IARNBS :: Volume #6

#534: Fishes to reappear

, I really am not a big shot ,我真不是大佬 This bell Young Master, had you broken an engagement by Dong Family seriously?” “这位钟公子,你当真被董家退婚过?” Luo Liang asked, is also in everyone heart thinks. 罗亮所问,亦是大家心中所想。 The Heavenly Purity Sect disciple on the scene, to the statement of only one of the parties of Zhong retinue, has the attitude of suspicion. 在场的乾清宗弟子,对钟家仆从的一面之辞,持怀疑的态度。 Zhong pledged by Grand Dao! Mr. Dong once came my family to break an engagement in private. At that time, under Zhong anger, tore up the marriage certificate, and not cash as a present that wanted that to draw back returns.” “钟某以大道发誓!董父曾私下来我家退婚。当时,钟某愤怒之下,撕毁了婚书,且不要那退返的礼金。” bell Tianxiu complexion grief and indignation, fervent. 钟天秀面色悲愤,慷慨激昂。 He takes out one to rip several pieces of marriage certificates, demonstrated to the people. 他取出一份撕成几片的婚书,向众人展示。 Now, Zhong cultivation slightly has the achievement, arrives at Heavenly Purity Sect, only to want justice! “如今,钟某修行小有成就,来到乾清宗,只为讨一个公道! Thirty years the river goes east, thirty years the river goes west. 三十年河东,三十年河西。 don't bully the youths just because they are poor! 莫欺少年穷 My Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage, cannot receive this shame! ” 我秀山天阳一脉,不可受此辱!” Pledged by Grand Dao, one encourages the word of indignation, making the people on the scene slightly have the vibration, falls into shortly silent. 大道发誓,一番激扬愤慨之言,让在场众人略有震动,陷入短暂沉默。 No one suspected that bell Tianxiu lies. 没人怀疑钟天秀撒谎。 Regarding ancient cultivator, by Grand Dao swore that does not crack a joke, that is to make the guarantee with the oneself future. 对于古修者而言,以大道立誓不是开玩笑,那是拿自己的前途做担保。 So, that Dong Family truly is a side that is in the wrong.” “如此看来,那董家确实是理亏的一方。” I have never thought that that noble and pure pure-heart Mengyao fairy maiden, is being perfidious vulgar person.” “真没想到,那位高洁冰心的梦瑶仙子,也是背信忘义的的庸俗之人。” No wonder bell Tianxiu comes to crusade against! The full of vigor young people, where can bear this discrimination and insult.” “难怪钟天秀上门讨伐!血气方刚的年轻人,哪里受得了这种歧视与侮辱。” Clock day show has the posture of heaven's chosen now, Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage supports for him inevitably. Heavenly Purity Sect only fears anti- this grade of pressure......” “钟天秀如今有天骄之姿,秀山天阳一脉必然为他撑腰。乾清宗只怕抗不住这等压力……” Before the entrance, gathered more onlookers. 山门前,汇聚了更多的观望者。 Some are the disciples in gate, some are the guests of communication. 有些是门内的弟子,有些是来往的客人。 At this time, many onlookers, somewhat favor the bell day show on the contrary. 此时,不少观望者,反倒有些倾向于钟天秀。 May I ask bell Young Master, how can want the justice?” “敢问钟公子,要如何讨回公道?” Above the mountain peak, several escaping light rosy clouds come air-splitting, cold Chisheng who transmits a female. 山峰之上,几道遁光云霞破空而来,其中传来一名女子的冷斥声。 Has seen Qiao Master Uncle( Senior Sister)!” “见过乔师叔(师姐)!” The Heavenly Purity Sect disciple on the scene, is respectful saluting upon meeting. 在场的乾清宗弟子,皆是恭敬的见礼。 The escaping light rosy cloud falls, exposes the forms of several Sect disciples. 遁光云霞落下,展露数道宗门弟子的身影。 Except three Sect law enforcement cultivator. 除去三名宗门执法修士 And two attractive beautiful forms, noticeable. 其中两道倩丽身影,引人瞩目。 And female cultivator, is roughly 27 or 28-year-old, the azure white feather robe binds the body, shoulders the sword chest, the facial features are exquisite, the eyebrow is swift and fierce, valiant. 其中一位女修,约莫二十七八岁,青白羽袍裹身,背负剑匣,五官精巧,眼眉凌厉,英姿飒爽。 The sound then came from this female cultivator. 刚才的声音便来自这位女修 In her body side, an apricot robe young girl, appearance pure and beautiful, the figure is slender, seems like former's younger generation. 在她的身侧,还有一位杏袍少女,容貌清美,身段纤长,看上去是前者的晚辈。 Luo Liang looked at apricot robe young girl one eyes. 罗亮不由多看了杏袍少女一眼。 Without remembering incorrectly, arrives in the first consciousness, when with the Dong Mengyao communication, once saw this girl, relates well with Mengyao. 如果没记错,在第一次意识降临,与董梦瑶沟通时,曾见到这个女孩,与梦瑶关系不错。 According to Dong Mengyao, this female named Guan Qiaozhi, was her Second Senior Sister disciple. 董梦瑶说,此女名叫“关巧芝”,是她二师姐的弟子。 Who your excellency is, what is relates with Dong Mengyao? Otherwise this young master and you said, has what significance.” “阁下是何人,与董梦瑶是什么关系?否则本少爷与你说道,有何意义。” bell Tianxiu had not directly replied, looks to two different-styled female cultivator, the eye narrows the eyes slightly. 钟天秀没有正面回答,望向两位风格各异的女修,眼睛微微眯起。 These two females discussed the looks makings, female attendant who exceeded his strict choice. 这二女论姿容气质,胜过他身边严格挑选的女侍。 I am Mengyao Second Senior Sister, Qiao Yu luo. Does not know that the qualifications listen to saying of Young Master bell.” “我是梦瑶二师姐,乔羽洛。不知有没有资格听钟少爷的说道。” that brave air/Qi female cultivator to sneer to say. 那英气女修冷笑道。 Originally is Qiao Senior Sister! Hears in the same side, you and Mengyao fairy maiden walks near.” “原来是乔师姐!听闻在同门中,你与梦瑶仙子走得近。” bell Tianxiu said suddenly. 钟天秀恍然道。 In view of this, Zhong delimits the evil ways! Did not ask Qiao Senior Sister to uphold the justice, believes that can let the Mengyao fairy maiden and Heavenly Purity Sect high level knows.” “既如此,钟某就划下道!不求乔师姐主持公道,相信能让梦瑶仙子和乾清宗高层知晓。” bell Tianxiu complexion one positive, the smile collects. 钟天秀面色一正,笑容敛去。 Snort! I want to listen but actually, how do you want?” “哼!我倒想听听,你想怎样?” Apricot robe young girl Guan Qiaozhi, is rousing the cheek help/gang, cold -ly snorted and said. 杏袍少女关巧芝,鼓着腮帮,冷哼道。 That engagement, the Guan Qiaozhi suspicion is commitment in private Mr. Dong, Dong Mengyao definitely does not approve. Dong Mengyao has only told her, has the boyfriend in Main Universe, the relations are very good, has never raised bell Tianxiu this person. 那份婚约,关巧芝怀疑是董父的私下承诺,董梦瑶肯定不认同。董梦瑶只跟她说过,在主宇宙有男友,关系很不错,从未提过钟天秀这个人。 This Young Master comes to crusade against, does not want to see the blood, only need wash off the shame, subsides Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage anger.” “本公子上门讨伐,并不想见血,只需洗刷耻辱,平息秀山天阳一脉的怒火。” bell Tianxiu unemotional say/way. 钟天秀面无表情的道。 Thus, Zhong gives the plan of two peaceful settlement.” “因而,钟某给出两个和平解决的方案。” two plan? 两个方案? Luo Liang and the others the vision twinkle, it seems like bell Tianxiu this time come prepared, the plan is minute. 罗亮等人目光闪烁,看来钟天秀这次是有备而来,计划周详。 Its one, Dong Mengyao and his father, go to Xiushan Zhong personally, kneels down to admit mistakes before my father and grandfather. This breaking an engagement matter, may uncover.” “其一,董梦瑶和其父亲,亲自去秀山钟家,在我父亲和爷爷面前下跪认错。这段悔婚之事,可就此揭过。” Its two, according to the engagement, Dong Mengyao keep the commitment, but must lower the rank to become Zhong's concubine. This young master can not go into one's past, in the future will look at the performance of Dong Mengyao, could hold her for the wife.” “其二,依据婚约,董梦瑶遵守承诺,但要降格成为钟某的妾。本少爷可以既往不咎,往后看董梦瑶的表现,或许能将她扶为正妻。” Listens to two peaceful settlement plan, the Heavenly Purity Sect on the scene disciple, the brow wrinkles. 听完两个“和平解决”方案,在场乾清宗的弟子,眉头都不由皱起。 Went too far! Goes too far!” “太过份了!欺人太甚!” Apricot robe young girl Guan Qiaozhi, air/Qi stamps the feet, the silver tooth bites tightly. 杏袍少女关巧芝,气得跺脚,银牙紧咬。 Luo Liang hear of straight shaking the head. 罗亮听的直摇头。 bell Tianxiu seemingly is well-founded, in fact actually forces someone to do something against his will, aggressive. 钟天秀看似有理有据,实际上却强人所难,咄咄逼人。 If really wants the peaceful settlement, making Mr. Dong visit to apologize, retreat cash as a present, almost on the past. 如果真要和平解决,让董父登门道歉,退去礼金,差不多就过去了。 Although here is the Human Race Sect domain, some ancient traditions. 这里虽然是人族宗门界域,有些古人传统。 But the Main Universe ideological trend, the influence is the mainstream. The marriage can divorce, let alone is only a commitment of engagement. 主宇宙的思潮,影响力是主流。结婚都可以离婚,何况只是一个订婚的承诺。 Let the father and daughter, kneels admits mistakes? 让人家父女俩,去跪地认错? This will leave behind big trauma and shame, what face but also there is to mix in the Human Race domain? 这会留下多大的心理阴影和耻辱,还有什么脸面在人族界域混? Forces this degree, what substantive advantage in Zhongjia also has? 将人逼迫到这种程度,于钟家而言又有什么实质好处? bell Tianxiu the real motive, perhaps is the second plan. 钟天秀的真实目的,恐怕是第二个方案。 Because of this plan, is profitable. 因为这个方案,才有利可图。 Dong Mengyao lowers the rank for the concubine, can scrub the beforehand shame, foreign passable. 董梦瑶降格为妾,能洗刷之前的羞辱,对外说得过去。 bell Tianxiu not only harvests Blue Lotus Body beautiful wife and concubines. 钟天秀不仅收获一位青莲之体的绝美妻妾。 And he as husband, can with the hand of Dong Mengyao, scheme the Old Ancestor Dong millennium asset frankly and uprightly. 且他以夫君的身份,可以正大光明借董梦瑶之手,图谋董老祖的千年资产。 Clock Young Master, you did not think that this two plan is very excessive?” “钟公子,你不觉得这两个方案很过份?” If Qiao Yu luo surface cold frost, discontented say/way. 乔羽洛面若寒霜,不满的道。 Excessively? Haha...... the same day Mr. Dong came my family to break an engagement, how could to have considered Zhong's self-respect? At that time, how no one felt excessively.” “过份?哈哈……当日董父来我家退婚,何曾考虑过钟某的自尊心?那时,怎么没人觉得过份。” bell Tianxiu laughs, whole face taunt. 钟天秀大笑,满脸嘲讽。 You......” “你……” Qiao Yu luo and the others, the language stagnates. 乔羽洛等人,不由语滞。 Truly, regarding waste bell Tianxiu, Mr. Dong passed to break an engagement at that time, very offending somebody self-respect. 确实,对于当时废物的钟天秀而言,董父过去退婚,很伤人自尊。 Sees several people not to refute. 见几人无以反驳。 bell Tianxiu looked the smug look, the eyeground passed over gently and swiftly a deceit. 钟天秀面露得色,眼底掠过一丝狡诈。 In fact. 实际上。 Mr. Dong has the engagement to pledge with his father in private, accepts some advantage, has not walked the official engagement flow. 董父只是私下与他父亲有婚约承诺,收下一些好处,没有走正式的订婚流程。 Other Dong Family people, do not know the circumstances of the matter including Dong Mengyao. 董家其他人,包括董梦瑶不知情。 Afterward, Master Dong knew this matter, annoyed, did not acknowledge this engagement. 后来,董爷子得知此事,大为恼火,不承认这份婚约。 Mr. Dong has no alternative, under commanding of Master Dong, goes to Xiushan Heavenly Sun lineage to visit to admit mistakes, returns the advantage. 董父无可奈何,在董爷子的喝令下,去秀山天阳一脉登门认错,退还好处。 At that time, bell Tianxiu experienced the fortuitous encounter, has repaired the body, received the new life, the mentality was completely different. 那个时候,钟天秀经历奇遇,早就修复身体,迎来了新生,心态完全不一样。 Facing then breaking an engagement, bell Tianxiu did not spare a glance. 面对当时的退婚,钟天秀不屑一顾。 Likes falling back to draw back! This young master also feared that couldn't find the beautiful woman?” “爱退就退!本少爷还怕找不到佳人?” He ponders by the present aptitude and status, in the future will regret definitely will be Dong Mengyao. 他自忖以如今的资质和身份,将来后悔的肯定是董梦瑶 Until he sees the picture recording of Dong Mengyao, palpitates with excitement. 直至他看到董梦瑶的影像记录,怦然心动。 Especially knew that the opposite party has Blue Lotus Body, is likely to inherit thousand old ancestors' assets, bell Tianxiu changed the mind decisively. 尤其得知对方拥有青莲之体,有望继承千年老祖的资产,钟天秀果断改变了主意。 He tears up the marriage certificate, leaves behind don't bully the youths just because they are poor, refusing Mr. Dong to return cash as a present. 他撕毁婚书,留下一句莫欺少年穷,拒绝董父退回的“礼金”。 Clock Young Master, about visiting the matter of punitive expedition, Luo a little has doubts.” “钟公子,关于上门讨伐之事,罗某有一点疑惑。” Luo Liang towering opens the mouth. 罗亮突兀的开口。 „, Do this you have what opinion?” “哦,这位兄台有何见解?” bell Tianxiu does not dare to neglect Luo Liang. 钟天秀不敢忽视罗亮 The opposite party and he possibly is a kind of person, has great destiny, how otherwise can the safe and sound crossing ashes wilderness. 对方与他可能是一类人,身怀大气运,否则怎能安然无恙的横穿灰烬荒漠。 Asking that Luo Liang smiles pale: 罗亮淡笑的问道: „ Before I hear bell Young Master sick and disabled, cultivation is difficult, must not arrive at Foundation Establishment Stage( Rank 3) cultivation base. “我听闻钟公子以前病残,修炼困难,应当不到筑基期(3级)修为 Today looks, bell Young Master has Golden Core Stage( Rank 4) cultivation base. Even if there is a very big fortuitous encounter, is difficult this and other amazingly quick breakthroughs. 今日一看,钟公子却有金丹期(4级)修为。哪怕有很大的奇遇,也难有这等神速突破。 To come, can the feeble body of bell Young Master, restore? ” 想来,钟公子的病弱之身,应当早就恢复了吧?” Had a period of time.” “是有一段时日了。” bell Tianxiu not too natural say/way. 钟天秀不太自然的道。 In Mr. Dong first comes the agreement wedding. 早在董父初次过来约定婚事时。 He obtained the opportunity, was only that time cultivation base was still weak, was worried that was coveted, even the fathers are concealing. 他就获得了机遇,只是那时修为尚弱,担心遭人觊觎,连父亲都隐瞒着。 When the feeble body, his cultivation base card in Foundation Establishment Stage for a long time, is lifelong hopeless. 在病弱之身时,他的修为卡在筑基期许久,终身无望。 If restores the foundation in the near future, during being short, jumps Golden Core Stage from Qi Refining Stage, that is truly impossible. 如果说在近期恢复根基,短期间从炼气期跳到金丹期,那确实不可能。 I hear, the Dong Mengyao teacher close to the limit, is unable to save the situation. Young Master has enough time obviously, why comes at this time point, comes to crusade against?” “我又听闻,董梦瑶的师尊临近大限,回天乏术。公子明明有足够的时间,为何偏偏在这个时间点过来,上门讨伐?” Luo Liang faint smile say/way. 罗亮似笑非笑的道。 Such remarks, on the scene knows the Sect disciple of inside story, if there is meaning looks to the bell day show. 此言一出,在场知道内情的宗门弟子,若有意味的看向钟天秀。 Time that bell Tianxiu comes to crusade against, truly coincidence. 钟天秀上门讨伐的时机,确实巧合。 Although he holds true, has the suspicion of taking advantage unavoidably. 虽说他有理,却难免有趁火打劫的嫌疑。 Snort! Hypocrite of taking advantage of somebody.” “哼!趁人之危的伪君子。” Apricot robe girl Guan Qiaozhi, snorts contemptuously. 杏袍女孩关巧芝,嗤之以鼻。 Feels periphery the people thought-provoking vision. 感受到周围众人耐人寻味的目光。 bell Tianxiu somewhat is annoyed. 钟天秀不禁有些恼火。 This is only the coincidence! Zhong said before, after cultivation base slightly has, comes the punitive expedition. Otherwise, refining and Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, is unable to defend oneself, the when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, how dare comes to crusade against.” He gets angry the sound to argue. “这只是巧合!钟某之前说了,在修为小有成后,才过来讨伐。否则,一介炼气、筑基期修真者,自身难保,人微言轻,怎敢上门讨伐。”他怒声辩解道。 Luo Liang is stunned, originally this goods have had patch. 罗亮愕然,原来这货早就打好了“补丁”。 When bell Tianxiu the words, some loopholes( cultivation base is still low, can lead elder to come help punitive expedition), but can be passable logically. 尽管钟天秀的话,依旧有些漏洞(修为低时,可以带长辈过来帮忙讨伐),但逻辑上能说得过去。 After all the gentleman revenges, ten years do not dislike late. 毕竟君子报仇,十年都不嫌晚。 Qiao Senior Sister, I do not think spending many argument.” “乔师姐,我不想多费口舌。” bell Tianxiu the complexion is disgruntled, cold snort/hum. 钟天秀面色不悦,冷哼一声。 Please my purpose in coming, inform Miss Mengyao and Dong Family. One side best let Young Master this/Ben and Miss Mengyao sees, has the opportunity that more peace reduce and solve......” “请把我的来意,告知梦瑶姑娘董家。最好让本少爷与梦瑶姑娘见一面,如此才有更多和平化解的机会……” He said a word to suggest. 他言语暗示道。 I will help pass on. But your and other potentials of intimidation, Mengyao only feared that is not in no mood to see.” “我会帮忙转述。但你这等威逼之势,梦瑶只怕没心情见。” Qiao Yu luo looks the dislike, has not said anything again. 乔羽洛面露厌恶,没再说什么。 She prepares to bring female disciples Guan Qiaozhi to leave, goes to the mountain and Dong Mengyao discussed. 她准备带着女徒关巧芝离开,去山中与董梦瑶商量。 This Qiao Senior Sister, please wait a bit.” “这位乔师姐,请稍等。” Luo Liang walks the first several steps, opens the mouth in a soft voice. 罗亮走前几步,轻声开口。 Qiao Yu luo and Guan Qiaozhi footsteps, two pairs of beautiful eyes go to Luo Liang, reveals the color of surprise. 乔羽洛和关巧芝脚步一顿,两双美目投向罗亮,露出诧异之色。 Scene besides bell day show, Luo Liang this Country Suppressing Rank heaven's chosen character. 现场除了钟天秀,还有罗亮这位镇国级天骄人物。 Sees Luo Liang to make noise to stop by calling two females. 罗亮出声喊住二女。 Clock day delicate eyebrows wrinkles, not quick say/way: 钟天秀眉头皱起,不快的道: Minds own business , there is nothing to do with you.” “少管闲事,与你无关。” In the words has meaning of warning. 话语中有警告的意味。 The Luo Liang sharp inquiry, had made discontented a moment ago, was disgusted. 刚才罗亮尖锐的提问,已经让不满,心生厌恶。 Luo Liang has not paid attention to bell Tianxiu the warning, the smile holds the fist in the other hand to Qiao Yu luo temperately: 罗亮没有理会钟天秀的警告,笑容温和的冲乔羽洛抱拳: „The exhausted Qiao Senior Sister help contacts Mengyao, said that Fellow Student Luo must see her.” “劳烦乔师姐帮忙联络一下梦瑶,就说有一位‘罗同学’要见她。” „Do you also want to see Mengyao?” “你也要见梦瑶?” Apricot robe girl Guan Qiaozhi, the show pupil winks, being astonished different way. 杏袍女孩关巧芝,秀眸眨动,讶异道。 Looks at the situation, Luo Liang and bell Tianxiu is not a passer-by. 看情形,罗亮与钟天秀不是一路人。 These two people with are the peerless talent, cultivation base are equivalent, actually must see Dong Mengyao. 这二人同为绝世天才,修为大致相当,却都要见董梦瑶 Guan Qiaozhi sighs with emotion secretly, in oneself this boudoir friend Master Uncle, is really the charm is infinite. 关巧芝暗自感慨,自己这位闺中好友师叔,真是魅力无穷啊。 What are you relate with Mengyao?” “你跟梦瑶是什么关系?” Qiao Yu luo does not have the complexion. 乔羽洛没有好脸色。 In her opinion, Luo Liang is possibly ordinary with bell Tianxiu, seeks after the Dong Mengyao beauty, Blue Lotus Body, the millennium asset of teacher. 在她看来,罗亮可能与钟天秀一般,贪图董梦瑶的美色,青莲之体,师尊的千年资产。 I am the Mengyao boyfriend, comes to see her specially.” “我是梦瑶的男朋友,特意过来见她。” Luo Liang superficial say/way. 罗亮轻描淡写的道。 You...... Mengyao boyfriend?” “你……梦瑶的男友?” The Qiao Yu luo two female beautiful eyes stare in a big way, inconceivable is staring at Luo Liang. 乔羽洛二女美目瞪大,不可思议的盯着罗亮 Surrounding Sect disciple, a discussion in an uproar. 周围的宗门弟子,一片哗然议论。 „Is this person the Dong Mengyao boyfriend?” “这人是董梦瑶的男友?” Was interesting! Once had the youngster of engagement with the Mengyao fairy maiden, another is the present boyfriend of Mengyao fairy maiden?” “有意思了!一个是与梦瑶仙子曾有婚约的少年,另一个是梦瑶仙子的现男友?” Eats the Eight Trigrams (gossip) psychology of melon audience to be transferred. 吃瓜观众的八卦心理被调动。 Meanwhile, has not being able to say dog blood flavor. 同时,有种说不出的狗血味道。 How possibly! Is she Dong Mengyao boyfriend?” “怎么可能!她是董梦瑶的男友?” bell Tianxiu complexion big change, heart one suddenly. 钟天秀面色大变,心头一突。 Associates, before Luo Liang, is consistent with their direction, simultaneously arrives in Heavenly Purity Sect, perhaps really has this possibility. 联想到,罗亮之前与他们方向一致,同时抵达乾清宗,或许真有这个可能。 No?” “不行吗?” Luo Liang looks with a smile to two females. 罗亮含笑看向二女。 „If true, naturally does not have the issue.” “如果属实,自然没问题。” Qiao Yu luo and Guan Qiaozhi, looks at Luo Liang, responded. 乔羽洛和关巧芝,怔怔的看着罗亮,反应过来。 Mengyao Master Uncle said, making us lead you to pass.” 梦瑶师叔说,让我们带你过去。” The apricot robe girl hand grasps communication jade pendant, has responded quickly. 杏袍女孩手握一枚通讯玉佩,很快有所回应。 It seems like, you are really the Mengyao boyfriend.” “看来,你真是梦瑶的男友。” A Guan Qiaozhi pair of bright clear nimble and resourceful pupil, " cheerful , interested " sizing up Luo Liang. 关巧芝一双亮澈灵动的眸子,兴致盎然的打量罗亮 You come along with us.” “你随我们来。” Qiao Yu luo look restores calmly, bringing Luo Liang to enter the entrance, through investigating rigorously of guarding a gate. 乔羽洛神色恢复镇定,带着罗亮进入山门,通过守门的严查。 Clock Young Master please halt!” “钟公子请止步!” bell Tianxiu wants to hoodwink, follows walks into the mountain together, actually guarded Sect expert stops. 钟天秀想蒙混过去,跟随一起进山,却被镇守的宗门高手阻拦。 He has resentful turning around, to return to the alcove under welcome pine. 他只好悻悻的转身,回到迎客松下的亭子。 This boy, unexpectedly is really the Dong Mengyao boyfriend.” “这小子,竟然真是董梦瑶的男友。” bell Tianxiu the complexion is unwilling, clenches teeth slightly. 钟天秀面色不甘,微微咬牙。 He is looking above the entrance, Luo Liang treads the back that empties to go , the complexion is unattractive, in eye cold light twinkle. 他望着山门上方,罗亮踏空而去的背影,脸色不好看,眼中寒光闪烁。 Luo Liang is ordinary with him, has the destiny, is not the ordinary person. 罗亮与他一般,身怀气运,不是等闲之辈。 Perhaps if except this, my plan will not have many variables. “若不除去此子,我的计划恐怕会有诸多变数。 The inheritance of that old ancestor but actually, most is the dowry of splendid addition. But Dong Mengyao Blue Lotus Body, is I cultivates " Heavenly Sun dragon and phoenix Inversion Secret art » pair shape certainly. ” 那位老祖的传承倒也罢了,最多是锦上添花的嫁妆。但董梦瑶青莲之体,是我所修《天阳龙凤颠倒诀》的绝配对象。” bell Tianxiu is calculating, how should cope with the love rival resistance that this accident/surprise has. 钟天秀心里盘算着,该如何对付这个意外出现的情敌阻力。 Broadminded, his mind wells up one startled to palpitate. 豁然,他心灵涌来一丝惊悸。 The body is stiff, the whole body is icy cold. 身体僵硬,全身冰凉不安。 Dark, he seems to become fish under a quality compensation, degenerates into object who was in control of the destiny. 冥冥中,他好似成为一条水下的鱼儿,沦为被人主宰命运的对象。 This feeling flashes to pass. 这种感觉一闪而逝。 ......” “唔……” bell Tianxiu looks pale like the paper, the figure cannot come to a stop, sits on the stone stool. 钟天秀面色苍白如纸,身形站不稳,一屁股坐在石凳上。 Young master, you how?” “少爷,你怎么了?” The ancient bronzes person of great strength and fox tail maid supports bell Tianxiu flustered. 古铜力士和狐尾女仆慌张的扶住钟天秀。 bell Tianxiu the facial expression is not very right, looks incomparably weak, probably pulled out to empty the body by the wine and women, sits cannot stand firm. 钟天秀的气色很不对,看上去无比虚弱,好像被酒色掏空了身体,坐立不稳。 What is more frightened is. 更惊悚的是。 bell Tianxiu the youth face in full flower, was faint old several points, the wrinkle on skin, particularly the law mark, deepened several points. 钟天秀原本风华正茂的青春面孔,隐隐间苍老了几分,皮肤上的皱纹,尤其是法令纹,加深了几分。 In that shiny black hair, were more some magnificence send/hair. 那黑亮的头发间,更是多了些华发。 Young master, how you change......” “少爷,你怎么变……” The fox tail maid is panic-stricken, is covering mouth, beautiful face changing colors. 狐尾女仆惊骇,捂着嘴,花容失色。 bell Tianxiu the height, appearance, cultivation base and aura, these have not all changed. 钟天秀的身高、容貌、修为气息,这些皆没有变化。 The only change, aged probably. 唯一的变化,好像变老了些。 The person of great strength and maid want the word to stop, did not say the exit|to speak. 力士和女仆欲言而止,不好说出口。 Settles great grandfather, a moment ago what's the matter! I lost some lives probably baseless.” “安祖爷爷,刚才怎么回事!我好像凭空丧失了一些寿命。” bell Tianxiu deeply inspires, closes eyes to control one's breathing, makes oneself calm down reluctantly, inquired the experienced secure ancestor. 钟天秀深吸一口气,闭目调息,勉强让自己冷静下来,询问见多识广的安祖。 Just now change is too rapid, by my weak soul strength, has not investigated with enough time clearly.” “方才的变化太快,以我虚弱的魂力,没来得及探查清楚。” secure ancestor tone is dignified, speculates saying: 安祖语气凝重,又推测道: On you unusual circumstance, is a bit like in the legend Fishing World strength. Fortunately, that strength of fishing cancels your dozens years of life span, to your Golden Core Stage several hundred years of life span, and is not affected much.” “你身上的异常情况,有点像传说中的‘垂钓世界’力量。还好,那垂钓之力只是勾走你几十年寿命,对你金丹期几百年的寿命来说,并无大碍。” bell Tianxiu listens to be uncomfortable very much. 钟天秀听完很不是滋味。 Listens to secure ancestor's tone, how oneself loses dozens years of life span, but also is a rejoicing matter? 听安祖的口气,怎么自己失去几十年寿命,还算是一件庆幸之事? „The strength of fishing? Has divine ability and magical treasure resists?” “垂钓之力?有没有神通法宝去抵挡?” bell Tianxiu the gloomy and cold vision, looks steadily at the distant flight Luo Liang, latter's figure changes to the Little Black point. 钟天秀阴冷的目光,盯视远方飞行的罗亮,后者的身形化作小黑点。 He feels the doubts. 他不禁感到疑惑。 The trace that Luo Liang has not acted, turns away from him to fly to go. 罗亮并没有出手的痕迹,背对他飞行而去。 This strength non-solution, may be called One of All Heavens' Thirteen Taboos.” secure ancestor smiles bitterly to say. “这种力量无解,堪称诸天十三禁之一。”安祖苦笑道。 Non-solution? That is invincible......” “无解?那岂不是无敌……” bell Tianxiu feels scalp tingles. 钟天秀感到头皮发麻。 You do not need to worry, non-solution the strength of fishing , many limits, rare appearance in river of history. Each appearance, has the fortuitousness, and record that has not presented continuously. Possibly is on you destiny is generous, cared by the strength of fishing easily.” “你不必担心,无解的垂钓之力,也有许多限制,在历史长河中罕有出现。它每一次出现,具有偶然性,且没有连续出现的记录。可能是你身上气运隆厚,容易被垂钓之力眷顾。” secure ancestor analyzes carefully, and comforts bell Tianxiu. 安祖细致的分析,并安抚钟天秀。 Actually, even secure ancestor's once altitude, but has listened to the strength of hearsay fishing, to its understanding limited to the ancient book record, has never personally experienced. 其实,即便是安祖曾经的高度,只是听过传闻垂钓之力,对其了解限于典籍记载,从未亲身经历过。 Fortuitousness?” “偶然性吗?” bell Tianxiu the heart hair is peaceful, under the clothing/taking the compounded drug restores the weak body. 钟天秀心头稍安,服下丹药恢复虚弱的身体。 Right, according to the historical record, this strength will not arrive on you again. Moreover, when it arrives, your Soul will have the induction, if makes the movement of guard avoidance, can increase the resistivity, reduces the loss.” “对,按照历史记录,这种力量不会再在你身上降临。而且,当它降临时,你的灵魂会有感应,如果做出防范躲避的动作,能增加抵抗力,降低损失。” That boy surnamed Luo! On him also has great destiny, perhaps is he and I together, the destiny is too strong, brings in the strength of fishing, finally met with a disaster is actually I.” “那个姓罗的小子!他身上也有大气运,恐怕是他与我一起,气运太强,引来垂钓之力,最终遭殃的却是我。” In bell Tianxiu heart not indignation, to Luo Liang hates killing intent more abundant several points. 钟天秀心中不忿,对罗亮的憎恶杀意更盛几分。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Luo Liang follows two females to tread the spatial flight, some way mountain peak, near the ear hears squeak one faintly. 罗亮跟随二女踏空飞行,途径某个山峰,耳边隐隐传来“吱”得一声。 In the gaps of dimension, appears a transparent window screening. 维度的间隙间,浮现一层透明窗纱。 Lovable small squirrel, is holding a golden fishing pole. 一只可爱的小松鼠,抱着一根黄金钓竿。 On that golden fishhook, is fishing one group of blood azure transparent halos, sends out pure rich life source aura. 那金色的鱼钩上,钓着一团血青色的透明光晕,散发纯净浓郁的生命本源气息 30 years of life?” “三十年寿元吗?” Luo Liang curls the lip, somewhat is slightly disappointed. 罗亮撇撇嘴,略有些失望。 He makes squirrel make a move in the hidden place, aims at bell Tianxiu destiny. 他让松鼠在暗处出手,是瞄准钟天秀身上的气运。 The child of destiny of this destiny, if can eliminate, may be helpful Luo Liang promoting Universe Supreme in the future. 这种气运之子身上的气运,若是能剥夺过来,可有助罗亮未来晋升宇宙至尊 Luo Liang has twice chance comprehension that said the ancestor level, surpassed general Starry Sky Great Expert to the Grand Dao comprehension. 罗亮有两次道祖级的机缘感悟,对大道领悟超过一般的星空大能 He becomes Starry Sky Great Expert, only requires routinely the precipitation of cultivation and time. 他成为星空大能,只需要按部就班修炼和时间的沉淀。 Even achievement Rank 10 Universe Rank, Luo Liang has the enormous assurance. 甚至成就10级宇宙级,罗亮都有极大把握。 Only has Universe Supreme, anybody does not dare to say had confidence. 唯有宇宙至尊,任何人都不敢说有把握。 Many startled Yanyan's universe mighty figure, at this failure. 多少惊才艳艳的宇宙大能,在这一步失败。 Needs great destiny to add the body, may break through this side universe the limit. 需要大气运加身,才有可能突破这方宇宙的极限。 If not, that is doomed to be defeated. 如果没有,那就是注定失败。 Luo Liang is so young, cultivation base achieves Rank 6 Planet Rank, the life estimation 2,000-3,000 years, has not reached 20 years old. 罗亮如此年轻,修为达到6级行星级,寿命估计2,000-3,000年,还未满二十岁。 He most does not lack is the life span. 他最不缺的就是寿命。 Therefore, 30 years of life span that this fishes, has no egg to use to him, very weak. 所以,这钓到的三十年寿命,对他没有任何卵用,十分鸡肋。 Pitifully, wasted a making a move opportunity.” “可惜,浪费了一次出手机会。”
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