IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#497: By an enemy hundred, supreme posture!

The numerous Heaven’s Chosen look is stunned, unbelievable. 天骄神色错愕,难以置信。 They have not thought that Shen Tian dares to boast extravagantly, simultaneously challenges so many peerless Heaven’s Chosen. 他们没想到沈天敢夸下海口,同时挑战这么多绝世天骄 Simply unthinkable! 简直匪夷所思! On Sealing Gods Platform the people, are the Five Territories major influence top eminents, the talent different reported. 封神台上众人,都是五域各大势力顶尖翘楚,天赋异禀。 Their cultivation base in ten tribulation about Great Sage, battle strength unparalleled powerful. 他们修为都在十劫大圣左右,战力无双强大至极。 Such peerless Heaven’s Chosen collaborates, even sufficiently with True Immortal preying. 这么绝世天骄联手,甚至足以与真仙搏杀。 Finally, Shen Tian threatened to let them on unexpectedly together. 结果,沈天竟扬言让他们一起上。 Too crazy, was really crazy! 太狂了,真是太狂了! ...... …… Hears these words, under many stages Heaven’s Chosen laughs. 听到这句话,很多台下天骄嗤笑起来。 Interesting, this fellow is quite extremely arrogant!” “有意思,这家伙好狂妄啊!” This can brat, challenge about hundred peerless Heaven’s Chosen simultaneously?” “这小子,要同时挑战近百位绝世天骄?” Really did not fear that blows broken the boasting.” “真不怕把牛皮吹破。” He, if really has that strength, I gave to live on this mountain!” “他要是真有那个实力,我把这座山都给吃了!” The people sneer to continue, recognized that Shen Tian is installing to compel. 众人冷笑不止,认定沈天在装逼。 This matter Transcendence common sense, elders expert is still almost impossible to achieve even. 这种事超脱常理,就算老辈强者也几乎不可能做到。 Only by blowing flamboyant useless, but also needs incomparably powerful, can suppress the strength of audience. 光靠吹牛逼没用,还需要无比强大,能镇压全场的实力。 Shen Tian seems like, is similar to their age. 沈天看起来,与他们岁数差不多。 Even his talent again how powerful, not possible steamroll all Heaven’s Chosen! 就算他天赋再怎么强大,也不可能碾压所有天骄吧! ...... …… Incessantly is they, Heaven’s Chosen on Sealing Gods Platform is also sneering. 不止是他们,就连封神台上的天骄也在冷笑。 Some person of faintly said: This fellow daoist, do not think to defeat Jiang Taiyi, can be so rampant!” 有人淡漠道:“这位道友,别以为战胜姜太乙,就能这么嚣张!” Dares to challenge our complete person, the courage praise worthy!” “胆敢挑战我们全部人,勇气可嘉!” Does not know, can withstand this suddenly/violently to beat up!” “就是不知道,能否顶住这顿暴揍!” During this person of words fills to disdain, thinks that Shen Tian is asking for trouble. 此人话语间充满不屑,认为沈天在自讨苦吃。 Even if ranking most front row Sheng Yangxu, Xiang Chonglu and the others, does not dare is so wild. 哪怕是排名最前列的盛阳虚项重楼等人,都不敢如此猖狂。 Let alone challenges the complete person, is only has them to feel better to the previous several people. 别说挑战全部人,光是对上几人就有他们好受的。 Everyone is peerless Heaven’s Chosen, even if there is a strong and weak disparity, has not achieved at a degree of enemy numerous. 大家都是绝世天骄,纵使有强弱差距,也没有达到以一敌众的程度。 Regarding these people's taunts, the Shen Tian look is invariable: Might as well, Shen kept promises!” 对于那些人的嘲讽,沈天神色不变:“无妨,沈某说一不二!” You, on together!” “你们,一起上吧!” So many people, hit, how much time can waste? 这么多人,一个个打过去,得浪费多少时间? Shen Tian does not plan and these fellows consumes, earlier fires off stops work for the day earlier. 沈天可不打算和这些家伙耗下去,早点打完早点收工。 The Shen Tian’s words like the blasting fuse, explode the atmosphere point instantaneously. 沈天的话就像导火索,瞬间将气氛点爆。 Was too crazy, this throne could not endure!” “太狂了,本座忍不了!” Be not blocking me, I must do him!” “别拦着我,我要干他!” Heaven’s Chosen on the scene yelled immediately, the anger soared to the heavens. 在场天骄顿时大叫起来,怒火冲天。 They rush to be first, challenge Shen Tian. 他们争先恐后,挑战沈天 ...... …… Xiao Kunpeng took the lead, coldly snorted and said: Where with so many people, a this throne person then!” 小鲲鹏率先冲了出来,冷哼道:“哪用那么多人,本座一人即可!” It wields the Yin-Yang pair of wings, changes to the brilliant flowing light, flushes away to Shen Tian. 它挥动阴阳双翼,化作绚烂流光,冲着沈天冲去。 In an instant void shatter, endless Yin Yang Qi and void principle blend the penetration, the shuttle space. 刹那间虚空破碎,无尽阴阳气与虚空法则融汇贯通,穿梭空间。 Under the Yin-Yang pair of wings and Kunpeng Law buff, the Xiao Kunpeng speed ice is cold, pushes to the front to frontline the people. 在阴阳双翼与鲲鹏法加持下,小鲲鹏速度凌冽无比,一马当先冲在众人最前方。 Huang Jiutian shouts immediately: Xiao Kunpeng, you did not speak Wu De (Martial Morals)!” 凰九天顿时大喊起来:“小鲲鹏,你不讲武德!” He also to/clashes, wants first step. 他也冲出去,想抢先一步。 However, surroundings Heaven’s Chosen has hit, divine energy explodes the powder everywhere, the power and influence continues broadly. 然而,周围天骄已经打起来,四处神能爆散,威势恢宏不止。 Huang Jiutian has not run out of the tight encirclement, drew in the middle of the battlefield, engages in fierce battle with many Heaven’s Chosen. 凰九天还没冲出重围,就被拖入战场当中,与诸多天骄鏖战。 These people have not challenged Shen Tian, oneself start internal fight. 这些人还未挑战沈天,自己就开始内斗起来。 Because Xiao Kunpeng occupies the situation, successfully cuts void, appears in front of Shen Tian instantaneously. 由于小鲲鹏占据先机,成功划破虚空,瞬间出现在沈天面前。 He wields the right fist, carries the vast boundless strength, pounds toward Shen Tian. 他挥动右拳,携带浩瀚无边的力量,向着沈天砸过去。 This fist power and influence is too fierce, the invincible might measures mysteriously not, indescribable. 这一拳威势太猛,神威玄妙莫测,难以言喻。 The fist glow is unparalleled, contains the endless invincible might, from time to time tilts to come, to break the mountains and rivers just like Desolate Ancient Great Kun. 拳芒盖世,蕴含无尽神威,时而宛若荒古巨鲲倾覆而来,震碎山河。 From time to time such as Desolate Ancient Heavenly Péng drops down Nine Heavens, with irresistible force. 时而又如荒古天鹏直落九天,势如破竹。 Xiao Kunpeng comes up to have the full power, has not kept the hand. 小鲲鹏一上来就出全力,没有丝毫留手。 This strength, Quasi-Immortal must bleed. 这股力量,准仙都要喋血。 The Shen Tian body is motionless, the pupil light is indifferent. 沈天身躯不动,眸光淡然无比。 He lifts the right hand slowly, meets the approaching enemy to go toward Xiao Kunpeng. 他缓缓抬起右手,向着小鲲鹏迎击而去。 Shen Tian displays Muddy Heaven Divine Fist, the fist glow is brilliant. 沈天施展浑天神拳,拳芒绚烂无比。 Carries under the arm beyond day the alpha of ursa minor to let fall just like the endless stars, radiant. 宛若无尽星辰挟带天外帝星垂落,璀璨至极。 hōng! Two people collide in together, the terrifying power and influence sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 两人碰撞在一起,恐怖威势席卷天地 The void instantaneous annihilation, disrupts stretch of ruins. 虚空瞬间湮灭,碎裂成一片废墟。 The Xiao Kunpeng complexion changes suddenly, the whole person just like shell flying upside down, knocks several Heaven’s Chosen. 小鲲鹏面色骤变,整个人宛若炮弹般倒飞出去,撞翻数名天骄 ...... …… This, shocks everyone. 这一幕,惊呆所有人。 Still in dogfight Heaven’s Chosen, stopped the hand, the look is in a daze. 原本还在缠斗的天骄,都不禁停下手来,眼神发愣。 They discovered, Shen Tian seems to be not exaggerating! 他们发现,沈天似乎并不是在夸大其词! The Xiao Kunpeng mortal body terrifying, various all know. 小鲲鹏肉身恐怖,诸强皆知。 His body has the strength of headstrong desolate, once a fist had been battered to death Quasi-Immortal, the strength is irresistible. 他身具莽荒之力,曾一拳砸死过准仙,力量势不可挡。 Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu and the others, do not dare to meet the tough head-on with toughness in meat body with Xiao Kunpeng. 盛阳虚项重楼等人,都不敢与小鲲鹏在肉身上硬碰硬。 However this grade of mortal body expert to the utmost, was drawn back by Shen Tian fist hōng unexpectedly, complete steamroll. 然而这等肉身极尽的强者,竟被沈天一拳退,完全碾压。 Terrifying in this way! 恐怖如斯! Where does this person stem from? 此人到底出自哪里? Not only grasps powerful thunder technique, even the mortal body is so also terrifying! 不仅掌握强大雷法,连肉身也如此恐怖! ...... …… Xiao Kunpeng stands up from failure, the pupil light becomes incomparably ice-cold. 小鲲鹏翻起身来,眸光变得无比冰冷。 His both hands bunch in the back, actually cannot bear shiver, the blood drips to fall. 他双手束于背后,却忍不住颤抖起来,还有血液淌落。 Obviously, the Shen Tian’s strength, he is not even able to resist. 显然,沈天的力量,连他都无法抵御。 I try!” “我来试试!” Huang Jiutian sees that in the eye is full of blazing war intent. 凰九天见状,眼中充满炽烈战意。 He goes forward imposingly, the whole body erupts the endless raging fire, brilliant. 他凛然上前上前,周身爆发出无尽烈火,灼灼而起。 The red-orange flame attack comes, to change to a Fire Phoenix lasing vault of heaven. 橘红色火焰侵袭而来,化作一头火凰激射苍穹。 This is the phoenix god flame, the prestige can be infinite, will be void to burn to extinguish the nihility. 此乃凤凰神炎,威能无穷,将虚空都焚灭成虚无。 However, Shen Tian flicks the sleeve gently, erupts a wilder raging fire. 然而,沈天轻轻拂袖,爆发出更加狂暴的烈火。 The scarlet red roaring flame sweeps across Heaven and Earth, is carrying the supreme invincible might, proliferates Heaven and Earth. 赤红色烈焰席卷天地,携带着无上神威,遍布天地 When the phoenix god flame touches this flame, was swallowed instantaneously. 当凤凰神炎触碰到这股火焰之时,瞬间被吞噬。 On the Huang Jiutian face exudes the red light, the body shock, the retreat thousand li (500 km). 凰九天脸上泛起红光,身躯剧震,后退千里。 Obviously, the phoenix god flame was swallowed, he also backlashed. 显然,凤凰神炎被吞噬,他也受到反噬。 Huang Jiutian has not cared about within the body injury, but is staring at that red flame panic-strickenly: This is...... Divine Phoenix Unextinguished Flame!” 凰九天并未在意体内伤势,而是惊骇地盯着那股赤色火焰:“这是……神凰不灭炎!” He as the Undying Phoenix clan, naturally knows that Divine Phoenix Unextinguished Flame symbolizes anything. 他身为不死凰族,自然知道神凰不灭炎象征什么。 This is the Undying Phoenix clan most supreme flame, contains great power to be able. 这是不死凰族最至高无上的火焰,蕴含莫大威能。 Only has the phoenix god bloodlines richly to the pinnacle, achieves the atavism, can be born this grade of flame. 唯有凤神血脉浓郁到极致,达到返祖,才能诞生这等火焰。 However, this and other peerless divine fire appears in human body unexpectedly. 然而,这等绝世神火竟然出现在一个人类身上 ...... …… Sees Huang Jiutian to be repulsed, the numerous Heaven’s Chosen mind shocks incomparably. 见到凰九天败退,众天骄心神震撼无比。 Their pupil light are dignified, does not dare to look down on Shen Tian. 他们眸光凝重无比,再也不敢小瞧沈天 Can repel Xiao Kunpeng and Huang Jiutian in such short time, no one can achieve besides Shen Tian. 能在这么短时间击退小鲲鹏凰九天,除沈天外无人能做到。 battle strength that he shows, over presents absolutely anyone. 他展现出来的战力,绝对超过在场任何一个人。 But this has not prevented the step of people, instead arouses their within the body fighting spirit. 但这并没有阻止众人的步伐,反而激起他们体内斗志。 The Xiang Chonglu pupil light is blazing: brother Shen Yuan battle strength is really powerful, independent combat definitely is not your opponent.” 项重楼眸光炽热:“沈元兄战力果然强大,单打独斗肯定不是你的对手。” By the present, Xiang Chonglu also approves Shen Tian battle strength. 到现在,项重楼也认可沈天战力 He and Sheng Yangxu looks at each other, holds the fist in the other hand toward Shen Tian: Such being the case, some plan collaborates with the deficiency of yang, asks for advice Brother Shen!” 他与盛阳虚相视一眼,向着沈天抱拳:“既然如此,项某打算与阳虚联手,讨教沈兄!” Hears the Xiang Chonglu words, the Sheng Yangxu forehead blue vein jumps, but has not said anything. 听到项重楼的话,盛阳虚额头青筋直跳,但也没有说什么。 This relates to the Five Territories extremely Heaven’s Chosen’s face after all, if makes Shen Tian defeat one by one, their faces must lose completely. 这毕竟关系到五域绝顶天骄的面子,若是让沈天逐一击败,那他们的脸都要丢光。 Also, just now was Shen Tian first said obviously, can collaborate. 再说,方才明明是沈天先说,可以联手。 They so, is not considered as that violates Wu De (Martial Morals)! 他们如此,也不算是违背武德 Shen Tian looks the smile, said: Sure, two fellow daoist make a move although.” 沈天面露微笑,道:“当然可以,两位道友尽管出手。” Shen receives is!” 沈某接下便是!” Xiang Chonglu pupil light violent burst, Heavy Pupil stimulated to movement the pinnacle by it. 项重楼眸光盛烈,重瞳被其催动到极致。 Heaven and Earth appears motley Way Mark, the strength of catastrophe sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 天地惊现斑驳道纹,浩劫之力席卷天地 Void evolves the huge Heavy Pupil phenomenon, blocks the sky, enormous and powerful unceasingly. 虚空中演化出巨大重瞳异象,遮天蔽日,浩荡不绝。 Nearby, Sheng Yangxu also acts. 一旁,盛阳虚同样出手。 His big hand empty according to sky, made the void thorough disintegration. 他大手虚按天空,令虚空彻底崩碎。 Heaven and Earth falls to the enemy, appears round of huge Ancient Mirror, duplicate presses Heaven and Earth. 天地沦陷,浮现出一轮巨大古镜,覆压天地 The Ancient Mirror ray is sparkling, overawes the vault of heaven, such as must bury to extinguish ten million/countless in border territory. 古镜光芒烁烁,威震苍穹,如要葬灭千万里疆域 Sheng Yangxu stimulates to movement void Ancient Mirror, carries the grand boundless mighty force, suppresses toward Shen Tian. 盛阳虚催动虚空古镜,携带宏伟无边的伟力,向着沈天镇压过来。 Two peerless Heaven’s Chosen collaborate, power and influence copiously not governing, imitates, if disruption Heaven and Earth. 两位绝世天骄联手,威势沛然莫御,仿若要碎裂天地 The Shen Tian pupil light is radiant, scolds to say lightly: Comes well!” 沈天眸光璀璨,轻叱道:“来得好!” He jumps, turns toward two people to meet the approaching enemy to go on own initiative. 他纵身而起,主动向着两人迎击而去。 Primordial Chaos Star Sword hōng however starts, sweeps away the endless sword glow, cutting the thousand li (500 km) is void, attacks suddenly above void Ancient Mirror. 混沌星辰剑然入手,横扫出无尽剑芒,划破千里虚空,猛然攻击在虚空古镜之上。 Clang! 锵! Void Ancient Mirror trembles fiercely, cannot resist this strength, explodes to shoot. 虚空古镜剧烈震颤,抵挡不住这股力量,爆射出去。 The Sheng Yangxu look changes, received void Ancient Mirror forcefully. 盛阳虚神色微变,强行将虚空古镜收了回来。 Meanwhile, he stimulates to movement the void law, escapes into the boundless space, wants to bury to extinguish this region. 同时,他催动虚空法,遁入无垠空间,想要葬灭这片区域。 In an instant, Heaven and Earth imitates, if extrudes in together, must inside all life annihilations. 刹那间,天地仿若挤压在一起,要将里面一切生灵湮灭。 The Shen Tian attack transfers, the racket is suddenly void to the one side, annihilates the endless principle. 沈天攻击调转,猛然拍向一旁虚空,湮灭无尽法则。 In an instant, void disruption. 刹那间,虚空碎裂。 The form appears together suddenly, drops void. 一道身影骤然浮现,跌落虚空。 The Sheng Yangxu look is panic-stricken, has not thought completely Shen Tian can discover his position. 盛阳虚神色惊骇,完全没想到沈天能找出他的位置。 At this time, Xiang Chonglu also killed, the strength of Heavy Pupil absorbs the person heart and soul, such as must annihilate all. 此时,项重楼也杀了过来,重瞳之力摄人心魄,如要湮灭一切。 In his pupil evolves to extinguish the world tribulation wheel, the power and influence is dreadful, fills is destroying day of the strength of extinguishing the place. 他瞳孔中演化出灭世劫轮,威势滔天,充满着毁天灭地的力量。 Shen Tian pupil light One Revolution, both hands lingering endless divine light, brilliant incomparable. 沈天眸光一转,双手萦绕无尽神光,绚烂无比。 Meanwhile, his within the body Heaven and Earth rare item transfers instantaneously, in gathering both hands, made ray even more violent burst all. 与此同时,他体内天地奇物瞬间调动,尽数汇聚双手之间,令光芒越发盛烈 Breaking Heavens Origin Hand!” 破苍元手!” The Shen Tian sound is faint, has the irresistible dignity. 沈天声音淡漠,带着不可抗拒的威严。 He wields Breaking Heavens Origin Hand, suddenly toward extinguishing the world tribulation wheel strikes. 他挥动破苍元手,猛然向着灭世劫轮拍击过去。 ! 咔嚓! A light sound. 一声轻响。 Is evolved the extinguishing world tribulation wheel that becomes by the strength of catastrophe , its Great Accomplishment fragment, scatters in all directions unexpectedly forcefully. 由浩劫之力演化而成的灭世劫轮,,竟硬生生将其大成碎片,四散开来。 Xiang Chonglu also receives instead shakes, the figure cannot stop the retreat, steps on broken endless void. 项重楼也受到反震,身形止不住后退,踩碎无尽虚空。 This, looked to stay everyone. 这一幕,看呆了所有人。 Also defeated! 又败了! This time is two peerless Heaven’s Chosen collaborates, is unable to defeat Shen Yuan. 这次还是两位绝世天骄联手,都无法战胜沈元 This person, strong to fearful! 此人,强到可怕! ...... …… Shen Tian observes the situation for a week, light opens the mouth: You are on together!” 沈天环视一周,淡淡开口:“你们还是一起上吧!” Otherwise, you have no opportunity.” “不然的话,你们没有任何机会。” Numerous Heaven’s Chosen hears word, is looks at each other one. 天骄闻言,皆是相视一眼。 The tactical situation that they see clearly, determined that Shen Tian said not empty. 他们看清楚的战况,确定沈天所言非虚。 If not collaborate, they do not have a hope. 若是不联手,他们没有一点希望。 Also asked Brother Shen to grant instruction!” “还请沈兄赐教!” About hundred Heaven’s Chosen also hold the fist in the other hand, they reach the agreement, plans to go to battle jointly. 近百名天骄同时抱拳,他们达成共识,打算联手出战。 Shen Tian nods slightly, said: Come!” 沈天微微颔首,道:“来吧!” Numerous Heaven’s Chosen hears word, within the body erupts the infinite power and influence. 天骄闻言,体内爆发无穷威势。 Each of them is stimulating to movement in the clan supreme Law, plans to act full power. 他们每个人都在催动族内无上法,打算全力出手。 In an instant, Heaven and Earth was covered by the endless phenomenon, enormous and powerful unceasingly. 刹那间,天地被无尽异象所覆盖,浩荡不绝。 Honored aura, phenomenon numerous brilliant eye-catching. 光彩气息,异象纷呈绚烂夺目。 Endless divine energy sends vigorously, shines upon Heaven and Earth. 无尽神能蓬勃而发,映照天地 Has the bright radiant Yin moon/month and blazing sun phenomenon, there is a vast boundless sea difference. 有皎洁璀璨的阴月、烈阳异象,也有浩瀚无边的大海异样。 All kinds of True Dragon, Divine Phoenix, Qilin, Xuanwu(Black Tortoise) and so on terrifying phenomenon appear. 还有各种各样的真龙,神凰,麒麟,玄武等等恐怖异象惊现。 About hundred Heaven’s Chosen also make a move, the power and influence is earth-shaking, making Sun and Moon change colors. 近百位天骄同时出手,威势惊天动地,令日月失色。 This, making everyone shock extremely. 这一幕,令所有人震撼万分。 Ao Lie muttered: Dares to challenge about hundred peerless Heaven’s Chosen simultaneously, simply spacious certainly past and present.” 敖烈喃喃自语道:“胆敢同时挑战近百位绝世天骄,简直旷绝古今。” Even if brother Shen Yuan these is defeated, is worth going down in history.” “纵使沈元兄这一场落败,也值得名垂千古。” After all, but also no one has such big courage, dares to set this grade of request.” “毕竟,还没有人有这么大的胆子,敢提出这等要求。” Although Ao Lie knows that Shen Tian battle strength is powerful, but does not think that he can compete with so many Heaven’s Chosen. 敖烈虽然知道沈天战力强大,但也不认为他能敌得过这么多天骄 After all, the quantitative change causes the qualitative change. 毕竟,量变引起质变。 Although everyone is inferior to Shen Yuan, but collaborates not to be victorious? 虽然每个人都不如沈元,但联手起来还打不过? This is impossible! 这绝不可能! Shen Xiao actually unparalleled trust: I believe, Venerable Teacher will certainly win!” 沈晓却无比信赖道:“我相信,师尊一定会赢!” ...... …… About hundred Heaven’s Chosen simultaneously send out, the power and influence is vast. 近百位天骄齐齐出动,威势浩瀚无边。 This strength, even facing True Immortal level expert, still makes the opposite party dread and retreat sufficiently. 这股力量,即便是面对真仙强者,也足以让对方忌惮、退却。 The Shen Tian look concentrates, feels a pressure. 沈天神色微凝,感受到一丝压力。 Naturally, truly only has one. 当然,确实只有一丝。 Sees only Shen Tian to count law seal, appears the dense light hole, the aura sends vigorously. 只见沈天掐指法印,身后浮现出氤氲光洞,气息蓬勃而发。 In him behind, nine forms stroll to go out, the elegant demeanor is unparalleled. 在他身后,共有九道身影漫步走出,风采盖世。 Each form is similar to Shen Tian, the white clothing does not have the flaw, aura Transcending Mediocrity. 每道身影都与沈天相似,白衣无瑕,气息超凡 These forms, Shen Tian displays One Becomes Many, in a big way splits up nine clone, engaging in fierce battle outstanding heroes. 这些身影,正是沈天施展自化苍生,分化出九大分身,鏖战群雄。 This, making the numerous Heaven’s Chosen look be in a daze. 这一幕,令众天骄神色发愣。 No wonder Shen Tian has the energy, dares to challenge so many people, originally also has this grade of method. 怪不得沈天有底气,敢挑战这么多人,原来还有这等手段。 But point of no return, has to send! 但箭在弦上,不得不发! About hundred Heaven’s Chosen simultaneous/uniform Dong, in a big way turn toward Shen Tian nine clone to flush away directly. 近百名天骄齐动,直接向着沈天九大分身冲去。 both sides engage in fierce battle immediately in the same place, bursts out endless divine energy. 双方顿时鏖战在一起,迸发出无尽神能 But more hits, in the numerous Heaven’s Chosen heart is even more panic-stricken. 但越打下去,众天骄心中越发惊骇。 Because they discovered, these clone strengths are quite strong. 因为他们发现,这些分身力量都极为强大。 Shen Tian nine big clone to resist ten Heaven’s Chosen respectively, does not see slightly the pressure. 沈天九大分身各自对抗十位天骄,不见丝毫压力。 These clone to deduct more than ten methods, mysterious and unpredictable, is similar to major Heaven’s Chosen inheritance. 这些分身演绎出十几种法门,玄奥莫测,与各大天骄传承相仿。 This completely in the domain that numerous Heaven’s Chosen most excels, making them defeat. 这完全是在众天骄最擅长的领域,令他们击败。 ...... …… But the Shen Tian main body, is facing peak one batch of Heaven’s Chosen’s to besiege. 沈天本体,正在面对最顶尖一批天骄的围攻。 Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu main attack front, the side also has Xiao Kunpeng and Huang Jiutian. 盛阳虚项重楼主攻前方,侧面还有小鲲鹏凰九天 Back, Yu Xuzi is stimulating to movement the endless magic arts, evolves the pinnacle Innate Way Physique, bursts out endless Way Intent. 背后,玉虚子正催动无尽道法,将先天道体演化到极致,迸发出无尽道意 That control Yin-Yang Sun and Moon terrifying Heaven’s Chosen, similarly oppression. 还有那掌控阴阳日月的恐怖天骄,同样压迫而来。 They display the strength and moon strength of Sun, the strength terrifying. 他们施展太阳之力与太阴之力,力量恐怖至极。 Quasi-Immortal expert, cannot resist this power and influence, must by instantaneous hōng broken to become fragments. 准仙强者,都抵挡不住这股威势,要被瞬间碎成齑粉。 However, Shen Tian look as before indifferent incomparable. 然而,沈天神色依旧淡然无比。 His whole body ray overflows, Primordial Chaos Qi and Yin-Yang two breathe one's last number to reappear, covers thoroughly him. 他周身光芒四溢,混沌气与阴阳二气尽数浮现,将他彻底笼罩起来。 Shen Tian just like invincible war-god, one against ten. 沈天宛若无敌战神,以一敌十。 His both hands open greatly gather greatly, tears the space directly, will go into hiding Sheng Yangxu in void to discover. 他双手大开大合,直接撕裂空间,将隐匿在虚空中的盛阳虚找出。 A fist gets down, day sinking subsidence of the earth. 一拳下去,天沉地陷。 Sheng Yangxu is fierce drops the drop from the space, pounds the giant gulf Sealing Gods Platform. 盛阳虚猛得从天上跌落下降,将封神台都砸出巨大深坑。 Shen Tian acts again, in the double pupil projects the incomparable violent burst ray. 沈天再度出手,双眸中投射出无比盛烈的光芒。 Pierces endless void, hits with Xiang Chonglu extinguishing world pupil light hōng in the same place. 洞穿无尽虚空,与项重楼的灭世瞳光撞在一起。 hōng! The sound overflows, the mist and dust rises from all directions. 响声四溢,烟尘四起。 Xiang Chonglu flies upside down similarly, Sheng Yangxu that will just prepare to crawl presses. 项重楼同样倒飞出去,将刚准备爬起来的盛阳虚又压下去。 But at this time, the both sides converging attack swept across. 而这时,两侧夹击席卷而来。 Xiao Kunpeng incarnation invincible Kunpeng, stimulation of movement Kunpeng Law, cracks-up Heaven and Earth to the utmost. 小鲲鹏化身无敌鲲鹏,催动极尽鲲鹏法,撞碎天地 Its strength terrifying, making the principle annihilate, disorderly, if buried to extinguish thoroughly. 它力量恐怖至极,令法则湮灭,秩序紊乱,若要彻底葬灭。 Another side, Huang Jiutian incarnation Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, with the endless class/flow spark rain, sinks to fall Heaven and Earth. 另外一边,凰九天化身九天神凰,携无尽流星火雨,沉坠天地 In an instant, Heaven and Earth was covered by the infinite roaring flame, the scene is scary. 刹那间,天地被无穷烈焰覆盖,场面骇人无比。 The Shen Tian ice however does not fear, he stimulates to movement Kunpeng Law, direct and Xiao Kunpeng games in the same place. 沈天凌然不惧,他催动鲲鹏法,直接与小鲲鹏在一起。 both sides fight incomparably intensely, breaks ten thousand li (0.5 km) void, annihilates the principle turbulent flow. 双方战斗无比激烈,震碎万里虚空,湮灭法则乱流。 Suddenly only the time, Xiao Kunpeng such as the kite of line, pounded to fly directly. 仅眨眼时间,小鲲鹏如断了线的风筝,直接砸飞出去。 His body appears giant fist seal, the mortal body is wounded. 身上浮现出巨大拳印,肉身受创。 But the Huang Jiutian attack has not fallen, was covered by Divine Phoenix Unextinguished Flame thoroughly. 凰九天攻击还未落下,便被神凰不灭炎彻底覆盖。 Even if his body has the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix bloodlines, cannot resist this blazing incomparable god flame as before. 纵使他身具九天神凰血脉,依旧抵挡不住这炽烈无比的神炎。 Quick, Huang Jiutian then baked burned black, Phoenix battle armour is torn to pieces. 很快,凰九天便被烘烤的一身焦黑,战甲早已支离破碎。 His whole body plume feather becomes also badly-damaged, but also sends out meat fragrance faintly, distressed. 他浑身翎羽也变得残破不堪,还隐隐散发出一股肉香味,狼狈至极。 Sees this, everyone is shocked. 见到这一幕,所有人都惊呆。 Ao Lie stares the big eyes, stares dumbfounded. 敖烈瞪大双眼,瞠目结舌。 I knock, brother Shen Yuan was too fierce.” “我敲,沈元兄太猛了。” Several breath time, did to turn so many Heaven’s Chosen!” “才几个呼吸时间,就干翻了这么多天骄!” Jiang Taiyi is rejoices incomparably, he pats strikes one's chest: Good Jiang does not bear on.” 姜太乙更是庆幸无比,他拍拍胸脯:“还好姜某人忍住没有上。” Otherwise, lies down on the ground definitely also has me!” “不然的话,躺在地上的肯定还有我!” This buddy, withstood/top!” “这哥们,太顶了!” ...... …… But at this time, behind Shen Tian, Yu Xuzi killed. 而这时,沈天背后,玉虚子杀了过来。 In these days of Shen Tian resistance enemy, he has succeeded to stimulate to movement several invincible laws, the power and influence is torrential. 沈天抵御敌的这段时间,他已经成功催动数门无敌法,威势滔滔。 However, Shen Tian within the body is forever glorious, bursts out vast boundless Way Intent. 然而,沈天体内光芒万丈,迸发出浩瀚无边的道意 Endless Way Intent sweeps across Heaven and Earth, made ten thousand law rappels. 无尽道意席卷天地,令万法垂降。 The Yu Xuzi look with amazement, he discovered these Way Intent that he controls, under this aura influence, becomes the disorder to get up unexpectedly. 玉虚子神色骇然,他发现他掌控的那些道意,竟在这股气息影响下,变得紊乱起来。 What, could it be that is he also Innate Way Physique?” “什么,难道他也是先天道体?” My is more powerful than?” “比我的还要强大?” The Yu Xuzi eyes are dumbstruck, on the spot. 玉虚子双眼发懵,愣在原地。 Loses Way Intent, his battle strength sharp decline. 失去道意,他战力锐减。 Sneak attack?” “偷袭?” Shen Tian whole body strength hōng however erupts, goes to the Yu Xuzi attack. 沈天全身力量然爆发,向玉虚子侵袭而去。 In an instant, Yu Xuzi was covered by endless divine light. 刹那间,玉虚子被无尽神光所覆盖。 The incomparably wild aura sweeps across, is also mixing with the mortal body collision sound and miserable howling sound. 无比狂暴的气息席卷而出,其中还夹杂着肉身碰撞声与惨嚎声。 After ray dissipation, Yu Xuzi has lain down on the ground, the whole body twitches. 待光芒消散之后,玉虚子已经躺在地上,浑身抽搐。 His that is also the outstanding facial features, has swollen the pig head. 他那原本还算是俊逸的面容,已经肿成了猪头。 Under muddy body has the fist seal footprint incessantly, hammer seal and sword mark. 身上下不止有拳印脚印,还有锤印与剑痕。 The ghosts know that he withstands many attacks, even Yu Xuzi do not record clearly. 鬼知道他到底承受多少攻击,连玉虚子自己都记不清楚。 His face wants to cry but have no tears, shouted sadly continues. 他一脸欲哭无泪,悲呼不止。 The one who why is injured is heaviest is I? 为什么受伤最重的是我? This is unfair!!! 这不公平!!! ...... …… Afterward, the Shen Tian nine big clone normalizing, within the body erupts the infinite invincible might. 随后,沈天九大分身归一,体内爆发出无穷神威。 Shen Tian pupil light violent burst, within the body erupts endless Way Intent. 沈天眸光盛烈,体内爆发出无尽道意 He is displaying Myriad Forms big Divine Ability, bursts out endless Way Intent, sweeps across eight sides. 他在施展森罗万象神通,迸发出无尽道意,席卷八方。 Each Way Intent, is symbolizing a to the utmost law. 每一股道意,都象征着一种极尽法。 In an instant, Heaven and Earth the endless pressure, imitates suddenly presently, if the day Way Intent will rappel, must wield the common people. 刹那间,天地骤现无尽威压,仿若天道意志垂降,要执掌苍生。 Each Way Intent appears, the aura of this pressure will then grow doubled and re-doubled. 每一股道意出现,这股威压的气息便会成倍增长。 On Sealing Gods Platform, numerous Heaven’s Chosen complexion drastic change. 封神台上,众天骄面色剧变。 They felt that oneself heart, imitates, if were pressed firmly between the fingers by an invisible big hand, must blast open momentarily. 他们感觉到自己的心脏,仿若被一只无形大手捏住,随时都要炸裂。 pēng! pēng! pēng! Shen Tian buff to dozens invincible Way Intent, these Heaven’s Chosen then cannot resist merely, bleeds to be repulsed in abundance. 沈天仅仅加持到数十种无敌道意,那些天骄便抵挡不住,纷纷喋血败退。 Shortly, even Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu and the others, has to draw back Sealing Gods Platform. 不久后,连盛阳虚项重楼等人,也不得不退下封神台 Only has Shen Tian one person, the war is situated in above Sealing Gods Platform proudly. 唯有沈天一人,傲然战立于封神台之上。 Eight Desolates Six Directions, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes. 八荒六合,傲视群雄。 ...... …… Won, he really won! 赢了,他真的赢了! Consist mainly of an enemy hundred, the heroic bearing may be called peerless! 以一敌百,英姿堪称绝世! Defeated Heaven’s Chosen, in the eye is also full of the admiration. 就连被击败的天骄,眼中也充满敬佩。 They look up to Shen Tian, the vision brilliant. 他们仰望沈天,目光灼灼。 Never expected that brother Shen Yuan battle strength is so powerful, simply is the having god-given wisdom rare talent, unprecedented melts now! 没想到沈元兄战力如此强大,简直是天纵奇才,旷古烁今! We, were sincerely convinced! 吾等,心服口服!
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