?” 邪灵仙王瞳孔微缩,骇然道:“紫薇仙王?” „Haven't you died?” “你还没死?” In his heart shocks. 他心中震撼。 Has not thought here, can see Crape Myrtle Immortal King. 没想到在这里,能见到紫薇仙王 Crape Myrtle Immortal King is Immortal Realm peerless Immortal King, battle strength unparalleled. 紫薇仙王乃是仙界绝世仙王,战力无双。 Only with several thousand years of then achievement Immortal King fruit position, leading human race to contend with Evil Spirit. 仅用几千年时间便成就仙王果位,带领人族抗衡邪灵 Crape Myrtle Immortal King prestige illustrious. 紫薇仙王威名赫赫。 He cuts to kill numerous expert, making Evil Spirit scared. 他斩杀过众多强者,令邪灵胆寒。 Initially the Evil Spirit clan to cut to kill Crape Myrtle, did not hesitate to set out seven big Immortal King. 当初邪灵族为斩杀紫薇,不惜出动七大仙王 Finally Crape Myrtle Immortal King by an enemy seven, drags seven big Immortal King to perish together forcefully. 最终紫薇仙王以一敌七,强行拖着七大仙王同归于尽。 This war, shocks various day of Ten Thousand Races. 这一战,震骇诸天万族 Although the Evil Spirit clan loses seven big Immortal King, but cuts to kill Crape Myrtle thoroughly, does not owe very much. 邪灵族虽然损失七大仙王,但彻底斩杀紫薇,也不是很亏。 After all his battle strength is too strong, is peerless Immortal King. 毕竟他战力太强,是绝代仙王 Even, has the posture of Immortal Emperor. 甚至,具有仙帝之姿。 Therefore the Evil Spirit clan spares nothing, to write off it forcefully. 因此邪灵族不惜代价,强行将其抹杀。 However, Crape Myrtle Immortal King has not died unexpectedly. 然而,紫薇仙王竟然未死。 ...... …… Crape Myrtle Immortal King indifferent opens the mouth: Distressing Calamity, ten thousand years does not see, you are so dirty!” 紫薇仙王淡然开口:“厄灾,万年不见,你还是如此龌龊!” Solemn Immortal King, acts to the junior unexpectedly!” “堂堂仙王,竟对小辈出手!” Distressing Calamity Immortal King cold snort/hum: Human Sovereign Body Ten Thousand Races does not accommodate, this king enforces justice on behalf of Heaven!” 厄灾仙王冷哼:“人皇体万族不容,本王只是替天行道!” In the Crape Myrtle Immortal King eye teased: Ten Thousand Races?” 紫薇仙王眼中戏谑:“万族?” „Do these people also match to call it Ten Thousand Races?” “那些人也配称之为万族?” Distressing Calamity Immortal King sneers: Submits to my Holy Spirit clan, eternal does not extinguish!” 厄灾仙王冷笑:“臣服我圣灵族,万古不灭!” Crape Myrtle Immortal King shakes the head, said: Idle talk little said, wants to injure my son, first crosses this king!” 紫薇仙王摇头,道:“废话少说,想伤吾儿,先过本王这一关!” Distressing Calamity Immortal King pupil light ice-cold, snort/hum said: I must have a look but actually, initial peerless Immortal King, but also remains several tenths strength!” 厄灾仙王眸光冰冷,哼道:“我倒要看看,当初的绝代仙王,还剩几成实力!” Inserts one, App The sincerity is good, is worth installing, after all the book source are many, books entire, renews quickly! 插一句,【app】真心不错,值得装个,毕竟书源多,书籍全,更新快! Kills!” “杀!” Distressing Calamity Immortal King cried loud and long, breaks ten million/countless border territory, dropped down under. 厄灾仙王长啸,震碎千万疆域,直落而下。 His hand pinches fist seal, carries to extinguish the prestige of the world, the reversal universe. 他手捏拳印,携带灭世之威,逆转乾坤。 Crape Myrtle Immortal King jumps, Purple Qi enormously and powerful ten million/countless. 紫薇仙王纵身而起,紫气浩荡千万里。 He wields Divine Fist, shakes Distressing Calamity Immortal King hardly. 他挥动神拳,硬撼厄灾仙王 hōng! The earth-shattering, the stars fall from the sky. 天崩地裂,星辰陨灭。 Two people battle, making the endless starry sky shatter, annihilates the void turbulent flow. 两人交战,令无尽星空破碎,湮灭虚空乱流。 This is the fight of unparalleled expert, the scene is scary. 这是盖世强者的战斗,景象骇人至极。 Five Territories the earth shook and heavens spun shook, cannot bear this impact. 五域天摇地动,承受不住这股冲击。 Even, almost wants the thorough disintegration. 甚至,几乎要彻底崩碎。 hōng! As shoots down under finally, two people separate suddenly. 随着最后一击落下,两人骤然分开。 The Distressing Calamity Immortal King pupil light is quiet, said: Worthily is Crape Myrtle Immortal King, even after reincarnation samsara, battle strength is so powerful!” 厄灾仙王眸光幽厉,道:“不愧是紫薇仙王,即便转世轮回后,战力还如此强大!” Your Way Foundation is not just steady, but also cannot block this king!” “只不过你道基不稳,还挡不住本王!” Today, Human Sovereign Body must die!” “今日,人皇体必死!” He cried loud and long, the whole body sword glow soared to the heavens. 他长啸而起,周身剑芒冲霄。 Distressing Calamity Immortal King behind, appears trillion divine sword. 厄灾仙王身后,浮现出亿万神剑。 Disruption Nine Heavens star sea, scary. 碎裂九天星海,骇人至极。 He stimulates to movement sword qi to kill, cuts off vast star sea, pierces the Heaven and Earth entire world. 他催动剑气杀来,斩断浩瀚星海,洞穿天地寰宇。 ...... …… The heart of people, mentioned the throat. 众人的心,都提到嗓子眼。 Does not know Crape Myrtle Immortal King, can defeat Distressing Calamity Immortal King. 不知紫薇仙王,能否战胜厄灾仙王 Wins lives, the defeat perishes! 胜则生,败则亡! All hopes, pin on Crape Myrtle Immortal King body! 一切希望,都寄托在紫薇仙王身上 Un ~ 嗯~ At this moment, Shen Tian hoodwinked. 这一刻,沈天都蒙了。 Struggling in hardship several hundred years, become Five Territories most expert by oneself with great difficulty. 艰苦奋斗几百年,好不容易靠自己成为五域强者 Finally you told me, the Savior was not I. 结果你告诉我,救世主不是我。 Also can put together the father? 还得拼爹? Puts this pit father!!! 嚓,搁这坑爹呢!!!
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