IANYIBTTH :: Volume #9

#807: The hegemons came

The medicine garden deep place, in the golden spirit beast cover, I sit cross-legged to sit above the altar, is filled with anxiously. 药园深处,金色的灵兽罩内,我盘膝坐在祭坛之上,满心焦急。 Outside fight I through Huanshen the contact with the puppet and thunder, look clear, facing the wind and thunder pavilion and besieging of day monster phoenixes and soul palace three parties, me has fallen leeward, did not say others, the leaf old buddhist monks are in danger. 外面的战斗我通过与傀儡和雷幻身的联系,看得一清二楚,面对风雷阁、天妖凰、魂殿三方的围攻,我这边已经落入下风,不说其他人,就连叶老衲都陷入险境。 He only then my 60% strengths, cultivates for in four star sect boundaries, in this revering level strength has in five terrifying battlefields, only four star sect Xiuwei really insufficiently looked, barely escape several times, has others to look after with emphasis, the leaf old buddhist monk was killed early. 他只有我60%战力,修为在四星斗宗境界,在这处尊者级战力都有五位的恐怖战场上,区区四星斗宗修为实在不够看,几次险死还生,要不是有其他人重点关照,叶老衲早被人打死了。 Hurry up, soul fruit, you a bit faster......” “快点啊,灵魂果实,你快点啊……” My heart almost hangs on the throat, full is disturbed and anxious, may actually remain unmoved in the soul fruit radically, is growing as before adamantly, after having a while time, under it in my awaiting eagerly, derived the ancient times day phoenix to remain the last strength, grew. 我一颗心几乎悬在嗓子眼上,满是忐忑和焦急,可在灵魂果实却根本不为所动,依旧我行我素的生长着,直到有一会儿时间之后,它在我的望眼欲穿中,汲取完远古天凰残留下的最后一丝力量,生长完毕。 „!” “唰!” I rise with a spring from the altar, change to the purple flowing light to break in the red plain together fiercely, just like puts out a hand to take off the soul fruit superficially, then the figure has not stayed , to continue to flush away toward the golden spirit beast cover of distant place. 我从祭坛上一跃而起,化作一道紫色流光猛地冲入赤色平原,宛如蜻蜓点水般伸手摘下灵魂果实,然后身形没有丝毫停留,继续朝远处的金色灵兽罩冲去。 The soul fruit I have swallowed dozens, has the rich experience, knows when refining up this thing besides will have the fierce pleasant sensation, will not present other side effects again, therefore during the flight, I in soul fruit of this apple size the hand spit! 灵魂果实我已经吞服过数十枚,有着丰富的经验,知道炼化这东西时除了会产生剧烈的快感外,并不会再出现其他副作用,所以在飞行途中时,我就将手中这枚足足苹果大小的灵魂果实一口吐下! Risk that the entrance, does not have any chokes, really is user-friendly. 入口即化,没有任何噎死的风险在内,实在是很人性化。 ...... …… ...... …… Facing attack of phoenix yan this revering, but eight star sect Xiuwei Tang dance resist is quite difficult, or after kept off the phoenix yan two moves, she was hit to spit blood to fly upside down, pounds to fall in the distant place ground. 面对凰炏这位尊者的攻击,只是八星斗宗修为的唐舞抵挡的极为艰难,或者说只是挡了凰炏两招后,她就被打得吐血倒飞出去,砸落在远处地面上。 The soil in medicine garden is soft, this causes Tang dance now to be extremely distressed, embroiders the magnificent and expensive cloud pattern the red clothes palace clothing long skirt to stain the soil with the gold thread at this moment, the head chignon also disperses, is hanging loose under the silver hair is a face of blanch. 药园内的土壤松软肥沃,这导致唐舞现在极其狼狈,用金线绣有华贵云纹的红衣宫装长裙此刻沾满泥土,头上发髻也散掉,披散着的银发下是一张发白的脸庞。 Tang dance coughs a blood, she many years has not had such intimate contact with the land, when was the previous time overthrown in the ground is? 唐舞咳出一口鲜血,她已经很多年没有和大地有过这么亲密的接触,上次被人打倒在地面上是什么时候? She somewhat records is unclear, probably is very very small the small time. 她有些记不清了,好像是很小很小的时候。 whistling......” “呼呼呼……” Heat wave throws, Tang dance looks up, bathes phoenix yan in scarlet flame to fly all over the body, she seems like on the face of 20 -year-old young girl to feel blazing smoothly exquisitely, looks like stands on roasting the crater of hot mountain range lowers the head facing the magma. 一股热浪扑来,唐舞抬头看去,是通体沐浴在赤红火焰内的凰炏飞来,她光滑细腻像是二十岁少女的脸庞上感到炽热,就像是站在炙火山脉的火山口上低头面对着岩浆。 Lowly person clan, this ancient times vestige in the beast territory, that was my day monster phoenix clan, you did not know heavenly prestige to dare the skeleton mountain range to fight for with my clan, really brought about own destruction!” “卑贱的人族,这座远古遗迹在兽域境内,那就是我天妖凰族的,尔等不识天威竟敢来骸骨山脉与我族争抢,真是自寻死路!” Phoenix yan is smiling unruly, burns other flame valley four elders startled and anger, is shouting loudly Tang dance elder!” Glares angrily, does not have the means that was pestered to have no way to catch up with the rescue by others, came to have no way revering to save others hand/subordinate. 凰炏桀骜笑着,焚炎谷其余四位长老又惊又怒,高喊着“唐舞长老!”怒目圆睁,却毫无办法,被其他人纠缠着根本没法赶过来救援,过来了也没法在尊者手下救人。 The Luo human hair has one to call out in grief, some do not endure to look again, but suddenly, the distant place transmits shouts angrily together. 罗真发出一声悲鸣,有些不忍再看下去,可忽然,远处传来一道怒喝。 Flat wool domestic animal, you dares!” “扁毛畜牲,你敢!” like the thunder, reverberates in the big medicine garden, everyone surprise seeks the sound to look, then sees the purple flowing light to speed away to come from the medicine garden deep place together, resembles is an appearance handsome young men? 喝声如雷霆,回荡在诺大的药园内,所有人都诧异寻声看去,便见一道紫色流光从药园深处疾驰而来,其中似是一位容貌英俊的青年男子? Nalan Ye!” 纳兰叶!” Is a hegemon!” “是盟主!” Hegemon came, was the hegemon true body comes!” “盟主来了,是盟主真身来了!” The person who loves the pledge greatly is instantaneously excited, is showing the pleasantly surprised look with Xiao Yan that the person struggles hard, the star meteor pavilion and poisonous sect people morale surges upward, the person who burns the flame valley seems sees the liberator, is anxious the eye tears to flow out from the corner of the eye quickly. 大爱盟的人瞬间激动起来,正与人苦战的萧炎露出惊喜神色,星陨阁、毒宗众人士气高涨,焚炎谷的人则好似看到救星,急得眼泪水都快从眼角流出。 Hegemon, saves Tang dance elder quickly!” “盟主,快救唐舞长老!” I nod toward the burning flame valley elder who that shouts layer on layer/heavily, flies into the chaotic battlefield from the medicine garden deep place, faces each other across a great distance with phoenix yan. 我朝那呼喊的焚炎谷长老重重点头,一路从药园深处飞入混乱的战场之中,与凰炏遥遥相对。 Phoenix yan turns around looks like, how many curiosity in the eye reveals, no matter what who can look to enter the stage the change, the opposite party of morale low broom corn millet did rise unexpectedly because of my arrival? 凰炏转身看来,眼中露出几丝好奇,任谁都能看出场中的变化,原本士气低糜的对方竟然因为我一个人的到来而上涨起来? So many fights a powerhouse, the star meteor pavilion, burns the flame valley, the poisonous sect, to fights the sect ordinary, 那么多的斗宗强者,星陨阁的,焚炎谷的,毒宗的,下至普通斗宗, , Tang dance this and other star sects is really cheering for me from Luo completely? Thought completely I can rescue the person in his revering hand/subordinate? Even said, they thought I can beat him? 上至罗真、唐舞这等八星斗宗全部都在为我欢呼?全部觉得我能在他一个尊者手下救出人?甚至说,他们都觉得我能击败他? The phoenix yan vision on me, the corners of the mouth has shown a contemptuous smile, in the lowering the head cross-eye flashes through Tang dance who wipes the hope saying: Only six star sects, is this big liberator who you depend on? Also an insufficient old man fist!” 凰炏目光在我身上而过,嘴角露出一个轻蔑的笑容,低头对眼中闪过一抹希望的唐舞说道:“区区一个六星斗宗,这就是你们倚仗的大救星吗?还不够老夫一拳呢!” Right?” “是吗?” On my face cannot bear is smiling, Xiao Yan and Luo true and the others saw that in the heart has profound respect, facing a revering powerful enemy, they are afraid and anxious, can I also smile unexpectedly? 我脸上忍不住在笑,萧炎、罗真等人见状,心中都是肃然起敬,面对一位尊者强敌,他们都是又害怕又紧张,我竟然还能笑出来? Worthily is a hegemon! 不愧是盟主! But only I know, I am smiling am only because the soul fruit has not built up, the soul strength continually is raised, that the fierce pleasant sensation of joy from soul most deep place transmitting, in diverting attention after phoenix yan, I am unable to suppress, therefore on the face has been smiling, and is getting more and more bright. 但只有我自己知道,我之所以在笑只是因为灵魂果实还没有炼化完毕,灵魂力量在不断提升着,那股从灵魂最深处传来的欢呼雀跃的剧烈快感,在分心面对凰炏后,我根本无法压制住,所以脸上一直在笑,而且越来越灿烂。 This looks like in phoenix yan, naturally is a provocation, an anger gushes out from his heart instantaneously, no matter also front Tang dance, his cold snort/hum, both hands pinched finger joints with the thumb, before the body, battle qi to congeal rapidly a fiery red day monster phoenix, spread the wings to throw toward me. 这在凰炏看来,自然是一种挑衅,一股怒火瞬间从他心底涌出,也不管面前的唐舞了,他冷哼一声,双手掐诀,身前斗气迅速凝结出一头火红天妖凰,展翅朝我扑来。 Chirp!” “啾!” The resonant phoenix cry sound gets up, everyone's vision was attracted to come, the phoenix porch happily is laughing, seems had seen that I was fired a hard coke, phoenix clear eyelash tremble, the heart mood does not know that suddenly is why complex. 嘹亮的凤鸣声响起,所有人的目光都被吸引而来,凰轩得意大笑着,好似已经看到我被烧成一具焦炭,凤清儿睫毛微颤,心头情绪不知为何忽然万般复杂起来。 Until familiar chanting falls into her ear, awakens her. 直到一声熟悉的吟诵声落入她耳中,才将她惊醒过来。 World has the righteous qi!” “天地有正气!” phoenix clear raised the head looks like, then saw me, as soon as raided the clothes, sent the tree top to fly upwards, several huge battle qi liked the pledge fighting powerhouse within the body to run out from several greatly, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform gathered before my body, formed one group of nine color energy seas! 凤清儿抬头看来,便见得我一袭青衫,发梢飞扬,数道庞大的斗气从几个大爱盟斗宗强者体内冲出,齐齐汇聚在我身前,形成了一团九彩的能量海! All three years ago reappears in lotus root Huacheng. 一切宛如三年前在藕花城重现。 phoenix clear complexion changed, she had suffered this move of initially, knew fiercely, at this moment shouted hurriedly high: Phoenix yan elder, be careful!” 凤清儿脸色一变,她当初就吃过这一招的亏,知道厉害,此刻匆忙高喊道:“凰炏长老,小心!” Phoenix yan has induced to fierce of that group nine color energy seas, the terrifying energy of that savings made him be surprised, in the heart sank, then saw me to lift hand one finger/refers, immediately together bucket thick or thin energy light beam toward his lasing. 凰炏已经感应到那团九彩能量海的厉害,那积蓄的恐怖能量令他都感到惊讶,心中微沉,然后便见我抬手一指,顿时一道水桶粗细的能量光柱朝他激射而来。 The phoenix yan complexion changes, hurries to control the fiery red energy day monster phoenix flight trajectory is changing, hits in together, the huge explosive sound with the energy light beam resounds immediately together. 凰炏脸色一变,慌忙控制着火红能量天妖凰飞行轨迹一变,与能量光柱撞击在一起,顿时一道庞大的爆炸声响起。 Bang!” “嘭!” The wild energy storm to falls in torrents everywhere, many people send out to call out in alarm, so terrifying fighting technique to spelling, even if only the complementary waves they do not want to resist hardly, moves sideways to avoid in abundance. 狂暴的能量风暴向四处倾泄,许多人都发出惊呼,如此恐怖的斗技对拼,哪怕只是余波他们也不想硬抗,纷纷闪身躲避开来。 The so chaotic time, I have not actually continued to attack phoenix yan, but is the left hand lifts hand one finger/refers, the energy light beam lasing clone to thunder revering together! 如此混乱时机,我却没有继续攻击凰炏,而是左手抬手一指,一道能量光柱激射向雷尊者分身!
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