IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#546 Part 1: Puts on Sally of royal crown

Chapter 546 puts on Sally of royal crown 第546章戴上王冠的莎莉 The space in Moon of God. 神之月内的空间。 That is divine tree that is flowing the vein of light. 那是一颗流淌着光之脉络的神树 A form is riding a broom, flies in the divine tree twigs slowly. 一个身影骑着一根扫把,慢慢悠悠地在神树枝杈间飞行。 The form on broom is throwing over the black robe, brings the big hat of fold apex, a appearance of succuba, is is not quite high. 扫把上的身影披着黑袍,带着褶皱尖顶的大帽子,一副魔女的打扮,就是个头不太高。 Succuba hand is grasping steadily a magic wand of head/number of people, that head is also shouting the fearful slogan. “魔女”手握着长着一颗人头的魔杖,那头颅还喊着可怕的口号。 Destruction!” “毁灭!” End!” “末日!” Disaster!” “灾难!” Hoarse-voiced, gloomy terrifying. 声音沙哑,阴森恐怖。 That is Ruler of Life Sally, the stick of her end divine punishment. 那是生命主宰莎莉,还有她的末日神罚之杖。 Under divine tree. 神树下面。 How long some form stood did not know, it as if completely and divine tree connection in one. 某个身影站立了不知道有多久,其似乎完全和神树连接在了一起。 Under the will circulation, divine tree repeatedly is changing. 其意志流转之下,神树不断地发生着变化。 Divine Moon opens like a leaf of front door, the moonlight changes into the steps photo to the distant place. 神月如同一扇大门打开,月光化为阶梯照向远处。 But the space that divine tree is at becomes more and more broad, had arrived the situation of not being able to see the end, the divine tree twig extends does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km), flood the whole world. 神树所在的空间变得越来越广阔,已经到了看不到尽头的地步,神树的枝杈延伸不知道多少万里,充斥整个世界。 Sally flies in the divine tree twigs, lowering the head to see that the innumerable light lineage/vein gathered from the root hair upward, gathered in the trunk, changes into together the great light beam. 莎莉飞在神树的枝杈间,低头可以看到无数道光脉从根须往上汇聚,在主干汇聚,化为一道伟岸光柱。 Shasha ~ “莎莎~” The leaf sways, touches and goes side Sally. 叶子摇晃,擦过莎莉身边。 But the above each leaf of her side, can see is producing an inverted image the grand scene. 而她身边的每一片叶子,都可以看到上面倒映着宏伟的景象。 Can see the shadow of first era city, sees most ancient God's Bestowal Ground ; Also can see Origin of Life Mountain and City of Life, as well as that Tower of Babel to lead to Creation Divine Country. 可以看到第一纪元城市的影子,看到最古老的神赐之地;也可以看到生命起源之山生命之城,以及那座通向造物神国通天塔 Succuba rode the broom to fall slowly, stops in side of that form. “魔女”骑着扫把慢慢落下,停在了那身影的旁边。 By that form puts a table, on the table is putting a bottle, in the bottle full is the colored air bubble. 那身影旁边放着一个桌子,桌子上放着一个瓶子,瓶子里满是彩色的气泡。 But not far away is pasting the divine tree trunk place, but also has a statue to kneel to sit by divine tree. 而不远处的贴着神树主干的地方,还有着一具雕像跪坐靠在神树旁。 She lies on the broom sighs intentionally, at the same time also said. 她趴在扫把上故意叹气,一边同时说道。 „!” “啊!” Quite bored!” “好无聊啊!” Sally looks at God Insai, honk the mouth is asking It. 莎莉看着因赛神,嘟着嘴巴问祂。 „Hasn't god, done well?” “神,还没有弄好吗?” When can again depart.” “什么时候能够再出发。” I must go to genuine moon, I must go to North Sea, must go to other places.” “我要去真正的月亮上,我要去北海,要去其他的地方。” The Yin Shen form completely and divine tree ray overlaps, fuses in together, Sally cannot even see Its expression, can only hear Its sound. 尹神身影完全和神树的光芒重迭,融合在一起,连莎莉也看不到祂的表情,只能听到祂的声音。 Quick.” “很快。” . 只是。 Quick that Yin Shen said that generally cannot believe. 尹神说的很快,一般是不能信的。 Even if Sally also understands, the quick between god and god is different. 哪怕莎莉也明白,神和神之间的很快是不一样的。 However time what these makes Sally not think, this quick really soon arrived unexpectedly. 然而这一次让莎莉没有想到的是,这个很快竟然真的就很快到来了。 Yin Shen just said not long, entire wisdom divine tree shook to drag suddenly. 尹神刚刚说完没有多久,整个智慧神树突然震荡摇曳了起来。 The previous time, was Moon of God illuminates one to outside path. 上一次,是神之月照出了一条向外面的道路。 This time, was divine tree changed from top to bottom. 这一次,是神树从上到下发生了变化。 At this time, Shirra, Nihility Bacteria Mother and Waylen also felt that anything, looked toward outside from the hot-air balloon ship. 这个时候,希拉虚无菌母维伦也都感觉到了什么,从热气球艇里面朝着外面看了过来。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Moon of God has had the multiple transformations. 神之月发生过多次蜕变。 Moon of God that most starts is the Divine Grace Stone composition, afterward turned into four Divine Grace Stone compositions, turned into Moon of God afterward, was born root divine tree. 最开始的神之月神恩石组成,后来变成了四种神恩石组成,再后来变成了神之月,诞生出了根源神树 But now, it is going to have the transformation again. 而如今,其将要再度发生蜕变。 This is very essential one time, is extremely important one time, stays from Yin Shen spends here for a long time transforms here to see. 这是非常关键的一次,也是极为重要的一次,从尹神停留在这里花费这么长时间来改造这里就可以看得出。 With divine tree links Yin Shen loosened the hand finally, the form also gradually became clear. 神树连接在一起的尹神终于松开了手,身影也渐渐变得清晰了起来。 Said one: Ok.” 开口说了一句:“好了。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Immediately sees massive light lineage/vein run out from the divine tree root hair, penetrate the trunk, after the twig, is separated from the leaf finally. 立刻看到大量光脉从神树根须之中冲出,穿透主干,经过枝杈,最后脱离叶子而出。 The light falls like the rain generally, sprinkles in the whole world. 光如同雨一般落下,洒在整个世界之中。 Shadows stood up in the ray, appear around divine tree. 一个又一个影子在光芒之中站起,出现在了神树周围。 That form is dense and numerous, innumerable. 那身影密密麻麻,数不胜数。 By trillion ideas. 以亿万计。 They stand in the white world, regarding divine tree, is looking up to that intelligent fruit. 他们站在白色的世界之中,围绕着神树,仰望着那智慧果实。 The voices of countless person gather in together, they as if are cheering, is pouring out anything. 无数人的声音汇聚在一起,他们仿佛在欢呼,在倾诉着什么。 However how long without passing, these shadows all dissipates to go. 但是没有过去多久,这些影子全部消散而去。 Sally put down the broom, stood in the ground: Oh, rains.” 莎莉放下了扫把,站在了地上:“喔,下雨了。” Shirra also arrived at the God Insai side: What is this?” 希拉也来到了因赛神的身边:“这是什么?” Yin Shen: soul species development process.” 尹神:“灵魂种诞生的过程。” To the Moon of God path, has stayed behind. 通往神之月道路,已经留下。 Strength and process that soul species transforms, has arranged. 灵魂种蜕变的力量和过程,也已经布置完毕。 Then has had no need for Yin Shen making anything again, because all arranged. 接下来已经用不着尹神再多做些什么,因为一切都安排好了。 Waiting. 就等着。 Looked that who can first arrive on this Moon of God. 看谁能够第一个抵达这神之月上。 Before Sally , a face impatient urging, saw Yin Shen to transform Moon of God and intelligent root divine tree at this moment, she became especially curious. 莎莉之前还一脸不耐烦的催促,此刻看到尹神改造完了神之月和智慧根源神树,她又变得格外好奇。 Did well?” “弄好了?” What did It turn into?” “祂变成什么样了?” Can be useful?” “能有什么用?” Yin Shen is pressing her shoulder, looks divine tree that this is gathering all life wisdom and consciousness. 尹神按着她的肩膀,看着这颗汇聚着一切生灵智慧和意识的神树 „The moon/month of Divine Grace Stone.” 神恩石之月。” Moon of God!” 神之月!” Arrives at behind, perhaps can also call it soul moon.” “到后面,或许也可以称之为灵魂月亮。” Actually the last time transformation has not been completed, but matter that needs us to handle, has completed.” “其实最后一次蜕变还没有完成,只不过需要我们做的事情,都已经做完了。” „To complete the transformation truly, but also lacks the essential thing, needs all intelligent species, but also full of wisdom God together diligently.” “想要真正地完成蜕变,还缺少关键的东西,需要所有智慧种,还有智慧的神明一起努力。” Shirra asked: What also lacks?” 希拉问:“还缺什么?” Yin Shen: „A perfect state.” 尹神:“一个完美的国度。” Afterward, It then supplements to say. 随后,祂接着补充说道。 „The country of True God.” “真神之国。” Without the True God state, intelligent species is not then able to pass to Moon of God oneself on, thus completes the transformation.” “没有真神的国度,智慧种便无法将自己上传到神之月,从而完成蜕变。” „The True God state is also their common state.” “真神的国度也是他们共同的国度。” Is spans the era the ship, is the fortress of unique time.” “是跨越纪元的船,是超脱光阴的堡垒。” Yin Shen turns around, the vision looks to the world. 尹神转过身来,目光看向人间。 This is the jump of intelligent race, is the return of root, arrives in the final other shore.” “这是智慧种族的跃迁,是根源的回归,是抵达最后的彼岸。” Is they retrieves the self- journey.” “更是他们找回自我的旅途。” In the world, some people had proposed what idea the True God god country should be.” “在人间,已经有人提出了真神的神国应该是什么样的想法。” Is only, has not realized truly.” “只是,还没有真正实现。” Shirra said with a smile: „The world has many talents, can create the talent of miracle.” 希拉笑着说道:“人间还是有很多的天才的,能够创造奇迹的天才。” Yin Shen nods: They want to span the era, will want to develop the future, will want to arrive in the wisdom the boundary.” 尹神点了点头:“他们想要跨越纪元,想要开拓未来,想要抵达智慧的边界。” I give them.” “我都给他们。” Also placed here.” “也都放在了这里。” Remaining, looked their.” “剩下的,就看他们自己的了。” Yin Shen completed all these, does not need to stay again here, therefore says. 尹神做完了这一切,已经不用再停留在这里,于是开口说道。 Walks!” “走吧!” Sally actually settled down at this time suddenly, she does not want to walk. 莎莉这个时候却突然驻足,她不想走了。 Sally is staring one pair rumble the eye, is staring at intelligent root divine tree curiously: Therefore, what soul species is?” 莎莉瞪着一双咕噜噜的眼睛,非常好奇地盯着智慧根源神树:“所以,灵魂种到底是什么啊?” Yin Shen saw the idea of Sally: What wants to experience soul species is felt?” 尹神看出了莎莉的想法:“想要体验一下灵魂种是什么感觉?” Sally unceasing nod: Un un!” 莎莉不断的点头:“嗯嗯嗯!” Yin Shen shakes the head: You are the control of life, you do not have the intelligent species strength.” 尹神摇了摇头:“你是生命的主宰,你没有智慧种的力量。” A Sally very disappointed expression: „, Insipid.” 莎莉一副非常失望的表情:“啊,没劲。” Yin Shen looks at Sally, recently it was closed although here is disgruntled a lot, but is very obedient, therefore also said one. 尹神看着莎莉,最近其被关在这里虽然没少闹情绪,但是还是非常听话的,于是又说了一句。 But, can realize with the aid of the strength of royal crown indirectly.” “不过,也可以借助王冠的力量间接体会一下。” Sally jumped all of a sudden: „, Good.” 莎莉一下子跳了起来:“啊,太好了。” …… …… Yin Shen sits by the table. 尹神坐在桌子旁。 Shirra, Nihility Bacteria Mother and Waylen stand, looks curiously steps Sally of small short leg to walk toward divine tree under. 希拉虚无菌母维伦站在一起,好奇地看着迈着小短腿的莎莉朝着神树下走去。 Sally the stick of end divine punishment was abandoned on the table, the head/number of people on magic wand it shows the panic-stricken expression, as to shout anything. 莎莉的末日神罚之杖都被抛弃在了桌子上,魔杖上的人头它露出惊恐的表情,似乎想要喊些什么。 However by that great light shadow, anything cannot shout. 但是在那伟岸的光影旁边,什么都没能喊出来。 Sally is pasting the divine tree trunk, grins bright saying with a smile. 莎莉贴着神树的主干,咧嘴灿烂的笑道。 I prepared.” “我准备好了。” However Yin Shen has not actually started immediately, but was saying to her. 然而尹神却没有立刻开始,而是对着她说。 You borrow others' thing, should thank others.” “你借用别人的东西,应该感谢别人。” Thank? 感谢? Who dares to make me thank him? 谁敢让我感谢他? Stands to me. 给我站出来。 However said that this saying Yin Shen, she can only bow sluggishly. 不过说这话的尹神,她只能懒懒散散地鞠躬。 Asked, god!” “拜托了,神!” Helps me!” “帮帮我吧!” Yin Shen actually shakes the head: „It is not I.” 尹神却摇了摇头:“不是我。” The Sally vision sought. 莎莉目光寻索了一下。 Others? 别人? On the scene also has others? 在场的还有别人吗? It is not right, but also some people? 不对,还有人吗? In the eye of Sally, can call it person the benchmark criterion, is very high. 莎莉的眼中,能够称之为“人”的标杆尺度,可是很高的。 Sally first looked at Shirra, definitely did not say Shirra, then passed over gently and swiftly Waylen and Nihility Bacteria Mother. 莎莉先是看了一眼希拉,肯定不是说希拉,然后掠过了维伦虚无菌母 Also looked at a that bottle, finally the vision shifts suddenly, suddenly looked to nearby statue. 又看了一眼那瓶子,最后目光陡然转移,突然看向了一旁的雕像。 Sally is suddenly enlighted. 莎莉恍然大悟。 Is that fellow. 是那家伙。 Sally hesitant, very not Shirdi takes down her whistle, hangs on the neck of ledlicki. 莎莉犹豫了一下,十分不舍地将她的哨子取了下来,挂在了莱德利基的脖子上。 She is wrinkling the nose, very earnest saying. 她皱着鼻子,十分认真的说道。 You help me, this lends you to wear, this is the god gives to me.” “你帮我,这个就借给你戴一戴,这可是神送给我的。” But, waiting for the meeting must give back my!” “不过,等会要还给我的啊!” Two forms gather under the tree together are speaking. 两个身影一起聚集在树下说着话。 Looks at this, Yin Shen remembered very long beforehand picture suddenly. 看着这一幕,尹神突然想起了很久以前的画面。 Wild land, primitive sea, having a thing in the world world. 蛮荒的大地,原始的海洋,一无所有的世界。 Only then their three shuttles above the endless sea, arrive in the islands that all stories start. 只有他们三个穿梭在无尽的大海之上,抵达那座一切故事开始的岛屿。 Turns to look back repeatedly at every step, not Shirdi looks at own whistle. 一步三回头,不舍地看着自己的哨子。 Sally depended finally under the tree of intelligent root, anticipated that looks at Yin Shen, Yin Shen also is just visiting her, the vision interlocked in the same place. 莎莉终于又靠在了智慧根源之树下,期待地看着尹神,刚好尹神也正好在看着她,目光交错在一起。 Suddenly, the Yin Shen white clothes robe calm automatic hikes up slightly, and sends out the slight ray. 突然间,尹神的白色衣袍无风自动微微飘起,并且散发出轻微的光芒。 Sees instantaneously. 瞬间就看见。 Behind intelligent root divine tree, appears one to exceed in the stars above space and time. 在智慧根源神树背后,显现出一颗超越于空间与时间之上的星辰。 The ray projection of stars , the time frames instantaneously. 星辰的光芒投射而下,时间瞬间定格。 But the divine tree back, a round of giant light halo appears, the light halo reduces unceasingly, finally changed into a royal crown. 神树的背后,一轮巨大的光圈出现,光圈不断地缩小,最后化为了一顶王冠。 The Yin Shen shadow vanished. 尹神的影子消失了。 Also. 随之。 A pair dominates above the world, must exceed all great hands to appear greatly. 一双凌驾于世界之上,大得超越一切的巨手出现了。 The great hand is grasping that royal crown, pressed toward the place that Sally is. 巨手握着那个王冠,朝着莎莉所在的地方压了过来。 Sally raised the head, stares the big eye and mouth. 莎莉抬起头,瞪大眼睛和嘴巴。 Oh!” “哇喔!” „The royal crown of fellow.” “那家伙的王冠。” Then, that royal crown was worn by the great hand finally in her head. 然后,那王冠最后被巨手戴在了她的头上。 She raises the hand high, put on the long-awaited royal crown joyfully. 她高高举起手,满心欢喜地戴上了梦寐以求的王冠。 Although is only temporary. 虽然只是暂时的。 She sends out wisdom happily big laughter: Hehe ~ 她开心地发出“智慧”的大笑声:“嘿嘿~” She felt, at this moment oneself certainly are the world's intelligent existence. 她觉得,此时此刻自己一定就是世界上最“智慧”的存在了。 But put on the flash of royal crown, Sally hears a sound to penetrate in her mind. 而戴上王冠的一瞬间,莎莉就听到了一个声音深入她的脑海之中。 Forgot that all your strengths, do not make your strength touch the royal crown.” “忘记你所有的力量,不要让你的力量去触碰王冠。” It can have your consciousness, feels the soul species strength.” “祂会带着你的意识,去感受灵魂种的力量。” Sally felt that own main body lived to the seal by that giant both hands, however her consciousness actually follows that royal crown to rise toward the high place together, passes through inexhaustibly that does not know that the divine tree crowns of many levels, arrived at the highest place finally. 莎莉感觉到自己的本体被那巨大的双手给封印住了,但是她的意识却跟随着那王冠一同升往高处,穿越那无穷无尽不知道多少层的神树树冠,最终来到了最高处。 Above the white world of nihility, Sally saw stars that is representing eternal with Creator. 虚无的白色世界之上,莎莉看到了那颗代表着永恒和造物主的星辰。 If the average men see this stars, the flash must melt in that ray, loses during the endless years. 常人若是看到这颗星辰,一瞬间就要消融在那光芒里,迷失在无尽的岁月之中。 But Sally actually looks straight ahead the stars at this moment, and shouts loudly. 莎莉此刻却直视星辰,并且大声喊道。 God!” “神!” I came.” “我来了。” The sound reverberation of Yin Shen in the whole world, told Sally. 尹神的声音回荡在整个世界,告诉莎莉 You now are soul species.” “你现在就是一个灵魂种。” Here, the soul will be immortal, you will never die.” “在这里,灵魂将会永生,你永远不会死。” Sally thinks: Eternal life does not die, this?” 莎莉一想:“永生不死,就这?” Yin Shen then said: You can choose a body, goes as going to the world anchor point.” 尹神接着说道:“你可以选择一个躯壳,前往作为前往人间的锚点。” Is only your body will be decayed, when the body died, you will then come back here.” “只是你的这具身体会腐朽,当身体死去的时候,你便会重新回来这里。” Sally thought that this good, can go to the world to play. 莎莉觉得这个不错,可以去人间玩。 Sally does not know what body oneself want, the contour or Yin Shen of her present make to her, as for her main body, that is one fearful to the demon god who being hard to imagine and describe. 莎莉也不知道自己想要一个什么样的身体,她现在的这具外形还是尹神给她制造的,至于她的本体,那是一个可怕到难以想象和形容的魔神。 The idea in her mind emerging one after another, spoke thoughtlessly to say. 她脑海里浮出的想法一个接着一个,随口说道。 I the body that takes one to fly, the wing is very attractive.” She made winged human before time, wants a wing. “我要一个会飞的身体,翅膀很漂亮。”她之前造翼人的时候,就想要个翅膀。 Has only the eye, can see specially clearly.” This is not strange, the eye of Ruhul Giant God are very many. “有很多只眼睛,能看得特别清楚。”这也不奇怪,鲁赫巨神的眼睛就特别多。 Head is very big, this is very intelligent.” The head big and intelligent as if has no inevitable relation, but Sally feels the intelligence of definitely big head. “脑袋很大,这样就很聪明。”脑袋大和聪明似乎并没有什么必然的联系,但是莎莉觉得大脑袋的肯定聪明。 The eternal stars send out brilliance, Yin Shen told her. 永恒星辰散发出光辉,尹神告诉她。 Ok.” “可以。” But Moon of God has not transformed thoroughly, the True God state has not appeared, entire system and soul principle also not complete.” “但是神之月还没有彻底蜕变,真神国度还没有出现,整个体系和灵魂法则也并没有圆满。” Therefore you can only seek for a body from the world existing lifeform, but cannot make baseless.” “所以你只能从人间现有的生物之中寻找一个躯壳,而不能凭空制造出来。” Because you are not intelligent species, therefore cannot really invest the world spirit, but draws support from the royal crown to conduct the simulation experience.” “因为你不是智慧种,所以也不能真的将灵投入人间,只是借助王冠来进行模拟体验。” Therefore except for the body original strength, your anything strength does not have, you can only experience the scene and picture that body can experience.” “所以除了身体本来的力量,你什么力量也没有,你只能体验那具身体所能体验的场景和画面。” Sally raised the head at a loss: „?” 莎莉茫然地抬起头:“啊?” Sally suddenly thought that some are not wonderful. 莎莉突然觉得有些不妙。 She seems to be not playing the game, but becomes a unlucky egg that steps on the pit. 她似乎并不是在玩游戏,而是成为了一个踩坑的倒霉蛋。 However at this time, is late. 但是这个时候,已经迟了。 divine tree drags, under the tree the body of Sally closed the eye gradually, with nearby statue, static by the divine tree trunk. 神树摇曳,树下莎莉的身体渐渐闭上了眼睛,和一旁的“雕像”一样,静静的靠在了神树的主干上。 She fell asleep. 她睡着了。 But a ray investment world, is following the Divine Moon ray. 而一道光芒投入人间,跟随着神月的光芒。 Quick, the ray fell into the jungle of the world, that ray according to the body of some lifeform, wormed one's way into finally. 很快,光芒落入了人间的一处丛林之中,那光芒照在了某个生物的身上,最终钻了进去。 In the jungle, that lifeform flew, shuttles back and forth in the trees. 丛林之中,那个生物飞了起来,穿梭在树木之间。 Humming sound humming sound.” “嗡嗡嗡嗡。” That is a big end of dragonfly. 那是一个大头蜻蜓。 The big end of dragonfly is staring, a face compels ignorant. 大头蜻蜓瞪着眼睛,一脸懵逼。 „?” “?” Sally then discovered, oneself by the Crown of Wisdom investment world, was being controlled a body of big end of dragonfly. 莎莉这才发现,自己被智慧王冠投入人间,掌控着一个大头蜻蜓的躯壳。 However, indeed wants with Sally is the same. 不过,的确和莎莉想要的一样。 Has the wing, many eyes, big head. 有翅膀,很多眼睛,还有个大脑袋。 The big end of dragonfly was shouting to the space, although cannot make the sound. 大头蜻蜓对着天上大喊,虽然根本发不出声音。 „Is this soul species?” “这就是灵魂种?” Was too weak!” “太弱了!” God!” “神!” In the nihility, went out of one to exist. 虚无之中,走出了一个存在。 That is one does not have the shadow of this world. 那是一个不存在这个世界的影子。 Except that in the eye of Sally, no one can see It. 除了莎莉的眼睛里,没有人能够看到祂。 Yin Shen looks at this big end of dragonfly, told her. 尹神看着这个大头蜻蜓,告诉她。 „The transformation of soul species, is the transformation of intelligent species, the key does not lie in the transformation and strong and weak in strength.” 灵魂种的蜕变,是智慧种的蜕变,关键不在于力量上的蜕变和强弱。” But is spirit complete, is eternal of consciousness, is arrives in the wisdom the end point and state.” “而是灵的圆满,是意识的永恒,是抵达智慧的终点和国度。” They follow God of wisdom to step into together eternal, the sharing eternal life, is aloof above the time together.” “他们跟随着智慧的神明一起踏入永恒,共享永生,一同超脱于光阴之上。” Body to them, is only the external goods.” “躯壳对于他们来说,只是外在的物品。” Regardless of you are the big dragon, is snake human, is a big end of dragonfly.” “不论你是巨龙,是蛇人,还是一只大头蜻蜓。” Is your temporary status and external body.” “都不过是你临时的一个身份和外在的躯壳。” Sally does not have the sudden appearance of strange Yin Shen, the Yin Shen main body not to exist in this world, but he is also everywhere. 莎莉也没有奇怪尹神的突然出现,尹神本体就不存在于这个世界,但是他又无处不在。 So long as there is a place of anchor point, he can appear and exist. 只要有锚点的地方,他就可以出现和存在。 Sally is unsatisfied: If we had known, I turned into the big dragon.” 莎莉非常不满意:“早知道,我就变成巨龙了。” „It is not right, just I should say, I want, when three leaves human.” “不对,刚刚我应该说,我要当三叶人。” I remember that world also three leaves human fossil, is the direct line descendant of that fellow.” “我记得人间还有一具三叶人的化石,是那家伙的直系后裔。” Sally remembers suddenly, oneself just wear Crown of Wisdom. 莎莉突然想起,自己刚刚可是戴着智慧王冠的。 „It is not right!” “不对!” I just should say, wants, when King of Wisdom.” “我刚刚应该说,要当智慧之王。” Right, I just said that if I want, when the King of Wisdom words, will turn into three leaves human, then brings Crown of Wisdom to get down together?” “没错,我刚刚说要是我想要当智慧之王的话,是不是就会变成三叶人,然后带着智慧王冠一起下来?” Sally possibly is only knows the Crown of Wisdom complete prestige to be able existence. 莎莉可能是唯一一个知道智慧王冠全部威能的存在。 In the past she had not only looked with own eyes, but also has felt. 当年她不仅仅亲眼看过,还感受过。 Since the time enters the royal power blood time, no one has felt the strength of this royal crown truly, even Shirra is also so. 而自从时代进入王权血裔时代,就再也没有人真正感受过这顶王冠的力量,连希拉也是如此。 A thought gets down, all intelligent species must take orders in her. 一个意念下去,所有智慧种都得听命于她。 No matter you are a god, is a mortal. 不管你是神,还是凡人。 Even is the stone demon of stone head, so long as Crown of Wisdom wants you to speak, you must say the words. 甚至是个石头脑袋的石魔,只要智慧王冠要你说话,你就得说出话来。 That is the control from intelligent root, controls the ideas and desires of all intelligent species and remembers, including life and death and all. 那是从智慧根源上的控制,操控所有智慧种的想法、欲望和记忆,包括生死和一切。 Even if not intelligent species, so long as you do not control the rank, the position standard cannot be flush with the royal crown, it can also control your consciousness forcefully. 哪怕不是智慧种,只要你不是主宰级别,位格不能和王冠齐平,它也可以强行控制你的意识。 Sally does not have the wisdom time, was summoned to do this to do that by it a lot, she has wanted to try this strength. 莎莉没有智慧的时候,没少被其呼唤着干这干那,她早就想试一试这种力量了。 For example Sally had thought some interesting order. 例如莎莉曾经就想过一些非常有意思的命令。 For example the next order makes all intelligent species specific uses walk, after them, must have a specific use to walk. 例如下一个命令让所有智慧种用头走路,那他们以后就必须用头走路。 For example the next order lets them all devout gives to itself, such all races were the most reverent followers, does not dare to have other slight ideas. 例如下一个命令让他们将所有的虔诚都献给自己,这样所有的种族就都是最虔诚的信徒了,不敢有丝毫的其他想法。 Moreover this order has not intimidated and forced, but makes them change from the heart deep place directly. 而且这种命令还不是威逼和强制的,而是让他们从内心深处直接发生改变。 Let you follow the will of royal crown willingly, just like the idea that oneself have to be the same, that is the strength and decree that may not defy absolutely. 让你心甘情愿地遵循王冠的意志,犹如自己生出的想法一样,那是绝对不可违抗的力量和旨意。 „!” “啊!” Such interesting strength, missed completely.” “这么有意思的力量,全部都错过了。” What a pity at this time, already without enough time. 可惜这个时候,已经来不及了。
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