IATV :: Volume #14

#1392: Chapter 1392 steamroll -type showdown, bad karma

Bewilderment that here poem poem comes, walked but actually also simple. 这边诗诗来的莫名其妙,走的倒也干脆。 Xu Zimo is looking at the moonlight, is thinking. 徐子墨望着月光,在思索着。 The poem poem person, this is certain therefore. 边诗诗是故人,这个可以肯定。 However the enemy is a friend, this he is not clear. 但是敌是友,这个他不清楚。 Therefore cannot trust completely. 所以不能完全信任。 Looked around Blue Eyed Water Beast, he sat cross-legged to sit again, starts to sense. 看了看旁边的碧眼流水兽,他再次盘膝而坐,开始感悟了起来。 The innermost feelings also had calculation. 内心也有了盘算。 Next time when the marine animals will attack a city, must hurry to have a look. 下次水兽攻城时,一定要赶去看看。 Night of speechless, 一夜无语, After the weather greatly is gradually bright, the maidservant light rain carried the breakfast. 天色渐渐大亮后,丫鬟小雨将早餐端了过来。 Xu Zimo is having the breakfast at the same time, cared asking: Light rain, have you seen our black crow mansion young lady?” 徐子墨一边吃着早餐,不在意的问道:“小雨,你见过咱们黑鸦府的大小姐吗?” Uncle asked that what this does make?” “姑爷问这做什么?” Returning of light rain doubts said: „ Young lady usually in oneself garden, rarely goes out. 小雨疑惑的回道:“大小姐平日里在自己的庭院,很少外出。 I have seen 2-3. ” 我也就见过2-3面。” You felt, what person the young lady is?” Xu Zimo also asked. “那你觉得,大小姐是个什么样的人呢?”徐子墨又问道。 I understand are not many. “我了解的不多。 The young lady is indifferent, unhappy argued. 大小姐性格淡然,不喜与人争论。 However the elder in our mansion is also good, is the mansion lord. 不过咱们府邸的长老也好,还是府主也罢。 Regards as important the young lady very much, ” light rain selfish saying. 都很看重大小姐,”小雨自顾自的说道。 This,” Xu Zimo nods. “这样呀,”徐子墨点点头。 Young lady's garden where?” “那大小姐的庭院在哪里?” Uncle, I, even if told you, you could not go,” light rain returned said. “姑爷,我就算告诉你,你也进不去,”小雨回道。 You prepare today's test. “你还是准备准备今天的考验吧。 Do not disappoint two young ladies. ” 别让二小姐失望。” Xu Zimo shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, this test in his opinion, does not have the significance. 徐子墨摇头失笑,这考验在他看来,毫无意义。 He does not prepare to treat in the black crow mansion. 他并不准备待在黑鸦府。 When the marine animals army comes, possibly is the day that he departs. 等水兽大军来时,可能就是他离去的日子。 Had the breakfast, Xu Zimo inquired side the dwelling of poem poem, then walking swaggering. 吃了早饭,徐子墨打听了边诗诗的住处,便大摇大摆的走去。 These in the training of black crow mansion, making he pass through the wound that Blazing Fire Territory received on , also all restored. 这几日在黑鸦府的修养,让他自身穿越炽火域受到的伤,也都悉数恢复了。 The place of here poem poem housing, is actually a very pure garden. 这边诗诗居住的地方,却是一个十分清净的庭院。 Remotely located, usually in also some people arrive. 位置偏僻,平日里也鲜少有人到来。 When close to garden, Xu Zimo heard intermittent tweedle. 靠近庭院时,徐子墨听到了一阵阵的琴声。 He looks up, sees only in the garret in that garden, indistinct between has the slender form to sit together is one of them. 他抬头看,只见那庭院的阁楼上,隐约之间有一道窈窕身影坐在其中。 White fog encirclement whole body, bullet hit zither | Jean. 白雾环绕周身,正弹着琴。 The garden entrance, a pretty maidservant stands there. 庭院门口,一名眉清目秀的侍女站在那里。 Sees Xu Zimo to arrive, the maidservant seems like learned early. 看到徐子墨到来,那侍女似乎是早有料到。 Saying with a smile: Young master, our eldest young lady do not receive guests.” 笑道:“公子,我们大小姐不见客。” You said the old friend to meet,” Xu Zimo returns said. “你就说故人相见,”徐子墨回道。 Young lady said that even you do not see,” maidservant shakes the head as before. “小姐说了,就算是你也不见,”侍女依旧摇头。 Told your young ladies, I will also treat some time in the black crow mansion. “告诉你们小姐,我还会在黑鸦府待一段时间。 If she wants to see, can look for me, ” Xu Zimo said, then left. 她若是想见,可以来找我,”徐子墨说完之后便离开了。 Vanishes to the Xu Zimo back, the maidservant returned to the garret. 一直到徐子墨的背影消失,侍女才回到了阁楼上。 Looks at the playing a stringed musical instrument side poem poem, returns said: Young lady, he walked.” 看着正在弹琴的边诗诗,回道:“大小姐,他走了。” The voice falls, only listens to Zheng. 话音落下,只听“铮”的一声。 Was the string breaks unexpectedly. 竟然是琴弦断了。 Was mentally confused,” side the poem poem muttered. “心乱了,”边诗诗喃喃自语了一声。 Has had no interest in play a stringed musical instrument again. 已经无心再弹琴。 She vision like a torch, stands in the garret, resembling to overlook the entire black crow mansion. 她目光如炬,站在阁楼上,似能俯瞰整个黑鸦府。 All are the bad karmas!” “一切都是孽缘啊!” ............ ………… little slow, waits to compete with you to refuel. “小徐,等会比试你要加油啊。 Your opponent is stretch/open Qiuse. 你的对手是张秋瑟。 Our black crow mansion young generation of most powerhouse. ” 咱们黑鸦府年轻一辈的最强者。” All the way, Bian Yue is explaining the information of opponent to Xu Zimo. 一路上,边玥徐子墨讲解着对手的信息。 For fear that he loses this competition. 生怕他输掉这一场比试。 Xu Zimo is somewhat listless. 徐子墨有些无精打采。 Practicing martial stage who arrives at the black crow mansion. 来到黑鸦府的练武场。 This practices the area of martial stage to be vast, the center on the scene, is putting a statue of black crow. 这练武场的面积辽阔,在场中央,放着一尊黑鸦的雕像。 The black crow spreads the wings to fly, haze double pupil looks up to the vault of heaven. 黑鸦展翅而飞,阴霾的双眸似是仰望苍穹。 A foot stands in the land, a foot has started to fly high. 一只脚立在大地上,一只脚已经开始凌空。 At this moment, people who the black crow mansion has the larger part gathers at this practices the martial stage. 此刻,黑鸦府有一大半的人都聚集在这练武场。 Heard, stretch/open Qiuse and that uncle must compete with today.” “听说了嘛,张秋瑟与那姑爷今天要比试。” Has not discussed the victory and loss, now shouted the uncle to be premature.” “还没论输赢,现在叫姑爷过早了吧。” Yes, stretch/open Qiuse is the God Vein Realm powerhouse, in the young generation, can press his head except for Mu Qingyun. “就是,张秋瑟已经是神脉境的强者了,年轻一辈中,除了沐卿云能压他一头。 Others are merely mediocre. ” 其他人都不过尔尔。” All around juniors discuss spiritedly. 四周的子弟议论纷纷。 That person came.” “那人来了。” Some people look at Xu Zimo two people, shouts greatly. 有人看着徐子墨两人,大喊道。 Develops all around of martial stage, Bian Wenzhou sits in the position on head. 演武场的四周,边闻舟坐在上首的位置。 His side is the black crow mansion six elders. 他的旁边是黑鸦府的六名长老。 But at this moment in developing the arena of martial stage, the youth had waited there for some time. 而此刻在演武场的擂台上,早已经有一名青年等候多时了。 He sits cross-legged to sit on developing the stage of martial stage. 他盘膝坐在演武场的高台上面。 A white robe flutters with the wind. 一身白袍随风飘荡。 In his front, is inserting a red long spear/gun. 在他的面前,插着一条红色的长枪。 The lance point punctures the crack stage, but seven chi (0.33 m), on the red spear's/gun's body is carving a fire dragon. 枪尖刺裂高台,有七尺而余,红色的枪身上雕刻着一条火龙。 The youth are most noticeable, is his full red hair. 青年最让人瞩目的,亦是他的满头红发。 forehead, there is one drop red. 眉心处,有一滴红点。 Appears the monster different. 显得十分妖异。 Before mounting the stage, Bian Yue hesitated little. 临上台前,边玥迟疑了少许。 Said to Xu Zimo: „ You , if not beat, admits defeat as soon as possible. 徐子墨说道:“你若是不敌,就尽早认输。 Do not lose the life. ” 别丢了性命。” Xu Zimo shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 徐子墨摇头失笑。 After he steps onto the practicing martial arts field, felt in a flash all around imposing manner changes. 他走上演武场后,一瞬间感觉四周的气势都变化起来。 In the air has the breeze to blow, as if passed over gently and swiftly Skyline. 空气中有微风吹过,仿佛掠过天际线。 stretch/open Qiuse stands up, the vision looks to Xu Zimo, faint between brings to kill intent. 张秋瑟站起身,目光看向徐子墨,隐隐之间带着杀意。 Actually between he and Xu Zimo this does not have the gratitude and grudges. 其实他与徐子墨之间本无恩怨。 He received somebody's sentiment, then must in this competition, let slip to kill Xu Zimo. 只是他承了某个人的情,便要在这比试中,失手杀死徐子墨 I you will have made the turtle, does not dare to come,” stretch/open Qiuse provokes to say. “我已经你会做缩头乌龟,不敢来,”张秋瑟挑衅道。 Ok, with your ants speech, was purely wastes the time,” Xu Zimo beckoned with the hand. “行了,跟你这种蝼蚁说话,纯属浪费时间,”徐子墨摆摆手。 His vision looks to stage Bian Wenzhou and the others under. 他目光看向台下的边闻舟等人。 Asking: Can start?” 问道:“可以开始了吗?” Since both sides have arrived in full, then starts,” Bian Wenzhou returns said. “既然双方都已到齐,便开始吧,”边闻舟回道。 Two people compete with, but compares notes. “两人比试,只是切磋。 May not under the extreme methods. ” 不可下死手。” Competition the fists and feet did not have the eye,” stretch/open Qiuse returned to one. “比试本就拳脚无眼,”张秋瑟回了一句。 If let slip, may be not strange.” “若是失手了,可莫要怪。” Sees only him to take up the long spear/gun, the spear's/gun's body immediately by one group of red flame wrapping. 只见他拿起长枪,枪身顿时被一团红色火焰给包裹住。 His right foot stepped forward one step, the flintlock like a fire dragon, powerful killed toward Xu Zimo. 他右脚向前跨了一步,火枪如同一条火龙般,气势如虹的朝徐子墨杀了过来。 The Xu Zimo complexion does not change, but puts out a hand in a lance point such gently ball. 徐子墨面色不改,只是伸手在枪尖就这么轻轻一弹。 Only listens to bang. 只听“轰”的一声。 Put in order to be struck to fly the spear/gun directly. 整把枪直接被击飞了出去。 stretch/open Qiuse the form retrocedes unceasingly, the both feet leaves a trace in the ground. 张秋瑟的身影不断后退,双脚在地面留下来一条痕迹。 Very powerful strength,” stretch/open Qiuse talked to oneself. “好强的力量,”张秋瑟自语了一声。 Looked that did not have the slight contempt to the Xu Zimo look, instead is dignified incomparable. 看向徐子墨的眼神也没有了丝毫的轻视,反而是凝重无比。 You just said that letting slip may be not strange,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “你刚刚说的,失手了可莫要怪,”徐子墨笑道。 stretch/open Qiuse cold snort/hum. 张秋瑟冷哼一声。 The flintlock in hand starts to vibrate. 手中的火枪开始抖动起来。 ten thousand Qiangqi leaves,” he loudly shouted. “万枪齐出,”他大喝道。 The complexion somewhat is fierce, a flintlock transforms to say ten million/countless. 脸色都有些狰狞,一把火枪幻化成千万道。 Similar to ten thousand spear/gun to return to the birth family. 就如同万枪归宗般。 In his behind void, covered entirely the dense and numerous flintlocks. 他身后的虚空中,布满了密密麻麻的火枪。 This innumerable long-barrelled guns were thrown by him completely. 这无数长枪全部被他扔了过来。 Void shatter, the raging fire winds around. 虚空破碎,烈火缭绕。 But Xu Zimo is unhurried, but stands in same place insipid had a yawn. 徐子墨根本不慌,只是站在原地索然无味的打了一个哈欠。 Whatever flintlock entire tribe on his body. 任凭火枪全部落在他的身上。 Rumbling the explosive sound resounds. “轰轰轰”的爆炸声响起。 After all flintlocks annihilate, the people open the eyes to look. 当所有火枪都湮灭后,众人睁大双眼去看。 Sees only Xu Zimo perfect standing in that. 只见徐子墨完好无损的站在那。 Clothes have not wrinkled. 就连身上的衣服都没有皱一下。
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