Because only by doing so, can, inthatfallswith the unconstrainedinclinedshiponunceasinglystands firm the figure.
因为只有这样,才能够在那不断下坠和跌宕倾斜的船上稳住身形。„Iam a dwarf, Iam a dwarf.”
“我就是矮子啊,我就是矮子。”„Goodbeautifulclothes, seem the Godlong gownto be the same.”
“好美的衣服,就好像神明的长袍一样。”Hecriesandsmiles, the tearsfall the faceunceasingly.
他又哭又笑,泪水不断地滑落脸庞。Nihility Bacteria Motherlowers the head, the facial features and soundbecomedignifiedincomparable.虚无菌母低下头来,面容和声音变得威严无比。
The worldhad the colorin the flash, thenmoved.
……OnThe Platinum.白金号上。Has accompaniedtowardthatinownwhitemythlife, shoutsto exhausttowardsoftandwarmmushroom manshoutedfull power.
朝着那一直陪伴在自己身边的白色神话生命,朝着柔软而又温暖的蘑菇人扯着嗓子用尽全力大喊。Crossednot a meeting, the little girlas ifalsofelt that did not have the sound, thereforerevealed the facefrombehindcautiously.
“我就知道。”„OtherGodcannotlove the worldunconditionally, howevergreatItactuallyadmittedus.”
“其他的神明不能够无条件地爱世人,但是伟大的祂却接纳了我们。”Breaks the water surface, thoroughseabed.
破开水面,深入海底。As ifwhatat this momentmostis afraidis notfront the weaklittle girl, butis his The Platinumtwo.
似乎此刻最害怕的并不是面前势单力薄的小女孩,而是他这个白金号的二副。Whydoes not know, sheinsteadis afraidespeciallyfiercelyaboutfrontman.
不知为何,她反而对面前这个男人格外害怕得厉害一些。Heopened the mouth, the lower jawshiveredcannot closeprobably.
他张开了嘴巴,下颚颤抖得好像怎么也合不上。Bessbodyonestiff, does not dareto look at the nihility.
贝丝身体一僵,不敢去看虚无。Finally, afteronebangloud sound.
终于,在一声轰隆巨响之后。Fallsglasscylinder bottomlevel that cannot see clearly.
落入那看不清的玻璃缸底层。According to thisship, according to hisbody.
照在了这条船上,也照在了他的身上。„Iswill not fall into such uglyplaceabsolutely, youonlybelong toDivine Country, most beautifulDivine Country.”
“是绝对不会堕入那样丑陋的地方的,你只属于神国,最美的神国。”Probablycannot grip the sand that refers topasses, finally can only rush to thatnamedfuturepaledense fog.
就好像握不住指间流逝的沙,最后只能奔向那名为未来的苍白迷雾之中。„Anotherworld that Ruler of Life, ourmakercreate.”Theylaunch the both arms, is feeling the reality of thisworld, is breathing the freshsea breeze.
“生命主宰,我们的造主所创造的另一个世界。”他们展开双臂,感受着这个世界的真实,呼吸着新鲜的海风。„Even if, ourwhole bodycontamination.”
The cover of glass jaralsosoonfell.
玻璃缸的盖子也快要落下来了。„Iwaited foryoufor a long time, youreallycame.”
Since somepeopletook the barrelto fetch the waterfrom, hetastedone.
有人提着桶从海里打起了水,他尝了一口。Sheputs out a hand, as to touchnihilitythatpure whitesoftbodyagain.
她伸出手,似乎想要再度触摸虚无那洁白柔软的身体。Saidthatis only a dream, oneselfactuallyas beforealso in same place, roamsinsea of somewhereNorthern Hemisphere.
还是说那只是一场梦,自己其实依旧还在原地,浪迹在北半球的某处大海上。ButBlimansimplyhas not looked at the face of little girl, butbends the waist, lookedto the lower hem corner of little girl.
而布里曼根本没有看小女孩的脸,而是弯下了腰,看向了小女孩的衣角。„Thisiscontrols the Godcreation the secondworld, wemuststartourlegendshere, wewill becomeexistence that does not die.”Heraises the hand, cried outloudly.
Regardless how to ask,frontlittle girlsdid not reply.
但是不论怎么问,面前的小女孩都不回答。At the last minute, sheshouted the idea of oneselfinnermost feelings.
最后一刻,她还是喊出了自己内心的想法。„Howflavordoes not know, has the difference from ourworld?” The fishslipperyhandran awaysuddenly, everyonepursuesin the deck, instantaneouseveryonecreates an uproar a piece.
“味道不知道怎么样,和我们那个世界有区别吗?”鱼突然滑手跑掉了,所有人都在甲板上追逐,瞬间大家哄闹成一片。„Is thiswants?”
“这到底是想要进去呢?”As if.
似乎。„Isn't that the eternal life?”Inaverage personopinion, will not die, canlive for over a thousandyearsten thousandyears, thatis the eternal lifeis ordinary.
“那不就是永生吗?”在普通人看来,不会死,能够活上千年万年,那已经就是永生一般了。„What's the matter?”
“怎么回事?”ButBlimanlooks the fish that the sailorssling, routinelytouched the cigarette in bodyupper pocket.
而布里曼看着水手们吊起的鱼,习惯性地摸了摸身上兜里的卷烟。But the crew that justwelled upare also looking atthatlittle girl, somewhatfeels helplessandlook at each other in blank dismay.
而刚刚涌过来的船员们也都在看着那个小女孩,一个个都有些不知所措和面面相觑。ButBlimanlooks at„dwarf” the eye, the shiftfellon the body of thatlittle girlfinally.
而布里曼则看着“小矮人”的眼睛,最后转移落在了那个小女孩的身上。„Is shefollowswecontinuouslyfromNorth Sea?”
“难道她是跟着我们一直从北海来的?”Speaking of the thirdtime, the Nihility Bacteria Mothersoundbecomesespeciallydignified.
“我答应了。”Allhave passedwere so long.
一切都已经过去了那么久。Howevertheynot onlypassed through the end of the worldto arrive inanotherworld, but alsoobtained nearly not deadeternal lifegeneralability.
“因为。”Two peopletogether, old trickheavy.
两人一起,故伎重施。Suddenly, on the shipbroadcast the sound of unrestsuddenly.
突然间,船上突然传来了骚乱的声音。„From now on, youare notnihility bacteria.”
“从现在开始,你们就不是虚无之菌。”„Even if, weare irreverent.”
“哪怕,我们并不虔诚。”„Dwarf”is looking up to the vault of heaven, at this momenthereallysaw the slap in the facepenetrationbackdrop of thatredemptionprobably, penetrates the cloud layer.
“小矮人”仰望着苍穹,此刻他好像真的看到了那救赎的耳光穿透天幕,穿透云层。„Inglass jaryouwill never dietruly.”
“在玻璃缸中你永远不会真正死去。”„Lets looseher!”
“放开她!”Blimanarrived in the crowd, immediatelyseeslittle girl'sonsailorsbyshipwas forcedin a corner.
布里曼走到了人群里,立刻就看到了一个小女孩被船上的水手们逼迫到了一个角落之中。This, alarms others immediately, together withcaptainBliman.
这一下,立刻惊动了其他所有人,连同船长布里曼。nihility bacteria that thesecatch up withare cheering, jumping for joy.
The covercloses.
盖子合上。At this timesaw, was the vastsea.
这个时候看到的,就是一望无际的大海了。Blimanlookedto the first mate, shouted his nickname.
布里曼看向了大副,喊了一声他的绰号。Hewantsto selectrootsmokecalm, howeverlooks that cigarette that takes to bring from anotherworld, was shockedsuddenly.
“船长。”„I, so long as believes that people who Iselectnotwrongwas good.”
“我只要相信,我选中的人都是不会错的就好了。”CaptainBlimanrubbed the chin, appearance of population.
船长布里曼摩擦起了下巴,一副正在认真考虑的模样。Above the sea, The Platinumchanged into the shipto float.
The glass jarhas opened.
玻璃缸已经开启。Blimanreceived the cigarette of soaking, towardsending out the place of unrestwalked.
布里曼收起了湿透的烟卷,朝着发出骚乱的地方走去。Does not listencarefully.
不仔细听。Was needlessto sayanything, thisThe Platinumfirst mateunderstands the meaning of captain, thiswastakes risktogethermanyyears of staying behindtacit understanding.
并不用多说什么,这位白金号的大副就明白了船长的意思,这是一同冒险多年留下的默契。Butin the crowd, transmittedangryshoutingat this time.
“妈妈!”„Follows the principle and theorem, changes intopart in the world circulationtruly.”
“遵循法则与定理,真正化为世界循环之中的一部分吧。”HefeelsSun that is raisinggraduallyaccording to the deckandlight, is looking atwave lightclearwaterinsidefish.
他感受着渐渐升起的太阳照在甲板和身上的光,望着波光粼粼的水里面的鱼。Sheis sending out the lithelightfrom top to bottom, is turning circleslowly.
她浑身上下散发着轻盈的光,缓缓转着圈。On the shipruns around, to pour outmutuallyis arrivingcontrols the joy of anotherworldGodcreates.
“什么家伙?”Thisextremely was also real.
这也太过于真实了。Sheis saying, but alsowhilestretches out the finger of anotherhand.
她一边说着,还一边伸出另一只手的手指。Has the shape of Godcaptainto standin the highest place, looks below sharp-eyed.
“感谢神明。”„Thatinbornsteadily not highdwarf.”
“一定要记住三条。”Nihility Bacteria Motherfed in The Platinum the vat the world, was sayingtoBess.虚无菌母将白金号送进了缸中世界,接下来对着贝丝说道。„younot only need know, but must itsdeepbrand markinownconsciousness and spirit.”
“伱不仅仅要知道,还要将它深深烙印在自己的意识和灵之中。”Nihility Bacteria Motherthensaid.虚无菌母接着说道。Blimanvisionmoves slightly, has the happy expression.
布里曼目光微动,带着笑意。„To the highwill, thatis the destiny.”
“至高的意志,那就是命运。”„Myfirst mate.”
“我的大副。”„Accepts the destiny!”
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