IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#503: Three emperor simultaneously act!

Chapter 502 three emperor simultaneously act! 第502章三帝齐出 The vault of heaven like black ink, does not have profoundly up. 天穹如墨,深邃无光。 The Gate of Space duplicate pressure vault of heaven, overflows to disperse the infinite evil fog, blocks the sky. 虚空之门覆压苍穹,溢散无穷邪雾,遮天蔽日。 In the fog the bad people running wild, is ugly-looking, shouts roars. 雾中群魔乱舞,面目狰狞,嘶吼咆哮。 These Evil Spirit just like the hell malicious ghost, the aura ominous offense are incomparable, if slaughters the common people. 这些邪灵宛若地狱恶鬼,气息凶戾无比,若要屠戮苍生。 ...... …… Sees this, everyone complexion drastic change. 见到这一幕,所有人面色剧变。 This Evil Spirit quantity are too many, inexhaustible, many True Immortal levels exist. 这次邪灵数量太多,无穷无尽,其中不乏真仙级存在。 They sweep across to come, to shake various heaven like the black tide. 它们如黑潮般席卷而来,震荡诸天。 So lineup, even over for hundred years invade the Evil Spirit sum total. 如此阵容,甚至超过百年来入侵邪灵总和。 Some people lose one's voice with amazement: Is Great Emperor acts, tears the Five Territories barrier, puts the Evil Spirit army to enter.” 有人骇然失声:“是大帝出手,撕裂五域壁垒,放邪灵大军进入。” Five Territories has the barrier, limits Evil Spirit expert to enter. 五域存在壁垒,限制邪灵强者进入。 In the past, Evil Spirit True Immortal, although can enter this, but absolutely did not have so many. 以往,邪灵真仙虽然能进入这一界,但绝对没有这么多。 Now, light True Immortal level Evil Spirit has several hundred. 如今,光真仙邪灵都有数百位。 Quasi-Immortal and Holy level Evil Spirit is innumerable, looks at person scalp tingles. 准仙圣阶邪灵更是数不胜数,看得人头皮发麻。 This battle formation, must bury to extinguish Five Territories thoroughly! 这阵势,显然要彻底葬灭五域啊! ...... …… These Evil Spirit appearances, then reveal the fierce fang, to/clashes toward the people. 这些邪灵一出现,便露出狰狞獠牙,向着众人冲来。 Several hundred True Immortal Evil Spirit simultaneous/uniform Dong, power and influence terrifying. 数百位真仙邪灵齐动,威势恐怖至极。 They jump to come, making the vault of heaven subvert, break ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountains and rivers. 它们纵身而来,令天穹颠覆,震碎万里山河。 Day sinking subsidence of the earth, principle disorder, if changes to the purgatory this place. 天沉地陷,法则紊乱,若要将此地化作炼狱。 Acts, blocks them!” “出手,挡住他们!” Has the old man to get angry the sound to roar, is nervous. 有老者怒声咆哮,神色紧张。 If makes these Evil Spirit True Immortal break in Middle Province, will certainly the field littered with corpses, the casualty be serious. 若让这些邪灵真仙冲入中州,必将尸横遍野,死伤惨重。 This strength, is not Five Territories cultivator can resist. 这股力量,已非五域修士所能抵挡。 Dozens forms shoot up to the sky, stands horizontally void, tries to resist the Evil Spirit army. 数十道身影冲天而起,横立虚空,试图抵挡住邪灵大军。 These are various Great Holy Land old ancestors, cultivation base reach to Quasi-Emperor. 这些都是各大圣地老祖,修为臻至准帝 However, this strength before the Evil Spirit army, as before tiny incomparable. 然而,这股力量在邪灵大军面前,依旧渺小无比。 both sides differs too in a big way, is unable to make up. 双方人数相差太大,无法弥补。 Starts Yin-Yang Five Elements!” “启动阴阳五行阵!” Has the old man to bellow, dozens Quasi-Emperor simultaneously leave. 有老者大吼,数十位准帝齐齐动身。 In their mouth recited ancient secret art, received and instructed the strength of Heaven and Earth, arranged supreme great array. 他们口中吟诵古老法诀,接引天地之力,布置无上大阵 The radiant light screen brilliant raises, winds around densely, this side Heaven and Earth blocking. 璀璨光幕灼灼升起,氤氲缭绕,将这方天地遮挡。 The vast day and bright moonlight brilliant raised, various minute/share of half the sky. 浩日与明月灼灼升起,各分半边天。 The Yin-Yang border meeting, forms supreme great array together. 阴阳际会,共同组建无上大阵 Dozens Quasi-Emperor work as one, buff great array. 数十位准帝齐心协力,加持大阵 At this time, several hundred True Immortal Evil Spirit attacks have fallen. 这时,数百位真仙邪灵攻击已经落下。 They stimulate to movement the endless evil aura, disrupts ten thousand li (0.5 km) border territory, attacks on the light screen. 他们催动无尽邪气,碎裂万里疆域,冲击在光幕上。 The power and influence is scary, earth-shaking. 威势骇人至极,天翻地覆。 hōng hōng hōng! If the sound the startling thunderclap, trembles Heaven and Earth! 响声若惊雷,震颤天地 The light screen turns the surging difficult situation, the power and influence is dreadful. 光幕翻涌起惊涛骇浪,威势滔天。 Dozens Quasi-Emperor body shock, bear the impact of terrifying. 数十位准帝身躯剧震,承受恐怖的冲击。 But array not shatter, but was resisted by the people. 阵法并未破碎,而是被众人抵挡。 This is array that among the Desolate Ancient years spread, contains the greatest might. 这是荒古年间流传下来的阵法,蕴含莫大威力。 Has array buff, Evil Spirit True Immortal wants to invade, is not simple. 阵法加持,邪灵真仙想入侵进来,并没有那么简单。 ...... …… At this time, the mutation raises. 此时,异变升起。 Sees only Gate of Space to open greatly, is forever glorious. 只见虚空之门大开,光芒万丈。 The great form walks together from Foreign Territory, aura looking disdainfully all living things, show disdain for the vault of heaven. 一道伟岸身影自域外走来,气息睥睨众生,傲视苍穹。 This person is too terrifying, all over the body jet black like black ink. 此人太恐怖,通体漆黑如墨。 Even the pupil glitters black light, cannot see a ray. 连瞳孔都闪烁乌光,见不到一点光芒。 He sets up in Heaven and Earth, imitates, if tilts dark, will make Heaven and Earth forever the falling abyss. 他立身于天地,仿若黑暗倾覆,令天地永陷深渊。 My Night Emperor!” “吾名夜帝!” Voice, ten thousand li (0.5 km) starry sky instantaneously broken to become fragments. 话音一出,万里星空瞬间碎成齑粉。 This sound fills to absorb the person heart and soul the strength, imitates, if can swallow the state of mind, annihilates True Spirit. 这道声音充满摄人心魄的力量,仿若能吞噬神魂,湮灭真灵 People hears word, complexion drastic change. 众人闻言,面色剧变。 This is true emperor, far ultra Quasi-Emperor exists. 这是真正的帝者,远超准帝存在。 Does not have era of emperor in Five Territories, who can with it contending? 五域没有帝的时代,谁人能与之抗衡? could it be that, can Five Territories really perish? 难道,五域真的要灭亡吗? ...... …… At this time, Night Emperor moved! 此时,夜帝动了! He lifts the hand slowly, pats suddenly toward the array light screen. 他缓缓抬手,猛然向着阵法光幕拍去。 In an instant, the space collapses the ruins, the void annihilation, breaks several tens of thousands of mountains and rivers. 刹那间,空间坍塌成废墟,虚空湮灭,震碎数万山河。 array light screen, instantaneous shatter. 阵法光幕,瞬间破碎。 Dozens Quasi-Emperor bleeding thousand li (500 km), pound layer on layer/heavily on the ground. 数十位准帝喋血千里,重重砸在地上。 Their complexion dying embers, mind entirely cracks. 他们面色死灰,心神俱裂。 Before true emperor, all are the floating clouds. 在真正帝者面前,一切都是浮云。 Dozens Quasi-Emperor arrange array jointly, was struck to destroy unexpectedly. 数十位准帝联手布置阵法,竟被一击摧毁。 This strength, no one can keep off simply! 这力量,简直无人能挡! The Night Emperor pupil light is dark, just like the abyss black hole, swallows ten thousand spirits. 夜帝眸光幽暗,宛若深渊黑洞,吞噬万灵。 His line of sight looks into the distance, imitates, if penetrates endless void, points to some Middle Province territory. 他视线眺望,仿若穿透无尽虚空,直指中州某域。 Night Emperor opens the mouth slowly, carries the endless emperor prestige. 夜帝缓缓开口,携带无尽帝威。 The sound biography makes a sound Heaven and Earth: „The Holy Spirit army, kills!” 声音传响天地:“圣灵大军,杀!” Among Heaven and Earth curls up the ice cold strong winds, the power and influence is dreadful. 天地间卷起凌冽狂风,威势滔天。 Immediately, several hundred True Immortal simultaneous/uniform Dong, murder toward the people. 顿时,数百名真仙齐动,向着众人杀伐而来。 They behind, innumerable Quasi-Immortal and Saint Evil Spirit duplicate pressure, subverts this vault of heaven! 他们身后,无数准仙圣者邪灵覆压,颠覆这片苍穹! War!” “战!” Dozens old ancestors act one after another, resist Evil Spirit True Immortal. 数十位老祖接连行动,抵挡邪灵真仙 They stimulate to movement supreme Law respectively, with the aid of great artefact that the ancestor leaves behind, contends with various day of Evil Spirit. 他们各自催动无上法,借助先祖遗留下来的大器,抗衡诸天邪灵 If they do not act, this being doomed destruction. 他们若不出手,此界注定覆灭。 Even if the opposite party has Great Emperor to assume personal command, the people do not fear the life and death to go forward. 纵使对方有大帝坐镇,众人也不畏生死上前。 Meanwhile, one group of people clash, contends with Evil Spirit True Immortal with old ancestor together. 同时,还有一群人冲上来,与诸位老祖共同抗衡邪灵真仙 They carry Heavenly Court flag, powerful incomparable. 他们扛着‘天庭’旗帜,实力强大无比。 These people, are the Heavenly Court section numerous. 这些人,正是天庭部众。 Hundred years, the numerous Heaven’s Chosen strength increases, has been able to contend with True Immortal. 百年时间,众天骄实力大增,已能抗衡真仙 both sides engage in fierce battle in the same place, the tactical situation is very intense. 双方鏖战在一起,战况无比激烈。 The bonus is Evil Spirit clan expert is numerous, thinks that crew cut Five Territories is not simple. 饶是邪灵强者众多,想推平五域也没那么简单。 Meanwhile, Five Territories cultivator is also fighting a bloody battle. 与此同时,五域修士也在浴血奋战。 No one flinches, is all killing the enemy furiously. 没人退缩,皆在奋力杀敌。 This campaign relates to the Five Territories life and death, no one cultivates one's own moral worth. 这场战役关系到五域生死,无人独善其身。 ...... …… The Night Emperor pupil light looks disdainfully, disdains saying: Resists stubbornly!” 夜帝眸光睥睨,不屑道:“负隅顽抗!” He mobilizes the strength, prepares to solve these human. 他调动力量,准备解决这些人类。 At this time, the form comes together. 此时,一道身影飘然而来。 White clothing Transcending Mediocrity, the elegant demeanor is unparalleled. 白衣超凡,风采盖世。 He stands before the Night Emperor body, resists the residence to have the pressure. 他站在夜帝身前,抵挡住所有威压。 The Night Emperor look is cold, snort/hum said: Originally is you!” 夜帝神色冷然,哼道:“原来是你!” He recognizes the Shen Tian identity, the aura immediately becomes wild incomparable. 他认出沈天身份,气息顿时变得狂暴无比。 Shen Tian teased: Defeated, but also dares is so wild?” 沈天戏谑道:“手下败将,还敢如此猖狂?” Night Emperor! 夜帝 Initially in South Border, by Great Emperor that the Evil Spirit True Immortal summon came. 正是当初在南疆,被邪灵真仙召唤而来的大帝 Shen Tian referred to destroying his emperor initially, making him be damaged. 沈天当初将其帝指摧毁,令他受创。 Has not thought for hundred years later, he enters this unexpectedly directly. 没想到百年后,他竟然直接杀入这一界。 The Night Emperor double pupil narrows the eyes, shows the dangerous ray. 夜帝双眸微眯,透出危险的光芒。 His steps go forward, break endless void: brat, daring injures Emperor this throne the body!” 他踏步上前,震碎无尽虚空:“小子,胆敢伤本座帝躯!” Extinguishes!” “灭!” Night Emperor acts, wields the palm. 夜帝出手,挥动手掌。 The instantaneous vault of heaven subverts, goes to the Shen Tian oppression. 瞬间天穹颠覆,向沈天压迫而去。 This is the strength of true Great Emperor, the might terrifying must be inconceivable. 这是真正的大帝之力,威力恐怖得难以想象。 In an instant, was torn void. 刹那间,虚空被撕裂。 black color spreads the ten thousand li (0.5 km) randomly, scary. 黑色乱流传荡万里,骇人至极。 The vault of heaven being startled huge hand imprint, blocks the sky suddenly presently, heavy/thick extremely heavy. 天穹骤现惊天大手印,遮天蔽日,厚重万钧。 This strength, writes off under Emperor Rank sufficiently any life. 这股力量,足以抹杀帝阶之下任何生灵。 The Shen Tian look is invariable, the pupil light shows brilliant Divine Light. 沈天神色不变,眸光透出绚烂神芒 Endless star light lingering whole body, brilliant eye-catching. 无尽星光萦绕周身,绚烂夺目。 He jumps, carries the endless star light to enter the vault of heaven. 他纵身而起,携带无尽星光直入天穹。 Muddy Heaven Divine Fist!” 浑天神拳!” Shen Tian brandishes the fist, receives and instructs the strength of endless stars. 沈天挥舞拳头,接引无尽星辰之力。 Just likes the meteorite to crash, irresistible! 犹如陨石坠落,势不可挡! hōng! Both collide in together, the power and influence is rock the earth, the disruption is void. 两者碰撞在一起,威势震天动地,碎裂虚空。 The Night Emperor body slightly shakes, in the eye shows to be astonished however. 夜帝身躯微震,眼中透出讶然。 Hundred years, the Shen Tian strength is increased is so quick unexpectedly. 百年时间,沈天实力竟提升这么快。 Initially, Shen Tian resisted a Great Emperor finger/refers of strength to have completely the card in a hand. 当初,沈天抵挡大帝一指之力都要出尽底牌。 By the present, can shake the emperor attack unexpectedly hardly? 到现在,竟能硬撼动帝者攻击? This grade of talent, too evildoer/monstrous talent. 这等天赋,实在太妖孽。 This child is the disaster, keeps him not to!” “此子是祸害,留他不得!” The Night Emperor whole body surges the jet black evil strength, incessant, condenses the dark hot sun. 夜帝浑身涌动起漆黑邪力,滔滔不绝,凝聚成黑暗烈日。 The black light is sparkling, is carrying sad and shrill evil intent, if draws in the dark abyss. 乌光烁烁,携带着凄厉邪意,若要将人拖入黑暗深渊。 Shen Tian is forever glorious behind, giant Kunpeng phantom condenses. 沈天身后光芒万丈,巨大鲲鹏虚影凝聚而出。 He is evolving Kunpeng Law, changes to the aurora direct impact dark hot sun. 他在演化鲲鹏法,化作极光直冲黑暗烈日之中。 Courts death!” “找死!” Night Emperor cold snort/hum, the empty hand grasps. 夜帝冷哼,虚手一握。 The dark hot sun blasts open instantaneously, the jet black evil flame volume swings the sidereal revolution, burns completely the principle. 黑暗烈日瞬间炸裂,漆黑邪焰卷荡周天,焚尽法则。 Caves in void instantaneously the giant gulf, the principle annihilation, disorderly, just like the places of ten thousand spirit dying out. 虚空瞬间塌陷成巨大深坑,法则湮灭,秩序紊乱,宛若万灵寂灭之地。 The brilliant aurora breaks through the black fog suddenly, murders to go to Night Emperor directly. 绚烂极光猛然冲破黑雾,直接向夜帝杀伐而去。 Shen Tian within the body vitality sends, enormous and powerful unceasingly, just like the drying furnace to shake the bright vault of heaven! 沈天体内气血蓬发,浩荡不绝,犹如烘炉般震烁苍穹! Evolves the dragon and phoenix phenomenon, both interweave to wind around! 身后演化出龙凤异象,两者交织缭绕! Shen Tian both hands pinch the fist, changes to True Dragon single-handedly, roared Heaven and Earth. 沈天双手捏拳,一手化作真龙,咆哮天地 True Dragon fist with irresistible force, supreme mighty force outrageously under. 真龙拳势如破竹,无上伟力悍然而下。 Another changes to Divine Phoenix, the flame deafening sound, carries the blazing god flame, burns down Heaven and Earth. 另一手化作神凰,火光喧天,携带炽烈神炎,焚烧天地 Two fist simultaneously act, numerous hōng strike in the Night Emperor chest. 两拳齐出,重重击在夜帝胸膛。 Enters Nine Heavens his hōng, shakes disperses ten side clouds. 将他九天,震散十方云朵。 cough cough!” !” The Night Emperor whole body vitality turns wells up, the pupil light is panic-stricken. 夜帝浑身气血翻涌,眸光惊骇。 He has not thought, Shen Tian battle strength is so unexpectedly terrifying. 他没想到,沈天战力竟如此恐怖。 For a while does not observe, almost suffers a loss. 一时不察,差点吃了大亏。 The Night Emperor ferocious sound shouts: Kills!” 夜帝狞声嘶吼:“杀!” He the evil fog is turbulent behind, changes to the dreadful giant beast, blood-stained mouth big fierce incomparable. 他身后邪雾动荡,化作滔天巨兽,血口大张狰狞无比。 The power and influence terrifying is dreadful, if draws in the dark abyss, always perishes. 威势恐怖滔天,若要将人拖入黑暗深渊,永世沉沦。 In the blood-stained mouth imitates, if can see the innumerable lives sad and shrill miserable howling, the resentment soars to the heavens. 血口中仿若能见到无数生灵凄厉惨嚎,怨气冲天。 These by the life that Night Emperor swallows. 这些都是被夜帝吞噬的生灵。 And has peerless expert many, is quiet in this forever, scared. 其中不乏有绝代强者,却永远沉寂于此,令人胆寒。 Subdue!” “镇!” Shen Tian bellows, body surface ray even more violent burst. 沈天大吼,体表光芒越发盛烈 Urging of dragon phoenix sends to the pinnacle, divine fire divulges. 龙凰之力催发到极致,神火宣泄而出。 Southern Bright Trigram Fire, Sun True Fire, Divine Phoenix Unextinguished Flame and phoenix god flame...... 南明离火太阳真火神凰不灭炎、凤凰神炎…… The endless flame shoots up to the sky, melts the catching fire curtain to let fall Nine Heavens, brilliant eye-catching. 无尽火焰冲天而起,化作火幕垂落九天,绚烂夺目。 divine fire ten thousand, radiant. 神火万道,璀璨至极。 The shining big world, scatters the darkness. 照耀大世,驱散黑暗。 The both sides bloody battle, slaughters intensely in the same place. 双方血战,激烈厮杀在一起。 The black fog surges, the flame soars to the heavens! 黑雾激荡,火光冲天! The dragon phoenix phenomenon and dark giant beast collide intensely, the roar is shocking, disintegration ten thousand li (0.5 km) starry sky. 龙凰异象与黑暗巨兽激烈碰撞,吼声震天,崩碎万里星空。 Shen Tian true body also with Night Emperor preying, this is the mortal body collides to the utmost, is using the most primitive strength. 沈天真身也与夜帝搏杀,这是极尽肉身碰撞,用着最原始的力量。 Suddenly, the divine energy lasing, the scene is scary. 一时间,神能激射,景象骇人。 This is the fight of supreme expert, disruption Heaven and Earth, will frequently then collapse the Sun and Moon stars. 这是无上强者的战斗,动辄便会碎裂天地,崩坏日月星辰。 But this fight, actually presents one-sided! 只不过这场战斗,却呈现出一边倒! The Shen Tian heroic bearing is invincible, governing moves the strength of dragon phoenix, drops down Nine Heavens, hōng results in Night Emperor to back up again and again. 沈天英姿无敌,御动龙凰之力,直落九天,夜帝连连倒退。 Although Night Emperor is Great Emperor has the emperor body, but facing the supreme body of this ancient supreme, actually falls leeward. 夜帝虽为大帝身怀帝躯,但面对这古老无上的至尊体,却落入下风。 Shen Tian since crossed 24 heavy thunder tribulation, ascends a height to get a broad view the boundary of Quasi-Emperor, the mortal body has had the tremendous changes. 沈天自从渡过二十四重雷劫,登临准帝之境,肉身已然发生翻天覆地的变化。 The bonus is the emperor body, pales by comparison before him. 饶是帝躯,在他面前都相形见绌。 hōng! Also is a loud sound! 又是一声巨响! Night Emperor was flown instantaneously hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) by hōng, cracks-up endless void. 夜帝瞬间被飞数十万里,撞碎无尽虚空。 His corners of the mouth bleed, the aura is serious. 他嘴角喋血,气息沉重。 Hateful, if not kill you, is degrading the emperor prestige!” “可恶,若不杀你,有辱帝威!” Night Emperor clenches jaws, feels the deep shame. 夜帝咬牙切齿,感觉到深深耻辱。 Solemn Great Emperor, suffers a loss before the junior unexpectedly, how can endure! 堂堂大帝,竟在小辈面前吃了大亏,怎能忍受! Night Emperor sticks out suddenly, surging long night tribulation light. 夜帝暴起,身后涌动永夜劫光。 Changes to the dark pair of wings, attacks on both flanks the starry sky. 化作黑暗双翼,挟击星空。 His true body changes to the dark vulture, the whole body flesh and blood is rugged, carries the supreme point to force. 他真身化作黑暗秃鹫,浑身骨肉嶙峋,携带无上锋芒逼迫而来。 The beak like the sharp blade, can easily pierce beyond day Immortal Metal. 喙如利刃,能轻易洞穿天外仙金 The Shen Tian Bank of China light is radiant, Primordial Chaos Star Sword comes out of the sheath, cuts flying immortal sword qi. 沈天手中银光璀璨,混沌星辰剑出鞘,斩出飞仙剑气 In an instant, Heaven and Earth was covered by the brilliant silver glow. 刹那间,天地被绚烂银芒覆盖。 Dazzling, pierces ten thousand li (0.5 km) vault of heaven. 耀眼至极,洞穿万里天穹。 hōng! The Night Emperor form backs up immediately, the forehead bleeds, almost wrote off the state of mind. 夜帝身影顿时倒退,眉心淌血,差点被抹杀神魂。 Until this moment, he knows finally. 直到这一刻,他终于知晓。 Shen Tian, is not existence that he can write off. 沈天,绝不是他一人能抹杀的存在。 Night Emperor stands firm the injury forcefully, although is wounded, but has not threatened the life source. 夜帝强行稳住伤势,虽然受创,但并没有威胁到生命本源。 His cold opens the mouth: „Haven't you, come out?” 他冷然开口:“你们,还不出来吗?” Night Emperor looks out void, resembles is summoning anything. 夜帝遥望虚空,似在召唤着什么。 What's wrong, solemn Great Emperor, can't a junior solve?” “怎么,堂堂大帝,连个小辈都解决不掉?” Void, transmits teases the sound. 虚空中,传来戏谑音。 The void front door shivers fiercely, has the unparalleled form to go out. 虚空大门剧烈颤动,有盖世身影从中走出。 This person wears the blood-color obregonia, wears blood-color battle armour, the aura ominous offense is incomparable. 此人头戴血色帝冠,身穿血色战甲,气息凶戾无比。 He strolls to come, the probably dreadful bloodshed tilts, but. 他漫步而来,像是滔天血海倾覆而至。 This person slaughters the endless life absolutely, the whole body has contaminated Blood Qi, infiltrating the person is incomparable. 此人绝对屠杀过无尽生灵,浑身沾染血气,渗人无比。 This, is Great Emperor! 这,又是一尊大帝 Sees the person, Night Emperor snort/hum said: Blood Emperor, this brat has not looked that simple!” 见到来人,夜帝哼道:“血帝,这小子没看上去那么简单!” „It is not negligent, suffers a loss carefully!” “莫要大意,小心吃亏!” Blood Emperor whole body Blood Qi is dreadful, stands is in vast star sea, look looking disdainfully all living things. 血帝浑身血气滔天,立身在浩瀚星海间,神色睥睨众生。 Double pupil scarlet like blood, just like Bloody Sun. 双眸猩红如血,宛若血日 Gazes at one slightly, then must be broken through the soul by the endless blood ghost, degenerates into the insanity. 稍微注视一眼,便要被无尽血煞冲破心魂,沦为疯魔。 This lineage/vein are truly good, battle strength startled day. “这一脉确实不俗,战力惊天。 But pitifully, today being doomed destruction in this.” “但可惜,今日注定覆灭于此。” The Blood Emperor sound is strong, overlooks Shen Tian indifferently, imitates , if gazing at the deceased person. 血帝声音强势,冷漠俯视沈天,仿若在注视死人。 In his opinion, although Shen Tian is powerful, actually dreads insufficient. 在他看来,沈天虽然强大,却不足畏惧。 To extinguish kills, easy. 想要灭杀,轻而易举。 ...... …… Sees presents Great Emperor, the Shen Tian look is indifferent. 见到又出现一尊大帝,沈天神色淡然。 He knows the Evil Spirit clan to have the subsequent hand early, is not accidental/surprised. 他早知晓邪灵族有后手,一点不意外。 Shen Tian look faintly said: „A person, be not hiding, comes out!” 沈天神色淡漠道:“还有一人,别躲着,出来吧!” The low and deep sound resounds, vibration universe. 低沉的声音响起,震动乾坤。 Interesting, spies on the this throne trail unexpectedly!” “有意思,竟然窥探到本座踪迹!” In Gate of Space, goes out of an unparalleled life again. 虚空之门中,再度走出一尊盖世生灵。 This manpower holds the Evil Spirit method stick, wears the curse law robe, the pupil light is deep green. 此人手持邪灵法杖,身穿诅咒法袍,眸光碧绿阴森。 His whole body evil aura is enormous and powerful, sends out the strength of terrifying curse. 他浑身邪气浩荡,散发恐怖诅咒之力。 This person of sound is hoarse, roared just like the evil spirit: Never expected that Human Sovereign lineage/vein, can decode my clan to curse unexpectedly.” 此人声音沙哑,宛若厉鬼咆哮:“没想到人皇一脉,竟能破解吾族诅咒。” Broad considers, App The sincerity is good, is worth installing, after all the book source are many, books entire, renews quickly! 广个告,【app】真心不错,值得装个,毕竟书源多,书籍全,更新快! Blood Emperor is surprised, said: Pupil Emperor, this did brat decode the curse?” 血帝惊讶,道:“瞳帝,这小子破解了诅咒?” This is really surprised the people. 这着实惊讶众人。 Pupil Emperor, stems from the Evil Spirit clan very aloof lineage/vein. 瞳帝,出自邪灵族中非常超然的一脉。 His main body is Heavenly Tribulation Devil Pupil, has the strength of supreme curse. 他本体乃是劫天魔瞳,具有无上诅咒之力。 Past a Heavenly Tribulation Devil Pupil clan, did not hesitate to offer sacrifices by three big Immortal King, cursing Human Sovereign Body was the body of Ten Thousand Races abandonment. 昔日劫天魔瞳一族,不惜以三大仙王献祭,诅咒人皇体万族遗弃之体。 This grade of curse, only if Human Sovereign Body achieves Immortal Emperor Realm, otherwise is unable to relieve absolutely. 这等诅咒,除非人皇体达到仙帝境,不然绝对无法解除。 Shen Tian has not broken through Emperor Rank, can relieve the curse. 没想到,沈天还未突破帝阶,就能解除诅咒。 It seems like that this brat body has the big secret! 看来,这小子身上有大隐秘! The Pupil Emperor sound is indifferent, like spell: Might as well, this lineage/vein are doomed to be abandoned by the heaven.” 瞳帝声音冷漠,如同魔咒:“无妨,这一脉注定被苍天遗弃。” This, will fall from the sky in this!” “此子,也将陨落于此!” He does not care, this generation of Human Sovereign Body cultivation base are too weak, has not grown. 他并不在意,这一代人皇体修为太弱,还没成长起来。 Moreover three Great Emperor assume personal command, does could it be that also cut unable to massacre this Human Sovereign Body? 而且三尊大帝坐镇,难道还斩杀不掉这个人皇体 ...... …… Sees this, everyone deeply attracts an cold air/Qi. 见到这一幕,所有人深吸一口冷气。 The people have not thought, the Evil Spirit clan sends out three Great Emperor unexpectedly, besieges Shen Tian. 众人没想到,邪灵族竟派出三尊大帝,围攻沈天 This strength, has surpassed the people to imagine. 这股力量,已然超过众人想象。 Jiang Taiyi and the others the line of sight is serious, worries saying: Brother Shen, must win!” 姜太乙等人视线沉重,担忧道:“沈兄,一定要赢啊!” Shen Tian pupil light Ling very cold, the sound such as the eternal icehouse, said: Very good, the person were in attendance!” 沈天眸光凌冽,声音如万古冰窖,道:“很好,人都到齐了!” Is the time, delivers you to start off!” “是时候,送你们上路!” Blood Emperor coldly snorted and said: Extremely arrogant, this is your burial ground!” 血帝冷哼道:“狂妄,这便是你葬身之地!” Can be encircled by three Great Emperor kills, is your lifetime is honored.” “能被三位大帝围杀,是你毕生荣幸。” Soul turns over to the Yellow Springs, is worth boasting!” “魂归黄泉,也值得吹嘘!” Emperor, is always existence of supreme. 帝者,向来都是至高无上的存在。 Only is Great Emperor, can thorough destruction Five Territories. 光是一尊大帝,就能彻底覆灭五域 Now the Evil Spirit clan sets out three Great Emperor unexpectedly, only to reimbursing has not proved Emperor Shen Tian. 如今邪灵族竟出动三尊大帝,只为对付还未成帝沈天 This grade of writing skill, simply big to being inconceivable. 这等手笔,简直大到难以想象。 On the Shen Tian face shows to tease, said: Right?” 沈天脸上透出戏谑,道:“是吗?” That looked, you do have this skill!” “那就看,你们有没有这个本事!” Then, Shen Tian flicks the sleeve gently, the whole body erupts endless Divine Light. 说完,沈天轻轻拂袖,周身爆发无尽神芒 divine light ten thousand, baptism Heaven and Earth. 神光万道,洗礼天地 In its top of the head, Sun Divine Furnace assumes personal command void, brilliant. 在其头顶处,太阳神炉坐镇虚空,绚烂至极。 Back, Muddy Heaven Chess Board shines, blooming endless invincible might. 背后,浑天棋盘映照,绽放无尽神威。 Shen Tian stands erect void, resists three Great Emperor by Supreme Artefact. 沈天屹立虚空,以无上大器对抗三尊大帝 Has such supreme treasure unexpectedly?” “竟有如此至宝?” Is seen the treasure to appear, three Great Emperor at present one bright. 见诸宝出现,三位大帝眼前一亮。 They can feel the pressure that Muddy Heaven Chess Board sends out, the terrifying. 他们能感受到浑天棋盘散发出来的威压,恐怖至极。 The treasure of this grade of rank, making Great Emperor move. 这等级别的宝物,令大帝都动心。 Kills!” “杀!” Night Emperor takes the lead to open the mouth, he previously suffered a loss, before taking snow , the shame in the Shen Tian hand. 夜帝率先开口,他先前在沈天手中吃大亏,要一雪前耻。 His big hand pinches the fist, willful great. 他大手捏拳,恣意宏大。 Disrupts ten thousand li (0.5 km) starry sky, made innumerable stars blasting open. 碎裂万里星空,令无数星辰炸裂。 Although Night Emperor is wounded, but the strength too has not in a big way affected. 夜帝虽然受创,但实力并没太大影响。 Shen Tian governing moves Sun Divine Furnace, goes to the Night Emperor suppression directly. 沈天御动太阳神炉,直接向夜帝镇压而去。 both sides collide, the lasing endless invincible might, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 双方碰撞,激射无尽神威,席卷天地 Sun Divine Furnace bursts out endless Divine Light, receives and instructs innumerable Sun True Fire. 太阳神炉迸发无尽神芒,接引无数太阳真火 Night Emperor touches Sun True Fire, dreads the retreat. 夜帝触碰到太阳真火,忌惮后退。 This grade of divine fire, has the huge restraint to the Evil Spirit clan. 这等神火,对邪灵族有巨大克制。 The Shen Tian control god rainbow, plans while winning the pursuit. 沈天驾驭神虹,打算趁胜追击。 Side, Blood Emperor rushes ahead. 旁边,血帝冲杀过来。 His killing intent Ling very cold, the aura is more terrifying than Night Emperor. 杀意凌冽,气息比夜帝还要恐怖。 Blood Emperor grasps the red to fight the lance, above is still dripping to fall the dark red bloodstain. 血帝手持赤色战矛,上面还在淌落殷红血迹。 That is Great Emperor expert true Blood, the fought lance pierces falls from the sky. 那是大帝强者真血,被战矛洞穿陨落。 The true Blood was actually swallowed to fight the lance, even more ominous offense. 真血却被吞噬进战矛,愈发凶戾。 This and other peerless ominous soldiers, is top existence in Emperor Artefact. 这等绝世凶兵,在帝器中都属于顶尖存在。 Blood Emperor grasps the red to fight the lance, penetrates the vault of heaven, pierces to Shen Tian behind. 血帝手持赤色战矛,击穿天穹,向沈天身后刺穿而来。 The Shen Tian figure transfers, governing moves Muddy Heaven Chess Board forcefully hōng to Blood Emperor. 沈天身形调转,御动浑天棋盘强行血帝 In an instant, Muddy Heaven Chess Board enlarges suddenly. 刹那间,浑天棋盘骤然放大。 Evolves various heaven, fights the lance imprisonment the red thoroughly. 演化诸天,彻底将赤色战矛禁锢。 The stars let fall, the principle lingers, lowers the endless prestige energy. 星辰垂落,法则萦绕,降下无尽威能。 The Blood Emperor body shock, is shaken by the strength that Muddy Heaven Chess Board erupts draws back. 血帝身躯剧震,被浑天棋盘爆发的力量震退。 But he does not care, in eye twinkle blazing blood glow. 但他并不在意,眼中闪烁炽烈血芒。 Blood Emperor has stared at this Supreme Artefact, wants to appropriate to oneself. 血帝已然盯上这件无上大器,想据为己有。 In addition one side, Pupil Emperor also acts. 另一旁,瞳帝也随之出手。 He brandishes the Evil Spirit method stick, the whole body erupts the strange strength. 他挥舞邪灵法杖,浑身爆发出奇异力量。 Dark, the evil strength aura comes, to confuse the universe, subverts the situation. 冥冥中,邪恶之力气息而来,搅乱乾坤,颠覆大势。 The Shen Tian body shock, he feels some void people to divert his state of mind, must its tearing! 沈天身躯剧震,他感觉到虚空中有人牵制住他的神魂,要将其撕裂! Extinguishes!” “灭!” The Shen Tian long roar, the whole body erupts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light. 沈天长吼,周身爆发万丈金光。 Golden Wheel appears suddenly, ten thousand laws do not invade. 度化金轮骤然浮现,万法不侵。 At this time, Pupil Emperor murdered toward him. 这时,瞳帝向着他杀伐而来。 He is not only skilled in the strength of curse, oneself powerful is also very powerful. 他不仅精通诅咒之力,自身强力也无比强大。 Pupil Emperor incarnation huge Devil Pupil, the lasing tribulation day pupil light, erupts the prestige of destruction. 瞳帝化身巨大魔瞳,激射劫天瞳光,爆发出毁灭之威。 hōng! Ten thousand li (0.5 km) stars disrupt instantaneously, annihilate the fragment powder. 万里星辰瞬间碎裂,湮灭成齑粉。 The Shen Tian look is dignified, in the hand pinches to print secret art. 沈天神色凝重,手中掐印法诀 In an instant, innumerable Muddy Heaven Chess Pieces let fall, condenses the stars great sword, drops down Nine Heavens. 刹那间,无数浑天棋子垂落,凝聚星辰巨剑,直落九天 Chess Pieces hōng hits, shakes to fly Pupil Emperor. 棋子撞,将瞳帝震飞出去。 ...... …… This, shocks everyone. 这一幕,震惊所有人。 They are unbelievable, Shen Tian by an enemy three, has not dropped the wind unexpectedly. 他们难以置信,沈天以一敌三,竟还不落下风。 Brother Shen, worthily is Five Territories Human Sovereign. 沈兄,不愧是五域人皇 This war, must win! 这一战,必胜!
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