IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#528: True Wolverine

A round of moon finds out from the dark cloud, the bright moonlight sprinkles in the base open area. 一轮月亮从乌云中探出,皎洁月光洒落在基地空地上。 Charles is bending the waist slightly, the hand is supporting the corridor guardrail, looks askance to look around Moira, matter why you suddenly want to understand Caesar.” 查尔斯稍微弯着腰,手撑着走廊扶栏,侧目望着旁边的莫拉,“你为什么突然想了解凯撒的事情。” Moira the face, have not wanted to answer, may fear that Charles respectfully receives and reads the heart, can only dodge said: According to your meaning, he is not Mutant, is the honored status of British duke. If he can join us, perhaps when dealing with Hellfire club these people, can increase one point of odds of success.” 莫拉别过脸去,不想对此作出回答,可又怕查尔斯直接读心,只能搪塞道:“依你的意思,他不也是变种人么,还是英国公爵的尊贵身份。如果他能加入我们,没准在对付地狱火俱乐部那些人时,能增加一分胜算。” He?” The Charles corners of the mouth twitched under. “他?”查尔斯嘴角抽搐了下。 His variant ability, not suitable fight?” Moira surprise looks to him. “难道他的变种能力,不适合战斗?”莫拉诧异的看向他。 No.” Charles shakes the head, his ability not suitable fight, rather, I not to know his concrete variant ability is anything.” “不。”查尔斯摇了摇头,“与其说他的能力不适合战斗,更不如说,我不知道他具体的变种能力是什么。” How is this possible?” Moira this time really surprised. “这怎么可能?”莫拉这次真的惊讶到了。 This is the fact, although with lived several years in the eaves, person but who I cannot completely understand only, probably only then Caesar he.” “这是事实,虽然同在屋檐生活了数年,但我唯一看不透的人,大概就只有凯撒他一人了。” Charles at this point, helpless lets go saying: My ability, from infancy to maturity, no time can enter to Caesar's consciousness. Even if sleeps in him, most does not have the protection time. If average person's consciousness, is the ordinary house, so long as found the gate to go. His consciousness, like layer upon layer super safe cabinet of encryption.” 查尔斯说到这里,无奈摊手道:“我的能力,从小到大,没有一次能进入到凯撒的意识。哪怕在他睡觉,最毫无防备的时候。如果说普通人的意识,是普通住宅,只要找到门就能进去。那他的意识,就像层层加密的超级保险柜。” He, is actually what kind of person.” Moira opens the mouth slightly, asked this question for the second time. “他,究竟是怎样的人。”莫拉稍微张大嘴巴,第二次问出这个问题。 How can I say.” “怎么说呢。” Charles scratched the head, referred to under outside sky, he came from the space.” 查尔斯挠挠头,指了下外面的天空,“他来自天上。” Space?” “天上?” Right. At that time I was also less than ten years old, with that night that Raven met. Caesar he drops from the clouds like this, just like meteorite pounds a hole in my family courtyard, nevertheless he returns safe and sound. Homeless he, naturally stayed in my family temporarily.” “对。那时我还不到十岁,在与瑞雯相遇的那天晚上。凯撒他就这样从天而降,宛如陨石的在我家院子砸出一个窟窿,尽管这样他还是毫发无损。无家可归的他,自然而然的在我家里暂时住下了。” You are also a through and through odd person.” “你也是一个彻头彻尾的怪人。” Hears the reply of Charles, Moira does not know that what good should say, continuing lets unidentified, the person of unknown origin live in into the home, is this matter that the average person can do? 听到查尔斯的回答,莫拉已经不知该说什么好,相续让身份不明、来历不明的人住入自己家,这是普通人会做的事么? Moira catches the key point, opens the mouth saying: Wait. Calculates, Caesar he was 3 or 4-year-old at that time about?” 莫拉抓到重点,开口道:“等等。这么算,凯撒他那时才三四岁左右?” Yes. Many that we are younger, originally I and Raven, treat as the younger brother to regard him. May after ripe winding......” “是。比我们小的多,本来我和瑞雯,把他当做弟弟看待。可直到熟络之后……” The Charles eye pupil is complex, said: That time Caesar has then been above the maturity of expectation, and when...... I as a result of the thought class variant ability, brain development degree far supernormal person, study the photographic memory, anything begins, is the super talent without a doubt. After may go home, the issue that I do not understand must consult Caesar, I am my also master also friend special existence.” 查尔斯眼眸复杂,道:“那时的凯撒便已超乎预料的成熟,并且……我由于意念类的变种能力,大脑开发程度远超常人,学习时过目不忘,什么东西一上手就会,是毋庸置疑的超级天才。可回到家后,我不懂的问题还是要请教凯撒,我是我亦师亦友般的特殊存在。” The Moira receiving words looking pensive, Caesar, was he also the talent?” 莫拉若有所思的接过话语,“凯撒,他也是天才?” Talent?” Charles could not bear smile, I never saw him to study, he like anything can, be that Celestial who the East knew from birth since birth. Before him, all people who say the talent will feel inferior.” “天才?”查尔斯忍不住笑了,“我从未见他学习过,他就像生来什么都会,是东方生而知之的那种天人。在他面前,所有自称天才的人都会自惭形秽。” Regarding the ultra-high appraisal of Charles, Moira is getting more and more shocking, in the cognition of this CIA agent, Charles has been located in the ranks of top talent, never expected that Caesar's talent level also above this. 对于查尔斯的超高评价,莫拉越来越震惊,在她这中情局特工的认知中,查尔斯已经位于顶尖天才的行列了,没想到凯撒的天才水准还在这之上。 Ok. Earlier rests, tomorrow we must look for the whereabout of Hellfire club that group of people.” “好了。早点睡吧,明天我们还要找寻地狱火俱乐部那伙人的下落。” Charles had a yawn, walks toward own room, toward raising hand of Moira farewell. 查尔斯打了个哈欠,往自己房间走去,朝莫拉告别的扬了扬手。 Moira also stands in same place, does not know that is thinking anything. 莫拉还站在原地,不知道在想些什么。 Right.” Charles stops the step, does not return, said seriously: Is thinking with it hauls in Caesar, might as well seek for other Mutant. If Caesar wants to act, perhaps the world situation develops with the direction that he imagines early.” “对了。”查尔斯停下步伐,头也不回,郑重道:“与其想着将凯撒拉进来,更不如寻找其他的变种人。如果凯撒想出手,恐怕世界局势早随着他想象的方向发展。” After abandoning this bewildered a few words, Charles continues to take a step, the form disappears in the corridor corner, leaves behind Moira static standing to be in a daze on the corridor. 扔下这莫名其妙的一句话后,查尔斯继续迈步,身影在走廊转角消失,留下莫拉静静的站在走廊上发呆。 They had not discovered, in another side corridor corner, Eric back arrives on the wall, listens to two people of conversations silently. 他们都没有发现,在另一边走廊转角,埃里克后背抵在墙上,默默听完二人的交谈。 Caesar......” Eric thought aloud, the fist gets hold of quietly. “凯撒么……”埃里克自言自语,拳头悄然握紧。 Americas, New York, somewhere city late at night bar. 美洲,纽约,某处城市深夜酒吧。 Looks up the debauchery lively place, Azazel turns head to look at present to nearby Caesar, the surprise asks: Master, why can we come to this place?” 抬头看着眼前灯红酒绿的热闹场所,阿撒佐扭头看向一旁的凯撒,诧异问道:“少主,我们为什么要来这种地方?” Inquiry information.” Caesar's natural say/way. “打探情报。”凯撒理所当然的道。 Azazel gawked, said: „To search the information? Master, I can help you sneak in the information storehouse of various countries' organization to examine.” 阿撒佐又愣了一下,道:“想要查找情报?少主,我可以帮你潜入各国机构的情报库中进行查看。” Big Red, you understand anything.” Caesar said ill-humoredly: That is dull, does not have the good wine to drink like here, the beautiful woman said something to smooth things over. Moreover the information that I want, the information storehouses in various great nations do not have, must ask why- I several years ago has looked at one completely.” 大红,你懂什么。”凯撒没好气道:“那多枯燥无味啊,不像这里有美酒喝,还有美女搭讪。而且我要的情报,各大国的情报库都没有,要问为什么-我几年前就已全部看过一遍了。” Azazel nods, listened to reason.” 阿撒佐点了点头,“受教了。” That walks.” Caesar takes the lead, brings putting on a hat Azazel, enters this bar. “那走吧。”凯撒走在前面,带着戴上帽子的阿撒佐,进入这间酒吧。 Caesar is in this world the patrons in most bar nightclubs, comes to have the rabbit girl to get them to arrive at the vacancy. When entertainment hall that in passing is dancing to one's heart's content, Caesar sees suddenly wipes the familiar form, urging him to stop the step suddenly. 凯撒已经是这世上大部分酒吧夜店的常客了,一进来就有兔女郎领着他们到空位去。只是在路过正纵情跳舞的娱乐大厅时,凯撒突然看到一抹熟悉的身影,驱使他骤然停下了步伐。 What's wrong, Master?” Sees his unusuality, Azazel casts the vision toward that side similarly. “怎么了,少主?”看出他的异常,阿撒佐同样往那边投去目光。 Obviously that is a roughly 30-year-old man, the ear that the black hair wolf raises up likely extremely, the blade truncates on the face of vicissitudes to have the whiskers, puts on a worn-out genuine leather wallet, sits on a chair alone is drinking the alcohol to drown one's sorrows. 可见那是一个约莫30多岁的男人,黑色头发像极狼竖起的耳朵,刀削般沧桑的脸上有络腮胡,穿着一件破旧的真皮皮夹,独自坐在一张椅子上喝着闷酒。 Similar.” Azazel narrows the eye, his just like the Beast/wild animal acuity, judged that man is Mutant, moreover is very dangerous fierce Mutant. “同类。”阿撒佐眯起眼睛,他那宛如野兽的敏锐度,一眼就判断出那男人是变种人,而且是非常危险厉害的变种人 What similar?” Nearby the rabbit girl of entertainment asked curiously. “什么同类?”一旁招待的兔女郎好奇问。 Without your matter, you first drew back, came with three glass brandies.” Caesar pulls out several hundred Yuan dollar bills conveniently, sends the rabbit girl. The rabbit girl did not mind, received hundred Yuan bill, turns the round buttocks, feature nod with a smile is drawing back. “没你的事了,你先退下吧,拿三杯白兰地过来。”凯撒随手掏出几张百元美金钞票,将兔女郎打发。兔女郎也不介意,接过百元钞票,扭着圆臀,眉目含笑的点头退下。 Walks.” Caesar waves, bringing Azazel to move toward that man. “走。”凯撒挥挥手,带着阿撒佐走向那个男人。 Master, this position.” 少主,就这个位置吧。” Is interested in drinking one cup, Uncle.” “有没有兴趣喝上一杯,大叔。” Azazel and Caesar one on the left and other on the right, by the arriving man of singing a duet on the seat, encircle him in the middle. 阿撒佐和凯撒一左一右,一唱一和的来到男人两旁座位上,将他围在中间。 Rolls TM to the father!” The men are drinking, after putting down the wine glass, explode the thick, wild temper directly can be inferred. “给老子滚TM的!”男人在喝着酒,放下酒杯后直接爆粗,狂暴性子可见一斑。 The Azazel complexion changes, never expected that the opposite party does not show due respect for the feelings. 阿撒佐脸色微变,没想到对方这么不给面子。 Friend, the anger so should not be heavy.” “朋友,火气别这么重嘛。” Caesar actually did not mind, the face belt/bring smile, he looks at the familiar man, in the heart is sighing with emotion at present incomparably. 凯撒却不介意,脸带微笑,他望着眼前熟悉的男子,心中感慨无比。 Has not thought in another space and time, but can also run into him. 没想到在另一个时空,还能遇到他。 Wolverine, Logan. 金刚狼,罗根 Situated in that lone wolf of X-Men space and time, the family member was killed truly cruelly, quarrels to become the enemy with the blood brother, at this moment also in vagrant Wolverine. 真正处于X战警时空的那头孤狼,家人被残忍杀害,与亲兄弟反目成敌,事到如今还在流浪的金刚狼 Rolls your young brat, when I became your friend.” Logan puts out the cigar to light, say/way of being foul-mouthed. “滚你的小兔崽子,我什么时候成你朋友了。”罗根拿出雪茄点燃,骂骂咧咧的道。 This heading on warm feelings, making Caesar smile unrestrainedly, this may not say certainly, perhaps in another space and time, we incessantly was the friend, but also possibly became the family member.” 这种扑面而来的亲切感,让凯撒情不自禁的笑了,“这可说不准,也许在另一个时空,我们不止是朋友,还可能成为家人。”
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