IACTTTW :: Volume #2

#141 Part 2: Now you are my hero

Compels zombie in river Wang Zixuan is not strength zombie, but is the build also wants big zombie compared with strength zombie, even has four arms, the body surface is not the simple body, is covering a thing of piece by piece similar scales unexpectedly. 将王子轩逼到河里的丧尸不是力量型丧尸,而是体型比力量型丧尸还要高大的丧尸,甚至有着四条手臂,身体表面已经不是简单的皮肉,竟然覆盖着一片片类似鳞甲的玩意。 Roar “吼” Mysterious zombie is whooshing toward Wang Zixuan. 神秘丧尸朝着王子轩嘶吼着。 Wang Zixuan is yelling similarly, seemed saying, the dog compels to plant to nip me. 王子轩同样叫喊着,彷佛是在说,狗逼有种下来咬我啊。 Wang Zixuan of dreadful development, is always thinking to become Emperor zombie, in the King about city, he is adaptable to the situation, no matter excrement pot or latrine pit, so long as can live, he will jump without hesitation. 猥琐发展的王子轩,始终想着成为丧尸皇帝,合市中的王者,他能屈能伸,不管是粪罐还是茅坑,只要能活着,他都会毫不犹豫的跳下去。 Present he can control four evolution zombie, was thinking according to the current situation, no matter what zombie can lie casually dry/does. 如今的他能够操控四头进化型丧尸,本想着按照目前的情况,不管是什么样的丧尸都能随随便便的干趴。 But who can think, will meet so terrifying existence unexpectedly. 但谁能想到,竟然会遇到如此恐怖的存在。 Four evolution zombie. 四头进化型丧尸 Merely one puts in an appearance, was torn into shreds the piece by the opposite party. 仅仅一个照面,就被对方撕碎片。 Four zombie shouting sounds such as the stuffy thunder is heavy, fierce is staring at Wang Zixuan, moves motionless, is thinking is living in idleness. 四手丧尸的嘶吼声如闷雷般沉重,狰狞的盯着王子轩,动都不动,就想着干耗着。 Present about the city is the zombie state, possibly does not have the survivor to live. 如今的合市已经是丧尸国度,可能没有幸存者活着。 No one cleans up, in evolution zombie about city are many, even some strange zombie, in the easy and comfortable environment, any species will often obtain the astonishing promotion. 没有人清理,合市中的进化型丧尸较多,甚至有许多奇奇怪怪的丧尸,往往在安逸的环境里,任何物种都将得到惊人的提升。 Wang Zixuan swims away toward the distant place, four zombie are following in the shore, obviously does not want to let off Wang Zixuan. 王子轩朝着远方游去,四手丧尸在岸边跟随着,明显就是没想放过王子轩。 Young lady witch “格格巫” Sees this situation Wang Zixuan roaring filial piety, is a little breathless, as if really cannot tolerate general regarding this situation. 看到这种情况的王子轩咆孝着,有点气急败坏,对于这种情况彷佛是真的不能容忍一般。 Roar “吼” Four zombie similar roaring filial piety. 四手丧尸同样咆孝着。 When Wang Zixuan in water is rotating the eye, is thinking should should do, cannot treat here, regarding the previous situation, he fully realized that own choice is unwise, without making clear the similar zombie ability, the order four evolution zombie sneak attacks, was compelled this dead end finally. 待在水里的王子轩转动着眼睛,想着该如何是好,总不能一直待在这里吧,对于先前的情况,他深知自己的选择并不明智,没有搞清楚同类丧尸的能力,就命令四头进化型丧尸偷袭,最终被逼到这种绝路。 Can control zombie him, the attempt controls four zombie, actually does not have any use. 能够操控丧尸的他,尝试操控四手丧尸,却没有任何用处。 Finally can only stare dry/does, swims away toward the distant place following the river water. 最终只能干瞪着眼,顺着河水朝着远方游去。 In the morning. 清晨。 What specialized special skill do you have?” king open/start leads Dong Jia to stroll around the shop, wish to handle own matter, treats in the roof is going on patrol, but this Miss Dong has not arranged. “你有什么专业特长嘛?”王开带着董佳在店铺周围逛着,祝成已经搞定自己的事情,就是待在楼顶巡逻着,而这位董小姐还没有安排。 Dong Jiadao: I have no specialized special skill probably.” 董佳道:“我好像没什么专业特长。” king open/start is pondering over, pondering, „the present has water and electricity training, I am the water works employee, specialists, unlocking, patrol, Teacher, the farm, waits to have a lot of work to do, wants to make anything looks at your own choice.” 王开琢磨着,沉思着,“现在有水电培训,我是水厂员工,专业人员,还有开锁,巡逻,老师,种地,等等有很多工作可以做,想做什么都是看你自己的选择。” Dong Jiaxiang, suddenly, she is lifting, the arm appears after king open/start the brain, in the hand grabs the sandbag, has turned around, saw that a little friend is sticking out one's tongue, as if does the wrong thing runs toward here, is smiling, throws the sandbag to the child. 董佳想着,突然间,她抬着手,手臂出现在王开脑后,手里抓着沙包,转过身,看到一位小朋友吐着舌头,彷佛做错事的朝着这边跑来,笑着,将沙包扔给孩童。 Thanks the elder sister.” “谢谢姐姐。” Un.” “嗯。” king open/start has doubts looks at Dong Jia, how?” 王开疑惑的看着董佳,“怎么了?” It‘s nothing.” Dong Jia is saying, she can forecast two seconds of matter, therefore knows that this sandbag can pound king open/start the head. “没什么。”董佳说着,她能预测到两秒的事情,所以知道这沙包会砸中王开的脑袋。 „, You told me, you want to make anything on the line.” king open/start does not know how should give Dong Jia to arrange the work. “哦,那你跟我说说,你想做什么就行。”王开也不知道该如何给董佳安排工作。 When Dong Jia ponders. 就在董佳沉思的时候。 Gu Hang walks, smiled and said: How chatted?” 顾航走来,微笑道:“聊一聊如何?” Navigation elder brother, chatted with me, chatted with her?” king open/start is asking. “航哥,跟我聊,还是跟她聊啊?”王开问着。 With Miss Dong.” “跟人家董小姐。” Dong Jia looks at Gu Hang, knows that he is the No. 2 character after here similar Lin Fan, is a soldier, the wear has fought armor, super overbearing charming. 董佳看着顾航,知道他是这里类似林凡后的第二号人物,是一名军人,一直穿着战甲,超级霸道帅气的。 The kings clear the way: Navigation elder brother, you chatted, I continued to work.” 王开道:“航哥,那你聊,我继续干活了。” Gu Hangdian nods. 顾航点点头。 At this time. 此时。 Gu Hang arrives at the corner with Dong Jia, regarding Dong Jia, she somewhat cannot understand, does not know that has anything. 顾航跟董佳到角落,对于董佳而言,她有些看不懂,不知道有什么事情。 Small every has told me, you are awakening, can know in advance the things within two seconds.” “小凡跟我说过,你是觉醒者,能够预知两秒内的事情。” Right.” “对。” Dong Jia is nodding, to him, such ability a little has no big use, must say fiercely, probably is a little fierce, but must not say fiercely, but also is not really good. 董佳点着头,对他来说,这样的能力有点没啥大用处,要说厉害吧,好像是有点厉害,但要说不厉害吧,还真不行。 Gu Hangwang the distant place, is thinking aloud: „The shelter that to be honest, you see now is Lin Fan continually under constructs diligently, is to a mankind exist development hope shelter, you roam about to avoid zombie outside, definitely knows that nowadays zombie has terrifying how, to human, the hope of survival was really uncertain.” 顾航望着远方,自言自语道:“说实话,你现在所看到的庇护所都是林凡不断努力下建设起来的,算是给人类生存发展的一个希望庇护所,你们在外面流浪躲避着丧尸,肯定知道现如今的丧尸是有多么的恐怖,对人类而言,生存的希望实在是太渺茫了。” Listens words that the opposite party is speaking, Dong Jia understands, from arriving at the Yangguang Subdistrict short time, she has known that the security of this shelter really by that people who save them to come back. 听着对方说的话,董佳明白,从来到阳光小区短暂的时间里,她就已经知道这处庇护所的安全真的是靠那位救他们回来的人。 Gu Hang then said: You are awakening, the ability that you awaken should not waste in vain, be able to know in advance over the next two seconds, often can be in an impregnable position you, are you willing to make your contribution to this apocalypse?” 顾航接着道:“你是觉醒者,你觉醒的能力不该白白的浪费,能够预知未来两秒,往往能将你立于不败之地,你愿不愿意为这个末世做出自身的一份贡献?” I?” Dong Jiajing is pointing at itself, a little cannot believe, I am willing to want, is I should be incorrect.” “我?”董佳惊愣的指着自己,有点不敢相信,“我愿是愿意,可是我应该不行的吧。” Dong Jia is not the self-confident person. 董佳不是不自信的人。 But is the fact places in the front, I am the weak woman person of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken. 而是事实摆放在面前,我就是手无缚鸡之力的弱女人。 Gu Hang is thinking communicates some time with Dong Jia, then raises this matter, but talked after Lin Fan, he is thinking something cannot drag, human should present many stars of hope. 原本顾航是想着跟董佳交流一段时间,然后提这件事情,但是跟林凡交谈后,他想着有的事情不能拖,人类应该出现更多的希望之星。 No, when you said wants, I know that you are good.” Gu Hang is smiling, later feels war armor gently, „ the great strength of human, often is the diversification, can arm own person with the wisdom is most powerful. “不,当你说愿意的时候,我就知道你是行的。”顾航笑着,随后轻轻摸着身上的战甲,“人类的强大,往往都是多样化的,能够用智慧武装自己的人是最为强大的。 My war armor was called the sunlight to fight armor, was I with the name that Lin Fan thought that is representing the strength of Yangguang Subdistrict shelter, was the human brain with zombie the crystallization of union. 我身上的战甲叫阳光战甲,是我跟林凡想的名字,代表着阳光小区庇护所的力量,同时也是人类智慧跟丧尸的结合的结晶。 Your ability is powerful, can change the situation one ability, if you can undergo the training, can control this set to fight armor, then you can be good. ” 你的能力是强悍的,是能够改变局势的一种能力,如果你能接受训练,能够掌控这套战甲,那么你就能行。” Listens these words that Gu Hang is speaking, Dong Jia shocking looks at Gu Hang. 听着顾航说的这些话,董佳震惊的看着顾航。 „Are you willing to fight armor to put on to me this set?” “你愿意将这套战甲给我穿?” She is somewhat surprised, so long as is not the blind people can know, value that at present this set fights armor, if known by the person, will snatch absolutely insanely. 她有些吃惊,只要不是眼瞎的人都能知道,眼前这套战甲的价值,如果被外界的人知道,绝对会抢疯的。 Gu Hang is smiling, the set that I put on fights armor, is not because I like wanting, but in Yangguang Subdistrict, besides small every, only then I can the biggest display this set of might that fights armor, but now, your appearance, I know that you are more suitable than to put on this set to fight armor me.” 顾航笑着,“我穿着的这套战甲,不是因为我喜欢想要,而是在阳光小区,除了小凡外,只有我才能最大的发挥出这套战甲的威力,而如今,你的出现,我知道你比我更适合穿这套战甲。” Dong Jia sees the navigation elder brother, emits an admiration at heart, „, but I come a few days, believes me?” 董佳看着航哥,心里冒出一种敬佩,“可是我才来没几天,就这么相信我?” Attends to the route: Un, believes.” 顾航道:“嗯,相信。” Why?” “为什么?” Because you are the small every belt/bring the person, can by the person who he leads, I trust unconditionally.” “因为你是小凡带回来的人,能够被他带回来的人,我都无条件的信任。” How should I do?” “那我该怎么做?” Undergoes my training, I will train you strictly, although the process will be very laborious, but the harvest is very big, so long as you can insist.” “接受我的训练,我会严格的训练你,虽然过程会很辛苦,但收获是很大的,只要你能坚持下去。” Gu Hang most fears is Dong Jia cannot insist. 顾航最怕的就是董佳不能坚持。 After all is a female. 毕竟是女性。 Some can understand. 有的是能理解的。 Dong Jia has not spoken, but is thinking the matter, she has not thought can make anything to come out in apocalypse, the only idea is living, well is living. 董佳没有说话,而是在想着事情,她从没有想过自己在末世中能做出什么事情出来,唯一的想法就是活着,好好的活着。 But as the navigation elder brother spoke these words to her. 但随着航哥跟她说这些话。 Her idea changes quietly. 她的想法悄然发生改变。 I think that I can insist.” “我想我能坚持着。” She knows here everyone diligently is living, diligently builds the happy shelter, therefore, she is inflating to oneself, certainly can insist. 她知道这里的所有人都在努力的活着,努力的打造美好庇护所,因此,她给自己打气着,一定能坚持住的。 Attends to navigation smiled and said: Come on, I think your certain line.” 顾航微笑道:“加油,我想你一定行的。” Said these things after Dong Jia. 跟董佳说出这些事情后。 His same relaxing. 他同样的松口气。 In the future needs to strive for success, needs to try hard, in his mind, awakening can definitely be the mainstay of human, in the future can in defeating zombie makes the effort, possibly, only then awakening. 未来需要拼搏,需要努力,在他的心中,觉醒者肯定会是人类的中流砥柱,未来能够在战胜丧尸中付出努力的,可能真的只有觉醒者了。 That...... navigation elder brother.” Dong Jia a little small anticipation. “那个……航哥。”董佳有点小小的期待。 Un, you said.” “嗯,你说。” „Can I the present put on to fight armor?” “我能现在穿一下战甲吗?” Gu Hang:...... 顾航:…… subdistrict. 街道 Lin Fan such as delivered the breakfast after Gu Hang in the past equally leaps the bright drug company, goes to town to eliminate zombie, this is the matter that he must handle every day. 林凡如往常一样跟顾航将早餐送到腾煌药企后,就出街消灭丧尸,这是他每天都要做的事情。 Although cuts zombie is a very senseless matter. 虽说砍丧尸是一件很无趣的事情。 However to Lin Fan, can look that Yellow City zombie are getting fewer and fewer, he then has a not being able to say comfortable feeling. 但是对林凡而言,能够看着黄市丧尸越来越少,他便有种说不出的舒爽感。 He had learned from navigation Elder Brother there, he has talked to Dong Jia, is very smooth, the opposite party is willing to undergo the training, this looks like in Lin Fan, is really very good start. 他从航哥那里已经得知,他跟董佳谈过,很顺利,对方愿意接受训练,这在林凡看来,真的是很好的开始。 He knows similarly the navigation elder brother is not to fighting armor greedy the person, if runs into the right candidate, the navigation elder brother is definitely willing fighting armor takes off to the opposite party the clothing. 他同样知道航哥不是对战甲贪婪的人,如果遇到合适的人选,航哥肯定是愿意将战甲脱下给对方穿戴的。 Arrives had not cleaned up subdistrict. 来到曾经没有清理过的街道 He was given the shock by the present situation. 他被眼前的情况给震惊了。 In the subdistrict air is scattering the green mist, seems like a malaria, these mist have not swayed with the wind flutter toward the distant place, but throughout maintains in the range. 街道的空气中飘散着绿色的雾气,看起来像是一种瘴气,这些雾气没有随着风吹拂就朝着远方飘荡,而是始终保持在范围里。 Strange, how to have this situation?” “奇怪,怎么会有这种情况?” At least in Yellow City these days, he has not encountered to have been to this situation. 至少在黄市的这段时间里,他没有遭遇到过这种情况。 Is it possible that has what special category zombie to be inadequate?” “莫非是有什么特殊种类的丧尸不成?” From arrival of that thunderstorm rain in the past shortly. 距离那场雷暴雨的降临过去没多久。 Has met several special evolution zombie, he has discussed with Gu Hang, zombie is evolving, is very quick, human very difficult to have contended with zombie, over time, zombie is still continuing the evolution, this situation is a very bad matter. 已经遇到好几种特殊进化型丧尸,他跟顾航讨论过,丧尸在进化,速度很快,人类已经很难跟丧尸抗衡,随着时间流逝,丧尸还在继续着进化,这种情况是一件很糟糕的事情。 Lin Fan toward scattering subdistrict of green mist is walking, attracts one, the flavor is ill-smelling, has a rotten flavor. 林凡朝着飘散着绿色雾气的街道走去,吸一口,味道是酸臭的,有种腐烂的味道。 But his body has no influence. 而他的身体没有任何影响。 I am all right, possibly is my physical quality is quite good, does not know that the average person absorbs this type of mist, can have what situation to happen.” “我没事,可能是我身体素质比较好,不知道普通人吸收这种雾气,会不会有什么情况发生。” Walking, walking. 走着,走着。 He stopped, the surroundings shop entrance presents a strange thing, probably cryptogam, possibly is not, looks that is the one after another green meat plants to superimpose, as if can breath, spurt the green mist. 他停了下来,周围店铺门口出现一种奇怪的玩意,像是孢子植物,也可能不是,看着是一个个绿色的肉植叠加着,彷佛能够呼吸似的,喷着绿色雾气。 „Is the mist in this subdistrict, this thing spurts?” “这条街道中的雾气,就是这玩意喷出来的?” He approaches, looks down, the spore meat plants the surface to flow the viscous liquid, has the dense and numerous lumps, looks at the nausea, he raises the sword incision spore meat to plant. 他靠近,低头看着,孢子肉植表面流淌着粘稠的液体,有着密密麻麻的疙瘩,看着很是呕心,他提剑切开孢子肉植。 ...... 呼啦…… Not the well-known green liquid is flowing, simultaneously one group of mist as if receive pushing of strength to help, heads on, is covering the face of Lin Fan instantaneously. 不知名的绿色液体流淌着,同时有一团雾气彷佛受到一股力量的推助似的,扑面而来,瞬间笼罩着林凡的面部。 What thing, is quite ill-smelling.” “什么玩意,好难闻。” Lin Fan waved, spat several saliva, is observing itself, does not have any change. 林凡挥挥手,吐了几口口水,观察着自身,没有任何变化。 How these things form, how Yellow City in good condition can be seized by this thing.” “这些东西到底是如何形成的,好端端的黄市怎么能被这玩意占领。” He expressed the disaffection. 他对此表示不满。 „” “嗬嗬” The front has the zombie low roar. 前方有丧尸的低吼声。 Continues to go forward, sees a zombie in the mist, when he is thinking draws a sword to hack to death the opposite party, actually at present this zombie situation shocking. 继续前进,在雾气中看到一头丧尸,就在他想着拔剑砍死对方的时候,却被眼前这头丧尸的情况给震惊住了。 This is ordinary zombie, the fierce profile grew just he spore meat that saw in the shop entrance to plant, has the viscous liquid following flowing, even once for a while had the mist blowout. 这就是一头普通的丧尸,狰狞的半边脸生长着刚刚他在店铺门口看到的孢子肉植,有粘稠的液体顺着流淌下来,甚至时不时的有雾气喷出。 Carefully looks, at present the arm of this zombie, waist wait/etc body each spots have the disgusting spore meat to plant. 仔细看,眼前这丧尸的手臂,腰部等等身躯各个部位都有着恶心的孢子肉植。 This what's the matter.” “这到底是怎么回事。” When he has doubts. 就在他疑惑的时候。 zombie also discovers Lin Fan, is roaring lowly, throws toward him, when opening mouth low roar, has the thick liquid to splatter from the mouth. 丧尸同样发现林凡,低吼着,朝着他扑来,当张开嘴低吼的时候,就有粘稠液体从口腔里喷溅出来。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 Is wielding the sadness of frost, a sword zombie becomes two petals, the prompt ordinary zombie, is not special zombie. 挥着霜之哀伤,一剑将丧尸噼成两瓣,提示的还是普通丧尸,并不是什么特殊的丧尸 Lin Fan continues to walk toward front, once for a while will have same zombie to appear, by him 11 becomes two petals. 林凡继续朝着前面走去,时不时的会有同样的丧尸出现,都被他一一的噼成两瓣。 He noticed that the subdistrict shop entrance has zombie to roll up the body to pour in the ground, in the throat exudes the low and deep roar, the body has turned into the spore meat to plant, only has the fierce head to expose outside. 他看到街道店铺门口有丧尸蜷缩着身躯倒在地面,喉咙里发出低沉的吼声,身躯已经变成孢子肉植,仅有狰狞的脑袋暴露在外面。 „Do these spore meat plant turns by zombie?” “这些孢子肉植都是由丧尸变成的?” From apocalypse to the present, he has not encountered this situation, has understood at heart, this presents new zombie . Moreover the harm of this zombie is very high, must be stronger compared with the harm of other evolution zombie. 末世到现在,他还没有遇到过这种情况,心里已经明白,这是出现新型的丧尸,而且这丧尸的危害很高,比起别的进化型丧尸的危害要更强。 With unceasingly thorough. 随着不断深入。 The surrounding scene compared with disgusting that he imagines, no mistake, is disgusting, he discovers many corpses, has the corrupted human corpse, there is to turn into zombie, as if receives this mist to affect, thus turns into the spore meat to plant, is spurting the mist. 周围的情景比他想象的要恶心,没有错,就是恶心,他发现很多尸体,有已经腐烂的人类尸体,也有变成丧尸,彷佛受到这股雾气影响,从而变成孢子肉植,喷着雾气。 This zombie is thinking founds living conditions that it wants?” “这种丧尸是想着创建它想要的生活环境吗?” Distant place. 远方。 He saw that build plump zombie is taking a walk in the green mist, seems the patrolman in this region, can only the seeing back of mold mold lake the dense fog covers. 他看到有头体型肥硕的丧尸在绿色雾气中走动着,彷佛是这片区域的巡逻者,被迷雾笼罩的只能模模湖湖的看到背影。 Hey.” Lin Fan makes noise to shout. “喂。”林凡出声喊着。 Taking a walk mysterious zombie heard the sound to stop, does not seem to thought, can hear the human unexpectedly the sound. 正在走动的神秘丧尸听到声音停了下来,彷佛是没有想到,竟然能听到人类的声音。 Quick. 很快。 Lin Fan has approached toward mysterious zombie, is lifting the head, looks at front zombie, present zombie compared with from exploding zombie that once saw must plump with big, is he sees most disgusting one zombie, thought back on most made him feel initially disgusting was zombie that the underground parking garage saw. 林凡已经朝着神秘丧尸靠近,抬着脑袋,看着面前的丧尸,眼前的丧尸比起曾经看到的自爆型丧尸要更加的肥硕跟高大,同时也是他看到最恶心的一种丧尸,遥想当初最让他感觉恶心的就是地下停车场看到的丧尸 Now with present compares, has no way to compare simply. 如今跟眼前的相比,简直没法比。 The mysterious zombie whole body is growing the disgusting pustule, the quantity are many, has the viscous green liquid to flow following the pustule. 神秘丧尸浑身生长着恶心的脓包,数量很多,有粘稠的绿色液体顺着脓包流淌下来。 „” “嗬嗬” Pustule zombie is whooshing, during the breath has the green mist blowout. 脓包丧尸嘶吼着,呼吸间都有绿色雾气喷出。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! The spore meat of surrounding shop entrance plants blasting open, the mist of thick fog is scattering. 周围店铺门口的孢子肉植炸裂,浓雾的雾气飘散着。 Mysterious zombie as if has doubts very much, possibly has not thought will really have human to appear here, and does not have any change. 神秘丧尸彷佛很疑惑,可能是没有想到竟然有人类会出现在这里,而且还没有任何变化。 Here environment is you make?” Lin Fan is asking. “这里的环境是你弄出来的吧?”林凡问着。 His environment to the Yellow City is quite careful. 他对黄市的环境是比较上心的。 Moreover has been thinking, wields cuts the zombie corpse unable to obtain to clean up, has had certain impact on the Yellow City health, who can think that also presents this type to form the mist unexpectedly zombie. 而且一直都在想着,挥砍着丧尸尸体得不到清理,对黄市的卫生就已经造成一定的影响,可谁能想到竟然还出现这种能形成雾气的丧尸 Looked that the mist the color knows has the issue. 看雾气的颜色就知道是有问题的。 „” “嗬嗬” Mysterious zombie roaring filial piety, vicious throws toward Lin Fan, the huge obese body trades to be any survivor is unmatchable, even if wears fights armor, under this build, must be thrown the dog. 神秘丧尸咆孝着,凶狠的朝着林凡扑来,巨大肥胖的身躯换做任何一位幸存者都是无法对抗的,就算身穿战甲,在这种体型下,恐怕都得被扑成狗。 As zombie to/clashes. 随着丧尸冲来。 Lin Fan gives way to traffic. 林凡避让开。 Discovered that this mysterious zombie speed is not fast, the strength has not imagined big, has the issue is, with its movement, the pustule in opposite party body will spout more green mist. 发现这种神秘丧尸的速度并不快,力量也没有想象中的大,唯独有问题的便是,随着它的移动,对方身躯上的脓包就会喷出更多的绿色雾气。 Has not hunted and killed the human pustule zombie, is roaring lowly, the pustule on head as if can break open, is opening mouth, the abdomen is moving, immediately, spouts the viscous green liquid from its mouth directly. 没有猎杀人类的脓包丧尸,低吼着,脑袋上的脓包彷佛都能破开似的,张着嘴,腹部挪动着,顿时,直接从它的口腔里喷出粘稠的绿色液体。 This liquid with water gun, toward Lin Fan. 这液体就跟水枪似的,朝着林凡袭来。 Lin Fan avoids as before. 林凡依旧避开。 Looks that by ground that the liquid corrodes, shows the dignified look, this zombie can spout to have the corrosive liquid unexpectedly, the cement floor presents the burnt black. 看着被液体侵蚀的地面,不由露出凝重的神色,这种丧尸竟然能喷出拥有着腐蚀性的液体,水泥地面都呈现焦黑色。 Without the ultra-high speed with the strength, has such ability, if the ordinary survivor meets, wants to hunt and kill, basically is the not possible matter, does not know the liquid that on it these pustule flow is whether harmful.” “没有超高的速度跟力量,却有着这样的能力,如果是普通幸存者遇到,想要猎杀,基本是不可能的事情,也不知道它身上的那些脓包流淌出的液体是否有害。” Lin Fan drops gu at heart. 林凡心里滴咕着。 Pustule zombie is whooshing, already some violent angers, obviously is twice attacks has not brought the harm to this human at present, thus some have not been able to endure. 脓包丧尸嘶吼着,已经有些暴怒,显然是两次的攻击都没有给眼前这人类带来伤害,从而已经有些无法忍受。 Rumble! 咕噜咕噜! At this time. 此时。 Lin Fan sees the pustule zombie body surface pustule ballooning, bang, whole body pustule blasting open, the viscous liquid blots out the sky wells up toward Lin Fan. 林凡看到脓包丧尸身体表面的脓包鼓胀着,砰的一声,浑身脓包炸裂,粘稠的液体铺天盖地的朝着林凡涌来。 Quite disgusting.” “好恶心哇。” Facing such liquid, he will be drawing back in the future, as this liquid sways in the ground, sound of emanation corrosion the ground incites. 面对这样的液体,他往后退着,随着这股液体挥洒在地面,地面又滋滋的发出腐蚀的声音。 After observation. 经过观察。 Lin Fan has understood, at present this zombie fierce place is in pustule has the corrosive liquid, can the farfight, can the close combat, if the flesh and blood touches, absolutely corroded cleanness. 林凡已经明白,眼前这丧尸的厉害之处就是身上的脓包里具有腐蚀性的液体,能够远战,也能近战,如果是血肉之躯触碰,绝对会被腐蚀的干干净净。 Even perhaps his hard anti- this liquid, clothes can damage. 就算他硬抗这股液体,恐怕身上的衣服会损坏。 He attaches great importance to the clothes very much, is not some important person bestows, but is the clothes needs to buy. 他对衣服是很重视的,不是某位重要的人赠送,而是衣服是需要花钱买的。 Lin Fan is wielding the sadness of frost, the naked eye not obvious sword glow takes away as many things as possible together, cuts off pustule zombie instantaneously around the middle, various types at sixes and sevens flesh sprinkle place, an irritating the nose flavor heads on. 林凡挥着霜之哀伤,一道肉眼不可见的剑芒席卷而去,瞬间将脓包丧尸拦腰斩断,各种乱七八糟的血肉洒落一地,一股刺鼻的味道扑面而来。 Is really disgusting.” “真的是恶心啊。” Strikes to kill mutation zombie 【击杀异变型丧尸 Points + 20】 【点数】 Actually only has 20 points? 竟然只有20点? This zombie, this ability, unexpectedly only then 20 points, but also really exceeds his imagination. 这种丧尸,这种能力,竟然只有二十点,还真的超出他的想象。 In his opinion, this zombie at least can have 30-40 points. 在他看来,这种丧尸至少能有30-40点吧。 After all the hazardous nature is very high. 毕竟危害性是很高的。 Looks at the name, mutation, does not have the fixed name. 看名称,异变型,就是没有固定的名称。 The mutation that this said is it possible that is originally zombie well, in some special situation, had the unpredictable situation, thus toward all sorts of abnormal route evolution development. 这所说的异变莫非就是原本好好的丧尸,在某种特殊的情况下,发生了不可预料的情况,从而往种种变态的路线进化发展。 Thinks carefully, may is this. 仔细想想,很有可能就是这样。 These mutation zombie that at least he meets, is the body has some distortion, develops in the direction of monster. 至少他遇到的那些异变型丧尸,都是身体发生某种畸变,朝着怪物的方向发展。
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