IATV :: Volume #14

#1400: Chapter 1400 uses, arrives at Primal Chaos Fire Territory

Teacher,” has the disciple to hear outside fighting sound, anxious saying. “师尊,”有弟子听到外面的打斗声,紧张的说道。 Drinks tea,” old man beckons with the hand, returns said. “喝茶,”老者摆摆手,回道。 The old woman in tea stall seems like some fears, hid in the tent. 茶摊的老妇似乎有些害怕,躲进了帐篷内。 Xu Zimo raised the head, the vision looks to outside. 徐子墨抬头,目光看向外面。 In yellow sand everywhere, have several a form to fight together. 黄沙漫天中,有数道身影战斗在一起。 Faint between also mixes with is drinking the sound lightly. 隐隐之间还夹杂着轻喝声。 Qin Longyong, you stole the treasure of sect town/subdues sect, has not been without a fight quickly.” “秦龙永,你偷取宗门镇宗之宝,还不快束手就擒。” Wei does not have the flame, actually the treasure of town/subdues sect is who steals, you are well aware. “魏无炎,镇宗之宝究竟是何人偷得,你心知肚明。 Must fight then fights, why to give on me to throw filthy water. ” 要战便战,何必给我身上泼脏水。” Several people fight in the same place. 十几人打斗在一起。 Although the opposite party overwhelm with numerical strength, but the dishevelled hair and dirty face male strength is not weak. 对方虽然人多势众,但蓬头垢面的男子实力也不弱。 The short time cannot decide the victory and defeat. 短时间是分不出胜负的。 Xu Zimo drinks up the tea in cup, looks to the old man of Celestial immortal sect, said: We walk.” 徐子墨喝完杯中的茶,看向天人仙宗的老者,说道:“咱们走吧。” Outside is still fighting, do we want to wait to walk again?” Has asking that the disciple probes. “外面还在打架,咱们要不要等会再走?”有弟子试探的问道。 They fired off the estimate day to be black,” Xu Zimo beckons with the hand. “等他们打完估计天都黑了,”徐子墨摆摆手。 Said: We walk our, is not in the way.” 说道:“咱们走咱们的,不碍事。” The old man is also the slight nod. 那老者也是微微点头。 The people go out from the tea stall. 众人从茶棚走出。 Saw that so many people come out, that group of people obviously gawked. 看到这么多人出来,那群人明显愣了一下。 Obviously Xu Zimo one group of caused their vigilance. 显然徐子墨一行人引起了他们的警惕。 But that dishevelled hair man, is a face pleasantly surprised looks at the Xu Zimo people. 而那蓬头男子,则是一脸惊喜的看着徐子墨众人。 Shouting: king brother, Li brother , helping me quickly.” 喊道:“王兄,李兄,快来助我。” „Did you know?” The enemy complexion of opposite party is ugly. “你们认识?”对方的敌人脸色难看。 The old man of Celestial immortal sect looks actually to the dishevelled hair man, said: Friend, you made rather some non- morality and justice.” 倒是天人仙宗的老者看向蓬头男子,说道:“朋友,你这么做未免有些不道义了吧。” Killed them,” opposite enemy does not want to tow obviously. “杀了他们,”对面的敌人明显不想拖。 Part kills to the dishevelled hair man, another part kills to the Xu Zimo people. 一部分杀向蓬头男子,另一部分则杀向徐子墨众人。 Bright heavenly prestige, inspires my day sect.” “煌煌天威,振我天宗。” Has not waited for Xu Zimo to act, on that day the old man of person of immortal sect has begun. 还没等徐子墨出手,那天人仙宗的老者已经动手了。 In his hand fast knot seal, the back presented Heavenly sword unexpectedly. 他手中快速结印,背后竟然出现了一道天剑 The sword blade is giant, at least is ten meters. 剑身巨大,起码有十米长。 Looks the person who this crowd kills, around that great sword the thunder twinkle, was parallel directly from was passing over gently and swiftly void. 看着这群杀过来的人,那巨剑四周雷霆闪烁,直接平行着从虚空掠过。 Then is dozens heads falls to the ground. 紧接着,便是几十颗人头落地。 This old man is God Vein Realm Martial Artist. 这老者是一名神脉境武者 Actually this strength has calculated well. 其实这种实力已经算不错了。 In these nine territories, the Great Emperor has sect Jianpai the strength. 这九域内,大帝具有开宗建派的实力。 Great saint is the mid-level strength of right to speak. 大圣已经是话语权的中端力量了。 But the Dao Fruit powerhouse, that is even can overlook existences of nine territories. 道果强者,那是甚至可以俯瞰九域的存在。 Although God Vein Martial Artist is inferior to the Great Emperor, but you are clear, this nine territories are populous. 神脉武者虽然不如大帝,但你要明白,这个九域人口众多。 Most people, are actually struggling under the Great Emperor. 大多数人,其实还是在大帝下挣扎着。 Looks that the prestige of old man striking is so powerful. 看着老者一击之威如此强大。 This group of chasing down people were also afraid, starts to retreat. 这群追杀之人也都害怕了,开始撤退。 The old men stand in same place have not pursued. 老者站在原地没有追击。 The vision is only tight is staring at the dishevelled man. 目光只是紧紧的盯着蓬乱男子。 Many thanks several life-saving effortses,” dishevelled man said with a smile. “多谢几位救命之恩,”蓬乱男子笑道。 „ The situation was urgent a moment ago, is not my original intention. “刚才事态紧急,绝非我本意。 Whether to become friends? ” 可否交个朋友?” Young master, how is processed by you?” The old men look to Xu Zimo, asked. “公子,由你处理如何?”老者看向徐子墨,问道。 This old man will cultivate the behavior,” Xu Zimo smiles. “这老者倒会做人,”徐子墨笑了笑。 The right hand grasps, held the neck of that dishevelled man directly, lifted him. 右手一抓,直接抓住了那蓬乱男子的脖子,将他举了起来。 A moment ago that group of people me, were only the ants. “刚才那群人于我来说,只是蝼蚁。 If you asked me a moment ago, perhaps my mood good to extinguish them. ” 你若是刚才求我,说不定我心情好会灭了他们。” Xu Zimo said with a smile pale: Is only you uses me, you thought that you do match?” 徐子墨淡笑道:“只是你利用我,你觉得自己配吗?” Xu Zimo grabs the man, directly his neck cutting off. 徐子墨抓着男子,直接将他的脖子给掐断了。 Pitifully this man is not the hot clan. 只是可惜这男子不是火族。 Otherwise can blue to try actually. 否则倒是可以让蓝人去试试。 Saw that Xu Zimo so kills people, the disciple of Celestial immortal sect as if somewhat frightens. 看到徐子墨如此杀人,天人仙宗的弟子似乎都有些惊吓。 each and everyone falls back on the back of old man. 一个个退到老者的背后。 Does not know how the young master did call?” The old men take the lead a introduced. “不知公子怎么称呼?”老者率先介绍道。 Old man is Sect Master of Celestial immortal sect. “老夫乃是天人仙宗的宗主 Zhang Heng it. ” 张衡之。” Xu Zimo, a nameless junior,” Xu Zimo beckons with the hand, says with a smile. 徐子墨,一个无名小辈罢了,”徐子墨摆摆手,笑道。 Nameless junior Xu Zimo, this name is actually good. 无名小辈徐子墨,这个称呼倒是不错。 Young Master Xu goes to Primal Chaos Fire Territory, to attend the competition of hot clan Land of Origin?” Saying with a smile of Zhang Heng. 徐公子混沌火域,也是为了参加火族起源之地的比试吗?”张衡之笑道。 Is,” Xu Zimo nods. “算是吧,”徐子墨点点头。 „Is your Celestial immortal sect also?” “你们天人仙宗也是?” Right, but participates is to me unimportant.” “没错,不过参赛对我来说不重要。” Saying with a smile of Zhang Heng: Mainly leads these juniors to see the world.” 张衡之笑道:“主要是带着这些小辈见见世面。” People is saying, while toward the Primal Chaos Fire Territory direction vanguard. 众人一边说着,一边朝混沌火域的方向前行。 The disciple of this group of Celestial immortal sects, seems like, because Xu Zimo beforehand murdering is decisive, somewhat fears to him. 这群天人仙宗的弟子,似乎是因为徐子墨之前的杀伐果断,对他都有些惧怕。 Also without before vividly was inquisitive. 也没有之前那么活泼好问了。 This more approaches the Primal Chaos Fire Territory land, is more withered. 这越靠近混沌火域的土地,就越干枯。 Even can say, like desert. 甚至可以说,如同大漠般。 The plant is deficient, the water source is scarce. 植物匮乏,水源稀少。 The people of hot clan always the repugnant water, the water and fire itself/Ben is not accommodating. 火族的人向来讨厌水,水火本就是不相容的。 The people walked about seven days. 众人走了七天左右。 In the afternoon, Zhang Heng is pointing at Skyline of distant place, said to Xu Zimo with a smile: Young Master Xu please look, flame that front that reaches to the sky, was the Primal Chaos Fire Territory entrance.” 这天下午,张衡之指着远处的天际线,笑着对徐子墨说道:“徐公子请看,前面那高耸入云的火焰,便是混沌火域的入口了。” Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 These days is together, he discovers this Zhang Heng, although the strength is not good. 这几日的相处下来,他发现这张衡之虽然实力不行。 But Way Heart is firm, moreover looked that the vision of person is very accurate, the manner is modest. 道心坚固,而且看人的目光很准,为人谦虚。 Pouring is also an outstanding person. 倒也不失为一个妙人。 When the people toward Primal Chaos Fire Territory walks, suddenly hears one to shout. 众人朝混沌火域走去时,突然听到了一声呼喊。 Help!” “救命啊!” A female shouted loudly to run from the distant place. 一名女子大喊大叫着从远处跑来。 Seemed like saw the habitation, the big shout of women's even more resonant. 似乎是看到了人烟,那女子的大喊声越发的嘹亮。 The females run over toward the people. 女子朝众人跑了过来。 Her red garment, in this yellow sand just like a gorgeous scenery. 她一身红衫,在这黄沙中宛如一道艳丽的风景。 Travels, the ribbon of whole body is fluttering. 跑起路来,周身的丝带都在飘荡着。 The females run up to front of the people, has panted. 女子跑到众人面前,已经是气喘吁吁。 „Does this miss have the matter?” Asking of Zhang Heng. “这位姑娘有事吗?”张衡之问道。 Some behind people must kill me, you save me quickly,” female shouts greatly. “后面有人要杀我,你们快救救我,”女子大喊道。 My father is Protector of Primal Chaos Fire Territory. “我爹是混沌火域的护法。 Saved me, I can make my father reward you. ” 救了我,我可以让我爹赏赐你们。” Miss chatted, you where has the person behind?” Saying with a smile of Zhang Heng. “姑娘说笑了,你身后哪有人?”张衡之笑道。 The females stare, turn the head to look. 女子一愣,转头看去。 Sees only behind the nobody left, very peaceful. 只见身后空无一人,十分的安静。 How possibly, ........., female gawked speaking of this obviously a moment ago. “怎么可能,明明刚才………,”女子说到这愣了一下。 Seemed like realized anything. 似乎是意识到了什么。 Considers as finished,” she beckons with the hand, said. “算了算了,”她摆摆手,又说道。 How do you send me to Primal Chaos Fire Territory?” “你们送我去混沌火域如何?” Primal Chaos Fire Territory in front, miss , to go together,” saying with a smile that old man does not mind. 混沌火域就在前方,姑娘要想一同前往也可以,”老者不介意的笑道。 Immediately looks at the vision to Xu Zimo. 随即将目光看向徐子墨 Xu Zimo is actually indifferent. 徐子墨倒是无所谓。 Arrives on the Primal Chaos road, the curiosity of this female is very heavy. 走到混沌的路上,这女子的好奇心十分重。 Moreover the words are also very many. 而且话也特别多。 You are come participating?” “你们是来参赛的吧?” I thought that you have no chance, Primal Chaos Fire Territory discharged governing dragon Bang of popular player. “我看你们没什么希望,混沌火域排出了一份热门选手的御龙榜。 You do not have one are the popular players. ” 你们没一个是热门选手。” Hears the words of female, disciple some of Celestial immortal sect are not convinced. 听到女子的话,天人仙宗的弟子有些不服气。 Said: Our Sect Master is very strong.” 说道:“我们宗主可是很强的。” Strong?” The females asked. “有多强?”女子问道。 „The player who Primal Chaos Fire Territory sends out is the Great Emperor, and has soon become the Saint.” 混沌火域派出的选手乃是大帝,而且已经快要成圣了。” One hear of this saying, disciples also peaceful. 一听这话,弟子们也都安静了下来。 The Great Emperor is also good, Great saint. 大帝也好,大圣也罢。 Is existence of unattainable, to them. 都是遥不可及的存在,对他们而言。
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