IACTTTW :: Volume #2

#141 Part 1: Now you are my hero

Popular recommendation: Brother Lin really holds in the mouth.” 热门推荐:“林哥是真的叼啊。” The fat people wished to raise the head, even if could not have seen the Lin Fan back, as before exclaiming in surprise. 胖子祝成昂着脑袋,哪怕已经看不到林凡的背影,依旧惊叹着。 Before he felt oneself ability a little weak. 以前他感觉自己的能力有点鸡肋。 Now wish to feel that own ability is very seemingly good, when is looking at all around in the roof, so long as braves the color, that inevitably is evolution zombie, even if at night black Qi black did not fear, color always dazzling like that. 如今祝成感觉自己的能力貌似很是不错,待在楼顶望着四周,只要冒着颜色,那必然就是进化型丧尸,就算夜晚乌漆嘛黑的都不怕,颜色总是那般的耀眼。 Since there is such a ability, use well with displaying. 既然有这样的能力,就得好好的利用跟发挥着。 Everyone approves to these words that wishing to speak very much. 大伙对祝成说的这番话很是认同。 Indeed really holds in the mouth. 的确是真的叼。 At this time. 此时。 Lin Fan stood in the roof seeks to wish said zombie. 林凡站在楼顶寻找着祝成所说的丧尸 The surroundings very wide scope by cleanness that very he cleans up. 周围很大范围都被他清理的很干净。 It is difficult zombie to appear and disappear. 已经很难有丧尸出没。 Now has zombie to appear and disappear, deep brings to his attention, he must consider for the security of Yangguang Subdistrict. 如今有丧尸出没,深深的引起他的重视,他必须为阳光小区的安全着想。 No.” Lin Fan is jumping, is seeking for the zombie trail, the ear slightly dither, is listening respectfully to periphery the slight sound, will not let off the traces absolutely. “没有。”林凡跳跃着,寻找着丧尸的踪迹,耳朵微微振颤着,聆听着周围细微的声音,绝对不会放过蛛丝马迹。 In dim lane. 昏暗的巷子里。 If zombie that the animal crawls looks at the human shelter in distant place. 如动物爬行的丧尸看着远方的人类庇护所。 The throat is vibrating, sends out shouts low and deep. 喉咙震动着,发出低沉嘶吼。 Its idea is very simple, is thinking breaks through the human shelter, gnaws the food freshest flesh, but it does not have action rashly, but is waiting, it wants first to wait for there shelter to expose weaknesses. 它的想法很简单,想着的就是攻破人类庇护所,啃食最为新鲜的血肉,只是它没有冒然的行动,而是在等待着,它想先等那里的庇护所露出破绽。 For example has the survivor to come out, but it hidden in dark, waits for the opportunity to act, in the opposite party had not responded in the situation, draws the prey to the gloomy lane. 比如有幸存者出来,而它隐藏在黑暗真,伺机而动,在对方没有反应过来的情况下,将猎物拉到阴暗的巷子里。 Suddenly. 突然间。 The mysterious zombie grayish white eye pupil is rotating, some unusual feelings, feel like by some type of thing are always paid attention, this feeling is not very good, often only then it is paying attention to the prey, does not have it by some type unknown exists to pay attention. 神秘丧尸灰白的眼眸转动着,有种异样的感觉,总感觉像是被某种玩意关注着,这种感觉很不好,往往只有它关注着猎物,就没有它被某种未知的存在注意过。 Is swaying from side to side the head, is seeking for that unfriendly feeling. 扭动着脑袋,寻找着那种不友好的感觉。 Suddenly. 突然间。 Mysterious zombie is lifting the head courageous, looks toward the roof, saw impressively the form stands there together, indifferently tranquil visits it. 神秘丧尸勐地抬着脑袋,朝着楼顶看去,赫然看到一道身影站在那里,漠然平静的看着它。 The situation, trembles the mysterious zombie startled body suddenly slightly. 陡然间的情况,将神秘丧尸惊的身体微微一颤。 Really is strange zombie, this was wishes saying that is blooming golden zombie, is chasing Zhu Ming, gnawed to eat zombie of his family member.” “真的是奇怪的丧尸,这就是祝成所说绽放着金色的丧尸,也是追赶着朱明,啃食掉他家人的丧尸。” Lin Fan is thinking the place that Zhu Ming is, from Yellow City several hundred kilometers, they are driving the sedan, is very difficult zombie to follow. 林凡想着朱明所在的地方,距离黄市好几百公里,他们驾驶着轿车,很难有丧尸能够跟随一路。 Now this zombie can follow here from that far distance. 如今这丧尸能够从那么远的距离跟随到这里。 To be honest. 说实话。 A little is really fearful. 真的有点可怕。 He seeks for mysterious zombie, without making noise reminder, but is calmly is observing, wants to have a look at this zombie to have any unusual place. 他寻找到神秘丧尸,没有出声提醒,而是静静观察着,就是想看看这丧尸到底有什么奇特的地方。 Un...... the vigilant heart is high. 嗯……警惕心是高。 Oneself have not moved obviously, visits it merely, it can detect that oneself look, has saying that is a little ability. 自己明明没有动,仅仅是看着它,它就能察觉到自己的眼神,不得不说,还是有点能耐的。 Hey, hello/you good.” “喂,你好啊。” Lin Fan is greeting with mysterious zombie, this is his custom, the surroundings do not have other zombie, he wants to have a look at this zombie to have any unusual place, if not want to know, he has raised the sword to wield cuts, perhaps this fellow cannot block including an own sword. 林凡跟神秘丧尸打着招呼,这就是他的习惯,周围没有别的丧尸,他又想看看这丧尸到底有什么奇特的地方,要是不想知道,他早就提剑挥砍,也许这家伙连自己的一剑都挡不住的。 The mysterious zombie roaring filial piety, retreat backward slightly, it can feel that in a low voice arrives in human of roof to it a dangerous feeling. 神秘丧尸低声咆孝着,稍微的向后退去,它能感觉到站在楼顶的人类给它一种危险的感觉。 Lin Fan continues to analyze. 林凡继续分析着。 Without with other zombie such, the hot tempered roaring filial piety, really has the idea of retreat, having the golden crystal is like mixed zombie. 没有跟别的丧尸那样,暴躁咆孝,竟然有后退的想法,有着金色晶体就是跟混合型丧尸一样。 But mixed zombie sees me, similarly will attack, obviously, present mysterious zombie should be able to feel my aura to be a little dangerous. 而混合型丧尸看到我,同样会攻击,显而易见,眼前的神秘丧尸应该能感受到我的气息有点危险吧。 Lin Fan jumps down, falls on the ground, is looking at each other with mysterious zombie. 林凡跳落而下,落在地面,跟神秘丧尸对视着。 Trades to make any a zombie to see Lin Fan, that can be looking at each other, definitely bites with mad dog general throwing, gnaws the food to fall his flesh ruthlessly. 换做任何一头丧尸看到林凡,那能是对视嘛,肯定是跟疯狗一般的扑咬上来,狠狠将他的血肉啃食掉。 Rather than anxious looks, the trend of even in the future retreating. 而不是紧张的看着,甚至还有往后撤退的趋势。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 Mysterious zombie runs away crazily, four limbs flexible degree specific speed zombie is more terrifying. 神秘丧尸疯狂逃窜,四肢灵活程度比速度型丧尸更为恐怖。 Fierce, can this run?” “厉害,这就要跑?” Lin Fan is pursuing, 林凡追赶着, Is staring at mysterious zombie that runs in front, my goodness, speed specific speed zombie is quicker, even if mixed zombie not necessarily has it to be quick.” Simple observation, then discovery this zombie terrifying place. 盯着在前面奔跑的神秘丧尸,“好家伙,速度比速度型丧尸更快,就算是混合型丧尸都未必有它快。”简单的观察,便发现这丧尸的恐怖之处。 Is it possible that is similar to mixed zombie? 莫非跟混合型丧尸类似? Running mysterious zombie looks back to look, suddenly, a shadow is pasting its line of sight , the feeling thigh was grabbed by the opposite party, the body is uncontrolled. 奔跑的神秘丧尸回首望着,突然间,一道黑影贴着它的视线,紧接着,就感觉腿部被对方抓着,身躯已经不受控制。 Sees Lin Fan to grab the leg of mysterious zombie, pounds toward the ground. 就见林凡抓着神秘丧尸的腿,朝着地面砸去。 Bang. 砰的一声。 The depressed sound resounds together, the ground splits the trace, such as spider web spreads a faint trace toward four sides. 一道沉闷的声音响起,地面裂开纹路,如蛛网般的朝着四面扩散一丝丝。 Does Lin Fan of this matter, as if nothing has happened, as before curious is looking. 干出这件事情的林凡,就跟没事人似的,依旧好奇的望着。 Mysterious zombie is swaying the head, ignorant setting out. 神秘丧尸摇晃着脑袋,浑浑噩噩的起身。 Body intensity is also very strong, if ordinary ordinary zombie has broken, even evolution zombie is still so.” “身体强度也很强,要是普通普通丧尸已经破碎,就算是进化型丧尸也是如此。” Continues to analyze simply. 继续简单分析着。 He has not wished that abnormal ability, the understanding of zombie, can only depend on him carefully to observe. 他没有祝成那种变态的能力,对丧尸的理解,只能靠着他仔细的观察。 „” “嗬嗬” Mysterious zombie is making the sound of low roar to Lin Fan, the normal sturdy four limbs inflate courageous, the blue vein winding, the nail tittered one, emitted the black-colored sharp claws, the cement floor was stressed to grasp the mark. 神秘丧尸对着林凡发出低吼的声音,正常粗壮的四肢勐地膨胀,青筋缠绕,指甲噗嗤一声,冒出乌黑色的利爪,就连水泥地面都被抓出一道道抓痕。 The meat tail that the tailbone place emits is moving, whips the tread, is hearing the depressed sound, can know that such strength has ominously how courageous. 尾骨处冒出的肉尾甩动着,拍打着地面,听着沉闷的声音,能知道这样的力道是有多么的凶勐。 I enrage, the body has the variation, can present similar courageous beast sharp claws, this is an evolution, is really not ordinary zombie, is very fierce.” “被我激怒的时候,身躯发生变异,能出现类似勐兽般的利爪,这是一种进化,果然不是普通的丧尸,真的很厉害。” The Lin Fan look is saying dignifiedly, shows the serious look to this zombie at present. 林凡神色凝重的说着,对眼前这丧尸露出严肃的神色。 Hey, looks at the left, has the fresh flesh.” Lin Fan is saying. “喂,看左边,有新鲜的血肉。”林凡说着。 Mysterious zombie has not moved, as before fierce is staring at Lin Fan. 神秘丧尸没有动弹,依旧凶恶的盯着林凡 Lin Fan understands, this mysterious zombie cannot understand the logical expression, he had not said, side has the beautiful woman, if the opposite party or human, the beautiful woman indeed has the attraction, but now turns into zombie, can attract it to only have the flesh. 林凡明白,这头神秘丧尸听不懂人话,他没有说,旁边有美女,如果对方还是人类,美女的确有吸引力,而现在变成丧尸,能够吸引到它的只有血肉。 „” “嗬嗬” Mysterious zombie lowers is roaring, the sturdy four limbs press the tread, the strength of four limbs implication is very astonishing, the ground has gradually presented the crack, bang, throws fast toward Lin Fan, is wielding the sharp sharp claws, wants to tear the head of Lin Fan. 神秘丧尸低吼着,粗壮的四肢压着地面,四肢蕴含的力量很是惊人,地面已经逐渐出现裂纹,砰的一声,朝着林凡快速扑来,挥动着锋利的利爪,想要撕裂林凡的脑袋。 Good quick speed.” “好快的速度。” Lin Fan extends the arm fast, grabs the neck neck of mysterious zombie, the five fingers makes an effort gently, titters one, pinches to explode the neck of mysterious zombie, is waving, wields the arm thick liquid. 林凡快速伸出手臂,抓着神秘丧尸的颈脖,五指轻轻用力,噗嗤一声,捏爆神秘丧尸的脖子,挥着手,将手臂粘稠液体挥掉。 Strikes to kill hunting 【击杀猎食者】 Points + 40】 【点数】 Hunting?” “猎食者?” Also is most emergying new zombie. 又是最新出现的新型丧尸 The incision head, takes out the crystal. 切开脑袋,取出晶体。 It looks like this zombie in Lin Fan is very powerful, although was done all of a sudden by him, seems like very simple, but he knows that trades to be any survivor, possibility that has not returned alive absolutely. 林凡看来这种丧尸是很强悍的,虽说被他一下子搞死,看起来好像很简单,但他知道换做任何一位幸存者,绝对没有生还的可能性。 Even if the wear fights armor, possibly is not necessarily have confidence. 就算是穿着战甲,可能都未必能有把握。 Throws in the zombie corpse the trash can, is maintaining the peripheral subdistrict environment. 丧尸的尸体扔到垃圾桶里,保持着周边街道的环境。 Shaking the head. 摇摇头。 Turns around to leave. 转身离开。 Yangguang Subdistrict. 阳光小区。 „Was Mr. forest, all right?” to congratulate celebrate to so fast, is shocked, goes out shortly, to come back, is it possible that hadn't found that strange zombie that Lin Fan comes back? “林先生,没事了吗?”贺庆对林凡回来的如此快速,感到震惊,出去没多久,就已经回来,莫非是没找到那奇奇怪怪的丧尸 Naturally, he thinks should succeed. 当然,他还是认为应该已经成功。 Un, was all right, Mr. to congratulate, me also a little matter.” Lin Fan said. “嗯,没事了,贺先生,我这边还有点事情。”林凡说道。 He really somewhat busy, the arrival of Zhu Ming family of three, the condition is not very good. 他真的有些忙,朱明一家三口的到来,状态不是很好。 to congratulate Qingdao: Good, you are busy.” 贺庆道:“好,你忙。” As after to congratulate celebrate leaves . 随着贺庆离开后。 Navigation elder brother, their people?” “航哥,他们人呢?” Lin Fan wants to chat with Zhu Ming well. 林凡想跟朱明好好聊一聊。 Attends to the route: Was sent to slowly.” 顾航道:“被送去缓缓了。” Lin Fan said: Navigation elder brother, just discovered new zombie hunting, this zombie situation is a bit like with mixed zombie, but according to my observation, its strength possibly does not have mixed zombie to be fierce, but a little sinister with deceitful, later must be careful.” 林凡道:“航哥,刚刚又发现一种新型丧尸猎食者,这种丧尸的情况跟混合型丧尸有点类似,但是根据我的观察,它的实力可能没混合型丧尸厉害,但有点阴险跟奸诈,以后要小心点。” These that Gu Hangting Lin Fan is saying. 顾航听着林凡说的这些。 Look relatively dignified. 神色相对凝重的很。 Yeah, more and more zombie types appear, I will really be worried about the future situation very much, rapidness of too evolution, human, although will have awakening, but can display the true use, can the upfront not really have with awakening that zombie will contend with.” “哎,越来越多的丧尸种类出现,我真的很担心未来的情况,进化的太快,人类这边虽说有觉醒者,但是能够发挥出真正用途,能正面跟丧尸抗衡的觉醒还真没有啊。” Gu Hang felt that zombie has a relative systematic evolution line, although the type are many, but the evolution of each type is traceable. 顾航感觉丧尸有着一种相对系统性的进化路线,虽说种类很多,但每一种种类的进化都是有迹可循的。 Lin Fan smiled and said: Navigation elder brother, optimistic, should not be pessimistic, I.” 林凡微笑道:“航哥,乐观点,别悲观,还有我。” Gu Hangjing stares, shows the smile, „, you, for what it's worth, you are always the mankind's last hope.” 顾航惊愣,紧接着露出笑容,“是啊,还有你,不管结果如何,你始终是人类最后的希望。” Walks toward the community. 朝着小区走去。 Gu Hang puts on to fight armor to give to leap bright drug company's that side person to deliver the breakfast. 顾航穿着战甲去给腾煌药企那边的人送早餐。 But he arrives at the room. 而他来到房间。 Zhu Ming with wife depressed sitting there, lowers the head, is always thinking the family member. 朱明跟媳妇沉闷的坐在那里,低着头,始终想着家人。 Lin Fan arrives at his front, the palm falls on his shoulder, „something are not you want to happen, but since happened, can only accept, in the future a very long section of road must walk.” 林凡走到他的面前,手掌落在他的肩膀,“有的事情不是你想发生的,但既然发生,只能接受,往后还有很长的一段路要走啊。” Zhu Ming raised the head, looks at Lin Fan, can only nod. 朱明抬头,看着林凡,只能点着头。 It looks like in Lin Fan, Zhu Ming in the self- blame, this matter does not have the means that can only ask he himself to leave from the blame, apocalypse is so, is very cruel, on the scene has experienced this matter. 林凡看来,朱明是在自我责备,这种事情没有办法,只能让他自己从责备中走出来,末世就是如此,很残忍,在场的都经历过这种事情。 The situation has slightly differently. 只是情况稍有不同而已。 After Zhu Ming's family member apocalypse , remains , reuniting, is living the peaceful life, he only unacceptable is, is obviously safe, actually because of his choice, ruins the family member finally, this is he most is unacceptable. 朱明的亲人末世后还存在,也团聚着,过着安宁的生活,他唯一不能接受的便是,明明是安全的,却因为他的选择,最终将亲人葬送,这是他最不能接受的。 Lin Fan arrives in front of vermilion Wangwang, eight -year-old child should be the happy time, what a pity the arrival of apocalypse, broke happily with the peace. 林凡来到朱旺旺面前,八岁的孩子应该是开心的时候,可惜末世的到来,打破了美好跟和平。 Wangwang, how?” “旺旺,怎么了?” He discovered Wangwang body once for a while trembles, look delay. 他发现旺旺身体时不时的一颤一颤,眼神呆滞。 reckless brave sees the son, discovers son's difference, worrying, son, you how?” 胡英看着儿子,发现儿子的异样,着急着,“儿子,你怎么了?” vermilion Wangwang frightened pulls out. 朱旺旺被吓的一抽一抽着。 Lin Fan said: I think that he was frightened, the seen with one's own eyes horror, has the drastic effect on his innermost feelings.” 林凡道:“我想他是被吓到了,亲眼看到的恐怖画面,对他的内心造成巨大的影响。” He squats, the hand of very gentle grabbing Wangwang, Wangwang should not be afraid, has the uncle, these are not terrorist.” 他蹲下来,很是温柔的抓着旺旺的手,“旺旺别害怕,有叔叔在,那些一点都不恐怖的。” vermilion Wangwang lifts the head to look at each other with Lin Fan. 朱旺旺抬着脑袋跟林凡对视着。 I...... I am afraid.” “我……我害怕。” Lin Fan feels the head of Wangwang, is all right, the uncle is the hero in your heart, is the hero who you most like who?” 林凡摸着旺旺的脑袋,“没事的,叔叔就是你心中的英雄,你最喜欢的英雄是谁呢?” Sun Wukong.” “孙悟空。” This reply............ 这个回答……嗯…… Looks that Wangwang trembles, but compared with was previously much better. 看着旺旺还是一颤一颤的,但比先前要好很多。 I lead the child to go out, quick come back.” “我带孩子出去一趟,很快就回来。” Lin Fan pulls vermilion Wangwang to leave. 林凡牵着朱旺旺离开。 A roof in building. 一栋楼的楼顶。 „” “嗬嗬” Under is countless zombie, this crowd of zombie limp to loaf, aimless swaying, is waiting for the appearance of prey, when the prey appears, definitely will turn into the mad dog, is worrying the flesh ruthlessly. 下方是数不尽的丧尸,这群丧尸蹒跚游荡着,漫无目的的摇晃,等待着猎物的出现,当猎物出现的时候,必然会变成疯狗,狠狠撕咬着血肉。 „Is Wangwang, you afraid very much?” Lin Fan is asking in a soft voice. “旺旺,你是不是很害怕?”林凡轻声问着。 vermilion Wangwang is afraid looks at downstairs zombie unceasingly, the body is shivering, Uncle Lin, I am afraid, I am really good to be afraid.” 朱旺旺害怕的看着楼下的丧尸,身体不断的颤抖着,“林叔叔,我害怕,我真的好害怕。” Downstairs zombie face is fierce, the viscous liquid is flowing following the corners of the mouth. 楼下的丧尸面部狰狞凶恶,粘稠的液体顺着嘴角流淌着。 Anybody sees is flustered. 任何人看到都心慌的很。 Let alone only has eight -year-old child. 更别说只有八岁的孩子。 „Does Wangwang, what you look at this is?” Lin Fan is saying. “旺旺,你看这是什么?”林凡说着。 vermilion Wangwang eye is disclosing in a terrified way, looks to Uncle Lin, on this time Lin Fan face wears the mask, is Sun Wukong's mask, when is he brings Wangwang is coming out, specially in the shop buys. 朱旺旺眼里透露着惶恐,看向身边的林叔叔,此时的林凡脸上戴着面具,就是孙悟空的面具,是他带着旺旺出来时,特意在店铺买的。 In his opinion, defeats the frightened means facing frightened, the hero in Wangwang heart is Sun Wukong, he then worked as the hero in this child heart to be good. 在他看来,战胜恐惧的办法就是面对恐惧,旺旺心中的英雄是孙悟空,那他便当着这孩子心中的英雄好了。 Can have the hero to accompany in the side is protecting , there is nothing fearfully. 能够有英雄陪伴在身边保护着,就没有任何可怕的。 Sun Wukong.” “孙悟空。” Right, is Sun Wukong, then well looks, do not blink, you will see the hero in your heart.” “对,就是孙悟空,那么接下来好好的看着,别眨眼,你将见到你心中的英雄。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Lin Fan puts down the back in the sadness of behind frost, simultaneously picks up the iron rod of ground, in vermilion Wangwang screams, the dive, goes toward the zombie community. 林凡放下背在身后的霜之哀伤,同时捡起地面的铁棍,在朱旺旺的惊呼声中,俯冲而下,朝着丧尸群落去。 Bang! 轰隆! The central location that the earth shock, Lin Fan falls has the vibration, innumerable zombie were shaken to fly. 地面震动,林凡落去的中心位置发生震动,无数丧尸被震飞起来。 Lin Fan is wielding the iron rod in hand, the depressed bellow resounds through, as if there is naked eye not obvious stick air/Qi to erupt, a large area of zombie receives terrifying strength dashing, was swept away to fly. 林凡挥动着手中的铁棍,沉闷的轰鸣声响彻,彷佛有肉眼不可见的棍气爆发,大面积的丧尸受到一种恐怖的力量冲撞,被横扫而飞。 „......” “哇……” Wangwang is opening mouth, in look terrified dissipates gradually, displacing is shocking, he saw Uncle Lin who wears the mask striking to fly that crowd of very fearful zombie. 旺旺张着嘴,眼神中的惶恐渐渐消散,取而代之的则是震惊,他看到戴着面具的林叔叔将那群非常可怕的丧尸给打飞了。 This time Lin Fan is wielding unceasingly, wave after wave, the iron rod in hand has not had any contact with zombie, the power and influence of but erupting is terrifying, is hard to resist. 此时的林凡不断挥动着,一波接着一波,手中的铁棍没有跟丧尸有任何接触,但是爆发出的威势是恐怖的,是难以抵挡的。 Lin Fan wants to let Wangwang look well, should not be afraid, do not dread, hero throughout side you, no matter what terrifying zombie, will be swept away by me. 林凡就想让旺旺好好的看看,不要害怕,不要畏惧,英雄始终在你身边,不管是什么样的恐怖丧尸,都将被我横扫。 Short in a minute. 短暂的片刻间。 Was filled with zombie subdistrict, does not have a zombie to stand there safely. 原本挤满丧尸街道,已经没有一头丧尸能够安然的站在那里。 Lin Fan falls to the side of Wangwang, discards the iron rod, at the back of the sword, hugs Wangwang in the bosom, the both legs are curving, bang, soars, flushes away toward the sky. 林凡落到旺旺的身边,扔掉铁棍,背着剑,将旺旺抱在怀里,双腿弯曲,砰的一声,腾空而起,朝着天空冲去。 Although he will not fly, but a high jump point is the elementary operation eo of everyone metropolis/can. 虽然他不会飞,但是跳高一点是所有人都会的基本操作。 Wangwang is always opening mouth, in the eye is glittering unceasingly the ray. 旺旺始终张着嘴,眼里不断闪烁着光芒。 Present seemingly short, trace that staying behind is hard to forget actually in Wangwang's mind. 如今的一幕看似短暂,实则在旺旺的心中留下难以遗忘的痕迹。 Is felt are oneself flying?” “是不是感觉自己在飞?” Yes, I am flying.” “是啊,我在飞啊。” Lin Fan is smiling, he does not have other skill, can only do is to live the person in Yangguang Subdistrict to be able happy, but the child only needs to grow happily well. 林凡笑着,他没有别的本事,唯一能做的就是希望生活在阳光小区的人能够幸福开心,而孩子只需要开开心心的成长就好。 Wangwang is small, should not leave leeway the trauma so. 旺旺还小,不该留有这般心理阴影。 Landing. 落地。 „Is Wangwang, you also afraid?” “旺旺,你还害怕吗?” No, is not afraid.” “不,不害怕了。” Right, Sun Wukong is always protecting Wangwang side Wangwang.” “对,孙悟空始终都在旺旺身边保护着旺旺。” vermilion Wangwang opened the mask on Lin Fan face, swings the head saying: Uncle Lin is the hero in my heart, Sun Wukong not, has Uncle Lin, my anything is not afraid.” 朱旺旺揭开林凡脸上的面具,摇着脑袋道:“林叔叔是我心中的英雄,孙悟空才不是呢,有林叔叔在,我就什么都不害怕了。” The Lin Fan god, is touching the head of Wangwang later with a smile, good, traded well.” 林凡愣神,随后笑着抚摸着旺旺的脑袋,“好吧,换了也好。” In the laughter, Lin Fan hugs Wangwang to walk toward the community. 在笑声中,林凡抱着旺旺朝着小区走去。 Wangwang's fear to zombie has dissipated, but thinks matter that grandparent, he is still very sad, regarding this Lin Fan can only under comforting, the person die slightly cannot come back to life, loses the family member to anybody, is a very sad matter. 旺旺对丧尸的恐惧已经消散,只是想到爷爷奶奶的事情,他依旧很伤心,对此林凡只能稍微安抚下,人死不能复生,失去亲人对任何人来说,都是一件很伤心的事情。 With their departures. 随着他们的离去。 Empty subdistrict, lies down to hide the truth from the zombie corpse, regarding zombie, the life is so, the base and low their existence value eliminates the fear to a little friend. 空荡荡的街道,躺瞒着丧尸的尸体,对于丧尸而言,生活就是如此,卑微的他们存在价值就是给一位小朋友消除恐惧而已。 Really excessive. 真的很过分。 Dragon palace base. 龙宫基地。 Professor summer is studying Wenwen's blood, in this blood has one type has never seen the special cell, cytomixis of this special cell with normal person in together, fast swallowing, thus replaces the replace. 夏教授研究着雯雯的血液,这份血液中有一种从未见过的特殊细胞,这种特殊细胞跟正常人的细胞混合在一起的时候,会快速的吞噬掉从而取代替换。 He is thinking, if the normal person pours into, what finally will have to change? 他想着如果正常人注入,最终会有什么变化呢? Professor summer is pondering, he is thinking how then should do, this must do the human experiment, he cannot let other person adventure, therefore, he has the idea, is other eagles came back , to continue to study other awakening blood, thus has a look whether has the same special cell. 夏教授沉思着,他想着接下来该如何做,这必须是要做人体实验的,他不能让别的人冒险,因此,他有想法,就是等雄鹰回来,继续研究着别的觉醒者血液,从而看看是否有着同样的特殊细胞。 If also has, when that is a little slightly mature, injects to oneself. 如果同样有,在那稍微有点成熟的时候,就对自己注射吧。 This is the road that must take. 这是必须要走的路。 Except for fighting armor is the hope of human, if can strengthen is not the human physique of awakening, then can make human have a bigger assurance to defeat zombie in apocalypse. 除了战甲是人类的希望,如果能够增强不是觉醒者的人类体质,那么就能让人类在末世中有着更大的把握战胜丧尸 When he is thinking. 就在他想着的时候。 Receives news that the eagle they come back. 接到雄鹰他们回来的消息。 Hurries to finish up the work in hand, leaves the laboratory. 赶紧放下手中的工作,离开实验室。 Outside. 外面。 This......” Professor summer looks at the bodies of two awakening, the shock, including a corpse what's the matter, how to become two petals? “这……”夏教授看着两个觉醒者的尸体,震惊的很,其中有具尸体怎么回事,怎么被噼成两瓣了? The eagle naturally knows Professor summer the shocking reason. 雄鹰自然知道夏教授震惊的原因。 After all this corpse indeed is a little overbearing. 毕竟这尸体的确是有点霸道的。 Professor summer, they have delivered safely.” The eagle is saying. “夏教授,他们已经安全送达。”雄鹰说着。 Professor summer said: good work.” 夏教授道:“辛苦了。” „It is not laborious, can make the contribution to the future of human, even the sacrifice life still refused to balk.” “不辛苦,能为人类的未来做出贡献,就算牺牲性命也在所不惜。” Eagle facial expression firm , after he already brain of the life throwing, so long as can bring the help to human in the future, no matter handles anything, will not knit the brows. 雄鹰神情坚定的很,他已经将自身性命抛之脑后,只要能给人类未来带来帮助,不管做什么事情,都不会皱眉。 Delivers to the laboratory.” “送到实验室。” Yes, Professor.” “是,教授。” ...... …… About city. 合市。 Passes in the canal. 通运河里。 Wang Zixuan is different from other zombie, other zombie will not swim, falling has the sound to be exciting to the river, will be kicking at will, finally sinks the river bottom. 王子轩跟别的丧尸不同,别的丧尸不会游泳,掉落到河里有动静刺激,就会随意的扑腾着,最终沉到河底。 But Wang Zixuan will swim, surpasses other zombie is really many. 而王子轩则是会游泳,超出别的丧尸实在是太多。 His time bitter experience is not very good. 只是,他此时的遭遇很是不好。 Young lady witch “格格巫” Wang Zixuan is whooshing toward shore giant zombie. 王子轩朝着岸边的巨型丧尸嘶吼着。
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