IARNBS :: Volume #6

#535: Way things should be

Luo Liang foot treads the fog, in the mountain peak sky flight of Heavenly Purity Sect. 罗亮脚踏云雾,在乾清宗的山峰上空飞行。 That Qiao Senior Sister guides in front, capable brave Sa, the words are not many. 那位乔师姐在前面带路,干练英洒,话语不多。 Apricot robe girl Guan Qiaozhi, pair of bright eyes past, have the curious look, gossips matter between Luo Liang and Dong Mengyao. 杏袍女孩关巧芝,一双明眸流转,带着好奇的眼神,八卦罗亮董梦瑶之间的事情。 How do you know with Mengyao Master Uncle?” “你跟梦瑶师叔是怎么认识的?” In Main Universe, the peerless talent like Luo Master Uncle, should be quite rare?” “在主宇宙,像罗师叔这样的绝世天才,应该极为少见吧?” Luo Master Uncle you rush luckily. Mengyao now the situation is not good, two one's teacher's older brothers have the hostility to him, that Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage Young Master also runs to take advantage of the fire attack......” “幸好罗师叔你赶到。梦瑶现在处境不好,两位师伯对他有敌意,那个秀山天阳一脉公子还跑来趁火打击……” Guan Qiaozhi chirp, seems like naive, is quite pure. 关巧芝叽叽喳喳,看起来性情天真,比较单纯。 The Luo Liang surface including the smile, simple manipulation, has not divulged the essential news. 罗亮面含微笑,简单的应付,没有透漏关键的消息。 He does not think that others oneself and Luo link immeasurably. 他不想别人将自己与罗无量联系在一起。 Is good because, Luo Wuliang deeds has in Main Universe, the news by the Empire upper layer blockade, in the Human Race Sect domain, only then some influence high-level and well-informed people know. 好在,罗无量的事迹发生在主宇宙,消息被帝国上层封锁,在人族宗门界域只有一些势力高层和消息灵通的人士知道。 In hills. 群山间。 A spiritual energy abundant, highly moderate bluish green green jade mountain peak, maps in the field of vision. 一座灵气盎然,高度适中的碧翠山峰,映入视野之中。 Mengyao Master Uncle!” 梦瑶师叔!” The Guan Qiaozhi eye pupil is bright, flying that joyful waving, escaping light accelerates in the past. 关巧芝眼眸明亮,欣喜的挥手,遁光加速的飞过去。 Before mountain peak cave mansion . 山峰的洞府前。 Wipes the simple and elegant celestial or angelic appearance, the skin such as the white snow, stands smartly before the mountain peak, in the tranquil eye pupil, reveals the little hopes and pleasant surprises. 一抹清雅仙姿,肤如皓雪,俏立在山峰前,恬静的眼眸里,流露几许期盼与惊喜。 Qiao Senior Sister looks to ponder over, it seems like Luo Liang this boyfriend, the position in Dong Mengyao mind is quite high, waits before the mountain peak personally. 师姐面露思忖,看来罗亮这位男友,在董梦瑶心目中的地位颇高,以至于在山峰前亲自等候。 Dong Mengyao fires off greeting with Qiao Senior Sister masters and disciples, the clear pupil shifts to Luo Liang, sips the lip to have a smile. 董梦瑶跟乔师姐师徒打完招呼,清眸转向罗亮,抿唇含笑。 „Can Fellow Student Luo, on the road be smooth?” 罗同学,路上可还顺利?” Her attractive Eastern facial features, appear the gentle smile, looks in the eyes with Luo Liang. 她灵秀的东方五官,浮现温婉的笑容,与罗亮四目相对。 More than one year have not seen, Dong Mengyao cultivation base achieves Foundation Establishment late stage. To advanced slow cultivator, may be called amazingly quick, after all she does not have external of organization function. 一年多没见,董梦瑶修为达到筑基后期。对进阶缓慢的修真者来说,堪称神速,毕竟她没有组织功能的外挂。 Said no that on uneventful, slightly has the twists and turns, adds the interest.” “说不上风平浪静,略有波折,平添趣味。” Luo Liang relaxed say/way. 罗亮语气轻松的道。 These words fall to the Dong Mengyao ear, in the heart somewhat worries and rebukes oneself unavoidably. 这番话落到董梦瑶耳中,心中难免有些担忧和自责。 Let beloved man cross realm come, the journey is hard and dangerous, is not really suitable. 让心爱的男人跨界而来,路途艰险,着实不宜。 The Human Race Sect domain, is not distinct like the Main Universe civilization planet order, each region has the monitoring. 人族宗门的界域,可不像主宇宙文明星球秩序分明,各地有监控。 Here wilderness, the murder seizes the treasure is the common matter. 这里的荒郊野外,杀人夺宝是常有的事。 Dong Mengyao has not questioned in detail, in the heart is concerned silently, received the Luo Liang three people the cave mansion. 董梦瑶没有细问,心中默默挂记,将罗亮三人接到洞府中。 As the Old Ancestor Dong last student, Dong Mengyao monopolizes an environment good mountain peak in Sect, as the cultivation location. 作为董老祖的关门弟子,董梦瑶宗门里独享一处环境不错的山峰,作为修炼场地。 Young Master Luo cross realm comes unexpectedly, is really the infrequent visitor.” 罗公子竟然跨界而来,真是稀客。” Master Dong in the cave mansion, somewhat is also astonished, is polite to Luo Liang. 董爷子也在洞府中,有些讶异,对罗亮还算客气。 To be honest. 说实话。 Master Dong somewhat holds in high esteem. In Dong Mengyao under not the wonderful situation, Luo Liang can cross realm come now, for is not extremely easy. 董爷子有些刮目相看。在董梦瑶如今不妙的处境下,罗亮跨界而来,殊为不易。 Even if Luo Liang is not single-minded to the sentiment, at least has wholeheartedly. 纵然罗亮对感情不专一,至少有真心诚意。 Mengyao, you entertained Young Master Luo well, the grandfather do not disturb the interest of your young people.” 梦瑶,你好好招待罗公子,爷爷就不打扰你们年轻人的兴致了。” The Master Dong body is unsatisfactory, although there is Golden Core Stage cultivation base, some body aura actually deterioration and weak. 董爷子身体不佳,虽有金丹期修为,身上气息却有些衰败、虚弱。 It is said was sparred in the past, leaves behind hidden wounds, the wound to the basis. 据说是当年与人斗法,留下暗疾,伤到根本。 Looks back that Master Dong is retreating, Qiao Senior Sister vision flashes. 望着董爷子退去的背影,乔师姐目光微闪。 This Luo Liang status is not very simple. Master Dong takes the elder, is very polite to him.” “这个罗亮身份很不简单。董爷子作为长辈,对他都很客气。” After the guests and hosts take a seat . 宾主入座后。 Unavoidably mentioned the bell day show that came to crusade against. 难免提及上门讨伐的钟天秀。 At present, bell Tianxiu is stationed under the mountain, aggressive. 眼下,钟天秀就在山下驻扎,咄咄逼人。 Clock day show was too wild! If not defer to two that he delimits saying that he also does dare to kill the mountain to come up?” “钟天秀太猖狂了!如果不按照他划下的两条道,难道他还敢杀到山上来?” Guan Qiaozhi panting in indignation say/way. 关巧芝气呼呼的道。 Your Master Ancestor, he is naturally not daring to go too far. But if he passes away, the lofty tree falls, our lineage will lose the dependence not wonderfully, the Mengyao situation......” “你师祖尚在,他自然不敢太过分。可若他老人家仙逝,参天大树倾倒,我们这一脉失去依靠,梦瑶的处境将会不妙……” Qiao Senior Sister wear a look of anxious. 师姐面带忧虑。 Xiushan Heavenly Sun Zhong, the influence stronger on a section compared with entire Heavenly Purity Sect. 秀山天阳钟家,势力比整个乾清宗要强上一截。 Zhong also occupies a principle character, comes to crusade against, is fair. 偏偏钟家还占据一个理字,上门讨伐,合情合理。 I, if closes up well in the entrance, bell Tianxiu does not dare mostly hurriedly. Also or hides away to shun the world, Zhong also has no alternative.” “我若在山门闭关不错,钟天秀多半不敢造次。又或者隐遁避世,钟家同样无可奈何。” Dong Mengyao sighed spookily: 董梦瑶幽幽一叹: Is only...... cultivation Dong Family this lineage is actually involved.” “只是……修真董家一脉却会受到牵连。” Only if Dong Mengyao is a person of extreme self-interest, can disregard the influence of this matter. 除非董梦瑶是一个极度自利的人,才能无视这件事的影响。 cultivation Dong Family, takes root in northern Luzhou, only has several thousand li (0.5 km) from Heavenly Purity Sect. 修真董家,扎根于北泸州,距离乾清宗只有数千里。 Dong Family stems from this clan. Meanwhile, this is the blood descendants inheritance of Old Ancestor Dong is also. 董家出自这一族。同时,这也是董老祖血裔传承所在。 „Hasn't Mengyao, how seen your father?” 梦瑶,怎么未见你父亲?” Luo Liang opens the mouth suddenly. 罗亮突然开口。 In the final analysis, this matter is Mr. Dong seeks after the advantage, independently decides, previously set this wedding. 归根到底,这件事是董父贪图好处,自作主张,早先与人定下这桩婚事。 Father...... does not know where hid.” “父亲……不知躲到哪里去了。” Dong Mengyao elegant face one red, is not good to open one's mouth. 董梦瑶俏颜一红,不好启齿。 Luo Liang shakes the head secretly, Mr. Dong too has not taken on! 罗亮暗自摇头,董父太没有担当了! If he has the strength of spirit, can definitely go to Zhong Jia to carry a rod and ask for punishment, a person shoulders all responsibility, even does not hesitate to balance by the life. 如果他有骨气,完全可以去钟家负荆请罪,一人承担所有责任,甚至不惜以命相抵。 If such, Zhong does not have the excuse to force forcefully, at least does not stand in the side of morality and justice. 若是那样,钟家就没有借口强行逼迫,至少不站在道义的一方。 On the contrary is now. bell Tianxiu comes to crusade against, takes action with just reasons, the outside world does not know the person of inside story, will favor him, thinks that Dong Family takes the consequences for own actions. 反倒是现在。钟天秀上门讨伐,师出有名,外界不知内情的人,甚至会倾向于他,认为董家是自作自受。 Internal disorder and foreign invasion.” “内忧外患啊。” Luo Liang found out the Mengyao present situation. 罗亮算是摸清了梦瑶现在的处境。 Outside has bell Tianxiu to eye covetously, in has the two Senior Brother wild ambition. 外有钟天秀虎视眈眈,内有两个师兄狼子野心。 Mengyao, your father is unreliable. Has a plan for the present, only then upholds justice by Wu Master Uncle.” 梦瑶,你父亲是靠不住的。为今之计,只有靠吴师叔伸张正义。” Qiao Senior Sister said in a deep voice. 师姐沉声道 Wu Master Uncle, is Heavenly Purity Sect outer court elder, is very deep with the Old Ancestor Dong friendship. 师叔,是乾清宗的外院长老,与董老祖交情很深。 Wu is Master Uncle reliable?” “吴师叔靠得住吗?” Luo Liang is not at heart optimistic. 罗亮心里不乐观。 Wu Master Uncle handles matters fairly, is well-thought- in the gate, moreover she and teacher once were the lover related.” “吴师叔处事公正,在门中口碑不错,而且她老人家与师尊曾是情侣关系。” Qiao Senior Sister wear a look of respect say/way. 师姐面带敬意的道。 Dong Mengyao also said: Wu Master Uncle is the person who the teacher most trusts, otherwise after will not entrust her, takes care of me.” 董梦瑶也道:“吴师叔是师尊最信任的人,否则不会托付她以后照顾我。” This.” “这样啊。” Luo Liang slight nod. 罗亮微微点头。 So, this Wu Master Uncle is the backstage that Dong Mengyao can depend upon now. 如此看来,这位吴师叔董梦瑶现在可以依靠的后台。 Mengyao, was inferior that we look for Wu Master Uncle, making her supply ideas.” 梦瑶,不如我们去找吴师叔,让她出谋划策。” Qiao Senior Sister proposition said. 师姐提议道。 Dong Mengyao has not complied immediately, the vision of questionnaire looks to Luo Liang. 董梦瑶没有立即答应,征询的目光看向罗亮 Can try.” “可以试试。” Luo Liang had not opposed. 罗亮没有反对。 He always believes, asking others for help to might as well ask oneself. Wu Master Uncle after all is not Mengyao own master. Even close, for example Mr. Dong, actually made matter that sells the daughter. 他始终认为,求人不如求己。那吴师叔毕竟不是梦瑶的亲师傅。就算是至亲,譬如董父,却做出了卖女儿的事。 Dong Master Uncle, Wu Master Ancestor comes to visit!” “董师叔,吴师祖上门拜访!” At this moment, an entrance door female attendant, comes hurriedly the report. 就在这时,一个外门女侍,匆忙过来汇报。 Un, I have received the pass on message of Wu Master Uncle.” “嗯,我已收到吴师叔的传讯。” Dong Mengyao looks happy intent, immediately sets out, greets with the Qiao Senior Sister two people together. 董梦瑶面露喜意,当即起身,跟乔师姐二人一起迎接。 Luo Liang hesitated, falls rear, slowly goes out of the cave mansion. 罗亮迟疑了一下,落到最后面,慢慢走出洞府。 Pays a visit Wu Master Uncle( Master Ancestor)!” “拜见吴师叔(师祖)!” Dong Mengyao several people, salute respectfully. 董梦瑶几人,恭敬行礼。 One group of colored fog, hold two forms, slowly landing before the cave mansion. 一团彩色云雾,托着两道身影,徐徐降落到洞府前。 Does not need to be overly courteous!” “不必多礼!” Wu Master Uncle is a 36 or 37-year-old beautiful woman, wears the bordeaux b clothing, the cheek slightly circle, is old yet still graceful, looks very genial, compared with meeting rusticity. 师叔是一位三十六七岁的美妇,身穿枣红衣衫,脸蛋微圆,风韵犹存,看起来挺和善,比较接地气。 In her behind, stands a skin chromatic polarization black putting on weight middle age. 在她身后,站立一名肤色偏黑的发福中年。 Dong Junior Sister, one year later, we met.” “董师妹,时隔一年,我们又见面了。” On the black skin putting on weight middle age face wears a smile, the meaning of somewhat flattering. 黑肤发福中年脸上堆笑,有几分讨好的意思。 „Are you...... Wu Deliang Senior Brother?” “你是……吴德良师兄?” Dong Mengyao was startled, recalls diligently, remembers the status of this person. 董梦瑶怔了下,努力回忆,想起此人的身份。 That is she just came Heavenly Purity Sect the time, met with Master Ancestor this lineage many Senior Brother Senior Sister, has casual acquaintance with this person merely, even has not spoken. 那是她刚来乾清宗的时候,与师祖一脉的很多师兄师姐见面,仅仅与此人有一面之缘,甚至都没说过话。 Mengyao, Deliang is my biological great nephew of Wu, although the appearance is ordinary, but the manner is upright, steadfast reliable. Later, you knew well, lends a hand mutually.” Wu Master Uncle warm-hearted introduced. 梦瑶,德良是我吴家的亲侄孙,虽然外貌普通,但为人忠厚,踏实可靠。以后,你们好好认识,相互帮衬一下。”吴师叔热心的介绍道。 Yes, Wu Master Uncle.” “是,吴师叔。” Dong Mengyao has a not being able to say strangeness, raises slightly slightly, Wu Deliang saw a ritual with middle-aged man. 董梦瑶有种说不出的古怪,微微欠身,跟中年男子“吴德良”见了一礼。 Mengyao Junior Sister does not need to be polite, is one of us.” 梦瑶师妹不必客气,都是自家人。” The Wu Deliang old whole face is zealous, a pair of small beady eyes is staring front elegantly simple, if Dong Mengyao of immortal, the eyeground emerges the burning hot. 吴德良老满脸热忱,一双小圆眼盯着面前淡雅若仙的董梦瑶,眼底涌现炙热。 Dong Mengyao a little looked at the non- nature by this look. 董梦瑶被这种眼神看得有点不自然。 However, with her beautiful appearance makings, was used to the opposite sex infatuated look, has not thought. 不过,以她的美貌气质,习惯了异性痴迷的眼神,没有多想。 Master Uncle, come in quickly.” The Dong Mengyao courtesy is very proper. 师叔,快请进。”董梦瑶礼数很到位。 „......” “难道……” Nearby Qiao Senior Sister, looks to the middle age that the black skin puts on weight, looking pensive. 一旁的乔师姐,瞄向黑肤发福的中年,不禁若有所思。 Luo Liang stands in the cave mansion entrance, heard several people of conversation contents, almost laughs in spite of trying not. 罗亮站在洞府门口,听到了几人的交谈内容,差点失笑。 Deliang also on old your are dozens years old, cultivates to the Foundation Establishment peak now, before hundred years old , Golden Core is hopeful. He is in Master Uncle my descendant, only hopeful good seedling......” “德良也就年长你几十岁,如今修至筑基巅峰,百岁前金丹有望。他是师叔我后代中,唯一有希望的好苗子……” Wu Master Uncle is with smile on the face, is holding the hand of Dong Mengyao, making her arrive at Wu Deliang side. 师叔面带笑容,拉着董梦瑶的手,让她走到吴德良的身边。 Wu Deliang smells on the fairy maiden the air/Qi of elegantly simple lotus fragrance, stares at the clear face of that busy snow jade, suddenly almost loses the soul. 吴德良嗅到仙子身上淡雅的莲香之气,凝望那无暇雪玉的清颜,一时间差点失魂。 Deliang Senior Brother truly has prospects very much.” “德良师兄确实很有出息。” The Dong Mengyao faint smile nods, spreads out slightly. Wu Deliang ill-smelling bitter unusual smell. 董梦瑶浅笑颔首,稍微拉开点距离。吴德良身上一丝难闻的酸涩异味。 At this time, Dong Mengyao has detected the intention of opposite party. 此时,董梦瑶已经察觉到对方的意图。 This Wu Master Uncle wants own Master Nephew introduction to her. 这位吴师叔想把亲师侄“介绍”给她。 This is......” “这位是……” Gets to the cave mansion entrance, Wu Master Uncle notices Luo Liang, in the eye flashes through the unusual look. 走到洞府门口,吴师叔留意到罗亮,眼中闪过异色。 Wu Master Uncle is good! I called Luo Liang, was the Mengyao boyfriend.” “吴师叔好!我叫罗亮,是梦瑶的男友。” The Luo Liang smile is bright, natural say/way. 罗亮笑容灿烂,大大方方的道。 Mengyao boyfriend? 梦瑶的男友? Putting on weight middle age Wu Deliang, the complexion, becomes very ugly. 发福中年吴德良,脸色唰得一下,变得很是难看。 Luo Liang feels the hostility in middle-aged uncle eyes immediately. 罗亮顿时感到中年大叔眼中的敌意。 Hehe! When Mengyao you have the boyfriend, how not to have hear of your teachers to say.” “呵呵!梦瑶你什么时候有男友的,怎么没听你师尊讲过。” Wu Master Uncle quickly restores as usual, the smile is temperate, is still very warm. 师叔很快恢复如常,笑容温和,依旧很热情。 As Qiao Senior Sister and apricot of robe young girl observer, feels an awkward atmosphere. 只是,作为旁观者的乔师姐和杏袍少女,都感到一种尴尬气氛。 In front of others boyfriend to reconcile the object, truly a little embarrassed. 当着别人男朋友的面撮合对象,确实有点尬。 „Before Luo Liang is me, in the Main Universe friend. Because he does not develop in the Human Race domain, before Mengyao, has not mentioned.” 罗亮是我以前在主宇宙的朋友。因为他不在人族界域发展,梦瑶以前没提及。” Dong Mengyao answered. 董梦瑶解释道。 Not in the Human Race domain! Said, you have not seen for a long time, no wonder I look unfamiliar.” “不在人族界域啊!这么说,你们很长时间没见,难怪我看着面生。” Wu Master Uncle sized up Luo Liang two, hints slightly. 师叔打量了罗亮两眼,微微示意。 Her slightly heave a sigh of relief. 她心里稍松一口气 Luo Liang regardless of the talent, is the aptitude, by far Wu Deliang. 罗亮无论人才,还是资质,都远胜吴德良。 If this person in the Human Race domain, that some are not easy to do. However places two places, the cross realm remote love, the success ratio is very low. 如果此人在人族界域,那就有些不好办了。但是身处两地,跨界异地恋,成功率着实很低。 Because meets few, two people of sentiments are no better. 由于见面少,二人的感情好不到哪里去。 In cave mansion. 洞府内。 Wu Master Uncle sits on head, gossipped with the younger generations. 师叔坐在上首,与晚辈们叙谈起来。 Because Luo Liang on the scene, she is not good to reconcile Wu Deliang and Dong Mengyao again. 因为罗亮在场,她不好再撮合吴德良和董梦瑶 The topic talked about bell Tianxiu again. 话题再次谈到钟天秀。 Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage potential is big, exceeds my Heavenly Purity Sect. bell Tianxiu the waste material clouds over the talent, occupies morality and justice. This matter, your Dong Family truly does not typically, making one get the handle......” “秀山天阳一脉势大,胜过我乾清宗。那钟天秀废材变天才,占据道义。这件事,你们董家确实做得不地道,让人抓住把柄……” The Wu Master Uncle pale eyebrow concentrates, feels thorny, simultaneously criticized Dong Family. 师叔淡眉凝起,感到棘手,同时批评了董家 Dong Mengyao is in the wrong, does not have to dispute. 董梦瑶理亏,无以辩驳。 This Wu Master Uncle handles matters fairly, saying these words is also normal. 这位吴师叔处事公正,说出这番话也算正常。 Clock day show surface is the punitive expedition, to hold your beauty actually, schemes the heritage that your teacher stays behind. This matter, I will not stand by.” “钟天秀表面是讨伐,实则为占有你的美色,图谋你师尊留下的遗产。此事,我万万不会袖手旁观。” Wu Master Uncle fierce say/way. 师叔厉声道。 hearing this, Dong Mengyao looks the happy expression. 闻言,董梦瑶面露喜色。 No matter how said, this Wu Master Uncle is willing to stand them. 不管怎么说,这位吴师叔愿意站在她们这边。 Wu Master Uncle, is late stage Nascent Soul cultivator, the strength no small matter. 师叔,乃是元婴后期修真者,实力非同小可。 In the cave mansion, the atmosphere is harmonious. 洞府内,气氛融洽起来。 The servants offer the spirit fruit-tea water. 仆人送上灵果茶水。 Wu Master Uncle has not deliberately reconciled Wu Deliang and Dong Mengyao again. 师叔没有再刻意撮合吴德良和董梦瑶 Wu Deliang, talked with Dong Mengyao actually from time to time, even moved praying mat, sat near. 倒是吴德良,时而跟董梦瑶搭话,甚至挪动蒲团,坐近了一些。 Dong Mengyao to this person, although does not have the favorable impression, but the opposite party after all is the Wu Master Uncle biological great nephew. Wu Master Uncle complies to assist oneself, she only then manipulation of politeness, cannot be disrespectful. 董梦瑶对此人虽然没好感,可对方毕竟是吴师叔的亲侄孙。吴师叔又答应帮扶自己,她只有礼貌的应付,不能失礼。 Luo Liang ate several fruits and melons, looks at the Wu Master Uncle two people, the corners of the mouth is bringing back wipes the meaning of pondering. 罗亮啃了几口瓜果,望着吴师叔二人,嘴角勾起一抹玩味之意。 On point of departure before . 临别前。 Wu Master Uncle is holding the hand of Dong Mengyao, is very kind. 师叔拉着董梦瑶的手,很是亲切。 Mengyao, you come out along with me, Master Uncle spoke several intimate words to you.” 梦瑶,你随我出来,师叔跟你说几句贴心的话。” Sees this, Qiao Senior Sister and Guan Qiaozhi tactful has not gone to see off. 见此,乔师姐关巧芝识趣的没有出去相送。 Wu Deliang falls behind several steps, is looking at the Mengyao fairy maiden elegantly simple such as the fragrant shadow of immortal, the thoughts are fiery. 吴德良落后几步,望着梦瑶仙子淡雅如仙的芳影,心思火热。 Wu Deliang acknowledged. 吴德良承认。 oneself truly could not be joined to Fairy Maiden Dong, the appearance, makings and aptitude missed a big truncation. 自己确实配不上董仙子,外貌、气质、资质都差了一大截。 In the past he can only observe, the courage of even speaking did not have, where could seek friendships. 以往他只能远观,连说话的勇气都没有,哪里高攀得起。 But is different at this time in those days!” “可今时不同往日!” Without my family old ancestor helps one another, no matter what your pretty Heavenly Immortal, the aptitude extremely, hasn't allowed to be oppressed? Only then becomes a companion with me, you can get through at present the difficult time, inherits the Old Ancestor Dong millennium asset smoothly, I enjoys with husband again together.” “如果没有我家老祖相助,任你貌美天仙,资质绝顶,还不是任人宰割?只有与我结为道侣,你才能渡过眼下难关,顺利继承董老祖的千年资产,再与夫君我一同享受。” He is secretly self-satisfied, is outlining the glorious future. 他暗自得意,勾勒着美好的未来。 May I ask Wu brother your age?” “敢问吴兄贵庚?” A lazy youngster sound gets up, seems cold water, sprinkles to awake his fond dream. 一个慵懒的少年声响起,好似一盘冷水,泼醒他的美梦。 Wu is 78-year-old.” “吴某七十有八。” Wu Deliang replied subconsciously. 吴德良下意识的回答。 Sees the Luo Liang faint smile the appearance, face somewhat cannot hold on immediately. 看到罗亮似笑非笑的样子,一张老脸顿时有些拉不住。 At the age gap, Wu Deliang age, is the Dong Mengyao grandfathers to have much. 以年龄差距而言,吴德良的年龄,做董梦瑶的爷爷都有多的。 What do you mean! 78 years old? To pursuing immortal Grand Dao cultivator, 18 years old and 70-80 years old , or 700-800 years old, the essence of life has not distinguished every so often. „ “你是什么意思!七十八岁怎么了?对追求长生大道修真者而言,十八岁、70-80岁、亦或700-800岁,很多时候生命的本质没有区别。“ Wu De good as by the stabbing nerve, a little became angry out of shame, according to reason however struggles. 吴德良好似被刺中神经,有点恼羞成怒,据理而争。 Scorching sun overhead, has not arrived at having a dream time.” “烈日当空,还没到做梦的时候。” Luo Liang shakes the head, turns away the body, has not paid attention to him. 罗亮摇了摇头,背转身躯,没有理会他。 Wu Deliang has not asked for the interest, departs resentfully. 吴德良没讨到趣,悻悻离去。 After tea time . 盏茶功夫后。 Dong Mengyao returns to the cave mansion, on the face the smile is not, is nipping the lip angle. 董梦瑶返回洞府,脸上笑容不在,微咬着唇角。 Mengyao! What Wu did Master Ancestor say to you?” 梦瑶!吴师祖跟你说了什么?” Guan Qiaozhi cannot bear ask. 关巧芝忍不住问道。 Mengyao Junior Sister, Wu should Master Uncle not feel embarrassed you?” 梦瑶师妹,吴师叔应该没有为难你吧?” Qiao Senior Sister concerned asking. 师姐关切的问道。 No. She said with me, Wu Deliang is a good person, honest reliable, is worth entrusting lifelong.” “没有。她只是与我说,吴德良是一个好人,老实可靠,值得托付终身。” If I am willing with Wu Deliang in the same place, she to go all out to maintain me, helping me inherit the heritage of teacher.” “如果我愿意与吴德良在一起,她拼了命都会维护我,帮我继承师尊的遗产。” The Dong Mengyao tone is low, is somewhat disappointed. 董梦瑶语气低落,有些失望。 This is she places the great expectations, the teacher trusts Wu Master Uncle that entrusts. 这是她寄予厚望,师尊信任托付的吴师叔 Although Wu Master Uncle handles matters fairly, may still have the selfishness. 师叔虽然处事公正,可依然有私心。 Her full power support, needs Dong Mengyao and Wu Deliang ties sends for the wife, is the joint marriage of interest demand. 她的全力支持,需要董梦瑶与吴德良结发为妻,算是利益诉求的联婚。 This is the way things should be.” “这是人之常情。” Luo Liang is as expected, pats her fragrant shoulder. 罗亮不出所料,轻拍她的香肩。 Wu Master Uncle implied meaning, if Dong Mengyao does not comply, she not that with every effort help. 师叔言下之意,如果董梦瑶不答应,她不会那么“尽力”的帮助。 The Old Ancestor Dong millennium heritage, a person stares incessantly. Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage potential is big, if Wu Master Uncle maintains Dong Mengyao, her oneself must take the risk. 董老祖的千年遗产,不止一个人盯上。秀山天阳一脉势大,吴师叔若是维护董梦瑶,她自己也要承担风险。 If Dong Mengyao and Wu Deliang tie sends for the wife, Wu Master Uncle can frank and upright meddling, divide thick soup, finally achieves both fame and fortune. 如果董梦瑶和吴德良结发为妻,吴师叔可以正大光明的插手,分一份羹,最终名利双收。 Fellow Student Luo, although asked cultivation is my dream, but arrived at the Human Race domain from Main Universe, some Mengyao suddenly regrets......” 罗同学,虽然问道修真是我的梦想,但从主宇宙来到人族界域,梦瑶忽然有些后悔……” Dong Mengyao supports into the Luo Liang bosom, the profile depends upon the youngster shoulder, in the clear pupil brings the point crystal sleek/moist, has a disconsolateness, alone feeling. 董梦瑶拥入罗亮怀中,侧脸依靠少年肩膀,清眸里带着点点晶润,有种惆怅,孤寂之感。 Your dream right! But asks others for help to might as well ask oneself! The present predicament, is not eventually realistic by the bystander. Preferably, solves the problem from the root.” “你的梦想没错!但求人不如求己!如今的困局,靠外人终究不现实。最好,从根源上解决问题。” Luo Liang caresses her beautiful hair lightly, comforting said. 罗亮轻抚她的秀发,安抚道。 Solves the problem from the root? What means Luo Master Uncle do you have?” “从根源上解决问题?罗师叔你有什么办法吗?” A Guan Qiaozhi eye bright, naive romantic appearance. 关巧芝眼睛一亮,天真浪漫的样子。 Mengyao the tight squeeze, in the final analysis , because of Old Ancestor Dong close to the limit, the condition is now weak. The bystanders therefore see the opportunity is not missed.” 梦瑶现在之所以处境困难,归根结底,还是因为董老祖临近大限,状态虚弱。外人因此看到可趁之机。” Luo Liang paused. 罗亮顿了顿 Your meaning is......” “你的意思是……” Qiao Senior Sister guesses correctly the idea of Luo Liang. 师姐猜到罗亮的想法。 If we can help Old Ancestor Dong prolong life, lives again some years, wasn't the issue solved?” “如果我们能帮董老祖延寿,再多活些年月,问题不就解决了?” Luo Liang is saying with a smile. 罗亮笑着道。 Long life?” “延寿?” Qiao Senior Sister shakes the head saying: My teacher escapes after the hopeless situation, the Soul failure, the thing of general long life is useless, we have attempted.” 师姐摇头道:“我师尊从绝境中逃出后,灵魂衰竭,一般的延寿之物没用,我们尝试过。” „Have you tried several types?” “你们尝试过几种?” This...... long life heavenly materials and earthly treasures is too scarce, only happens by happy circumstance. We take one type to prolong life pill to the teacher, finally the certificate is useless.” “这……延寿的天材地宝太稀少,可遇不可求。我们给师尊服用过一种延寿丹,最终证明没用。” You try one type to prolong life pill, and grade is not definitely high. How to know that all thing of long life, haven't affected?” “你们就尝试过一种延寿丹,且品级肯定不高。怎么就知道所有延寿之物,都没有作用?” Luo Liang shakes the head. 罗亮不禁摇头。 Qiao Senior Sister language stagnates, the surface is a little red. 师姐语滞,有点面红。 That that the teachers take prolongs life pill, rank is not truly high. Merely one attempt, being not enough to conclude that the thing of long life is invalid. 师尊服用的那颗延寿丹,确实品阶不高。仅仅一次尝试,不足以断定延寿之物无效。 Fellow Student Luo, the thing of long life is very difficult to get so far as, Senior Sister she has made contribution.” 罗同学,延寿之物很难弄到,师姐她已经尽力了。” Dong Mengyao said in a soft voice. 董梦瑶轻声道。 Un.” “嗯。” Luo Liang has not denied this, but felt Qiao Senior Sister conclusion too easily. 罗亮没有否认这点,只是觉得乔师姐的结论太轻易了。 In my hand happen to have the thing of same effect good long life, can give your teacher to attempt actually.” “我手上正好有一样效果不错的延寿之物,倒是可以给你师尊尝试一下。” Luo Liang smiles lightly. 罗亮淡淡一笑。 Fellow Student Luo, is this real?” 罗同学,这是真的?” The Dong Mengyao pupil flashes the extraordinary splendor, pleasantly surprised say/way. 董梦瑶眸闪异彩,惊喜的道。 Does not know that what Young Master Luo the thing of long life is? Somewhat grasps.” “不知罗公子的延寿之物是什么?有几分把握。” Qiao Senior Sister spoke frankly asks. 师姐直言问道。 She had once consulted in a gate the person of high skill, common long life, has no function to the teacher. 她曾咨询过一位门内高人,一般的延寿物,对师尊没什么作用。 The entire Human Race domain, was very difficult to find panacea that can help the Old Ancestor Dong effective long life. 整个人族界域,很难找到可以帮董老祖有效延寿的灵丹妙药。 Therefore, she previously had that careless conclusion. 因此,她此前才有那个草率结论。 To Luo Liang said effect is good the thing of long life, she does not have many confidence. 罗亮所说“效果不错”的延寿之物,她没有多少信心。 At least 50% assurances. Concrete is the thing of what long life, Luo keeps secret for the time being.” “至少有50%把握。具体是什么延寿之物,罗某暂且保密。” The Luo Liang tone is quite self-confident, mysterious appearance. 罗亮语气较为自信,神秘兮兮的样子。 The thing of long life he said that is the golden fishing pole the 30 years of life of „the child of destiny bell day show body taking the hook. 他所说的延寿之物,是黄金钓竿从“气运之子”钟天秀身上勾走的三十年寿元。 The strength of powerful non-solution fishing, the quality must have the safeguard. 垂钓之力强大无解,品质应当有保障。 These 30 years of lives, are truly useless to Luo Liang. 这三十年寿元,对罗亮确实没用。 But regarding life limit, for example Old Ancestor Dong such person, is actually the dawn in darkness, may be called the priceless treasure! 但对于寿元大限者,譬如董老祖这样的人,却是黑暗中的曙光,堪称无价之宝! 50% assurances?” Qiao Senior Sister is somewhat surprised, naturally does not believe at heart. “50%把握?”乔师姐有些意外,心里自然不相信。 Luo Liang in knowing the Old Ancestor Dong situation, unexpectedly 50% assurances? 罗亮在知道董老祖情况下,居然还有50%把握? Does not know that this boy is proud, really has the energy. 不知这小子是自负,还是真有底气。 Qiao Senior Sister, I believe Fellow Student Luo.” “乔师姐,我相信罗同学。” Dong Mengyao is resolute. 董梦瑶语气坚定。 In the impression, Fellow Student Luo creates is impossible. 在印象中,罗同学创造过很多不可能。 Good, we see the teacher! Even only then 1% hopes, are still worth trying.” “好,我们去见师尊!就算只有百分之一的希望,也值得一试。” In Qiao Senior Sister eye severe glow flashes, makes the resolution decisively. 师姐眼中厉芒一闪,果断作出决断。
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