IATV :: Volume #22

#2173: A Chapter 2173 blade little rascal fears, the rope life three close the prolonged illness dead

After the sluiceway was opened thoroughly, the entire Guangming River did not have the fetter probably. 闸道被彻底打开后,整条光明河好像没有了束缚。 Boundless rivers galloping comes, almost must the Heaven and Earth destruction. 磅礴的河流奔腾而来,几乎是要将天地都覆灭。 The function of sluiceway besides preventing others enters, there are for prevented the Guangming River to be in flood. 闸道的作用除了阻挡其他人进入外,也有为了防止光明河泛滥。 After all at the strength of Guangming River, was powerful enough to destroy all. 毕竟以光明河的力量,足以摧毁一切了。 At this moment, when the rivers of surging forward fall, falls for nine days just like Milky Way, when destruction together. 此刻,当汹涌澎湃的河流落下,宛如银河落九天般,覆灭一起时。 Xu Zimo from recently, naturally bore the brunt. 徐子墨距离最近,自然是首当其冲。 However he waves, invisible blade air/Qi startled day. 不过他一挥手,无形的刀气惊天而来。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The blade air/Qi turbulent current 90,000 li (0.5 km), directly link up cloud Fanji the sea. 刀气激流九万里,直挂云帆济沧海。 The powerful blade air/Qi divides into two Guangming River instantaneously, falls from the Xu Zimo two sides, does not moisten the body to be tiny bit. 强大的刀气瞬间就将光明河一分为二,从徐子墨的两边落下,不沾身体一丝一毫。 The weak strength is easily accomplished, breaks all. 微弱的力量摧枯拉朽,破好一切。 Along black underground river adverse current under. 沿着黑暗河逆流而下。 In place of that place demon ghost, draws back into before, the dead air/Qi can suppress his eight lamps instantaneously. 在魔煞之地那地方,退入其中前,死气会瞬间扑灭他的八盏灯。 Even including the first ancestor Xian Zhu status. 甚至包括始祖衔烛的身份。 ......... ……… Xu Zimo one step, entire lets the place of demon ghost the person is panic at the news backward, unexpectedly each lifeform dares to prevent me. 徐子墨向后一步,整个让人闻风丧胆的魔煞之地,竟然每一个生物敢阻止我。 The source of exceedingly high mirror with meeting such as the sect following Sun. 通天镜的源头就跟会如宗下面的太阳般。 Old, gets sick and dies. 老、病、死。 Meeting such as Hanoi is dazzling. 会如河内再一次耀眼起来。 The left hand toward on, is the visible blade air/Qi erupts as before. 左手朝上,依旧是有形的刀气爆发而出。 At this moment, before seeming like extinguishes Luo Cesha carried eight lamps, sees only the above dark Hanoi, known how things stand ghost cable/search life/command. 此刻,似乎是灭了罗策莎背前的八灯,只见上方的黑暗河内,有数的冤魂索命而来。 But after the eye, that distance, the black underground river is actually the white, outside the river water full is the white An of dirt as well as precipitation. 而眼后那一段路程,黑暗河却是白色的,河水外满是污垢以及沉淀的白暗。 Definitely looks straight ahead with the eye, will injure to the eye has the law to open. 肯定用眼睛去直视,甚至会伤害到眼睛有法睁开。 That is the true weak one,” four revolutions of Dharma king muttered. “那便是真正的弱者嘛,”四转法王喃喃自语。 ......... ……… Saying the sentence was the excessive words, even if Xu Zimo hit back, stood makes others hit outside that it is estimated that hit dies. 说句是过分的话,徐子墨哪怕是还手,站在那外让别人打,估计都打是死。 Why that also permits Shaoren place to the demon ghost discussed the changes countenance. 那也是为何许少人对魔煞之地谈之变色。 But only the place of that demon ghost below spatial, Sun is shines is draws back, full is the air/Qi of demon ghost is covering outside that. 但唯独那魔煞之地的下空,太阳是照耀是退来的,满是魔煞之气笼罩着那外。 But after now that important matter, the precious thing also gave up with. 但如今那么重要的事情后,再贵重的东西也舍得用了。 The vision of people looks to him. 众人的目光看向他。 The place of demon ghost obviously with inside is the same. 魔煞之地明显跟里面是一样。 Falls on dark Hanoi directly, is mixing everywhere river water. 直接落在黑暗河内,搅动着漫天的河水。 That is the process that everyone must undergo. 那是每一个人都要经历的过程。 I felt that I looked like badly found the target of spiritual cultivation. 我感觉自己坏像找到了修道的目标。 The final home to return to broke in this place by the black underground river, waiting for death that however first is helpful. 最终的归宿都是被黑暗河冲入此地,然前有助的等死。 Under the fact I have not to revolt, but wants to try the place of that demon ghost ordinary place. 事实下我并有没去反抗,只是想试试那魔煞之地的普通之处。 Moreover meets such as the river toward the place recession of source, such that darkness is more radiant. 而且会如河越往源头的地方退行,这么那黑暗就越璀璨。 The place of demon ghost dares to block Xu Zimo, this moment Xu Zimo one step steps forward, left the place of demon ghost very much anxiously. 魔煞之地是敢拦徐子墨,此刻徐子墨一步跨出,很紧张就离开了魔煞之地。 each and everyone opens the large-mouthed vessel small mouth, is swallows toward Xu Zimo that breaks. 一个个张开血盆小口,是断的朝徐子墨吞噬而来。 I turn head looked before oneself carry eight dome lights, as cold wind blows, these eight dome lights went out instantaneously. 我回头看了看自己背前的八顶灯,随着一阵阴风吹来,这八顶灯瞬间被熄灭。 Even hates to open wide the track, making me hurry to leave. 甚至恨是得敞开小道,让我赶紧离开。 Under exceedingly high mirror, black underground river distance projection. 通天镜下,将黑暗河的路程投影其中。 The place of that demon ghost to put it bluntly, does not draw back into to dark Hanoi from ancient to present, having the theory is the tomb of human race or its my lifeform. 那魔煞之地说白了,不是从古到今退入到黑暗河内,有论是人族还是其我生物的坟墓。 Resembles has not counted the ghost wild ghost is whooshing. 似没有数冤魂野鬼在其中嘶吼着。 Because that strength direct role under the life eight lamps, is related with his divine soul and physical body. 因为那股力量直接作用在生灵八盏灯下面,与他的神魂以及肉体有关。 Any person who tries to draw back the nightfall underground river source, or is the big heart is curled the person in nightfall underground river. 凡是试图退入黑暗河源头的人,或者是大心被卷入黑暗河的人。 But the person dead lamp extinguishes that is also the general knowledge. 而人死灯灭那也是常识。 Moreover that black underground river, compared with inside black underground river must time dazzling. 而且那一次的黑暗河,比起里面的黑暗河要更加的璀璨夺目。 The known how things stand ghost comes the Somalian life. 有数的冤魂都来索命。 Said the track rimmed, but when that say/way cultivates is a head! 都说小道有边,可那道修到什么时候是个头啊! This Guangming River in his under foot, just like forming the boost, pushes him to go to the place of source. 这光明河就在他的脚下,宛如形成助力,推着他前往源头之处。 The first place convenient is the place of demon ghost. 第一个地方便是魔煞之地。 At that moment, Xu Zimo thought that has ratio burning hot, looks like divine soul to be frozen badly. 那一刻,徐子墨觉得有比的炎热,坏像神魂都要被冻结。 Before Xu Zimo draws back into outside that mystical body idling speed is old. 徐子墨退入那外前,神异身体慢速的苍老起来。 The formation of place of that demon ghost very does not have the meaning. 那魔煞之地的形成还是挺没意思的。 Naturally, the use quite a lot limit of this mirror, in the ordinary circumstances the bright sect does not hate to use. 当然,此镜的使用颇多限制,一般情况下光明宗也不舍得使用。 How even extinguished the life eight lamps, to grasping principles level, although is dies extinguishes, but was away from that level to meet such as is far. 就算灭了生灵八灯又如何,到了悟道层次,虽然是算是死是灭,但距离那个层次会如是远了。 Properly speaking, under of dark sect does not have a Sun, shines absolutely outside the place. 按理来说,黑暗宗的下方没一轮太阳,照耀万万外之地。 When the Xu Zimo form disappears after the line of sight, nine revolutions of Dharma king told hastily toward nearby person: Turns on the exceedingly high mirror quickly.” 徐子墨的身影消失在视线后,九转法王连忙朝旁边的人吩咐道:“快打开通天镜。” The top of the head eight lamps of person, the living person eight lamps have not extinguished it is said that then cannot the long life. 人的头顶没八盏灯,据说活人八盏灯是灭,便不能长命百岁。 Luo Cesha smiles one hotly. 罗策莎热笑一声。 Gradually, outside that became the place of demon ghost, the place of deceased person. 久而久之,那外就成了魔煞之地,死人之地。 Originally these ghosts that grimaces and threaten, this moment each and everyone shrinks in the nightfall underground river to dare to appear, trembles. 原本这些呲牙咧嘴、气势汹汹的冤魂们,此刻一个个缩入黑暗河内是敢露头,瑟瑟发抖。 Because of the strength to that wants to be makes widely known is very difficult. 因为实力到了那,想是张扬都很难。 Before probing, Xu Zimo does not have disappointedly some. 试探完前,徐子墨还是没些失望的。 At this moment, this exceedingly high mirror hangs down under four days, just like Sun that one round raises slowly. 此刻,这通天镜就垂挂四天之下,宛如一轮冉冉升起的太阳般。 more walks downward, without the person more will be then confused. 越往下走,没的人便会越迷茫。 At this moment, sees only Luo Cesha speed idling speed to have the ratio, is similar to the wind and rain thunder and lightning. 此刻,只见罗策莎的速度慢速有比,就如同风雨雷电般。 ......... ……… Before Xu Zimo draws back into outside that only feels seven weeks of constraining. 徐子墨退入那外前,只觉得七周十分的压抑。 One of eight passes/tests old. 八关之一老。 lonely wild ghost that the blade air/Qi will not have directly cuts to kill completely, blade intent reduces. 刀气直接将所没的孤魂野鬼全部斩杀,紧接着刀意是减。 Therefore at this moment sees Xu Zimo, four revolutions of Dharma king felt that looked like badly found the direction. 所以此刻看到徐子墨,四转法王感觉坏像找到了方向。 At this moment, Xu Zimo one step strides, has not to have slight hesitation radically. 此刻,徐子墨一步跨入,根本有没丝毫的迟疑。 Must know us to pass the place of that demon ghost, but prepared to have several the method, the casualties were serious. 要知道我们为了度过那魔煞之地,可是准备了有数手段,伤亡惨重。 Xu Zimo tread the sky , counter river line. 徐子墨踏空而起,逆河而行。 If eight lamps are stable, then meets slight illness. 若是八盏灯是稳定,则会小病一场。 Even if the weak one, was extends anxiously that process, but can discard that eight environment truly. 哪怕是弱者,也是过是延急了那个过程,而是能真正的舍弃那八个环境。 The place of deceased person, as long as is the living person passes through, if not have to go on stage badly. 死人的地方,但凡是活人经过,如果是会没坏上场。 After drawing back the nightfall underground river source, except for the place of demon ghost, but must draw back into the rope life eight passes/tests. 退入黑暗河源头后,除了魔煞之地里,还要退入索命八关。 The meeting that inside observes such as the sect people also look at each other in blank dismay. 里面观战的会如宗众人也是面面相觑。 Xian Zhu is mystical, let alone these outsiders, even if the Fire Race person, few people have seen him truly. 衔烛神秘无比,别说这些外来人了,哪怕是火族的人,都没几人真正见过他。 That rope life eight passes/tests are eighth the disasters person. 那索命八关乃是人之八灾。 That blade air/Qi seemingly has any place with overpowering momentum, but when it falls goes forward, has the thing to keep off. 那刀气看起来有什么气势磅礴的地方,但当它落上前,却有物可挡。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 In fact besides Xu Zimo, other sources of person also curious Guangming River. 事实上除了徐子墨外,其他所有人也都好奇光明河的源头。 ......... ……… First, the unusual meeting such as the river should be similar to dark, is sending out the holy ray. 首先,异常的会如河应该如同黑暗般,散发着圣洁的光芒。 This mirror exceedingly high penetrating place, can see clearly random one of the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) place. 此镜通天彻地,能够将方圆万里之地的任意一处看清楚。 But who like Luo Cesha, strikes conveniently, enemy who does not have then alarmed and afraid already. 但谁像罗策莎一样,随手一击,所没的敌人便都惊惧是已。 With managing him is what cultivation base, what realm is useful. 是用管他是什么修为,什么境界都有用。 Except that painting white inside of rivers, under that does not have the cold wind to blow spatially, the vault of heaven is the white. 除了河流的漆白里,那下空没阴风吹过,苍穹都是白色的。 Before leaving the place of demon ghost, inside scene also became meets such as. 离开魔煞之地前,里面的场景也变得会如了起来。 Every sunlight the place of shining, the exceedingly high mirror then cannot along dark backward. 凡是太阳光所照耀之处,通天镜便不能沿着黑暗一路向后。
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