IANYIBTTH :: Volume #9

#808: Cuts to kill thunder revering...... clone

Day monster puppet not magnificent fighting technique, some not gaudy brute force, its double fist brandishes like two drop hammers at this moment, goes to the thunder revering clone crazy bang unceasingly, the fist quickly like the lightning, in a flash is over a hundred fists! 天妖傀不会华丽的斗技,有的只是毫无花哨的蛮力,此刻它双拳挥舞如同两座打桩机,不断向雷尊者分身狂轰而去,拳头快如闪电,弹指间就是上百拳! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang......” “嘭!嘭!嘭!嘭!嘭……” Continuous such as ripe plum rain, wild such as the fist of extremely heavy thunder, making thunder revering clone to be somewhat hard to resist, he was only thunder Huanshen, without true mortal body, would have no skeleton and muscle, some were only a body of having externals without substance, is unable to display the too big strength, was hit left Zhiyou to be clumsy by day monster puppet, in an extremely difficult situation. 连绵如黄梅阴雨,狂暴如万钧雷霆的拳头,令雷尊者分身有些难以招架,他只是一具雷幻身,没有真正的肉身,也就没有骨架、肌肉,有的只是一具徒有其表的身体,根本无法发挥太大的力量,被天妖傀打得左支右拙,狼狈不堪。 But those who made thunder revering worry, he did not have the electricity quickly...... not, has not mumped quickly. 而更令雷尊者担忧的是,他快没电……哦不,快没斗气了。 thunder Huanshen does not have the veins and dantian, causing unable to absorb the world energy to refine to change into battle qi, can only depend upon the main body to supplement to mump, this moment thunder revering main body in wind and thunder pavilion entrance, thunder revering clone, since had acted since the ancient times vestige repeatedly, the battle qi reserves in within the body are not many. 雷幻身没有筋脉、丹田,导致无法吸收天地能量炼化为斗气,只能依靠本体补充斗气,此刻雷尊者本体远在风雷阁山门内,雷尊者分身自从进入远古遗迹以来出手多次,体内的斗气储量并不多了。 I presented the thunder revering earliest possible time to know, but day monster puppet took to his tremendous pressure, making him unable excessively to care, but was wholehearted fights with day monster puppet, that side had phoenix yan to resist in any case, the junior definitely did not win. 我出现雷尊者第一时间就知道了,但天妖傀带给他巨大的压力,令他无法过多关心,而是一心一意与天妖傀战斗,反正那边有凰炏抗着,那小辈肯定赢不了。 An energy light beam that but the lasing comes suddenly, making the thunder revering clone whole face shocking! 可陡然激射而来的一道能量光柱,令雷尊者分身满脸震惊! Phoenix yan you have not been defeated start to attack him, diverts attention in the fight of this intensity, you really did not fear that seized the opportunity to cut to kill by phoenix yan? 凰炏你还没打败就开始攻击他,在这种烈度的战斗中分心,你真的不怕被凰炏乘机斩杀吗? Thunder revering clone startled and anger, then must move sideways to avoid, but he with astonishment discovered at this moment, oneself was forced into a special angle by day monster puppet a moment ago, this moment day monster puppet attacks from front, he hides not to be possible radically to hide. 雷尊者分身又惊又怒,便要闪身躲避,可此刻他才惊愕发现,自己刚才被天妖傀逼入一个特殊角度,此刻天妖傀又从前面攻来,他根本躲无可躲。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The bucket thick energy light beam cuts the expansive sky, falls on thunder revering instantaneously, the wild energy blasts out loudly, thunder revering clone to use defends full power, the whole body is wrapping layer upon layer dazzling purple, may under the impact of that wild energy, carry day of monster puppet that like the iron fist that under the raindrop drops, this defense was crushed instantaneously. 水桶粗的能量光柱划破长空,瞬间落在雷尊者身上,狂暴的能量轰然炸开,雷尊者分身倾尽全力防御,周身包裹着一层层耀眼的紫色雷芒,可在那狂暴能量的冲击下,载天妖傀那如雨点般落下的铁拳下,这层防御瞬间被击碎。 whistling......” “呼呼呼……” The energy storm deep place, milky white small flame appearance, each other fusion connection, forms a sea of fire of flaming combustion suddenly the continuously, clone on to spread to go to thunder revering. 能量风暴深处,忽然有一缕缕乳白色的小火苗出现,彼此融合交汇,形成一片熊熊燃烧的火海,向雷尊者分身上蔓延而去。 Falling from the sky carditis?!” “陨落心炎?!” Thunder revering stares the big eye, panic-stricken desire certainly! 雷尊者瞪大眼睛,惊骇欲绝! He suddenly thought that when ancient times vestige outside I have put out the falling from the sky carditis, me never only has a falling from the sky carditis, but was two. 他突然想起来了,早在远古遗迹外面时我就拿出过陨落心炎,我这边从来不是只有一朵陨落心炎,而是两朵。 Bathes milky white in falling from the sky carditis, thunder revering clone to look like one to be lost into the wax figure in fire, starts to melt slowly. 沐浴在乳白色的“陨落心炎”中,雷尊者分身就像是一具被丢入火中的蜡像,开始缓缓融化。 Bang bang!” “嘭嘭!” Day monster puppet has not stopped the attack, to has been catching fire, is going all out to struggle thunder revering that tries to fight fire clone is dozens fists gets down, forcefully flying high to hit to explode the opposite party, explodes everywhere luminous spot! 天妖傀不曾停下攻击,对着已经着火,在拼命挣扎试图灭火的雷尊者分身又是数十拳下去,硬生生将对方给凌空打爆,炸成漫天光点! In the medicine garden, suddenly seems to be silent. 药园内,似乎突然寂静下来。 often/common Jie, to spend heaven and the others dumbfounded looks at this, startled changes by this for frightening, I was still hitting with phoenix yan obviously before, how was the next quarter pavilion main killed? 常介、费天等人目瞪口呆的看着这一幕,都被这惊变给吓到,明明之前我还在和凰炏打的,怎么下一刻自家阁主就被打死? Wind and thunder pavilion people vacant, the people of day monster phoenix clan were foul-mouthed, phoenix clear beautiful eye twinkle, complex is looking at me, 34 years of leans forward went all-out only to defeat her, now does put in an appearance unexpectedly routed clone of her teacher? 风雷阁众人一片茫然,天妖凰族的人骂骂咧咧,凤清儿美目闪烁,复杂的望着我,三四年前倾尽全力才只能打败她,如今竟然一个照面就击溃了她老师的分身? This progress was also too big, made this day monster phoenix clan generation of topest talent blush with shame simply. 这个进步也太大了,简直令她这位天妖凰族这一辈最顶尖的天才都汗颜。 Haha, the small leaf was too fierce!” “哈哈,小叶子太厉害了!” Hegemon military might!” “盟主威武!” Hegemon is invincible!” “盟主无敌!” Those who form the striking contrast loves the pledge people greatly, one crowd fights a powerhouse to cheer, on the Xiao Yan face full is admires and envies, he is seriously injured in the tangled warfare, if he can also have I such strong strength to be good! 形成鲜明对比的是大爱盟众人,一群斗宗强者都欢呼起来,萧炎脸上满是敬佩和羡慕,他在刚才的混战中受了重伤,若是他也能有我这样强大的战力就好了! Really achieved unexpectedly......” “竟然真的做到了……” Tang dance muttered said that in her opinion, my strength was not high, I had not demonstrated all the way the excellent strength, has been the intelligence acting, the most intrepid score also defeated it while Luo true general idea/careless, has suspected I did have the strength to defeat phoenix yan...... 唐舞喃喃说道,在她看来,我的战力并不高,我一路上也从来没有展示出过人的实力,一直属于智力担当,最强悍的战绩也不过是趁罗真大意将其击败,一直怀疑我有没有实力击败凰炏…… But suspects not to have now, thunder revering put in an appearance to cut to kill by yo one, where phoenix can yan strong to go? 可现在怀疑没了,雷尊者都被哟一个照面斩杀,凰炏又能强到哪里去? „Our hegemons also are really fierce......” Tang dance Yanran say with a smile. “我们这位盟主还真是厉害……”唐舞嫣然笑道。 Phoenix yan gawked staring, the leaning head looked at the eye to explode one group of thunder revering to clone, without thinking an own negligence caused the opposite party body dead, not being able to bear criticize human revering is really the waste waste! 凰炏愣了愣,偏头看了眼炸成一团的雷尊者分身,没想到自己一个疏忽就导致对方身死,忍不住暗骂一声人类尊者果然都是废废物! Person clan, dies!” “人族,去死吧!” Phoenix yan lowers roars fiercely, the face toward me to clash, after attacks twice, before my body, nine color energy seas that save have consumed, this time is I frailest time. 凰炏低吼一声,脸庞狰狞的朝我冲来,经过两次攻击,我身前积蓄的九彩能量海已经消耗一空,此时正是我最脆弱的时候。 Sees this, a Tang dance heart hung instantaneously, hegemon was careful!” 见到这一幕,唐舞一颗心瞬间又悬了起来,“盟主小心!” Haha, what this/should is careful is he- executes the god thorn!” “哈哈,该小心的是他-诛神刺!” My hearty laughter one, executing the god thorn is a soul class attack fights the technique, I very long have not used, at this moment uses again, the soul strength condenses a toe blade instantaneously, sends out the dense chill in the air to flushing the phoenix yan lasing goes. 我朗笑一声,诛神刺是一门灵魂类攻击斗技,我已经很久没有使用,此刻再度动用,灵魂力量瞬间凝聚成一柄尖刃,散发着森森寒意向冲来的凰炏激射而去。 Has taken the soul fruit of ancient times day phoenix, my soul strength promotes many again, but the demon beast the soul strength is always weak, even if the soul strength of revering level demon beast still not strong, where can withstand my soul attack? 服用过远古天凰的灵魂果实的后,我的灵魂力量再次提升许多,而魔兽向来灵魂力量薄弱,即便是尊者级魔兽的灵魂力量也并没有多强,哪里顶得住我的灵魂攻击? „!” “啊!” Phoenix yan sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell at the scene, seems like attacked by great hammer, stops toward brunting that I clash instantaneously, the whole piece face wrinkles one group, but light/only has a liking for one to know that he is quite painful. 凰炏当场发出一声凄厉的惨叫,就像是遭到一柄巨锤的攻击,朝我冲来的冲势瞬间停住,整张脸庞皱成一团,只是光看上一眼就知道他极为痛苦。 Phoenix yan clenches the teeth to bear stubbornly, good long time to resist has executed the god punctures the attack, slow the god has come, but the head has the intermittent pricking! 凰炏咬紧牙关死死忍住,好半晌才抗过“诛神刺”的攻击,缓过神来,可脑袋还是有阵阵刺痛感! But when waits for him to clench teeth to I continue to attack, day monster puppet of distant place has seized the chance to catch up, intercepts before his body, does not know exhausted is brandishing two giant fists, wielded toward his head, throat, chest and other strategic points. 而等他咬牙欲对我继续攻击时,远处的天妖傀已经趁机赶了过来,拦截在他身前,不知疲惫的挥舞着两只巨大拳头,朝他头颅、喉咙、心口等要害挥来。 Trivial puppet, goes away to the old man!” “区区傀儡,给老夫滚开!” Phoenix yan shouted angrily, he was not thunder revering clone, the demon beast the mortal body was always intrepid, he was no exception, to brandish the fist and day monster puppet upfront immediately shakes hardly. 凰炏怒喝一声,他可不是雷尊者分身,魔兽向来肉身强悍,他也不例外,当即挥舞着拳头与天妖傀正面硬撼。 Suddenly, the dense and numerous fists snap lingeringly on faintly, seems has over a hundred copper gongs to strike, shakes others ear to send the cry. 一时间,密密麻麻的拳爆声不绝于耳,好似有上百面铜锣在敲打般,震得旁人耳朵发鸣。 But day monster is puppet so easy to defeat? 可天妖傀哪是那么容易击败的? While two people of fierce struggles, phoenix yan cares about me without the flaw, on my face shows a bright smile, looked down to often/common Jie, to spend heaven, phoenix porch and phoenix clear et al . 趁着二人激斗,凰炏无瑕顾及我,我脸上露出一个灿烂的笑容,低头看向常介、费天、凰轩、凤清儿等人。 Phoenix porch with my vision looking at each other, in an instant all over the body one cool, muttered: What's wrong, how can like this? You are only six star sects, only lowly person clan, only six star sect Xiuwei......” 凰轩与我的目光对视,刹那间通体一凉,喃喃道:“怎,怎么会这样?你只是一个六星斗宗而已,区区一个卑贱的人族,区区六星斗宗修为……” Should kill along with me recklessly, kneels to kneel to ask me do not kill you, how can you revolt? How do you dare to revolt?!” Speaking of behind, the phoenix porch look more is more demented. “就应该随我肆意打杀,跪下来跪下来求我不要杀你,你怎么能反抗?你怎么敢反抗?!”越说到后面,凰轩神色越癫狂。 I ask my troublesome fellow to have no favorable impression to this again and again, only has five characters to him. 我对这个几次三番找我麻烦的家伙没有任何好感,对他只有五个字。 World has the righteous qi!” “天地有正气!”
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