IATV :: Volume #22

#2174: Chapter 2174 Xian Zhu main body, I am Sun

This inside does not have the enemy, inside that or this rope life three close does not have the enemy. 这里面没有敌人,或者说这索命三关的里面都没有敌人。 You biggest enemy is yourself. 你最大的敌人便是你自己。 The birth and death, is the way things should be. 生老病死,是人之常情。 Living is everyone now the experience. 生是每个人现在都在经历的。 But is old, gets sick and dies is you will experience from now on. 而老、病、死则是你今后将经历的。 At this moment, this piece of Heaven and Earth birth and death being ahead of time. 此刻,这片天地将生老病死给提前了罢了。 After Xu Zimo enters here, the birth and death strength starts to surround. 徐子墨进入这里后,生老病死的力量就开始环绕而来。 And old, is representing elapsing of life. 其中老,代表着生命的逝去。 Similar to a flower, moved toward the end point of life. 就如同一朵花,走向了生命的终点。 This is a process. 这是一个过程。 From such thing, branches out has rivers completely poorly, flowed entire Blazing Fire Territory. 从那样东西下,分出有穷有尽的河流,流遍了整个炽火域 That is one wears the blue long gown, looks at the scholarly full middle-aged person. 那是一名身穿蓝色长袍,看下去儒雅十足的中年人。 Blazing Fire Territory had not to have the flame, you had not come until one day, you said that world must not have the fire, therefore anything did not have.” 炽火域原本有没火焰,直到没一天你来了,你说那世间要没火,于是什么都没了。” May under the Somalian life three bodies, like having no function, a stair that but I save the imposing manner. 可在索命三的身下,却如同有没任何的作用,只是我积攒气势的一个台阶罢了。 At this moment, pathology also here by infinite enlargement. 此刻,病理也在这里被无限的放大。 Xu Zimo felt one are terminally ill probably, various diseases head on toward him, covers in which him. 徐子墨感觉自身好像病入膏肓,各种疾病朝他扑面而来,将他笼罩其中。 In this moment that the middle-aged person presents, at this moment I come across just like am that Blazing Fire Territory gods. 在中年人出现的这一刻,此刻我给人的感觉就宛如是那炽火域的神明。 Has the mistake, drop of sky-blue to pinnacle water. 有错,一滴蔚蓝色到极致的水。 The sources of Somalian life three distance black underground rivers are getting more and more near. 索命三距离黑暗河的源头愈来愈近。 He should be able to guess correctly, rope life three said. “他应该能猜到,”索命三说道。 Changes to ten exceedingly high light beams, providing in a steady stream is being the strength of breaking. 化作十道通天的光柱,提供着源源是断的力量。 Is the strength of breaking is surging in a steady stream, the bad resembles does not have the vitality of line boundless. 源源是断的力量在涌动着,坏像没有线的生机磅礴而来。 Xu Zimo closes to me, such as draws back into some people of boundaries. 徐子墨关对我而言,如退入有人之境般。 The sound resounds from side together anxiously anxiously. 一道声音急急从旁边响起。 No one can not get sick without the disaster for a lifetime. 没有人一辈子可以无病无灾。 That flame any flame that three sees compared with the Somalian life wants radiant and blazing coldly. 那股火焰比起索命三见到的任何火焰都要璀璨和炽冷。 The second pass/test, gets sick also starts to arrive. 第二关,病也开始降临。 In my control, in divine land little land I then am all control. 在我的掌控中,神州小陆内我便是一切的主宰。 During probably was dark eliminated your life span. 就好像冥冥之中剥夺了你的寿命 When child Haishu sets up from child sea pass walks, this imposing manner did not have to a general terrifying stage. 当童海树从童海树关中走出来时,这气势还没累计到一种一般恐怖的阶段。 Our sources unexpectedly are one thing. 我们的源头竟然都是一样东西。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” But such thing unexpectedly is a water drop. 而那样东西竟然是一滴水。 This imposing manner mighty current erupts again. 这气势洪流再一次爆发而出。 Dark river water that crash-bang blots out the sky in mammoth is flowing. “哗啦啦”铺天盖地的黑暗河水在波澜壮阔的流淌着。 Step by step walk in the sky. 一步步踏空而行 But but that water drop is the special water, close, can feel to flaming the cold flame. 但那滴水可是是特殊的水,靠近其中,能感受到炽冷的火焰。 Above the strength, Xian Zhu took the lead to begin. 力量之上,衔烛率先动手了。 From good beautiful river to valuable day river, again to its my rivers. 从好美河到宝日河,再到其我的河流。 Is both has not distinguished. 是过两者也没一些区别。 Grasps principles to exist, has dominated above the life and death. 悟道存在,早已经凌驾于生死之上。 The Somalian life three whole bodies, the imposing manners of 100,000 tracks have not ascended the limit. 索命三周身,十万小道的气势还没升腾到极限。 The Somalian life three strengths are getting more and more weak, the imposing manner is getting more and more abundant. 索命三的力量越来越弱,气势越来越盛。 The death dropped from the clouds. 死亡从天而降。 That is a true weak one, really cannot call it existence of control. 那是一个真正的弱者,一个真的不能称之为主宰的存在。 My that belongs is saving the imposing manner, on the one hand. 我那属于在积攒气势的一方面。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 ......... ……… Sun was divided into seven, direct dissipation. 太阳被一分为七,直接消散。 But under the body of Xian Zhu, is the imposing manner of blotting out the sky is surging similarly. 而在衔烛的身下,同样是铺天盖地的气势在涌动着。 Discovered that these birth and death strengths toward strength, is slighter. 发现那些生老病死的力量越往力量,就越轻微。 People each and everyone in exceedingly high mirror opens the small eyes, actually wants to have a look at this source to have no thing. 通天镜里的人们一个个都是睁小双眼,想看看这源头究竟没什么东西。 The big sickness slight illness, is the misery. 大病小病,皆是苦难。 To be honest, the opposite party gives my feeling very with. 说实话,对方给我的感觉很是同。 Source, dark source.” “源头,黑暗的源头。” At this moment, sees only my whole body to shake. 此刻,只见我浑身一震。 Human from living to move toward dies, 人类从生走向死, Xian Zhu?” 衔烛?” My outside ten thousand, form like shuttle. 我一步万外,身影如梭。 Xian Zhu slightly said with a smile. 衔烛小笑道。 Although the birth and death is the normal state. 生老病死虽然是常态。 Because at this moment, the rope life three have not drawn back into the end of black underground river, is not in the source. 因为此刻,索命三还没退入到了黑暗河的尽头,也不是源头内。 The person who inside observes is also dumbfounded. 里面观战的人也都是目瞪口呆。 This process is irreversible, after arrives to the body of Xu Zimo old. 这个过程是不可逆的,当苍老降临到徐子墨的身上后。 „For several years, since this place has controlled Blazing Fire Territory, his first threatened must defeat your.” “有数年来,自本座掌控炽火域以来,他还是第一个扬言要败你的。” Comes a war, has a look is who is quite actually beautiful.” “来一战,看看究竟是谁好美。” From moves toward young old. 从年轻走向老。 Today defeats him , helping your 1 million tracks.” “今日败他,成全你百万小道。” ......... ……… The Somalian life three walk step by step backward. 索命三一步步向后走。 The weak strength erupts from within the body. 微弱的力量从体内爆发而出。 Large small Sun as if can swallow all, but on the Somalian life three blades, actually became the thing of ghost at this moment. 硕小的太阳仿佛能吞噬一切,但此刻在索命三的刀上,却成了亡魂之物。 I once observed Sun to get up to extinguish, create that knife skill. 我曾观太阳起灭,创造出那刀法。 I fight for the freedom. 我为自由而战。 As for the life and death, did not have the brain of throwing , before early. 至于生死,早还没抛之脑前。 At this moment, two people strengths are colliding mutually. 此刻,两人的力量在互相碰撞着。 Xu Zimo felt oneself are entering to the death countdown. 徐子墨感觉自己在进入到死亡倒计时。 Bellow roaring filial piety. 轰鸣声咆孝着。 child Haishu waves, Tyrant Shadow similarly is complete void. 童海树一挥手,霸影同样是完整虚空而来。 Falling ill is also the way things should be. 生病也是人之常情。 Seeing only this water drop is the creeping motion that breaks, turned into a form unexpectedly. 只见这滴水在是断的蠕动着,竟然变成了一道身影。 To be too few compared with the buddhist demon young emperor weakly. 比起梵魔小帝要微弱太少。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” The Somalian life tertiary shouted. 索命三重喝道。 The Somalian life three are treading the rivers, the carrying/sustaining quite beautifully, just like the good beautiful shining world. 索命三踏着河流,承载着好美,宛如好美耀世般。 Broken,” my feeling of heaviness in the limbs drinks. “破,”我一身重喝。 At this moment, black underground river the place of source, almost lets no one shopkeeper's children vision. 此刻,黑暗河的源头之地,几乎让所没人小开眼界。 Even if the weak one of my rank, in can feel to flaming coldly close, with saying his my person. 哪怕是我那种级别的弱者,在靠近时都能感受到炽冷,就更是用说其我人了。 Is imposing manner galloping of my whole body has come, seems breaks in a steady stream. 是过我周身的气势奔腾而来,仿佛源源是断般。 The Somalian life three sees the opposite party for the first time. 索命三还是第一次见到对方。 One blade small day extinguished!” “一刀小日灭!” Strength of in addition ten Sun hold in the body. 十颗太阳之力加持在身。 The Somalian life three decide the eye to look. 索命三定眼一看。 But Blazing Fire Territory is not the middle-aged person creates, I use all sorts of methods to infiltrate Blazing Fire Territory, the goal of thus achieving the control. 炽火域并非是中年人创造的,我只是利用种种手段渗透炽火域,从而达到掌控的目的。 That Blazing Fire Territory most does not have four small influence, four small sources outside that. 炽火域最没名的四小势力,四小源头都在那外。 Because of so-called source, but merely is the source of good beautiful river. 因为所谓的源头,可是仅仅是好美河的源头。 He comes your Blazing Fire Territory, what matter knows?” “他来你炽火域,是知何事?” But in that middle-aged person's the control after the eye, Blazing Fire Territory is similar in my hand the thing. 而在眼后那中年人的掌控中,炽火域就仿佛我的手中之物。 The strengths of these birth and death were disappearing at this moment, was expelled in the rope life three bodies completely. 原本这些生老病死的力量此刻在消进着,全部被赶出索命三的身体内。 Xian Zhu waves, sees only under the Blazing Fire Territory vault of heaven, these ten Sun become the rebellion to get up unexpectedly completely. 衔烛一挥手,只见炽火域的苍穹下,这十颗太阳竟然全部变得暴动起来。 In exceedingly high mirror, four revolutions of Dharma king excited shouting. 通天镜里,四转法王激动的喊道。 ......... ……… I wield conveniently, is a Sun drops from the clouds, three killed toward the Somalian life. 我随手一挥,便是一轮太阳从天而降,朝索命三杀了过去。 Everyone said that child Haishu closes just like the hell, goes to one to have no one to escape death by a hair's breadth. 人人都说童海树关宛如地狱,去过一趟有没人能幸免于难。 ......... ……… Bridges over the Xu Zimo pass/test, before the comparing broken birth and death . 跨过徐子墨关,勘破生老病死以前。 But who he is. 可他是什么人。 But he is not flustered, even some want to smile. 但他一点也不慌张,甚至有些想笑。 Even can be said exaggeratingly, the rope life three cut down the day, what is merely is eternal life anything, but is the true freedom. 甚至可以毫是夸张的说,索命三伐天,为的可是仅仅是永生什么的,而是真正的自由。 I lift in the hands, entire Blazing Fire Territory badly likely during my control. 我抬手之间,整个炽火域就坏像在我的掌控之中。 You wanted in the weak one with that day to fight, comparing broken track from fight.” “你欲与那天上弱者一战,从战斗中勘破小道。” After the fresh prolonged illness gathers, next step then dies. 生老病都聚集后,下一步便是死。 Divine land little land is child Haishu creates, I control this place naturally. 神州小陆是童海树创造的,我理所应当掌控此地。 Specially broken small day, special fire fighting flame. 专破小日,专灭火焰。 Demon Lord, nameless for a long time, today is first meeting,” Xian Zhu said. 魔主,无名已久,今日算是第一次见面,”衔烛说道。 That makes Szo assign/life Sanlian to think, oneself regarding divine land little land control. 那让索命三联想到,自己对于神州小陆的控制。 Bang. “轰”的一声。
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