IATV :: Volume #14

#1393: The Chapter 1393 mysterious crystal, the hot clan origins

Suddenly factory silent. 一时间全厂都寂静了下来。 Zhang Qiuse oneself, am cold sweat directing current. 就连张秋瑟本人,亦是冷汗直流。 This move is he very strong method, the Xu Zimo gearing is never expected that motionless, stands is making him hit same place. 这一招已经是他很强的手段了,没想到徐子墨连动都不动,就站在原地让他打。 He cannot do. 偏偏他奈何不了。 He swallowed saliva, sees only Xu Zimo to lift the hand, subconscious toward retroceding several steps. 他咽了一口唾沫,只见徐子墨抬起手,下意识的朝后退了几步。 It seems like responds, oneself extremely spiritless, suddenly complexion Yin clear uncertain. 似乎是反应过来,自己太过懦弱,一时间脸色阴晴不定。 „A move,” Xu Zimo said lightly. “一招,”徐子墨淡淡说道。 You, if can support, I forgive you not dead.” “你若是能撑住,我饶你不死。” Little talked big, has what ability to cause,” Zhang Qiuse cold -ly snorted and said. “少说大话了,有什么能耐就使出来,”张秋瑟冷哼道。 Although he said that but does not dare to be negligent. 他虽然这么说,但丝毫不敢大意。 spiritual energy in hand unceasingly spout. 手中的灵气不断的喷涌着。 Good to seem the infinite flame to surge from within the body, red that his face shines upon. 好似有无穷的火焰从体内涌动而出,将他脸庞映照的通红。 ............ ………… Develops under the martial stage, several elders look to Bian Wenzhou. 演武场下,几位长老看向边闻舟 Asking that some people probe: „Can mansion lord, prevent?” 有人试探的问道:“府主,要不要阻止一下?” The people have looked, Zhang Qiuse game is as good as lost. 众人已经看出来了,张秋瑟大势已去。 If not prevent, really defeated. 若是不阻止,真的败了。 Lost, but their black crow mansion face. 丢的可是他们黑鸦府的脸啊。 Moreover they, does not think that Xu Zimo wins. 而且他们内心,都不想徐子墨获胜。 Defeated then defeated, how? “败了便是败了,怎么? Can let the reputation that the bystander falls us unable to lose? ” Bian Wenzhou narrows the eyes to focus, asks. 难道要让外人落个咱们输不起的名声?”边闻舟微眯着眼,问道。 All around person keeps silent, each and everyone does not dare to speak again. 四周的人噤若寒蝉,一个个不敢再说话。 ............ ………… The Xu Zimo right hand stretches out, one group of powerful strengths are condensing in the palm. 徐子墨右手伸出,一团强大的力量在掌心凝聚着。 He has not used what style. 他没有使用什么招式。 Because the opposite party does not match. 因为对方根本不配。 An ordinary palm, but regarding Zhang Qiuse, is no different than the dhole evildoers leopard danger. 只是普通的一掌,但对于张秋瑟来说,无异于豺狼虎豹般危险。 His whole body fine hair raises up. 他全身汗毛竖起。 As if under this palm, even breathes cannot achieve. 仿佛在这一掌下,连呼吸都做不到。 The spiritual energy revolution in within the body is slow. 体内的灵气运转缓慢。 Spear/Gun is near,” Zhang Qiuse loudly shouts. “枪临,”张秋瑟大喝一声。 To pierce the big palm of Xu Zimo with the spear/gun. 想要用枪将徐子墨的大掌刺穿。 What a pity in the face of the powerful strength, the opportunity that he simply has not revolted against. 可惜在强大的力量面前,他根本没有反抗的机会。 Bang the explosive sound resounds in the front. “轰”的爆炸声在面前响起。 His whole person also flew upside down. 他整个人也倒飞了出去。 The blood floats a blood line in void, finally form numerous falling on nearby ground. 鲜血在虚空中漂浮一条血线,最终身影重重的摔在旁边的地上。 Xu Zimo not with full power, otherwise the opposite party has unravelled. 徐子墨没有用全力,否则对方早就灰飞烟灭了。 But even if he kept the hand, this Zhang Qiuse latter half of one's life, only feared that was also waste. 但纵使他留手了,这张秋瑟的后半生,只怕也是废了。 Xu Zimo is not a softhearted person. 徐子墨不是一个心慈手软的人。 Since two people have split, that does not have the moderate leeway. 既然两人已经交恶,那就没有缓和的余地。 Zhang Qiuse falls to the ground, blood incarnadine entire body. 张秋瑟倒地,鲜血染红了整个身躯。 Nearby person has a scare, each and everyone ran over to help up Zhang Qiuse. 旁边的人吓了一跳,一个个跑过来扶起了张秋瑟 Leads him therapy,” Bian Wenzhou beckons with the hand to say. “带他下去疗伤吧,”边闻舟摆手说道。 Mansion lord, but compares notes. “府主,只是切磋而已。 This boy under extreme methods, it seems to me, this child cannot remain unexpectedly absolutely, ” Second Elder lead stood, saying of righteousness expression. 这小子竟然下死手,照我看,此子绝对不能留,”二长老率先站了出来,义正言辞的说道。 old man, I used a force component. “老头,我只是用了一分力。 Never expected that the person of your black crow mansion could not support. ” 没想到你们黑鸦府的人就撑不住了。” Xu Zimo said with a smile: Or you come up, we practice.” 徐子墨笑道:“要不你上来,咱们俩练练。” Dissolute, you dare so to speak to the old man,” Second Elder air/Qi blows the beard, loudly shouted. “放肆,你敢这般跟老夫说话,”二长老气的直吹胡子,大喝道。 Xu Zimo sneered. 徐子墨冷笑了一声。 The direct palm grasps toward Second Elder. 直接一掌朝二长老抓去。 The palm is condensing the spiritual energy storm, entire Heaven and Earth as if changes colors in this moment. 掌心凝聚着灵气风暴,整个天地仿佛都在这一刻失色。 Second Elder cold snort/hum. 二长老冷哼一声。 True Fate appears, a sun-blocking crow covered him. 身后真命显现,一只遮天蔽日的乌鸦将他笼罩了起来。 Crow sharp cry several, having the death aura to grasp toward Xu Zimo. 乌鸦尖鸣几声,带着死亡气息朝徐子墨抓去。 This acts, is the murderous intention is then swift and fierce. 这一出手,便是杀机凌厉。 Carves the insect small technique,” Xu Zimo lifted the eyelid. “雕虫小技,”徐子墨抬了抬眼皮。 When the big palm falls, no matter the death aura were also good, was this crow. 大掌落下时,不管是死亡气息也好,还是这乌鸦也罢。 Completely easily accomplished giving destruction in. 全部摧枯拉朽的给毁灭其中。 Second Elder also wants to revolt, simply is useless. 二长老还想反抗,却根本没有用。 Was fallen down to the racket by Xu Zimo directly. 直接被徐子墨给拍倒在地上。 „The second child,” several other elder complexion big changes, the complete standing up body, the vision is staring at Xu Zimo. “老二,”其他几名长老脸色大变,全部站起身子,目光盯着徐子墨 Xu Zimo came as a surprise to their. 徐子墨的强出乎了他们的预料。 Only has Bian Wenzhou tranquil sitting in same place, probably is not startled for this reason. 唯有边闻舟平静的坐在原地,好像并不为此吃惊。 Ok, but also dislikes insufficient of disgraced losing?” Bian Wenzhou said. “行了,还嫌丢人丢的不够?”边闻舟说道。 Several other elders then calm down. 其他几名长老这才冷静下来。 Second Elder is also distressed standing up, looked that is somewhat angry to the Xu Zimo look, fearing of deeper level. 二长老也是狼狈的站起身,看向徐子墨的眼神有些愤怒,还有更深层次的惧怕。 How should mansion main judge the result absolutely?” Xu Zimo faint smile looks at Bian Wenzhou. “府主绝对该怎么宣判结果?”徐子墨似笑非笑的看着边闻舟 Naturally was you won,” Bian Wenzhou said with a smile. “自然是你赢了,”边闻舟笑道。 Xu Zimo nods, from developing the martial stage walked. 徐子墨点点头,从演武场走了下来。 Young Master Xu, I think that we can chat,” the Bian Wenzhou sound conveys from behind. 徐公子,我想我们可以谈谈,”边闻舟的声音从后面传来。 The Xu Zimo silent moment, nods immediately. 徐子墨沉默片刻,随即点了点头。 Bian Wenzhou dispatched to draw back everyone, brings in garden that Xu Zimo is arriving at him to live. 边闻舟遣退了所有人,带着徐子墨来到了他居住的庭院中。 In the garden has the pavilion. 庭院内有凉亭。 Side had a pot just to make the good hot tea. 旁边有一壶刚刚烧好的热茶。 Two people gather round the stone table to sit facing each other, Bian Wenzhou gives Xu Zimo to steep tea personally. 两人围着石桌相对而坐,边闻舟亲手给徐子墨沏茶。 Looked, his mansion the main status can also lower the posture. 看的出,他一府之主的身份也都放得下身段。 What does mansion lord want to discuss?” Xu Zimo asked. “府主想谈什么呢?”徐子墨问道。 You with the wedding of Yue,” Bian Wenzhou said with a smile. “你跟玥儿的婚事,”边闻舟笑道。 Mansion lord should know, we are impossible,” Xu Zimo shakes the head to say. “府主应该知道,我们不可能的,”徐子墨摇头说道。 Yue luck is shallow, cannot be joined to the young master,” Bian Wenzhou said with a sigh. “玥儿福浅,配不上公子,”边闻舟叹息道。 Mansion lord has what words to speak frankly, is no interesting in this make puzzling remarks,” Xu Zimo punctured the meaning of opposite party, asked. “府主有什么话就直说吧,在这打哑迷没什么意思,”徐子墨戳破了对方的意思,问道。 „Can Young Master Xu hear my hot clan the place of origin?” Bian Wenzhou at a moderate pace asking. 徐公子可听说过我火族的起源之地?”边闻舟不紧不慢的问道。 Xu Zimo shakes the head. 徐子墨摇头。 His getting a light from another light clan understands are not many. 他对火族了解的不多。 Knows the fire only , because of fire god Zhu Rong. 唯一知道火的,还是因为火神祝融 Our hot clan has had the place of origin. “我们火族一直有起源之地。 It is said that was the hot clan birth place. 据说那是火族出生的地方。 In the past the place of this origin was protected by Taiyang Dian. 以往这起源之地都是由太阳殿守护的。 However a while ago, Taiyang Dian issued the command. 不过前段时间,太阳殿发出号令。 As long as the person of hot clan, is qualified for the place of origin. ” 但凡火族之人,都有资格进入起源之地。” Bian Wenzhou considered , to continue to say. 边闻舟斟酌了一下,继续说道。 Is only this qualifications is very uncertain, must compete by us. “只是这个资格很渺茫,必须要靠我们竞争。 Our Primal Chaos Fire Territory as one of the seven big Fire Territory, only has 32 quotas merely. ” 我们混沌火域作为七大火域之一,也仅仅只有三十二个名额。” The words speaking of this, Xu Zimo were also understand. 话说到这,徐子墨也算是明白了。 You want to make me strive for the quota for your black crow mansion.” “你想让我替你们黑鸦府争夺名额。” Before the original candidate was Zhang Qiuse.” “之前本来的人选是张秋瑟。” Bian Wenzhou said with a smile: Now met the young master, I naturally want to attempt.” 边闻舟笑道:“现在遇见了公子,我自然想尝试一番。” You thought why I will comply?” Xu Zimo asked. “你觉得我为什么会答应?”徐子墨问道。 Before then, I have not truly grasped. “在此之前,我确实没把握。 However today, some people gave me one thing. ” 不过今天,有人给了我一样东西。” Bian Wenzhou said with a smile: She said, I can exchange your quota with such thing.” 边闻舟笑道:“她说,我可以用这样东西交换你一个名额。” Looks at the vision of Xu Zimo doubts, Bian Wenzhou takes out together the transparent crystal from the sleeves. 看着徐子墨疑惑的目光,边闻舟从衣袖中取出一块透明的晶体。 This crystal presents that flash, the double pupil of Xu Zimo then stares is not putting. 这晶体出现那一霎那,徐子墨的双眸便盯着不放。 That person told me, this was your once thing,” Bian Wenzhou returned said. “那人告诉我,这是你曾经的东西,”边闻舟回道。 Does not know how the young master does feel?” “不知公子觉得如何?” Is Bian Shishi gives you,” Xu Zimo narrows the eyes to focus, asks. “是边诗诗给你的吧,”徐子墨微眯着眼,问道。 Sees that moment of this crystal, on Demon Lord leaves his memory, then knows that instantaneously this was anything. 看到这晶体的那一刻,上一任魔主留给他的记忆,便瞬间知道这是什么东西了。 Finalized,” Xu Zimo received the crystal, received it fast. “成交了,”徐子墨一手接过晶体,快速将其收了起来。 Immediately said: „A month later, I will go to Primal Chaos Fire Territory.” 随即说道:“一个月后,我会去混沌火域的。”
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