IARNSP :: Volume #5 大争之世——紫气东来

#496: Or, you on together!

Hears the Jiang Taiyi words, on the Shen Tian face the happy expression is more abundant. 听到姜太乙的话,沈天脸上笑意更盛。 As soon as he raids the white clothing, with the wind however dances, just like space exiled immortal, falls on Sealing Gods Platform slowly, said: Come!” 他一袭白衣,随风而舞,犹如天上谪仙,缓缓落在封神台上,道:“来吧!” I want to take a look actually, so-called Thunder Emperor method strong!” “我倒是想要看看,所谓的雷帝法到底有多强!” Jiang Taiyi grins, said: Such being the case, that this throne makes you enjoy.” 姜太乙咧嘴,道:“既然如此,那本座就让你享受享受。” He foot treads void, jumps on. 他脚踏虚空,纵身而上。 Endless bursts out all, dazzling, shines upon above Heaven and Earth. 无尽雷芒尽数迸发,璀璨夺目,映照天地之上。 Countless primordial divine thunder sweeps across the vault of heaven, the bright illumination, sends out the big pressure. 数之不尽的混元神雷席卷天穹,熠熠发光,散发偌大威压。 The vault of heaven fission, implements the Heaven and Earth entire world, if changes to the thunder purgatory this place. 天穹裂变,雷芒贯彻天地寰宇,若要将此地化作雷霆炼狱。 In Jiang Taiyi strolling, as powerful as a thunderbolt, the imposing manner shakes bright Eight Desolates. 姜太乙漫步雷海之中,身后雷霆万钧,气势震烁八荒 Shen Tian at present slightly bright, in the heart sighed secretly. 沈天眼前微亮,心中暗自感叹。 Although Jiang Taiyi cultivation base only then Eleven Tribulations Great Sage, the imposing manner of but erupting is not weak in Fifteenth Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. 姜太乙修为虽然只有十一劫大圣,但爆发出来的气势不弱于十五劫准仙 Has not thought that this generation of Divine Firmament Holy Son strengths are so strong, worthily is the promising youth! 没想到这代神霄圣子实力如此强劲,不愧是后起之秀! Moreover the Thunder Emperor method that Jiang Taiyi grasps , is more powerful than it Divine Firmament Thunder Emperor Sutra. 而且姜太乙掌握的雷帝法,比之神霄雷帝经还要强大一些。 Naturally, compared with the Divine Firmament method that Shen Tian grasps, difference is not a tiny bit. 当然,比起沈天掌握的神霄法,差的不是一星半点。 The Divine Firmament method is Immemorial 108 Heavenly General remains, was mysterious measures not. 神霄法乃是太古108天将所留,本就玄妙莫测。 Now Shen Tian fuses other Great Way the Divine Firmament method, becomes more terrifying. 如今沈天神霄法融合其他大道,变得更加恐怖。 Divine Firmament method that therefore Shen Tian grasps, enduring is more supreme than thunder technique, supreme. 因此沈天所掌握的神霄法,堪比雷法至尊,至高无上 ...... …… At this time, Jiang Taiyi has been ready, imposing manner surging forward, making Heaven and Earth change colors. 此时,姜太乙已经准备就绪,气势汹涌澎湃,令天地失色。 His view lifts, pale say/way: This fellow daoist, gives up now also with enough time.” 他眼帘微抬,淡道:“这位道友,现在放弃还来得及。” Thunder does not have the eye, if divided you badly, do not blame Jiang!” “雷霆无眼,若是将你劈坏了,可别怪姜某!” Jiang Taiyi looks like, can contend with him, only has Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu these peerless Heaven’s Chosen. 姜太乙看来,能与他抗衡的,只有盛阳虚项重楼这些绝代天骄 Shen Tian this obscure individual, he may turn the hand the suppression severe wound. 沈天这种无名之辈,他可翻手镇压重伤。 Shen Tian smiles lightly, said: Come!” 沈天淡淡一笑,道:“来吧!” The Jiang Taiyi tone is cold gradually, does not know good from bad, drinks to make noise lowly, 姜太乙语气渐冷,不知好歹,低喝出声, War!” “战!” In his hand mysterious rune appears, transfers primordial divine thunder. 他手中玄妙的符文浮现,调动混元神雷 primordial divine thunder are brilliant, has delimited the radiant god rainbow in the vault of heaven, crashes just like the comet, quickly to pinnacle. 一道道混元神雷绚烂夺目,在天穹中划过璀璨神虹,宛若彗星坠落,快到极致。 Heaven and Earth sinks secretly, Sun and Moon does not have up. 天地暗沉,日月无光。 ...... …… The surrounding has many Heaven’s Chosen to pay attention to this fight, with total concentration. 外围有很多天骄在关注这场战斗,聚精会神。 First, because Jiang Taiyi is powerful, the talent is with generation generation extremely. 一是因为姜太乙实力强大,天赋乃同代绝顶之辈。 Watches his fight, can harvest many sensibility. 观看他的战斗,能收获不少感悟。 Second, because they want to look at Shen Tian to leave smelly, to release in heart resentment. 二是因为他们想要看沈天出糗,以泄心中之怨。 After all, that female cultivated/repaired a moment ago, because of this Shen Tian, shameful of their resentment. 毕竟,刚才那位女修,因为这个沈天,将他们怼的无地自容。 Sees Jiang Taiyi to act, immediately some people call out in alarm make noise: Has not thought to close up several years, the Jiang Taiyi strength strives.” 见到姜太乙出手,顿时有人惊呼出声:“没想到闭关数年,姜太乙实力又有精进。” This child dares to challenge Divine Firmament Holy Son, acts recklessly.” “此子竟敢挑战神霄圣子,不知死活。” So many primordial divine thunder are too really terrifying, even Quasi-Immortal cannot block, he ended.” “这么多混元神雷实在太恐怖,连准仙都挡不住,他完了。” I look, this pretty boy must certainly by the deducting small black face.” “我看,这小白脸肯定要被劈成小黑脸。” The people teased the taunt, wanted to look at Shen Tian to leave smelly. 众人戏谑嘲讽,想要看沈天出糗。 However, they discovered that the Shen Tian facial expression has not changed unexpectedly, is still indifferent. 然而,他们发现沈天神情竟没有丝毫改变,依旧淡然。 Sees only him to stand erect motionless, to thunder baptism. 只见他屹立不动,任由雷霆洗礼。 In an instant, covers Heaven and Earth, the terrifying power and influence sweeps across unceasingly, the mountains and rivers tremble. 刹那间,雷芒遮盖天地,恐怖威势席卷不断,山河震颤。 Destroys the internal energy to surge, the thunder falls. 毁灭气机涌动,雷霆落下。 The Shen Tian white clothing is still floating, does not dye slightly the dust, just like exiled immortal. 沈天依旧白衣飘然,不染丝毫灰尘,宛若谪仙 The Jiang Taiyi pupil light concentrates, said surprisedly: Un? What's the matter?” 姜太乙眸光微凝,惊疑道:“嗯?怎么回事?” Unexpectedly doesn't have the effect?” “居然没效果?” „Is could it be that the primordial god thunder might strength is insufficient?” 难道混元雷威力还不够?” He felt indistinctly where some are not right, but also never some people can reduce and solve primordial divine thunder with ease. 他隐约感觉到哪里有些不对劲,还从未有人能这么轻松化解混元神雷 How many days could it be that is my Jiang has not acted, thunder ray did cultivation base back up? 难道是我姜某人几天没出手,雷道修为倒退了? Thinks of here, the Jiang Taiyi pupil light concentrates, the fine glow twinkle, prepares to act full power. 想到这里,姜太乙眸光微凝,精芒闪烁,准备全力出手。 hōng! An incomparably wild imposing manner bursts out. 一股无比狂暴的气势迸发出来。 Sees only Jiang Taiyi whole body to split greatly, just like hot sun, dazzling. 只见姜太乙周身雷芒大绽,宛若烈日般,璀璨夺目。 In him behind, appears incomparably huge thunder phenomenon, the power and influence is dreadful. 在他身后,浮现出无比庞大的雷霆异象,威势滔天。 The phenomenon condenses several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) phantom, blocks the sky, just like a god of thunder. 异象凝聚成数万丈虚影,遮天蔽日,犹如一尊雷神。 He moved...... carried endless thunder might, void collapse destroys. 他动了……携带无尽雷威,虚空崩毁。 However at this time, Shen Tian is narrowing the eyes, puts out foul air lightly: Arrived me.” 然而这时,沈天微眯着双眼,轻吐出一口浊气:“到我了。” His aura, increases unceasingly, until the peak, there is an invincible potential. 他的气息,不断攀升,直至巅峰,有一股无敌之势。 The Shen Tian whole body, erupts inexhaustible Primordial Chaos Divine Thunder instantaneously, changes to piece, sweeps across eight sides. 沈天周身,瞬间爆发出无穷无尽的混沌神雷,化作一片雷海,席卷八方。 Every time said thunder light, is filling aura that made the person palpitation. 每道雷光,充满着令人心悸的气息。 His right fist wields, carries endless Primordial Chaos Divine Thunder, outrageously however next. 他右拳挥出,携带无尽混沌神雷,悍然而下。 What!” “什么!” The Jiang Taiyi eyes stare in a big way, unbelievable. 姜太乙双眼瞪大,难以置信。 He from being born then receives Heaven and Earth divine thunder own Ze, cultivates Great Accomplishment the Thunder Emperor method, can control so many primordial divine thunder. 他自出世便受天地神雷亲泽,将雷帝法修炼大成,才能掌控这么多混元神雷 However, Primordial Chaos Divine Thunder as before is not existence that he is unable to touch. 然而,混沌神雷依旧不是他无法触及的存在。 This is the thunder source, is symbolizing the supreme strength. 此乃雷霆本源,象征着至高无上的力量。 However, he does not see after male body that does not pass on unexpectedly saw, in the heart shocks incomparably. 然而,他竟在名不见经不传的男子身上见到,心中震惊无比。 The prestige energy that especially Primordial Chaos Divine Thunder erupts, making primordial divine thunder shiver, does not dare with it contending. 尤其是混沌神雷爆发出来的威能,令混元神雷都在颤抖,不敢与之抗衡。 But at this time, the Shen Tian offensive fell, Heaven and Earth was covered by Primordial Chaos Divine Thunder instantaneously. 而这时,沈天攻势落下,天地瞬间被混沌神雷覆盖。 In an instant, Thunder Emperor phantom was then swallowed, primordial divine thunder is also annihilating unceasingly. 刹那间,雷帝虚影便被吞噬,混元神雷也在不断湮灭。 The Jiang Taiyi tiger body shakes, just like kite with broken string, pours to shoot, enough several li (0.5 km) just now stand firm the figure. 姜太乙虎躯一震,犹如断线风筝,倒射而出,足足数里方才稳住身形。 He shouted angrily to make noise low and deep. 他低沉怒喝出声。 Is impossible, I am Divine Firmament Holy Son Jiang Taiyi, how can lose to others in the thunder technique attainments?” “不可能,我乃神霄圣子姜太乙,怎能在雷法造诣上败给他人?” Mudd, spelled!” “玛德,拼了!” His double pupil is dignified, clenches teeth to go forward. 他双眸凝重,咬牙上前。 Immediately, Jiang Taiyi within the body surges, twines the whole body. 顿时,姜太乙体内雷芒涌动,缠绕周身。 He bases void, just like in one with the thunder, the incarnation wields the Heavenly Tribulation gods. 他立足虚空,宛若与雷霆合为一体,化身执掌天劫的神明。 The Jiang Taiyi big hand presses down, space collapse destroys, the void turbulent flow, wells up to swing the thousand li (500 km). 姜太乙大手按下,空间崩毁,虚空乱流,涌荡千里。 In the vault of heaven, the thunder tribulation condenses, hōng however falls, trembles Heaven and Earth. 天穹之中,雷劫凝聚,然落下,震颤天地 black color thunder Jiezu is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the internal energy of destruction surges. 黑色雷劫足有万丈,毁灭的气机涌动。 Innumerable say/way jet black tribulation thunder fall suddenly, the power and influence is dreadful, astonishing incomparable, making entire Sealing Gods Platform tremble. 无数道漆黑劫雷骤然落下,威势滔天,惊人无比,令整个封神台都在颤栗。 Not far away, these peerless Heaven’s Chosen were engaging in fierce battle. 不远处,那些绝世天骄原本正在鏖战。 But was attracted by this strength, reveals the surprised vision. 但都被这股力量吸引过来,露出惊疑的目光。 Sheng Yangxu touches the chin saying: „Does Jiang Taiyi that brat round of what insanity, how use the taboo law directly?” 盛阳虚摸了摸下巴道:“姜太乙小子发什么疯,怎么直接动用禁忌法?” They as Five Territories top Heaven’s Chosen, majority understood, knows the opposite party method. 他们身为五域顶尖天骄,大多数都非常了解,也知晓对方手段。 In the Xiang Chonglu double pupil, reveals the profound ray, said: Besides us, but can also some people compel this degree Jiang Taiyi?” 项重楼双眸之中,露出深邃的光芒,道:“除我们外,还有人能将姜太乙逼到这种程度?” Interesting, it seems like and had hidden world top Heaven’s Chosen born.” “有意思,看来又有隐世顶级天骄出世了。” By the Jiang Taiyi strength, in extremely Heaven’s Chosen this ranks, is the top position even. 姜太乙的实力,就算在绝顶天骄这一行列,都排名前列。 Saw that he so admits defeat, the people stop in the hand to act temporarily, law seal dissipation, prepares to watch the drama. 见到他如此吃瘪,众人都暂时停下手中动作,法印消散,准备观看大戏。 ...... …… Moreover one side, the fight of Yu Xuzi and Ao Lie also stopped. 另外一旁,玉虚子敖烈的战斗也停了下来。 Their strength is almost the same, without is so easy to decide the victory and defeat. 他们实力相差无几,没那么容易分出胜负。 At this time, Yu Xuzi looks to the battlefield that Jiang Taiyi is. 此时,玉虚子望向姜太乙所在的战场。 In his double pupil imitates whether there is, if to perform the stars circulation, can see through fabricatedly. 他双眸中仿若有无尽星辰流转,能够看穿虚妄。 Yu Xuzi is stimulating to movement Innate Way Pupil, spies on actual situation. 玉虚子正在催动先天道瞳,窥探其中虚实。 But after he looks for a long time, the brow wrinkles tightly. 但当他看得越久后,眉头皱得越紧。 Because Yu Xuzi discovered, he is unable to see through Shen Tian unexpectedly, in the heart raises the difficult situation. 因为玉虚子发现,他竟然无法看穿沈天,心中掀起惊涛骇浪。 Own Innate Way Pupil, is unable to peep at unexpectedly! 自己的先天道瞳,居然无法窥视! Ao Lie holds the both arms, on the face is sneering to continue: Jiang Taiyi that brat was then miserable!” 敖烈抱着双臂,脸上冷笑不止:“这下姜太乙小子惨了!” Whom provoking is not good, must provoke my brother Shen Yuan!” “招惹谁不好,非要招惹我沈元兄!” Ao Lie personally sees Shen Tian to act, battle strength has the invincible potential powerful. 敖烈亲眼见过沈天出手,战力强大有无敌之势。 Quasi-Immortal Evil Spirit snaps fingers to extinguish, with them is completely not existence of same rank. 准仙级邪灵弹指可灭,跟他们完全不是同一级别的存在。 Jiang Taiyi dares to find this ruthless person to compare notes, to look to punch? 姜太乙敢找这位狠人切磋,岂不是找揍? ...... …… But besides Ao Lie, others recognized that Jiang Taiyi wins steadily. 但除了敖烈之外,其他人都认定姜太乙稳赢。 After all, what he displays is the taboo law in Thunder Emperor method. 毕竟,他施展的乃是雷帝法中的禁忌法。 Even if Five Territories top Heaven’s Chosen, few person can keep off. 哪怕五域顶尖天骄,也少有人能挡。 However, Shen Tian look as before indifferent incomparable. 然而,沈天神色依旧淡然无比。 Looks black color tribulation thunder that is attacking to come unceasingly, Shen Tian within the body aura hōng however erupts. 望着不断侵袭而来的黑色劫雷,沈天体内气息然爆发。 His double pupil has the thunder glittering, imitates, if bites the person. 他双眸有雷光闪烁,仿若噬人。 His figure also becomes illusory, the innumerable principles surge, the multi-colored sunlight four shoot, fuses together with Heaven and Earth tribulation thunder. 他的身形也变得虚幻起来,无数法则涌动,霞光四射,与天地劫雷融为一体。 He is displaying supreme forbidden technique to control Heaven and Earth, the eruption more perfect prestige energy! 他在施展无上禁术掌控天地,爆发更加极致的威能! This law, is Decalamity. 此法,正是以身化劫 But transforms after the Divine Firmament method, grasping of Shen Tian to Thunder Emperor method has achieved the boundary of reaching the pinnacle. 只不过经过神霄法改造,沈天雷帝法的掌握已达到登峰造极之境。 He changes to Heaven and Earth source tribulation thunder, wields all thunder ray principles. 他化作天地本源劫雷,执掌一切雷道法则。 The Shen Tian sleeve robe strokes lightly, Heaven and Earth look changes. 沈天袖袍轻拂,天地色变。 Attacked black color tribulation thunder that comes to him, stagnates unexpectedly forcefully in the midair. 原本对他侵袭而来的黑色劫雷,竟硬生生停滞在半空之中。 Jiang Taiyi instantaneously in same place, panic-stricken opens the mouth: How possibly?” 姜太乙瞬间愣在原地,惊骇开口:“怎么可能?” He discovered, these tribulation thunder are separated from the control unexpectedly. 他发现,那些劫雷竟然脱离掌控。 It looks like some people from his hand, seizes the thunder control forcefully. 就像是有人从他手中,硬生生将雷霆控制权夺走。 But at this time, Shen Tian flicked the sleeve gently immediately, these black color tribulation thunder transferred the direction unexpectedly, is dividing to the Jiang Taiyi overhead. 而这时,沈天轻轻拂袖顿时,那些黑色劫雷竟然调转方向,对着姜太乙当头劈下。 Not!” “不是吧!” Can play?” “要不要这么玩?” Mother ya, other hōng I!” “妈,别我!” Jiang Taiyi was covered by endless tribulation thunder instantaneously, exudes the earth-shaking pitiful yell sound. 姜太乙瞬间被无尽劫雷所覆盖,发出惊天动地的惨叫声。 On Sealing Gods Platform implements, lingers Nine Heavens, bursts out the incomparably scary strength. 封神台上雷芒贯彻,萦绕九天,迸发出无比骇人的力量。 In endless thunder light, the Jiang Taiyi form is partly visible, is fleeing like a scared rat, is quite distressed. 在无尽雷光中,姜太乙的身影若隐若现,正抱头鼠窜,极为狼狈。 This, making everyone dumb as a wooden chicken. 这一幕,令所有人呆若木鸡。 Their eyes stare in a big way, fills with astonishment. 他们双眼瞪大,充满惊愕。 Even, some people do not believe this. 甚至,有人不相信这一幕。 He makes an effort to rub the eyes, mutters: What did I see?” 他用力揉了揉眼睛,喃喃道:“我看到了什么?” Divine Firmament Holy Son by thunder hōng?” 神霄圣子正在被雷?” Mother ya! World outlook crashed ya!” “妈!世界观崩塌了!” Who does not know that Jiang Taiyi is the child of thunder, making ten thousand thunder submit. 谁不知姜太乙乃是雷霆之子,令万雷臣服。 In the past, is he uses thunder hōng others, some where people can use thunder hōng he? 以往,都是他用雷霆别人,哪有人能用雷霆他? At present, this subverts the people. 眼下,这一幕着实颠覆众人。 ...... …… tribulation thunder hōng half quarter stopped, tribulation cloud diverges slowly. 劫雷足足了半刻钟才停止,劫云才缓缓散去。 At this time, Jiang Taiyi has lain down on the ground, just like the black coal, is quite distressed. 此时,姜太乙已经躺在地上,犹如黑炭,极为狼狈。 His white clothing is tattered, the hair explosion whole face is dark, in the mouth is also spitting the white smoke, does not seem like peerless Heaven’s Chosen. 他一身白衣破破烂烂,头发爆炸满脸黝黑,口中还吐着白烟,根本不像是绝代天骄 The Jiang Taiyi corners of the mouth twitch, reveal the desperate color: , does not bring to play!” 姜太乙嘴角抽搐,露出绝望之色:“,不带这么玩的!” Heavenly Way, I want the real-name reporting, here some people of cheat!” 天道,我要实名举报,这里有人开挂!” Jiang Taiyi has not thought completely, attainments of Shen Tian on thunder technique is so skilled, far exceeds him. 姜太乙完全没有想到,沈天雷法上的造诣如此精通,远超过他。 Who is the Divine Firmament disciple? 到底谁才是神霄弟子? ...... …… Sheng Yangxu and in the Xiang Chonglu eye reveals surprisedly, they saw that for the first time Jiang Taiyi is so pitiful. 盛阳虚项重楼眼中露出惊讶,他们还是第一次见到姜太乙如此凄惨。 Sheng Yangxu cracks into a smile, said: When Five Territories had/left so powerful thunder ray expert, how to have never heard?” 盛阳虚咧嘴一笑,道:“五域何时出了位如此强大的雷道高手,怎么从未听闻过?” Xiang Chonglu shot a look at his one eyes, said: What's wrong, wants to try?” 项重楼瞥了他一眼,道:“怎么,想去试试?” Sheng Yangxu holds up the head to say with a smile: Naturally.” 盛阳虚昂首笑道:“自然。” That walks!” “那就走!” Xiang Chonglu jumps directly, walks toward that battlefield. 项重楼直接纵身而起,向着那处战场走去。 Moreover one side, Yu Xuzi also leaves, turns toward the position that Jiang Taiyi to walk directly. 另外一旁,玉虚子也动身,直接向着姜太乙所在的位置走去。 Ao Lie sees that the brow is tight, said: Also without firing off, where do you go to?” 敖烈见状,眉头紧蹙,道:“还没打完,你去哪里?” Yu Xuzi faint opens the mouth: You are too weak, is unable to make me make a move full power.” 玉虚子淡漠开口:“你太弱,无法让我全力出手。” Then, he turns around to depart directly. 说完,他直接转身离去。 Ao Lie gets angry the heart, wants to block Yu Xuzi, contend with him. 敖烈怒上心头,本想拦住玉虚子,与他一较高下。 But when he sees the direction that Yu Xuzi walks, the body stopped. 但当他看到玉虚子走的方向,身躯停了下来。 Ao Lie sneers saying: My goodness, dares to look for the trouble of brother Shen Yuan.” 敖烈冷笑道:“好家伙,敢去找沈元兄的麻烦。” I look at you under and others miserable!” “我看你等下有多惨!” Ao Lie holds the arm to surround, reveals the chuckle. 敖烈抱臂环抱,露出轻笑。 Incessantly is they, on Sealing Gods Platform other Heaven’s Chosen also call a halt in abundance, walks toward the region that Shen Tian and the others are. 不止是他们,封神台上其他天骄也纷纷停手,向着沈天等人所在的区域走去。 Shen Tian can defeat Jiang Taiyi, the proof its is sufficiently powerful. 沈天能击败姜太乙,足以证明其实力强大。 If can win him, that proves itself sufficiently. 若是能够赢他,那足以证明自己。 Suddenly, the wind and cloud changes color, the outstanding heroes gather. 一时间,风云变色,群雄汇聚。 ...... …… At this time, Shen Tian has arrived at side Jiang Taiyi: Do not install, but also hits?” 这时,沈天已然走到姜太乙身旁:“别装了,还打不打?” Under Shen Tian simply does not have the heavy hand, after all Jiang Taiyi is one of us, must give him to select the face. 沈天根本没有下重手,毕竟姜太乙是自家人,还是要给他点面子。 Jiang Taiyi hears word, jumped from the ground immediately. 姜太乙闻言,顿时从地上跳了起来。 He reorganizes the hairstyle, the forced smile said: Does not hit, does not hit!” 他整理一下发型,苦笑道:“不打了,不打了!” „The fellow daoist strength is never so expected that powerful, Jiang admire!” “没想到道友实力如此强大,姜某佩服佩服!” In the Jiang Taiyi heart sighed very, his time was subdued thoroughly. 姜太乙心中十分感叹,他这次可是被彻底折服。 After all, Shen Tian is with the strength that Jiang Taiyi most excels, beats him. 毕竟,沈天乃是用姜太乙最擅长的力量,将他击败。 Does not refuse to accept good! 不服不行啊! Jiang does not want to suffer to be struck by lightning again! 姜某可不想再挨雷劈! This feeling, is really uncomfortable! 这感觉,真不是个滋味! ...... …… Shen Tian shakes the head with a smile, said: That even!” 沈天笑着摇头,道:“那就算了吧!” Jiang Taiyi eyeball One Revolution, said: Does not know that the fellow daoist transits the discipling from where, can grasp so thunder technique certainly unexpectedly?” 姜太乙眼珠子一转,道:“不知道友师承何处,竟能掌握如此强绝的雷法?” In his heart panic-stricken incomparable, unbelievable. 他心中惊骇无比,难以置信。 Because of thunder technique of Shen Tian use, is quite similar to his Thunder Emperor method. 因为沈天使用的雷法,与他雷帝法极为相似。 If not for Jiang Taiyi determined own sect not this character, otherwise thinks that is some ancestor runs to be oppressive he. 若不是姜太乙确定自己宗门没这一号人物,不然都以为是某位老祖宗跑出来虐他。 This brother, is too abnormal. 这老哥,实在太变态。 The Shen Tian corners of the mouth raise said: What's wrong? Do you want to study?” 沈天嘴角微扬道:“怎么?你想学?” „To study, I teach you!” “想学,我教你啊!” The Jiang Taiyi body is startled, the look is in a daze. 姜太乙身躯一怔,眼神发愣。 He has not thought, Shen Tian will say such words unexpectedly. 他没想到,沈天竟会说出这样的话。 But later, the Jiang Taiyi body shivers, excited. 但随后,姜太乙身躯颤抖,激动万分。 He has felt the Shen Tian thunder technique attainments personally profoundly, if can result in its true Inheritance. 他可是亲自感受过沈天雷法造诣有多精深,若是能得其真传 Jiang Taiyi had confidence, the strength promotes several scales again. 姜太乙有把握,实力再度提升几个档次。 When the time comes, Sheng Yangxu, Xiang Chonglu and the others, he do not pay attention. 到时候,盛阳虚项重楼等人,他都不放在眼里了。 Thinks of here, Jiang Taiyi rouses, said: Real? I really?” 想到这里,姜太乙振奋无比,道:“真的吗?我真的可以吗?” Shen Tian nods. 沈天点头。 After all is one of us, naturally must look after well. 毕竟是自家人,自然要好好关照一下。 Sees Shen Tian to comply, Jiang Taiyi is joyful extremely, almost must fly: Wu Lake ~ 见到沈天答应,姜太乙欣喜万分,差点要飞起来:“芜湖~” Jiang I must take off!” “姜某我要起飞咯!” ...... …… But at this moment, two forms, fly suddenly from nearby battlefield. 而就在这时,突然有两道身影,从旁边战场飞过来。 They base with Heaven and Earth, exposes the incomparable terrifying the power and influence. 他们立足与天地,展露出无比恐怖的威势。 These two people, are Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu. 这二人,正是盛阳虚项重楼 Peerless Heaven’s Chosen longs for fighting originally, saw that has the expert to appear, was naturally attracted, wants a war. 绝世天骄本就渴望战斗,见到有高手出现,自然就被吸引过来,想要一战。 Sheng Yangxu goes forward, said submissively: Does not know how the fellow daoist did call?” 盛阳虚上前,拱手道:“不知道友如何称呼?” They want to take a look, can defeat Jiang Taiyi Heaven’s Chosen, actually to stem from where. 他们想要看看,能击败姜太乙天骄,究竟出自何处。 Shen Tian looks the smile, said: Shen Yuan!” 沈天面露微笑,道:“沈元!” However, his line of sight closely is gathering on the foreheads of these people. 然而,他视线正紧紧汇聚在这些人的脑门上。 Afterward, Shen Tian face Shangyang overflows the bright smile. 随后,沈天脸上洋溢出灿烂笑容。 Because he discovered, these people are not only peerless Heaven’s Chosen, is Son of Providence that deserves. 因为他发现,这些人不仅是绝世天骄,更是当之无愧的气运之子 Everyone top of the head, basically is the rich purple providence halo. 每个人头顶,基本上都是浓郁的紫色气运光环。 In Shen Tian heart secretly excited, rouses. 沈天心中暗自激动,振奋无比。 So many leek, this Holy Lord this time must take off! 这么多韭菜,本圣主这次要起飞咯! ...... …… Hears Shen Tian to reply, Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu look at each other, all sees the doubts in opposite party eyes. 听到沈天回答,盛阳虚项重楼相视一眼,皆看到对方眼中的疑惑。 They have never heard the name of Shen Yuan, does not have the understanding of him. 他们从未听闻过沈元之名,对他毫无了解。 Naturally...... this does not hinder to begin. 当然……这并不妨碍动手。 The Xiang Chonglu steps go forward, within the body erupts the incomparable terrifying the power and influence, drinks to make noise greatly: Fights with me!” 项重楼踏步上前,体内爆发出无比恐怖的威势,大喝出声:“与我一战!” His pupil light is blazing, is being full of the fearless fighting spirit, is very self-confident. 他眸光炽热,充满着昂然斗志,很是自信。 Obviously, Shen Tian’s battle strength, obtains his approval, can be acted by oneself full power! 显然,沈天的战力,已然得到他的认可,能让自己全力出手! However, but also without, when the Shen Tian opens the mouth, Sheng Yangxu walked, keeps off before the Xiang Chonglu body. 然而,还没等到沈天开口,盛阳虚就走了出来,挡在项重楼身前。 I looked, I first compare notes with brother Shen Yuan.” “我看,还是我先跟沈元兄切磋。” Sheng Yangxu also fights intent to be fearless, does not want to give others this strong opponent. 盛阳虚同样战意昂然,不想将这个强大对手让给别人。 However at this time, there is a form together to walk. 然而这时,又有一道身影走了过来。 Makes this throne first fight!” “还是让本座先战!” Yu Xuzi strolls to come, the whole body erupts the powerful imposing manner, sweeps across. 玉虚子漫步而来,浑身爆发出强悍气势,席卷开来。 His look is faint, decides to look at Shen Tian, not pays attention to Sheng Yangxu and Xiang Chonglu. 他神色淡漠,定定望着沈天,都没将盛阳虚项重楼放在眼里。 Book friend benefits Reads then a cash or coin, iPhone12, Switch wait/etc. you pulled out! Pays attention to vx public numbers Book friend supreme headquarters May lead! 【书友福利】看书即可得现金or点币,还有iPhone12、Switch等你抽!关注vx公众号【书友大本营】可领! Before Yu Xuzi arrives at the Shen Tian body, faintly said: You are very mystical, worth makes me make a move full power.” 玉虚子走到沈天身前,淡漠道:“你很神秘,值得让我全力出手。” Shen Tian brow slightly pressed, this Yu Xuzi also installed to compel! 沈天眉头微蹙,这玉虚子也太装逼了吧! This brat, is could it be that compels the king to be reincarnated? 小子,难道是逼王转世? ...... …… However did not have, when Shen Tian opens the mouth, the surroundings several forms walked. 然而还没等到沈天开口,周围又有几道身影走了过来。 The strong winds writings, see are only torn void, surges the strong void strength and Yin-Yang strength. 狂风大作,只见虚空被撕裂,其中涌动出强大的虚空之力与阴阳之力。 Afterward, goes out of a young men. 随后,走出一名青年男子。 His forehead place has Kunpeng rune together, the Yin-Yang pair of wings wields the show/unfolds unceasingly, bursts out endless Divine Light, looks extremely astonishing. 他额头处有一道鲲鹏符文,身后阴阳双翼不断挥展,迸发出无尽神芒,看起来极为惊人。 This person bases in Heaven and Earth, imitates, if can easily swallow endless void. 此人立足于天地间,仿若能轻易吞噬无尽虚空。 He, is Xiao Kunpeng. 他,便是小鲲鹏 It is the Desolate Ancient great ominous descendant, within the body has Desolate Ancient Great Kun and Desolate Ancient Heavenly Péng bloodlines. 它乃是荒古巨凶后裔,体内具有荒古巨鲲荒古天鹏血脉。 In addition it shoulders the Yin-Yang pair of wings, the strength incomparable terrifying, can easily extinguish kills 14 tribulation Quasi-Immortal. 再加上它背负阴阳双翼,力量无比恐怖,能轻易灭杀14劫准仙 A Xiao Kunpeng appearance, shot a look at Yu Xuzi, looked at Shen Tian saying: First hits with me!” 小鲲鹏一出现,瞥了一眼玉虚子,又看了一眼沈天道:“先与我打!” However soon has phoenix cry to resound, said: Why first to fight with you?” 然而很快有凤鸣响起,道:“凭什么先和你打?” I looked, makes this throne first come!” “我看,还是让本座先来!” The dreadful raging fire, sweeps across to come, the carrier burns to extinguish ten thousand spirit power and influence, is very scary. 滔天烈火,席卷而来,携带者焚灭万灵的威势,无比骇人。 Sees only opposite of Xiao Kunpeng, presents one to wear Phoenix battle armour, the look cold proud man. 只见在小鲲鹏对面,出现一名身穿战甲,神色冷傲的男子。 His aura is very terrifying, the whole body winds around incomparably blazing phoenix god flame, the power and influence is scary. 他气息十分恐怖,周身缭绕起无比炽烈的凤凰神炎,威势骇人。 This person of appearance, making the ambient temperature rise suddenly instantaneously, was in full bloom just like the hot sun, close at hand. 此人一出现,令周围温度瞬间暴涨,宛若烈日盛开,近在眼前。 This person, is Huang Jiutian of Undying Phoenix clan! 这人,正是不死凰族的凰九天 Incessantly is these people, many Heaven’s Chosen are catching up toward here. 不止是这些人,还有很多天骄都在往这里赶。 As soon as just, they come here, quarrelled. 只不过,他们一到这里,就吵了起来。 The people in the argument presence order, who first hit with Shen Tian. 众人在争论出场顺序,到底谁先跟沈天打。 ...... …… Sees this, outfield Heaven’s Chosen is panic-stricken. 见到这一幕,外场天骄惊骇无比。 They have not thought that so many peerless Heaven’s Chosen simultaneously act, only to challenge Shen Yuan unexpectedly? 他们没想到,这么多绝世天骄齐出,竟只为挑战一个沈元 Actually he has what charm, can attract so many Heaven’s Chosen to stream in? 他究竟有何魅力,能吸引这么多天骄纷至沓来? But at this time, the Shen Tian corners of the mouth twitch crazily. 而此时,沈天嘴角疯狂抽搐。 He is looking at the front crowded crowd, looks the heavy line. 他望着前方乌泱泱的人群,面露黑线。 How each fellow runs over, said that can compare notes? 怎么每个家伙跑过来,都说要切磋? Your these so-called do Heaven’s Chosen, what this Holy Lord regard? 你们这些所谓的天骄,把本圣主当成什么? Sandbag? To hit hits? 沙包吗?想打就打? Such being the case, that Holy Lord helps you. 既然如此,那本圣主就成全你们。 The Shen Tian brow selects, goes forward saying: Everyone stops, Shen has a suggestion!” 沈天眉头微挑,上前道:“大家都停一停,沈某有个建议!” Or, you on together?” “要不,你们一起上?” This can also save time!” “这样也能节约一点时间!” Voice, all the sounds of nature entirely static. 话音一出,万籁俱静。 ...... …… These peerless Heaven’s Chosen were shocked, looks at Shen Tian, in the eye is filling panic-strickenly. 那些绝世天骄愣住了,望着沈天,眼中充满着惊骇。 They have not thought, Shen Tian dares to say such words! 他们没有想到,沈天竟敢说出这样的话! Rampant! 嚣张至极!
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