IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#504: It is not three emperors, is the five emperors!

Shen Tian repels three Great Emperor, the Five Territories morale increases. 沈天击退三位大帝,五域士气大增。 They become even more supernaturally brave, offensive ice cold unparalleled. 他们变得越发神勇,攻势凌冽无双。 Various supreme Law were deducted, radiant. 各种无上法被演绎出来,璀璨至极。 The Heavenly Court section numerous collaborate with many Quasi-Emperor old ancestors, resists several hundred True Immortal to besiege forcefully. 天庭部众与诸多准帝老祖联手,硬生生抵挡住数百位真仙围攻。 The people are even more braver, fighting intent is copious. 众人愈发越勇,战意沛然。 With the aid of the strength of battlefield, the people drive back Evil Spirit True Immortal, does not drop the wind. 借助战阵之力,众人将邪灵真仙逼退,不落下风。 However, people is still very sad. 然而,众人心情依旧无比沉重。 Because this campaign victory and defeat key point, is not they. 因为这场战役胜负关键点,并不是他们。 But is Shen Tian! 而是沈天 Only then Shen Tian defeats three Evil Spirit Great Emperor, Five Territories can be safe and sound. 只有沈天战胜三位邪灵大帝,五域才能安然无恙。 This is Five Territories hopes finally, is the only vitality. 这是五域最后希望,也是唯一生机。 ...... …… The Evil Spirit clan three emperors stare at Shen Tian, the mind are shocking. 邪灵族三帝盯着沈天,心神震撼。 They have not thought that three emperors collaborate, Shen Tian can also counter-attack. 他们没想到三帝联手,沈天还能反击。 Returns has not proved Emperor, has Emperor Rank battle strength! 未成帝,却拥有帝阶战力 This, cannot remain! 此子,留不得! Three emperor pupil light ice-cold, killing intent is imposing. 三帝眸光冰冷,杀意凛然。 In any event, today must kill Human Sovereign Body! 无论如何,今日必杀人皇体 Blood Emperor is indifferent, the pupil light ice is cold: Then, this throne will not give you any opportunity.” 血帝冷漠无情,眸光冰寒:“接下来,本座不会给你任何机会。” Underground spring, is your final home to return to!” “黄泉,才是你最后归宿!” His pupil light scarlet like the blood, killing intent bursts out, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 他眸光赤红如血,杀意迸发,席卷天地 Kills!” “杀!” Blood Emperor bellows, the figure changes to the blazing blood glow. 血帝大吼,身形化作炽烈血芒。 Endless kills the move of direct impact sea of clouds, murders to go to Shen Tian. 无尽杀招直冲云海,向沈天杀伐而去。 Great Emperor erupts full power, the scene terrifying to being inconceivable. 大帝全力爆发,场面恐怖到难以想象。 The red fights the lance to brandish, penetrates the vault of heaven, the ice is cold! 赤色战矛挥舞,击穿天穹,凌冽无匹! Side, Night Emperor and Pupil Emperor also take a step to go forward. 身旁,夜帝瞳帝同样迈步上前。 The potential of encirclement, attacks to Shen Tian. 以合围之势,向沈天攻伐而来。 The terrifying emperor prestige stimulated to movement the pinnacle, subverts the vault of heaven, breaks the universe. 恐怖帝威被催动到极致,颠覆苍穹,震碎乾坤。 After all is three Great Emperor, true supreme life, strength terrifying! 毕竟是三位大帝,真正的至尊生灵,实力恐怖至极! The three collaborate, pushes all enemies sufficiently horizontally. 三者联手,足以横推一切敌。 ...... …… The Shen Tian pupil light brilliant, loudly exclaimed: Kills!” 沈天眸光灼灼,大吼道:“杀!” To save this, must cut to kill three emperors. 想拯救这一界,必须将三帝斩杀。 He acts full power, within the body aura bursts out like the vastness. 他全力出手,体内气息如汪洋般迸发。 War God Transformation and Battle Blood Burns the Heaven secret technique displays the pinnacle, Shen Tian battle strength increases. 战神变战血焚天秘术施展到极致,沈天战力大增。 Meanwhile, Shen Tian shines all over the body. 与此同时,沈天通体发光。 The back presents the terrifying phenomenon! 背后呈现出恐怖异象! Dragon phoenix phenomenon, Kunpeng phenomenon, Thunder Emperor phenomenon, Heavenly Sword phenomenon...... 龙凰异象,鲲鹏异象,雷帝异象,天剑异象…… The phenomenon numerous, the multi-colored sunlight overflows, duplicate pressure trim vault of heaven. 异象纷呈,霞光四溢,覆压整片苍穹。 Each phenomenon, symbolizes a to the utmost law. 每种异象,都象征一种极尽法。 Was displayed the pinnacle, the power and influence is infinite. 被施展到极致,威势无穷。 Endless divine light lingering whole body, just like the peerless war-god. 无尽神光萦绕周身,宛若绝代战神。 Shen Tian treads void, kills to the battlefield. 沈天踏碎虚空,杀向战场。 Both sides hōng hits in the same place, disrupts void 100,000 li (0.5 km). 双方撞在一起,虚空碎裂十万里。 The black color turbulent flow sweeps across, confuses the Heaven and Earth principle, the Great Way order smashing. 黑色乱流席卷,搅乱天地法则,大道秩序粉碎。 Ten thousand laws die out, degenerate into the nihility. 万法寂灭,沦为虚无。 ...... …… The Night Emperor incarnation long night king, wields the darkness. 夜帝化身永夜君王,执掌黑暗。 Swallowing Heaven and Earth is bright, settlement vault of heaven. 吞噬天地光明,沉陷天穹。 The dark wing trembles, just like day blade cutting. 身后黑暗羽翼震颤,宛若天刀般切割而来。 This is to the utmost the strength of darkness, contains the big terrifying. 这是极尽黑暗之力,蕴含大恐怖。 Shen Tian grasps Primordial Chaos Star Sword, displays flying immortal sword qi, with it contending. 沈天手持混沌星辰剑,施展飞仙剑气,与之抗衡。 The silver sword glow erupts suddenly, passes through Heaven and Earth. 银色剑芒骤然爆发,贯穿天地 Dark, was torn two halves instantaneously. 黑暗,瞬间被撕裂成两半。 Sword glow with irresistible force, hōng Night Emperor body. 剑芒势如破竹,夜帝身躯。 Rips! 撕啦! Blood splashing thousand li (500 km)! 血溅千里! The Night Emperor chest, was torn directly. 夜帝胸膛,直接被撕裂。 Was almost divided into two, the wound sees the bone deep and penetratingly. 差点被一分为二,伤口深彻见骨。 „......!” “呃……啊!” Night Emperor sends out sad and shrill miserable howling, shakes the fist forcefully, hōng on Primordial Chaos Star Sword, repels Shen Tian. 夜帝发出凄厉惨嚎,强行挥拳,混沌星辰剑上,将沈天击退。 His whole body evil aura overflows, the appearance is quite pitiful. 他浑身邪气四溢,模样极为凄惨。 Wound place, even can also see the jet black emperor bone and heart. 伤口处,甚至还能见到漆黑帝骨与心脏。 This strikes, almost crushes his life. 这一击,差点粉碎他的命脉。 hōng! Behind Shen Tian, the blood-color form kills together suddenly. 沈天后方,一道血色身影猛然杀来。 Blood Emperor killing intent Ling very cold. 血帝杀意凌冽。 The scarlet lance carries the emperor prestige, drops down Nine Heavens. 赤矛携带帝威,直落九天 He finds certainly the opportunity, was drawn back by hōng while Shen Tian, seizes the chance to sneak attack. 他找准机会,趁沈天退,趁机偷袭。 ! 呲! A loud sound! 一声巨响! The red fights the lance to hold to put on the Shen Tian chest, stirs broken the heart. 赤色战矛捅穿沈天胸膛,将心脏搅碎。 The Blood Emperor look great happiness, thinks that has cut to kill Human Sovereign Body. 血帝神色大喜,认为已经将人皇体斩杀。 Suddenly, his pupil contraction, look with amazement. 忽然,他瞳孔收缩,神色骇然。 Fights the form on lance to vanish slowly, changes to a drop of essence and blood. 战矛上的身影缓缓消失,化作一滴精血。 „Is this...... clone?” “这是……分身?” The Blood Emperor look in great surprise, in the heart felt suddenly ice cold killing intent, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 血帝神色大惊,心中突然感觉到凌冽杀意,席卷天地 Sees only behind him, void was torn instantaneously. 只见在他后方,虚空瞬间被撕裂。 Shen Tian from goes out void, the wheel Sun Divine Furnace, pounds down to the Blood Emperor overhead. 沈天自虚空走出,轮起太阳神炉,对血帝当头砸下。 Duang! Duang! The sound of skeleton disruption resounds. 骨骼碎裂的声音响起。 Sun Divine Furnace pounds layer on layer/heavily in the Blood Emperor top of the head, breaks the blood-color obregonia. 太阳神炉重重砸在血帝头顶,将血色帝冠砸碎。 Blood sputtering, incarnadine void. 鲜血溅射,染红虚空。 Blood Emperor sends out the pitiful yell, changes to blood fog suddenly/violently to retreat. 血帝发出惨叫,化作血雾暴退。 He experiences personally the heavy losses, the skull is broken open, even can see the brain fluid...... 他身受重创,头骨被砸开,甚至能看见脑浆…… If not responded promptly, this struck to be able his head to break the hash! 若非反应及时,这一击能将他头颅砸碎成肉糜! Blood Emperor is covering the head, stops the injury forcefully. 血帝捂着头颅,强行止住伤势。 His pupil light is panic-stricken, the whole body Blood Qi ebullition, the anger soars to the heavens. 他眸光惊骇,浑身血气沸腾,怒火冲天。 Has not thought that for a while does not observe, almost dies in the Shen Tian hand. 没想到一时不察,差点死在沈天手中。 ...... …… Shen Tian pupil light ice-cold. 沈天眸光冰冷。 He has not paid attention to Blood Emperor, but transfers the figure. 他没有理会血帝,而是调转身形。 Pupil Emperor kills, governing moves the Evil Spirit method stick, displays the supreme curse. 瞳帝杀来,御动邪灵法杖,施展无上诅咒。 The vault of heaven was covered by the strength of curse. 天穹被诅咒之力覆盖。 Does not have the shadow invisible, in view of state of mind. 无影无形,针对神魂。 Heavenly Tribulation Devil Pupil this lineage/vein are quite special, is aloof in the Foreign Territory Evil Spirit clan position. 劫天魔瞳这一脉极为特殊,在域外邪灵族地位超然。 Perhaps on the attack intensity, cannot compare Blood Emperor. 论攻击强度,或许比不上血帝 But its degree of hazard, even must above Blood Emperor and Night Emperor. 但其危险程度,甚至还要在血帝夜帝之上。 The strength of powerful curse tilts to come, to fill unclear. 强大诅咒之力倾覆而来,充满不详。 This strength involves the Heaven and Earth source, is certainly difficult to resist! 这股力量涉及到天地本源,绝难抵挡! Suddenly, the Shen Tian invincible potential was disintegrated, even battle strength is abating. 一时间,沈天无敌势被瓦解,连战力都在消退。 Incessantly so. 不止如此。 The strength of thorough soul curse, the potential must obliterate True Spirit. 诅咒之力深入灵魂,势要磨灭真灵 This strength, direct role in the level of say/way. 这种力量,直接作用于道之层面。 Can restrain Blood Divine Child clone, making Shen Tian be hard to resurrect. 能克制血神子分身,令沈天难以复活。 The Shen Tian look is invariable, within the body bursts out Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi. 沈天神色不变,体内迸发太初阴阳气 The Samsara Good Fortune Lotus bright illumination, bursts out the strength of good fortune, captures the Heaven and Earth source forcefully. 轮回造化莲熠熠发光,迸发造化之力,强行夺取天地本源。 The black light abates all, curses is scattered, Shen Tian re-enters the peak. 乌光尽数消退,诅咒被驱散,沈天重回巅峰。 He pinches fist seal, kills to Pupil Emperor! 他捏拳印,杀向瞳帝 hōng! The evil fog explodes the powder. 邪雾爆散。 Pupil Emperor flutters ten thousand li (0.5 km), the mortal body was been almost broken by hōng. 瞳帝翻飞万里,肉身差点被碎。 He excels at magecraft, the mortal body is not powerful, is unable to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Shen Tian. 他擅长法术,肉身并不强大,根本无法与沈天硬碰硬。 ...... …… At this time, Night Emperor killed again. 这时,夜帝再度杀来。 He stimulates to movement the remnant body, hōng has dark Divine Fist. 他催动残体,出黑暗神拳 The strength of darkness covers Shen Tian body divine light, made him such as the dropping bog. 黑暗之力掩盖沈天身上神光,令他如堕泥塘。 Shen Tian pupil light ice-cold, rises spiritedly defend. 沈天眸光冰冷,奋起御敌。 The both sides bloody battle ten thousand li (0.5 km), break innumerable border territory. 双方血战万里,震碎无数疆域 ! 呲! Also is a loud sound. 又是一声巨响。 The Night Emperor arm cut off by sword qi directly, bleeding thousand li (500 km). 夜帝手臂直接被剑气斩断,喋血千里。 Shen Tian wants to pursue, takes the lead to cut to kill one person. 沈天想要追击,率先斩杀一人。 Otherwise such dogfight gets down, the strength consumption is too big. 不然这样缠斗下去,力量消耗太大。 However, Blood Emperor does not give the opportunity. 然而,血帝根本不给机会。 He displays to go against heaven's will the cult tactic, directing the dreadful bloodshed to swallow the starry sky. 他施展逆天邪术,引滔天血海吞噬星空。 The vault of heaven was covered by the endless blood light, imposing manner quiet severe incomparable, is full of the strength of powerful corrosion. 天穹被无尽血光覆盖,气势幽厉无比,充满强大腐蚀之力。 This piece of bloodshed, can corrode the emperor body, obliterates the emperor bone. 这片血海,能腐蚀帝躯,磨灭帝骨。 Shen Tian offers a sacrifice to Sun Divine Furnace, separates the vault of heaven. 沈天祭出太阳神炉,隔断天穹。 Sun True Fire Xuan, carries the blazing invincible might, burns mountain Zhuhai! 太阳真火煊赫而出,携带炽烈神威,焚山煮海! ! 滋滋滋! Bloodshed under Sun True Fire burning down, all evaporation. 血海在太阳真火焚烧下,尽数蒸发。 Meanwhile, Shen Tian displays Breaking Heavens Origin Hand, before killing the Blood Emperor body . 与此同时,沈天施展破苍元手,直杀血帝身前。 The five colors hand imprint pats suddenly, making his chest cave, emperor bone disintegration. 五色手印猛然拍下,令其胸膛塌陷,帝骨崩碎。 This war, killing Heaven and Earth is scared, ten thousand tremble spirit. 这一战,杀到天地胆寒,万灵颤栗。 ...... …… Three emperors are aerosol, in the eye fills panic-strickenly. 三帝悬浮虚空,眼中充满惊骇。 They cut and bruised, aura disorder. 他们遍体鳞伤,气息紊乱。 If not the Great Emperor expert life is tenacious, has fallen from the sky in this. 若非大帝强者生命顽强,早已陨落于此。 Until this moment, they experience to the Shen Tian terrifying. 直到这一刻,他们才见识到沈天恐怖。 Three emperors collaborate, was also suppressed by Shen Tian unexpectedly. 三帝联手,竟还被沈天压制。 This, too evildoer/monstrous talent. 此子,实在太妖孽。 First returns Foreign Territory, then finds the way to put to death this liao!” “先退回域外,再想办法诛杀此僚!” Blood Emperor bellows, changes to the blood glow, flushes away toward Gate of Space. 血帝大吼,化作血芒,向着虚空之门冲去。 If here, feared again dull must be cut to kill by Shen Tian. 若再呆在这里,怕是要被沈天斩杀。 Pupil Emperor and Night Emperor change to black light similarly, escapes ten thousand li (0.5 km). 瞳帝夜帝同样化作乌光,远遁万里。 Their invincible hearts have crashed, does not dare to prolong contact! 他们的无敌心已经崩塌,不敢恋战! Three emperors run away, want to draw support from Gate of Space, returns to Foreign Territory! 三帝逃窜,想要借助虚空之门,返回域外 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Shen Tian cried loud and long, the pursuit went. 沈天长啸,追击而去。 Such good opportunity, how he will let off. 这么好的机会,他又怎会放过。 He stimulates to movement Feathering Immortal Metal, changes to aurora direct impact Gate of Space. 他催动羽化仙金,化作极光直冲虚空之门 Shen Tian must before three emperors return to Foreign Territory, cuts to kill it. 沈天要在三帝逃回域外前,将其斩杀。 ...... …… Gate of Space. 虚空之门 Here fog is dim, void unconstrained. 这里雾霭朦胧,虚空跌宕。 Long void river, limitless, goes nonstop to Foreign Territory. 冗长的虚空长河,无边无际,直通域外 To cut to kill three emperors, here is the last chance. 想斩杀三帝,这里是最后机会。 After Shen Tian enters Gate of Space, three emperors actually stop the step. 沈天进入虚空之门后,三帝却止住步伐。 They transfer the figure, the pupil light fill to tease. 他们调转身形,眸光充满戏谑。 Good extremely arrogant brat, really dares to pursue unexpectedly.” “好狂妄的小子,竟真敢追进来。” Today, how this Emperor must have a look at you to live but actually.” “今日,本帝倒要看看你怎么活。” The Blood Emperor pupil light is tyrannical, dense say/way: Bone emperor, the soul emperor, comes out!” 血帝眸光残虐,森然道:“骨帝,魂帝,出来吧!” Surges void. 虚空涌动。 From boundless void river, goes out of two Great Emperor. 从无边虚空长河中,又走出两尊大帝 One of them whole body does not have the flesh, is all constructed by the glittering and translucent carving white bones. 其中一人浑身没有血肉,皆由晶莹剔透白骨构建而成。 He proliferates evil rune all over the body, the mortal body is indestructible. 他通体遍布邪恶符文,肉身坚不可摧。 The bone emperor sets up the body in the void river, in the empty pupil the reappearing nether world jack-o'-lantern, incomparably infiltrates the person. 骨帝立身于虚空长河,空洞瞳孔中浮现幽冥鬼火,无比渗人。 His aura is very powerful, even also above Blood Emperor. 他气息无比强大,甚至还在血帝之上。 Side bone emperor, Great Emperor. 在骨帝身旁,还有一位大帝 The soul emperor wears the grey robe, the whole body proliferates the strong resentful strength. 魂帝身穿灰袍,浑身遍布强大怨力。 The evil fog is dreadful, trillion evil souls roared, tremble endless void. 邪雾滔天,亿万邪魂咆哮,震颤无尽虚空。 And, even several emperor souls. 其中,甚至还有几尊帝魂。 At this time actually degenerates into the ghost emperor, loses all intelligence. 此时却沦为鬼帝,失去所有神智。 Obviously, this is also a terrifying exists, even the slaughter has extinguished Great Emperor. 显然,这也是位恐怖存在,甚至屠灭过大帝 Five Great Emperor sphere Shen Tian, killing intent is dreadful. 五尊大帝沈天围住,杀意滔天。 They have ambushed in this, to guard the accident to happen. 他们早已在此埋伏,以防有变故发生。 Blood Emperor and the others saw the situation is not right, introduces this place Shen Tian directly. 血帝等人见情况不对,直接将沈天引入此地。 The strength of collection five emperors, does not believe unable to cut to kill Human Sovereign Body! 集五帝之力,不信无法斩杀人皇体 ...... …… Sees this, the Shen Tian pupil light is dignified. 见到这一幕,沈天眸光凝重。 The news contains errors unexpectedly. 没想到,消息竟然有误。 The Evil Spirit clan does not set out three Great Emperor, but is five! 邪灵族并非出动三尊大帝,而是五尊! However, Shen Tian feels relaxed quickly. 不过,沈天很快释然。 After all here is Gate of Space, no one can spy on. 毕竟这里是虚空之门,无人能窥探。 Therefore, the later generation does not know that the Evil Spirit clan has several Great Emperor to arrive. 因此,后世也不知邪灵族有几尊大帝降临。 This lineup, is it can be said that fearful. 这股阵容,可以说是非常可怕。 Five Great Emperor besiege his not to reach the person of Emperor Realm, really has subversive. 五位大帝围攻他这个未达帝境之人,实在太具颠覆性。 But things have gotten to this point, only war. 但事已至此,唯有一战。 Shen Tian has the invincible heart, even if five emperors simultaneously act, will not produce dreads. 沈天身怀无敌心,哪怕五帝齐出,也不会产生畏惧。 His pupil light brilliant, fights intent to gather, subverts the vault of heaven. 他眸光灼灼,战意汇聚,颠覆苍穹。 The Pupil Emperor pupil light is dark, the sound is hoarse: Laughable, you really think that we will run away?” 瞳帝眸光幽暗,声音沙哑:“可笑,你真以为吾等会逃?” „The strength of emperor, is far from you can imagine!” “帝者的力量,远非你能想象!” Fellow Daoist, puts to death Human Sovereign Body jointly!” “诸位道友,联手诛杀人皇体!” Five Great Emperor simultaneous/uniform Dong, confuse in world ten thousand laws. 五尊大帝齐动,搅乱世间万法。 They use the supreme cult tactic, the stimulation of movement terrifying lethal weapon, kills to Shen Tian. 他们施展无上邪术,催动恐怖凶器,向沈天杀来。 Kills!” “杀!” Shen Tian cried loud and long, offered a sacrifice to Sun Divine Furnace and Muddy Heaven Chess Board, the resistance sidereal revolution. 沈天长啸,祭出太阳神炉浑天棋盘,抵御周天。 both sides engage in fierce battle in the same place, the power and influence on sweep across Heaven and Earth immediately. 双方顿时鏖战在一起,威势席卷天地 Shen Tian was besieged, kills Heaven and Earth to change color, Sun and Moon disintegration. 沈天遭受围攻,杀得天地变色,日月崩碎。 These Great Emperor grasp the strength of Extreme Way, the terrifying. 这些大帝都掌握极道之力,恐怖至极。 The bone emperor offers a sacrifice to bone seal, subverts the universe, sweeps away Heaven and Earth. 骨帝祭出骨印,颠覆乾坤,横扫天地 Bone seal howls, carries the supreme evil light, with irresistible force. 骨印呼啸而出,携带无上邪光,势如破竹。 This, is the supreme giant's bone refinement. 这,是无上巨头之骨炼制而成。 Has the strength of supreme murdering, can suppress the vault of heaven. 具有无上杀伐之力,能镇压天穹。 Bone seal sweeps away, annihilates the Heaven and Earth principle. 骨印横扫而过,湮灭天地法则。 The Shen Tian back sends coolly, this bone India , Belgium scarlet lances are terrifying. 沈天后背发凉,这骨印比赤矛还恐怖。 If strikes in meat body, will certainly the mortal body crack. 若是击在肉身上,必将肉身崩裂。 Shen Tian offers a sacrifice to Sun Divine Furnace, the lasing has the endless star light, collides with bone seal together. 沈天祭出太阳神炉,激射出无尽星光,与骨印碰撞在一起。 Both dogfight, bursts out the terrifying invincible might. 两者缠斗,迸发恐怖神威。 Is good is limited because of bone seal, was suppressed by Sun Divine Furnace. 好在骨印被限制,被太阳神炉镇压。 ...... …… However, the soul emperor attacks to kill. 然而,魂帝攻击又杀来。 Among Heaven and Earth, appears myriad demon souls, roared fiercely. 天地间,浮现万千魔魂,狰狞咆哮。 Each demon soul has the strength of terrifying swallowing, making the emperor state of mind tremble. 每尊魔魂都有恐怖吞噬之力,令帝者神魂颤栗。 The soul emperor, is exists in Great Emperor top! 魂帝,在大帝中都是顶尖存在! So many demon soul simultaneously act, even can cut to kill weak Great Emperor. 如此多魔魂齐出,甚至能斩杀较弱大帝 Immediately, Shen Tian pressure like mountain. 顿时,沈天压力如山。 He offers a sacrifice to Muddy Heaven Chess Board, arranges All-Heaven Great Array, surrounds these demon souls. 他祭出浑天棋盘,布置周天星斗大阵,困住这些魔魂。 However, the attacks of another three Great Emperor raid. 但是,另外三尊大帝的攻击又袭来。 Shen Tian clenches teeth, facing the five emperors, is really beset with problems alone. 沈天咬牙,独自面对五帝,实在是捉襟见肘。 Must try to find the solution, first cuts to kill several people! 必须要想办法,先斩杀几人! ...... …… Thinks of here, Shen Tian erupts full power. 想到这里,沈天全力爆发。 within the body, bursts out Xuan aura. 体内,迸发出煊赫的气息。 His mortal body illumination, appears Way Mark, shines upon various heaven. 他肉身发光,浮现道纹,映照诸天。 Innumerable acupoint lighten instantaneously, brilliant eye-catching. 无数窍穴瞬间点亮,绚烂夺目。 Shen Tian brandishes the double fist, pounds in Night Emperor body, breaks his skeleton all. 沈天挥舞双拳,砸在夜帝身上,将他骨骼尽数砸碎。 The Night Emperor cough blood, the light of nascent spirit enters the Shen Tian forehead. 夜帝血,元神之光直入沈天眉心。 The Shen Tian look is faint, in the pupil is brutally filling: Extinguishes!” 沈天神色淡漠,眸中充满着无情:“灭!” Among Heaven and Earth, sweeps across the supreme strength. 天地间,席卷出至高无上的力量。 Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi and Primordial Chaos Qi sweep across, floods the entire world. 太初阴阳气混沌气席卷而出,充斥寰宇。 Two strength to the utmost gather the nascent spirit great sword, pierces the Night Emperor forehead directly. 两股极尽之力汇聚成元神巨剑,直接刺穿夜帝眉心。 Night Emperor immediately in same place, the whole body was passed through by Primordial Chaos Qi. 夜帝顿时愣在原地,浑身被混沌气贯穿。 hōng! If day collapse -like sound hōng cry. 如天崩般的响声鸣。 His body blasting open, the light of nascent spirit was even annihilated. 他身躯炸裂,连元神之光都被湮灭。 The vault of heaven blood rain flood, presents Heaven and Earth with the sad phenomenon. 天穹血雨滂沱,出现天地同悲异象。 One generation of Great Emperor, will fall from the sky finally! 一代大帝,终将陨落! ...... …… Four emperors, never expected that Shen Tian unexpectedly is so in great surprise strong. 四帝大惊,没想到沈天竟如此强势。 In so hopeless situation, but can also counter cut an emperor. 在如此绝境,还能逆斩一帝。 However, Night Emperor experienced personally the heavy losses, the source is not steady. 不过,夜帝本就身受重创,本源不稳。 In addition Good Fortune Myriad Things big Divine Ability battle strength certainly, supplements with Grand Beginning Yin Yang Qi and Primordial Chaos Qi. 再加上造化万物神通战力强绝,辅以太初阴阳气混沌气 The Night Emperor remnant body, is not naturally able to resist. 夜帝残躯,自然无法抵御。 Acts full power, cuts to kill this liao!” “全力出手,将此僚斩杀!” Blood Emperor shouts, wields the scarlet lance to kill to Shen Tian. 血帝嘶吼,挥动赤矛向沈天杀来。 Shen Tian displays Kunpeng Law, escapes into void, avoids fatally strikes. 沈天施展鲲鹏法,遁入虚空,避开致命一击。 But the shoulder blade was pierced, the blood overflows. 但肩胛骨还是被洞穿,鲜血四溢。 Shen Tian look ice-cold, the strength of whole body lingering good fortune, restores the injury instantaneously. 沈天神色冰冷,周身萦绕造化之力,瞬间将伤势修复。 Meanwhile, he murders to go to Blood Emperor. 与此同时,他向血帝杀伐而去。 Ten thousand!” “森罗万道!” Shen Tian dominates, the whole body evolves endless Way Mark. 沈天叱咤而起,周身演化出无尽道纹 This is Way Intent obviously, evolves the strength of source. 这是道意显化,演化成本源之力。 Shen Tian mixing endless Way Intent, changes to the exceedingly high great blade, passes through the entire world. 沈天糅合无尽道意,化作通天巨刃,贯穿寰宇。 ! 咔嚓! The red fights the lance to break instantaneously. 赤色战矛瞬间断裂。 The remaining prestige continues, direct hōng kills to the Blood Emperor forehead. 余威不止,直接杀向血帝眉心。 The Blood Emperor even/including Canhao sound has not sent out, the light of nascent spirit was annihilated instantaneously. 血帝连惨嚎声都没发出,元神之光瞬间被湮灭。 Another Great Emperor falls from the sky, the blood rain turns round to press Heaven and Earth. 又一位大帝陨落,血雨覆压天地 ...... …… This, making the surplus three emperors scared. 这一幕,令剩余三帝胆寒。 Their look dreaded, the look is serious. 他们眼神忌惮,神色沉重无比。 Has not thought that this type must kill the bureau, was instead killed two Great Emperor by Shen Tian unexpectedly. 没想到这种必杀之局,竟被沈天反杀两位大帝 At this time, the bone emperor finally broke through Sun Divine Furnace. 这时,骨帝终于突破太阳神炉 Giant bone seal carries to extinguish the strength of the world, hōng Shen Tian vest. 巨大骨印携带灭世之力,沈天背心。 The Shen Tian figure transfers, the palm place bursts out endless divine light! 沈天身形调转,掌心处迸发无尽神光 Radiant golden glow sweeps across, carries the great mighty force. 璀璨金芒席卷,携带宏大伟力。 The vault of heaven is shivering. 天穹都在颤抖。 This strength, the terrifying, making Great Emperor tremble. 这股力量,恐怖至极,令大帝颤栗。 The bone emperor pupil light is frightened, the body shivers fiercely, dreads scared. 骨帝眸光惊悚,身躯剧烈颤抖,恐慌畏惧。 The Shen Tian palm, appears a round of golden ancient seal. 沈天掌心,浮现出一轮金色古印。 „Is this...... Human Sovereign Seal?” “这是……人皇印?” The surplus three emperor mind want to crack, tremble to continue. 剩余三帝心神欲裂,颤栗不止。 The Human Sovereign Seal prestige, has penetrated the Evil Spirit innermost feelings. 人皇印的威名,早已深入邪灵内心。 This is First Generation Human Sovereign great artefact , once extinguished kills innumerable Evil Spirit. 这是初代人皇大器,曾灭杀无数邪灵 Even, even Immortal Emperor expert bleeds under this seal. 甚至,连仙帝强者都喋血此印之下。 Three emperors have not thought, Shen Tian not only awakens Human Sovereign Body, but also found First Generation Human Sovereign. 三帝没想到,沈天不仅觉醒人皇体,还找到初代人皇器。 Suddenly three emperors are terrified, even raises to draw back intent. 一时间三帝惶恐,甚至升起退意。 ...... …… However, Shen Tian does not give the opportunity! 然而,沈天根本不给机会! He stimulates to movement Human Sovereign Seal, sinks to press to go to the bone emperor suddenly. 他催动人皇印,猛然向骨帝沉压而去。 The golden seal direct access to the highest authorities, the duplicate pressure, sinks to fall just like trillion stars. 金印通天,覆压而下,宛若亿万星辰沉坠。 The bone emperor look drastic change, offers a sacrifice to hastily bone seal. 骨帝神色剧变,连忙将骨印祭出。 However, bone seal touches Human Sovereign Seal at that moment, direct disruption. 然而,骨印触碰人皇印那一刻,直接碎裂。 Emperor even/including bone, by the Human Sovereign Seal sidewise compression. 连骨帝本人,也被人皇印横压而过。 In an instant, the bone emperor annihilates the fragment powder with seal, the skeleton not saves. 刹那间,骨帝连人带印湮灭成齑粉,尸骨无存。 The tactical situation disappears, three emperors all extinguish! 战况转瞬即逝,三帝皆灭! ...... …… This, making remaining two emperor eye of zi want to crack. 这一幕,令剩下两帝目眦欲裂。 This is Great Emperor, each position excels by far era, is vertically and horizontally invincible. 这可是大帝,每位都冠绝一个时代,纵横无敌。 Finally, died like this. 结果,就这样死了。 Dies in also not the Shen Tian hand of ascending a height to get a broad view imperial throne! 死在还未登临帝位的沈天手中! How this made one be able is not panic-stricken, how can not the cold chestnut. 这令人怎能不惊恐,怎能不寒栗。 The Shen Tian condition is not very good, the white clothing dyes blood red. 沈天状况也不是很好,白衣染得血红。 Has the enemy, there are own. 有敌人的,也有自己的。 Stimulates to movement Human Sovereign Seal this grade of great artefact , the consumption is too big. 催动人皇印这等大器,消耗太大。 Shen Tian is fearless, the vision like the ice, sweeps to the remaining two emperors. 沈天无所畏惧,目光如冰,扫向剩下二帝。 His line of sight is ice-cold, killing intent Ling correct/however. 他视线冰冷刺骨,杀意凌然。 Two emperor facial colors change, in heart terrified. 两帝面色微变,心中惶恐。 Pupil Emperor clenches teeth, said: Soul emperor, helping me block him!” 瞳帝咬牙,道:“魂帝,帮我拦住他!” I must display in the clan forbidden technique, cuts to kill this liao.” “我要施展族中禁术,斩杀此僚。” Human Sovereign Body, must extinguish today!” 人皇体,今日必灭!” Then, Pupil Emperor offers a sacrifice to the Evil Spirit method stick, the mouth sues the ancient and terrifying evil incantation. 说完,瞳帝祭出邪灵法杖,口诉古老而恐怖的邪咒。 He is gathering the strength, wants to display supreme forbidden technique. 他在蓄力,欲施展无上禁术 ...... …… The Shen Tian pupil light concentrates, he feels the palpitation, turns toward Pupil Emperor to flush away directly. 沈天眸光微凝,他感受到心悸,直接向着瞳帝冲去。 The soul emperor kills, blocks Shen Tian. 魂帝杀来,拦住沈天 He stimulates to movement trillion Evil Spirit, swallows to Shen Tian. 他催动亿万邪灵,向沈天吞噬而来。 Shen Tian transfers whole body magic power, collection in Youzhang, condenses a great axe. 沈天调动全身法力,集于右掌,凝聚成一柄巨斧。 The principle lingers, ray radiant, 法则萦绕,光芒璀璨、 Great axe by Great Way symbol construction, radiant dazzling, carries a day of strength. 巨斧由大道符号构建而成,璀璨刺目,携带开天之力。 Shen Tian wields the great axe to wield cuts, displays Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart! 沈天挥动巨斧挥斩,施展开天辟地 In an instant, trillion evil souls were extinguished. 刹那间,亿万邪魂被灭。 Heaven and Earth, was divided equally two halves. 天地,被平分成两半。 !” 呲!” The soul emperor big mouth spits blood, experiences personally the heavy losses. 魂帝大口吐血,身受重创。 His form suddenly/violently to retreat, the pupil light is full of the fear. 他身影暴退,眸光充满着恐惧。 However, Shen Tian offers a sacrifice to Human Sovereign Seal, pounds directly to the soul emperor. 然而,沈天祭出人皇印,直接砸向魂帝。 Meanwhile, his not reverberation Pupil Emperor kills. 同时,他头也不回向瞳帝杀去。 Arouses the startled huge explosion, the soul emperor is ground the fragment powder by Human Sovereign Seal directly. 身后激起惊天大爆炸,魂帝直接被人皇印碾碎成齑粉。 Another Great Emperor falls from the sky, blood rain duplicate pressure vault of heaven. 又一位大帝陨落,血雨覆压天穹。 ...... …… At this time, Pupil Emperor builds up strength finally. 此时,瞳帝终于集结力量。 Heaven and Earth was covered thoroughly, only sets upright the pupil, shines upon Heaven and Earth. 天地被彻底覆盖,唯有一只竖瞳,映照天地 The great pupil opens and closes, the strength of endless destruction fills the air. 巨瞳开阖,无尽毁灭之力弥漫。 This strikes, imitates, if can destroy the day to extinguish! 这一击,仿若能毁天灭地! The Shen Tian heart palpitates, this strength is too terrifying. 沈天心头悸动,这股力量太恐怖。 His look is dignified, the left hand bursts out radiant divine light. 他神色凝重,左手迸发出璀璨神光 Palace float Nine Heavens, jumps shoots the endless mighty force, the shake universe. 一座宫殿悬浮九天,迸射无尽伟力,震荡乾坤。 This thing, is Human Sovereign Palace! 此物,正是人皇宫 The giant palace, suppresses in the Shen Tian front. 巨大宫殿,镇压在沈天前方。 The strength of extinguishing world the vertical pupil lasing gives, after submerging Human Sovereign Palace, was swallowed instantaneously. 竖瞳激射出的灭世之力,没入人皇宫后,瞬间被吞噬。 Pupil Emperor immediately in same place, in the pupil is full of the fear. 瞳帝顿时愣在原地,眸中充满着恐惧。 Human Sovereign Palace!!!” 人皇宫!!!” He as if remembers some terrifying legend, in the eye shows desperately. 他仿佛想起某个恐怖传说,眼中透出绝望。 The Human Sovereign Palace might, is not completely weak in Human Sovereign Seal. 人皇宫威力,完全不弱于人皇印 Both unify, is more terrifying! 两者结合,更加恐怖! Past, First Generation Human Sovereign with the aid of Human Sovereign Seal and Human Sovereign Palace, has cut Immortal Emperor. 昔日,初代人皇借助人皇印人皇宫,斩过仙帝 But at this time, Shen Tian moved. 而这时,沈天动了。 He wields Human Sovereign Seal single-handedly, picks up Human Sovereign Palace single-handedly, goes to the Pupil Emperor duplicate pressure directly. 他一手执掌人皇印,一手托起人皇宫,直接向瞳帝覆压而去。 hōng rumble! 隆隆! The sound breaks the entire world! 响声震碎寰宇! In an instant, Heavenly Tribulation Devil Pupil annihilates the fragment powder. 刹那间,劫天魔瞳湮灭成齑粉。 Five Great Emperor, bury to extinguish finally thoroughly. 五尊大帝,最终彻底葬灭。 ...... …… The fight ends, Shen Tian long stretch/leisurely one breath. 战斗落幕,沈天长舒一口气。 This fight is too frigid, even the slightest misstep then possibly falls from the sky. 这场战斗太惨烈,稍有不慎便可能陨落。 Is good because, all had finished! 好在,一切都已经结束!
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