IAIH :: Volume #8

#780: Front door schoolmate of joining in the fun

Arrived at the photograph wall to suspend a while POSE, Eric and Drew under staff's guidance, walked toward the party scene along the long corridor. 来到拍照墙边摆了一会儿POSE,艾瑞克德鲁在工作人员的引导下,沿着长长的走廊朝派对现场走去。 Looked at the surrounding several people, the girl has gathered near suddenly the Eric ear, said in a low voice: Eric, just had a fellow to ask when we do plan to want the little darling?” 看了看周围几个人,丫头突然凑到艾瑞克耳边,低声道:“艾瑞克,刚刚有个家伙问我们打算什么时候要小宝宝呢?” Stands in several people who the corridor glass window chatted saw that Eric they appeared, the politeness greeted toward here, the Eric nod was responding, similarly had doubts in a low voice: Un?” 站在走廊玻璃窗边闲聊的几个人看到艾瑞克两人出现,礼貌地朝这边打招呼,艾瑞克点头回应着,同样低声疑惑:“嗯?” Drew as if suddenly appears full of enthusiasm: You said that we do live a little darling to be what kind of?” 德鲁似乎突然显得兴致勃勃:“你说,我们生个小宝宝怎么样?” Eric did not oppose actually, although the physiological age is also less than 26 years old, but his age at heart already crossed felt the time of resistance to the child. 艾瑞克倒是不反对,虽然生理年龄还不到26岁,但他的心里年龄早就过了对孩子感到抗拒的时期。 Even, when New York, Eric wanted on the bosom his child to realize with this mother Pingzi expensive thoughts including Cindy. After all, that many signs, even also has Linda to stir disturbs, if he detection, that were the intelligence quotient issue. 甚至,在纽约时,艾瑞克辛迪想要怀上他的孩子以此母凭子贵的心思都察觉了出来。毕竟,那么多迹象,甚至还有琳达搅在其中捣乱,他如果察觉不出来,那就是智商问题了。 Although Eric does not have to facilitate the meaning of this matter on own initiative, desirably has not actually become estranged the opposite party, if had the child, oneself cannot raise. Although the rebirth is so long, but in his bone eventually is a somewhat traditional Oriental, accumulated the big family property, opens the thought of loose leaf to be also inevitable. The child are more, in the future will mature, inherits the family property, if the inadequate talent, honestly leads the trust. 艾瑞克虽然没有主动促成这件事的意思,却也没有刻意疏远对方,如果真的有了孩子,自己又不是养不起。虽然重生这么久,但他骨子里终究是一个有些传统的东方人,又积累了偌大的家业,开枝散叶的念头也就不可避免。孩子多一些,将来成才的,就继承家业,如果不成才,就老老实实地领信托。 However, listening to the words of girl, Eric to ask: Then, you complete, when preparation of Mama, takes care of the child is very troublesome.” 不过,听着丫头的话,艾瑞克却是问道:“然后呢,你做好当妈妈的准备了吗,照顾孩子可是很麻烦的。” Drew crooked head, said: Has Natasha to help me . Moreover, um, is really not good, but can also deliver to New York to make Joan help to look.” 德鲁歪了歪脑袋,道:“有娜塔莎帮我啊,而且,嗯,实在不行,还可以送到纽约帮忙照顾嘛。” Eric smiles, said: consider as finished, the children do not have the shadow, you are thinking has thrown up one's job, when you complete, when Mama prepared to say again.” 艾瑞克笑笑,道:“算了吧,孩子都没有影子,你就想着撂挑子了,等你做好当妈妈的准备再说。” Although celebrates the 20 th birthday last year, starts to handle seven big Metro Goldwyn Mayer, the thoughts of but perhaps regarding not being able to withstand the compensation psychology of childhood, Drew wanting to play all the time have not actually changed are too many, this is also together these many years, Eric felt as before girl was also only initially that childish face small girl reason. 虽然去年已经过了20岁生日,又开始打理七大之一的米高梅,但或许是对于不堪童年的补偿心理,德鲁贪玩的心思却没有变化太多,这也是相处这么多年,艾瑞克依旧感觉身边女孩还只是当初那个娃娃脸小妮子的原因。 The girls for a while were also prompted by a sudden impulse, listening to Eric saying that the thought cancelled quickly: Then years said on and other again.” 丫头也只是一时心血来潮,听艾瑞克这么说,念头很快打消:“那就等几年再说吧。” Entered the party hall, the people of «Forrest Gump» dramatic team welcomed at this time. 走进派对大厅,《阿甘正传》剧组的人此时已经迎了上来。 Congratulates everybody,” Eric warmly with Robert Sawayone Kiess, Tom Hanks and the others hugged, end said to Hanks: „Is the feeling that Tom , to continue what kind of?” “恭喜大家,”艾瑞克热情地与罗伯特・泽米基斯、汤姆汉克斯等人拥抱,末了对汉克斯道:“汤姆,蝉联的感觉怎么样?” Is very good, Eric, on the Hanks face brims with thank you is being the excited smiling face, the expression expresses gratitude to Eric as before very much sincerely, he is very clear, if not a Eric consecutively two years of arrangement specially, he is impossible to make in the Oscar history this big miracle. “很棒,艾瑞克,谢谢你,”汉克斯脸上洋溢着依旧很是兴奋的笑容,表情诚恳地向艾瑞克道谢,他很清楚,如果不是艾瑞克连续两年的特意安排,他也不可能创造奥斯卡历史上这一大奇迹。 Everybody exchanged greetings lively, under arrived at a round table in hall to be implicated, continued to chat. 大家热热闹闹地寒暄一阵,走到大厅里的一张圆桌旁坐下,继续聊了起来。 The Vanity Fair party nature stresses at the evening banquet, just at the presentation ceremony stimulated three hours of honored guest at this time also had affirmed that hopes to obtain a relatively peaceful environment, the honored guest who the affable music, the dark light, crowds together in threes and fours, the feeling this year's victory or losing, will look for the opportunity in the human relations for next year making persistent efforts. 名利场派对的性质更加偏重于晚宴,刚刚在颁奖典礼上亢奋了三个小时的嘉宾此时也肯定希望获得一个相对安静的环境,舒缓的音乐,偏暗的灯光,三五成群凑在一起的嘉宾,感受今年的胜利或失落,在交际中为明年的再接再厉寻找机会。 Has talked about the «Forrest Gump» topic, the Drew expression asks Robert at will Sawayone base Sidong: Bob, although such asked somewhat early, but, you currently have the project of being interested, did I very much anticipate our next cooperation?” 聊过了《阿甘正传》的话题,德鲁语气随意地问罗伯特・泽米基斯道:“鲍勃,虽然这么问有些早,不过,你现在有感兴趣的项目了吗,我可是很期待我们的下次合作呢?” From making a debut to start, Robert Sawayone Kiess is that type not only takes the commercial film route and has innovative ideology Director, first part comedy «Mistrusting each other» started from 1980, Robert Sawayone Kiess's movie has not let slip in the trade, well-known science fiction series he directed «that Returned To come Again» and animation and honorable person union 《Who Framed Roger Rabbit》 has obtained very magnificent Box Office success. Therefore, at this time the girl wants while «Forrest Gump» attains the successful tendency greatly, determines and cooperation intention of opposite party, nothing to wonder . If not they are chatting, on party many people have possibly gone forward to win over. 从出道开始,罗伯特・泽米基斯就是那种既走商业片路线又极具创新意识的导演,从1980年第一部喜剧《尔虞我诈》开始,罗伯特・泽米基斯的影片在商业上还从来没有失手过,他执导的知名科幻系列《回到再来》和动画与真人结合的《兔子罗杰》更是取得了非常辉煌的票房成功。因而,此时丫头想要趁着《阿甘正传》大获成功的势头,确定与对方的合作意向,也就不足为怪。如果不是他们正在聊天,派对上很多人可能已经上前拉拢了。 In this case, facing similar issue, most people intention that even if has not continued to cooperate, will be perfunctory several to postpone smoothly. 这种情况下,面对类似问题,大部分人哪怕没有继续合作的意向,也会非常圆滑地敷衍几句推迟掉。 However, Robert in Sawayone Kiess expression presents short hesitation, remembered some time ago Steven Spielberg looked for the matter that he discussed in secret, said: Naturally, Drew, has opportunity we definitely also to continue to cooperate.” 不过,罗伯特・泽米基斯表情中却是出现短暂的迟疑,想起不久前史蒂文斯皮尔伯格私下里找他谈的事情,顿了顿,才说道:“当然,德鲁,有机会我们肯定还会继续合作的。” Drew notes Robert Sawayone Kiess's expression change, has not continued this matter very much intelligently, naturally changes the topic. 德鲁注意到罗伯特・泽米基斯的表情变化,很聪明地没有继续这件事,自然地将话题转开。 Was chatting, the people felt that the party entrance transmitted the tumult faintly, curious turning head looked. 正聊着,众人感觉派对入口处隐隐传来骚动,纷纷好奇的扭头看去。 Was The Godfather came,” sat left Eric field of vision very convenient Drew looks at one to blurt out that immediately, said: David Guffin and...... Un, Bill Gates, how they crowded together.” “是教父过来了,”坐在艾瑞克左边视野很方便的德鲁看了一眼就脱口而出,随即顿了顿,道:“还有大卫・格芬和……嗯,比尔盖茨,他们怎么凑在一起了。” Eric was not interested, hears the girl to speak of Bill Gates noun, curious turning head looks, exactly with front door schoolmate vision looking at each other. 艾瑞克本来不是太感兴趣,听到丫头说到比尔盖茨的名词,才好奇的扭头望去,恰好与大门同学目光对视。 Nodded mutually, Bill Gates and side Spielberg said in a low voice sentence anything, is bringing his wife Melinda Gates walks toward here. 互相点了点头,比尔盖茨与身旁的斯皮尔伯格低声说了句什么,带着他妻子梅琳达盖茨朝这边走来。 Has realized anything faintly, Eric actually does not feel is too strange, since the opposite party walks toward here, Eric then on own initiative sets out, leading the girl to move forward to meet somebody. 隐隐地意识到了些什么,艾瑞克却并不感觉太奇怪,既然对方朝这边走过来,艾瑞克便主动起身,带着丫头迎了上去。 Hey, Bill, has not thought that you can come,” Eric shook hand with the front door schoolmate politely, with Melinda of black formal clothes Gates hugged gently, thinks highly saying: Melinda, you may be really attractive tonight.” “嘿,比尔,没想到你会过来,”艾瑞克客气地与大门同学握了握手,又与一身黑色礼服的梅琳达盖茨轻轻拥抱了下,恭维道:“梅琳达,你今晚可真漂亮。” Thank you, Eric,” Melinda the Gates politeness smiled, then said to Eric Drew: Drew is also very attractive, but, I first time comes to here, can Drew, lead me to have a look everywhere?” “谢谢你,艾瑞克,”梅琳达盖茨礼貌地笑了笑,然后对艾瑞克身旁的德鲁道:“德鲁也很漂亮呢,不过,我还是第一次来这里呢,德鲁,可以带我到处看看吗?” On his facial countenance is bringing warm smiling: Naturally, comes with me, I must go to greet with The Godfather first, then leads you to know some interesting fellows, what kind of?” 丫头脸上带着热情的笑:“当然,跟我来吧,我得先去跟教父打声招呼,然后带你去认识一些有趣的家伙,怎么样?” Does not have the issue,” two women were saying, signaled with the eyes toward the respective man separately, tussah silk waste gets out of the way while you are at it. “没问题,”两个女人说着,分别朝各自男人使了个眼色,就手挽手的一起走开。 Goes to the bar to drink one cup,”, although guessed approximately why the front door schoolmate will appear here, Eric actually did not mind, if the front door schoolmate defends strictly Microsoft this big tree not to resettle, Eric also takes the opposite party not to have the means that since collects toward own domain on own initiative, that must have must call one well. “去吧台喝一杯吧,”虽然已经大致猜测出大门同学为什么会出现在这里,艾瑞克却毫不介意,如果大门同学紧守着微软这棵大树不挪窝,艾瑞克还拿对方毫无办法,既然主动朝自己的地盘上凑,那少不得就要好好招呼一番了。 Without a doubt, front door schoolmate definitely is received on the recent media the stimulation about his types of news, wants to join in the fun toward Hollywood. 毫无疑问,大门同学肯定是受到了最近媒体上关于他各种新闻的刺激,想要往好莱坞凑凑热闹。 In original space and time, Steven Spielberg unites David when Guffin, Katzenberg establish DreamWorks, Bill Gates and Microsoft another founder Paul Alan once carried on the capital to DreamWorks. Afterward Microsoft also repeatedly produced marches the Hollywood thought that will spread once for a while Microsoft soon to purchase the news of some media group, but the majority of times are only the thunderclap big raindrop are small, finally let it go. 原时空中,史蒂文斯皮尔伯格联合大卫・格芬、卡森伯格三人成立梦工厂时,比尔盖茨微软的另外一位创始人保罗・艾伦就曾经向梦工厂进行注资。后来微软也多次产生进军好莱坞的念头,时不时就会传出微软即将收购某家传媒集团的新闻,只不过大部分时候都只是雷声大雨点小,最后不了了之。 However now, the history had the change, but the profit scale of Firefly Group terror makes many people set firm resolve obviously, marches Hollywood on a large scale, the present front door schoolmate estimated that is. 不过现在,历史已经发生了改变,而萤火虫集团恐怖的盈利规模显然使得很多人下定决心,大举进军好莱坞,眼前的大门同学估计就是其中一只。 Just, Hollywood seven big main Film Studio were just carved up in recent years, at this time wants to have an achievement in Hollywood, only possibly makes a fresh start. In the two years the time, has spread the news to establish big Film Studio Spielberg and David alone Guffin and the others, without doubt has become the Microsoft best operation target. 只不过,好莱坞七大主要制片厂最近几年刚刚被瓜分完毕,此时想要在好莱坞有着一番作为,只可能另起炉灶。这两年时间,一直传出消息想要单独成立大制片厂斯皮尔伯格大卫・格芬等人,无疑就成了微软的最佳合作对象。
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