OnThe Platinum.白金号上。
The cabinfloor, is piling upin the cargocorner.
船舱的底层,堆积着货物的角落里。„Dwarf”westplayingSuinhallregionally uniqueharmonica, on the entireshipalsoonly thenhereis peacefulenough, moreoverastwohehas the qualificationsfreeturnover.
“小矮人”在吹奏着苏因霍尔西部地区特有的口琴,整个船上也只有这里足够安静,而且身为二副的他有资格自由进出。Hedepends uponin the cornermakes an effortto blow, wantsto piece together a perfectsong.
他依靠在角落里用力地吹着,想要拼凑成一首完美的歌。However the shipswings, alwaysbreakshisrhythm and aura.
但是船荡来荡去,总是打断他的节奏和气息。When the ocean wavesjoltagain the hulltime, the harmonicadelimitssuddenlyfromhismouth, evencut the skinhiscorners of the mouth.
等到海浪再一次颠簸起船身的时候,口琴骤然从他的嘴巴划出,甚至刮破了他的嘴角。„Dwarf”has not saidanything, butcancelled the blood of corners of the mouthcalm, thenitplaced the mouth the harmonicaagain.
The time of howeverputting, the discoverybloodflowed, andcaught the blood stain the harmonica.
然而放上去的时候,就发现血又流了出来,并且将口琴染上了血污。Hepoints atmakes an effortto clean the harmonica, does not scratchcleanly.
他手指用力地擦拭着口琴,却怎么也擦不干净。Makes an effort, is dirtier.
越用力,就越脏。Without the means that he can only scratchwith the clothes, finally the harmonicahas not scratchedcleanly, even the clothessmearedonepiece.
没有办法,他只能用衣服去擦,结果口琴没有擦干净,连衣服都污了一片。„Dwarf”looks how thatalsoscratches the uncleanharmonica, distressedfacial features that in the metalmirror surface of wooden casingembedmentreflects.
“小矮人”看着那怎么样也擦不干净的口琴,还有木壳嵌合的金属镜面上倒映出的狼狈面容。All these.
这一切。Seemed like saying.
就好像是在说。Oncesomecontaminationcontaminate, could not wipe offagain.
有些污秽一旦沾染上,就再也擦不掉了。In a flash.
一瞬间。ThisThe Platinumtwofromunemotional, changed intoconfusedly, fear.
这位白金号的二副从面无表情,化为了心烦意乱,还有恐惧。Thatis notchangesuddenly, butrevealed the innermost feelingstruemoodat this moment.
“可恶啊!”Hisbodyshootssuddenly, hittoone sidebulkhead.
他身体骤然弹起,一把撞向了一边的舱壁。Histhatseeminglyis always optimisticandfills the happy expressionface, becomesfierceincomparable, the eyeprobablystares to the eyeballprotruding.
他那总是看上去乐观和充满笑意的脸,变得狰狞无比,眼睛瞪得好像要将眼珠子给凸出来。Hemakes an effortheldthatheavycask, effortwill poundtothat sidereason.
“为什么!”Hemakes an effort, destroyed the forehead, howeverhedisregards, is poundingone after another.
It seems like the collision of thistype of fleshandhardwoodwill not makehimfeel the ache, can actually alleviatehisanger, to constrainwithanxiously.
就好像这种血肉和硬木的碰撞并不会让他感受到疼痛,却能够缓解他内心的愤怒、压抑和不安。„Why this worldnotmyplace of taking shelter?”
“为什么这个世界没有我的容身之地?”„Why, can allopposewithme?”
“为什么,一切都总要和我作对?”Hewantsto shouthoarsely, but can only suppress the soundfinally, sends out the slurredlowroar.
他想要声嘶力竭地大喊,但是最后只能憋着声音,发出模糊不清的低吼。„Why, wheneverIfound the newhabitattime, mustmakemeturn into a homelessbeggar.”
“为什么,每当我找到了新的栖息之地的时候,就要让我重新变成一个无家可归的乞丐。”„WhyIwant, cannot obtain.”
“为什么我所想要的,全部都得不到。”„Whymustcompelme, Iwantare not many, Iwantedto findoneto belong tomyplace.”
“为什么要逼我,我要的并不多,我只是想要找到一个属于我的地方而已。”„Small...... is our places of taking shelter......”
“而已……”Collidesandventsfiercely, „dwarf”inmindfloated offlittleoncepicture.
剧烈地碰撞和发泄之间,“小矮人”脑海之中一点点浮起了曾经的画面。He came from the Suinhallred soilprovince.
他来自于苏因霍尔的红土行省。Oncedeeplyleft behind the markby the abyssmission and silver whitechurch the place, was a beliefchaoticandcomplexregion.
The godis evil the god, the god or lifegod of wisdom, evenistheseclaims without justification the Godfellow, disseminates the beliefonthislands.
The oldaristocrat who not onlyso, thesehave not willingly won the right, triesto disintegrate the people in kingdomto movehere.
不仅仅如此,还有那些不甘心夺走权利的旧贵族,试图瓦解王国的人都在这里活动。In addition, becausehereapproaches the Evelroute, thereforehas the countlessmarineadventurerto come in swarms.
除此之外,因为这里靠近爱维尔航线,因此有着数之不尽的海上冒险者蜂拥而来。Butinthatallchaoticstaggeredregions, Laterite City.
A young youngbeggarstandsbeforetemple, heputs onto fill the dirt and mud the clothes, but also was short of a sleeve.
The hair of beggarformsoneone, however the eyeis especially bright, the skin under sullyalsorevealsto bechild'selasticity and smoothnessfaintly.
“真华丽啊!”„Is this palace of god?”
“这就是神的殿堂吗?”„Whatit seems liketheysaidisreal, inDivine Countryhasall.”
“看来他们说的是真的,神国中拥有一切。”Hearrives atLaterite City for the first time, whichGodtempledoes not recognizethisis, he arrived here is onlybecauseheard, after the persondied, will go to the state of god.
他第一次来到红土城,也认不出这是哪一位神明的神庙,他来到这里只是因为听人说,人死之后会前往神的国度。Inthere, the mortalall that oneselfwant.
在那里,凡人会得到自己想要的一切。Thatpersondepends uponinownside, told itself.
“矮子。”„Do not be afraid the death, becausewearrive atthisworldaresuffer hardships.”
“不要害怕死亡,因为我们来到这个世界就是受苦的。”„Howeverdoesn't matter, becausewereceivewill have the returnpainstakinglyfinally.”
“但是没有关系,因为我们所受到的苦最终都会有回报。”„HasDivine Countryto wait forus?”
“有神国在等着我们呢?”WhathedescribedDivine Country to beto the direction, hisanythingdid not understand, can only exudeacclaimedandlooks forward to the sound.
对方向他描述着神国应该是什么样的,他什么都不懂得,只能发出赞叹和憧憬的啊声。Howeverat this moment, the youngbeggarlooks atthatmagnificenttemple and palace.
但是此刻,小乞丐看着那华丽的神庙和殿堂。UnexpectedlyreallyandthatpersondescribedgiveshisDivine Countrypartto be very similar, inthisflash, hesuddenlythought the death was really not perhaps fearful.
因为。Thisworldimperfect are not related, but alsohasanotherperfectworldto wait forthem.
这个世界的不完美没有关系,还有着另外一个完美的世界在等待着他们。servant of God in templepasses in and out, finallysomepeoplepaid attention tohim, somepeopleaskedhim.神庙里的神侍进进出出,终于有人关注到了他,有人问他。„Where do youwantto go to?”
“你想要去哪里?”Youngbeggar: „The place that after Icomesto visitus dead ahead of time, cango, belongs to the state of god.”
小乞丐:“我来提前看一看我们死之后会去的地方,属于神的国度。”servant of Godsmiled, butasked: „YouhaveGod of belief, whichGodstatewants?”神侍笑了,但是还是问道:“你有信仰的神明吗,想要去哪一位神明的国度?”
The youngbeggarsaid: „Regardless ofwhichGod.”
小乞丐说:“不论哪一位神明都可以。”Thatservant of Godsaid: „Youare doomed, whichGodstatecannot go.”
那神侍却说:“那你就注定,哪一位神明的国度也进不去。”Youngbeggar: „Why, doesn't the godlove tenderly the world?”
小乞丐:“为什么,神不是怜爱世人吗?”servant of Godsaid: „But the premiseis, youofferenoughirreverence, obtainsgranting of god.”神侍说:“但是前提是,你献上足够的虔诚,获得神的赐予。”Youngbeggar: „Thereforeis not very reverent, the godwill not giveto grant, won't love the world?”
小乞丐:“所以不够虔诚,神就不会给予赐予,也不会爱世人了吗?”servant of Godshakes the head, turns aroundto depart.神侍摇了摇头,转身离去。
The youngbeggaractuallypursued: „Youhad not said that withoutgranting of god, then after dying, thencan'tgo toDivine Country?”
小乞丐却追了上去:“你还没有说呢,如果没有神的赐予,那么死后便不能去神国了吗?”servant of Godhas turned head, told the youngbeggar: „Only the retinue of god, canenter the state of god.”神侍扭过头来,告诉小乞丐:“只有神的仆从,才能够进入神的国度。”
After the youngbeggargoes backscared .
小乞丐失魂落魄地回去之后。„Only then can the retinue of god, enterDivine Country?”
“只有神的仆从,才能进入神国吗?”„Wewhat to do?”
“那我们怎么办?”Indim, hestumbled uponacrossone, the secretchannel that the undergroundworldknows, arrives at the awningarea that a piece of poor outside citylived.
在昏暗之中,他穿过一条偶然发现,只有地下世界知晓的隐秘通道,来到了城外的一片贫民居住的棚区。Buthereactuallyhasonea group ofsamebeggedis waiting forhim, after seeinghereturned, immediatelyto surround, is shoutingtohimexcitedly.
“快一点。”„Where did yourun up to?”
“你跑到哪里去了?”„Dwarf, has the great personto look foryou.”
“矮子,有大人物找你。”„Really, verybiggreat person.”
The youngbeggarhas seen.
小乞丐已经看到了。Becausethatpersonstandsin the distant place, wears the attractivebright and beautifulclothing, withthismessy and dirty, andsends out the odorstreetto be incompatible.
因为那人就站在远处,穿着光鲜亮丽的衣衫,和这脏乱且散发着恶臭的街道格格不入。Hestandsinhesitantsame placedoes not dareto go forward, looks that the person of thatwearsilver-white colorlong gownwalkstowardoneself.
他犹豫地站在原地不敢上前,看着那穿着银白色长袍的人朝着自己走来。Thatpersonheld downownshoulder, revealssmile that the evil auraoverflowed: „Congratulatesyou, servant of Godapprentice who youwere selectedto become the god.”
The youngbeggarraised the head, eyeonebright: „WhichGodis.”
小乞丐抬起头,眼睛一亮:“是哪一位神明。”Thatpersonspreads out the hand, saidwith the sound of expectation: „Silver whitegod.”
The youngbeggarasked: „Why?”
小乞丐问:“为什么?”Opposite partyreply: „Becauseyourdiedwillselected.”
The youngbeggarlooked forward to that looks atthatperson, heasked the opposite party: „In this case, after Idie, canenter the state of god?”
小乞丐憧憬地看着那人,他问对方:“这样的话,我死之后是不是就可以进入神的国度了?”Opposite partyreply: „Naturally.”
对方回答:“当然。”Youngbeggarsomesaidinsatiably: „Icanleadothers, enters the state of godtogether?”
The opposite partylisten, looks downhim.
对方听完,低下了头看着他。In the pupilis shining the light, twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth.
“当然。”„Youwantto bringmany, canbringmany.”
The youngbeggarlooked forward to that looks at the opposite party, hethought, the silver whitegod is really generousGod.
The silver whitegodis indeed generous, generous that butitgives, is notgenerous that the youngbeggarwants.
The branch of silver whitechurchin a graveyard, hereis not the graveyard of great person, butis the floorpoorevenis the buryingboneplace of namelessdead.
银白教会的分部在一片墓园之中,这里并不是什么大人物的墓所,而是底层贫民甚至是无名死者的埋骨地。Heinthatdarkcavern, hesawmostextremely tragicone.
The magnificentmausoleum chamberdeep place, isonelooks atskeleton not to the end, massivelytoward the follower of insect of templatefoodcorpse.
华丽的地宫深处,是一眼望不到头的尸骸,大量向着食尸之虫模板的信徒。Thisis notpalace of the god, butishole of the demon.
During heis wailingshouts, makes the desperatesound.
他在哀嚎之中嘶吼,发出绝望的声音。„No, is notthis.”
“不,不是这样的。”„Thisis not the palace of god...... thisis not the god......”
“这不是神的殿堂……这不是神……”„Youare fake, isfalse......”
“你们是假的,是假的……”„Vomits...... vomits......”
A picturerevolution, hehas become the servant of Godapprentice of silver whitegod.
画面一转,他已经成为了银白之神的神侍学徒。Hedoes not knowhowoneselfpassed throughthisyearsignorantly, hefaintlysomewhatwas also clear, why the retinues of thesesilver whitegodsdid not have a normalfellow.
他不知道自己是如何浑浑噩噩地度过这段岁月,他也隐隐有些明白,为什么那些银白之神的仆从就没有一个正常的家伙。Canhate the hole of intimidateddemonlike thissuccessfullives, andofficiallybecomes the servant of Godperson.
能够在这样憎怖的邪魔之窟成功的活下来,并正式成为神侍的人。Onlycanbe a lunatic.
他想。Whenoneselfbecometrueservant of God of silver whitegod, perhapsalsoturned intothattheirnot the slightest differencepeople.
当自己成为一个银白之神的真正神侍的时候,或许也变成了那他们一般无二的人。In the eyereveals the red light, the corners of the mouthbringsevildementedsmiling.
眼中露着红光,嘴角带着邪恶癫狂的笑。Howeverwhatmakeshimnot think, on this dayhas not arrived.
然而让他没有想到的是,这一天并没有到来。Becauseonegroup of peopleinfiltratedhere.
因为一群人打入了这里。In front of the silver whitegodservant of Godskeleton, the servant of Godapprentices of their group of silver whitegodsraised the headeverywhere, sawexistence that is throwing over the one close behind the othersnakeclothesrobewas on the stage.
遍地银白之神神侍的尸骸面前,他们这一群银白之神的神侍学徒抬起头,就看到一个披着衔尾蛇衣袍的存在登上了高台。Under the darkness of influenceafter a positionengages in factional strife, silver whitechurch in Laterite Citybythisgroup of peopleperishing.
经过一阵地下势力的黑暗倾轧,红土城中的银白教会就被这一群人给灭亡了。Regarding the destruction of silver whitechurchbranch, the youngbeggarremains unmovedslightly, butice-coldlooks above.
对于银白教会分部的毁灭,小乞丐丝毫不为所动,只是冰冷地看着上面。Thatpersonseems likebeforehandsilver whitechurchservant of Godis more insane, regardless of the whole personspokeactsis flooding the dementedappearance.
那人看上去比之前的银白教会神侍更疯,整个人不论说话还是动作都充斥着癫狂的模样。„Starting today.”
“从今天开始。”„Youare the followers of abyss.”
The youngbeggarhas not thought that unexpectedlyretinue who existence of thisgroup of namedabyssbelieversgathershisgod.
小乞丐没有想到,这群名为深渊教徒的存在竟然收取他神的仆从。Heasked the person on stage: „AbyssGod of Original Sin, istrueGod, is Itwillingto admitus?”
他问台上的人:“深渊原罪之神,是真正的神明吗,祂愿意接纳我们吗?”Finally, healsoaskedone.
最后,他又问了一句。„Does It, haveDivine Country?”
The abyssbelieverreplied: „God of Original Sin!”
深渊教徒回答:“原罪之神!”„Isera ago existence, one of the most ancientGod, isgreatestmyth.”
“是纪元之前的存在,最古老的神明之一,也是最伟大的神话。”„Heis the incarnation of degeneration, is the lord of original sin.”
The abyssbelieverdanced with joypublicizedgreat of God of Original Sin, evenalsoput out the book collection of silver whitegodmeeting.
深渊教徒手舞足蹈地宣扬了一番原罪之神的伟大,甚至还拿出了银白之神教会的藏书。Ifhesaidmay not believe, then the silver whitegodwill call it the god, naturallyseemedwithout a doubt.
如果他说的不可信,那么银白之神教会都称之为神,自然就显得毋庸置疑了。Butfinally, the abyssbelieverlooked that topresentedeveryone.
而最后,深渊教徒看向了在场所有人。„Anyone, canchooseto degenerate, will be admittedby the abyss.”
The youngbeggaralsoheard for the first time, in the worldhassuchexistence.
小乞丐还第一次听说,世界上有这样的存在。Inhiseyeis glittering the light, asked the opposite partyloudly.
他眼中闪烁着光,大声问对方。„After degenerating, canenter the state of god?”
The opposite partydefinitelyrepliedas before: „Naturally, the abysswelcome all people of degeneration.”
The youngbeggarsuddenlyfelt,thisperhapsis not a misdemeanor.
It is not right.
不对。Thisis a biggood deed.
这是一件大大的好事。Hecanescape from the evil clutches of silver whitechurchfinally, hugged the Spiritual Godagain the state.
他终于可以逃脱银白教会的魔爪,再度拥抱神灵的国度了。WhichSpiritual Godstate, so long asis the Spiritual God, hewants.
During heincommunityoffered sacrificesto see the originalappearance of abyss.
他就在一次群体献祭之中看到了深渊的本来面貌。Heseesis not the brightstate, butisdarknesslarge cave/hole that andis too deep to see the bottom.
The inexhaustiblemonsterstrugglesin the black mudor the raging fire, crawlstowardaboveinpainfulshouting.
无穷无尽的怪物挣扎在黑泥或者烈火之中,在痛苦的嘶吼之中朝着上面爬。Hewas frightenedagain and againretrocedes, coveredoneselfchest.
他被吓得连连后退,捂住了自己的胸膛。„Thatis...... Divine Country.”
“那就是……神国。”„No, thatis notDivine Country.”
During suchpicture, imaginesDivine Countryto be completely different from him.
The follower of falsegodsilver whitegod, whendescribedDivine Countryalsoto describeat leasttall and pleasing to the eye.
伪神银白之神的信徒,在描绘神国的时候起码还描绘得美轮美奂。But the abyss in abyssbelievereyes, Divine Country in theireye, are the shelterlessugliness.
而深渊教徒眼中的深渊,他们眼中的神国,是毫无遮掩的丑恶。Theylike thisowndesire, ownwickedness.
他们就这样将自己的欲,自己的恶。Not careexposesineveryoneat present.
The desire of personis not ugly, when enlargestoinfinitedegeneration, made one be awed at the sight.
The dwarfyoungbeggarlooks atthatDivine Country, hewill eliminateshortlymustenter the plan of God of Original Sinstate.
矮子小乞丐看着那神国,他顷刻间就打消了要进入原罪之神国度的打算。Thereandthatpersondoes not have the littlerelations and similaritytoDivine Country that hedescribed, heratherdissipatedthoroughly, is not willingto fall intosuchplace.
那里和那个人向他描绘的神国没有一点点关系和相似之处,他宁愿彻底消散,也不愿意堕入那样的地方。In the crowd, inhiseyeis disclosingfirmly.
“不。”„Icannotgo tothatplace, cannotgo tothatplace.”
“我不能去那种地方,不能去那种地方。”„Right, Icannotfalltothat.”
“没错,我不能落到那里面去。”„Dyingis not good, is not how good.”
“死也不行,怎么样也不行。”On this day, heescapedfrom the abyssmission.
这一天,他从深渊教团之中逃了出来。Heis saved from deathunder the pursuit of evildisciple, althoughis small, buthedrillsfrom the tunnelis especially flexible.
他在邪徒的追击下死里逃生,个头虽然小,但是他从地洞里钻出来的时候格外灵活。Herunscrazily, is runningtoward the seashore.
他疯狂地奔跑,往着海边跑去。Runs up tofinally, supports the ancientcity wallcliffto vomit.
In hespitsis thincrash-bang, butin the bellydoes not have the thing that canput outslightly.
他吐得稀里哗啦,但是肚子里却没有丝毫可以吐出的东西。Sunraisedfrom the distant placeslowly, illuminates the sea level, the wave lighthas extended the ends of the earthfrom the coastline.
太阳缓缓从远方升起,照亮了海面,波光从海岸线一直延伸到天尽头。Hewanderson the road in seashore, does not know where shouldgo.
他徘徊在海边的路上,不知道该去哪里。Alsodoes not know,finallywhereoneselfwill turn toward.
也不知道,自己最终会归向何方。Hemeetsservant of God of silver whitegodtime, thinksoneselffound the Divine Countrydirection, has not thought that finally the so-calledgodis not a god.
After heran into the believer of abyss, indeedfound the Divine Countrydirection, howeversuchDivine Country is actually notDivine Country that hewants.
他遇到了深渊的教徒之后,的确找到了神国的方向,但是那样的神国却并不是他想要的神国。Hisanythinghas not done, had actually degenerated into the evildisciple of degeneration.
他什么都没有做,却已经沦为了堕落的邪徒。Hewantsto go to the happystate of god.
而如今。Inthisworldprepares the goodplaceforhimonly.
这个世界上唯一为他准备好的地方。Eitheris the abyss.
要么。Is the purgatory.
是炼狱。Hewalksalong the sea, on the facehung all overat a loss.
The distant place, presented the Laterite Cityharbor.
远处,出现了红土城的港口。Sunjustraised, in the wharfis pushing a large crowd.
The sunlightaccording to the sail and bow, somepeoplestandstheretounderis shoutingloudly.
阳光照在风帆和船头上,有人站在那里大声地对着下面呼喊。„The end of sea.”
“大海的尽头。”„Has the newworld, the new continent, thatisoneeverywhereis the goldenplace.”
“有着新世界,新大陆,那是一个遍地都是黄金的地方。”„Makes the poor personbecomerich, makes the civiliansturn into the aristocrat, place that a personis reborn.”
“一个让穷人变富,一个让平民变成贵族,一个人脱胎换骨的地方。”Thistime, heno longerbelieves the Divine Countrymanifestofinally.
这一次,他终于不再相信神国的宣言。Hewalks up, askedthatperson: „Thatnew continent, reallysomeyousaidthat?”
他走上前去,问那个人:“那个新大陆,真的有你说的那么好吗?”Thatpersonsaid: „Did youhave a looknot to know?”
那人说:“你去看看不就知道了吗?”Hesaid: „HowIknow that youdo deceiveme?”
他说:“我怎么知道你是不是骗我?”Thatpersonsaid: „Withfeeling!”
那人说:“凭感觉咯!”With the feeling, thissayingsaiddoes not seem like a captain, is more like an artist.
最后。Hemountedthisship, thatstood the persononbowtook a nicknametohim.
他登上了其中这条船,那站在船头上的人给他取了个绰号。Thatformstandsin the high placebeckonstowardhim, callshim.
那身影站在高处朝着他招了招手,称呼他为。„Hey, dwarf.”
“喂,小矮人。”„Came up.”
The sailwaves, the sea wavesis intermittent.
风帆舞动,海波阵阵。Roams aboutanddoes not havehim of goal, goes through many placesininside or outside the city, does not look forhim in habitat, finallyhadplace of ownmindresting.
流浪和没有目标的他,辗转于城内城外,始终寻找不到栖息地的他,终于有了一块属于自己的心灵安息之地。Although that place of restingfloatsinmarine, does not know that is goingto go towhere.
虽然那安息之地漂在海上,也不知道将要前往何处。Butat this time, on the columnladderresounded the sound that struckandshouted.
而这个时候,柱梯上面响起了敲打和呼喊的声音。„Hey, dwarf.”
“喂,小矮人。”„Came up.”
“上来了。”In the The Platinumthird-class cabin, „dwarf”finallystoppedallmovements, hewas thrown into confusionto crawl, opened the cabin door.白金号的底舱内,“小矮人”终于停下了所有动作,他手忙脚乱地爬了上去,打开了舱门。Saw that first mate„fostering talent”is waiting forhim above, seemed likehad looked forhimquite a while.
The first mateaskedhim: „Does?”
大副问他:“干什么呢?”Hereplied: „Iinreorganizationthing.”
The first matelooked at his forehead, points at the abovescarto say.
大副看了一眼他的额头,指着上面的伤痕说道。„Yourforeheadwhat's the matter?”
“你额头怎么回事?”„Dwarf”said not completely indifferently: „Oh, does not have any.”
“小矮人”满不在乎地说道:“唉,没有什么。”„Just the wavecametime, did not hitcarefully.”
“刚刚浪过来的时候,不小心撞了一下。”First mate„fostering talent”looks at„dwarf”, gazed athimquite a while.
大副“树人”看着“小矮人”,注视了他半天。Thismakes the dwarfsomewhattense, but alsothinksononeselfhaswhatissue, has not thought that finally it is said.
这让小矮人有些紧张,还以为自己身上有什么问题,没有想到最后其说道。„Washesto wrap up, thengoes to the deck.”
“洗一下包扎好,然后去甲板。”„Captainhas the importantmatterto announce.”
……Bliman Stationin the topmost leveldeck, deeplyattracted a cigarette, thenspatslowly.
布里曼站在最高层的甲板上,深深吸了一口卷烟,然后慢悠悠地吐了出来。Allcrewgather below, looks uphimto wait forhisinstruction.
所有的船员都聚集在下面,抬头看着他等待着他的训示。Then, everyonecalmlylooks that Blimansmokesthiscigarette.
就这样,所有人静静地看着布里曼将这根卷烟抽完。At this timeheraised the head, looks ateveryoneto say.
这个时候他才抬起头来,看着所有人说道。„Godhad transmittedcompleteoracletome.”
“神已经向我传达了完整的神谕。”Instantaneously, everyonediscusses spiritedly.
瞬间,所有人议论纷纷。Theyuse, the vision of expectationto look atBlimancuriously, waits forhimto receive the words.
Like beforehandBliman.
就和之前的布里曼一样。Everyoneis curious, actually the end of the world iswhat, inthatalsohaswhatsecret.
布里曼接着说道。„WebeforethatGod, was the Ruler of Lifeplacegod under of nihility.”
“我们之前遇到的那位神明,是生命主宰座下的虚无之神。”„Itis wieldinginvat that controlsGodworld.”
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