IACTTTW :: Volume #4

#353 Part 2: The apocalypse last act has arrived

Some situation that Lin Fan will previously have said. 林凡将先前所发生的一些情况说了出来。 The listened last month of autumn moon/month is a little ignorant, simultaneously shows the shocking look. 听的季秋月有点懵,同时露出震惊的神色。 The curiosity of innermost feelings to this aspect transferred instantaneously, wants with be able Grandpa summer the thing of entire fan lake, has any mysterious place. 内心对这方面的好奇心瞬间调动了起来,很想跟能将夏爷爷整迷湖的东西,到底有什么神奇的地方。 After listening . 听完后。 Last month of autumn the moon/month sets out, pats the dust that the buttocks moisten, I prepare the sunlight shelter, but does not need you to lead us to go back, we think that drive, at least this can also have a look to have any new discovery.” 季秋月起身,拍掉屁股沾到的灰尘,“我准备回阳光庇护所,不过不用你带我们回去,我们想自己开车回去,至少这一路还能看看有没有什么新的发现。” apocalypse has developed the stage of soon finishing, she naturally not stubborn must go to the wanderer, this/should conclusion will finish eventually. 末世已经发展快要结束的阶段,她自然也不会倔强的还要去闯荡,该结束的终究会结束。 Good, without issue.” “好,没有问题。” Lin Fan is smiling, the goal that he comes out today is to continue to clean up, if meets to treat the survivor in southwest region, will tell them, zombie of southwest region soon cleaned up cleanly, does not need to continue to treat, can return to the sunlight shelter. 林凡笑着,他今天出来的目的就是要继续清理,如果遇到待在西南区域的幸存者,就会跟他们说,西南区域的丧尸快要清理干净了,没必要继续待着了,可以回阳光庇护所了。 Your effort everyone watch. 你们的努力大家都看在眼里。 In human can have you is really living the luck of human. 人类中能有你们真的是活着的人类的幸运。 vermilion Lei with huge Yuan Duishi. 朱磊跟庞袁对视着。 The meaning in the look exchanging is very clear, must return to the sunlight shelter, was also good to there, is living the calm and steady peaceful life, moreover belongs to have a hundred things to do now, even does not clean up zombie, some lot of work must be done. 眼神中交流的意思很明确,要回到阳光庇护所了,到了那里也好,过着安稳的和平生活,况且现在属于百废待兴,就算不清理丧尸,还是有很多工作要做的。 Lin Fan, when zombie of our country cleans up cleanly, that overseas?” Last month of autumn the moon/month is asking. 林凡,等咱们国家的丧尸都清理干净,那国外的呢?”季秋月问着。 Lin Fan said: Will clean up.” 林凡道:“都会清理的。” Last month of autumn the moon/month said: „The world is so big, according to like this cleans up, that time needed how long?” 季秋月道:“世界这么大,按照这样清理下去,那所需要的时间得多久?” Facing such inquiry, Lin Fan is saying with a smile: „The help of humanitarian, often quick.” 面对这样的询问,林凡不由笑着道:“人道主义的帮忙,往往都很快的。” Eh......” “额……” Last month of autumn the moon/month god, as to understand anything resembles, smiled, has not said anything. 季秋月愣神,仿佛是想明白了什么似的,不由的笑了,却未多说什么。 Yes. 是啊。 Integrity that the help of humanitarian, is very difficult to guarantee the city. 人道主义的帮忙,很难确保城市的完整性。 After all has lived in abyss of suffering. 毕竟都已经生活在水深火热中了。 The fish and bear's paws cannot have both. 鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 Wants not to have arrival of apocalypse in the future, must clean up zombie of the world, only then this can ensure the security, do not look at this to seem like very huge project, when actually lets loose hands and feet cleaning up, the speed will be quick. 想要未来没有末世的降临,必须将全世界的丧尸都清理掉,只有这样才能确保安全,别看这好像是很庞大的工程,实则当放开手脚清理的时候,速度将会很快。 After the last month of autumn moon/month they distinguish , to continue toward the distant place to go, the present frost does not need him to control sadly, as he jumps goes to the time toward the front, the frost sad then roams through everywhere, after meeting zombie of open country, that then can rest, strikes to kill zombie directly. 跟季秋月他们分别后,继续朝着远方而去,如今的霜之哀伤无需他来操控,随着他朝着前方跳跃而去的时候,霜之哀伤便四处遨游,遇到野外的丧尸后,便会休的一声,直接将丧尸击杀。 The speed with the efficiency is extremely high. 速度跟效率都是极高的。 The understood people understand, the Lin Fan pressure is very big, awakening in shelter very obedient have not taken the crystal hoisting capacity, only Officer yellow is not always clever, has not obeyed to console, is thinking continues to evolve. 懂的人都懂,林凡的压力很大,庇护所的觉醒者们很听话没有服用晶体提升能力,唯独黄警官总是不乖,没有听从劝解,想着继续进化。 He will not make Officer yellow have the opportunity of running into the creator. 他不会让黄警官有遇到创造者的机会。 Must in a short time, the southwest region thorough crew cut. 必须在极短的时间里,将西南区域彻底推平。 Connects several days to pass. 接连数日过去。 Naturally ran into Huo Fen this group of rebellious armies in the process of cleaning up, in them the awakening number is scarce, mostly what depends is the firepower covers. 在清理的过程中自然遇到了霍奋这群反抗军,他们之中的觉醒者数量稀少,大多数靠的是火力覆盖。 Lin Fan makes them return to the sunlight shelter, does not need to continue to eliminate zombie in the southwest region, the range of after all not having cleaned up was very small. 林凡让他们回到阳光庇护所,无需继续在西南区域消灭丧尸了,毕竟没有清理的范围很小了。 To them, even so small range, once meets high rank zombie, surely needs to pay the grievous cost, therefore does not need to take risk outside. 对他们来说,就算如此小范围,一旦遇到高阶丧尸,肯定是需要付出惨痛代价的,因此没必要在外冒险。 When Lin Fan told after them these words, he discovered that Huo Fen and the others the expressions are very ignorant. 林凡跟他们说完这些话后,他发现霍奋等人的表情都很懵。 Huo Fengeng cannot bear is thinking aloud. 霍奋更是忍不住的自言自语着。 Is about to end?” “就这么快结束了啊?” Very incredible inquiry, but the fact is so, indeed soon finished. 很不可置信的询问,但事实就是如此,的确就是这么快要结束了。 Huo Fen they have been familiar in apocalypse loafed, now said that soon finished, the non- quality is guaranteed or the item will be replaced does is everybody will have the ignorant circle slightly, but they obeyed the advice of Lin Fan, entire army due-out, shifts turns around, goes toward the Yellow City sunlight shelter. 霍奋他们都已经习惯在末世中游荡了,如今说是快要结束了,不管换做是谁都会稍有懵圈,但他们还是听从了林凡的建议,整军待发,转向掉头,朝着黄市阳光庇护所而去。 In following cleaning up, Lin Fan discovered that creator really with vanishing, without a trace, a whereabouts is unable to discover. 接下来的清理中,林凡发现创造者真的都跟消失了似的,无影无踪,连个行踪都无法发现。 Really did the pail run?” “就真的都提桶跑路了?” The creators want to hide, avoids his sensation basically is the not possible matter, only if the creator in southwest region really took off to leave, otherwise did not have other reason to explain. 创造者想要躲藏起来,避开他的感知基本是不可能的事情,除非西南区域的创造者真的卷铺盖离开了,否则没别的理由来解释。 Cleaned up Lin Fan of city to leave behind fusion zombie. 清理完一座城市的林凡留下了一头融合型丧尸 Four limbs tall and slender fusion zombie confused looks at the surrounding scene, the zombie compatriots had turned into the dry corpse, often had the city that ‚’ sound transmits lively, is very tranquil, cannot hear the slight sound. 四肢细长的融合型丧尸迷茫的看着周围场景,丧尸同胞们已经变成了干尸,原先热热闹闹时常有‘嗬嗬’声传递的城市,很是宁静,听不到丝毫的声音。 Lin Fan falls to the fusion zombie front, the frost is floating sadly, such as intelligent, twines in the fusion zombie side, the sharp sword blade has delimited in the fusion zombie neck neck place gently. 林凡落到融合型丧尸的面前,霜之哀伤漂浮着,如有灵性般,缠绕在融合型丧尸的身边,锋利的剑刃轻轻在融合型丧尸的颈脖处划过。 As if was saying, do not move heedlessly, otherwise cuts away your head incautiously, but has no relations with me. 仿佛是在说,千万别乱动,否则一不小心的切掉你的脑袋,可就跟我没有任何关系咯。 Hello, knows why I do leave behind you?” Lin Fan stands in the front of opposite party, is inquiring with smile on the face. “你好,知道我为什么留下你吗?”林凡站在对方的面前,面带微笑的询问着。 Fusion zombie does not dare to move heedlessly, may be called the zombie fight ceiling besides creator, now moves does not dare to move, has saying that the geomancy transfers in turn, the zombie time had ended. 融合型丧尸没敢乱动,堪称除了创造者之外的丧尸战斗天花板,如今动都不敢动,不得不说,风水轮流转,丧尸的时代已经结束。 I know that you can understand the words that I spoke, because of your fusion zombie, has the wisdom, I want to know where the creator went, can you tell me?” “我知道你能听懂我说的话,因为你可是融合型丧尸,有着智慧的,我想知道创造者哪里去了,你能告诉我吗?” Lin Fan is very gentle to anyone, he worried that the creator really can hide in the place that he does not know, then the situation will be very bad, therefore ascertains quite well. 林凡对谁都很温柔,他担心创造者真能躲藏在他所不知道的地方,那么情况就会很糟糕了,所以问清楚比较好。 I...... I......” “我……我……” No rush, said slowly, I believe you to be able.” “别急,慢慢说,我相信你可以的。” Looked that what appearance fuses zombie to frighten others, if before this place, who can believe? 看把人家融合型丧尸吓成什么模样,这要是放在以前,谁敢相信呢? Really, perhaps was really comforting of Lin Fan the function, fusion zombie really stabilized. 果然,也许真的是林凡的安抚有作用,融合型丧尸真的稳定了许多。 Creators left this state.” “创造者们都离开了这个国度了。” Really left?” “真离开了?” Left.” “离开了。” „Oh.” “哦。” Obtains such result. 得到这样的结果。 Lin Fan relaxes, leaves also well, in the future will clean up the convenience. 林凡不由松了口气,离开也好,往后清理起来方便的很。 Coordination thank you, I know that turns into fusion zombie is not your original intention, once was you of human, certainly is resisting, but behavior is unable to control itself, you who relax, the innermost feelings preserved the human consciousness, human will grow continually.” “谢谢你的配合,我知道变成融合型丧尸不是你的本意,曾经身为人类的你,一定在抗拒着,只是行为方面无法控制自己,放心吧,内心存留人类意识的你,人类会生生不息的。” Titter! 噗嗤! As the Lin Fan words just said. 随着林凡的话刚说完。 The frost tittered one sadly, pierced the head of fusion zombie directly, directly the crystal of opposite party with cleanness of flesh absorption. 霜之哀伤噗嗤一声,直接刺穿了融合型丧尸的脑袋,直接将对方的晶体跟血肉吸收的干干净净。 „The sadness of frost, future awakening does not need the crystal, the later crystal gave you.” “霜之哀伤,未来的觉醒者无需晶体,以后的晶体就都给你了。” Lin Fan knows that the frost the sad evolution surpasses all. 林凡知道霜之哀伤的进化超出所有。 He does not know that holds crystal in addition on the weapon, when the quantity is the certain extent, whether other weapon will grow to similar frost the sad this type, these he does not know. 他不知道将晶体加持在武器上,当数量达到一定程度的时候,别的武器是否都会成长到类似霜之哀伤这种,这些他都不知道。 Because has never tested. 因为从未实验过。 Naturally, does not need these experiments, there is frost sadly to be enough. 当然,无需这些实验,有一柄霜之哀伤就足以了。 The frost sad as if can understand words that Lin Fan said that unexpectedly the sword blade cannot bear is shivering slightly, such change is really unthinkable. 霜之哀伤仿佛能听懂林凡说的话似的,剑身竟忍不住的微微颤抖着,这样的变化实属匪夷所思。 Continued to clean up.” “继续清理去了。” Lin Fan bounces, vanishes in the distant place instantaneously. 林凡弹跳而起,瞬间消失在远方。 Ningcheng. 宁城。 The beautiful city becomes very bleak. 美丽的城市变得很是荒凉。 Roar......” “吼……” Officer yellow gets angry the sound roaring filial piety, with his roaring filial piety, some ordinary zombie was frightened trembles, seemed the criminal ran into the police officer, reproven held to squat down, does not dare to have any idea of resistance. 黄警官怒声咆孝着,随着他的咆孝,一些普通丧尸被吓得瑟瑟发抖,仿佛是犯罪分子遇到了警官,被训斥的抱头蹲下,不敢有任何反抗的想法。 Officer yellow breaks to the corpse tide of city, hunts and kills surrounding zombie directly. 黄警官冲入到城市的尸潮中,直接猎杀周围的丧尸 His idea has not changed from beginning to end, will undermine the peace zombie to clean up, gives back to living an ordinary citizens peace stable society. 他的想法从始至终都未改变过,将破坏和平的丧尸们都清理掉,还给活着的普通市民们一个和平稳定的社会。 Ordinary zombie, whatever is hunting and killing, appeared high rank zombie will not tolerate Officer yellow so, indignant revolts, but present Officer yellow has not been once Officer yellow, even if the creator appears in the front, is fearless. 普通丧尸被任由着猎杀着,出现的高阶丧尸可不会容忍黄警官这般,愤而反抗,只是如今的黄警官早就不是曾经的黄警官,就算是创造者出现在面前,都无所畏惧。 The construction roof in city, Lin Fan quietly appears. 城市的建筑楼顶,林凡悄然出现。 Officer yellow......” “黄警官……” His eyes saw that with Officer yellow who zombie slaughters, traded to make the past, he will be exclaiming in surprise Officer yellow strove to excel, finally grew, lived zombie in apocalypse, your ends have arrived. 他一眼就看到跟丧尸厮杀的黄警官,换做以往,他会惊叹着黄警官好强,终于成长起来了,活在末世中的丧尸们,你们的末日已经到来。 But now, he does not permit Officer yellow absolutely fucking awesome. 但现在,他是绝对不允许黄警官更加的牛逼 Should finish, I give you to clean up.” “该结束了,我给你清理掉吧。” The frost the sad release silk thread fast spread goes, Officer yellow just wants to hit to explode high rank zombie, who can think that the silk thread covers high rank zombie instantaneously, in the mouth seizes the food from Officer yellow directly. 霜之哀伤释放丝线快速的蔓延而去,黄警官刚想打爆一头高阶丧尸,谁能想到丝线瞬间将高阶丧尸覆盖,直接就是从黄警官口中夺食。 Officer yellow is then looking, looked that arrives is waving toward him in Lin Fan of roof, a bright smile of face. 黄警官回头望着,就看到站在楼顶的林凡朝着他挥着手,一脸的灿烂微笑。 Officer yellow deeply inspires, wants to continue to clean up zombie, when turns head, at present the situation in city makes him not know suddenly which cleans up. 黄警官深吸一口气,想继续清理丧尸,只是当回头的时候,眼前城市中的情况让他一时间不知去哪清理。 The silk thread returns, corpse that zombie of whole city dries up. 丝线回归,满城的丧尸枯竭的尸体。 Has not waited for Officer yellow to respond, frozen, the present city turned into the Ice City, the card observed one, frost shatter, changed to the residual to flutter, the entire city was iced the dregs to cover. 还没等黄警官反应过来,冰封而起,眼前的城市变成了冰城,卡察一声,冰霜破碎,化作残渣飘荡而起,整座城市都被冰渣覆盖着。 Officer yellow, never expected that we will meet here.” Lin Fan appears in the front of Officer yellow, be with smile on the face greeting. “黄警官,没想到咱们会在这里相遇。”林凡出现在黄警官的面前,面带微笑的打着招呼。 Officer yellow: „......” 黄警官:“……” Officer yellow, really does not need to evolve, apocalypse is really about to end.” Lin Fan was saying as before these things that previously said that hopes that Officer yellow can understand, but looks at Officer yellow this time facial expression, he knows that said anything is useless. “黄警官,真的没必要进化,末世真的快结束了。”林凡依旧说着先前说的那些事情,希望黄警官能够理解,但看黄警官此时的神情,他就知道说什么都没用的。 „Oh.” “哦。” Of Officer yellow ‚’ contains the meaning has complex slightly. 黄警官的一个‘哦’包含着的意思稍有复杂。 Officer yellow, your war armor is a little dirty, do I wash to you?” “黄警官,你身上的战甲有点脏,我给你洗洗?” Does not use. Washed good, maintaining cleanly, but is good to be familiar with.” “不用。洗洗的好,保持着干净可是好习惯。” Officer yellow had not replied, the vision stares looks at Lin Fan, helpless looked Lin Fan lets go, does not pester at this matter. 黄警官没有回答,目光就是这么直勾勾的看着林凡,看的林凡无奈摊手,不在这件事情上纠缠下去。 Officer yellow, which direction then you must clean up, I just branch off with you, we will fan out in two groups, the speed of cleaning up will be quicker.” “黄警官,接下来你要去清理哪个方向,我刚好跟你岔开,咱们兵分两路,清理起来的速度会更快。” Officer yellow sincere raised the hand is pointing at the West. 黄警官实诚的抬手指着西方。 „Oh.” “哦。” Lin Fan is nodding, later said: „That side I cleaned up was good, I think that we coordinated, quick that can definitely clean up.” 林凡点着头,随后道:“那我就去清理那边好了,我想我们配合起来,肯定能清理的很快。” Is busy at your going.” “忙你的去吧。” Officer yellow waves, is stepping the footsteps, walks toward the West. 黄警官挥挥手,迈着脚步,朝着西方走去。 Lin Fan also wants to say anything to Officer yellow, but sees Officer yellow really to walk toward the West, then has not opened the mouth, but pretends goes toward the north, after spreading out certain, is observing Officer yellow, discovered that Officer yellow really continues to walk toward the west side. 林凡还想跟黄警官说些什么,但是见黄警官真的朝着西方走去,便没有开口,而是假装朝着北方而去,当拉开一定的距离后,观察着黄警官,发现黄警官真的继续朝着西边走去。 Officer yellow, I cannot make you continue to clean up.” “黄警官,我可不能让你继续清理了。” After determination of fix, the Lin Fan direct transformation direction, in any event, must today the cleanness that western all zombie clean up, cannot give Officer yellow any opportunity. 确定位置后,林凡直接转变方向,今天无论如何,都要将西边的所有丧尸都清理的干干净净,绝不能给黄警官任何机会。 The apocalypse last act has sounded. 末世的尾声已经敲响。 This happy lands, does not have any danger. 这片美好的土地,将没有任何危险。
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