IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#529: Mutant in the world

Three days later. 三天后。 Several days ago one on inshore water post-war, the person in Hellfire club, then the concealment in the corner of somewhere world, disappears again. 自几天前近岸海域上的一战后,地狱火俱乐部的人,便隐匿在世界的某处角落,再也不见踪影。 Charles and the others could not find the way suddenly, can only stay in CIA Research Base to wait for patiently. However during this period, Eric complies to remain finally, joined to contend still waited for the variant team of person, the premise was the freedom of action hands over by their Mutant, rather than US military. 查尔斯等人一时间找不到应对办法,只能留在中情局研究基地耐心等待。不过在这期间,埃里克终于答应留下来,加入抗衡尚等人的变种团队,前提是作战主动权交由他们变种人,而不是美国军方。 Mutant must deal with by Mutant, this reaches the agreement temporarily. 变种人必须由变种人来应付,这个暂时达成共识。 Meanwhile, in the research base, with is Mutant research scholar Hank, finally was the Charles ability specially made one, can control the special installment of Mutant situation. 与此同时,研究基地中,同为变种人的研究学者汉克,终于为查尔斯能力特制了一件,能左右变种人局势的特殊装置。 Cerebro. 大脑扩展机器 Can the Charles mind reading ability, the range and intensity significantly promotes, expands through the consciousness by this, seeks to hide Mutant in average person directly. 能将查尔斯的心灵感应能力,范围与强度都大幅度提升,以此通过意识扩展,直接寻找到隐藏在普通人之中的变种人 Said that is the mechanical device, in fact is a circle machine fortress, most may accommodate ten people. In outer wall of circle fortress is the antenna and plate, most middle is the disposition has the platform of special helmet. 说是机器装置,实质上是一座圆型的机器堡垒,最多可容纳十个人在内。圆型堡垒的内外壁是天线和电极板,最中间则是配置有特殊头盔的平台。 This equipment must depend upon powerful mind reading ability to use, otherwise is equivalent to the unmanned empty shell, is unable to play the corresponding powerful role. 这装置必须依靠强大的心灵感应能力者才能使用,否则就相当于无人驾驶的空壳,无法发挥相应的强大作用。 At this time, Charles one group of get together in Cerebro. 此时,查尔斯一行人齐聚于大脑扩展机器 Theoretically, your mind reading, through launcher transmission after the outside world, Mutant will feed back the unique signal, the region Coordinate can label on the built-in screen.” “理论上,你的心灵感应,通过发射器发送向外界后,变种人会反馈回特有的信号,地域坐标会标注在内置的屏幕上。” Hank is one tall is thin, the facial expression is delicate, but also wears the refined youth of eyeglasses. He is explaining the matters needing attention, while under the gaze of people, puts on the connection crowded electric wire for Charles the helmet. 汉克是一位身材高大偏瘦,脸容清秀,还戴着眼镜的斯文青年。他一边讲解着注意事项,一边在众人的注视下,替查尔斯戴上连接密集电线的头盔。 Eric looks at machine intrinsic all peacefully, on the face shows look looking pensive, after seeing Charles puts on the helmet, does not forget to damage one, your appearance also really looks like the lovable white mouse.” 埃里克安静看着机器内在的一切,脸上露出若有所思的神色,看到查尔斯戴上头盔后,不忘损上一句,“你的样子还真像可爱的小白鼠。” Do not damage me.” Charles snort/hum however said. “你别损我。”查尔斯哼然道。 I once was also the white mouse in laboratory, therefore I was very clear.” Eric light say/way. “我曾经也是实验室中的小白鼠,所以我很清楚。”埃里克淡淡道。 Raven slightly worry looks at Charles, for fear that has what accident/surprise. 瑞雯略微担心的看着查尔斯,生怕发生什么意外。 „Does Charles, prepare?” Hank looks to put on Charles of helmet, carves to tread around the millstone: I suggested that you shave the hair, this will be safe.” 查尔斯,准备好没?”汉克看着戴上头盔的查尔斯,琢磨道:“我建议你把头发剃掉,这样会安全一点。” Starts, do not want to move my hair!” Charles ill-humored treads his one eyes, the young hair did not even have, after that also how to be the nightclub princekin. “开始吧,别想动我的头发!”查尔斯没好气的蹬他一眼,年纪轻轻连头发都没了,那以后还怎么做夜店小王子。 I prepared, three, two and one!” “那我准备开了,三、二、一!” Hank returns to the control device before screen, after reading the digit, pressed down as the button of switch directly. Is connecting the electric wire grading shines, finally the helmet of margin hell suddenly bright bright. 汉克回到屏幕前的控制装置上,念完数字后,直接按下作为开关的按钮。连接着的电线次第亮起,最后尽端的头盔骤然焕亮。 „!” “啊!” Charles loudly calls out, under the Cerebro increase, he restricted in the consciousness of physical body, through the launcher, seemed extended toward the outside world the sublimation infinitely. 查尔斯大叫一声,在大脑扩展机器的增幅下,他本拘束于肉体的意识,通过发射器,仿佛得到升华般往外界无限延伸。 Just like God angle of view. 宛如上帝视角。 Charles suddenly clear looked arrived, vicinity or remote human community. In by hundred million idea people of all forms , the grey that the average person has not lightened, Mutant adds colored of pigment, as if the stars embellish above Earth. 查尔斯突然清晰的‘看’到了,近处或遥远的人类群体。在以亿计形形色色的人中,普通人是未点亮的灰色,变种人则是添上颜料的彩色,仿佛繁星点缀在地球之上。 We are actually not lonely.” “我们其实并不孤独。” Charles could not bear smile, but also has to be moved to tears the impulsion, he has thought Mutant rarely rarely, was the different kind in human. But now looks like, the Mutant quantity, absolutely he imagines are much more, but they discovered after own difference, mostly the choice concealment camouflages the average person to continue to live. 查尔斯忍不住笑了,还有着热泪盈眶的冲动,他一直以为变种人很少很少,是人类中的异类。可现在看来,变种人的数量,绝对比他想象中的多得多,只是他们发现自己的不同后,大多选择隐匿伪装成普通人继续进行生活。 When Charles looks maps the consciousness unceasingly Mutant, the Cerebro screen also in the duplication prints, prints the Coordinate 11 records that these Mutant have. 查尔斯看着不断映入意识的变种人时,大脑扩展机器的屏幕也在复制打印,将那些变种人存在的坐标一一记录打印出来。 Un?” “嗯?” Charles frowns suddenly, the mind reading does not know where extends, he saw suddenly, in the average person and Mutant, has most luminous dazzling one person. 查尔斯骤然皱起眉头,心灵感应不知延伸到哪里,他突然看到了,在普通人与变种人之中,存在着最为光亮耀眼的一人。 If, Mutant is glistens the conspicuous star early morning, the mysterious person who that presents is forever glorious Sun. 如果说,变种人是辉耀显眼的星晨,那出现的神秘人就是光芒万丈的太阳。 Who is?” “是谁?” Peeps at slightly felt that the brain in the stabbing pain, the death brace that Charles clenches jaws, is depending upon the Cerebro strength, proceeds to try to find out the mind reading diligently, wants to see clearly that to be similar to the solar physique. 只是稍微窥视就感觉大脑在刺痛,查尔斯咬牙切齿的死撑,依靠着大脑扩展机器的力量,努力将心灵感应往前摸索,想要看清那如同太阳般的身姿。 ...... 滋滋滋…… The electric current pours into the helmet along the electric wire, lets revolution that the machine does utmost, ascends the white hot smoke that curls. 电流沿着电线注入头盔,让机器竭尽全力的运转,以至于升腾起袅袅的白色热烟。 Hank looks on the screen the values and warnings of various exceeding the allowed figure, surprised uncertain looking to Charles, shouts loudly: Charles, what are you making? The machine entered the high load running status!” 汉克看着屏幕上各种超标的数值和警告,惊疑不定的望向查尔斯,大声喊道:“查尔斯,你在做什么?机器进入了高负荷运行状态!” Switches off quickly!” Raven panic say/way. “快关掉!”瑞雯惊慌失措的道。 Eric lifts the left hand, has been ready that all electric wire plugs relieve. 埃里克抬起左手,已做好将一切电线插头解除的准备。 Do not close! Makes me look again!” “不要关!再让我看一下!” Charles made noise to stop them, suppresses the uncomfortableness that the brain is blasting out, the mind reading is still proceeding to search difficultly into. 查尔斯出声制止了他们,强忍着大脑炸开的不适感,心灵感应还在往前艰难探入。 Finally, he gradually saw, in dazzling ray package, a robust masculine back. 终于,他逐渐看到了,在刺目光芒的包裹中,一个身材健壮的男性背影。 This familiarity, that is......” “这种熟悉感,那是……” The Charles amazed opening eye, resembles to detect that his existence, that person of turning around of slowly, an eye as if projects two bunches of light, pierced all actual situation instantaneously, spans the distance visual to his to be at directly. 查尔斯惊诧的睁大眼睛,似察觉到他的存在,那人缓缓的转过身来,一双眼睛仿佛射出两束光,瞬间洞穿了一切虚实,跨越距离直接目视到他的所在。 ...... …… Moira paces in the base lawn, is walking toward Cerebro, wants to have a look at Charles and the others the progress, may transmit the loud sound of bang with the ear bank, the front circle machine fortress is similar to the egg that burns, raises unceasingly upward the billowing thick smoke. 莫拉踱步在基地草坪上,正往大脑扩展机器走去,想看看查尔斯等人的进展,可随着耳畔传来轰的一声巨响,前方的圆型机器堡垒便如同烤焦的鸡蛋,不断往上升起滚滚的浓烟。 Had an accident?” “出事了?” The Moira complexion changes, quickens pace to walk, arrives at the fortress entrance place, saw that Eric and Raven are supporting by the arm Charles, coughs fiercely is escaping from the machine distressedly. 莫拉脸色一变,加快步伐走去,来到堡垒门口处,就看到埃里克和瑞雯搀扶着查尔斯,剧烈咳嗽着从机器内狼狈逃出。 Hank walks in the rear, the eyeglasses that he wears are crooked, the hair a little scorched, is holding one pile of paper that print the good localization, long gasp for breath saying: Fortunately, the information document is all right.” 汉克走在最后面,他戴着的眼镜歪斜,头发都有点烧焦了,抱着一堆打印好定位的纸张,长喘口气道:“还好,情报文件没事。” Charles, actually did you make what?” Eric is surprised the different way. 查尔斯,你究竟做了什么?”埃里克诧异道。 Charles had not replied, is talking over repeatedly: Is he, is he...... also only then he.” 查尔斯没有回答,重复念叨着:“是他,是他……也只有他了。” Disparity that no wonder, this has had. Also, extraordinary.” He smiles bitterly, then knees soft, direct dizzy lying falls on the lawn. “难怪,这就是一直存在的差距么。还真是,了不得啊。”他苦笑一声,然后双膝一软,直接昏眩的趴倒在草地上。 US, New York, underground wrestle field. 美国,纽约,地下格斗场。 The wrestle field had reserved all seats for a performance, intrinsic lonely only has three people. 格斗场已经被包场,内在冷清的只有三人。 Puts on Azazel and Logan of wrestle gauntlet/glove, two people are red the capable upper body, in comparing notes contest that having to have, they have the Beast/wild animal keen five feelings, is good at the close combat preying extremely, inextricably involved that without use variant ability, really hits in a short time. 戴上格斗拳套的阿撒佐罗根,二人赤着精壮上身,在有来有回的切磋较量,他们都有野兽般的敏锐五感,极其擅长近战搏杀,在不使用变种能力的情况下,短时间内还真打的难解难分。 Caesar Station under stage, but also is looking own behind. 凯撒站在台下,还在看着自己的身后。 Boy, can you come up to try?” A fist repels Azazel, Logan toward Caesar rampant cancelled the fist. “小子,你要不要上来试试?”一拳将阿撒佐击退,罗根朝凯撒嚣张的勾了勾拳头。 I consider as finished.” Caesar turns head, shrugs , to continue to see a play. “我还是算了。”凯撒回头,耸了耸肩,继续看戏。
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