IACTTTW :: Volume #4

#353 Part 1: The apocalypse last act has arrived

Kings slowly walked from the construction. 王缓缓的从建筑里走了出来。 After this period of time self- evolution, the height of king has reached one meter about nine, the build is grandiose, the line is obvious, is being full of a reserved explosive force, an extremely strong constriction. 经过这段时间的自我进化,王的身高已经达到了一米九左右,体型壮硕,线条明显,充满着一种内敛的爆发力,给人一种极强的压迫感。 The handsome appearance is very difficult to see him is the king in zombie, is seemingly inhuman besides the golden virgin hole, other has no difference from human. 俊朗的容貌很难看出他就是丧尸中的王,除了金色的童孔看似非人外,别的跟人类没有任何区别。 If there are only recognizes the female who face/color price/value does not recognize the race to see the appearance of king, feared that will be calling out in alarm, I must give king health/life the monkey. 如果有只认颜值不认种族的女子看到王的模样,怕是会惊呼着,我要给王生猴子。 Often the face value can break the race the boundary. 往往颜值能打破种族的界限。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Departure that the seat under buttocks maintains composure, almost makes him trip and fall, but also is thinking how to set up the dignified disciplinary punishment seat, then outside hears the sound that transmits. 屁股下的座椅不动声色的离开,差点让他摔跤,还想着如何树立威严惩戒座椅,便听到外面传来的动静。 He knows Xiaogang recent is sad, should several creators with Russia be related, saw that the special-purpose seat runs, impatient Xiaogang can definitely think, you came out, the king can also have the seat, will clash absolutely with the opposite party. 他知道小冈最近的心情不好,应该是跟俄国的几位创造者有关,看到专用座椅跑出来,急性子的小冈肯定会想,你出来了,王还能有座椅嘛,绝对会跟对方发生冲突。 Arrived outside, actually without seeing to puncture the tail creator, the doubts very much, where? 只是到了外面,却没看到刺尾创造者,疑惑的很,哪去了? The lord of fraud arrives at the side of king, the situation of truthfully having informs, knew after the situation , the complexion of king dignified very much, had not said, arrives in a hurry punctures the tail flesh to take off/escape the position of bone. 欺诈之主走到王的身边,如实将发生的情况告知,得知发生的情况后,王的脸色凝重的很,没有多说,匆匆来到刺尾血肉脱骨的位置。 !” “呼!” !” “呼!” The depressed breathing transmits. 沉闷的呼吸声传来。 The main road of fraud: King, just here did not have the breathing.” 欺诈之主道:“王,刚刚这里是没有呼吸声的。” Even if he is experienced, meets this situation also confuses the lake, before had not met, to him, is first meeting. 哪怕他见多识广,遇到这种情况同样迷湖的很,以前根本就没有遇到过,对他而言,也是第一次遇到。 I felt the vigorous vigor.” The sensation of king is also very strong, even if away from the soil, can feel that floods into is releasing the life vigor to the underground flesh. “我感受到了蓬勃的活力。”王的感知同样很强,哪怕隔着泥土,也能感觉到涌入到地下的血肉在释放着生命活力。 King, after puncturing the flesh of tail integrates underground, this belt/bring the grass of sharp thorn was then growing.” The lord of fraud looks at that to take root in the grass of ground lonely, personally sees to grow, feels very astonishing. “王,当刺尾的血肉融入到地下后,这带着尖刺的草便生长了出来。”欺诈之主望着那伶仃扎根在地面的草,亲眼所见生长出来,觉得很是惊人。 Before king Zoudao cheats that grass that the lord refers, is bending the waist, feels the sharp thorn on grass, can feel this grass to absorb some vigor gradually to grow. 王走到欺诈之主所指的那棵草前,弯着腰,摸着草上的尖刺,能感受到这棵草正在吸收着某种活力逐渐生长着。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! king Jiang this grass eradicates, sees the root system place of this grass to inlay together the flesh of beat, this is absorbs the vigor the root. 王将这棵草连根拔起,就见这棵草的根系处镶着一块跳动的血肉,这是吸收活力的根源。 He looks to the lord of fraud, the shift vision looks to the red corner, looks to Okahon 1, notices king look Okamotozaki 1 to blink, seemed inquiring whether king has anything to need to tell, as long as something also please tell, my Xiaogang on under the mountain of sword the sea of fire for the king, the brow will not wrinkle absolutely. 他看向欺诈之主,转移目光看向红角,又看向冈本零一,注意到王眼神的冈本零一眨了眨眼,仿佛是在询问,王是否有什么事情需要吩咐的,但凡有事情还请吩咐,我小冈绝对为王上刀山下火海,眉头都不会皱一下。 His small look had not been noticed by the king. 只是他的小眼神并未被王注意到。 The kings shifted the vision to look to several other creators, finally the vision fell on a body of Russian creator, pinched the female creator of foot to him. 王转移目光看向了另外几位创造者,最终目光落在了一位俄国创造者的身上,也就是给他捏脚的女创造者。 You, come.” “你,过来。” The female creator obeys king's instruction to arrive at the front, said respectfully: „Does king, what have to tell?” 女创造者听从王的吩咐走到面前,恭敬道:“王,有什么吩咐?” king Jiang connects the flesh of grassroots department to tear, threw to the female creator, swallowed down it.” 王将连接着草根系的血肉撕扯下来,扔给了女创造者,“将它吞下去。” The nearby lord of fraud understood instantaneously, he thought from beginning to end this thing somewhat is possibly unusual, now looks at the behavior of king, definitely is knows situation, special imagining makes creator try. 一旁的欺诈之主瞬间明白了,他从始至终都觉得这玩意可能有些奇特,如今看王的行为,肯定是知道其中的情况,特意想让身边的创造者试一试。 The female creator is not a fool, although obeys king's instruction, but wants her to give to swallow down this unknown thing suddenly, to be honest, she is somewhat hard to accept. 女创造者不是傻子,虽然听从王的吩咐,但突然要她将这未知的东西给吞下去,说实话,她是有些难以接受的。 I pressed such long leg to you, the surroundings some so many creators you do not choose, must choose me , when I am the fruit cake am good to pinch? 我给你按了这么久的腿,周围又有这么多创造者你不选择,非要选择我,是不是真的当我是软柿子好捏呢? To turn over to think, this/should obeying must obey, after all she also felt in the flesh of this breath to contain the astonishing vigor, even felt, if swallowed down, can bring the remarkable change to oneself absolutely. 只是想归想,该听从的还是得听从的,毕竟她也感受到了这块呼吸的血肉中蕴含着惊人的活力,甚至觉得要是吞下去,绝对能给自身带来惊人的变化。 Yes, king.” “是,王。” The female creator never imagined, opens mouth, swallows down this flesh directly. 女创造者想都没想,张开嘴,直接将这块血肉吞了下去。 As the opposite party swallows. 随着对方吞掉。 king with many creators are waiting for at present the female inventor's change. 王跟众多创造者等待着眼前女创造者的变化。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 The female creator has the condition, is bending the waist, in the throat exudes the low and deep roar, the scene besides Okamotozaki 1, is the creators, they to female inventor's own change specially sensitive. 女创造者出现状况,弯着腰,喉咙里发出低沉的吼声,现场除了冈本零一以外,都是创造者,他们对女创造者自身的变化特别的敏感。 Came, the change started.” “来了,变化开始了。” As after king said these words . 随着王说出这番话后。 Sees the white spur to pierce from her within the body, such change makes them very shocking, without the guess mistake, this doesn't puncture the characteristics of tail? 就见有白色的骨刺从她的体内刺穿而出,这样的变化让他们很是震惊,如果没有猜测错误,这不是刺尾的特征吗? The tailbone place unexpectedly growth of forcefully female creator a tail, the tail also brings the spur, looks that looks like spiked club that the belt/bring punctures. 紧接着,女创造者的尾骨处竟然硬生生的生长出了一条尾巴,尾巴同样带着骨刺,看着就像是带刺的狼牙棒。 King, she is evolving.” The lord of shock fraud said. “王,她在进化啊。”欺诈之主震惊道。 After becoming the creator, but also wants to evolve is very difficult matter, but the present female creator takes the flesh of shedding after now merely, happened so changes. 成为创造者后,还想进化是很困难的事情,但现在眼前的女创造者仅仅是服用了脱落的血肉后,就发生如此变化。 To be honest, really surpassed the fraud the Lord imagination. 说实话,真的超出了欺诈之主的想象。 She indeed is evolving, failure that very but evolves, the increase of strength cannot be the evolution, the real evolution should by oneself perfect, having no time.” King eyes saw the issue is, gives the appraisal of correspondence. “她的确是在进化,但进化的很失败,力量的提升并不能算是进化,真正的进化应该是让自身更加的完美,更加的无暇。”王一眼就看出了问题所在,给出对应的评价。 Failure? No, this is successful, what do you understand? My dear king.” “失败?不,这是成功,你懂什么呢?我亲爱的王。” The female creator evolved to finish, is straightening up the body, such as the tail of spiked club whipped the tread gently, the strength of erupts was astonishing, seemingly ordinary patting, the ground split the dense and numerous traces actually, spread dozens meters, fully explained this gently struck, contains how terrifying strength. 女创造者进化结束,挺直着身躯,如狼牙棒似的尾巴轻轻拍打着地面,所爆发出的力量是惊人的,看似普通的轻拍,地面实则裂开了密密麻麻的纹路,蔓延了数十米,足以说明这轻轻的一击,蕴含着多么恐怖的力量。 Un?” “嗯?” Expression knitting the brows of king Tingnv creator, what as if thinks of later, the brow loose show/unfolds, you are think oneself have evolved, the strength was promoted, then didn't prepare to pay attention to me?” 王听女创造者的语气不由的皱眉,随后仿佛是想到什么,眉头松展,“你是以为自己已经进化,实力得到了提升,便不准备将我放在眼里了吗?” Yes, the creators know the situation of king, if can swallow you, will definitely evolve to arrive at a higher level the situation.” The situation of female creator was just the same as once that fusion zombie, thought has evolved, then did not pay attention to Lin Fan, but the present female creator, had also so regarded the prey the king. “是的,创造者都知道王的情况,如果能吞掉你,肯定会进化到更高层次的地步。”女创造者的情况就跟曾经的那头融合型丧尸一模一样,自认为已经进化,便不将林凡放在眼里,而现在的女创造者同样如此,已经将王当成了猎物。 Also without and other lord of opens the mouth fraud, jumped, at this critical moment that Okamotozaki 1 then could not bear, if also performance not well, when that can have the opportunity. 还没等欺诈之主开口,冈本零一便忍不住的跳了出来,在这种关键时刻,如果还不好好的表现自我,那什么时候才能有机会。 Bastard, dares to betray the great king unexpectedly.” “混蛋,竟然敢背叛伟大的王。” Okamotozaki 1 point at the female creator is being one gets angry spurts, he must display well in king's performance, making king Shenke understand. 冈本零一指着女创造者就是一顿怒喷,他必须要在王的表现好好表现一番,让王深刻的明白。 My Xiaogang is your side most loyal licking dog. 我小冈才是你身边最为忠诚的舔狗。 Other is the big swindlers. 别的都是大骗子。 Brush! 刷! The female creator is flinging the tail, a spur, to/clashes air-splitting toward the Okamotozaki 1 heads at the extremely quick speed, coming that the rapidness of speed, Okamotozaki 1 some are unable to respond even. 女创造者甩着尾巴,一根骨刺破空而出,以极快的速度朝着冈本零一的脑袋冲来,速度之快,就算是冈本零一都有些无法反应的过来。 In his line of sight, infinite enlargement of that spur in virgin hole. 在他的视线里,那根骨刺在童孔里无限放大。 I...... want to move. 我……想动啊。 The Okamotozaki 1 innermost feelings are wailing, felt oneself must end the calf. 冈本零一内心哀嚎着,觉得自己要完犊子了。 But in the meantime. 可就在此时。 He discovered the spur stop that raids in his front, the gap only have several the centimeter, in a minute, the spur was crushed by an invisible strength, changes to the powder dust to scatter everywhere is. 他发现袭来的骨刺停顿在他的面前,间隔仅有数厘米而已,片刻间,骨刺被一股无形的力量粉碎了,化作碎末飘散的到处都是。 Okamotozaki 1 relaxes courageous, can have such method, can only be the king, later the expression changes, has tears streaming down the face saying: Many thanks king Jiu I, if not the king, I really did not have.” 冈本零一勐地松了口气,能有这样手段的,只能是王,随后表情一变,泪流满面道:“多谢王救了我,如果不是王,我就真的没了。” The nearby lord of fraud really has no alternative to the Okamotozaki 1 personalities, is really the inborn licking dog. 一旁的欺诈之主对冈本零一性情是真的无可奈何,真的是天生的舔狗。 Can you not have, don't oneself know in heart? 你能不能没,自己心里没数吗? What is your ability? 你的能力是什么? Thinks of here, the lord of fraud is not willing to look at his one eyes. 想到这里,欺诈之主不愿看他一眼。 king Huanhuan said: In the flesh of shedding contains the vigor that is making you evolve, but this type is only the superficial phenomenon, making you have the strength then to think provoked my dignity, if were run over and died you, like being run over and dying an ant, you believed?” 王缓缓道:“脱落的血肉中蕴含着让你进化的活力,但这种只是表面的现象而已,让你有了实力便想着挑衅我的威严,如果说碾死你,如同碾死一头蚂蚁,你信不信?” Laughable, do you know me strongly now?” Female creator vision vicious very much, was disclosing everywhere the tyrannical color, the personality had changed. “可笑,你知道我现在有多强吗?”女创造者目光凶狠的很,处处透露着暴虐之色,性情已经发生了变化。 Wang Weiwei narrows the eyes to focus, an extremely strong reading strength erupts, bang, the right hand arm of female creator blasts open instantaneously, flesh splattering of blasting open everywhere is. 王微微眯着眼,一股极强的念力爆发,砰的一声,女创造者的右手臂瞬间炸裂,炸裂的血肉喷溅的到处都是。 „......” “啊……” The female creator reveals the scared color, she absolutely without coming of response, merely one impact, the right hand arm would have no. 女创造者露出恐慌之色,她根本就没有反应的过来,仅仅一个冲击,右手臂就没了。 Sees not to have, the evolution that you said in my eyes is only the joke.” “看到没有,你所说的进化在我眼里只是笑话而已。” The kings are saying not irritablily, taken shape he, speech, is sending out makings of being hard spoken language, has saying that this indeed is the most perfect king. 王不急不躁的说着,已经成型的他,说话的举手投足间,都散发着一种难以言语的气质,不得不说,这的确是最为完美的王。 Bang! 砰! Also read the strength eruption together. 又是一道念力爆发。 The body of female creator inertia is inclining toward left, is careful looked, the left hand arm explodes instantaneously, flesh similar splattering everywhere is, in a minute, in the situation of no resisting, the both arms vanish. 女创造者的身躯惯性般的向左倾斜着,再仔细一看,左手臂瞬间爆炸,血肉同样喷溅的到处都是,片刻间,毫无抵挡的情况下,双臂消失。 I was wrong.” “我错了。” The female creator is begging for mercy, she has known oneself and disparity between king some were much big, oneself in the front of king, look like proposes the line the puppet to be common, has not revolted against the leeway. 女创造者求饶着,她已经知道自己跟王之间的差距到底有多大了,自己在王的面前,就像是提线的木偶一般,没有丝毫反抗余地。 No, you right, you are very good.” “不,你没错,你很好。” Wang Weiwei is smiling, lifts both hands slowly, the finger makes the appearance that must hold, simultaneously terrifying happened, body uncontrolled lying low of female creator floats unexpectedly. 王微微笑着,缓缓抬起双手,手指做出要抓住的模样,同时恐怖的一幕发生了,女创造者的身体竟然不受控制的平躺漂浮起来。 This sudden change makes the female creator be afraid very much. 这种突如其来的变化让女创造者很是害怕。 The fearful and apprehensive call is begging for mercy. 胆颤心惊的呐喊求饶着。 King, forgave me, forgave me.” “王,饶了我,饶了我吧。” Is facing begging for mercy, the expression of king has no change, but starts to draw in the five fingers, with drawing of five fingers, the body of female creator seems like by a pair of invisible big hand is covered, body baseless by steamroll. 面对着求饶,王的表情没有任何变化,而是开始收拢着五指,随着五指的收拢,女创造者的身体像是被一双无形的大手笼罩着似的,身体凭空被碾压着。 With the steamroll, a lot of blood spew out from her mouth and nose. 随着碾压,大量的鲜血从她的口鼻中喷涌而出。 King, I really knew wrong.” “王,我真的知道错了。” The female creator in a terrified way is begging for mercy, she has felt the deep disparity, even if this disparity is she has evolved, is unable to span as before. 女创造者惶恐的求饶着,她已经感受到了深深的差距,这种差距哪怕是她已经进化,也依旧无法跨越的。 Let alone oneself made a mistake, you not wrong, what is wrong is you have not evolved to arrive at a higher level.” “别说自己错了,你是没有错的,错的是你没有进化到更高的层次啊。” The kings are saying with a laugh, the five fingers close up soon grasps the fist, when the five fingers close up in an instant, tittered one that truly makes a fist, the female creator blasted open instantaneously. 王笑呵呵的说着,五指合拢的快要握成拳头,而当五指真正合拢握拳的刹那间,噗嗤一声,女创造者瞬间炸裂。 The body has crushed, the innumerable flesh disintegrating slags sprinkle everywhere is, only the head of unmarried female creator tumbles the ground. 身体已经粉碎,无数血肉碎渣洒的满地都是,仅剩女创造者的脑袋滚落到地面。 Surrounding other creator by the method of king deterring. 周围别的创造者都被王的手段给威慑到。 They know that the king is very strong, has not actually thought that unexpectedly as strong as this degree, in these days of contact, they personally is seeing the king every day the change of non- identical style. 他们知道王很强,却没想到竟然强到这种程度,在接触的这段时间里,他们是亲眼见着王每天不重样的变化。 Looks obviously no. 明明看着没什么。 But who can think that is so unexpectedly terrifying. 但谁能想到竟然如此恐怖。 King, you were really strong, if that anything human Lin Fan ran into the king, only then knelt the share that begged for mercy.” Okamotozaki 1 sees the miserable type of female creator, at heart slightly one startled, but quick invests into the atmosphere of flattering. “王,你实在是太强了,那什么人类林凡要是遇到王,只有跪地求饶的份。”冈本零一看到女创造者的惨样,心里微微一惊,但很快就投入到拍马屁的氛围里。 Wang Wei is smiling, the head of female creator splits, a crystal floats, falls to the Okahon 1 hands. 王微笑着,女创造者的脑袋裂开,一枚晶体漂浮出来,落到冈本零一的手里。 Enjoys your.” “赏你的。” Thanks the king.” “谢谢王。” Okamotozaki 1 performance seemed like must kowtow to king Gui, takes the crystal of creator at his present stage, was the thing of super big making up, promoted to have the extremely high help to oneself. 冈本零一表现的都像是要给王跪地磕头了,以他现在的阶段服用创造者的晶体,就是超级大补之物,对自身提升是有极高帮助。 The lord of fraud looked at a female creator who disrupts the flesh lump, looks later looks at the back of king silently. 欺诈之主望了一眼碎裂成肉块的女创造者,随后看默默看着王的背影。 In this moment, he discovered that the personality of king had the change. 在这一刻,他发现王的性情有了变化。 The previous king changes with the height in every day besides the appearance, the disposition is quite immature, after all the king present appearance , the normal person takes more than ten years to grow, but king merely is the time of moon/month, without contacting more things, therefore the disposition immaturity is very normal matter. 先前的王除了模样跟身高都在每天变化外,心性还是比较稚嫩的,毕竟王现在的模样,正常人需要十几年才能成长到,而王仅仅是个把月的功夫而已,没有接触到更多的东西,所以心性的稚嫩是很正常的事情。 But the present king is different. 但现在的王已经不同了。 His method is gradually tyrannical, seems like the surface to be temperate, his heart deep place is hiding the devil actually. 他的手段逐渐暴虐起来,看似表面温和,实则他的内心深处藏着恶魔。 The lord of fraud changes to the view of king quietly, past consoling cannot have again, but will take the idea of king as all, complies with king's any instruction. 欺诈之主对王的看法悄然发生变化,以往的劝解不能再有,而是将以王的想法为一切,遵从王的任何吩咐。 Present king, today we are no longer as we have been. 如今的王,今非昔比了。 Suddenly. 突然。 The creators look out the distant place, presents several forms in that distant place, these forms are not irritable, slowly walks toward them. 众位创造者遥望远方,在那远方出现数道身影,那些身影不急不躁,缓缓的朝着他们走来。 Carefully looks. 仔细看。 Can see them is not human, but like their same creators. 能看出他们不是人类,而是如同他们一样的创造者。 Does the appeared creator want to do? 出现的创造者是要干什么? These are want not the matter that uses to think, their appearances are not possibly thinking challenges the king, but was subdued by the power and influence of king absolutely, comes to turn. 这些是想都不用想的事情,他们的出现不可能是想着来挑战王,而是绝对被王的威势所折服,前来投靠的。 Must say those who now most are worried is, inevitably is Okamotozaki 1, he discovered some creators who run into were really can lick, the licked ability might be called earth-shaking, traded who noticed that must call out in alarm, terrifying so. 要说现在最担心的是谁,必然是冈本零一,他发现所遇到的一些创造者实属是太能舔了,舔的能力堪称惊天动地,换谁看到都得惊呼着,恐怖如此。 ...... …… After several days . 数日后。 Southwest region, a bleak open country. 西南区域,一处荒凉野外。 huge Yuan wields who the wear fights A great axe, is cutting off strength zombie directly around the middle, the zombie huge body falls to the ground loudly, he lifts the foot metal foot plate to step on directly broken the head of strength zombie, a crystal tumbled. 穿着战甲的庞袁挥着巨斧,直接将一头力量型丧尸拦腰斩断,丧尸庞大的身躯轰然倒地,他抬脚金属脚板直接将力量型丧尸的脑袋踩碎,一枚晶体滚落了出来。 „Was here solved?” huge Yuan is shouting. “我这里解决了?”庞袁喊着。 Here was also solved.” vermilion Lei is responding. “我这里也解决了。”朱磊回应着。 Here is also.” “我这里也是。” Last month of autumn the moon/month looked at a numerous zombie corpse, has not cared them, but approaches toward the companions. 季秋月看了一眼众多丧尸的尸体,并未将它们放在心上,而是朝着同伴们这边靠近。 huge Yuan takes out the bread to throw with the mineral water from the backpack to them. 庞袁从背包里取出面包跟矿泉水扔给他们。 Professor season, currently possibly has zombie on the remaining this regions, you said zombie of other place, really by Lin Fan not destroying completely.” “季教授,现在可能就剩下这片区域有丧尸了,你说别的地方的丧尸,不会真的都被林凡给灭掉了吧。” By the present, huge Yuan thought that somewhat makes one not dare to believe. 到现在,庞袁都觉得有些让人不敢置信。 Last month of autumn the moon/month said: Un, was basically given the elimination by him.” 季秋月道:“嗯,基本都被他给消灭了。” She to the present does not want to understand why Lin Fan can intrepidly to this degree, is above the imagination simply, but said no matter how that will be the mankind's future ray of hope. 她到现在都没想明白为何林凡能强悍到这种程度,简直超乎想象,但不管怎么说,那都是人类未来的希望之光。 vermilion Leiyao the bread, „I have never been thinking I can reach now this situation.” 朱磊咬着面包,“我从未想过我能走到现在这种地步。” He feels grateful last month of autumn moon/month with huge Yuan's giving shelter, making him find oneself value. 他感激季秋月跟庞袁的收留,让他找到了自身价值。 If not they are leading, he himself does not know that perhaps in the future how, present will have died in the place does not say somewhere certainly. 如果不是他们带领着,他自己也不知道未来会如何,也许现在的自己已经死在某处地方也说不准。 Last month of autumn the moon/month said: Let alone these, apocalypse will vanish to have your merit in the future.” 季秋月道:“别说这些,未来末世消失有你的功劳。” vermilion Lei embarrassed grasping head, does not dare to accept this merit.” 朱磊不好意思的抓了抓脑袋,“不敢接受这份功劳。” When they have a rest continued to hurry along, the distant place presented the form of human, they are vigilant immediately. 就在她们歇脚等会继续赶路的时候,远方出现了人类的身影,她们立马警惕起来。 All right, is Lin Fan.” “没事,是林凡。” Look excellent last month of autumn moon/month sees clearly the distant place to come the appearance of person. 眼神极好的季秋月一眼就看清楚远方来人的容貌。 Has not thought that will bump into Lin Fan here. 没想到会在这里碰到林凡 huge Yuan Genzhu rock pile relaxes. 庞袁跟朱磊松口气。 Lin Fan is the person who they most want to run into, that is in their hearts is similar to gods general existence. 林凡是他们最想遇到的人,那可是他们心中如同神明一般的存在。 Quick, Lin Fan arrives in front of them, greeting of smile, Professor season, has not thought that will run into you here.” 很快,林凡走到她们面前,微笑的打着招呼,“季教授,没想到会在这里遇到你们啊。” He nods toward huge Yuan Genzhu rock pile, is greets, these two are following Professor season, has saying that this road walks is very right, persists on tracking down the path of hope. 他又朝着庞袁跟朱磊点点头,算是打了招呼,这两位都是跟随着季教授的,不得不说,这条路走的很对,始终走在追寻希望的道路上。 Yes, has not thought that will run into you here.” “是啊,也没想到会在这里遇到你。” Last month of autumn the moon/month is smiling, present she is happy, like past worried, once apocalypse did not give her pressure on be very big, because the apocalypse situation will make her have to plant unable to see the future feeling. 季秋月笑着,如今的她心情很好,不像以往的心事重重,曾经的末世给她的压力很大,因为末世的情况让她有种看不到未来的感觉。 But now...... this feeling is nothing left. 而现在呢……这种感觉早就荡然无存。 Why they will come here, was not elsewhere is very difficult to meet zombie, can only seek everywhere, finally arrived at the southwest region. 她们为何会来到这里,还不是别处已经很难遇到丧尸了,只能到处寻找着,最终来到了西南区域。 Lin Fan saw their mental outlook to compare to initially one of the group photo since parting, must be better. 林凡见她们的精神面貌比起当初合照的一别后,要更好了。 Obviously, present apocalypse has not given them the too tremendous impact. 很显然,如今的末世并未给她们太大的影响。 Was not big like the past pressure. 不像以往压力那么大了。 Initially Qin Group, existence of mutation organization, really had the pressure on the last month of autumn moon/month, is thinking found them, but these two types of organizations have been eliminated now, pressure suddenly/violently Jian. 当初秦氏集团,异变者组织的存在,对季秋月来说真的有压力,想着找到他们,但如今这两种组织都已经被消灭,压力暴减。 Let alone zombie quickly cleaned up was similar. 更别说丧尸都快被清理的差不多了。 Where also has the trouble. 哪里还有麻烦。 Four people are sitting in a circle, optional is chatting. 四人围坐着,随意的闲聊着。 Professor season, I thought that you can return to the shelter, the southwest region was soon cleaned up by me cleanly, does not need to continue outside.” Lin Fan said. “季教授,我觉得你们可以回庇护所了,西南区域快要被我清理干净了,没必要继续在外面了。”林凡说道。 Last month of autumn the moon/month is saying with a smile: What said is, indeed had nothing to will, I want also this/should to return to the shelter, had a look at Grandpa summer.” 季秋月笑着道:“说的是啊,的确没什么必要了,我想也该回庇护所,看看夏爷爷了。” If once, Professor season definitely were rejected, she has oneself idea, if really can obey others, initially will not pour into the lucky cell to oneself. 要是曾经,季教授肯定是拒绝的,她有着自己的想法,如果真能听从别人的话,当初也不会给自己注入幸运细胞了。 Thus no longer is pure human, became mutation. 从而不再是纯粹的人类,成为异变者了。 Must say that experiment of mutation, seemingly also is really last month of autumn month's first experiments toward oneself on. 要说异变者的实验,貌似还真的是季秋月第一个往自己身上实验的。 This guts are no one have. 这份胆量不是谁都有的。 Lin Fan said: Recently Professor summer experienced the worrying matter, he started to have the suspicion to the science, fell into a circulation, I think, if Professor season can help, could help Professor summer go out of this circulation.” 林凡道:“最近夏教授遇到烦心事了,他对科学开始产生了怀疑,陷入了一种循环,我想如果季教授能去帮忙,或许能帮助夏教授走出这种循环。” „Ah?” the moon/month cannot believe that last month of autumn Lin Fan said that Grandpa summer, but existence of highly respected person level, what situation made Grandpa summer have the suspicion to the science unexpectedly.” “啊?”季秋月都不敢相信林凡说的,“夏爷爷可是泰山北斗级的存在啊,什么情况竟然让夏爷爷对科学产生了怀疑。”
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