IATV :: Volume #15

#1401: In Chapter 1401 volcano, nine dragons arches the day

What's wrong, you feared,” female self-satisfied smiling of. “怎么,你们怕了吧,”女子得意的笑了笑。 Immediately also said: „ You do not need to worry, the competition of this surrounding, is my father is responsible. 随即又说道:“不过你们不用担心,这外围的比试,乃是我爹爹负责的。 I can make my father arrange with some weak people you at the same place, making you insist several rounds. ” 我可以让我爹爹将你们与一些弱的人排在一起,让你们多坚持几轮。” Hears the words of female, Xu Zimo shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 听到女子的话,徐子墨摇头失笑。 Coming out that he looks, this female is well-meant. 他看的出来,这女子没有恶意。 Somewhat is tender character, the person does not go bad. 只是有些娇蛮的性格,人并不坏。 „Do you name?” Xu Zimo asked. “你叫什么名字?”徐子墨问道。 This miss line does not change the name, sits does not change surname. “本姑娘行不更名,坐不改姓。 willow Huohuo is, ” female proud Jiaodao. 柳火火是也,”女子傲娇道。 You asked that my name does do? “你问我名字干什么? Liked me? 是不是喜欢上我了? If this miss future husband of certainly being indomitable spirit hero. ” 本姑娘将来的丈夫一定要是个顶天立地的英雄。” Has a liking for you?” “看上你?” Xu Zimo shakes the head, said: „ This world , if has god, I then am lords of the god. 徐子墨摇了摇头,说道:“这世间若有神,那我便是众神之主。 If there is an demon, I am the kings of ten thousand demon. 若有魔,那我则是万魔之王。 You thought that I will have a liking for your being wet behind the ears small girl? ” 你觉得我会看上你这种乳臭未干的小丫头?” Who is the small girl of being wet behind the ears,” willow Huohuo throwing out the chest chest cavity, proud Jiaodao. “谁是乳臭未干的小丫头,”柳火火挺了挺胸膛,傲娇道。 I 18, have been able to get married this year properly speaking.” “我今年已经十八了,按理来说是可以嫁人的。” Oh, because no one has a liking for you, therefore you to the present, are an single dog,” Xu Zimo understands clearly the nod. ,因为没人看上你,所以你到现在,还是一只单身狗,”徐子墨了然点头。 You talked nonsense, the people who went to my family to discuss marriage can tread the broken threshold. “你胡说八道,去我家提亲的人都能踏破门槛。 I request high, ” willow Huohuo ominous saying. 只是我要求高罢了,”柳火火凶巴巴的说道。 This all the way, two people bicker, Xu Zimo is not but actually boring. 这一路上,两人斗斗嘴,徐子墨倒也不无聊。 Finally, several people of entrance that arrived at Primal Chaos Fire Territory. 终于,几人来到了混沌火域的入口。 Here is an active volcano. 这里是一座活火山。 The flame of eruption shoots up to the sky in void unceasingly. 喷发的火焰不断在虚空中冲天而起。 Volcano all around is the dark-gray volcanic ash. 火山的四周是深灰色的火山灰。 At this moment, here had gathered many people. 此刻,这里已经聚集了很多人。 Some are the players who attend the Primal Chaos Fire Territory competition, some watch the fun purely. 有的是来参加混沌火域比试的选手,有的则是单纯看热闹的。 This volcano may be different from other volcanos. 这火山可与其他火山不同。 Because enters the Primal Chaos Fire Territory entrance, in the summit of volcano most above. 因为进入混沌火域的入口,在火山的山顶最上方。 The other places of volcano, there are various buildings to rise straight from the ground. 火山的其他地方,有各种建筑拔地而起。 The inn is situated in above the magma. 客栈立于岩浆之上。 In restaurant standing erect sea of fire. 酒楼屹立火海之中。 Here world regarding the hot clan, is good. 这里的世界对于火族来说,却是再好不过。 But regarding several human of Celestial immortal sect, it may be said that is burning hot incomparable. 但对于天人仙宗的几名人类来说,可谓是炎热无比。 Is good has prepared because of Zhang Heng. 好在张衡之有所准备。 Takes out several extremely cold pill to give the disciples, said: „ Ate these pill medicine. 取出几枚极寒丹递给弟子们,说道:“吃了这些丹药 Can protect you shortly burning hot not. 可以短暂保护你们不受炎热。 However walks in this volcano, you are more careful. 不过在这火山行走,你们要小心些。 If falls into the magma, only feared that shortly will then unravel. ” 若是掉入岩浆中,只怕顷刻间便灰飞烟灭。” Here good danger,” to have saying that the disciple is afraid. “这里好危险,”有弟子害怕的说道。 Regarding the hot clan, simply does not have the danger. “对于火族来讲,根本没有危险。 Let them go to the magma to take a bath, perhaps they also feel happy, ” saying with a smile of Zhang Heng. 让它们去岩浆中洗澡,说不定他们还觉得舒畅呢,”张衡之笑道。 He also gave Xu Zimo pill medicine. 他将丹药也给了徐子墨一颗。 However Xu Zimo shakes the head slightly, rejection. 不过徐子墨微微摇头,拒绝了。 To him, this type of flame is not powerful, is at most warm. 对他来说,这种火焰算不上强大,顶多是温热罢了。 ............ ………… Nearby willow Huohuo looks at the people, said: „ Looked, in you escort in my active share, follows me. 旁边的柳火火看着众人,说道:“看在你们护送我有功的份上,跟我走吧。 I lead you to go to Primal Chaos Fire Territory. ” 我带你们去混沌火域。” Is speaking, sees only the magma before volcano to fluctuate suddenly. 正说话间,只见火山前的岩浆突然变幻起来。 Has the hot magma spout. 有炽热的岩浆喷涌着。 Transforms together the shape of golden lotus. 幻化出一道金莲的形状。 Wears golden armor, the man who ten thousand fires do not burn stands on the lotus flower, sound dignified saying: Primal Chaos Fire Territory opens, recently Primal Chaos Fire Territory, please prepare.” 一名身披金甲,万火不焚的男子站在莲花上,声音威严的说道:“混沌火域开启,近日混沌火域者,请做准备。” The men are saying at the same time, the vision surrounds the entire volcano, said: „ After three days, I will state clearly the rule. 男子一边说着,目光环绕整座火山,说道:“三日后,我会言明规则。 At the appointed time if some people have not caught up, all deprives the participating qualifications. ” 到时若有人没有赶来,一律取消参赛的资格。” After the men said that then sinks to the magma with the golden lotus together. 男子说完之后,便与金莲一同沉入岩浆中。 Sees this, the people discuss spiritedly. 看到这一幕,众人议论纷纷。 willow Huohuo leads Xu Zimo one group, has been upward following the left track. 柳火火带着徐子墨一行人,顺着左边的小道一直向上走。 This middle road is not smooth, even several, the rock is not steady, under making one almost fall into the magma. 这中间的路不算平坦,甚至有好几处,岩石不稳,让人差点掉入底下的岩浆中。 Finally, the people arrived in cities in volcano following the alley. 终于,众人顺着小路来到了火山内的一处城镇中。 Do not look at this is only cities. 别看这只是一座城镇。 But he is located in around the volcano, is huge, and has everything expected to find. 但他位于火山四周,规模巨大,而且其中应有尽有。 Looks for an inn to you, you are first resting,” willow Huohuo said. “给你们找一处客栈,你们先休息着,”柳火火说道。 She leads the people, arrived in the cities, before a liveliest inn . 她带着众人,来到了城镇中,最繁华的一座客栈前。 Just entered, then some waiters welcomed. 刚刚进入其中,便有伙计迎了上来。 Opens seven good clear(ly) jade room to this miss,” willow Huohuo casual saying. “给本姑娘开七间上好的明玉房,”柳火火大大咧咧的说道。 Willow tree miss, does not need so many. “柳姑娘,不需要那么多。 We can 2-3 people live in one, ” Zhang Heng said hastily. 我们可以2-3人住一间,”张衡之连忙说道。 Makes you live then lives, how? Feared that this miss can't pay money?” willow Huohuo proud Jiaodao. “让你们住便住,怎么?怕本姑娘付不起钱吗?”柳火火傲娇道。 This clear(ly) jade room is actually unusual. 这明玉房却是与众不同。 The people enter, cannot feel the volcano burning hot, instead has a refreshing icy cold feeling. 众人进入其中,丝毫感受不到火山的炎热,反而有种沁人心脾的冰凉感。 Interesting,” Xu Zimo smiles. “有意思,”徐子墨笑了笑。 willow Huohuo after arranging the people then left. 柳火火在安排好众人后便离开了。 Because the weather is late gradually, the people also plan to rest. 因为天色渐晚,众人也都打算休息。 Xu Zimo belt/bring from Divine State Continent comes out the blue person's. 徐子墨将蓝人从神州大陆中带出来。 Actually the surprised discovery, this blue person can actually absorb the strength of volcano. 却惊奇的发现,这蓝人竟然能够吸收火山的力量。 Accurate, he absorbs is not the strength of volcano, but is in the volcano, the strength of some type of thing. 或者准确来说,他吸收的不是火山的力量,而是火山内,某样东西的力量。 The blue person is absorbing the strength of volcano at the same time. 蓝人一边吸收着火山的力量。 But on the side of Xu Zimo from the body of blue person is comprehending the strength of rule. 徐子墨一边从蓝人的身上领悟着规则之力。 Compared with Blue Eyed Water Beast, the regular strength of this blue person must simple. 比起碧眼流水兽,这蓝人的规则之力要更加的纯朴。 The probably regular source, gives up affectation. 好像是规则本源,返璞归真。 Xu Zimo discovered rapidness that more and more oneself comprehend. 徐子墨发现自己领悟的越来越快。 Is night of time, he has felt heavenly prestige unexpectedly, probably the day tribulation will arrive momentarily. 仅仅是一夜时间,他竟然已经感受到了天威,好像天劫随时会降临。 Once crossed a day of tribulation, he is true Great saint. 一旦过了天劫,他便是真正的大圣 Bang bang bang the knock resounds. “砰砰砰”的敲门声响起。 Xu Zimo walked from the room. 徐子墨从房间走了出来。 willow Huohuo stands outside the room, Zhang Heng leads the disciples also. 柳火火站在屋外,身后张衡之带着众弟子也在。 What matter?” Xu Zimo asked. “什么事?”徐子墨问道。 Today the volcano has nine dragons to arch the day the phenomenon, inviting you to have a look,” willow Huohuo said. “今天火山有九龙拱天的异象,邀你去看看,”柳火火说道。 „Does nine dragons arch the day?” Some Xu Zimo doubts. “九龙拱天?”徐子墨有些疑惑。 Your luck really good, this phenomenon once in hundred years this time appeared unexpectedly.” “你们运气是真的好,这百年一遇的异象这次竟然出现了。” willow Huohuo spirited saying: „ nine dragons arches the day, may represent an approval. 柳火火神气的说道:“九龙拱天,可代表着一种认可。 It is said this generation of Primal Chaos hot ancestors, had once obtained the approvals of seven fire dragons in the past. ” 据说这一代的混沌火祖,当年曾得到过七条火龙的认可。” Approval? My some that your said are not clear,” Xu Zimo shakes the head. “认可?你这说的我有些不明白,”徐子墨摇头。 The volcano that we are at now, was past fire Sir ancestor displays the big magical powers to move from the day,” willow Huohuo answered. “咱们现在所在的这座火山,乃是当年火祖大人从天外施展大神通搬来的,”柳火火解释道。 This flame can shine upon a future of person. “这火焰能够映照一个人的未来。 Your future is more powerful, the fire dragon are more to your approval. 你的未来越强大,火龙对你的认可就越多。 The person who it is said can result in nine fire dragon approvals, must in the future the achievement Dao Fruit powerhouse. ” 据说能得九条火龙认可的人,未来必成就道果强者。” Such strange,” Xu Zimo smiles. “这么邪乎,”徐子墨笑了笑。 The people go out of the inn , vault of heaven at this moment is the blood red. 众人走出客栈,果然,此刻的苍穹已经是血红色了。 Has the increasing number of people to gather toward the cliff of volcano. 有越来越多的人朝火山的一处悬崖汇聚。 Should here from the fire dragon be the recent position. 应该这里距离火龙是最近的位置。 In the blood red sky, has the dragon roar sound to transmit faintly. 在血红色的天空中,隐隐有龙吟声传来。 The Xu Zimo people also gather with the tide of people together. 徐子墨众人也随着人潮汇聚在一起。 Some people call out in alarm suddenly said. 有人突然惊呼道。
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