HE :: Volume #10

#950: Heavy Giant Crossbow!

Chapter 950 第950章 Lord Marquis, appeared from just that Behemoth starts, I have organized the manpower to start to assemble, but this Heavy Giant Crossbow, the structure is complex, time-consuming expends effort, perhaps also needs to assemble some time completes.” 侯爷,从刚刚那头巨兽出现开始,我已经组织人手开始组装了,但是这种重型巨弩,结构复杂,耗时耗力,恐怕还需要一段时间才能够组装完成。” Zhang Shouzhi lowered the head, bows to say. 张寿之低下头,躬身道。 Wang Chong, this what's the matter? What that is Heavy Giant Crossbow?” 王冲,这到底是怎么回事?那个重型巨弩又是什么?” Hears the Zhang Shouzhi sound, Gao Xianzhi cannot bear go forward to ask finally. Great Tang has Carriage Crossbow, but had not actually heard had the view of Heavy Giant Crossbow, Wang Chong said these Heavy Giant Crossbow lasted to expend effort, meanwhile needs to assemble, before this was Gao Xianzhi, did not know. 听到张寿之的声音,高仙芝终于忍不住上前问道。大唐车弩,但却从来没有听说过有重型巨弩的说法,王冲说那些重型巨弩耗时耗力,同时还需要组装,这是高仙芝之前所不知道的。 I had attended southwest the war, at that time U-Tsang People once Giant Legion, this matter, the Sir was knew.” “我曾经参加过西南之战,当时乌斯藏人曾经有一支巨人军团,这件事情,大人是知道的。” Wang Chong confident say/way. 王冲坦然道。 Gao Xianzhi nodded. influence of war of southwest is big, Gao Xianzhi once also sent for adjusting checked, therefore these news he clearly knows: 高仙芝点了点头。西南之战的影响非常大,高仙芝曾经也派人去调查过,所以这些消息他都知道得清清楚楚: What relations but also has with this?” “但是和这又有什么关系?” These Heavy Giant Crossbow to cope with these Giant!” “这些重型巨弩就是为了对付那些巨人的!” Wang Chong has not concealed, neat say/way. 王冲没有隐瞒,干脆利落道。 The Gao Xianzhi look was startled, cannot bear show stunned. 高仙芝神色一怔,忍不住透出了一丝错愕。 War from the southwest ended, I want to build a weapon, copes with this build huge match, but progresses is not very smooth. The Carriage Crossbow construction of Great Tang is the secret, but before did not have the view of Heavy Giant Crossbow, nobody has practiced, therefore this matter has spent many times, until now, has the little progress.” “自西南之战结束,我就想打造一种武器,对付这种体型庞大的对手,不过进展一直不是很顺利。大唐车弩建造一直都是秘密,而以前一直都没有重型巨弩的说法,更没有人实践过,所以这件事情花了不少的功夫,直到现在,才算有一点点进展。” Heavy Giant Crossbow of Wang Chong research, is used to cope with Zhendan Giant in secret, but is not used to cope with this mountain range Behemoth. However now other means that Wang Chong only was unable to refuse to abandon hope. Although other people do not know, but Wang Chong is clear, Caliphate People only this Behemoth, this attack merely is not only the prelude. 王冲私底下研究的重型巨弩,是用来对付震旦巨人的,而不是用来对付这种山峦般的巨兽。但是现在已经没有其他办法了,王冲只能死马当做活马医。尽管其他人不知道,但王冲却清清楚楚,大食人绝不只这一头巨兽,这一次的攻击仅仅只是前奏而已。 Time press, when Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi and the others discussed the countermeasure, the distant place, Abmuslin stands behind Great Army, the vision by the most battlefield, stares at Behemoth to recline in the huge corpse of ground, long time, slowly has taken back the vision. 时间紧迫,当王冲高仙芝等人商量对策的时候,远处,艾布穆斯/林站在大军后方,目光透过大半个战场,盯着巨兽横卧在地上的庞大尸体,良久,才缓缓的收回了目光。 Was defeated, it seems like Behemoth does not have the means to attack and capture the Great Tang defense line!” “失败了,看来巨兽也没有办法攻克大唐的防线!” A sound from behind conveys, Zhihad frowns, suddenly opens the mouth to say. He was hopeful about Behemoth Legion, but this result, is actually not he hopes. 一个声音从身后传来,齐亚德皱着眉头,突然开口道。他本来对于巨兽军团充满希望,但是这个结果,却不是他所希望的。 Abmuslin is silent, on the face does not have the slight sound, but has turned the head slowly, deep looking has approached another direction. In being away from his about ten zhang (3.33 m) place, the crimson form is standing erect together silently, that is Behemoth Legion Commander Mizer. 艾布穆斯/林沉默不语,脸上没有丝毫的动静,只是慢慢转过头,深深的望向了另外一个方向。就在距离他十丈开外的地方,一道绯红的身影默默矗立着,那是巨兽军团统领麦西尔 This is only accidental!” “这只是偶然!” As if understands that * the meaning in eye, crimson Mizer clenches teeth, struggles Bian say/way: 似乎明白艾布*眼中的意思,一身绯红的麦西尔咬着牙,争辨道: Without the match who my Behemoth Legion cannot destroy, does not have the city that my Behemoth Legion could not destroy. Gives me again an opportunity, I thorough destroys them, tears their defense lines, ruins their cities!” “没有我的巨兽军团摧毁不了的对手,也没有我的巨兽军团毁灭不了的城池。再给我一次机会,我将彻底的摧毁他们,撕裂他们的防线,毁掉他们的城池!” Mizer ruthlessly is grasping the fist, he has not thought that unexpectedly in a battlefield, can meet four topest Empire Great General. Situation that this should not have normally, this even compared with before Caliphate has met, Great General of state must. 麦西尔狠狠的握着拳头,他从来没有想过,居然在一个战场上,可以遇到四名最顶尖的帝国大将。这根本不是正常应该出现的情况,这甚至比大食以前遇到过的,一个国度的大将还要多了。 Does not need you to destroy them, only needs you to tear their defense lines for us, ruins their cities but......, As for other, that is our matters.” “不需要你摧毁他们,只需要你替我们撕裂他们的防线,毁掉他们的城池就可是了……,至于其他的,那是我们的事情。” Musi / forest opens the mouth to say finally, the sound is tranquil. 艾布穆斯/林终于开口道,声音平静无比。 Behemoth is fierce, its intelligence cannot compare human, in Musi / in the plan of forest, had not counted on can pass them, thorough destroying match. 巨兽再厉害,它的神智也比不上人类,在艾布穆斯/林的计划中,从来都没有指望过可以通过它们,彻底的摧毁对手。 Could destroy these Great Tang armies, but Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi these Top Level military officers, are impossible! 或许可以摧毁那些大唐的军队,但是王冲高仙芝这些顶级的将领,绝不可能! You!!” “你!!” Hears Musi / the words of forest, in the Mizer eye shows anger instantaneously. This is one type * the bare shame and slandering, as Behemoth Legion Commander , as well as Caliph Emperor trusted friend, which governor but also does not have to dare like this to him. 听到艾布穆斯/林的话,麦西尔眼中瞬间透出一股怒意。这是一种*裸的羞辱和污蔑,身为巨兽军团统领,以及哈里发皇帝的心腹,还没有哪个总督敢这样对他。 Do not forget your majesty decree, this Eastern battlefield, I am the highest commander. All are directed by me! First do not say that can massacre opposite party Commander , if you destroy the opposite party defense line, as well as city simple Quest did not complete. I will kill you without hesitation. Even if Caliph same could not save you!” “不要忘了陛下的旨意,这一次东方的战场,我才是最高的指挥官。一切由我指挥!先不要说能不能杀掉对方的统领,如果你连摧毁对方的防线,以及城池这种简单的任务都完成不了。我会毫不犹豫的干掉你。就算哈里发也一样救不了你!” Musi / forest dense say/way, facial expression ice-cold is similar to the steel is ordinary, is not tolerant of other people to defy completely. 艾布穆斯/林森然道,神情冰冷的如同钢铁一般,完全不容人违抗。 Mizer is silent, Musi / the words of forest are no different than a shame, just like he said that east entire, Musi / forest truly control. Even if in Mizer heart again unwilling, in front of this Eastern Blood and Iron Governor, has to under deep curved own waist, lower the head: 麦西尔沉默,艾布穆斯/林的话无异于一种羞辱,但是正如他所说的,在整个东方,艾布穆斯/林才是真正的主宰者。即便麦西尔心中再不甘,在这位东方的铁血总督面前,也不得不深深的弯下自己的腰身,低下头来: If you hope, Sir Governor, I will complete Quest that you said!” “如你所愿,总督大人,我会完成你所说的任务的!” I awaited calmly your news!” “我就静待你的消息了!” Abmuslin deeply looked at Mizer, takes back the vision quickly. 艾布穆斯/林深深看了一眼麦西尔,很快收回目光。 ...... …… Although the fight had ended, however the tight atmosphere actually increases steadily. 战斗虽然已经结束,但是紧张的气氛却是有增无减。 Behind the first steel defense line, one group of artisans encircles in the same place, in dense and numerous is bustling about. Is spreading the innumerable giant components around them, but their middle, a huge instrument, has revealed an arc slowly. From its outline, this Heavy instrument has 20-30 meters fully, the so huge instrument, is not 56 people, can operate. 就在第一道钢铁防线后方,一群工匠围在一起,正在密密麻麻的忙碌着。在他们周围散布着无数巨大的零件,而他们的中间,一个庞大的器械,已经慢慢显露出一丝弧形。从它的轮廓来看,这架重型器械足有二三十米长,如此庞大的器械,绝不是56个人,能够操作得了的。 Although has not constructed to complete, but from it complex and huge contour, after completing, its might is extremely inevitably astonishing. 虽然还没有建造完成,但是从它复杂和庞大的外形来看,建成之后,其威力必然极其惊人。 Heavy Giant Crossbow in this precisely Wang Chong mouth! 正是王冲口中的重型巨弩 Anything has weakness, these Behemoth inevitably are also same, in any event, must find their flaws.” “任何东西都是有弱点的,这些巨兽必然也是一样,无论如何,一定要找到它们的破绽。” When the artisan of Zhang Shouzhi subordinates aggressively, uses assembles Heavy Giant Crossbow fully the time, Wang Chong assumes the Great Army front, similarly is pondering an issue. Wang Chong did not know about Behemoth Legion very much, all news come from the legend, as well as hearsay of various incorrectly relaying an erroneous message. 张寿之麾下的工匠紧锣密鼓,倾尽全力组装重型巨弩的时候,王冲坐镇大军前方,同样在思考一个问题。王冲巨兽军团并不是很了解,所有的消息全部来自传说,以及各种以讹传讹的小道消息。 However various synthesis news, Caliphate Empire Behemoth Legion perhaps before the catastrophe approaches, silently vanished in the river of history. If there is not run into the extremely formidable match, that can only explain a point, these Behemoth itself have the huge flaw and flaw that is hard to make up. 但是综合各种消息来看,大食帝国巨兽军团恐怕早在浩劫来临之前,就已经默默消失在历史的长河中。如果不是遇到了极其强大的对手,那只能说明一点,这些巨兽本身就拥有难以弥补的巨大缺陷和破绽。 „...... What however is? What are their flaws?!” “……但是到底是什么?他们的破绽到底是什么?!” In Wang Chong mind continuously. 王冲脑海中此起彼伏。 Wang Chong never hoping to repose at matter that in some type is unable to determine, because this relates is not 12 individuals, but is 100,000 Great Army, surrounding area several thousand miles territory, as well as national capital and Longxi security. Only then found completely solves the Behemoth method, may win in this war. 王冲从不把希望寄托在某种无法确定的事情上,因为这关系到的不是12个人,而是100000的大军,方圆数千里的领土,以及京师和陇西的安全。只有找到彻底解决巨兽的方法,才有可能在这场战争中胜出。 Roar!” “吼!” When the Wang Chong ponder, the distant place earth vibrates, two huge aura, are tyrannical and fierce, is ordinary like the hurricane, blots out the sky, suddenly appears in the sensation of people. In the Wang Chong heart shakes, raised the head fiercely, sees only the distant place, the light shadow change, two huge shadows, the build is not inferior in beforehand rhinocero Behemoth, suddenly appears in the horizon place. 就在王冲思考的时候,远处大地震动,两股庞大的气息,暴虐、凶猛,有如飓风一般,铺天盖地,突然出现在众人的感知中。王冲心中一震,猛地抬起头来,只见远处,光影变化,两头庞大的黑影,体型丝毫不逊色于之前的犀型巨兽,突然出现在地平线处。 „!!!” “!!!” Behind Great Array, the crowd calls out in alarm intermittently, all has experienced just the Great Tang soldier and Mercenary(-ies) of that fight, complexions immediately become pale incomparable. 大阵后方,人群阵阵惊呼,所有经历过刚刚那场战斗的大唐战士和雇佣兵,一个个脸色顿时变得苍白无比。 Behemoth has been hard to cope, two similarly formidable Behemoth appear together, regarding Great Tang, simply is the total destruction. 一头巨兽已经难以对付了,两头同样强大的巨兽一起出现,对于大唐来说,简直是灭顶之灾。 What to do?” “怎么办?” This way, all of us will sooner or later die here!” “这样下去,我们所有人迟早会死在这里!” Ten ten thousand Qixi Great Army, in hearts strong winds wild waves, nervous incomparable. The innumerable vision looked to Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi direction. The strength of human in front of Behemoth, was really too not worthy of mentioning, at this time, the people can only hoping to pin on two commanders in chief. 十万碛西大军,一个个心中狂风骇浪,神情紧张无比。无数的目光纷纷望向了王冲高仙芝的方向。人类的力量在巨兽面前,实在是太微不足道了,这种时候,众人只能把希望寄托在两位主帅身上。 Wang Chong has not spoken, the fight is conducted this step, left his control, even if he, does not have the good method. 王冲没有说话,战斗进行到这一步,已经脱出了他的掌控,就算是他,也没有太好的方法。 Roar!” “吼!” Roared to link one. No matter how Talas nearby Great Tang / army fears, two Behemoth were welcoming the sunlight, turned toward battlefield racing to come unceasingly. Counter the dazzling sunlight, two Behemoth forms are getting more and more clear, is getting more and more huge, slowly, the people can distinguish these two Behemoth. Similar to giant hippopotamus, but were many some even/including Xixing Behemoth no hard scales, these scales pieces are linking one piece, is linking one, forms a huge armor, Behemoth of some similar hippopotamuses, the whole body wraps. 咆哮一声连着一声。不管怛罗斯附近的大唐/军队如何恐惧,两头巨兽迎着阳光,不断向着战场奔来。逆着耀眼的阳光,两头巨兽的身影越来越清晰,也越来越庞大,慢慢的,众人可以辨别出来这两头巨兽。一头类似于巨大的河马,但身上却多了一些连犀型巨兽都没有的坚硬鳞甲,这些鳞甲一片连着一片,一层连着一层,形成一副庞大的铠甲,将这头有些类似河马的巨兽,全身包裹起来。 But another Behemoth, contour is similar to a giant wild boar, its body surface is covering the hard black soft body hair, four limbs Dexterity and sturdiness, two pairs of sharp white fangs, stretch out from the lip, keep breathing heavily, is staring at the city of distant place grand Talas to the scarlet eye pupil, seems preparing the attack at any time. 而另一头巨兽,外形则类似于一头巨大的野猪,它的体表覆盖着坚硬的黑色毫毛,四肢敏捷、粗壮,两对锋利的白色獠牙,从嘴唇下伸出,不停地喘着粗气,那对猩红的眼眸盯着远处宏伟的怛罗斯之城,似乎随时准备着攻击。 These two Behemoth, no matter build or strength, look like compared with beforehand rhinocero Behemoth formidable, danger. 这两头巨兽,不管是体型还是力量,看起来比之前的犀型巨兽更加的强大,也更加的危险。 „!” “啪!” The long whip twitch, in airborne layer on layer/heavily flings, pulls out ruthlessly in the vacancy, has a burning loud sound, a Caliphate bodyguard, walks, while drinks to scold loudly, with the hand in 78 meters whip, was urging two Behemoth unceasingly. The time of a while, two Behemoth rushed to the western battlefield edge. 长鞭抽动,在空中重重一甩,狠狠抽在空处,发出一阵火辣辣的巨响,一名大食侍卫官,一边走,一边大声喝骂着,用手中78米长的鞭子,不断地催促着两头巨兽。只是一会儿的功夫,两头巨兽就迅速的赶到了西部战场边缘。 Along with the arrivals of two Behemoth, the Caliphate People atmosphere changes, the people are encouraged immediately once more. 随着两头巨兽的到来,大食人的气氛为之一变,众人立即再次振奋起来。 Your majesty! Your majesty! Your majesty!......” “陛下!陛下!陛下!……” Tens of thousands of Caliphate soldiers, are looking at two fierce and tyrannical Behemoth, holds up the both arms, cheers loudly. In Caliphate Empire, everybody know that these Behemoth are the pets that Empire Emperor Caliph most likes, is the representative of his strongest will. Although they are dangerous, so long as can destroy the match, then they are the people best allies. 成千上万的大食战士,望着两头凶猛、暴虐的巨兽,纷纷举起双臂,大声欢呼。在大食帝国,人人都知道这些巨兽帝国皇帝哈里发最喜爱的宠物,也是他最强意志的代表。尽管它们非常危险,但只要能够摧毁对手,那它们就是众人最好的盟友。 „Did Sir Governor, see these two Behemoth? They have conquered many states for me and your majesty, has destroyed many cities, in siege and broken against aspect have not compared them prominently has them, Great Tang Carriage Crossbow is fierce, very difficult to pose very big threat to them. Before their build, strengths and Speed are not me sower can compare.” 总督大人,看到这两头巨兽了吗?它们曾经替我和陛下征服过许多的国度,摧毁过很多的城池,在攻城和破防方面没有比它们更突出的有它们在,就算大唐车弩再厉害,也很难对它们造成很大的威胁。它们的体型、力量和速度都不是我之前的‘播种者’所能比拟的。” Stands before two Behemoth bodies, Mizer takes back the vision slowly, turns head to look to / wood-road. 站在两头巨兽身前,麦西尔缓缓收回目光,扭头望向艾布穆/斯林道。
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