IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#544 Part 2: Plunders god the strength

However they just arrived, the man who some are throwing over the stickup wind clothes pin the cigarette appeared in the distant place, stood by the chimney above roof. 但是他们才刚刚抵达,某个披着竖领风衣夹着卷烟的男人出现在了远处,立在屋顶之上的烟囱旁边。 The men lit the cigarette on hand, the back appeared shadow of the hundred-meter flame. 男人点燃了手上的烟卷,背后浮现出了一道高达百米的火焰之影。 Oland has had doubts another King of Abyss that has not entered the stage, entered the stage finally. 奥兰一直疑惑没有出场的另外一位深渊之王,也总算出场了。 „The fire of revenge.” “复仇之火。” Wrath King?” 暴怒之王?” That shadow, cut a sword light conveniently. 那影子,随手斩出了一道剑光。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The sword light thorough land, left behind a giant opening directly. 剑光深入大地,直接留下了一个巨大的豁口。 As that sword light transferred on the ground, cut off the ceremony core of floor deep place directly. 但是随着那剑光在地上转了一圈,直接斩断了底层深处的仪式核心。 Also shut off the psychology and will pollution of suicide ceremony. 同时也切断了自杀仪式的心理和意志污染。 Terminated this fearful dissemination chain. 终止了这可怕的传播链条。 The surroundings advance uninterruptedly controlled snake human, finally restored soberly. 周围前赴后继被控制的蛇人,也终于恢复了清醒。 The men completed all these, extinguished the smoke in hand, has turned around. 男人做完了这一切,熄灭了手中的烟,转过身。 Oland pursues immediately: Halts.” 奥兰立刻追了过去:“站住。” However that form as also the flame , plunged into a darkness instantaneously, vanishes does not see. 但是那身影也随着火焰噗的一声,瞬间跳入了一片黑暗之中,消失不见。 A twinkle, Oland appeared in its disappearance place, felt that strength. 一个闪烁,奥兰出现在了其消失的地方,感受到了那种力量。 Brass Oil Lamp of Greed?” 贪婪的黄铜油灯?” But another side. 而另一边。 Thump thump thump thump ~ “咚咚咚咚~” spirit body hits above the barrier of Sukob god country's, but has not affected slightly, liked a moth to the flame to melt probably. 一个个灵体撞击在了苏科布神国的屏障之上,但是丝毫没有作用,就好像飞蛾扑火融化掉了。 This makes the person of presence unable to feel the mind, this must make anything. 这让在场之人更加摸不着头脑,这到底是要做什么。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Finally, soul of the demon person touched the Sukob god country quickly, integrated. 终于,一个魔人之魂以迅雷不及掩耳之势触碰到了苏科布的神国,融入了进去。 Is second, third. 紧接着是第二个,第三个。 In the sky broadcast the Merder sound, saying that she keeps aloof. 天空之中传来了梅尔德的声音,她高高在上的说道。 Held you.” “抓住伱了。” At this time Borwick before Gate of Truth also felt that anything, looked toward below. 这个时候真理之门前的波里克也感觉到了什么,朝着下面看了过来。 Merder instant is brandishing Rod of Primal Desire, will soon be ripped open part by the entrance of seal, the vision is carefully examining Sukob. 梅尔德瞬时挥舞着原始欲望之杖,将即将被封印的入口撕开了一部分,目光审视着苏科布 Sukob.” 苏科布。” „When last time reincarnation to become God transformation, is the most dangerous time.” “最后一次转生成神的蜕变之时,也是最危险的时刻。” „Hasn't your master told you?” “你的主人没有告诉过你吗?” Sukob simply did not have the means to respond at this time, idol same stands above stone platform of god country's probably. 苏科布这个时候根本没有办法回应,就好像一具神像一样站在神国的石台之上。 However in the god country the spirit of dense and numerous writing contract actually moved, escapes toward another side of god country's startled. 不过神国之内密密麻麻的文字契约之灵却动了起来,惊慌地朝着神国的另一边逃跑。 Can see the god country corner secretly, the dense and numerous black spot mildew block climbed up the floor, the black mud infiltrated from the crevice. 可以看到神国一角暗了下来,密密麻麻的黑斑霉块爬上了地板,黑泥从夹缝之中渗透了出来。 The Merder strength, is polluting to corrode this god country. 梅尔德的力量,正在污染侵蚀这座神国。 However at this time a form suddenly appeared in the Sukob god country, his body is lending the fresh aura of plant. 不过这个时候一个身影突然出现在了苏科布的神国之内,其身上散发着植物的清新气息。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The appearance, huge grew the big snake shadow of pair of wings also to live, exuded the neighing sound. 其一出现,一个个巨大的长着双翼的大蛇影子也随之而生,发出了嘶鸣声。 The god country internal intense ray shot up to the sky, cuts this polluted god country corner. 神国内部一道强烈的光芒冲天而起,切割掉了这块正在被污染的神国一角。 Then the innumerable say/way green vines spread baseless, wrapped in the surroundings of god country's. 然后无数道绿色的藤蔓凭空蔓延而出,包裹在了神国的周围。 The shadow of feather snake, appeared in the sky one after another. 一条又一条羽蛇的影子,出现在了天空之中。 Feather snake Kurmis. 正是羽蛇库尔弥斯 It has hidden unexpectedly in this god country, follows Sukob to lift to the high place. 其竟然一直都藏匿在这座神国之中,跟随着苏科布一起升向高处。 !” “呼!” Meanwhile, Gate of Truth also glittered rapidly. 与此同时,真理之门也迅速闪烁了一下。 A transparent great hand extends from the body of Borwick, immediately holds the Sukob god country. 一只透明的巨手从波里克的身体之中延伸而出,立刻抓住了苏科布的神国。 Sukob and its god country belt/bring to the sky, accelerates to tow to the knowledge god country. 苏科布和其神国带向天空,加速拖向知识神国内部。 But its god country corner that falls, was wrapped by the dense and numerous black mud, flutters toward the dark clouds of sky. 而其身上的掉落下来的神国一角,被密密麻麻的黑泥包裹住,朝着天空的黑云飘去。 Giant meat above the mountain, Merder inserted Rod of Primal Desire in meat above the mountain, the dense and numerous granulation growth, wrapped the of scepter. 巨大的肉山之上,梅尔德原始欲望之杖插在了肉山之上,密密麻麻的肉芽生长而出,包裹住了权杖之柄。 Then. 然后。 A several hundred-meter strange head extends from Rod of Primal Desire, swallowed that group of black mud. 一只长达数百米的怪异头颅从原始欲望之杖延伸出来,吞掉了那团黑泥。 Borwick and Kurmis make a move again, how they look that Merder swallows this strength like this. 波里克库尔弥斯再度出手,他们怎么会看着梅尔德就这样吞噬这份力量。 Bang ~ “轰~” The white light falls, that extends is long and strange head is ripped open directly, flesh from top to bottom was obliterated the larger part, Rod of Primal Desire also cracks several openings. 白光落下,那延伸出来的又长又怪的头颅直接被撕开,浑身上下的血肉被磨灭了一大半,就连原始欲望之杖也崩裂开来几个口子。 Massive plant seeds attach on his body, grows unceasingly. 大量的植物种子依附在其身体上,不断地生长而出。 How however that monster is actually not willing to relent, swallowed that black mud to shrink like this, rolled up is guarding her in the Merder body week. 但是那怪物却怎么样也不肯松口,就这样吞掉了那黑泥缩了回去,蜷缩在梅尔德的身周守卫着她。 Merder stands in meat above the mountain, looks at the Sukob direction. 梅尔德站在肉山之上,看着苏科布的方向。 Pitifully.” “可惜。” If the late 100 years, I prepare to be fuller again.” “要是再晚个一百年,我准备充分一些。” You will change into my scepter part.” “你将化为我权杖的一部分。” Merder quits when you're ahead, receives the advantage, looked after cannot take what advantage, again. 梅尔德见好就收,拿到好处,看再也占不到什么便宜后。 Closes the channel immediately, returned in the abyss. 就立刻关闭了通道,退回了深渊之中。 Does not return. 头也不回。 The dark clouds of sky also diverge, the black rain also ceases. 天空的黑云也随之散去,黑雨也随之停息。 From the beginning, pollutes to swallow god regarding Merder thoroughly, is only the final ideal perfect goal. 从一开始,对于梅尔德来说彻底污染吞噬成神者,只是最终的理想完美目标。 Since calls it to be ideal and perfect, then knows that the probability is very low, the difficulty is very high. 而既然称之为理想和完美,便知道概率很低,难度很高。 Therefore the plan of Merder is divided into the stage from the beginning, takes away your large numbers of retinue lowly, entering pollutes your god country to rob your strength, finally that goal looks at the situation choice. 所以梅尔德的计划从一开始就分为阶段,最低带走你一大批仆从,进者污染你神国抢夺你的力量,最终那个目标只是看情况选择。 If you have not guarded, my drawing you launch. 你如果没有防备,我就拉你下水。 You have the protection, or I prepare insufficiently fully, I bite one to walk. 你有防备,或者我准备不够充分,我咬一口就走。 The strength of even if seizing is only few parts, that also a small part regarding myth. 哪怕夺走的力量只是少部分,那也是对于神话来说的一小部分。 This method, regarding wanting existence of god is disgusting. 这种方法,对于想要成神的存在来说恶心得要命。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” But at this moment, the Sukob god country condition also finally returned to normal. 而此时此刻,苏科布的神国状况也终于恢复了正常。 Under protection of Gate of Truth and Kurmis, under the gaze of many attending the ceremony member. 真理之门库尔弥斯的守护下,在众多观礼成员的注视下。 Tends to be in complete. 愈渐趋于圆满。 Through Dreamland, the contract spirit of copy clerk and writing contract that from continually well up in all directions, arrived at the end finally. 通过梦界,从四面八方不断涌来的契约文书和文字契约之灵,也终于到了尽头。 But above stone platform, Sukob opened the eye. 而石台之上,苏科布重新睁开了眼睛。 Although was won part of strengths by Merder, but his background deep preparation is also luckily sufficient enough. 虽然被梅尔德夺走了一部分力量,但是幸好他底蕴深厚准备也足够充分。 Sukob mounted divine throne finally, completed this last time reincarnation. 苏科布最后还是登上了神位,完成了这最后一次转生。 He first looked at sky, the fellows who before disrupted his to become God have made a getaway. 他先是看了一眼天空,之前来扰乱他成神的家伙们早已逃之夭夭。 Sukob raised the head, looks to Gate of Truth and Borwick of high place. 苏科布抬起头,看向了高处的真理之门波里克 „It seems like.” “看起来。” God of Original Sin has not woken up.” 原罪之神还没有醒来。” Finally. 最后。 He looked above a land the city of chaotic lunar eclipse, held up the contract and legal code book on hand. 他看了一眼大地之上纷乱的月蚀之城,举起了手上的契约与法典之书。 Article of law!” “律条!” The dense and numerous chains from the space, in the lunar eclipse city these destruction laws, are being locked to grasp in the crime fellows completely. 密密麻麻的锁链从天上而下,月蚀城之中那些破坏法律,正在犯罪的家伙们全部被锁拿住。 Lots of agreement attorneys and judges surrounded, controls them. 大量的契律师和法官围拢了过来,将他们控制住。 Waits for their is the trial of court. 等待他们的将会是法庭的审判。 After Sukob completed all these, thank stood in nearby feather snake Kurmis: Help thank you, friend of mine.” 苏科布做完了这一切之后,感谢了站在一旁的羽蛇库尔弥斯:“谢谢你的帮助,我的朋友。” Kurmis said: You help my many.” 库尔弥斯则说:“你帮助我的更多。” Sukob smiled, the true friend was needless to say anything again. 苏科布笑了起来,真正的朋友不用再多说什么。 Kurmis nods, said that these words, the body advantage of terrain vanished thoroughly, he stays for one point to consume oneself source every time. 库尔弥斯点了点头,说完这些话,身形便彻底消失了,他每停留一分时间都是在消耗自己的本源。 Only was left over a vine same place. 原地只剩下了一个藤蔓。 The vine reduces, finally changed into a seed. 藤蔓缩小,最终化为了一粒种子。 Sukob held that seed, then has the god country's in vortex across sky, first arrived in Dreamland. 苏科布抓住了那粒种子,然后带着神国穿过天空之中的旋涡,先是抵达了梦界 Then across the Dreamland barrier, integrates in that knowledge god country ; Two god countries splice in together, raised the stratus cloud air/Qi white waves. 然后穿过梦界的屏障,融入那知识神国之中;两个神国拼接在一起,掀起了层层云气白浪。 The scene shocks. 场面十分震撼。 As the vortex reduces unceasingly, another scene also gradually anything looks to disappear. 但是随着旋涡不断地缩小,另一头的景象也就渐渐什么都看不见了。 Hence. 至此。 Sukob and his god country left above Ruhul Giant Island thoroughly. 苏科布和他的神国彻底离开了鲁赫巨岛之上。 …… …… Another side. 另一边。 Oland is standing by the sword mark that Wrath King leaves behind. 奥兰正站在暴怒之王留下的剑痕旁边。 He looks that Sukob succeeds finally, nods. 他看着苏科布最终成功,点了点头。 Although looks somewhat thrilling, but without being expected the most thrilling condition, although Merder is threatening, but estimated from the beginning would have no to prevent the Sukob to become God meaning truly, but wants to capture part of strengths to get down from him. 虽然看起来有些惊险,但是并没有预料之中最惊险的状态,梅尔德虽然来势汹汹,但是从一开始估计就没有想要真正阻止苏科布成神的意思,而是想要从他身上夺取一部分力量下来。 Even if this, made Oland very surprised. 哪怕是这样,也令奥兰非常惊讶了。 Amazed in the Merder method. 惊诧于梅尔德的手段。 After all he has not entered the Ruler of Life glass jar, has not experienced the strange place of opposite party like Black Dragon Anu. 毕竟他没有进入过生命主宰的玻璃缸,不像黑龙阿努一样见识过对方的诡异之处。 From becoming god robs the strength?” “从成神者身上抢夺力量?” This Lust Queen strength, but also is really strange.” “这色欲之王的力量,还真的是诡异。” Oland said, immediately shakes the head. 奥兰说完,立刻摇了摇头。 He is inspecting the bodies of these dead, finally saw a body of demon person, squats down to look at the opposite party, its demon mark that extends from the abdomen. 他检查着那些死者的尸体,最后看到了一具魔人的尸体,蹲下来看着对方,其身上从腹部延伸开来的魔纹。 Without is so simple, wants from becoming god robs the strength.” “没那么简单,想要从成神者身上抢夺力量。” For this day, Merder already many years ago starts to get ready, must first corrode opposite party's belief, retinue who pollutes the opposite party.” “为了这一天,梅尔德早就从很多年前开始准备,得先侵蚀了对方的信仰,污染对方的仆从。” Corrodes god the strength, finally waits for this moment arrival.” “侵蚀成神者的力量,最终等待这一刻的到来。” Although how Oland guessed correctly Merder to achieve faintly, but was also startled for her method. 奥兰虽然隐隐猜出了梅尔德是怎么做到的,但是还是为她的手段也是一惊。 Since Merder stared at Sukob, then there is to stare at him? 既然梅尔德盯上了苏科布,那么有没有盯上他? He prepares to go back to check immediately. 他立刻准备回去就清查。 Actually in tower keeper to have...... 守塔人之中究竟有没有…… It is not right, some actually many should be is given the corrosion by this Lust Queen. 不对,应该是究竟有多少已经被这位色欲之王给侵蚀了。
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